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A treeline can respond to climate change by shifting position, infilling, increasing recruitment, and increasing radial growth. More studies from understudied areas and their associated species are needed to understand treeline structure and dynamics. We established two transects of 20 m width and 120 m length (100 m above and 20 m below the forestline) in the Betula utilis subalpine forest of the Dhorpatan Hunting Reserve in Western Nepal. All individuals of B. utilis within the transects were classified into three height classes – trees (>2 m), saplings (0.5–2 m), and seedlings (<0.5 m) – and measured for morphometric features. Tree-ring cores were collected for age structure analysis. B. utilis forms an abrupt treeline in the region, and the mean forestline and treeline elevations were 3893 and 3898 m, respectively. The average age (57 yr) of trees at the treeline ecotone suggests a young stand. Poor regeneration was observed above the forestline in both transects when compared to below the forestline. Low regeneration at the treeline ecotone suggests site-specific biotic and abiotic controlling factors. Seedling and sapling establishment above the forestline is limited by a lack of moisture, absence of suitable microsites, and presence of herbivores.  相似文献   

Climate constitutes the main limiting factor for tree-ring growth in high-elevation forests, and the relationship between tree-ring growth and climate is complex. Based on tree-ring chronology and meteorological data, the influence of precipitation, mean temperature and mean minimum temperature at yearly, seasonal and monthly scales on the tree-ring growth of Picea crossifolia was studied at treeline ecotones in the Qilian Mountains, northwestern China. The results show that growing season temperatures of previous and current years are important limiting factors on tree-ring growth, particularly June mean temperature and mean minimum temperature of current year. The precipitations in the previous winter and current spring have a positive correlation, and in the current fall has a negative correlation with tree-ring growth, but these correlations are not significant. Our results suggest that temperature controls tree-ring growth more strongly than precipitation at treeline ecotones in the Qilian Mountains.  相似文献   

Yong Zha  Jay Gao  Ying Zhang 《Area》2005,37(3):332-340
Situated in a climatically stressful environment, alpine grassland is sensitive to subtle climate changes in its productivity. We remedy the current deficiency in studying grassland productivity by taking the integrated effect of all relevant factors into consideration. The relative importance of temperature, rainfall and evaporation to the alpine grassland productivity in western China was determined through analysis of their relationship with the normalized difference vegetation index (NDVI) between 1981 and 2000. Climate warming stimulated grassland productivity in the 1980s, but hampered it in the 1990s. Temperature is more important than rainfall to grassland productivity early in the growing season. However, their relative importance is reversed late in the growing season. Monthly summer month rainfall modified by maximum monthly temperature is a good predictor of alpine grassland productivity at 62.0 per cent. However, the best predictor is water deficiency, which is able to improve the estimation accuracy to 78.3 per cent. Hence, the impact of temperature on grassland productivity is better studied indirectly through evaporation.  相似文献   

长白山北坡林线岳桦种群动态对气候变化响应的坡向分异   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:2  
王晓东  刘惠清 《地理科学》2012,32(2):199-206
选取长白山北坡岳桦(Betula ermanii)苔原交错带3个不同坡向(东北坡、东南坡、东坡)的岳桦径级结构为研究对象,分析坡向在岳桦种群动态与气候变化之间关系的异同。结果表明:三坡向的岳桦种群扩张和气温高低存在明显差异。14个生态气候指标与对应年份内繁殖且存活下来的岳桦棵数的逐步回归分析和相关分析表明三坡向岳桦种群扩张是对气温变化的积极响应,但响应有差异:东坡〉东南坡〉东北坡。不同坡向岳桦种群扩张的差异是对气温变化差异的响应。  相似文献   

长白山北坡林线岳桦种群与土壤关系   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
王晓东  刘惠清 《地理研究》2011,30(3):531-539
以长白山北坡林线为研究区,选择4块样地(83个样方)进行岳桦种群径级结构与土壤理化性质关系的研究.采用单因子方差等方法分析土壤理化性质(有机质、全氮、全磷、砾石含量)和岳桦种群(灌丛和乔木)径级结构的关系,采用相关分析法做岳桦种群与土壤性质的动态变化分析.结果表明土壤因子对岳桦种群的扩张有一定的制约作用,但不足以决定林...  相似文献   

植被物候反映了植被对环境的适应策略,物候研究对理解植被的生长机制及其对生态因子的响应有重要意义.以柴达木盆地植被为对象,基于2000-2019年NDVI数据,采用双逻辑函数法和STL时序分解算法,从区域和群落层面研究了物候的静态(空间异质性)、动态(时空变化)及其对气候的响应.结果表明:①柴达木盆地植被生长季始期(SO...  相似文献   

The altitudinal treeline ecotone is a windy environment where wind velocities and directions are controlled by local mountain topography and also by the distribution pattern and structures of tree stands. Wind may override the role of heat deficiency in determining treeline position, spatial pattern, ecological conditions, and tree growth. Regular strong permanent winds restrict tree height and usually cause asymmetric and suppressed growth forms that are common in the treeline ecotone. Apart from direct physiological and mechanical effects on trees and ground vegetation, wind also disperses seeds, relocates snow, and locally erodes soils in the treeline ecotone. Wind effects must be considered an important factor that may delay or even preclude establishment of seedling trees on wind-swept terrain. Discussions of a potential climatically driven upward shift of the treeline at the landscape and smaller scales should give greater attention to the varying wind effects because warming cannot compensate for these other factors. The relative importance of microsite facilitation providing shelter from the wind will increase in parallel with the upslope migration of the tree limit into a much windier environment.  相似文献   

在长白山北坡局地突变型林线内选取10个样方,采用实测法测量岳桦两种生活型(灌木状和乔木状)的树高、径级,采用年轮法测定岳桦的树龄,计算分析长白山北坡2000m处48 a(1953-2000年)的积温变化.对获得的数据采用回归模型、小波分析、相关分析建立树高、径级与积温变化的关系.结果显示:对应长白山48年来积温变化的几个高温期(1960年代初、1980年代、1990年代后期),岳桦树高生长对气候变化有显著响应.灌木状岳桦在径级1~7、7 ~13、13~19和>19 cm阶段树高生长分为适应期,弱胁迫期和胁迫期.乔木状岳桦在径级13 cm和5 cm出现增长受限和适宜生长两个拐点.高温期对应岳桦树高的快速生长,岳桦树高增长的年际变化是对气温变化的积极响应.  相似文献   

Aiming to analyze the site conditions of treeline trees at the highest elevations, we investigated 360 km of treelines in the Upper Valtellina, Italian Alps. We analyzed approximately five trees per km and determined the environmental factors limiting treeline elevation by distinguishing between geomorphologic constraints (mean elevation 2355 m), climatic constraints (2530 m), and human impacts (2335 m). Up to 82% of the 1814 analyzed treeline trees were influenced by geomorphological constraints, whereas human impacts influenced only 3% of the trees. Climatic treelines (15% of trees) were most common in the western sector. Moreover we analyzed the frequency distributions of elevation, slope, and aspect. Elevation was the most important variable that was also strongly associated with climatic treelines. The slope variable was more strongly associated with treelines limited by geomorphology than by climate. By reconstructing the altitudinal dynamics at the Mt. Confinale study site, we found rates of an ongoing treeline upward shift of up to 2.6 m/y in the period 2000–2009. Our results indicate that climatic conditions related to the ongoing air temperature rise in this region will likely enhance the treeline shift, especially at high elevations (>2400 m a.s.l.) and on non-extreme slopes (<45°).  相似文献   

高山树线交错带的景观格局与生态过程   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  
由于对气候变化的敏感性, 近年来高山树线交错带成为全球变化研究中的热点问题。高 山树线交错带所指示的是一个复杂生态系统的特征, 反映出了由低处植被向高山植被的转化, 其 景观格局是综合了种子定居, 树木生长以及树木繁殖等多个树木生态过程和特定高山环境下的 地理特征格局的适应结果。一方面, 树木通过自身生理生态学上的调整对高山极端环境进行适 应。一方面, 高山特定地理环境特征对树线的景观格局进行影响, 因而高山树线交错带成为研究 景观格局- 生态过程相互关系的一个重要载体。通过运用3S 技术, 可以将高山树线交错带研究中 的树线景观结构和生理生态过程结合在一起, 并验证在其景观格局形成过程中地理特征和人为 因子的相对重要性。  相似文献   

This study examines the role of surface geomorphic features in tree establishment at the alpine treeline in Glacier National Park, Montana, through the presentation of a multiscale, conceptual model of biogeomorphic relationships at alpine treeline. Empirical observations gathered through a multiscale field methodology over three summers serve as a base for the model. The model highlights the importance of surface geomorphic features, specifically boulders and terrace risers, in creating favorable local site conditions, largely by protecting seedlings from wind. The sheltering effect of surface features enables initial seedling establishment, and in some cases survival, above current treeline locations, thereby initiating a positive feedback effect that encourages subsequent tree establishment. Geomorphic features are therefore important in linking scales of pattern and process at the alpine treeline ecotone.  相似文献   

Analysis of the distributions of chironomid (midge) and other dipteran subfossils from two high elevation lake sediment cores in the Cascade Mountains reveals changes in midge communities and inferred climate since the late-glacial. Cabin Lake and 3M Pond are located near treeline in the subalpine Engelmann Spruce/Subalpine Fir biogeoclimatic zone of British Columbia. In Cabin Lake, chironomid head capsule assemblages depict a typical late-glacial community, and three distinct Holocene communities. In Cabin Lake, the late-glacial community is composed of cold-stenothermous taxa dominated by Stictochironomus, Mesocricotopus, Heterotrissocladius, Parakiefferiella nigra, Protanypus and Paracladius, whereas warm water midges are absent or rare, indicating cold conditions. A late-glacial chironomid community was not found in 3M Pond. In both lakes the early Holocene is dominated by a diverse warm-adapted assemblage, corresponding to the warm climatic conditions of the xerothermic period. Cabin Lake's mid-Holocene zone records a decrease in relative abundance of the warm water types and is accompanied by an increase in cold-stenotherms. At 3M Pond this period shows a dramatic loss in diversity of warm-adapted taxa, as the temperate genus Dicrotendipes dominates. This zone corresponds to Hebda's (1995) mesothermic period. Further cooling in the late Holocene (to modern conditions) is inferred from continued reduction of warm water midges and persistence (at Cabin Lake) or appearance (at 3M Pond) of a cold-stenothermal community. This late Holocene cooling is similar in timing to Neoglacial advances in the Coast, Cascade, and Rocky Mountains of southern British Columbia. Similarities in the timing of chironomid and vegetation community changes at these high elevation sites, along with the more rapid response time of the Chironomidae, support the sensitivity of midges to postglacial climatic change at high elevation sites.  相似文献   

Snow cover strongly influences plant growth in Arctic and alpine ecosystems. Snow characteristics and snowmelt timing are likely to change in a warmer climate. We studied year rings and shoot growth of the dwarf shrub bilberry ( Vaccinium myrtillus ), and species abundances of the vegetation, in response to early or late snowmelt at a study site in the Central Alps, near Davos, Switzerland. Snowmelt was manipulated on experimental plots for 3 and 30 years. Additional plots were set up along a natural snowmelt gradient, and at high and low elevation. Growth ring data showed an increasing trend in annual growth increment over the last 20 years, especially in the extraordinarily hot summer of 2003. Comparing high and low elevation sites, growth rings were wider at low elevation, but only in cold years. In years with relatively cold summers, however, xylem ring width was greater in plots with late rather than early snowmelt along the natural snowmelt gradient, possibly indicating drought stress in early snowmelt plots. Snow cover had a strong influence on species abundances along the natural snowmelt gradient, and change (not yet significant) was beginning to be seen in plots with 30 years of snow manipulation. Our results indicate that beneficial effects of early snowmelt for shrub growth may be offset in cold summers. Although early snowmelt prolongs the growing season, harsh conditions and frost events early in the growing season may become more likely, and hamper plant growth, and this could affect plant growth in all Arctic and alpine snow-dominated ecosystems.  相似文献   

研究不同地形下的山地气候变化对于植被生长、不同动物种群的生存习性及对气候的应激性有重要意义.本文基于陕西秦岭地区1959—2016年32个国家站的日气温和降水资料,采用Anusplin插值法、标准化降水蒸散指数(SPEI)、稳健回归和Theil-sen回归法等方法分析了山区地形对气候变化的影响.结论如下:(1)58年来...  相似文献   

This study reconstructs erosion, productivity, fire and vegetation records at Club Lake, in the alpine zone of Kosciusko National Park (the highest mountain region in Australia), and uses them to compare the prehistoric and historic periods. While disturbance in the prehistoric period was found to be minimal and mainly activated by fire, the impact of land uses after European arrival initiated a change in the erosion and fire regime and brought new grazing animals and exotic plant species. These triggered temporal changes in eutrophication and the nature of erosion, and significant vegetation changes. There was a reduction in the stability and persistence of species representation, especially in herbfield vegetation, and little recovery is evident despite the cessation of summer grazing. It is apparent that the area is very sensitive to disturbance by human impact and large fires.  相似文献   

The late Quaternary diatom records from alpine Opabin Lake (altitude 2285 m a.s.l.) and sub-alpine Mary Lake (altitude 2054 m a.s.l.), located in Yoho National Park, British Columbia (lat. 51 ° 21N; long. 116 ° 20), have been analyzed, and changes in these records have been used to reconstruct lake histories. The results have also been related to independently inferred vegetation and climate changes. Following deglaciation, when both lakes were receiving high inputs of clastic materials, benthic diatom taxa dominate the records of these two shallow lakes with small species ofFragilaria being particularly prominent. During the early to mid-Holocene period, when treeline was at a higher elevation than today, the diatom flora of both lakes became more diverse with previously minor species becoming more prominent.Cyclotella radiosa occurs in cores from both Mary Lake, and much deeper, neighbouring Lake O'Hara during the warm early Holocene, and may reflect this warmer climate, a longer ice-free season than presently, and perhaps less turbid water, or its presence may reflect a subtly higher nutrient status of the lake water during this period. The Neoglacial is marked by increased amounts of sediments originating from glacial sources in Opabin Lake, which undoubtedly led to very turbid water, and by the presence ofEllerbeckia arenaria f.teres andCampylodiscus noricus v.hibernica in Opabin Lake; however, these species are absent from Mary Lake which has not been influenced by either glacial activity since the recession of the glaciers prior toc. 10 000 years BP or water originating from Opabin Lake. The impact of the two tephras during the Holocene was dramatic in terms of increased diatom production, as exemplified by the increases in diatom numbers, but there was little effect upon species composition. The diatom records and changes in the diatom:cyst ratio suggest that the chemical status of these two small, shallow lakes has changed little during the Holocene, other than after deposition of the two tephras. These results provide evidence that shallow alpine and high sub-alpine lakes are sensitive recorders of past environmental changes.  相似文献   

A method is introduced for the analysis of temporal distributions of climatic data based on a comparison of a variable's frequency distribution in the time dimension to a standard bell-shaped curve through time. The following statistics are defined using mean monthly snowfall data: the temporal mean, which is the average time for accumulation of 50% of the annual snowfall total; the temporal standard deviation, which characterizes the mean annual spread of snowfall accumulation about the mean; temporal skewness, which characterizes the symmetry of the annual snowfall distribution; temporal kurtosis, which measures the peakedness of the annual distribution; and temporal correlation, which quantifies the degree of association between two temporal distributions. Analysis of snowfall data demonstrates the utility of temporal statistics for quantifying temporal and geographic variations in a climatic variable's seasonal distribution. [Key words: snowfall, climatology, temporal statistics.]  相似文献   

Quantifying the relationship between the drought severity index and climate factors is crucial for predicting drought risk in situations characterized by climate change. However, variations in drought risk are not readily discernible under conditions of climate change, and this is particularly the case on the Tibetan Plateau. This study examines the correlations between the annual drought severity index (DSI) and 14 climate factors (including temperature, precipitation, humidity, wind speed, and hours of sunshine factors), on the Tibetan Plateau from 2000 to 2011. Spatial average DSI increased with precipitation and minimum relative humidity, while it decreased as the hours of sunshine increased. The correlation between DSI and climate factors varied with vegetation types. In alpine meadows, the correlation of the spatial DSI average with the percentage of sunshine and hours of sunshine (P<0.001) was higher compared to that in alpine steppes (P<0.05). Similarly, average vapor pressure and minimum relative humidity had significant positive effects on spatial DSI in alpine meadows, but had insignificant effects in alpine steppes. The magnitude of DSI change correlated negatively with temperature, precipitation, and vapor pressure, and positively with wind speed and sunshine. This demonstrates that the correlation between drought and climate change on the Tibetan Plateau is dependent on the type of ecosystem.  相似文献   

In order to improve modeling of alpine treeline responses to climate change, estimations of snowfall at treeline sites are needed. The MT-CLIM climate model was evaluated for this purpose by extrapolating precipitation and temperature from standard weather stations at lower elevations to 30 alpine SNOTEL study sites across the western United States. Quantification of the topography between the base stations and the SNOTEL sites was used in inverse distance weighting and compared to straight-line weighting. The predicted temperature and precipitation under different weighting methods were compared to observed data over three months during the winter of 2006-2007. The errors were mapped and their spatial pattern analyzed. Error patterns indicate strong gradients, particularly in the Pacific Northwest, that are suggestive of areas where additional characteristics of atmosphere-land interactions and boundary layer climatology need to be considered in modeling applications.  相似文献   

This paper introduces the results of an integrated project designed to compare high resolution analysis of proxy records of climate change in the sediments of seven mountain lakes across Europe with reconstructed instrumental records of climate change over the last 200 years. Palaeolimnological methods used include radiometric dating (210Pb, 137Cs), mineral magnetics, dry weight, loss-on-ignition, carbon, nitrogen, sulphur, pigments, diatoms, chrysophyte cysts, cladocera and chironomids. Changes in fossil assemblages were summarised using principal components analysis. The stratigraphic data were compared with the instrumental record using linear regression techniques. The dated sediment records for each proxy from each site were treated as the response variables and the various attributes of the instrumental climate record as the predictor variables. The predictor variables were generated for each site for the period 1781 to 1997 using temperature reconstructions based on meteorological records. To harmonise the climatic predictors and the response variables, the climatic variables were smoothed along time with a LOESS regression. The results of the various analyses at the seven sites are presented in the following papers. A synthesis of the project and the relative performance of the different proxy methods are discussed in the final paper.  相似文献   

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