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The Albany-Fraser Orogen (AFO), southeast Western Australia, is an underexplored, deeply weathered regolith-dominated terrain that has undergone complex weathering associated with various superimposed climatic events. For effective geochemical exploration in the AFO, integrating landscape evolution with mineralogical and geochemical variations of regolith and bedrock provides fundamental understanding of mechanical and hydromorphic dispersion of ore and pathfinder elements associated with the different weathering processes.In the Neale tenement, northeast of the AFO, a residual weathering profile that is 20-55 m thick was developed under warm and humid climatic conditions over undulating Proterozoic sheared granitoids, gneisses, schists and Au-bearing mafic rocks. From the base, the typical weathering profile consists of saprock, lower ferruginous saprolite, upper kaolinitic saprolite and discontinuous silcrete duricrust or its laterally coeval lateritic residuum. These types of duricrusts change laterally into areas of poorly-cemented kaolinitic grits or loose lateritic pisoliths and nodules.Lateritic residuum probably formed on remnant plateaus and was transported mechanically under arid climatic conditions over short distances, filling valleys to the southeast. Erosion of lateritic residuum exposes the underlying saprolite and, together with dilution by aeolian sands, constitutes the transported overburden (2-25 m thick). The reworked lateritic materials cover the preserved silcrete duricrusts in valleys. The lower ferruginous saprolite and lateritic residuum are well developed over mafic and sulphide-bearing bedrocks, where weathering of ferromagnesian minerals and sulphides led to enrichment of Fe, Cu, Ni, Cr, Co, V and Zn in these units. Kaolinitic saprolite and the overlying pedogenic silcrete are best developed over alkali granites and quartzofeldspathic gneisses, which are barren in Au and transition elements, and enriched in silica, alumina, rare earth and high field strength elements.A residual Au anomaly is formed in the lower ferruginous saprolite above a Au -bearing mafic intrusion at the Hercules prospect, south of the Neale tenement, without any expression in the overlying soil (< 20 cm). Conversely, a Au anomaly is recorded in the transported cover, particularly in the uppermost 3 m at the Atlantis prospect, 5 km southwest of the Hercules prospect. No anomalies have been detected in soils using five different size fractions (> 2,000 μm, 2,000-250 μm, 250-53 μm, 53-2 μm and < 2 μm). Therefore, soil cannot be efficiently applied as a reliable sampling medium to target mineralization at the Neale tenement. This is because mechanical weathering was interrupted by seasonal periods of intensive leaching under the present-day surface conditions and/or dilution by recently deposited aeolian sediments which obscure any signature of a potential Au anomaly in soils. Therefore, surface soil sampling should extend deeper than 20 cm to avoid dilution by aeolian sands and seasonal leaching processes. Regolith mapping and the distinction between the residual and transported weathering products are extremely significant to follow the distal or proximal mineralization.  相似文献   

Vast parts of the Australian continent are prospective for precious and base metal mineralisation, but exploration is hindered by extensive cover of often deeply reaching regolith. New operational exploration methods are required that can help to characterise the cover and provide information about bedrock signatures. This paper shows how mineral mapping information from a combination of satellite multispectral Advanced Spaceborne Thermal Emission and Reflection Radiometer (ASTER) imagery and drill core hyperspectral profiling data (HyLogging™) can be used to unravel the regolith stratigraphy and to describe regional variations of regolith landforms, delivering important information for mineral exploration.The case study is located in the Neale tenements in the northeastern Albany–Fraser Orogen (Western Australia), which is prospective for Tropicana-style gold mineralisation. By interpretation of indicator minerals from hyperspectral drill hole logging data the regolith stratigraphy atop a metamorphic basement, comprising saprock, ferrugineous saprolite, kaolinitic saprolite, silcrete and transported cover, is recorded in cm-detail. Important mineralogical parameters extracted from the hyperspectral subsurface data and validated by XRD and FTIR, are 1) the abundance and type of iron oxides, 2) the abundance and crystallinity of kaolinite, 3) the abundance and composition of primary minerals, such as white mica, and 4) the abundance of quartz.The HyLogging™ data served as ground control points for mineral mapping information provided by CSIRO's ASTER Geoscience Products, which are a collection of mineral maps that highlight variations in the abundance, type or chemistry of selected mineral groups. Key ASTER Geoscience Products for regolith characterisation were the Ferric Oxide and AlOH abundance and composition images. The comparison of the surface with the subsurface data suggests three major different regolith landforms, including erosional, depositional and relict areas, which were used to generate a map showing transported versus relict and erosional areas. Erosional domains were mapped out in great detail, providing important information for exploration in saprolite dominated areas. Furthermore, source areas of transported material could be identified, which may help to understand the distribution of geochemical signatures collected during, for example, geochemical soil sampling projects.  相似文献   

In some glaciated regions, weathered mantles, formed under previous climatic regimes, were not always eroded bare by glacial activity, but instead lie buried beneath the glacial overburden. It is obviously important that geochemical exploration programs in such terrain should take into account some of the known regolith features seen in deeply weathered regions. The effects of glacial action upon deeply weathered terrain are considered in three conceptual models. The critical factor in each is the depth of truncation of the preglacial weathering profile. All three proposed models are dynamic systems and a wide range of intermediate situations must be expected.In Model 1 a complete, largely undisturbed, weathering profile is preserved beneath till. The key characteristic is preservation of a lateritic duricrust which may contain areally large (up to 200 km2) geochemical anomalies. It would be critical, firstly, that the duricrust be sufficiently continuous to allow a reasonable success rate in its being sampled, and secondly that the duricrust be recognizable in drill spoil. The most efficient geochemical exploration could be based upon wide-spaced overburden drilling directed at sampling the duricrust. For reconnaissance, holes could be based upon a 1-km grid where stratabound massive polymetallic sulphide or stratabound gold deposits are sought. Even wider spacing could be tried where larger-sized ore deposits are expected.Model 2 is characterized by a weathered profile that was partly stripped prior to glaciation. The essential feature is a vertically zoned weathering profile in the basement rock in which the upper levels of the weathering profile have undergone leaching of certain elements and lower levels contain enrichments of these elements. Any gossans present would show strong vertical zonation. Relatively strong sources for dispersion in till are likely to be enriched gossans where erosion has cut deep into the profile, zones of supergene enrichment of ore deposits, and supergene ore deposits themselves. In many situations, saprolite under glacial drift would be too soft to provide boulders so important in conventional till prospecting.The essential ingredient in hypothetical Model 3 involves progressive planing away of the weathering profile by glacial action. Thus any halo in duricrust is initially dispersed, followed by dispersion of progressively deeper levels of saprolite. If taken deep enough the supergene enriched zone of a mineral deposit could add to the glacial dispersion. A broadly zoned anomaly would be expected; a till anomaly would be characterized distally by elements from the former duricrust anomaly, with elements more characteristic of supergene zones closer to the source.  相似文献   


The Yilgarn Craton of Western Australia hosts a number of Cenozoic paleochannels, which have been incised into the underlying Paleozoic and Precambrian rocks, filled with sediments and subsequently weathered. The paleochannels are of particular interest in mineral exploration as they may not only host placer-type deposits but also overlie significant supergene and primary mineralisation. Paleochannels also pose particular challenges during exploration as they mask underlying geochemical anomalies, including gold and pathfinder elements. This study investigates a method of distinguishing transported overburden from residual regolith utilising a combination of field and laboratory-based techniques. At the Minotaur deposit, the residual regolith and transported overburden are mineralogically similar, although the presence of biotite, chlorite and muscovite is more characteristic of the residual regolith. Geochemically, Zr, Ti, Co and Sc ratios form distinct groupings allowing more confident discrimination of transported overburden from the underlying residual regolith units. The presence of a distinct gold depletion zone at the redox front was also identified to be a feature of the Minotaur deposit, with Au enrichment occurring above (within transported overburden) and below (within saprolite) the redox front, similar to other gold deposits on Lake Lefroy. The lithological, stratigraphic and Au-enrichment characteristics at Minotaur have also been compared with regional studies and suggest the long-lived impact of paleovalleys on the depositional systems and Au distribution of Lake Lefroy. This work provides a basis for future studies of the region in particular the variation of depositional sequences within regional paleochannel networks.  相似文献   

Chemical and physical weathering of primary minerals during the formation of laterite profiles in the Darling Range has formed distinct secondary mineral and morphological zones in the regolith. Erosion and human activity such as mining have exposed large areas of lateritic regolith, and its classification is important for land management, especially for mine rehabilitation. Preserved rock fabrics within regolith may enable the identification of parent rock type and degree of weathering, thus providing explanations for variations in important physical properties such as the strength and water retention of regolith. Feldspar, quartz, biotite and muscovite in porphyritic and fine-grained monzogranite in lateritic profiles have weathered via a series of gradational changes to form saprolite and pedolith consisting of kaolin, quartz, iron oxides, muscovite and gibbsite. Local reorganisation in the upper regolith or pedoplasmation zone has included illuviation of kaolin, which may be iron oxide-stained and which has disrupted the preserved rock fabric of saprock and saprolite. Quartz grain- or matrix-supported fabrics have developed, with greater pedoplasmation resulting in a quartz-grain-supported fabric. The recognition of these processes enables the use of gibbsite grainsize and distribution in regolith to infer original feldspar grainsize. Muscovite-rich or muscovite-deficient kaolin matrix indicates where plagioclase or alkali feldspar, respectively, was present in the parent rock. In some regolith, cementing by iron oxides has faithfully preserved rock fabric. The recognition of these various regolith types provides a basis for identifying the parent materials of lateritic regolith developed from granitic and doleritic rocks. Rock fabric is sometimes preserved in iron oxide-cemented bauxite mine floor regolith (Zh) due to the pseudomorphic gibbsite grains and iron oxide cement which forms a porous, rigid fabric. Plagioclase-rich granitoid is more likely to have weathered to dense clay-rich regolith (Zp), whereas albite and alkali feldspar have weathered to quartz-rich regolith (Zm) with the random orientation of quartz grains indicating that substantial reorganisation of rock fabric has occurred. It is possible to predict the response of regolith materials exposed in mine floors to management practices including ripping and re-vegetation, thus allowing targeted use of deep-ripping and planting density based on regolith type.  相似文献   

Many nickel deposits are known in Brazil, accounting for about 350 · 106 tons of ore with an average of 1.5% Ni. All are of the lateritic type. These deposits are scattered throughout the country, being rarer in the Northeastern Region and in the South, below 25 °S latitude. They are mainly associated with mafic-ultramafic massifs of large dimensions and ultramafic alkaline complexes, and occur in climatic regions of contrasting seasons. The weathering profile developed over the fresh rock consists, from bottom to top, of the following horizons: altered rock, coarse saprolite, argillaceous saprolite, ferruginous saprolite and lateritic overburden. The thickness of each horizon varies from one deposit to another, the whole profile generally exceeding 20 m. The saprolitic horizons with inherited minerals (serpentine, chlorite) or neoformed minerals (smectites) constitute the silicated nickel ore and are thicker were climatic conditions are drier; the ferruginous upper horizons made up of iron oxide-hydroxides are more developed in more humid regions. In Brazil, the silicated ore generally prevails over the oxidized ore. The main Ni-bearing minerals are serpentine, smectite, garnierite and goethite. The lateritic nickel deposits of Brazil may be correlated with two erosion surfaces, corresponding to the Sul Americano (Lower Tertiary) and Velhas (Upper Tertiary) levelling cycles. The degree of dismantling of the higher and more ancient surface and the consequent development of the Velhas Surface control the position of the nickel accumulation in the landscape. Thus, the deposits may be found either in the lowlands or in the highlands, where they are always covered by a silcrete layer. The alteration profiles in the Brazilian lateritic nickel deposits are broadly similar to those described elsewhere in the world. However, they present two characteristic features: the silicated ore prevails over the oxidized ore, and a silicified layer covers the profies developed on the highlands.  相似文献   

This essay traces the development of geochemical exploration from its early beginnings in the modern era during the 1930s, concentrating especially in its application to deeply weathered terrain in the tropics and sub-tropics. Following promising results obtained in temperate regions in North America and Europe, test orientation surveys were conducted to see whether similar procedures were applicable in the tropics, where conventional geological prospecting was largely precluded due to the extensive cover of a deep lateritic regolith and consequent lack of outcrop. After initial work in Sierra Leone and Nigeria, the emphasis transferred to East Africa in the 1950s and 1960s, aimed principally at Cu exploration. Many of the basic principles for exploration in dominantly residual, free-draining terrain were quickly established in this period. Exploration in terrains with more complex weathering histories, however, raised a number of difficulties due to leaching and secondary concentrations of elements, problems in selecting and identifying appropriate sample media, and extensive transported overburden. These were encountered especially in more arid regions in Australia and Africa during exploration for Ni and Au during the 1970s and 1980s. This led to a change in approach, placing weathering and geochemical dispersion in the context of regolith and landscape evolution –a return to the early concept of landscape geochemistry. The 3D expression of mineralization in the landscape is depicted as empirical conceptual models, that account for both relict features and active processes, and portray element associations, dispersion mechanisms and host materials. They also indicate suitable sample media, sampling intervals and procedures for analysis and interpretation.  相似文献   

The Igarapé Bahia, situated in the Carajás Mineral Province, is a world-class example of a lateritic gold deposit. It has developed under tropical weathering conditions since at least the Eocene and resulted in a regolith cover of at least 100 m thickness. The regolith is dominated by ~ 80 m thick ferruginous saprolite containing gossan bodies that constitute the main Au ore. Above saprolite the regolith stratigraphy has been established considering two distinct domains. One composed of residual materials and the other transported materials deposited over palaeochannels. In the residual domain the ferruginous saprolite grades upwards into a fragmental duricrust, interpreted as a collapsed zone, and then into different types of ferruginous duricrusts. Over palaeochannel the ferruginous saprolite is truncated by poorly sorted ferruginous sediment of variable composition that grades upwards into the ferruginous duricrusts formed over transported materials. Lateritization took place during a marked period that transformed the colluvium of the residual domain, and the transported materials accumulated in the channel depressions, into the ferruginous duricrust units. A later bauxitization event has overprinted all duricrust types but has mostly affected the duricrusts over the palaeochannel forming gibbsitic nodules. All duricrusts were finally covered by a transported layer of latosol which flattened the whole landscape in the Carajás region. Gold shows a depletion trend across the regolith but is enriched in the fragmental duricrust below the ferruginous duricrust from which gold is leached. Gold is also chemically dispersed laterally into the fragmental duricrust, but lateral Au dispersion in the ferruginous duricrusts of the residual domain is probably also influenced by colluvial transport. Metals associated with Au mineralization (Cu, U, Mo, Pb, Ag, LREE, Sn, W, Bi, Sb and P) are generally depleted in the saprolite but most of them are still anomalous. The fragmental and ferruginous duricrusts are more leached but the tests performed to estimate the dispersion potential of metals contained in the ferruginous duricrust show that some metals are still significantly anomalous especially Au, Ag and Cu. However, if ferruginous duricrusts are used as an exploration sample media their environment of formation must be considered. Metal depletion is generally more advanced in the ferruginous duricrusts developed in the vicinities of palaeochannels as oppose to those developed in residual domain. On the contrary, Au over palaeochannel areas is enriched in the upper bauxitized ferruginous duricrusts and in their gibbsitic nodules as a result of lateral chemical transport that is more widespread than in the colluvium over residual domain. The latosol is highly depleted in most metals due to its transported nature. However, the nodular fractions of the latosol show the greatest dispersion potential especially for Au, Ag, W, U, Bi and Sn. It can incorporate magnetic nodules that bring a rich suit of metals associated to the magnetic gossans, and non-magnetic nodules, classified as concretion and pisolites, which bring metals enriched or dispersed in the ferruginous duricrusts. This suggests that Lag constitutes a promising sample medium for geochemical exploration in the lateritic terrains of the Carajás region.  相似文献   

Mineral exploration in regolith-dominated environments is challenging, requiring the development of new technical tools and approaches. When airborne electromagnetics (AEM) is combined with information on stratigraphy, mineralogy, geochemistry, drilling and landscape observations in a geological context, it becomes a powerful approach to describe the architecture of the regolith cover. This has significant implications for mineral exploration in any regolith-dominated terrain (RDT). This research presents two case studies of AEM data, integrated in a geological context for mineral exploration in the Yilgarn craton margin/Albany–Fraser Orogen (AFO).In one of the study sites presented (study site 1: Neale tenement), the availability of AEM data allowed for lateral and vertical extrapolation of the information contained in datasets at specific locations, thereby creating a 2D architectural model for the regolith cover. In addition, it was determined: (1) the total thickness of the regolith cover and its variability (between 2 m and ~ 65 m); (2) that low conductivity transported overburden and silcrete units, with a total thickness between ~ 5 and 45 m, is widely distributed, capping the upper saprolite; and (3) that the silcrete unit varies laterally from being completely cemented to permeable, and that these permeable areas (“windows”) coincide vertically with mineralogical/textural/moisture/salt content changes in the underlying saprolite, resulting in increased conductivity. This has been interpreted as resulting from more intense vertical weathering, and consequently a higher vertical geochemical dispersion of the basement signature towards surface. AEM has been used to assist in identifying and describing the lateral continuity of these “windows” in areas with no direct field observations. Surface geochemical sampling above these permeable areas may deliver more reliable geochemical basement signatures.In the second study site (Silver Lake tenement) the AEM data was strongly influenced by the high conductivity of the hypersaline groundwater. This had a significant effect on the AEM response, resulting in reduced depth penetration and reduced resolution of subtle conductivity contrasts between cover units. Despite this, the AEM data set, combined with geological observations in the area, was able to map the presence and extent of a buried palaeochannel network, the most significant architectural sedimentary feature in the cover. This interpretation allowed for a more efficient drilling campaign to be designed to sample the fresh basement rock suites in the area, by avoiding drilling into palaeochannels.Integrated and constrained by the geological context, the application of AEM conductivity models by geologists is envisioned as one of the most promising tools within the exploration geologist toolbox to understand the architecture of the cover.  相似文献   

云南省中西部红色风化壳中铂族元素分布特征   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
近年来,铂族元素以其广泛的地质活动环境受到越来越多的关注,人们对铂族元素的研究也从其在硫化物熔体、硅酸盐熔体和热液流体中的富集成矿行为逐渐延展到其在表生风化过程中的地球化学迁移行为.本文通过对我国云南省中西部潞西菲红、元谋朱布和弥渡金宝山3个具有铂族元素矿化的超基性岩体形成的红色风化壳研究发现,三地风化壳化学风化程度远...  相似文献   

Weathering intensity changes due to climatic variability across tectonically stable portions of continental crust can generate a thick and extensive weathered cover, resulting in regolith-dominated terrains (RDTs). Mineral exploration in RDTs is challenging because of the lack of bedrock outcrop, and the difficulty of linking surface regolith geochemistry to the geology at depth. Complex weathering obscures the expression of the basement geochemistry in the regolith, and therefore the footprints of mineral systems are difficult to detect. The southeast of the Yilgarn Craton and the Albany–Fraser Orogen (AFO) in the south of Western Australia is an RDT that extends along the coastline and the Eucla basin.This study proposes a landscape evolution model of the AFO, driven by transgression–regression sea-level changes that resulted in the formation of numerous islands and development of estuarine zones. This model contrasts with the river system-dominated landscape evolution present in the Yilgarn Craton. This difference has significant implications for mineral exploration and geochemical interpretation of the regolith in this region.Weathering profiles developed “on inland” and “on island” are thicker and more mature than those developed in sea-inundated areas. Even if in the Yilgarn Craton local areas display reworking of weathering profiles and other complexities from Permian, non-marine Tertiary sediments and Quaternary fluvial and aeolian sediments, at a regional scale, if vertical geochemical mobility of elements has occurred, “on inland” and “on island” are more reliable for understanding geochemical anomaly-basement relationships, whereas the “marine inundated” areas require a more detailed investigation, because of the role of marine reworking of weathering profiles and possible mixture of sediments from different provenances.Landscape changes from the topographically high, dissected Yilgarn environment with thick saprolite development and uneven basement topography, to the nearly flat regions dominated by sand dunes and thin saprolite development at the coastline. These regions are the result of the erosional and depositional effects of successive sea-level transgression–regression cycles. Within this framework, the following four different regolith settings have been identified in a progressive change from Yilgarn Craton environments to the modern coastline: (1) Albany; (2) Kalgoorlie–Norseman; (3) Esperance; and (4) Neale.Mapping the palaeocoastlines, islands and estuarine zones, as well as the region of influence of marine limestones and sediments, can significantly improve the understanding of how surface geochemistry relates to the landscape, and how it links with the geology at depth, and therefore, how it may reflect the presence of mineral systems. Understanding the difference in the landscape evolution between the AFO and Yilgarn Craton is essential to properly calibrate mineral exploration protocols in both regions.  相似文献   

<正>Red clay type gold deposits,located in the south of China,are situated not only in orogenic belts,but also in inner cratons,where climate is tropical-subtropical with clear arid and humid.The lateritic weathering crust often can be divided into five zones,including topsoil,siliceous duricrust zone,multi-color zone(or red clay zone in some deposits),pallid zone and saprolite zone from surface to the base rock,several of which are absent in some deposits.The base rocks are composed mainly of carbonate rocks with minor clastic rocks,intermediate-basic volcanic rocks and intermediate-acid and alkalic intrusions.The orebodies are mainly located in the multi-color zone with part of them in the pallid and saprolite zones.The ore sources include orebodies of Carlin-type gold deposits and porphyry gold deposits,as well as gold-rich base rocks.The red clay type gold deposits experienced early-stage endogenic gold mineralization and laterization during the Tertiary and Quaternary.The areas with endogenic gold deposits,especially Carlin-type gold deposits and porphyry gold deposits in karst depressions on the plateau,structual erosional platforms in the middle-lower mountains,and intermountain basins in southern China are well worth studying to trace red clay type gold deposits.  相似文献   

Exploring the relationship between weathering and erosion is essential for understanding the evolution of landscapes and formation of soil under the influence of climate, tectonics, and topography. We measured the bulk chemistry of regoliths and calculated their weathering rates and intensity in three locations in China: Inner Mongolia in the mid-temperate semi-humid zone; Jiangxi Province, in the mid-subtropical humid zone; and Hainan Province, in the tropical humid zone. These profiles exhibited increased weathering with increasing temperature and precipitation. The low-gradient profile exhibited stronger weathering of saprolite than of soil, whereas the high-gradient profile showed a more constant weathering pattern. The regolith in the cold climate was the product of easily weatherable minerals, whereas weathering of K-feldspar and even secondary minerals occurred in hot and humid climates. The weathering of subtropical profiles was both supply- and kinetic-limited, controlled by weathering and erosion. The tropical profile experienced supply-limited weathering, indicating slow erosion and an intense weathering profile; the mid-temperate profile was not classifiable due to weak erosion and weathering. Long-term weathering fluxes of these profiles show that Si, Na, and K (or Mg) represent the bulk of the mass lost through weathering. This study underscores that weathering of granitic regolith is controlled by both climatic conditions and landscape.  相似文献   

The regolith in the Mt Isa region of Queensland consists of a variety of saprolites and duricrusts developed on Proterozoic basement rocks and fresh to weathered Mesozoic, Tertiary and Quaternary cover, all of which has impeded base metals exploration. This paper presents an overview of some of the regolith-geochemical work conducted in the Mt Isa region as part of an industry-supported three year CRC LEME/AMIRA Project. A complex weathering and landscape history has produced a landscape of (a) continuously exposed and exhumed basement rocks that have undergone varying intensities of weathering and partial stripping; (b) weathered and locally eroded Mesozoic cover sequences and (c) areas with younger transported cover concealing basement and Mesozoic cover. Various regolith sample media have been evaluated at a number of prospects and deposits which represent different regolith-landform terrains and landscape history. Geochemical dispersion processes and models are presented and false anomalies explained.Where ferruginous duricrust or ferruginous nodular gravel are preserved on weathered bedrock on an eroded plateau, they exhibit large (> 500 m) multi-element (As, Pb, Sb) dispersion haloes and are useful sampling media. Dispersion haloes in truncated profiles on weathered bedrock covered with colluvium are restricted, are limited to tens of metres from subcrop of the source, and contrast to the extensive anomalies in ferruginous duricrust and nodules. Geochemical exploration in covered areas depends on the possible presence of dispersion through the sediments or leakage along faults or fractures, but may be complicated by high metal backgrounds in the sediments themselves. Some of the most prominent anomalies occur in ferruginous materials and soils representing emergent residual terrain developed on Mesozoic sediments. These are largely due to weathering of sulfide mineralization that continued during submergence in a marine environment, with hydromorphic dispersion into the sediments as they accumulated. Multi-element (Cu, As, Zn, Sb, Au) anomalies occur in basal sediments and at the unconformity, due to a combination of clastic and hydromorphic dispersion and represent a useful sample target. Metal-rich horizons in weathered sediments, higher in the sequence, can also be targeted, particularly by specifically sampling ferruginous units and fragments. However, these are less certainly related to mineralization. Zinc and Cu, concentrated in Fe (and Mn) oxides at redox fronts, may be derived by leaching from the sediments with concentration in the sesquioxides, and be unrelated to any proximal basement mineralization. In all these regolith-dominated terrains, a clear understanding of local geomorphology, regolith framework, topography of unconformities and the origins of ferruginous materials is essential to sample medium selection and data interpretation.  相似文献   

为实现草原浅覆盖区快速揭露,并最大限度减少对环境的破坏,采用浅层钻探取样技术揭穿第四系,采取残坡积层及基岩层样品,用于浅钻金属矿产地球化学勘查、浅覆盖区地球化学立体填图及代替槽探的工作中。研究了干旱半干旱草原浅覆盖区浅钻取样技术方法组合。该方法在花敖包特铅锌矿及东乌旗地区的应用表明,通过灵活合理地调整钻探装备及钻进工艺方法,可以顺利地采取目的层样品。  相似文献   

在热带雨林特殊生态景观中和湿热气候条件下,老挝南部阿速波省(Attapeu)安东地区(Antoum)二叠纪花岗闪长岩形成了发育完整的砖红土型风化壳,该风化壳剖面分带明显,最下部为蚀变花岗闪长岩(基岩),往上依次为半风化蚀变花岗闪长岩→高岭石残积层带→砖红土带→森林表土带.测试了采集于红土型风化壳剖面不同分带样品的20种微量元素含量,微量元素可划分出6种变化模式,其中最明显的为Cu、Mo、As、Bi、Au等在高岭土风化带上部显著富集.认为在今后土壤地球化学普查和详查中,经过加大采样深度,采用固定相态提取法或部分提取法可能是强化地球化学异常、探测深部找矿信息的有效途径.  相似文献   

The study of biogeochemical and hydrological cycles in small experimental watersheds on silicate rocks, common for the Temperate Zone, has not yet been widely applied to the tropics, especially humid areas. This paper presents an updated database for a six-year period for the small experimental watershed of the Mengong brook in the humid tropics (Nsimi, South Cameroon). This watershed is developed on Precambrian granitoids (North Congo shield) and consists of two convexo-concave lateritic hills surrounding a large flat swamp covered by hydromorphic soils rich in upward organic matter. Mineralogical and geochemical investigations were carried out in the protolith, the saprolite, the hillside lateritic soils, and the swamp hydromorphic soils. Biomass chemical analyses were done for the representative species of the swamp vegetation. The groundwater was analysed from the parent rock/saprolite weathering front to the upper fringe in the hillside and swamp system. The chemistry of the wet atmospheric and throughfall deposits and the Mengong waters was monitored.In the Nsimi watershed the carbon transfer occurs primarily in an organic form and essentially as colloids produced by the slow biodegradation of the swamp organic matter. These organic colloids contribute significantly to the mobilization and transfer of Fe, Al, Zr, Ti, and Th in the uppermost first meter of the swamp regolith. When the organic colloid content is low (i.e., in the hillside groundwater), Th and Zr concentrations are extremely low (<3 pmol/L, ICP-MS detection limits). Strongly insoluble secondary thorianite (ThO2) and primary zircon (ZrSiO4) crystals control their mobilization, respectively. This finding thus justifies the potential use of both these elements as inert elements for isoelement mass balance calculations pertaining to the hillside regolith.Chloride can not be used as a conservative tracer of hydrological processes and chemical weathering in this watershed. Biogenic recycling significantly influences the low-Cl input fluxes. Sodium is a good tracer of chemical weathering in the watershed. The sodium solute flux corrected from cyclic salt input was used to assess the chemical weathering rate. Even though low (2.8 mm/kyr), the chemical weathering rate predominates over the mechanical weathering rate (1.9 mm/kyr). Compared to the Rio Icacos watershed, the most studied tropical site, the chemical weathering fluxes of silica and sodium in the Mengong are 16 and 40 times lower, respectively. This is not only related to the protective role of the regolith, thick in both cases, but also to differences in the hydrological functioning. This is to be taken into account in the calculations of the carbon cycle balance for large surfaces like that of the tropical forest ecosystems on a stable shield at the global level.  相似文献   

Chemical, mineralogical, and petrographic data from the Los Pijiguaos bauxite deposit, together with the water chemistry of the streams draining the area, were used to study the problem of lateritic bauxite formation at this location. The Los Pijiguaos bauxite, located at the northwestern edge of the Guayana Shield in Venezuela, is a lateritic bauxite developed on a Precambrian Rapakivi Granite Batholith, the Parguaza Granite. This deposit is situated on a planation surface at elevations between 600 and 700 m; it is believed to have originated during an erosional event that took place during Late Cretaceous-early Tertiary times.The weathering profile is composed of an upper bauxite zone, followed by a saprolite, and merging gradually to the fresh granite. The upper bauxitic zone contains gibbsite, quartz, hematite, and goethite. The saprolite contains kaolinite, quartz, and goethite and is characterized by a relict granitic texture that indicates little bulk volume change associated with the weathering process. The upper bauxitic zone has lost any textural resemblance with the parent granite, consistent with extensive volume loss.Bauxite and saprolite are separated by a transition zone where gibbsite and kaolinite coexist. Textures indicating the replacement of kaolinite by gibbsite point to the dynamic nature of the weathering profile, characterized by advancing reaction fronts.The chemical composition of the deposit defines trends that can be traced back to the composition of the parent granite and shows enrichment of Al2O3, Fe2O3, and TiO2, and depletion of SiO2, relative to the parent granite. The uppermost part of the profile is characterized by a further enrichment of Fe2O3 with respect to the other components of the bauxite. Important volume and mass losses in the bauxite have also been calculated, based on chemical composition and density measurements. The calculated losses are consistent with the textural observations in the bauxite.The chemical composition of the waters of streams draining the area shows strong seasonal patterns, consistent with the seasonal nature of the local climate (one dry and one rainy season per year, both about six months long). The balance between dissolved and suspended loads in these streams indicates that the magnitudes of chemical and physical denudation are similar, leading to approximately constant thicknesses of the weathering profiles. These observations are consistent with model calculations based on current climatic conditions and suggest that the bauxitization process is still active.  相似文献   

为了验证YGL-S100型声波钻机在复杂地层的成孔取样效果,在向家坝水电站深厚覆盖层进行了钻孔试验。阐述了YGL-S100型声波钻机的技术特点、各项参数以及在钻进过程中的施工技术。  相似文献   

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