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A geochemical assessment of groundwater quality and possible contamination in the vicinity of the Bhalswa landfill site was carried out by using a hydrochemical approach with graphical and multivariate statistical methods with the objective of identifying the occurrence of various geochemical processes and understanding the impact of landfill leachates on groundwater quality. Results indicate that nitrate, fluoride and heavy-metal pollution are in an alarming state with respect to the use of groundwater for drinking purposes. Various graphical plots and statistical analyses have been applied to the chemical data based on the ionic constituents, water types, and hydrochemical facies to infer the impact of the landfill on groundwater quality. The statistical analysis and spatial and temporal variations indicate the leaching of contaminants from the landfill to the groundwater aquifer system. The concentrations of heavy metals in the landfill leachates are as follows: Fe (22 mg/l), Mn (~20 mg/l), Cu (~10 mg/l), Pb (~2 mg/l), Ni (0.25 mg/l), Zn (~10 mg/l), Cd (~0.2 mg/l), Cl (~4,000 mg/l), SO42− (~3,320 mg/l), PO43− (~4 mg/l), NO3 (30 mg/l) and fluoride (~50 mg/l); all were much higher than the standards. The study reveals that the landfill is in a depleted phase and is affecting groundwater quality in its vicinity and the surrounding area due to leaching of contaminants.  相似文献   

This paper reports the results of multivariate analysis on the major-ions data present in groundwater collected in a hydrogeochemical survey of a hard rock terrain in Andhra Pradesh, India. The use of factor analysis is proposed, as a first step, for identifying the processes influencing the hydrogeochemical variations in groundwater. As a result of the application factor analysis, three factors were obtained, which explained characterization of groundwater quality and identified the sources for the presence of ions and its variations in concentrations and their geochemical processes. The natural dissolution of existing rocks of granites and granitic gneisses is the common influencing source for its hydrogeochemical character in the study area, but at some localized zones, the human-influenced sources of agricultural, industrial and urbanization are the dominating factors. The spatial and seasonal variation of the hydrogeochemical processes associated with the factor variables in the groundwater quality of the study area were analysed and evaluated.  相似文献   

Punjab is the most cultivated state in India with the highest consumption of fertilizers. Patiala and Muktsar districts are two agricultural dominated districts of Punjab located in extreme south-east and south-west of the state. This paper highlights temporal variations of the groundwater quality and compares its suitability for irrigation and drinking purpose in these two districts. Water samples were collected in March and September 2003, representing the pre-monsoon and post-monsoon seasons, respectively. Water samples were analysed for almost all major cations, anions, dissolved heavy metals and turbidity. Parameters like sodium adsorption ratio, % sodium, residual sodium carbonate, total hardness, potential salinity, Kelley’s ratio, magnesium ratio, index of base exchange and permeability index were calculated on the basis of chemical data. A questionnaire was also used to investigate perception of villagers on taste and odour. Comparison of the concentration of the chemical constituents with WHO (world health organization) drinking water standards of 2004 and various classifications show that present status of groundwater in Patiala is better for irrigation and drinking purposes except for a few locations with a caution that it may deteriorate in near future. In Muktsar, groundwater is not suitable for drinking. Higher total hardness (TH) and total dissolved solids at numerous places indicate the unsuitability of groundwater for drinking and irrigation. Results obtained in this forms baseline data for the utility of groundwater. In terms of monsoon impact, Patiala groundwater shows dilution and flushing but Muktsar samples show excessive leaching of different chemical components into the groundwater leading to the enrichment of different anions and cations indicating pollution from extraneous sources. No clear correlation between the quality parameters studied here and perceived quality in terms of satisfactory taste response were obtained at electrical conductivity values higher than the threshold minimum acceptable value.  相似文献   

We present the first systematic hydrogeological analysis to grain insights on the evolution of the Gonghe Basin in North China. Two hundred and forty seven water samples were collected from the Gonghe East Basin, Gonghe West Basin and Chaka Basin. The three groundwater systems of Gonghe Basin from west to east display different geochemical signatures. Based on Na/Cl ratios and Langelier-Ludwig diagram, it is inferred that the groundwater recharge potential of the Gonghe East Basin is much prosperous than the other areas. The renewability of the aquifers in alluvial-proluvial fan of Wahonghe and Gonghe East Basin margin is much faster than in the other basins. The groundwater quality in Chaka Salt Lake,Shazhuyu and Qiabuqia River Valley plains is low due to strong evaporation and cation exchange. The groundwater quality of the phreatic aquifers in the Qiabuqia River Valley plain is further deteriorated by mixing of high-arsenic and high-mineralization water from the deep fault structures.  相似文献   

Groundwater with high geogenic arsenic (As) is extensively present in the Holocene alluvial aquifers of Ghazipur District in the middle Gangetic Plain, India. A shift in the climatic conditions, weathering of carbonate and silicate minerals, surface water interactions, ion exchange, redox processes, and anthropogenic activities are responsible for high concentrations of cations, anions and As in the groundwater. The spatial and temporal variations for As concentrations were greater in the pre-monsoon (6.4–259.5 μg/L) when compared to the post-monsoon period (5.1–205.5 µg/L). The As enrichment was encountered in the sampling sites that were close to the Ganges River (i.e. south and southeast part of Ghazipur district). The depth profile of As revealed that low concentrations of NO3 are associated with high concentration of As and that As depleted with increasing depth. The poor relationship between As and Fe indicates the As release into the groundwater, depends on several processes such as mineral weathering, O2 consumption, and NO3 reduction and is de-coupled from Fe cycling. Correlation matrix and factor analysis were used to identify various factors influencing the gradual As enrichment in the middle Gangetic Plain. Groundwater is generally supersaturated with respect to calcite and dolomite in post-monsoon period, but not in pre-monsoon period. Saturation in both periods is reached for crystalline Fe phases such as goethite, but not with respect to poorly crystalline Fe phases and any As-bearing phase. The results indicate release of arsenic in redox processes in dry period and dilution of arsenic concentration by recharge during monsoon. Increased concentrations of bicarbonate after monsoon are caused by intense flushing of unsaturated zone, where CO2 is formed by decomposition of organic matter and reactions with carbonate minerals in solid phase. The present study is vital considering the fact that groundwater is an exclusive source of drinking water in the region which not only makes situation alarming but also calls for the immediate attention.  相似文献   

The Heihe River Basin is a typical arid inland river basin for examining stress on groundwater resources in northwest China. The basin is composed of large volumes of unconsolidated Quaternary sediments of widely differing grain size, and during the past half century, rapid socio-economic development has created an increased demand for groundwater resources. Understanding the hydrogeochemical processes of groundwater and water quality is important for sustainable development and effective management of groundwater resources in the Heihe River basin. To this end, a total of 30 representative groundwater samples were collected from different wells to monitor the water chemistry of various ions and its quality for irrigation. Chemical analysis shows that water presents a large spatial variability of chemical facies (SO4 2−–HCO3, SO4 2−–Cl, and Cl–SO4 2−) as groundwater flow from recharge area to discharge area. The ionic ratio indicates positive correlation between the flowing pairs of parameters: Cl and Na+(r = 0.95), SO4 2− and Na+ (r = 0.84), HCO3 and Mg2+(r = 0.86), and SO4 2− and Ca2+ (r = 0.91). Dissolution of minerals, such as halite, gypsum, dolomite, silicate, and Mirabilite (Na2SO4·10H2O) in the sediments results in the Cl, SO4 2−, HCO3 , Na+, Ca2+ and Mg2+ content in the groundwater. Other reactions, such as evaporation, ion exchange, and deposition also influence the water composition. The suitability of the groundwater for irrigation was assessed based on the US Salinity Laboratory salinity classification and the Wilcox diagram. The results show that most of the groundwater samples are suitable for irrigation uses barring a few locations in the dessert region in the northern sub-basin.  相似文献   

The study of brine aquifers in southern Taiwan is highly complicated by hybrid geochemical reactions, which obscure important geochemical information. Using multivariate analysis on major and minor ion compositions normalized by Cl content, chemical constituents were combined into two principal components representing brine mixing and mineral precipitation. Comparing to multivariate analysis on the original data, this procedure reveals more geochemical information. It demonstrates that the brine groundwater of the region is primarily composed of highly evaporated seawater. The evaporation ratio is >70%; a point at which calcite, dolomite and gypsum precipitate. Oxygen and hydrogen isotopic compositions confirm this inference; and further, geochemical modeling quantitatively determined the evaporation ratio to be about 85%. Natural boron contamination is a consequence of brine groundwater. Two evolutionary trends in the plotting of the Cl/B ratio versus Cl can be identified: (1) Cl/B ratio decreases with boron being released from clay minerals when brine aquifers are flushed with freshwater; and (2) Cl/B ratio increases when seawater of a high Cl/B ratio infiltrates coastal aquifers.  相似文献   

In this study, multivariate statistical methods including factor, principal component and cluster analysis were applied to surface water quality data sets obtained from the Tahtali River Basin, Turkey. Factor and principal components analysis results revealed that surface water quality was mainly controlled by agricultural uses and domestic discharges. Cluster analysis generated two clusters. Based on the locations of the sites consisted by each cluster and variable concentrations at these stations, it was concluded that agricultural discharges strongly affected north and northeast part of the region. These methods are believed to assist water managers to understand complex nature of water quality issues and determine priorities to improve water quality.  相似文献   

Vertical variations of redox chemistry and groundwater quality were investigated in an alluvial aquifer beneath an agricultural area, in which deep groundwaters are free of NO3, Fe, and Mn problems that are frequently encountered during the development of alluvial groundwaters. This study was performed to identify and evaluate vertical chemical processes attenuating these chemical species in the study area. For this study, the processes affecting groundwater chemistry were identified by factor analysis (FA) and the groundwater samples collected from six multilevel samplers were hierarchically classified into three different redox zones by cluster analysis (CA) based on the similarity of geochemical features. FA results indicated three major factors affecting the overall water chemistry: agricultural activities (factor 1), redox reactions (factor 2), and remnant seawater (factor 3). The groundwater quality in the study area was revealed to be controlled by a series of different redox reactions, resulting in different redox zones as a function of depth. It was also revealed that the low Fe and Mn levels in the groundwater of the deeper part are associated with sulfate reduction, which led to precipitation of Fe as iron sulfide and adsorption of Mn on it.  相似文献   

Acta Geochimica - This study focused on water quality and hydro-geochemical processes (evolution, origin) in the Maadher region, central Hodna in Algeria. In recent decades, the excessive...  相似文献   

Hydrogeochemical assessment of groundwater in Moro area,Kwara state,Nigeria   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Detailed study of chemical analysis results of several groundwater samples (UNICEF-Assisted Water project, Kwara state, Nigeria) were carried out in an attempt to assess the quality and usability of groundwaters in the Moro area. Chemical analysis results indicate higher concentrations of Ca2+, Mg2+, and HCO3 as compared to Na+, K+, Cl, and SO4 2–. With exception of few locations where Fe is relatively higher, the concentrations of these ions together with other water quality parameters are all within permissible limits of the domestic and agricultural standards.On the basis of the analytical results, groundwaters in the study area are largely characterized as Ca-(Mg)-HCO3 type reflecting (possibly) young facies with limited migratory history. The occurrence of Ca-(Mg)-Na-HCO3 water type in certain areas is attributed to cation exchange processes. In addition, the observed scattered relationship between the TDS and the thickness of weathered horizons in the boreholes indicates the contribution of precipitation (recharge) to the ionic inputs in the groundwaters in addition to the weathering and dissolution processes.  相似文献   

Muzaffarnagar is an economically rich district situated in the most fertile plains of two great rivers Ganga and Yamuna in the Indo-gangetic plains, with agricultural land irrigated by both surface water as well as groundwater. An investigation has been carried out to understand the hydrochemistry of the groundwater and its suitability for irrigation uses. Groundwater in the study area is neutral to moderately alkaline in nature. Chemistry of groundwater suggests that alkaline earths (Ca + Mg) significantly exceed the alkalis (Na + K) and weak acids exceed the strong acids (Cl + SO4), suggesting the dominance of carbonate weathering followed by silicate weathering. Majority of the groundwater samples (62%) posses Ca–Mg–HCO3 type of hydrochemical species, followed by Ca–Na–Mg–HCO3, Na–Ca–Mg–HCO3, Ca–Mg–Na–HCO3–Cl and Na–Ca–HCO3–SO4 types. A positive high correlation (r 2 = 0.928) between Na and Cl suggests that the salinity of groundwater is due to intermixing of two or more groundwater bodies with different hydrochemical compositions. Barring a few locations, most of the groundwater samples are suitable for irrigation uses. Chemical fertilizers, sugar factories and anthropogenic activities are contributing to the sulphate and chloride concentrations in the groundwater of the study area. Overexploitation of aquifers induced multi componential mixing of groundwater with agricultural return flow waters is responsible for generating groundwater of various compositions in its lateral extent.  相似文献   

Groundwater is considered as one of the most important sources for water supply in Iran. The Fasa Plain in Fars Province, Southern Iran is one of the major areas of wheat production using groundwater for irrigation. A large population also uses local groundwater for drinking purposes. Therefore, in this study, this plain was selected to assess the spatial variability of groundwater quality and also to identify main parameters affecting the water quality using multivariate statistical techniques such as Cluster Analysis (CA), Discriminant Analysis (DA), and Principal Component Analysis (PCA). Water quality data was monitored at 22 different wells, for five years (2009-2014) with 10 water quality parameters. By using cluster analysis, the sampling wells were grouped into two clusters with distinct water qualities at different locations. The Lasso Discriminant Analysis (LDA) technique was used to assess the spatial variability of water quality. Based on the results, all of the variables except sodium absorption ratio (SAR) are effective in the LDA model with all variables affording 92.80% correct assignation to discriminate between the clusters from the primary 10 variables. Principal component (PC) analysis and factor analysis reduced the complex data matrix into two main components, accounting for more than 95.93% of the total variance. The first PC contained the parameters of TH, Ca2+, and Mg2+. Therefore, the first dominant factor was hardness. In the second PC, Cl-, SAR, and Na+ were the dominant parameters, which may indicate salinity. The originally acquired factors illustrate natural (existence of geological formations) and anthropogenic (improper disposal of domestic and agricultural wastes) factors which affect the groundwater quality.  相似文献   

The dependency of people on groundwater has increased in the past few decades due to tremendous increase in crop production, population and industrialization. Groundwater is the main source of irrigation in Shiwaliks of Punjab. In the present study the samples were collected from predetermined location as was located on satellite image on basis of spectral reflectance. Global positioning system was used to collect samples from specific locations. Principal components analysis (PCA) together with other factor analysis procedures consolidate a large number of observed variables into a smaller number of factors that can be more readily interpreted. In the present study, concentrations of different constituents were correlated based on underlying physical and chemical processes such as dissociation, ion exchange, weathering or carbonate equilibrium reactions. The PCA produced six significant components that explained 78% of the cumulative variance. The concentration of the few trace metals was found to be much higher indicating recharge due to precipitation as main transport mechanism of transport of heavy metals in groundwater which is also confirmed by PCA. Piper and other graphical methods were used to identify geochemical facies of groundwater samples and geochemical processes occurring in study area. The water in the study area has temporary hardness and is mainly of Ca–Mg–HCO3 type.  相似文献   

Groundwater samples collected from both open and bore wells in an area of about 270 km2 from Madras City, India, have been analyzed for major ions (HCO3, Cl, Si, Na, Ca, and Mg) and trace elements (As, Se, B, V, Cr, Fe, Co, Pb, Cu, Zn, Cd, Mn, Ni, Mo, and Ba). The study reveals that the quality of potable water has deteriorated to a large extent. Seawater intrusion into the aquifer has been observed in nearly 50 percent of the study area. The toxic elements (As and Se) have already exceeded the maximum permissible limits of drinking water in almost the entire city. A positive correlation of As and Se with other toxic metals such as V, Cr, Fe, B, etc., indicates that all these elements are anthropogenic in origin. Applying multivariate analysis, the source for trace elements in groundwater has been grouped into two major factors: pollution and mobilization factors. The groundwater in the study area is largely contaminated by organic effluents and reflects the intensity of pollution caused by the overlying soil sediment and rapid infiltration of the pollutants.  相似文献   

Despite its limited aerial extent, the National Capital Territory (NCT) Delhi, India, has diversified geological and topographical setup. A geochemical assessment of prevailing conditions of aquifer underlying the NCT was attempted and further classified into different hydrogeochemical zones on the basis of statistical and analyses and its correlation with land use, geological and climatic setting. Mineral phase study and isotopic analyses were used for the verification of performed clustering. Saturation indices (SI) calculated using the geochemical modelling code PHREEQC were used to distinguish the characteristics of four zones, as saturation states of the water does not change abruptly. Four different hydrogeochemical zones were statistically identified in the area: (1) intermediate (land-use-change-impacted) recharge zone, (2) discharge (agriculture-impacted) zone, (3) recharge (ridge) zone, and (4) recharge floodplain (untreated-discharge-impacted) zone. The distinctiveness of hydro-geochemical zones was further verified using stable isotopic (2H and 18O) signature of these waters. GIS-based flow regime in association with long-term geochemical evidences implied that these zones are being affected by different problems; thus, it necessitates separate environmental measures for their management and conservation. The study suggested that in a diversified urban setup where the complex interactions between anthropogenic activities and normal geochemical processes are functioning, hydrogeochmical zoning based on the integration of various techniques could be the first step towards sketching out the groundwater management plan.  相似文献   

In the management of water resources, quality of water is just as important as its quantity. In order to know the quality and/or suitability of groundwater for domestic and irrigation in upper Gunjanaeru River basin, 51 water samples in post-monsoon and 46 in pre-monsoon seasons were collected and analyzed for various parameters. Geological units are alluvium, shale and quartzite. Based on the analytical results, chemical indices like percent sodium, sodium adsorption ratio, residual sodium carbonate, permeability index (PI) and chloroalkaline indices were calculated. The pre-monsoon waters have low sodium hazard as compared to post-monsoon season. Residual sodium carbonate values revealed that one sample is not suitable in both the seasons for irrigation purposes due the occurrence of alkaline white patches and low permeability of the soil. PI values of both seasons revealed that the ground waters are generally suitable for irrigation. The positive values of Chloroalkaline indices in post-monsoon (80%) and in pre-monsoon (59%) water samples indicate absence of base-exchange reaction (chloroalkaline disequilibrium), and remaining samples of negative values of the ratios indicate base-exchange reaction (chloroalkaline equilibrium). Chadha rectangular diagram for geochemical classification and hydrochemical processes of groundwater for both seasons indicates that most of waters are Ca–Mg–HCO3 type. Assessment of water samples from various methods indicated that majority of the water samples in both seasons are suitable for different purposes except at Yanadipalle (sample no. 8) that requires precautionary measures. The overall quality of groundwater in post-monsoon season in all chemical constituents is on the higher side due to dissolution of surface pollutants during the infiltration and percolation of rainwater and at few places due to agricultural and domestic activities.  相似文献   

Simplification of a complex system of geochemical variables obtained from the soils of an industrialized area of Bombay is attempted by means of R-mode factor analysis. Prior to factor analysis, discriminant analysis was carried out taking rock and soil chemical data to establish the anthropogenic contribution of metals in soil. Trace elements (Cd, Co, Cr, Cu, Fe, Mn, Ni, Pb, and Zn) are expressed in terms of three rotated factors. The factors mostly indicate anthropogenic sources of metals such as atmospheric fallout, emission from different industrial chimneys, crushing operations in quarries, and sewage sludges. Major elements (Na, Mg, Al, Si, P, K, Ca, Ti, Mn, and Fe) are also expressed in terms of three rotated factors indicating natural processes such as chemical weathering, presence of clay minerals, and contribution from sewage sludges and municipal refuse. Summary statistics (mean, standard deviation, skewness, and kurtosis) for the particle size distribution were interpreted as moderate dominance of fine particles. Mineralogical studies revealed the presence of montmorillonite, kaolinite, and illite types of clay minerals. Thus the present study provides information about the metal content entering into the soil and their level, sources, and distribution in the area.  相似文献   

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