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Saito  Susumu  Sunda  Surendra  Lee  Jiyun  Pullen  Sam  Supriadi  Slamet  Yoshihara  Takayuki  Terkildsen  Michael  Lecat  Frédéric 《GPS Solutions》2017,21(4):1937-1947
GPS Solutions - We investigated characteristics of anomalous spatial gradients in ionospheric delay on GNSS signals in the Asia-Pacific (APAC) low-magnetic latitude region in the context of the...  相似文献   

针对电离层延迟改正对单频接收机用户带来误差较大的问题,该文基于球谐函数借助山东区域CORS双频观测数据建立山东区域电离层模型,并对硬件延迟偏差(DCB)和电子含量进行可靠性、稳定性分析,进一步使用单频精密单点定位(PPP)验证山东区域电离层模型的有效性。实验结果表明:测站DCB解算精度稳定在0.4ns内,解算卫星DCB与欧洲定轨中心(CODE)的偏差总体稳定在0.5ns内,区域电离层模型与CODE解算VTEC差值的均方根为1.22TECU,STD为0.93TECU,对山东区域单频PPP而言,山东区域电离层模型比CODE发布全球电离层模型在N、E、U方向精度明显提高。同时,建立的山东区域电离层模型从时间分辨率、空间分辨率上均优于CODE中心发布全球电离层模型。  相似文献   

Satellite-Based Augmentation Systems (SBASs) enhance the global navigation satellite system (GNSS) to support all phases of flight by providing required accuracy, integrity, continuity, and availability. The Korean SBAS program was recently initiated to develop a single-frequency SBAS aiming to provide Approach Procedure with Vertical guidance (APV)-I Safety-of-Life (SoL) service to aviation users by 2022 within the Korean region. We assess the preliminary availability of the single-frequency SBAS which will be deployed in the Korean peninsula. The resulting system performance shall be used as a baseline to design system components and specifications. The fundamental components of SBAS architecture, SBAS monitor network, geostationary earth orbiting satellite parameters, and ionospheric grid point mask, are defined and their effects on system performance are investigated. Ionospheric correction and integrity algorithm parameters including an ionospheric irregularity threat model are determined using data collected from the Korean GNSS network. The coverage of 99.9 % availability for APV-I service increases from approximately 70 % for the baseline case to 100 % when SBAS monitor stations are expanded to overseas. Even with the expanded monitor network, however, 90 % and less than 95 % availability for LPV-200 service can be achieved only in a very limited region.  相似文献   

针对如何有效地对各类电离层模型在建模实现、模型精度、模型时效性等方面进行综合评估问题,该文提出一种基于改进CODE模型(CODE+模型)全球电离层图(GIM)的预报电离层精度评估方法,通过增加我国陆态网监测站数据,提高我国及周边地区的电离层建模精度,弥补了CODE GIM在我国及周边地区因观测数据少而精度受限的不足。通过试验分析表明,改进CODE GIM能够满足精度要求,且更好地与我国实际电离层情况相吻合;并以此为基准评估GNSS广播电离层精度,对比分析了GPS、BDS、Galileo电离层模型的精度,得到一些初步结论。  相似文献   

北斗星基增强(BDSBAS)系统播发格网电离层改正数和格网电离层完好性参数GIVE,用以提升GNSS系统的服务精度并实现区域电离层活动完好性监视,以满足精密进近(GLS PA)需求.本文在实现BDSBAS格网电离层粗差剔除与改正数计算的基础上,提出了一种电离层完好性参数GIVE的优化方法,进而评估了BDSBAS格网电离...  相似文献   

This work aims to contribute to the understanding of the influence of the ionospheric layer height (ILH) on the thin layer ionospheric model (TLIM) used to retrieve ionospheric information from the GNSS observations. Particular attention is paid to the errors caused on the estimation of the vertical total electron content (vTEC) and the GNSS satellites and receivers inter-frequency biases (IFB), by the use of an inappropriate ILH. The work relies upon numerical simulations performed with an empirical model of the Earth’s ionosphere: the model is used to create realistic but controlled ionospheric scenarios and the errors are evaluated after recovering those scenarios with the TLIM. The error assessment is performed in the Central and the northern part of the South American continents, a region where large errors are expected due to the combined actions of the Appleton Anomaly of the ionosphere and the South-Atlantic anomaly of the geomagnetic field. According to this study, there does not exist a unique ILH that cancels the vTEC error for the whole region under consideration. The ILH that cancels the regional mean vTEC error varies with the solar activity and season. The latitude-dependent conversion error propagates to the parameters of the model used to represent the latitudinal variation on the vTEC on the ionospheric layer, and to the IFB, when these values are simultaneously estimated from the observed sTEC. Besides, the ILH that cancels the regional mean vTEC error is different from the one that cancels the IFB error and the difference between both ILH varies with the solar activity and season.  相似文献   

多系统全球卫星导航系统(GNSS)的出现为天基增强系统(SBAS)电离层格网模型的性能提升提供了可能,但多系统GNSS测量对电离层格网模型性能提升是有条件的. 为此,利用中国区域GPS观测模拟分析了多系统GNSS测量对中国区域电离层格网模型可用性的影响. 结果表明:多系统GNSS测量可有效提高电离层格网模型的覆盖范围. 中国南方地区存在低纬赤道电离异常(EIA)现象,严重影响SBAS电离层格网模型实现性能,单纯增加GNSS测量不能有效应对低纬电离异常现象影响. 中国北方地区电离层延迟变化平缓,在多系统GNSS测量情况下可以考虑减少地面监测站数量,仍能保持系统原有性能.   相似文献   

太阳活动高峰年山东区域电离层时空变化研究   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
2012年为太阳活动高峰年份,为了研究太阳活动高年区域电离层的变化特征,该文选取了山东区域内的SDCORS站点,构建了山东区域垂直电子含量(VTEC)球谐格网模型,对该年山东区域电离层时空变化规律进行分析。实验研究表明,在空间变化上山东区域电离层表现出较强的纬度相关性,出现了明显的分层现象。同时给出了山东电离层在时间上呈现出的时段变化、日变化、月变化、季节变化,发现VTEC受太阳活动影响较大,除了存在明显的单峰和双峰结构外,该年还发生了半年度异常现象。  相似文献   

Ionospheric scintillations are caused by time- varying electron density irregularities in the ionosphere, occurring more often at equatorial and high latitudes. This paper focuses exclusively on experiments undertaken in Europe, at geographic latitudes between ~50°N and ~80°N, where a network of GPS receivers capable of monitoring Total Electron Content and ionospheric scintillation parameters was deployed. The widely used ionospheric scintillation indices S4 and sj{\sigma_{\varphi}} represent a practical measure of the intensity of amplitude and phase scintillation affecting GNSS receivers. However, they do not provide sufficient information regarding the actual tracking errors that degrade GNSS receiver performance. Suitable receiver tracking models, sensitive to ionospheric scintillation, allow the computation of the variance of the output error of the receiver PLL (Phase Locked Loop) and DLL (Delay Locked Loop), which expresses the quality of the range measurements used by the receiver to calculate user position. The ability of such models of incorporating phase and amplitude scintillation effects into the variance of these tracking errors underpins our proposed method of applying relative weights to measurements from different satellites. That gives the least squares stochastic model used for position computation a more realistic representation, vis-a-vis the otherwise ‘equal weights’ model. For pseudorange processing, relative weights were com- puted, so that a ‘scintillation-mitigated’ solution could be performed and compared to the (non-mitigated) ‘equal weights’ solution. An improvement between 17 and 38% in height accuracy was achieved when an epoch by epoch differential solution was computed over baselines ranging from 1 to 750 km. The method was then compared with alternative approaches that can be used to improve the least squares stochastic model such as weighting according to satellite elevation angle and by the inverse of the square of the standard deviation of the code/carrier divergence (sigma CCDiv). The influence of multipath effects on the proposed mitigation approach is also discussed. With the use of high rate scintillation data in addition to the scintillation indices a carrier phase based mitigated solution was also implemented and compared with the conventional solution. During a period of occurrence of high phase scintillation it was observed that problems related to ambiguity resolution can be reduced by the use of the proposed mitigated solution.  相似文献   

针对电离层延迟误差目前是GNSS导航定位精度最重要误差源的现状,通过GNSS参考站或跟踪站实测数据计算电子总含量值,建立区域电离层模型,监测区域电离层变化,进而找到削弱或消除电离层延迟误差影响方法。利用曲面拟合实现建模,在模型的建立过程中通过对不同的模型阶数进行设置,对比不同情况下的模型精度,从而确定特定区域内最佳数据采样间隔及阶数设置,并在最佳阶数设置情况下,比较了预报不同时段的精度,进而对延迟量预报问题进行探讨,得出一些有益结论。可以通过该模型单独解算流动站站点的实时电离层延迟信息,这对多基站CORS的站间距离选择和单基站CORS基准站和流动站之间距离设计,尤其对提高单频接收机以及GIS产品用户的定位精度和差分模型的覆盖范围都具有实际参考意义。  相似文献   

电离层总电子含量(TEC)是影响GPS导航定位精度的重要因素之一。因此对于电离层总电子含量的研究及准确预测可以大大提高GPS的定位精度。由于灰色预测模型在理论上可以进行中长期预测,但实际应用中随着时间的推移,其预测精度会随之下降,为解决这一问题,对GM(1,1)模型进行改进,并将改进后的GM(1,1)模型与时间序列模型组合。利用改进的GM-AR模型进行TEC预报,预报的精度比两种方法单独预测的精度有较大提高,并应用实例证明该方法的可行性。  相似文献   

Klobuchar电离层延迟改正模型精化方法的研究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
在GPS导航定位中,单频接收机利用导航电文发播的Klobuchar电离层改正模型对电离层误差进行改正,但改正效果不太理想,为了提高其改正精度,并利用它进行电离层实时预报,我们通过电离层电子含量实测数据,对其进行精化,以满足要求。本文在原有Klobuchar电离层改正模型精化的基础之上,提出了一种新的精化方法,并对两种方法进行了比较研究,结果表明这两种精化方法对电离层的改正均有很好地提高,且本文提出的方法更优良。  相似文献   

Zhang  Ming  Liu  Hui  Bai  Zhengdong  Qian  Chuang  Fan  Chengcheng  Zhou  Peng  Shu  Bao 《GPS Solutions》2017,21(2):617-626
GPS Solutions - Ambiguity resolution (AR) speed is one of the most important performance indicators of a network RTK (real-time kinematics) system. Given the low correlation between the error...  相似文献   

针对由于缺少对地理空间数据访问控制安全威胁因素的详细分析使得现有的地理空间访问控制模型不够完善的问题,该文提出了地理空间数据访问控制安全威胁模型——STALE模型。该模型结合空间关系、多尺度、属性等地理空间数据特征,详细描述了地理空间数据文件与数据库在访问控制中存在的安全威胁。在此基础上,针对模型中各类威胁因素,提出了应对策略,并进行了实验验证,证明了STALE模型的实用性。  相似文献   

Precise GPS positioning requires the processing of carrier-phase observations and fixing integer ambiguities. With increasing distance between receivers, ambiguity fixing becomes more difficult because ionospheric and tropospheric effects do not cancel sufficiently in double differencing. A popular procedure in static positioning is to increase the length of the observing session and/or to apply atmospheric (ionospheric) models and corrections. We investigate the methodology for GPS rapid static positioning that requires just a few minutes of dual-frequency GPS observations for medium-length baselines. Ionospheric corrections are not required, but the ionospheric delays are treated as pseudo-observations having a priori values and respective weights. The tropospheric delays are reduced by using well-established troposphere models, and satellite orbital and clock errors are eliminated by using IGS rapid products. Several numerical tests based on actual GPS data are presented. It is shown that the proposed methodology is suitable for rapid static positioning within 50–70 km from the closest reference network station and that centimeter-level precision in positioning is feasible when using just 1 min of dual-frequency GPS data.  相似文献   

A new method for modeling the ionospheric delay using global positioning system (GPS) data is proposed, called the ionospheric eclipse factor method (IEFM). It is based on establishing a concept referred to as the ionospheric eclipse factor (IEF) λ of the ionospheric pierce point (IPP) and the IEF’s influence factor (IFF) . The IEF can be used to make a relatively precise distinction between ionospheric daytime and nighttime, whereas the IFF is advantageous for describing the IEF’s variations with day, month, season and year, associated with seasonal variations of total electron content (TEC) of the ionosphere. By combining λ and with the local time t of IPP, the IEFM has the ability to precisely distinguish between ionospheric daytime and nighttime, as well as efficiently combine them during different seasons or months over a year at the IPP. The IEFM-based ionospheric delay estimates are validated by combining an absolute positioning mode with several ionospheric delay correction models or algorithms, using GPS data at an international Global Navigation Satellite System (GNSS) service (IGS) station (WTZR). Our results indicate that the IEFM may further improve ionospheric delay modeling using GPS data.  相似文献   

Ionospheric delays compensation is a mandatory step for precise absolute and relative positioning of Low Earth Orbit Satellites (LEO) by GPS measurements. The most frequently used ionosphere model for real-time GPS-based navigation in LEO is an isotropic model proposed by Lear, which uses the Vertical Total Electron Content (VTEC) above the receiver and a mapping function for TEC evaluation along a given ray path. Based on significant assessed results available for ground-based GPS receivers, we propose the use of a different model relying on the thin shell assumption and a bilinear horizontal variation of the VTEC as a function of latitude and longitude in the shell. It is expected that this model is capable of better describing horizontal gradients in the ionosphere, thus improving ionospheric delay estimation, especially in intense ionospheric conditions. This model is referred to as Linear Thin Shell (LTS). LTS performance in estimating undifferenced and double-differenced ionospheric delays is checked by comparing measured and predicted delays computed using flight data from the GRACE mission. Results show that the LTS always outperforms the isotropic model, especially in case of high solar activity. Moreover, the LTS model provides a higher performance uniformity over a wide range of ionospheric delays, thus ensuring good performance in different conditions. The results obtained demonstrate that the LTS model improves the ionosphere delays estimation accuracy by 20 and 40% for undifferenced and double-differenced delays, respectively. This suggests the LTS model can effectively contribute to improving precision in LEO positioning applications.  相似文献   

电离层闪烁作为北极区域频发的一种天文灾害,会影响全球导航卫星系统(GNSS)时空服务,需对其进行有效的监测.监测电离层闪烁通常需要高采样频率(50 Hz)的电离层闪烁接收机,但其分布有限,难以提供较大区域(如北极区域)的全面监测.为此本文以1 Hz GNSS观测数据为基础,详细研究了利用大地测量趋势分离、精密单点定位和...  相似文献   

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