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There is an increasing demand for groundwater vulnerability maps which illustrate the exposure of aquifers against pollution. These maps show areas of greatest potential for groundwater contamination on the basis of local subsurface conditions. Parameters affecting vulnerability are mainly permeability and thickness of each protective layer. For unconsolidated sediments, the permeability is strongly related to the clay content, which can be deduced from indirect resistivity methods, like electrical-imaging. Such geophysical methods can be of great help in groundwater vulnerability studies because they disturb neither the structure nor the dynamics of the soil. Sensibility analysis was performed of the electrical resistivity tomography method for accurately mapping soil media. Managers and public administrators may effectively use this method for assessing the potential risk of groundwater contamination. In the studied zone, electrical resistivity exhibits a wide range of variability that can be easily correlated to soil parameters, such as clay content and hydraulic conductivity. A numerical index of protection has been assessed from the geophysical information derived from 2D electrical resistivity tomography. This work represents a preliminary approach on the natural vulnerability evaluation of shallow aquifers at the Empordà basin (NE Spain) that is highly affected by diffuse pollution by nitrates.  相似文献   

Two-dimensional (2-D) electrical resistivity and three-dimensional (3-D) gravity explorations were undertaken to estimate the 3-D distribution of karst cavities at the area of Yongweol-ri in Korea where ground subsidence has occurred. Although the gravity method is a low-cost way of analyzing a 3-D continuous structure, its vertical resolving power is poor. In contrast, the electrical resistivity method can provide a 2-D and/or 3-D subsurface structure with a much higher lateral and vertical resolution than the gravity method. Accordingly, geostatistical methods and density information were used to enhance the 2-D resistivity structure revealed by the electrical resistivity method into a 3-D structure. The assumptions are, first, that each data set senses the same underlying geological structure in terms of different material properties and, secondly, that two different material properties are correlated locally or globally throughout the entire target area. As a result, the distribution of limestone cavities can be estimated under the assumption that they are mostly filled with groundwater and clayey soils and have abnormally low levels of resistivity and density. The estimated distribution corresponds with the grouting, borehole imaging and monitoring data. In this example, it can be seen that the integration analysis of 2-D electrical resistivity and 3-D gravity methods is a very powerful tool for 3-D subsurface imaging and that the method can provide enhanced imaging capabilities for 3-D cavities.  相似文献   

As part of a larger regional research program “KarstEAU”, the authors have applied electrical resistivity tomography (ERT) techniques to characterize heterogeneities in the Port-Miou coastal karst aquifer (Cassis, SE France). Field surveys were carried out on intensely fractured and karstified Urgonian carbonates. Extensive research has characterized macro- and micro-scale geology of the Port-Miou area and particularly underground water-filled conduits and fault/fracture and karst systems within a former quarry. The authors applied 2D ERT along two surface profiles of length 420 and 595 m to test capability for delineating subsurface conduits and possibly relationship between conduit and fault/fracture/karst orientation; and 3D ERT with a dense 120 electrode array at 1 m spacing (11 × 10 m) was applied over an area of the quarry that had been profiled using 3D georadar and which has had intensive nearby structural geological interpretation. The 2D profiling imaged several underground conduits at depths to >50 m below ground surface and below sea level, including possibly the main Port Miou submarine spring and smaller springs. The 2D profiling within the quarry provided a better understanding of the connectivity between major fractures and faults on the quarry walls and secondary springs along the coast supporting flow of the secondary springs along interpreted fracture orientations. In addition, 2D inversion-derived conductivity models indicate that high resistivity zones above sea-level are associated with non-saturated zones and low resistivity anomalies in the non-saturated zone are associated with residual clays in paleokarsts. A partitioned lower resistivity zone below sea-level can be associated with a higher porosity/permeability zone with fractures and karstic features. Inversion models of the dense 3D ERT data indicate a higher resistivity volume within the larger surveyed block. The survey characterized the non-saturated zone and the ERT resistivities are correlated with karst features interpreted by 3D georadar and visible in the inferior wall of the quarry.  相似文献   

刘道涵  徐俊杰  齐信  邬健强 《中国岩溶》2023,42(6):1331-1338
岩溶地下水通道是隐伏岩溶区常见的地质现象,开展城市隐伏岩溶通道探测对城市地下空间开发和地质灾害防治具有重要意义。岩溶通道常具有高度的空间变异性,常规二维探测难以对其进行较好的表征。基于此,文章采用三维高密度电法对城市隐伏岩溶地下通道进行了精细探测,结合地球物理数值模拟和应用实例,分析三维高密度电法对不同充填类型岩溶地下通道的成像效果。结果表明:三维高密度电法较二维探测在数据量和分辨率上均有较大提升,可更直观地表征目标体三维电性结构特征,该探测方法对岩溶地下水通道成像具有优势;通过对武汉市源泉村岩溶地下水通道三维电性成像,揭示了该低温热泉的地下水运移特征,可为城市地热勘探开发提供参考。  相似文献   

The Guangxi area is famous for its high degree of karstification due to a long period of groundwater erosion and the development of fracture networks. Karst collapse appeared during the mining process and caused many environmental problems. Applying electrical resistivity imaging (ERI) is the most cost-effective method to study the characteristic of the subsurface karst environment. In this area, more than 24 km of ERI profiles around a mining area is carried out to present the development of karst which will be used to evaluate the effects on the ground water and the surrounding environment. The area represents a classical limestone rock which is of high quality and is used for cement production. In this study, the ERI is used to determine the geometry of the karst range at depth. The results are in good agreement with drilling experiments. The ERI survey provided near-surface resistivity information, which is very useful for establishing the geometry and the position of potential karst.  相似文献   

重非水相流体(DNAPLs)的电阻率一般较高,在地下介质中与周围的地下水形成明显的电性差别。利用这一特性,非侵入式的高密度电阻率法(ERT)在探测DNAPLs污染场址中污染范围展现出一定优势。然而在实际场址的调查应用中,ERT有时无法探测到显著的高阻异常,或探测的高阻异常是由于介质的非均质性产生,从而导致对DNAPLs污染分布的误判。针对该问题,文章首先基于有效介质电阻率模型,计算了不同DNAPLs饱和度情形下的地层总电阻率值,从理论上解释了当DNAPLs污染程度较低时不存在显著高阻异常的原因。进一步构建理想ERT正演模型,探讨ERT探测DNAPLs污染的适宜性。研究结果表明:介质的非均质性(例如高阻的砾石等)对ERT探测具有很强的干扰,可造成DNAPLs分布范围的误判,因此传统静态ERT探测DNAPLs污染仅适用于均质介质或者非均质介质中DNAPLs污染程度较高的条件。对于非均质介质DNAPLs污染程度较低时,需采用基于时间域的差分反演方法屏蔽介质非均质性的影响,从而准确判定DNAPLs分布。  相似文献   

Electrical resistivity imaging is a widely used tool in near surface geophysical surveys for investigation of various geological, environmental and engineering problems including landslide. In this study, an electrical resistivity tomography (ERT) survey was conducted in a landslide area, located in the Söke district of Aydın, Turkey. In 2003, the Neogene-aged units on the slope next to a newly built school building became unstable due to an excavation work and moved after a heavy rainfall. The resulting landslide partly covered the school. The authors carried out a 2-D resistivity survey along three profiles over the landslide mass using a Wenner configuration. It yielded useful information about the geometry and characteristics of the landslide. In addition, a 2-D synthetic resistivity modelling study was carried out to understand the response of the resistivity method to a landslide problem before the field surveys. Eight boreholes were also drilled in the landslide area. Both the drilling and resistivity results indicated the presence of a fault in the site. Also, the resistivity data from the line measured along the axis of the landslide revealed the surface of rupture.  相似文献   

 Sinkhole collapse is one of the main limitations on the development of karst areas, especially where bedrock is covered by unconsolidated material. Studies of sinkhole formation have shown that sinkholes are likely to develop in cutter (enlarged joint) zones as a result of subterranean erosion by flowing groundwater. Because of the irregular distribution of pinnacles and cutters on the bedrock surface, uncertainties arise when "hit-or-miss" borehole drilling is used to locate potential collapse sites. A high-resolution geophysical technique capable of depicting the details of the bedrock surface is essential for guiding the drilling program. Dipole-dipole electrical resistivity tomography (ERT) was used to map the bedrock surface at a site in southern Indiana where limestone is covered by about 9 m of clayey soils. Forty-nine transects were conducted over an area of approximately 42,037 m2. The electrode spacing was 3 m. The length of the transects varied from 81 to 249 m. The tomographs were interpreted with the aid of soil borings. The repeatability of ERT was evaluated by comparing the rock surface elevations interpreted from pairs of transects where they crossed each other. The average difference was 2.4 m, with a maximum of 10 m. The discrepancy between interpreted bedrock-surface elevations for a transect intersection may be caused by variations in the subsurface geology normal to the transect. Averaging the elevation data interpreted from different transects improved the ERT results. A bedrock surface map was generated using only the averaged elevation data at the transect junctions. The accuracy of the map was further evaluated using data from four exploratory boreholes. The average difference between interpreted and actual bedrock surface-elevations was less than 0.4 m. The map shows two large troughs in the limestone surface: one coinciding with an existing sinkhole basin, while the other is in alignment with a small topographic valley. Because sinkholes were observed at the same elevation interval in similar valleys in the vicinity, the delineated trough may have implications for future land use at the site. Received: 4 January 1999 · Accepted: 8 March 1999  相似文献   

Electrical Resistivity Tomography is a versatile, fast and cost effective technique for mapping the shallow subsurface anomaly. It covers a wide spectrum of resistivity ranging from <1 Ohm.m to several thousands of Ohm.m. In this paper applications and utility of two-dimensional Electrical Resistivity Tomography (ERT) technique are discussed to look into huge data density coverage, different signal strengths of data from subsurface and their implications in resolving the aquifer zones, related geological structures etc. of the substratum ranging from alluvium to tectonically disturbed hard rock ridge region of the country. The major advantages and flexibility of ERT over conventional resistivity methods are also discussed.  相似文献   

高密度电法在岩溶探测中的应用   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
灰岩分布区岩溶发育易引发地面塌陷.从而形成地质灾害。高密度电法近年来被应用于灾害地质调查及工程勘察中。以某一段穿越岩溶发育区的高速公路为例,应用高密度电法对区内第四系土洞、岩溶、断裂发育等灾害地质体进行了探测。结果显示,电阻率断面图上显示的异常区与实际灾害地质体吻合,展示了其工程应用前景。  相似文献   

TST技术在岩溶地区隧道超前预报中的应用   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
肖启航  谢朝娟 《岩土力学》2012,33(5):1416-1420
顶效隧道位于岩溶发育地区,地质构造复杂,岩体破碎,对超前预报技术的要求高,风险较大。目前国内外应用的隧道超前预报技术多数都存在着技术缺陷,不能区分不同方向的地震回波,不能准确地确定掌子面前方围岩的波速,不能正确地进行纵横波分离等问题,影响到预报的可靠性和准确性。为了确保施工安全,减少和避免地质灾害发生,顶效隧道超前预报中采用了TST技术。应用结果表明,TST技术采用空间阵列系统和速度扫描技术有效地解决了掌子面前方围岩速度分布问题,提高了构造定位精度;应用二维方向滤波技术有效地消除了上下、左右的侧向回波和面波干扰,成功提取了前方回波用于超前预报,避免了虚报误报,解决了复杂地质条件下的超前预报问题。  相似文献   

The objective of this study is to evaluate the effectiveness of DC resistivity surveys for imaging the wastewater percolation around the stabilization ponds in the Tenth of Ramadan City, the desert fringes of East Nile Delta, Egypt. Detailed resistivity surveys, including DC soundings and electrical resistivity tomography (ERT), were carried out along several profiles. Furthermore, synthetic modeling of ERT was designed to optimize the survey configurations and interpretation of the results. A 2D modeling of smoothness-constrained least-squares inversion scheme was applied to delineate the possible wastewater infiltration zones from oxidation ponds. Because the geoelectrical interpretation has a degree of non-uniqueness, the resistivity inversion was constrained using borehole lithological information and soil sample laboratory measurements. The DC inversion results indicate decreasing resistivity down to a depth of 15 m around waste disposal sites. The inferred soil zone close to the oxidation ponds was a mixture of sand, silt and clay. Moreover, the clay minerals were characterized by moderate swelling that could have reduced the vertical infiltration speed, causing wastewater seepage, especially around unlined disposal sites and open surface drains. Accordingly, the medium-to-low resistivity values can be attributed to wastewater leakage in clayey sand soil. Because the area slopes generally toward the northeast, the surface seepage was dominant in the shallow impermeable sandy clay subsoil. Therefore, measuring soil parameters is a complementary method to optimize resistivity interpretation, with potential for mitigating environmental hazards from wastewater leakage around disposal ponds.  相似文献   

Exploration of Geothermal resources is important from energy point of view. Western margin of volcanic Deccan traps, also known as Western Ghats, is characterized with the presence of numerous hot springs. The resistivity contrast for the geothermal reservoir rock and the surrounding host rock is significantly high in volcanic terrain which is the case of present study. In such cases the resistivity associated with geothermal reservoirs usually varies from <5 to 15 Ohm-m regardless of how high resistivity is outside the reservoir zone. Direct current (DC) resitivity method is proved to be more suitable method for delineation of groundwater reservoirs. The present work describes the results of electrical resistivity tomography survey carried out at four hot spring sites located at Unhavare (Khed), Tural, Rajwadi and Aravali villages of Chiplun taluk in Ratnagiri district of Maharashtra for delineation of the geothermal reservoirs and associated geological features like faults and fractures responsible for vertical movement of geothermal water with the sole purpose of harnessing geothermal energy. In addition to this, the present study is also aimed to delineate the groundwater reservoirs with normal temperature for exploration purpose to meet the local water supply demand. The interpreted results of the field data suggest the presence of two potential geothermal reservoirs at Unhavare (Khed) and one each at Tural and Aravali. Potential groundwater zones with normal temperature are also delineated for groundwater exploration at Rajwadi and Aravali sites.  相似文献   

Water injection tests and electrical logging are particularly useful techniques in the characterization of geological media in engineering works. In this paper these techniques in conjunction with cracks measurements obtained from drilling cores, were used in the characterization of a singular location in a karst massif. The aim of our work is to determine the hydraulic characteristics of the investigated site, as well as to establish the relationship between the data obtained by the different techniques used. Thus, electrical resistivity records and fracture data were obtained from two boreholes of 100 and 120 m depth. Hydraulic conductivity was calculated from 25 low-pressure water injection tests (LPT) carried out at different depths in both boreholes. The relationship between hydraulic conductivity and fracture frequency was not very statististically significant (R2: 0.062–0.672; σest: 0.61–1.575). Conversely, electrical resistivity and hydraulic conductivity had a great relationship (R2: 0.725–0.935; σest: 0.159–0.738), so the electrical resistivity may be related to the functionality of the fractures. Finally, the LPT is shown as a very practical tool for determining the degree of the hydraulically interconnection with the surroundings, for establishing the hydraulic conductivity profile and for obtaining a measure of soil erosionability according to the significance of the fracture washing out processes recorded.  相似文献   

Hydraulic processes in porous media can be monitored in a minimally invasive fashion by time-lapse electrical resistivity tomography (ERT). The permanent installation of specifically designed ERT instrumentation, telemetry and information technology (IT) infrastructure enables automation of data collection, transfer, processing, management and interpretation. Such an approach gives rise to a dramatic increase in temporal resolution, thus providing new insight into rapidly occurring subsurface processes. In this paper, we discuss a practical implementation of automated time-lapse ERT. We present the results of a recent study in which we used controlled hydraulic experiments in two test cells at reduced field scale to explore the limiting conditions for process monitoring with cross-borehole ERT measurements. The first experiment used three adjacent boreholes to monitor rapidly rising and falling water levels. For the second experiment, we injected a saline tracer into a homogeneous flow field in freshwater-saturated sand; the dynamics of the plume were then monitored with 2D measurements across a 9-borehole fence and 3D measurements across a 3 × 3 grid of boreholes. We investigated different strategies for practical data acquisition and show that simple re-ordering of ERT measurement schemes can help harmonise data collection with the nature of the monitored process. The methodology of automated time-lapse ERT was found to perform well in different monitoring scenarios (2D/3D plus time) at time scales associated with realistic subsurface processes. The limiting factor is the finite amount of time needed for the acquisition of sufficiently comprehensive datasets. We found that, given the complexity of our monitoring scenarios, typical frame rates of at least 1.5–3 images per hour were possible without compromising image quality.  相似文献   

吴亚楠 《中国岩溶》2018,37(4):617-623
岩溶不仅会导致基岩面起伏很大,而且会产生较多的溶蚀带、溶洞、土洞等岩溶地质特征,灰岩分布区发生的地面塌陷等地质灾害,对建筑物安全及社会经济发展造成了严重的危害,高密度电阻率法是岩溶地质调查的重要物探手段。文章根据高密度电阻率法的基本原理及特点,对莱芜市泉河地区进行了岩溶地质勘查,通过对视电阻率二维成像图异常形态、高低阻等的反演分析,推断了该地区岩溶分布范围、大小和埋深。经钻探验证,推断结果与钻探资料吻合,为该地区岩溶塌陷地质灾害防治提供参考价值。  相似文献   

龙凤山水库土石坝电阻率层析成像无损检测技术   总被引:2,自引:2,他引:2  
层析成像是近年来得到蓬勃发展的一项无损检测新技术,具有信息量丰富、准确、直观的独特优势,因此,在土石坝无损检测中正发挥着越来越重要的作用。在阐述电阻率层析成像基本理论的基础上,对龙凤山水库土石坝进行一系列层析成像无损检测,查明了龙凤山水库土石坝的渗漏通道,同时也证实了利用这一方法进行土石坝无损检测的可靠性。现场试验表明,层析成像无损检测技术可以在土石坝的病害检测中推广应用。  相似文献   

高密度电法在柳州太阳村镇岩溶塌陷区调查中的应用研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
郑智杰 《地质与勘探》2017,53(1):124-132
为了查明柳州太阳村镇岩溶塌陷形成的地质背景,本文采用高密度电法对该塌陷区进行调查研究。研究结果表明:高密度电法对于确定土层的厚度,区分土层和岩石的分界面具有较好的效果,通过电阻率的分布及变化趋势,可以较好的圈定地下岩溶裂隙带的发育位置,结合地质资料,对识别断裂破碎带也有较好的效果。三个塌陷区的致塌地质背景不尽相同:第Ⅰ,Ⅲ塌陷区塌陷的形成与人类活动密切相关,分别由机井抽水及输油管道铺设引发;第Ⅱ塌陷区塌陷的形成与自然因素相关,由断裂破碎带触发。通过高密度电法反演结果断面图,能较准确地查明塌陷的潜伏隐患区:第Ⅰ塌陷区的隐伏区为通过抽水井的近东西向的岩溶裂隙带,第Ⅱ塌陷区地质灾害的潜伏区为断层西侧的岩溶裂隙带,第Ⅲ塌陷区的隐患区为输油管道附近东侧的岩溶裂隙带,均位于人类活动频繁附近地段及构造发育带。  相似文献   

Measurements of electrical resistivity anomalies using a Wenner electrode array in a profiling mode were conducted over a 105-acre area near Crystal River, Florida Analyzed results of collected data were used to determine the likelihood of subsurface solution cavities beneath a proposed ash disposal area “Sounding” measurements with electrode spacing values extending up to 100 feet and Lee electrode measurements were used to identify and locate specific anomaly maxima identified anomalies on the order of 200 chms-feet contrasted with expected values of 300 to 400 ohms-feet and were attributed to lower resistivities inherent in water-filled solution cavities below a shallow water table Prominent cavity complexes at 5 to 15 feet depth were predicted in areas of low resistivity anomalies in the otherwise geoelectrically uniform, Eocene Ocala limestone Shallow test borings confirmed the presence of a significant concentration of shallow cavities in the predicted areas This study demonstrated the feasibility of electrical resistivity measurements as a reconnaissance tool to economically determine subsurface cavities and to aid in developmental and environmental planning  相似文献   

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