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自1.85 Ga西部陆块与东部陆块沿中部造山带碰撞拼合形成统一的华北克拉通之后,中—新元古代克拉通经历了广泛的陆内拉伸,形成了熊耳裂陷槽、燕辽裂陷槽、渣尔泰—白云鄂博—化德裂陷槽及东缘裂谷系。前人根据钻井资料及区域地层对比认为鄂尔多斯地块变质基底之上沉积了中元古代长城系—蓟县系。其中,长城系下部主要为石英岩夹板岩,上部为粉砂质板岩、硅质板岩及含燧石条带白云质灰岩与石英砂岩;蓟县系以白云岩为主,夹少量砂岩、页岩。本文对采自鄂尔多斯地块6口钻井中的长城系进行了碎屑锆石年代学研究。结果表明,鄂尔多斯地块长城系浅变质沉积岩的碎屑锆石年龄组成了1.60 Ga、1.85 Ga、1.95 Ga、2.35 Ga和2.50 Ga等峰值。与华北克拉通内部中—新元古代沉积岩碎屑锆石年龄峰值对比结果表明,长城系沉积岩的碎屑物质来自华北克拉通内部。结合区域钻井资料及前人研究成果,推断中元古代鄂尔多斯地块北缘及东缘为隆起剥蚀区,西南部为沉积区,其西南缘为被动大陆边缘,与北秦岭地体之间被宽坪洋分隔。  相似文献   

宣龙式铁矿是我国北方最重要的沉积型铁矿床。华北克拉通长城系串岭沟组底部砂页岩是宣龙式铁矿床的赋存层位,对该地层的年代学研究有助于深入完善长城系地层年代框架、认识区域成岩成矿过程并反演克拉通的演化历史。本文对河北宣化姜家寨铁矿床串岭沟组底部铁矿体顶板砂页岩中碎屑锆石进行了LA-MC-ICP-MS锆石U-Pb年代学研究,获得了三组主要的峰值年龄,加权平均年龄分别为1774.1±7.9Ma、1849.0±7.8Ma和2453.0±7.8Ma。揭示出华北克拉通中部带经历了三期较为重要的地质构造、岩浆作用和变质作用事件。在串岭沟组下部砂岩中我们获得了4颗较年轻的岩浆碎屑锆石,年龄为1657.4~1694.4Ma,代表了串岭沟组底部形成的时间下限,制约了姜家寨宣龙式铁矿床的形成时代不早于1657Ma。对比研究得出,1774.1Ma的峰值年龄数据与华北克拉通内18亿年后广泛发育的基性岩墙群的形成时代一致,代表了华北克拉通的在拼合后的抬升事件时间。在1.8~1.6Ga华北克拉通拉张期间形成了大庙式等钒钛磁铁矿-磷灰石铁矿(1720Ma左右)。基于时间和区域的一致性,我们推断,遭受抬升剥蚀的富铁基性岩墙群不仅是串岭沟组的物源之一,极有可能也是宣龙式铁矿床中铁质的主要物源之一。  相似文献   

胡波  翟明国  郭敬辉  彭澎  刘富  刘爽 《岩石学报》2009,25(1):193-211
化德群出露地区位于华北克拉通北缘中部,紧邻中亚造山带南缘,呈近东西向展布。在它的西边是早-中元古代的白云鄂博裂谷和渣尔泰—狼山裂谷,东南面是由长城系、蓟县系和青白口系组成的早-新元古代的燕辽裂陷槽,南边分布着1.9~1.8Ga麻粒岩相变质的丰镇群(孔兹岩系),北边出露有代表中亚造山带的古生代岩石。化德群由一套浅变质和未变质的沉积岩组成,无火山岩夹层。地层序列包含多个沉积旋回,每个旋回自下而上为含砾砂岩、砂岩、碳酸盐岩和泥质岩。岩石组合反映了从河流—滨海—浅海相的沉积环境。化德群的地层序列可以和白云鄂博群及渣尔泰群相对比。本文对化德群四个变质砂岩样品中的碎屑锆石进行了LA-ICP-MS U-Pb年龄测定,年龄主要集中在1800±50Ma和1850±50Ma,另外还有~2500Ma和~2000Ma的次要峰值。化德群底部变质含砾云母长石石英砂岩中碎屑锆石的最小谐和年龄是1758±7Ma,限定了化德群沉积时代的下限。碎屑锆石的CL图像显示,1800±50Ma和1850±50Ma的锆石主要是变质成因,少量岩浆成因,说明化德群的源区主要是古元古代的变质岩,少量岩浆岩。~2500Ma和~2000Ma的碎屑锆石代表了更为古老的源区。碎屑锆石的U-Pb年龄限制了化德群的沉积时代为古元古代晚期—中元古代,年龄峰值对应华北克拉通的重要构造热事件,而无与中亚造山带地质事件相关的年龄信息。沉积组合特征表明化德群属于稳定的浅水—半深水沉积盆地。化德盆地、渣尔泰—狼山盆地和白云鄂博盆地共同构成华北克拉通北缘的被动陆缘裂谷系,该裂谷系的形成可能与燕辽及熊耳裂陷槽的打开是同时期的。因此,华北克拉通的北界应该置于化德群出露区域以北。基于锆石特征的详细分析及对比,我们认为化德群以南的孔兹岩系可能是化德群的主要源区。  相似文献   

桑日群广泛分布于冈底斯火山岩浆弧的中东段,是新特提斯洋俯冲作用的代表性记录。本文对冈底斯中段厅宫地区桑日群比马组开展了碎屑锆石U-Pb同位素测年和地球化学特征研究,结果表明:比马组所含的碎屑锆石具有85.7~143.5Ma、160.2~191.2Ma、334.4~364.1Ma和904Ma四个年龄段,其中最年轻的碎屑锆石年龄为85.7±1.9Ma,结合古生物资料,认为比马组形成于早—晚白垩世,其物源主要来自于拉萨地块,尤其是冈底斯岩基剥蚀源区;岩石地球化学特征显示,比马组沉积主要来源于长英质岩石,是上地壳源区物质经风化剥蚀后搬运沉积形成。  相似文献   

The results of the U-Pb (SIMS and LA-ICPMS) age dating of detrital zircons from Upper Jurassic-Lower Cretaceous sandstones of Stolbovoy Island show that these deposits contain zircons of a wide age range, from Archean to Lower Cretaceous. Precambrian gneisses and granites, as well as Late Paleozoic and Mesozoic plutonic and volcanic complexes, are considered to be the main source areas of clastic material of Upper Jurassic-Lower Cretaceous formations of Stolbovoy Island. The U-Pb age dating of detrital zircons from sandstones without making a selection on any basis yields the most complete information about source areas of clastic material in a sedimentary basin. In some cases the data on euhedral (idiomorphic) and transparent zircon crystals can be useful to clarify the lower age boundary of sedimentation.  相似文献   

刘志慧  罗敏  陈龙耀  曲玮  刘晓春 《岩石学报》2018,34(5):1484-1502
南秦岭佛坪地区位于东西秦岭交汇部位,以前寒武纪基底穹状隆升为主要特征,因其特殊的构造位置和变质变形特征而受到广泛关注。为了更好地揭示南秦岭构造带的性质及其在秦岭造山带构造演化中的作用,本文对佛坪地区的前寒武纪基底和沉积盖层进行了系统的碎屑锆石LA-ICP-MS U-Pb年代学研究。佛坪穹隆核部前寒武纪基底中碎屑锆石主要年龄峰值为600~820Ma、2021Ma和2467Ma,其中3个样品给出最年轻的年龄区间约为615~728Ma,沉积时代不早于新元古代,另外1个样品给出的最年轻的年龄峰值为1113Ma,沉积时代不早于中元古代,否定了关于认为其为太古代或古元古代的变质结晶基底的认识,其碎屑物质可能来源于南秦岭构造带和扬子陆块北缘。佛坪穹隆上覆盖层和外围南侧盖层给出了相似的年龄图谱,主要年龄峰值为410~450Ma、650~880Ma和910~950Ma,其中最年轻的年龄区间为344~416Ma,表明其沉积时代晚于泥盆纪,碎屑物质来源为北秦岭构造带和南秦岭构造带。上述研究结果表明,南秦岭构造带(前寒武纪基底)于新元古代已增生为扬子陆块北缘的重要组成部分,于晚古生代(泥盆纪)紧邻华北-北秦岭构造带南缘,并共同为南秦岭大面积的泥盆纪盆地提供碎屑物质。  相似文献   

Timan comprises the southwest edge of the Pechora Plate. The plate basement is composed of variably metamorphosed sedimentary, mainly terrigenous, and igneous rocks of the Late Precambrian age that are generally overlain by Ordovician-Cenozoic platform cover. Poor exposition and discontinuous distribution of the Upper Precambrian outcrops of dominantly fossil-free sedimentary rocks cause considerable disagreements in stratigraphic correlation. This applies equally to North Timan, which represents an uplifted block of basement, in which sedimentary-metamorphic rocks form the Barminskaya Group (~5000 m thick), previously dated as Early Riphean to Vendian. Earlier Rb-Sr and Sm-Nd isotope dating of schist and cross-cutting gabbro-dolerite and dolerite established the timing of greenschist facies metamorphism at 700 Ma. Thus, Late Riphean age of the Barminskaya Group has been suggested. Results of local U-Pb dating of detrital zircon from silty sandstones of the Malochernoretskaya Formation, which constitutes the middle part of the outcropping section of the Barminskaya Group, confirm this conclusion. Age data for 95 zircon grains cover the range of 1035–2883 Ma with age peaks at 1150, 1350, 1550, 1780, and 1885 Ma. The minimum age of zircons, considered as the lower age constraint on sediment deposition, provides grounds to date the Barminskaya Group as Late Riphean and indicates eroded rock complexes of the Fennoscandian Shield as the possible provenance areas.  相似文献   

南秦岭刘岭群砂岩碎屑锆石LA-ICP-MS U-Pb年龄及其构造意义   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
陈龙耀  罗玉凌  刘晓春  曲玮  胡娟 《地质通报》2014,33(9):1363-1378
秦岭造山带的构造演化是理解华北与扬子陆块缝合过程的关键,位于商丹断裂带以南的刘岭群是揭示秦岭造山带晚古生代构造演化历史的重要窗口。采用LA-ICP-MS对刘岭群3个变质砂岩样品中的碎屑锆石进行了U-Th-Pb同位素测定,获得最年轻的一组年龄区间为377~395Ma,主要年龄峰值约为442Ma、780~850Ma和900~970Ma,表明刘岭群沉积时代可以持续到晚泥盆世,物质来源于北秦岭构造带。结合刘岭群北侧武关杂岩的最新研究成果可以确定,刘岭群和武关杂岩共同构成了华北陆块南缘中—晚泥盆世弧前盆地的沉积序列,暗示古秦岭洋的最终闭合发生在泥盆纪之后,而华北与扬子陆块碰撞的主缝合线应位于刘岭群的南侧。  相似文献   

陈龙耀  罗玉凌  刘晓春  曲玮  胡娟 《地质通报》2014,33(09):1363-1378
秦岭造山带的构造演化是理解华北与扬子陆块缝合过程的关键,位于商丹断裂带以南的刘岭群是揭示秦岭造山带晚古生代构造演化历史的重要窗口。采用LA-ICP-MS对刘岭群3个变质砂岩样品中的碎屑锆石进行了U-Th-Pb同位素测定,获得最年轻的一组年龄区间为377~395Ma,主要年龄峰值约为442Ma、780~850Ma和900~970Ma,表明刘岭群沉积时代可以持续到晚泥盆世,物质来源于北秦岭构造带。结合刘岭群北侧武关杂岩的最新研究成果可以确定,刘岭群和武关杂岩共同构成了华北陆块南缘中—晚泥盆世弧前盆地的沉积序列,暗示古秦岭洋的最终闭合发生在泥盆纪之后,而华北与扬子陆块碰撞的主缝合线应位于刘岭群的南侧。  相似文献   

正1研究目的(Objective)辽宁本溪地区是胶辽地块中发育新元古代地层的典型地区之一,但是对该地区新元古代地层的年代学研究相对较少,缺少足够的年代学数据,导致了区域上前寒武纪地层年代学的研究存在争议。本文对本溪地区新元古界上部康家组石英砂岩中的碎屑锆石进行了LA-ICP-MS U-Pb年龄测定,在对其沉积物源进行分析的同时,也为该地区新元古代地层的年代学研究提供了新的思路和  相似文献   

U-Pb dating of detrital zircons from the sandstones of the Mamakan Formation has been made. Geochemical and isotope parameters of the carbonate deposits of the Yanguda Formation in the Vendian-Cambrian cover of the North Muya continental block have been estimated. It has been established that only the Neoproterozoic (630-915 Ma) rocks of the North Muya block were the provenances of terrigenous material. In the least altered carbonate rocks of the Yanguda Formation, the 87Sr/86Sr ratio is within 0.70814-0.70879 and δ13C varies from -0.4 to + 1.9‰. Comparison of the evaluated isotope parameters with those of carbonate rocks of typical Vendian-Cambrian sections shows that the carbonate deposits of the Yanguda Formation accumulated in the Early Cambrian, about 520 Ma. Sedimentation of the Mamakan and Yanguda Formations took place in the local sedimentary basin in the Vendian-Early Cambrian, in the absence of tectonic activity within the North Muya block. Detrital material that formed during the destruction of the rocks of the Siberian Platform basement and cover was not supplied into the basin.  相似文献   

滇西澜沧岩群碎屑锆石U-Pb定年及其地质意义   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
虽然前人对澜沧岩群做了大量的研究,但缺乏同位素年代学方面的研究。此次研究针对澜沧江南段菖蒲塘-大田山地区澜沧岩群绢白云母石英片岩进行碎屑锆石U-Pb定年,为澜沧岩群的形成时代增添年代学证据。极大多数(129粒)锆石阴极发光(CL)图像显示其有明显的结晶振荡环带,指示其为岩浆成因的碎屑锆石,129粒碎屑锆石具有多组峰值年龄,最年轻一组年龄加权平均值为452±26Ma,表明澜沧岩群最早沉积时限不早于452±26Ma;极少数(1粒)锆石具弱阴极发光,缺乏内部结构特点,认为其为变质重结晶锆石,变质结晶锆石U-Pb年龄为255±3Ma,与前人研究所得澜沧岩群变质时代基本吻合。综合分析,澜沧岩群的沉积时限不早于452±26Ma,在二叠纪末期可能发生变质作用。  相似文献   

在西藏许如错地区新识别出的洁居纳卓组为一套固结—半固结的粗碎屑岩建造。为探讨该地层的沉积时代和沉积物源,对1个砂岩样品进行了碎屑锆石U-Pb年代学分析。获得了4组有效年龄:10.1~17.2Ma、41.7~72.2 Ma、77.9~87.8Ma、463~1610Ma。结合岩石组合特征、ESR测试结果和区域年龄资料,认为洁居纳卓组可能形成于上新世。物源分析结果显示,许如错以南的查孜及附近地区的林子宗群、布嘎寺组火山岩是洁居纳卓组沉积物质的主要来源,古新世-中新世的侵入岩和晚古生代地层也为其提供了少量的沉积物质。洁居纳卓组发育于许如错南北向地堑盆地之内,是上新世高原隆升在冈底斯地区的沉积响应,是青藏高原局部构造差异隆升的结果。  相似文献   

沙松乌拉组出露于东昆中构造混杂岩带,是东昆仑地区原特提斯洋洋盆打开时的沉积记录,确定其地层形成时代、物质来源及恢复构造演化过程,对研究东昆仑地区原特提斯洋的演化具有重要意义。对出露于东昆仑黑海湖—拉宁灶火沟一带的沙松乌拉组进行LA-ICP-MS碎屑锆石U-Pb年定,得到最年轻的锆石年龄为632±6 Ma,结合地层接触关系,为沙松乌拉组的时代划分提供了年龄依据;得到约650 Ma、约800 Ma、980 Ma三个明显峰值及大量未形成明显峰值的其他古老年龄,推测沙松乌拉组的主要物源有小庙群、万保沟群、晋宁期岩浆岩,次要物源为白沙河组。将得到的锆石年龄与各期构造-岩浆活动比对,认为沙松乌拉组的源区经历了古元古代早期构造-岩浆事件、中元古代晚期构造-岩浆事件和新元古代早期构造-岩浆事件。  相似文献   

韩国中东部的太白山盆地位于京畿、岭南两个构造单元之间。采用LA-ICP-MS方法,从太白山盆地下寒武统、中-上石炭统(下二叠统?)砂岩碎屑锆石中分别获得27个和47个U-Pb有效年龄,前者记录了1820~1945Ma、2172~2195Ma、2473~2593Ma等3期可信的构造热事件,相对概率峰值分别为1897Ma、2177Ma以及2528Ma;后者记录了288~340Ma、461~474Ma、1780~1892Ma、1941~1959Ma、2012~2050Ma等5期可信的构造热事件,其中相对概率峰值为305Ma和1867Ma的两组年龄比较集中。研究认为,太白山盆地与京畿、岭南两个地块均发育大约1850Ma的构造热事件,缺乏华南比较特征的新元古代构造热事件;进一步依据太白山盆地相应时段沉积古流向和古地理分布,说明太白山盆地至少与岭南地块之间存在密切的碎屑物源和构造属性关系,其构造热事件记录可与华北克拉通对比。另一方面,尽管中-上石炭统(下二叠统?)碎屑锆石记录了峰值为305Ma和468Ma可能发生在华北-朝鲜联合块体南缘的俯冲或构造热事件,但上述两个样品的碎屑锆石均缺乏新元古代构造热事件的年龄记录,所以亲华南的陆块至少在晚石炭世(早二叠世?)以前并未向太白山盆地提供碎屑物源。  相似文献   

华北克拉通胶东地区粉子山群碎屑锆石SHRIMPU-Pb定年   总被引:2,自引:16,他引:2  
胶东是华北克拉通重要的变质基底出露区之一。对该区古元古代粉子山群和荆山群中碎屑锆石的年龄分布特征的研究,可以为胶东地区早前寒武纪演化提供重要依据。由于Pb丢失作用,前人仅在粉子山群中获得少量锆石谐和年龄。本文对粉子山群长石石英片岩中碎屑锆石进行了SHRIMP定年。52颗锆石的61个数据点分析,获得36个谐和年龄(不谐和度10%)。所有具谐和年龄的锆石都具有高的Th/U比值,大多显示明显的岩浆环带,原为岩浆成因。谐和锆石年龄分布在2033~3429Ma之间,主要峰值分别为~2.19Ga和~2.48Ga。该样品中还含有2颗年龄大于3.3Ga的锆石,位于谐和线上的2颗最年轻碎屑锆石的年龄为~2.08Ga。结合前人研究,可得出如下结论:1)粉子山群和荆山群原岩沉积时代可进一步限制在1.9~2.1Ga之间;2)粉子山群与荆山群的碎屑锆石年龄分布形式存在明显区别,指示其源区可能不同;3)胶东地区可能存在古太古代地壳物质。  相似文献   

中条山绛县群碎屑锆石LA-ICP-MS U-Pb测年及其地质意义   总被引:5,自引:2,他引:3  
中条山位于山西省的南缘,主要由涑水杂岩、绛县群、中条群、担山石群和西阳河群组成.其中绛县群主要由变质的砂岩、半泥质岩、泥质岩、碳酸岩和火山岩组成.在取自绛县群的两个变质沉积岩样品中,利用LA-ICP-MS定年方法,获得85个单颗粒碎屑锆石,锆石年龄主要介于2416~2899Ma之间,样品05ZR02-1中的主峰值年龄为约2667Ma,样品05YQ12-1中的主峰值年龄为约2537Ma,表明这些变质沉积岩主要源于华北克拉通中部带,以晚太古代老地壳物质为主.在这些碎屑锆石中,最年轻的年龄为2160±17Ma,可代表其沉积时的最大年龄,绛县群变质沉积岩的的沉积作用应该发生在2200Ma之后,而不是在晚太古代后的2.5~2.3Ga,绛县群与北峪花岗岩之间并不是呈现侵入接触关系.  相似文献   

《Gondwana Research》2013,23(3-4):828-842
Whether any Grenvillian magmatic records are preserved in the North China Craton (NCC) is a key issue to understand the Proterozoic tectonic evolution of the NCC and its correlation to the supercontinent Rodinia. Meso- to Neo-proterozoic sedimentary series is well exposed in the NCC, but magmatic events in this period, especially of 1.3–1.0 Ga, have seldom been reported. New U–Pb isotopic dating and Hf isotopic composition analyses have been carried out in this study using SIMS and LA–ICP-MS methods on detrital zircons from sandstones of the Tumen Group in the Shandong Peninsula and quartz sandstones of the Sangwon System in the Phyongnam Basin, North Korea. The age populations of the detrital zircons of the Tumen Group are at ~ 2.5 Ga, ~ 1.85 Ga, ~ 1.7 Ga, ~ 1.58 Ga, ~ 1.5 Ga, ~ 1.36 Ga and ~ 1.2 Ga and those of the Sangwon System are at 1.88–1.86 Ga, ~ 1.78 Ga, 1.62–1.58 Ga, 1.46–1.41 Ga, ~ 1.32 Ga, ~ 1.17 Ga and ~ 980 Ma. Most of the age peaks of Neoarchean and Proterozoic correspond to the significant tectonic-magmatic-thermal events previously recognized in the NCC, revealing that the main provenances of the Tumen Group and the Sangwon System are Early Precambrian basement and Late Paleo- to Meso-proterozoic magmatic rocks of the NCC. Furthermore, the youngest detrital zircon ages of ~ 1.1 Ga from the Tumen Group and 984 Ma from the Sangwon System, as well as 910 Ma Rb–Sr whole rock isochron age of a limestone from the Tumen Group and 899 Ma mafic sills intruding the Sangwon System suggest that both groups were deposited in the Neoproterozoic, coevally with the Qingbaikou System in the Yanliao Aulacogen. The common zircon ages of 1.3–1.0 Ga from the Tumen Group and the Sangwon System, as well as the contemporaneous Penglai and Yushulazi Group in the eastern margin of the NCC, indicate that during the deposition of these sediments there have been significant contributions from Grenvillian magmatic rocks in the eastern NCC. This may provide clues to understand the possible relationship of the NCC and the supercontinent Rodinia. Moreover, the positive εHf (t) and ~ 2.8 Ga crust model ages of detrital magmatic zircons of 2.8–2.4 Ga suggest that there have been significant crustal growth at ~ 2.8 Ga in the eastern margin of the NCC, same as in other areas of the NCC.  相似文献   

The Southern Irumide Belt(SIB) is an orogenic belt consisting of a number of lithologically varied Mesoproterozoic and Neoproterozoic terranes that were thrust upon each other.The belt lies along the southwest margin of the Archaean to Proterozoic Congo Craton,and bears a Neoproterozoic tectonothermal overprint relating to the Neoproterozoic-Cambrian collision between the Congo and Kalahari cratons.It preserves a record of about 500 million years of plate interaction along this part of the Congo margin.Detrital zircon samples from the SIB were analysed for U-Pb and Lu-Hf isotopes,as well as trace element compositions.These data are used to constrain sediment-source relationships between SIB terranes and other Gondwanan terranes such as the local Congo Craton and Irumide belt and wider afield to Madagascar(Azania) and India.These correlations are then used to interpret the Mesoproterozoic to Neoproterozoic affinity of the rocks and evolution of the region.Detrital zircon samples from the Chewore-Rufunsa and Kacholola(previously referred to as Luangwa-Nyimba) terranes of the SIB yield zircon U-Pb age populations and evolved ε_(Hf)(t) values that are similar to the Muva Supergroup found throughout eastern Zambia,primarily correlating with Ubendian-Usagaran(ca.2.05-1.80 Ga) phase magmatism and a cryptic basement terrane that has been suggested to underlie the Bangweulu Block and Irumide Belt.These data suggest that the SIB was depositionally connected to the Congo Craton throughout the Mesoproterozoic.The more eastern Nyimba-Sinda terrane of the SIB(previously referred to as Petauke-Sinda terrane) records detrital zircon ages and ε_(Hf)(t) values that correlate with ca.1.1-1.0 Ga magmatism exposed elsewhere in the SIB and Irumide Belt.We ascribe this difference in age populations to the polyphase development of the province,where the sedimentary and volcanic rocks of the Nyimba-Sinda terrane accumulated in extensional basins that developed in the Neoproterozoic.Such deposition would have occurred following late-Mesoproterozoic magmatism that is widespread throughout both the Irumide and Southern Irumide Belts,presently considered to have occurred in response to collision between a possible microcontinental mass and the Irumide Belt.This interpretation implies a multi-staged evolution of the ocean south of the Congo Craton during the mid-Mesoproterozoic to late-Neoproterozoic,which ultimately closed during collision between the Congo and Kalahari cratons.  相似文献   

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