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中俄两国建立战略伙伴关系是共同致力于两国社会经济可持续发展的重要举措,加强了解两国地理学发展的特征、扩大合作领域是推进这一战略任务实施的必然选择。本文以对俄罗斯社会经济地理学相关资料与文献收集与分析、以及近10余年俄罗斯地理学者与社会学者联合会年度学术会议资料等为支撑,用传承、革新、创新的视野,对俄罗斯近30余年社会经济地理学思想体系的发展以及近期的主要趋势进行概略性地阐述。在将俄罗斯经济地理学传承变革划分为6个阶段的基础上,重点围绕国家或区域地缘关系变化、多尺度地域空间组织、地域经济网络结构形成与发展、“大欧亚”建设和“东向发展”构想的社会经济地理学思考和对策、社会经济地理学的包容性和实践性,以及伴随全球化和国家发展战略需要涌现出新的分支学科、新思路、新观念等方面进行分析综述;给出近30余年主要地理研究机构对社会经济地理学研究领域的重点研究问题、主要学者及其代表作;并阐述在理论与方法论、落后地区发展、社会公平、贫困等问题研究方面存在的不足。研究结果对加深中俄两国地理学界的相互了解、推进社会经济地理学的创新发展具有现实意义。  相似文献   

Employment Trends in Geography,Part 1: Enrollment and Degree Patterns*   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
This paper is the first in a series of three papers dealing with the current and future labor market for geographers. It is based on a report prepared by the Association of American Geographers' (AAG) Employment Forecasting Committee to the National Research Council's (NRC) Rediscovering Geography Committee. This report provides a data-based analysis of the past and future supply of geographers, the current labor market conditions in the field, and the factors likely to influence the future demand for geographers (faculty hiring, geographic education initiatives, trends in private-sector jobs, etc.). Each year some 4,000 individuals receive degrees in geography from America's institutions of higher education. They, or some portion of them, make up the new supply of geographers entering the labor market. In the near future (up to five years), the availability of new geographers is related to the number of geography students now in the educational pipeline. Their current specialties, and the specialties of the programs from which they come, tell us about the types of skills and the kinds of interests to be held by future labor force entrants. In the longer term (five to ten years), the number of new geographers will be influenced by geographic education initiatives at the precollegiate level. More and better geographic instruction in elementary and secondary schools will expose more students to geography as a field of study and as a potential career path. The purposes of this paper are to (1) review degree and enrollment trends in geography, (2) assess the “trickle-up” effects of geographic education initiatives at the precollegiate level, and (3) investigate the characteristics of future supply as evidenced by the types of occupations for which geography departments are now preparing students.  相似文献   

文章以去中心化和(逆)全球化为背景评估中国的人文地理学研究现状与未来去向。笔者认为近年贸易保护主义和中美争端的不断升级会减缓但不会扭转知识全球化的长期趋势。中国人文地理学者不应该对进入世界舞台失去信心,而应该勇敢正视当前理论和研究创新的重要机遇和挑战。文章通过对比中国人文地理学科与西方同行的研究,发现两者有不少共同的历史和传统,包括研究命题、研究框架和解释方式。比较而言,中国人文地理学更加规范统一、富有组织和系统性,并积极支持国家发展议程;而西方人文地理学强调个人自由、多样性、天马行空(“Blue-sky enquiry”)以及独立于政府的批判性视角。文章指出三种不同的价值观作为供中国人文地理学者进行理论批判的重要视角。其他可能的理论探索方式包括将问题置于不同的时间和空间,使用不同的数据和方法进行多重验证,从基本假设出发来进行理论解构,批判性地辨析因果关系,以及在不同的尺度下重新检视研究问题等。中国人文地理应通过更好地理解三种不同的地理知识,建立有利于激励研究创新的评估体系,探索国际研究和跨学科研究的前沿领域,促进比较研究,以及融合利用不同风格的研究方法等策略来促进研究创新。文章结尾提出三种可能的(逆)全球化情景供中国人文地理学者思考如何迈向充满新挑战和新机遇的未来。  相似文献   

Previous studies of postage stamps noted their importance in promoting national identity and the objectives of the state. Neglected in this literature by geographers and others is a discussion of stamp themes and issues during political and economic transitions. A content analysis of issues during the Soviet Union's last three years and Russia's first three years revealed some significant changes. The Soviet Union issued many stamps and sets on a wide variety of topics, including nature, folk items and legends, international ties, and ideology. Russia issued fewer stamps: Nature was important, but religion and issues that promoted Russia's heritage replaced ideology and international themes. Early Russian stamps evoked an “inward” worldview that promoted a nascent nationalism. In its final years the Soviet Union noted evidence of these changes in priorities and themes with issues that depicted Soviet environmental disasters or honored the individuals killed in the failed Russian coup attempt in August 1991.  相似文献   

Although geographers are highly visible in research into contemporary climate changes accompanying greenhouse gas increases (“global warming”), a relatively little explored component by them is the impact of aviation. This contrasts with the atmospheric science community of cloud physicists, chemists, and numerical modelers, who use geographic tools of trade. Geographers are well positioned to investigate aviation-climate impacts, especially related to contrail clouds, given geographic traditions of environment, spatial variation, regionalization, generalization, and the integrative approach to studying physical and human systems (here, climate, transportation, and energy). We highlight the role played by geographers in contrail-climate studies and advocate for a broader involvement in aviation policy formulation.  相似文献   

《The Journal of geography》2012,111(5):207-218

American students are encouraged to become globally competitive. I argue that in a world plagued by social inequality and environmental mismanagement, students should become globally cooperative. But this position is not new. Nineteenth century geographers such as Peter Kropotkin argued that geographic education should promote cooperation and tolerance of others. This article explores why geographers cast aside this progressive vision for geographic education. It hypothesizes that geography's pursuit of academic and scientific legitimacy prompted it to spurn “value-laden” methods. The article concludes by suggesting that geographers return to their social justice roots by adopting constructivist pedagogical methods of Paulo Freire.  相似文献   

Geographers at the AAG's centennial are challenged with exceptional opportunities to create a more central place for geography in society and in the university. Realizing these opportunities requires identifying and leveraging key emerging trends in the formation and uses of geographic knowledge. Better integration of geography's profound technological innovations with its core traditions also is necessary to strengthen the discipline's research capacity, and to more effectively engage with and contribute to the needs of society. Trends toward multidisciplinary research and integrative science, and the heightened need for geographic understanding in today's world, hold further promise for advancing the discipline while sustaining its historic strengths and diversity.  相似文献   


In the nineteenth and early twentieth centuries most geographers possessed a firm belief in the causal dominance of the physical environment in human affairs. In the face of observation the argument proved difficult to sustain in the simple forms in which it was proposed, and by reaction there was a turn away from man-land studies towards the spatial and area studies traditions in Geography which also had their origins in ancient Greek writings. Geography did not however abandon the search for causal explanations, and the debate on man-land relationships continued vigorously as geographers searched for a more acceptable formulation than direct environmental determinism. If anything the concern for the issue has increased at a time when geographers turn to studies of environmental management and conservation. Figure 1 sets out in diagrammatic form six formulations of the man-nature relationship which have been current since 1900 in Anglo-American geography: the arrangement indicates an approximate chronology.  相似文献   

南英  朱竑 《热带地理》2015,35(4):498-506
现代宗教已经越来越多地与世俗社会产生不同形式的联系,然而各种宗教世俗化现象及相关理论却一直未得到国内外宗教地理学者的重视,甚至对其存在极大误解或片面解读。文章梳理了庞杂的西方宗教世俗化概念和理论,指出现代性和宗教的关系不能简单理解为后者被动迎合前者的破坏或压制,事实上两者可能是相互促进、能动地协商的关系;认为应避免混用中文语境下的世俗化概念与西方世俗化概念,以免产生错误解读。世俗化理论对宗教地理学研究有益,能为分析和解释现代宗教提供一个有力的理论框架。但该理论框架却还未被充分利用来揭示当代世界宗教变迁的多元性和复杂性。因为,现有研究1)存在地方偏见;2)存在文化偏见;3)主要基于定量分析和大尺度统计数据,缺乏深度的定性分析;4)实证基础薄弱,缺乏具体、系统地对特定地理环境(特别是非西方)下宗教变迁原因和过程的探讨。故此认为未来宗教变迁研究的注意力应该更多放在非西方社会及其宗教,利用定性研究方法深度剖析中观和微观尺度上的宗教变迁过程和机制,而这正是地理学者能发挥其优势的地方。  相似文献   

This article examines trends over the past five decades in three human resource issues in geography: the production of new geographers; the size and diversity of the membership of the Association of American Geographers (AAG); and the topical specializations of geographers. The number of geography degrees awarded increased rapidly in the 1950s and 1960s, followed by a modest decline as baby boomers exited their college years. The number surged again in the 1990s, however, and it seems to have stabilized in recent years. AAG membership trends followed a similar trajectory and membership is currently poised to set a new record. The participation of women in the discipline has increased steadily over the past half‐century, but geography still lags the social and physical sciences in the share of women receiving bachelor's degrees. The participation of geographers from ethnic minority groups continues to be very low. The number of AAG specialty groups has doubled since their inception in 1978, and geographic information science (GIS) now occupies a prominent position within the discipline. Challenges in the coming years include increasing the diversity in geography, reducing the turnover in AAG membership, preparing for the imminent retirement of a large cohort of baby‐boom geographers, and reconnecting with nonacademic geographers.  相似文献   

葛德石与中国近代地理学   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
张雷 《地理学报》2009,64(10):1164-1174
中国近代地理学是中西方学术共同作用的结果,葛德石是中国近代地理学史上一位不可忽视的西方学者.他在中国的主要活动包括:通过在上海沪江大学创建地质地理系,为中国培养一定的地学人才:他进行了广泛而深入的中国地理考察,并纠正许多中国地理文本上的错误:他的中国地理研究与著述深化了中国地理的认识,并传播了中国地理知识.与此同时,葛德石与中国地理学界的广泛交往,进一步推动了中国地理学的近代化与国际化,而葛德石在中国的活动在一定程度上也反映了中国近代地理学的发展轨迹.  相似文献   

While the ocean traditionally has attracted little attention within geography, we are now entering an era when marine research is increasingly technologically feasible and, at the same time, human interactions with ocean-space are ever more intense and complex. In response to these changes, a number of geographers ranging from critical development theorists to scholars of global environmental change to biogeographers have turned their attention to the study of marine areas. This article (and the articles that follow in this focus section) brings the ocean to the attention of human and physical geographers, both as an object of study in its own right and as a space for interpreting global social and physical processes and developing geographic techniques that span the land-sea divide.  相似文献   

The article examines the relationship between selective traditions in geographical education, what middle school teachers choose to emphasise in geographical education, and student achievement. The study, conducted in Sweden, is based on observations made by students in teacher training programmes, interviews with teachers, and analyses of a test administered to middle school students. It shows that selective traditions in geographical education are strong, resulting in a focus on country-related knowledge and map-reading skills. Both teachers and students seem unclear about what other subject-specific skills geography teaching provides. Furthermore, students have difficulty achieving a high level of geographic reasoning. The authors argue that a subject-specific language in geography is important in both teaching and assessment. They stress that students need more practice in geographic reasoning, since this is required by the new curriculum and in the national test in geography for Year 6 (i.e. pupils in the age range 12–13 years). The study adds to earlier research by highlighting Swedish middle school teaching, which is a neglected field within curriculum studies, and by using a combination of methods to analyse the impact of selective traditions.  相似文献   

构建俄罗斯81×81的首府城市的日铁路客运流量矩阵,基于社会网络分析研究其铁路客运网络特征,结果表明:①俄罗斯首府铁路客运网络松散且不均衡,西密东疏,高、中密度联系的城市位于中央联邦区与西伯利亚铁路沿线,俄欧洲北部、欧洲南部、亚洲等3个铁路区系内包含不同的子群与核心.②日铁路客运流量表现出沿西伯利亚铁路的"廊道型"向南...  相似文献   

Multimedia presentations that combine verbal and visual information are increasingly becoming important methods for communicating geographic information. This article discusses literature related to cognitive load theory (CLT) and offers ideas on how this theory might be used for geography education and research. By considering the limitations of the human mind, CLT offers geographers a way to assess critical components of the spatial learning processes. Methods for measuring cognitive load and reducing overloads are discussed within a map context. It is argued that managing the cognitive load experienced by learners is the key to representing geographic information.  相似文献   

中国电子信息产业创新的集群网络模式与演化路径   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
周灿  曹贤忠  曾刚 《地理研究》2019,38(9):2212-2225
流空间背景下,多空间尺度网络耦合对创新至关重要已达成学界共识。综合运用区位熵与社会网络分析,识别32个电子信息产业集群,进而基于1985—2015年合作申请发明专利数据,运用卡方检验和Infomap社区发现算法,借助Pajek和ArcGIS等软件,揭示中国电子信息产业创新合作空间模式,探讨创新网络空间组织演化规律。结果表明:① 中国电子信息产业创新合作呈现集群互联的模式,集群区域的创新主体更倾向于同本地和其他集群区域的创新主体合作,这与非集群区域的创新主体结网方式明显不同,印证了关系经济地理学者提出的全球集群网络论断。② 集群创新网络社区的空间组织从位于集群地理边界内,本地化特征显著,演化为超越集群地理边界,呈现等级差异明显的核心-边缘层级式特征,反映出地理邻近对集群主体创新结网影响程度的动态变化。  相似文献   


The expansion of the Internet and e-mail access around the globe, especially into less-developed areas, raises the question of how geographers might use this technology for research purposes and the development of appropriate methodologies. This paper identifies three ways in which the use of e-mail surveys for geographic research differs from traditional mail surveys. First, there are substantial differences in selecting an appropriate sample population. Second, electronic medium considerations such as alphabet character translation, survey format, and receiving end conditions pose unique data collection challenges. Third, ascertaining that e-mail addresses to be included in a survey are operative is discussed as a useful means of maximizing the potential of an e-mail survey. Examples from an e-mail survey of environmentalists in Russia illustrate these points.  相似文献   


Geographers continue to engage in public debate “inside the Beltway” by participation within and through federal agencies and through the National Research Council. Several examples illustrate the level and kind of this engagement, which has been concentrated on environmental and spatial data and analysis themes. Most professional geographers have the opportunity to engage in this form of public debate through participation in the activities of the National Research Council. The level of this participation has been surprisingly strong, given the small size of the community of professional geographers, and has helped to shape both U.S. and international research agendas relevant to geographic research. Participation, however, is concentrated in a few programs and individuals, raising questions about the sustainability of geography's voice in this public activity.


中国地理学的发展与全球变化研究   总被引:20,自引:8,他引:12  
陆大道 《地理学报》2011,66(2):147-156
10年来中国地理学研究领域发生了巨大变化,主要表现在大规模地参与了全球变化研究。本文阐述了全球变化的主要研究议题及地理学者可能起到的作用,认为中国长期高速经济增长引起的环境变化比大气层增温的影响大得多,一系列与此有关的重大区域性问题应该得到地理学者的广泛重视。文中还指出了地理学者在全球变化研究中的值得注意的倾向。  相似文献   

This article discusses New Zealand geography's recent engagement in institutional regeneration that is aimed at redeveloping the knowledge claims its geography community can make. This engagement has led to new levels of understanding among many New Zealand geographers of colearning and coproduction of knowledge as geographic processes involving knowledge, power, and authority relations. The article briefly outlines two linked trajectories: those relating to the gradual recognition of institutional collapse, and the commitment to remaking a new and generative institutional framework, and the uptake of ideas from international geography that helped with prioritizing revisioning and institutional regeneration. Lessons from New Zealand geography's sobering institutional experiences and new efforts at collective learning and activity to extend the spheres of geography's action are salutary for international geography.  相似文献   

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