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Vertical and horizontal distribution patterns of larval and juvenile fishes were described from five offshore petroleum platforms in the north-central Gulf of Mexico. Light traps and passively-fished plankton nets were used nocturnally between 1995–2000 to collect fishes in surface and deep (15–23 m depth) waters within the platform structure, and light traps were also used in surface waters directly down-current of the platforms. Light traps fished at the surface, as opposed to at-depth, collected greater CPUEs and greater diversity of larval and juvenile fishes. Of the dominant taxa collected by light traps, clupeids, engraulids, synodontids, and presettlement blenniids were most common in surface waters within the platform, while postflexion scombrids and settlement-size blenniids and pomacentrids were most common in surface waters down-current of the platforms. Deep plankton nets collected greater densities of non-clupeiform larval fishes, although surface plankton nets collected greater numbers of taxa. The vertical distribution patterns described for dominant larval fish collected by plankton nets were generally consistent with those from other studies, i.e. clupeid, carangid, sciaenid and scombrid larvae more abundant in surface waters at platforms, and synodontid, bregmacerotid, gobiid and bothid larvae more abundant in deeper waters. Oil and gas platforms likely impact larval and juvenile fish populations, particularly considering their proliferation in the Gulf (i.e., over 4000 platforms). The results from this study provide valuable baseline information for future research investigating how platforms impact the life history stages of fish populations.  相似文献   

邢秀强  贾立华 《海洋工程》2008,26(1):98-102
海水可作为海洋石油平台热泵系统的冷热源,适宜的低温海水也可直接作为空调冷源。海水直接供冷系统可以通过海水变频泵或定流量海水泵抽取不同深度的海水,达到负荷变化的目的。探讨了空调系统中换热器、海水泵、海水输送管道、室内风管等材料的选择问题,提出海洋石油平台空调系统应采用中央空调机组集中送风。为了提高空调系统的可靠性,应采用换热器将海水与热泵机组或空调机组隔离开。  相似文献   

Phenylalkanes with carbon numbers between 16 and 19, characterized by the main carbon-18, have been identified in the modern sediments collected from gas hydrate area from the Gulf of Mexico. The structure of phenylalkanes with four isomers for every carbon number was determined by means of their mass spectra and previous studies. The distribution of the series characterized by a low molecular mass was similar to the distribution of n-alkane, alkylcyclohexanes and alkylbenzenes in each sample. There were differences in the distribution of the phenylalkane series between the S - 1, S - 4, S - 7, S - 9 samples and the S - 8, S - 10 and S - 11 samples. The phenylalkanes might be derived from Archaea associated with anaerobic oxidation of methane (AOM) processes in S - 1, S -4, S -7 and S -9 samples according to their distribution resembled with the distribution of the extract from a type of Archaea. The distribution of alkylcyclohexanes and alkylbenzenes in S - 1, S - 4, S - 7 and S - 9 sample was found to be similar to each other. The odd-over-even predominance of alkylcyclohexanes was seen as the input of some bac- terial.  相似文献   

Larval fishes were collected from the surf zone of Horn Island, Mississippi between March 1978 and April 1979. A standardized total of 39 435 larvae were taken from 222 collections in the inner and outer surf zone regions, representing fish in 69 taxa. Overall, considerably more larvae were collected in the outer surf zone (78·3%) than in the inner surf zone (21·7%). Engraulids, Chloroscombrus chrysurus and Symphurus spp. were the most abundant larvae taken from the outer surf zone while engraulids, Leiostomus xanthurus, Brevoortia patronus and Trinectes maculatus were the numerically dominant larvae in the inner surf zone. Seasonal peaks in abundance occurred at the outer surf zone stations during May and June and at the inner surf zone stations during December. Larval densities were significantly greater in night collections than in day collections.The occurrence of early larvae, late larvae and juveniles suggests that the surf zone habitat is important to several species of coastal marine fishes. Menticirrhus littoralis, Harengula jaguana and Trachinotus carolinus appear to most readily utilize the surf zone as a nursery area.  相似文献   

海洋油气平台在达到作业寿命后必须进行废弃处置,将海上退役平台改作人工鱼礁投放,对优化渔业资源、促进海洋经济持续发展具有重要意义。基于平台拆卸结构,共制作了箱状、管状、柱状、网状4种典型鱼礁实物模型,通过室内模拟试验和数值模拟研究,分析了不同鱼礁类型单体的稳定性和流场效应。结果表明:开口率0.1至0.8的箱状礁的稳定性均能满足要求,但开口率高于0.6的箱状礁难以形成连续的背涡流区域,设计时应使开口率低于0.6;管状礁应选择堆叠放置方式投放,且堆叠层数与稳定性和流场造成能力均呈正相关,在设计时尽量提高管状礁的堆叠层数;柱状礁设计时应尽量降低其重心,并减小迎流投影面的中空面积投放;基于平台的钻井架、火炬臂、栈桥设计的3种网状礁,均满足礁体稳定条件,且均能形成大范围的背涡流区域,可作为人工鱼礁投放。研究成果为平台造礁礁体结构设计提供了理论依据与实践基础,对海上退役平台的废弃处置具有一定的参考价值。  相似文献   

Mesopelagic fishes represent an important component of the marine food web due to their global distributions, high abundances and ability to transport organic material throughout a large part of the water column. This study combined stable isotope (SIAs) and gut content analyses (GCAs) to characterize the trophic structure of mesopelagic fishes in the North‐Central Gulf of Mexico. Additionally, this study examined whether mesopelagic fishes utilized chemosynthetic energy from cold seeps. Specimens were collected (9–25 August 2007) over three deep (>1,000 m) cold seeps at discrete depths (surface to 1,503 m) over the diurnal cycle. GCA classified 31 species (five families) of mesopelagic fishes into five feeding guilds: piscivores, large crustacean consumers, copepod consumers, generalists and mixed zooplanktivores. However, these guilds were less clearly defined based on stable isotope mixing model (MixSIAR) results, suggesting diets may be more mixed over longer time periods (weeks–months) and across co‐occurring species. Copepods were likely important for the majority of mesopelagic fishes, consistent with GCA (this study) and previous literature. MixSIAR results also identified non‐crustacean prey items, including salps and pteropods, as potentially important prey items for mesopelagic fishes, including those fishes not analysed in GCA (Sternoptyx spp. and Melamphaidae). Salps and other soft‐bodied species are often missed in GCAs. Mesopelagic fishes had δ13C results consistent with particulate organic matter serving as the baseline organic carbon source, fueling up to three trophic levels. Fishes that undergo diel vertical migration were depleted in 15N relative to weak migrators, consistent with depth‐specific isotope trends in sources and consumers, and assimilation of 15N‐depleted organic matter in surface waters. Linear correlations between fish size and δ15N values suggested ontogenetic changes in fish diets for several species. While there was no direct measure of mesopelagic fishes assimilating chemosynthetic material, detection of infrequent consumption of this food resource may be hindered by the assimilation of isotopically enriched photosynthetic organic matter. By utilizing multiple dietary metrics (e.g. GCA, δ13C, δ15N, MixSIAR), this study better defined the trophic structure of mesopelagic fishes and allowed for insights on feeding, ultimately providing useful baseline information from which to track mesopelagic trophodynamics over time and space.  相似文献   

Scleractinian corals create three-dimensional reefs that provide sheltered refuges, facilitate sediment accumulation, and enhance colonization of encrusting fauna. While heterogeneous coral habitats can harbor high levels of biodiversity, their effect on the community composition within nearby sediments remains unclear, particularly in the deep sea. Sediment macrofauna from deep-sea coral habitats (Lophelia pertusa) and non-coral, background sediments were examined at three sites in the northern Gulf of Mexico (VK826, VK906, MC751, 350–500 m depth) to determine whether macrofaunal abundance, diversity, and community composition near corals differed from background soft-sediments. Macrofaunal densities ranged from 26 to 125 individuals 32 cm−2 and were significantly greater near coral versus background sediments only at VK826. Of the 86 benthic invertebrate taxa identified, 16 were exclusive to near-coral habitats, while 14 were found only in background sediments. Diversity (Fisher’s α) and evenness were significantly higher within near-coral sediments only at MC751 while taxon richness was similar among all habitats. Community composition was significantly different both between near-coral and background sediments and among the three primary sites. Polychaetes numerically dominated all samples, accounting for up to 70% of the total individuals near coral, whereas peracarid crustaceans were proportionally more abundant in background sediments (18%) than in those near coral (10%). The reef effect differed among sites, with community patterns potentially influenced by the size of reef habitat. Taxon turnover occurred with distance from the reef, suggesting that reef extent may represent an important factor in structuring sediment communities near L. pertusa. Polychaete communities in both habitats differed from other Gulf of Mexico (GOM) soft sediments based on data from previous studies, and we hypothesize that local environmental conditions found near L. pertusa may influence the macrofaunal community structure beyond the edges of the reef. This study represents the first assessment of L. pertusa-associated sediment communities in the GOM and provides baseline data that can help define the role of transition zones, from deep reefs to soft sediments, in shaping macrofaunal community structure and maintaining biodiversity; this information can help guide future conservation and management activities.  相似文献   

Fish larvae abundance and distribution in the coastal zone off Terminos Lagoon and their relation to the environmental features of the Lagoon inlets were analysed (1986–87). The sampling grid consisted of 24 stations extending between 0·5 and 10 km off the Lagoon, including both Terminos Lagoon Inlets; El Carmen and Puerto Real. A total of 23 families and 43 species were identified. Highest larval abundance was registered during the rainy period (July and September) when the fluvial discharges favoured the planktonic development. The lowest larval abundance was recorded in the period of northern cold wind (January–March) when the fluvial discharges decreased. Bray-Curtis index defined two groups of stations, corresponding to each of the lagoon inlets, persisting throughout the year. The first one, ‘ El Carmen ’, was characterized by larvae of Engraulidae and Gobiidae; estuarine-dependent inhabitants. This group could be considered as a functional extension of the Lagoon to the sea. The second group, ‘ Puerto Real ’, was characterized by highest larval abundance of marine dwellers (e.g.Opisthonema oglinumandHarengula jaguana). This situation suggests that the Puerto Real Inlet could be the main entrance of marine fishes into the Lagoon. These results indicate that the coastal zone off Terminos Lagoon constitutes an important nursery area both for species spending part of their life cycle linked to this estuarine system, and for marine species that migrate towards the Lagoon, carried by local currents.  相似文献   

A physical experiment shows that shortening applied to existing diapirs and minibasins produces anomalous structural styles that are unlike those of more typical foldbelts. Strong minibasins remain largely undeformed while weak diapirs localize contractional strain. Short diapirs form the cores to folds and thrusted folds, whereas tall diapirs are squeezed and often welded, commonly leading to the extrusion of allochthonous material. Key features of the model are observed in real examples. In the northern Gulf of Mexico passive margin, minibasins were originally separated by a polygonal pattern of deep salt ridges, with diapirs located at ridge intersections. Gravity spreading resulted in squeezed diapirs (and associated allochthonous salt) connected by variably oriented contractional, extensional, and strike-slip structures. In the Flinders Ranges convergent-margin foldbelt of South Australia, preexisting diapirs were squeezed, welded, and thrusted, with anticlines plunging away in multiple directions, so that minibasins are surrounded by highly variable structures. A different geometry is observed in La Popa Basin, Mexico, where squeezing of a linear salt wall produced a vertical weld with diapirs at the terminations, rather than the culmination. In all areas, foldbelt geometries are strongly influenced by the preestablished salt-minibasin architecture.  相似文献   

Sponges are inhabited by a wide variety of organisms and have been regarded as one of the richest biotopes in tropical seas. The aim of this study was to assess the influence of the host morphology and selected environmental conditions on macrofaunal assemblages associated with the sponge Halichondria melanadocia in an estuarine system of the southern Gulf of Mexico. This sponge exhibits different growth forms when it inhabits mangrove prop roots of Rhizophora mangle (thickly encrusting form) and adjacent seagrass beds (massive, amorphous or ramose form). From a total of 50 sponge specimens collected in each habitat, a total of eight taxa (of epi‐ and endobionts) was found associated with this sponge, with polychaetes, echinoderms and crustaceans the most abundant groups. In both morphotypes (thickly‐encrusting and massive‐ramose forms), taxon richness was positively related to sponge volume and oscular diameter. The overall mean abundance of associated fauna was also positively related to sponge volume in both morphotypes and with the oscular diameter (in the seagrass morphotype only). These findings suggest that H. melanadocia constitutes an important microhabitat for a wide variety of fauna, independent of its morphology and habitat type. However, when comparing the two morphotypes, the mangrove individuals, despite having smaller sizes, smaller oscular diameter and less structural complexity, displayed an overall mean abundance of fauna 17 times higher [0.36 ± 0.18 individuals (ind.)·ml·sponge?1] than that recorded in the seagrass individuals (0.021 ± 0.01 ind.·ml·sponge?1). There were also marked differences in the proportions of the major taxonomic groups; in fact, some of them were found exclusively in one morphotype. The variability recorded in the composition and abundance of associated fauna between the morphotypes seems to be influenced by differences in sponge morphology, environmental conditions (e.g. sedimentation rate and light intensity), substrate orientation and the fauna inhabiting the surrounding area.  相似文献   

Caribbean coral reefs are under strong natural and human pressures and many have undergone phase shifts as a result of local and global change. However few studies have quantified the extent of these phase shifts and the potential impacts that they have on coral reef communities. A temporal comparative analysis of several coral reefscape and landscape metrics was conducted for data from Mahahual, Quintana Roo, Mexico, between the years 2000 and 2006, when a phase shift occurred. Landscape metrics were calculated from coral reef and coastal cover maps obtained by multispectral satellite image classification using IKONOS satellite imagery. These metrics showed that the coastal landscape and reefscape of Mahahual lost 85 ha of vegetation cover and 43 ha of coral cover over 6 years, respectively. Coastal landscape transformation was induced by the construction of a cruise ship pier and multiple associated tourist developments along the coast, such as hotels and restaurants, meanwhile alteration of the reefscape may be associated with potential stressors such as coastal development, bleaching events and hurricanes.  相似文献   

This study demonstrates the utilization of 2D basin models to address overpressure development due to compaction disequilibrium in supra-allochthonous salt mini-basins with very high sedimentation rates in the Gulf of Mexico. By properly selecting 2D line sections with moderate stratigraphic resolution, it is possible to predict timing of overpressure development and approximate present-day overpressure distributions in the mini-basin. This study shows that even low resolution models with approximate information on the net-to-gross (sand:shale ratio) can average ±0.4 ppg with a maximum error of 1.0 ppg relative to pressure measurements in sandstones. The models based on age, depth, approximate lithology and an interpretation of complicated salt movement are adequate to evaluate pressure to address issues around trap containment and may be used for preliminary well planning. This study tested the results of overpressure prediction utilizing different stratigraphic resolutions and shows the sensitivity of overpressure modeling to 2D line selection. Also, three models were built to investigate how the permeability of salt welds affects overpressure development in an adjacent salt mini-basin. These results indicate that even a salt weld permeability reduction of 1.5 log mD results in a pressure difference between neighboring mini-basins. Additionally, these models qualitatively reproduced the seismic velocity volume which is supporting evidence that the salt welds in this mini-basin are at least partially sealing.  相似文献   

The performance of two well accepted formulations for white capping and wind input of third generation wave models, viz., WAM-3 and WAM-4, were investigated using parallel unstructured SWAN (PunSWAN). Several alternative formulations were also considered to evaluate the effects of higher order steepness and wave number terms in white capping formulations. Distinct model configurations were calibrated and validated against available in situ measurements from the Gulf of Mexico. The results showed that some of the in situ calibrated models outperform the saturation level calibrated models in reproducing the idealized wave growth curves. The simulation results also revealed that increasing the power of the steepness term can enhance the accuracy of significant wave height (Hs), at the expense of a higher bias for large waves. It also has negative effects on mean wave period (Ta) and peak wave period (Tp). It is also demonstrated that the use of the quadratic wave number term in the WAM-3 formulation, instead of the existing linear term, ameliorates the Ta underestimation; however, it results in the model being unable to reach any saturation level. In addition, unlike Hs and Tp, it has been shown that Ta is sensitive to the use of the higher order WAM-4 formulation, and the bias is decreased over a wide range of wave periods. However, it also increases the scatter index (SI) of simulated Ta. It is concluded that the use of the WAM-4 wind input formulation in conjunction with the WAM-3 dissipation form, is the most successful case in reproducing idealized wave growth curves while avoiding Ta underestimation of WAM-3 and a potential spurious bimodal spectrum of WAM-4; consequently, this designates another perspective to improve the overall performance of third generation wave models.  相似文献   

衣凡  王磊  李博  余尚禹 《海洋工程》2019,37(4):16-26
针对带有禁止角的半潜平台动力定位系统推力分配算法功率较大的问题,提出了一种基于人工神经网络拟合桨—桨干扰推力损失函数的序列二次规划推力分配算法。该方法考虑了半潜平台桨—桨干扰造成的推力损失,引入推力系数来表达推力损失。利用人工神经网络拟合推力系数,将推力损失加入到推力分配的数学模型中,取消了禁止角。采用序列二次规划求解推力分配数学模型。最后以某半潜式钻井平台为例,选取三种浪向角工况进行推力分配仿真模拟,结果显示该算法在高效分配定位所需推力的同时有效减小了功率消耗,应用前景广泛。  相似文献   

Quantity, timing, duration, and fluctuation of freshwater inflow are important factors affecting the development and health of aquatic and adjacent wetland ecosystems in coastal estuaries. This study assessed six decades of freshwater inflow from the Amite River, Tickfaw River, and Tangipahoa River watersheds to Lake Pontchartrain, a large oligohaline estuary in the Northern Gulf of Mexico, whose flood waters caused recent damage to the city of New Orleans in the aftermath of Hurricane Katrina. By utilizing the long-term (1940–2002) river discharge and climatic data from the three major tributary watersheds, monthly and annual freshwater inflows have been quantified and their spatial and temporal variations have been analyzed. On average, the three rivers discharged (±standard error) 0.27 ± 0.04 km3 freshwater monthly and 3.29 ± 0.15 km3 freshwater annually into the lake estuarine system, with the highest inflow from the Amite River (0.16 ± 0.03 m3 mon−1, and 1.91 ± 0.09 km3 yr−1) and the lowest inflow from the Tickfaw River (0.03 ± 0.00 km3 mon−1, and 0.34 ± 0.02 km3 yr−1). A distinct seasonality was evident with over 69% of the total annual inflow occurring during December and May (wet months) and with a low flow period from August to November (dry months). The monthly inflow during the wet months was positively correlated with the monthly precipitation (r2 = 0.64), while the monthly inflow during the dry months was subject to evapotranspiration. Furthermore, the study found a 20-year low flow period from 1954–1973 (2.76 ± 0.24 km3 yr−1) and a 24-year high flow period from 1975–1998 (3.84 ± 0.24 km3 yr−1), coinciding with both the climate variation and population growth in the watersheds.  相似文献   

Seepiophila jonesi is a vestimentiferan tubeworm (Siboglinidae: Polychaeta) inhabiting the cold seeps of the upper slope of the Gulf of Mexico. It commonly co‐occurs with Lamellibrachia luymesi, which is among the most long‐lived non‐clonal animals known. The growth pattern of S. jonesi is best described by a model including a size‐specific probability of growth and an average growth rate that does not vary with individual size. This model, based on growth data from in situ staining and collection approximately 1 year later, predicts that S. jonesi is very slow growing and may attain ages comparable with L. luymesi. The efficacy of this model in describing L. luymesi growth rate was assessed, but the previously employed model of declining growth rate with individual size provided the better fit to the empirical data. Comparisons of both S. jonesi and L. luymesi growth rates among sites and among aggregations within a site indicate that there is some degree of habitat variability contributing to differences in growth rates. However, position of the anterior end of the worm within an aggregation did not have a significant effect on growth rate in comparisons among groups of L. luymesi from different distances from the center of an aggregation. The evolution of longevity in these species of vestimentiferans was favored by the relative stability of the seep habitat and sulfide sources, in contrast to the hydrothermal vent environment inhabited by relatively short‐lived and fast‐growing vestimentiferan species.  相似文献   

针对深海半潜式平台及其系泊系统的水动力特性,运用时域耦合的分析方法,对一座水深为1 000 m的半潜式平台,及其悬链线式系泊系统的水动力性能进行探索,获得频域和时域响应结果。同时阐述了平台系泊系统的设计流程,并通过系泊系统参数的变化,研究其特性寻找影响系泊系统作用的一般规律,为平台及其系泊系统设计提供参考。  相似文献   

Trawl surveys were conducted in 2000 and 2001 to examine patterns of distribution and abundance of postsettlement red snapper (Lutjanus campechanus) on a shell bank, Freeport Rocks Bathymetric High (FRBH), in the northwestern Gulf of Mexico. In addition, otolith-based methods were used to determine age, hatch-date, growth and mortality of new recruits associated with FRBH. Date and region were significant factors affecting density of red snapper in 2000. Peak densities of red snapper were observed in July and August, and mean density among habitat types (shell bank, inshore mud, offshore mud) was similar (range: 50–52 ind hectare−1) in 2000. Alternatively, a habitat effect was detected during a limited survey conducted in 2001, with density higher on the shell bank than inshore or offshore mud habitat. Postsettlement red snapper were first detected at approximately 16 mm standard length, and individuals less than 20 mm were present in all habitats. Estimated ages of red snapper ranged from 26 to 121 d, with new settlers (≤20 mm) typically less than 28 d. Predicted hatch dates ranged from early April to mid August with a single peak occurring from late May to early June. Growth rate for the April–May cohort (0.817 mm d−1) was similar to the June–July cohort (0.830 mm d−1). Habitat-specific differences in growth were observed, and rates were highest for individuals from the inshore habitat (0.881 mm d−1). Mortality rates (Z) during the early post-settlement period were approximated using catch curves, and early life mortality of red snapper was 12.1% d−1 (Z=0.129). While the difference in mortality between cohorts was negligible, a habitat-specific difference in mortality was observed. Mortality rate of red snapper inhabiting the inshore mud habitat (Z=0.045, 4.4% d−1) was lower than rates observed for individuals on the shell bank (Z=0.120, 11.9% d−1) or offshore (Z=0.099, 9.3% d−1) habitat. Individuals residing in the inshore habitat had significantly higher growth rates and significantly lower mortality rates, suggesting that recruitment potential was higher for these individuals.  相似文献   

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