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Five well observed recent mutual phenomena (1 occultation, 4 eclipses) of the Galilean satellites have been analysed and four fitting parameters determined for each event.The times of mid-minima are well determined in all cases (generally to within a second or two), but the separation and velocity parameters depend on the penumbral illumination modelling. For this reason, parameters derived from eclipses are somewhat less well determined than from occultations.Taken together with the dependence on the inherent surface reflection properties of the rearward satellite, the results indicate that Asknes et al.'s (1984) suggestion of order 0.01 arcsec accuracies on positional determinations from mutual phenomena data represents rather a lower limit to the real errors in most cases.  相似文献   

The discovery of large volcanic eruptions on Io suggests that Io is one of the most geologically active planetary bodies. The energy source of this geologic activity is believed to be tidal heating induced by Jupiter. A number of thermal history calculations were done to investigate the effect of tidal heating on the thermal history of Io taking into account solid state convection and advective heat transfer. These simulations show that the total tidal heating energy in Io is almost equal to the advectively transferred heat, indicating that the observed heat flow from Io is nearly equal to the total tidal heating energy. Since total tidal heating energy is dependent on the radius of the liquid mantle and the internal dissipation factor (Q), the radius of the liquid mantle can be estimated for a given value of Q. Some reasonable thermal history models of Io were obtained using a model with Q ≈ 25–50 in which the magma source of Ionian volcanism is at a depth of 100–300 km. The models satisfy the heat flow data and the existence of a thick lithosphere. Using a model with Q = 25 and L = 300 km (thickness of the advective region) as the standard model (model II), we then studied the effect of convective heat transfer and the initial temperature distribution on the Ionian thermal history. In these calculations, the other parameters are the same as in the standard model (model II). These calculations show that although the temperature distribution in the central region reflects the difference in the efficiency of convective heat transfer and initial temperature distribution, the temperature distribution in the outer region does not changes appreciably.  相似文献   

The numerous poorly understood differences between Ganymede and Callisto (the difference in the densities, in the degree of cratering and topography of the surface, the existence proper of craters and a difference of their distribution from that typical of bodies in the inner Solar System, etc.) find readily an explanation within the hypothesis of an explosion of Ganymede's icy envelope saturated by products of the volumetric electrolysis of ice. Similar explosions underwent earlier the ices on Io and Europa, and more recently, on Saturn's satellite Titan. One cannot exclude the possibility that the envelope of Callisto is also saturated by the electrolysis products and is only awaiting a strong impact which would trigger its explosion.The consequences of such an explosion would be devastating for the Earth's biosphere. About 109 ice fragments 0.3 km would appear in the orbits of Jovian comet family. Every day, a body causing an explosion 1 Mt of TNT equivalent would fall on the Earth, once a year- 103 Mt, and once in a man's life, 105 Mt. Apart from purely impact effects (super-tsunami, heating of the atmosphere) and the poisoning of the air by such compounds as HCN, CO, etc., impacts in excess of 105 Mt could produce a nuclear winter phenomenon resulting from the appearance of huge amounts of dust in the atmosphere.Such impact-related catastrophies led in the past to changes of geological epochs. An analysis is given of possible impact sources. The ~30Myr intervals between mass extinctions can be accounted for by purely random collisions, with only large impacts being capable of producing (1) a nuclear superwinter leading to a global catastrophe and (2) an ejection from the Earth of the Aten-type asteroids leading to subsequent secondary mass bombardment. A possibility is pointed out of the appearance of rare (once in about 108 yr) short-period comet showers originating from the detonation of the ices still remaining in the large Trojans.The high priority of a mission to Callisto to determine the degree of saturation of its ices by the electrolysis products and to evaluate its potential hazard for mankind is validated.  相似文献   

Volcanic plumes on the Jovian satellite Io may be a visible manifestation of a plasma-arc discharge phenomenon. The amount of power in the plasma arc (1011 W) is not enough to account for all the energy dissipated by the volcanoes. However, once a volcano is initiated by tidal and geologic processes, the dynamics of the volcanic plumes can be influenced by the plasma arcs. As initially pointed out by Gold (1979), plasma arcs are expected because of 106 A currents and 400 kV potentials generated by the flow past Io of a torus of relatively dense magnetospheric plasma. We utilize our experience with laboratory plasma arcs to investigate the plume dynamics. The filamentation in the plume of the volcano Prometheus and its cross-sectional shape is quantitatively consistent with theories developed from laboratory observation.Paper dedicated to Professor Hannes Alfvén on the occasion of his 80th birthday, 30 May 1988.  相似文献   

The Galilean satellite eclipse technique for measuring the aerosol distribution in the upper Jovian atmosphere is described and applied using 30 color observations of the 13 May 1972 eclipse of Ganymede obtained with the 5-m Hale telescope. This event probes the South Temperate Zone. The observed aerosol lies above the visible cloud tops, is very tenuous and varies with altitude, increasing rapidly with downward passage through the tropopause. The aerosol extinction coefficient, κa (λ1.05 μm), is ~1.1 × 10?9 cm?1 in the lower stratosphere and ~1.1 × 10?8 cm?1 at the tropopause. The 1σ uncertainty in these values does not exceed 50% The observations require some aerosol above the tropopause but do not clearly determine its structure. The present analysis emphasizes an extended haze distribution, but the alternate possibility is not excluded that the stratospheric aerosol resides in a thin layer. The aerosol extinction increases with decreasing wavelength and indicates the particle radius to be ?0.2 μm. Larger radii are impossible. These overall results confirm Axel's (1972) suggestion of a small quantity of dust above the Jovian cloud tops and the optical depths are consistent with those required to explain the low uv albedo.  相似文献   

Dale W. Smith 《Icarus》1980,44(1):116-133
The Galilean satellite eclipse technique for measuring the aerosol distribution in the Jovian lower stratosphere and upper troposphere is described and applied using 30 color observations of 12 natural satellite eclipses obtained with the 200-in Hale telescope. These events probe the North and South Polar Regions, the North Temperate Belt, the South Equatorial Belt, the South Tropical Zone, the South Temperate Zone, and the Great Red Spot. Aerosol is found above the visible cloud tops in all locations. It is very tenuous and varies with altitude, increasing rapidly with downward passage through the tropopause. The aerosol extinction coefficient at 1.05 μm is 1.0 ± 0.05 × 10?8 cm?1 at the tropopause and the mass density is a few times 10?13 g cm?3. The observations require some aerosol above the tropopause but do not clearly determine its structure. The present analysis emphasizes an extended haze distribution, but the alternate possibility that the stratospheric aerosol resides in a thin layer is not excluded. The vertical aerosol optical depth above the tropopause at 1.05 μm exceeds 0.04 in the NPR, SPR, NTB, SEB, and StrZ, is ~0.006 ± 0.003 in the STZ, and is ~ 0.003 ± 0.001 above the GRS. The aerosol extinction increases with decreasing wavelength in the STZ and NTB and indicates a particle radius of 0.2–0.5 μm; a radius of ~0.9 μm is indicated in the STrZ.  相似文献   

M.G. Heaps  J.N. Bass  A.E.S. Green 《Icarus》1973,20(3):297-303
The planet Jupiter, like the Earth, possesses a magnetic field, and, therefore, auroral activity is very likely. In this work, the auroral emissions due to electron precipitation are estimated for a model atmosphere with and without helium. The incident primary electrons, which are characterized by representative spectra, are degraded in energy by applying the continuous slow down approximation. All secondaries, tertiaries, and higher generation electrons are assumed to be absorbed locally. A compilation of excitation, dissociation, and ionization cross section data for H, H2, and He are used to model all aspects of the energy deposition process. Volume emission rates are calculated from the total direct excitation rates, and appropriate corrections for cascading are applied. Integrated column intensities of several kiloRayleighs are obtained for the various vibrational levels of the Lyman and Werner bands of H2, as well as the triplet continuum a3Σg+b3Σu+. Helium emissions are relatively small because the majority of electrons are absorbed above the region of maximum He concentration. Atomic hydrogen emissions are due mainly to dissociative excitation of molecular hydrogen rather than direct excitation.  相似文献   

G.S. Orton  R.J. Terrile 《Icarus》1978,35(3):297-307
Prior analysis of 20- and 45-μm flux measurements made from Pioneer 10 of broad regions near the Jovian equator revealed a cold longitudinal inhomogeneity (interpreted as a cloud obscuration) on the rising limb in the South Equatorial Belt. This feature appeared quite prominently at 45 μm and also at 5 μm in ground-based maps made simultaneously with the spacecraft measurements, but it does not appear at visible wavelengths. We describe a method by which the 5-μm observations are used to determine the fraction of 45-μm flux originating from only the region of the SEB obscured by this “anomalous” cloud. This allows the 45-μm data to constrain the cloud properties. On one extreme, the top of the SEB cloud was about 160°K, some 10°K warmer than a cloud in the neighboring South Tropical Zone, if the cloud was optically thick (nontransmissive). On the other hand, if the SEB cloud was as cool as the STrZ cloud, it must have been 60 to 80% transmissive, i.e., somewhat diffuse. With less uncertainty in the fraction of cloud obscuration, the ambiguity between tansmissivity and temperature is significantly diminished. The method described offers a potentially valuable tool for monitoring properties of clouds which do not necessarily appear at visible wavelengths.  相似文献   

We present new measurements of the velocity field in the neighborhood of the high-speed jet located at approx. 24° N latitude in the Jovian atmosphere. The maximum zonal velocity is found to be 182 ± 10 m s?1 located at 23.7 ±0.2° N and representing the largest velocity measured on the planet. The distinctive cloud markings found close to this latitude are discussed and possible dynamical consequences presented.  相似文献   

We present evidence to suggest that the large, rapidly moving features in Jupiter's equatorial currents are manifestations of Rossby solitary waves. Their morphological and dynamical similarity to the great red spot and the white ovals is revealed and discussed in the context of the available theory.  相似文献   

The intimate connection between geomagnetic storms and the aurora was appreciated by many early scientists including Edmund Halley and Anders Celsius, but the first serious study of this phenomena was made by Kristian Birkeland who, during his polar expeditions of 1902–1903, determined that large-scale ionospheric current were associated with the aurora. Birkeland was also the first to suggest that these currents originated far from the Earth and that they flowed into and away from the polar atmosphere along the geomagnetic field lines. The existence of such field-aligned orBirkeland currents was widely disputed because it was not possible to unambiguously identify current systems that are field-aligned (Alfvén, 1939, 1940) and those which are completely contained in the ionosphere (Vestine and Chapman, 1938) only from a study of surface magnetic field measurements. During the last decade, the presence of Birkeland currents has been absolutely confirmed with particle and magnetic field observations acquired from a variety of rocket and satellite instruments. The vector magnetometer on the low-altitude (800 km) polar orbiting TRIAD satellite has been used to determine for the first time the flow direction, spatial distribution, and intensities of Birkeland currents in the north and south auroral regions. These observations support the mechanism originally proposed by Alfvén (1939, 1940)-later expanded by Shieldet al. (1969)-to drive Birkeland currents in the auroral regions, and they demonstrate the important role that these intense currents (ranging between 106 and 107 amperes) play in the coupling of energy between the magnetosphere and the lower ionosphere and atmosphere.Paper dedicated to Professor Hannes Alfvén on the occasion of his 70th birthday, 30 May, 1978.  相似文献   

High-resolution (∼0.22 Å) spectra of the north jovian aurora were obtained in the 905-1180 Å window with the Far Ultraviolet Spectroscopic Explorer (FUSE) on October 28, 2000. The FUSE instrument resolves the rotational structure of the H2 spectra and the spectral range allows the study of self-absorption. Below 1100 Å, transitions connecting to the v?2 levels of the H2 ground state are partially or totally absorbed by the overlying H2 molecules. The FUSE spectra provide information on the overlying H2 column and on the vibrational distribution of H2. Transitions from high-energy H2 Rydberg states and treatment of self-absorption are considered in our synthetic spectral generator. We show comparisons between synthetic and observed spectra in the 920-970, 1030-1080, and 1090-1180 Å spectral windows. In a first approach (single-layer model ), the synthetic spectra are generated in a thin emitting layer and the emerging photons are absorbed by a layer located above the source. It is found that the parameters of the single-layer model best fitting the three spectral windows are 850, 800, and 800 K respectively for the H2 gas temperature and 1.3×1018, 1.5×1020, and 1.3×1020 cm−2 for the H2 self-absorbing vertical column respectively. Comparison between the H2 column and a 1-D atmospheric model indicates that the short-wavelength FUV auroral emission originates from just above the homopause. This is confirmed by the high H2 rovibrational temperatures, close to those deduced from spectral analyses of H+3 auroral emission. In a second approach, the synthetic spectral generator is coupled with a vertically distributed energy degradation model, where the only input is the energy distribution of incoming electrons (multi-layer model ). The model that best fits globally the three FUSE spectra is a sum of Maxwellian functions, with characteristic energies ranging from 1 to 100 keV, giving rise to an emission peak located at 5 μbar, that is ∼100 km below the methane homopause. This multi-layer model is also applied to a re-analysis of the Hopkins Ultraviolet Telescope (HUT) auroral spectrum and accounts for the H2 self-absorption as well as the methane absorption. It is found that no additional discrete soft electron precipitation is necessary to fit either the FUSE or the HUT observations.  相似文献   

An explicit formula is developed to explore the mechanism of the synchrotron radiation by using a bi-modal loss-cone distribution function. The variation of the distribution function along the field line is modeled in detail and the evaluation of the total power in the synchrotron radiation is presented. The variance of synchrotron radiation with latitude depends on the electron anisotropy; for low anisotropy, synchrotron radiation increases with latitude and reaches a maximum at the particle mirror points; for high anisotropy, it decreases with latitude and maximizes at the equator. A bi-modal population is therefore suggested to explain the radiation intensity which peaks both at the equator and at high latitude.  相似文献   

Elmer Reese  Reta Beebe 《Icarus》1976,29(2):225-229
Analysis of features in the Equatorial Zone of Jupiter has shown that the equatorial plume reported by Pioneer 10 has existed for an 11-yr interval. During this interval the plume has shown an acceleration which can be interpreted as a constant component of 3 × 10?8 m/sec2 and a sinusoidal component which anticorrelates with the planetocentric declination of the Sun, DS, and has an amplitude of ?0.96 m/sec per degree change of DS. The sinusoidal component has been interpreted in terms of solar heating. Throughout this interval of time the Equatorial Zone has appeared abnormally dark and has contained many dark projections along the northern edge. When the plume approaches to within 25 to 30° of these features they are deflected in the direction of motion of the plume and then dissipate or become obscured as the plume passes. After passage of the plume normal features are again observed.  相似文献   

Wet adiabatic atmospheric models are computed for the four Jovian planets. Possible cloud-forming condensates considered are H2O ice, aqueous NH3 solution, NH4SH, and solid NH3, CH4, and Ar. Some techniques for computer calculation of condensation in a multiphase system of variable composition are discussed. Nominal models are computed for all four-planets, and the effects of variations in composition and different pressure-temperature regimes are investigated in detail for Jupiter. The meaning of the calculated cloud densities and their relation to the actual densities are discussed. The computed atmospheric profiles represent average conditions, subject to considerable local variations.  相似文献   

The problem of the ionospheric formation in the Jovian upper atmosphere is examined. By adopting two plausible atmospheric models, we solve coupled time-dependent continuity equations for ions H2+, H5+, H+, H3+ and HeH+ simultaneously. It is shown that both radiative and three body association of H+ to H2 are important for the determination of the structure of the Jovian ionosphere. The maximum electron density in the daytime is found to be about 105 cm?3. It is also shown that diurnal variation with large-amplitude can exist in the Jovian ionosphere.  相似文献   

The survival of the Jovian planets and their satellites as the Sun becomes a Red Giant is considered. It is found that the Jovian planets would not lose any matter - not even hydrogen. The satellites would lose their gaseous or volatile envelopes. Their rocky cores would resist melting and survive. Both the planets and the satellites would be unsuited to support human life.  相似文献   

A variational technique is used to compute synthetic spectra for models of cloudy Jovian planetary atmospheres which incorporate abrupt changes in their vertical structure. The dependence of the center-to-limb variations in equivalent widths of molecular bands upon the properties of the various scattering layers in the model is examined. A range of theoretical models are delineated on the basis of their ability to reproduce observational results for the specific case of Jupiter.  相似文献   

For Jupiter, an overall density model of the form= 0(1–x n ), withn1/3 and , is consistent with information presently at hand; for Saturn, however, such a density law would lead to unacceptably high densities in the vicinity of the centre. The limiting cases of the previous law are shown to ben=+, corresponding to a homogeneous sphere, andn=–3, corresponding to a particular central particle model, investigated by a number of astronomers over the last hundred years. Forn0, the central density becomes +. Another possible representation, valid both for Jupiter and Saturn, is the density law= 0(1–x) m ), with in the case of Jupiter, and in the case of Saturn. Graber's density law based on a maximum entropy principle leads to unacceptably high surface densities, both for Jupiter and Saturn. Finally, the paper investigates the problems involved in fitting two-layered parametrically simple density laws to theoretically derived much more elaborate models of the Jovian planets.  相似文献   

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