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The possibility of cosmic-ray (CR) acceleration to energies above 109 GeV per nucleus in extended Galactic OB associations is analyzed. A two-stage acceleration mechanism is justified: at the first stage, the acceleration by separate shock fronts from spatially and temporally correlated supernovae explosions takes place, and, at the second stage, the Fermi acceleration by supersonic turbulence in an extended, strongly perturbed region near the OB association takes place. We calculate the CR energy spectrum, the change in CR chemical composition with energy, and the energy dependence of the mean logarithm of atomic mass, ?lnA?, for the accelerated particles. The calculated values are compared with those observed near the break in the energy spectrum. We estimate the turbulence parameters, which allow the observed features of the energy spectrum and the CR enrichment with heavy elements to be explained.  相似文献   

We investigated the kinematics of the pulsar wind nebula (PWN) in the old supernova remnant CTB 80 using the Fabry-Perot interferometer of the 6-m Special Astrophysical Observatory telescope. In addition to the previously known expansion of the system of bright filaments with a velocity of 100–200 km s?1, we detected weak high-velocity features in the Hα line at least up to velocities of 400–450 km s?1. We analyzed the morphology of the PWN in the Hα, [S II], and [O III] lines using HST archival data and discuss its nature. The shape of the central filamentary shell, which is determined by the emission in the [O III] line and in the radio continuum, is shown to be consistent with the bow-shock model for a significant (about 60°) inclination of the pulsar’s velocity vector to the plane of the sky. In this case, the space velocity of the pulsar is twice as high as its tangential velocity, i.e., it reaches ?500 km s?1, and PSR B1951+32 is the first pulsar whose radial velocity about 40 km s?1 has been estimated from PWN observations. The shell-like Hα-structures outside the bow shock front in the east and the west could be associated with both the pulsar’s jets and the pulsar wind breakthrough due to the layered structure of the extended CTB 80 shell.  相似文献   

We study in detail the effect of different particle release times from sources on the cosmic ray (CR) spectrum below 1015 eV in the Galaxy. We discuss different possible forms of particle injection such as burst-like injection, continuous injection for a finite time, injection from a stationary source and energy-dependent injection. When applied to the nearby known supernova remnants, we find that the observed CR anisotropy data favour the burst-like particle injection model for the CR diffusion coefficient   D ( E ) ∝ E a   with   a = 0.3 –0.6  in the local region. In this study we have also found that the contribution of the sources G114.3+0.3 and Monogem dominate if the observed anisotropy is a result of the effect of the nearby sources. Further study shows that we should not neglect the contribution of the undetected old sources to the local CR anisotropy.  相似文献   

Based on RATAN-600 21-cm line observations with an angular resolution of 2.4′ over a wide range of radial velocities, we analyze the neutral-hydrogen distribution in the region of the SNR G78.2+2.1. In addition to an H I shell at low radial velocities immediately surrounding the radio remnant, we detected an extended expanding H I shell, ≈3° in diameter, at a radial velocity of ?25 km s?1, which closely coincides in coordinates and angular sizes with the outer X-ray shell discovered by Lozinskaya et al. (2000). The Hα emission studied by these authors in the SNR region also has a secondary peak at radial velocities from ?45 to ?20 km s?1. Since the radial velocities of these two objects differ significantly, their distances can be assumed to differ as well; i.e., a chance projection of two distinct objects is observed.  相似文献   

We propose a method for computing the bolometric light curves of type Ia and Ib/c supernovae based on Monte Carlo simulations of unsteady-state radiative transfer. The method is used to analyze the bolometric light curve of the unusual type Ib/c supernova SN 1998bw associated with GRB 980 425. We show that the previously noted inconsistency in the behavior of simulated light curves at early and late stages, which is attributable to asymmetry effects, can be overcome in a spherically symmetric model. Agreement with observations requires complete 56Ni mixing and a higher matter density in the central part of the envelope in the velocity range v<5000 km s?1 compared to standard models.  相似文献   

The dependences of various parameters for S-and C-type supernova remnants (SNRs) on their diameters are investigated. Only SNRs with D≤40 pc that expand initially within H II regions and, subsequently, in dense media are considered. The expansion velocities and thermal electron densities of these SNRs were found to decrease with increasing diameter, on average, as D ?1 and D ?0.5, respectively. H II regions hamper the detection of SNRs; this effect is particularly pronounced in regions with 270°≤1≤300° and 330°≤1≤360°. The X-ray luminosities of SNRs born in dense media increase by an order of magnitude when their diameters reach ~30 pc. After the SNR diameters reach ~40 pc, their radio and X-ray luminosities decrease sharply.  相似文献   

Based on RATAN-600 21-cm H I line observations with an angular resolution of 2.4', we studied the neutral-hydrogen distribution in the region of the supernova remnant (SNR) S 147 (G180.0-1.7). We detected a rotating shell of neutral gas immediately adjacent to the SNR that is expanding at a velocity of 20 km s?1. The H I shell is less distinct in the southeastern part and at negative radial velocities. The outer shell diameter is 90 pc; the H I mass in the shell is 2.2 × 104M. These data allowed us to estimate the SNR age, 6.5×105 yr, and the initial explosion energy, 2.2×1051 erg.  相似文献   

The well-known shell supernova remnant (SNR) HB3 is part of a feature-rich star-forming region together with the nebulae W3, W4, and W5. We study the HI structure around this SNR using five RATAN-600 drift curves obtained at a wavelength of 21 cm with an angular resolution of 2′ in one coordinate over the radial-velocity range ?183 to +60 km s?1 in a wider region of the sky and with a higher sensitivity than in previous works by other authors. The spatial-kinematic distribution of HI features around the SNR clearly shows two concentric expanding shells of gas that surround the SNR and coincide with it in all three coordinates (α, δ, and V). The outer shell has a radius of 133 pc, a thickness of 24 pc, and an expansion velocity of 48 km s?1. The mass of the gas in it is ≈2.3 × 105M. For the inner shell, these parameters are 78 pc, 36 pc, 24 km s? 1, and 0.9 × 105M, respectively. The inner shell is immediately adjacent to the SNR. Assuming that the outer shell was produced by the stellar wind and the inner shell arose from the shock wave of the SNR proper, we estimated the age of the outer shell, ≈1.7 × 106 yr, and the mechanical luminosity of the stellar wind, 1.5 × 1038 erg s?1. The inner shell has an age of ≈106 yr and corresponds to a total supernova explosion energy of ≈1052 erg.  相似文献   

Photometric and spectroscopic observations of the nearby type-IIP supernova 2004dj are presented. The 56Ni mass in the envelope of SN 2004dj was estimated from the light curve to be ≈0.02M. This estimate is confirmed by modeling the Hα luminosity. The Hα emission line exhibits a strong asymmetry characterized by the presence of a blue component in the line with a shift of ?1600 km s?1 at the early nebular phase. A similar asymmetry was found in the Hβ, [O I], and [Ca II] lines. The line asymmetry is interpreted as being the result of asymmetric 56Ni ejecta. The Hα profile and its evolution are reproduced in the model of an asymmetric bipolar 56Ni structure for a spherical hydrogen distribution. The mass of the front 56Ni jet is comparable to that of the central component and twice that of the rear 56Ni jet. We point out that the asymmetric bipolar structure of 56Ni ejecta is also present in SN 1999em, a normal type-IIP supernova.  相似文献   

The presence of nearby discrete cosmic ray (CR) sources can lead to many interesting effects on the observed properties of CRs. In this paper, we study about the possible effects on the CR primary and secondary spectra and also the subsequent effects on the CR secondary-to-primary ratios. For the study, we assume that CRs undergo diffusive propagation in the Galaxy and we neglect the effect of convection, energy losses and reacceleration. In our model, we assume that there exists a uniform and continuous distribution of CR sources in the Galaxy generating a stationary CR background at the Earth. In addition, we also consider the existence of some nearby sources which inject CRs in a discrete space–time model. Assuming a constant CR source power throughout the Galaxy, our study has found that the presence of nearby supernova remnants (SNRs) produces noticeable variations in the primary fluxes mainly above ∼100 GeV n−1, if CRs are assumed to be released instantaneously after the supernova explosion. The variation reaches a value of ∼45 per cent at around 105 GeV n−1. Respect to earlier studies, the variation in the case of the secondaries is found to be almost negligible. We also discuss about the possible effects of the different particle release times from the SNRs. For the particle release time of ∼105 yr, predicted by the diffusive shock acceleration theories in SNRs, we have found that the presence of the nearby SNRs hardly produces any significant effects on the CRs at the Earth.  相似文献   

Based on observations of SN 1999em, we determined the physical parameters of this supernova using hydrodynamic calculations including nonequilibrium radiative transfer. Taking the distance to SN 1999em estimated by the expanding photosphere method (EPM) to be D = 7.5 Mpc, we found the parameters of the presupernova: radius R = 450R, mass M = 15M, and explosion energy E = 7 × 1050 erg. For the distance D = 12 Mpc determined from Cepheids, R, M, and E must be increased to the following values: R = 1000R, M = 18M, and E = 1051 erg. We show that one cannot restrict oneself to using the simple analytical formulas relating the supernova and presupernova parameters to obtain reliable parameters for type-IIP presupernovae.  相似文献   

We consider an improved rotational mechanism of the explosion of a collapsing supernova. We show that this mechanism leads to two-stage collapse with a phase difference of ~5 h. Based on this model, we attempt a new interpretation of the events in underground neutrino detectors on February 23, 1987, related to the supernova SN 1987A.  相似文献   

Utrobin  V. P. 《Astronomy Letters》2005,31(12):806-815
Astronomy Letters - Our study of the photometric and spectroscopic observations of SN 1987A based on the hydrodynamic modeling of its bolometric light curve and nonstationary hydrogen kinetics and...  相似文献   

If Type II supernovae – the evolutionary end points of short-lived, massive stars – produce a significant quantity of dust  (>0.1 M)  then they can explain the rest-frame far-infrared emission seen in galaxies and quasars in the first Gyr of the Universe. Submillimetre (submm) observations of the Galactic supernova remnant, Cas A, provided the first observational evidence for the formation of significant quantities of dust in Type II supernovae. In this paper, we present new data which show that the submm emission from Cas A is polarized at a level significantly higher than that of its synchrotron emission. The orientation is consistent with that of the magnetic field in Cas A, implying that the polarized submm emission is associated with the remnant. No known mechanism would vary the synchrotron polarization in this way and so we attribute the excess polarized submm flux to cold dust within the remnant, providing fresh evidence that cosmic dust can form rapidly. This is supported by the presence of both polarized and unpolarized dust emission in the north of the remnant where there is no contamination from foreground molecular clouds. The inferred dust polarization fraction is unprecedented  ( f pol∼ 30 per cent)  which, coupled with the brief time-scale available for grain alignment (<300 yr), suggests that supernova dust differs from that seen in other Galactic sources (where   f pol= 2−7  per cent) or that a highly efficient grain alignment process must operate in the environment of a supernova remnant.  相似文献   

Radiation from the Magellanic Clouds is discussed from the point of view of near future possibilities in observational γ-ray astronomy. The γ-ray fluxes expected according to the metagalactic and galactic theories of the origin of cosmic rays are compared. It is shown that the strongest test of the metagalactic hypothesis will be provided by a determination of the ratio of γ-ray fluxes from SMC and LMC. The γ-ray luminosity of a typical young supernova remnant that can generate sufficient antiprotons is estimated. It is shown that such remnants must have a short phase during which they are very powerful γ-ray emitters.  相似文献   

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