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The solar spectrum of wavelength 350–800 nm has been measured for the four seasons. The intensity of the solar radiation in W m-2 nm-1 has been calculated and used to estimate the monochromatic optical depth of Bahrain's sky. It was found that the optical depth (i.e., extinction coefficient,k) is least in winter and highest in summer. Comparison of the hourly variation of the optical depth between Bahrain's atmosphere and that of Dhahran (Saudi Arabia) shows that the abundance of small size particles in the former is more than in the latter. This causes more extinction effect in Bahrain than in Dhahran, especially in the wavelengths 350–525 nm. The relation betweenk and for each season in Bahrain is in the formk =A n , whereA is a constant andn is a negative integer, is reported in this study.  相似文献   

Using a set of compilations of measurements for extragalactic radio sources, we construct all-sky maps of the Faraday rotation produced by the Galactic magnetic field. In order to generate the maps, we treat the radio source positions as a kind of 'mask' and construct combinations of spherical harmonic modes that are orthogonal on the masked sky. As long as relatively small multipoles are used, the resulting maps are quite stable to changes in the selection criteria for the sources, and show clearly the structure of the local Galactic magnetic field. We also suggest the use of these maps as templates for cosmic microwave background (CMB) foreground analysis, illustrating the idea with a cross-correlation analysis between the Wilkinson Microwave Anisotropy Probe ( WMAP ) data and our maps. We find a significant cross-correlation, indicating the presence of a significant residual contamination.  相似文献   

We propose a modification of the method of polarimetric measurements of the twilight sky, traditionally performed in a zenith direction, to study physical properties of the stratospheric aerosol (at altitudes higher than 30 km). The measurements carried out in zenith directions as a rule limit phase angles by values of 80–100°. We suggest setting up the declination of the telescope equal to the declination of the sun and measuring the polarization degree of the twilight sky at different values of the right ascension. It will allow us not only to enhance the range of the phase angles but also to plan observations in a way to obtain data on the phase dependence of the polarization degree of the light scattered by atmospheric layers at different altitudes.  相似文献   

It is shown that high-redshift quasars of bright apparent magnitude are concentrated in the direction of the centre of the Local Group of galaxies. A number of them are distributed along a line originating from the Local Group companion galaxy, M 33. A similar, but shorter and fainter line of quasars is seen emanating from the spiral galaxy NGC 300 in the next nearest, Sculptor Group of galaxies. The concentration of bright quasars in the Local Group direction is supported by bright radio sources catalogued in high-frequency surveys. One of the consequences of this large-scale inhomogeneity is to explain the different gradient of radio source counts in the direction of the Local Supercluster, a result discovered in 1978 but never investigated further. Previously reported homogeneity and isotropy of radio-source counts over the sky would seem to be an effect of integrating nearby, large-scale groupings with more distant, smaller-scale groupings over different directions in the sky. More careful analyses as a function of flux strength and spectral index on various scales over the sky are now required. Previous conclusions about radio source and quasar luminosity and number evolution drawn from logN- logS counts would then need to be re-evaluated.  相似文献   

I report further developments of the Wainscoatet al. (1992) (hereafter WCVWS) model of the point source sky. The newest version of this model now predicts cumulative or differential source counts, and integrated surface brightness of the sky due to smeared point sources, in any direction, for any infrared filter with passband within the range 2.0–35.0µm. The realistic representation of the Galaxy (disk, spiral arms and local spur, molecular ring, bulge, halo) and the extragalactic sky has been improved, guided by CO surveys of local molecular clouds. The newest version of the model is very well-validated by IRAS source counts; works well at B and V, even in the plane; and operates successfully in the far-ultraviolet (FUV). Applications discussed are: interpreting the new TMGS near-infrared survey of the plane; confusion in sky surveys; and seeking cosmological background radiation.  相似文献   

Using a sky brightness monitor at the Xinglong station of National Astronomical Observatories,Chinese Academy of Sciences,we collected data from22 dark clear nights and 90 moon nights.We first measured the sky brightness variation with time for dark nights and found a clear correlation between sky brightness and human activity.Then with a modified sky brightness model of moon nights and data from these nights,we derived the typical value for several important parameters in the model.With these results,we calculated the sky brightness distribution under a given moon condition for the Xinglong station.Furthermore,we simulated the sky brightness distribution of a moon night for a telescope with a 5 field of view(such as LAMOST).These simulations will be helpful for determining the limiting magnitude and exposure time,as well as planning the survey for LAMOST during moon nights.  相似文献   

Large Sky Area Multi-Object Fibre Spectroscopic Telescope (L AMOST) is one of the major on-going national large scientific projects in China. Active optics is a key technology for the LAMOST with which the thin-mirror active optics and segmented-mirror active optics are tied in. A pre-calibration method considering all active forces and displacements specially for LAMOST has been developed in early 2004. We give a detailed mathematical derivation and calculation including numerical simulation and computer program realization of the pre-calibration method of LAMOST open-loop control for the third-order as-pherical aberration. We have also carried out calculations on the application of the pre-calibration method and the parameters of actuator design in LAMOST active optics in observation mode, including estimations of the actuator ranges, the interval of active optics correction and the ranges and trends of load changes on all the actuators during LAMOST tracking a given star.  相似文献   

Using a sky brightness monitor at the Xinglong station of National Astronomical Observatories,Chinese Academy of Sciences,we collected data from22 dark clear nights and 90 moon nights.We first measured the sky brightness variation with time for dark nights and found a clear correlation between sky brightness and human activity.Then with a modified sky brightness model of moon nights and data from these nights,we derived the typical value for several important parameters in the model.With these results,we calculated the sky brightness distribution under a given moon condition for the Xinglong station.Furthermore,we simulated the sky brightness distribution of a moon night for a telescope with a 5 field of view(such as LAMOST).These simulations will be helpful for determining the limiting magnitude and exposure time,as well as planning the survey for LAMOST during moon nights.  相似文献   

Position calibration methodology for scanning sky monitor for ASTROSAT   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Scanning Sky Monitor (SSM) on ASTROSAT is an X-ray sky monitor which has a large Field of View (FOV) and scans the sky to detect and locate X-ray transient sources in the energy range 2 to 10 keV. Experiments are carried out to calibrate SSM detectors for position response and to verify the calibration constants derived. In this paper we discuss the methodology of position calibration of proportional counters for SSM and results from various experiments.  相似文献   

We are proposing a mission devoted to high energy X-ray astronomy that is based on a focusing telescope operating in the 1?C200?keV energy range but optimized for the hard X-ray range. The main scientific topics concern: Physics of compact objects: The proximity of compact objects provides a unique laboratory to study matter and radiation in extreme conditions of temperature and density in strong gravitational environment. The emission of high energy photons from these objects is far from being understood. The unprecedented sensitivity in the high energy domain will allow a precise determination of the non-thermal processes at work in the vicinity of compact objects. The full 1?C200?keV energy coverage will be ideal to disentangle the emission processes produced in the spacetime regions most affected by strong-gravity, as well as the physical links: disk?Cthermal emission?Ciron line?Ccomptonisation?Creflection?Cnon-thermal emission?Cjets. Neutron stars?Cmagnetic field?Ccyclotron lines: Time resolved spectroscopy (and polarimetry) at ultra-high sensitivity of AXP, milliseconds pulsars and magnetars will give new tools to study the role of the synchrotron processes at work in these objects. Cyclotron lines?Cdirect measurement of magnetic filed?Cequation of state constraints?Cshort bursts?Cgiant flares could all be studied with great details. AGN: The large sensitivity improvement will provide detailed spectral properties of the high energy emission of AGN??s. This will give a fresh look to the connection between accretion and jet emission and will provide a new understanding of the physical processes at work. Detection of high-redshift active nuclei in this energy range will allow to introduce an evolutionary aspect to high-energy studies of AGN, probing directly the origin of the Cosmic X-ray Background also in the non-thermal range (> 20?keV). Element formation?CSupernovae: The energy resolution achievable for this mission (<0.5?keV) and a large high energy effective area are ideally suited for the 44Ti line study (68 and 78?keV). This radioactive nuclei emission will give an estimate of their quantities and speed in their environment. In addition the study of the spatial structure and spectral emission of SNR will advance our knowledge of the dynamics of supernovae explosions, of particles acceleration mechanisms and how the elements are released in the interstellar medium. Instrumental design: The progress of X-ray focusing optics techniques allows a major step in the instrumental design: the collecting area becomes independent of the detection area. This drastically reduces the instrumental background and will open a new era. The optics will be based on depth-graded multi-layer mirrors in a Wolter I configuration. To obtain a significant effective area in the hundred of keV range a focal length in the 40?C50 meters range (attainable with a deployable mast) is needed. In addition such a mission could benefit from recent progress made on mirror coating. We propose to cover the 1?C200?keV energy range with a single detector, a double-sided Germanium strip detector operating at 80?K. The main features will be: (a) good energy resolution (.150?keV at 5?keV and <.5?keV at 100?keV), (b) 3 dimensional event localization with a low number of electronic chains, (c) background rejection by the 3D localization, (d) polarisation capabilities in the Compton regime.  相似文献   

Image processing performed on a series of photographs of the superluminal Seyfert galaxy, 3C 120, shows the outer optical disc to consist of fragmented segments generally pointing toward the centre. One long arm of peculiar, separated knots comes off to the W and SW. A peculiar companion is seen along the line of the NW radio jet. In the interior, optical jets are detected which are aligned along the direction of the outer radio jets. A region of the sky 45 ×; 25 degrees around 3C120 is investigated. It is found that:
  1. A nebulous filament about 3/4 degree in length points to 3C 120.
  2. Hydrogen clouds of redshiftz = ?130 and ?210 km s?1 are situated at 3 and 1 degrees on either side of 3C 120.
  3. Eleven low-surface-brightness galaxies with 4500 <z < 5300 km s?1 fall within a radius of 8 degrees.
  4. Seven quasars withz ? 1.35 and radio fluxesS b ? 0.3 fall within a radius of 10 degrees.
It is concluded that the concentration of these objects in the vicinity of this unique, active galaxy has a negligible chance of being accidental and that all those objects of diverse redshift are at the same nearby distance. This smaller distance reduces the supposed superluminal motions in 3C 120 to quite precedented ejection velocities.  相似文献   

The development of the theory of the 5577 Å emission from the upper atmosphere is reviewed. Evidence from both aeronomy and chemical kinetics shows that the Barth mechanism is a much more important source of O(1S) than in the Chapman process. The molecular oxygen state involved is probably c1Σ?u (the upper state of the Herzberg II band system).  相似文献   

We present the wide-field imaging and polarimetry at  ν= 20 GHz  of seven most extended, bright  ( S total≥ 0.50 Jy)  , high-frequency selected radio sources in the southern sky with declinations  δ < −30°  . Accompanying the data are brief reviews of the literature for each source. The results presented here aid in the statistical completeness of the Australia Telescope 20-GHz Survey: the Bright Source Sample. The data are of crucial interest for future cosmic microwave background missions as a collection of information about candidate calibrator sources. We were able to obtain data for seven of the nine sources identified by our selection criteria. We report that Pictor A is thus far the best extragalactic calibrator candidate for the Low Frequency Instrument of the Planck European Space Agency mission due to its high level of integrated polarized flux density  (∼0.50 ± 0.06 Jy)  on a scale of 10 arcmin. Six out of the seven sources have a clearly detected compact radio core in our images, with either a null detection or less than 2 per cent detection of polarized emission from the nuclei. Most sources with detected jets have magnetic field alignments running in a longitudinal configuration, however, PKS 1333−33 exhibits transverse fields and an orthogonal change in field geometry from nucleus to jets.  相似文献   

The proposed FAST project is a novel giant spherical radio telescope, with active elements which form a temporary paraboloid to track radio objects in the sky. Efforts have been made to extend the limited sky coverage that is a characteristic disadvantage of Arecibo-style radio telescopes. Three measures under investigation are introduced in this paper. The expected performance of the telescope is described, and a brief comparison is made with some of the largest existing radio telescopes. This revised version was published online in July 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   

The clear sky emissivity 0 and the ground emissivity g in Bahrain is studied. The study reveals that the annual value of 0 is 0.88 ± 0.039 relating to the maximum and the minimum values in August and February, respectively. Meanwhile, the annual value of g is 0.338 ± 0.228, where the maximum and the minimum values are in July and January, respectively. These two parameters are related to the transmittance factor .  相似文献   

A novel method is presented for the wavelength calibration of the Large Sky Area Multi-Object Fiber Spectroscopic Telescope (LAMOST). The proposed method combines the arc lines and night sky lines, and can achieve high performance. Firstly, the initial wavelength calibration is performed by employing arc lines. Afterwards, the centroids of sky lines are calculated by the initial calibration results and adjusted by the gravity method iteratively. Finally, the ultimate wavelength calibration is obtained by fitting the centroids of arc lines and sky lines with their corresponding wavelengths. Experiments are performed on the data observed by LAMOST, and the results of the proposed method are more accurate than that of the calibration only by arc lines or sky lines. The calibration sky lines are dense in the red channel (5,700–9,000 Å) of LAMOST, but only a few ones are in the blue channel (3,700–5,900 Å). The new method achieves excellent results in the red channel as the substantial sky lines are employed, and the calibration accuracy of the blue channel is also enhanced in some degree by the scare sky lines.  相似文献   

The results of the very-low frequency sky survey of discrete sources made with the UTR-2 radio telescope within the declination zone 41° to 52° are presented. The UTR-2 radio source catalogue contains the estimates of the coordinates and flux densities of 432 sources measured at a number of the lowest frequencies used in contemporary radio astronomy within the range from 10 at 25 MHz. The questions of establishing the UTR-2 sky survey sensitivity, completeness and reliability of the resulting catalogue are considered. The coordinates of the sources measured at very low frequencies have been compared with respective data obtained in the 4C survey at 178 MHz.  相似文献   

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