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Virtual observatories have been introduced by the astrophysics community as an environment connecting distributed data sources
with a unified interface. The heliophysics community soon recognized that they faced a similar problem of many distributed
data sets with varying amount of information about them and several discipline specific virtual observatories have been established.
Two of them, the virtual heliospheric observatory (VHO) and the virtual magnetospheric observatory (VMO), share a common architecture
design with development efforts oriented towards a structured data search. This paper describes the VHO/VMO middleware and
its components from metadata preparation and processing to the user interface. 相似文献
Christopher C. Harvey Michel Gangloff Todd King Christopher H. Perry D. Aaron Roberts James R. Thieman 《Earth Science Informatics》2008,1(1):5-13
As soon as the first data became available online over the Internet, it was obvious that different sites holding related datasets
should appear to the end user as a single data system, even if the data itself is stored at multiple locations. To achieve
this objective in the context of continuing parallel development of multiple data centres, in 2003 several actors in the realm
of space plasmas created the international consortium Space Physics Archive Search and Extract (SPASE). Since 2005 US participation
in SPASE has been supported by NASA, and early in 2006 NASA funded five new Virtual Observatories to cater for different aspects
of solar system plasma science. This paper outlines the current status of the SPASE effort, the opportunities it offers, its
specificities with respect to other parts of the astronomical virtual observatory, and the possibilities it offers for space
Christopher C. HarveyEmail: |
Image-based 3D modeling has recently opened the way to the use of virtual outcrop models in geology. An intriguing application of this method involves the production of orthorectified images of outcrops using almost any user-defined point of view, so that photorealistic cross-sections suitable for numerous geological purposes and measurements can be easily generated. These purposes include the accurate quantitative analysis of fault-fold relationships starting from imperfectly oriented and partly inaccessible real outcrops. We applied the method of image-based 3D modeling and orthorectification to a case study from the northern Apennines, Italy, where an incipient extensional fault affecting well-layered limestones is exposed on a 10-m-high barely accessible cliff. Through a few simple steps, we constructed a high-quality image-based 3D model of the outcrop. In the model, we made a series of measurements including fault and bedding attitudes, which allowed us to derive the bedding-fault intersection direction. We then used this direction as viewpoint to obtain a distortion-free photorealistic cross-section, on which we measured bed dips and thicknesses as well as fault stratigraphic separations. These measurements allowed us to identify a slight difference (i.e. only 0.5°) between the hangingwall and footwall cutoff angles. We show that the hangingwall strain required to compensate the upward-decreasing displacement of the fault was accommodated by this 0.5° rotation (i.e. folding) and coeval 0.8% thickening of strata in the hangingwall relatively to footwall strata. This evidence is consistent with trishear fault-propagation folding. Our results emphasize the viewpoint importance in structural geology and therefore the potential of using orthorectified virtual outcrops. 相似文献
Dynamic data integration for structural modeling: model screening approach using a distance-based model parameterization 总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2
This paper proposes a novel history-matching method where reservoir structure is inverted from dynamic fluid flow response.
The proposed workflow consists of searching for models that match production history from a large set of prior structural
model realizations. This prior set represents the reservoir structural uncertainty because of interpretation uncertainty on
seismic sections. To make such a search effective, we introduce a parameter space defined with a “similarity distance” for
accommodating this large set of realizations. The inverse solutions are found using a stochastic search method. Realistic
reservoir examples are presented to prove the applicability of the proposed method. 相似文献
This paper explores factors to be taken into consideration in determining the optimal exploration budget for a mining company readying itself for detail work within a mineral province. Optimal strategy is shown to be a combination of results from recent conventional reservation value stopping rules and optimal expenditure models appearing earlier in the literature. 相似文献
寺口子组质疑及建议新建岩石地层单位 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
本文论述了创建了于宁夏固原县三营乡的“寺口子组”的命名沿革、存在问题及新建立的岩石地层单位--乌产寺乌珠尔组的定义、命名剖面、岩性岩相特征及生物组合、地层年代等。并建议在西北地区东部下第三系对比中不用寺口子组,或仅在宁夏暂予保留,而在甘肃、内蒙古西部采用新建的乌兰珠尔组。 相似文献
Seong-Kyu Ha 《GeoJournal》2001,53(1):39-45
The purpose of this paper is twofold: first, to analyze the Joint Redevelopment Project (JRP), a housing renewal program in low-income residential communities, and second, to develop a community-based approach to urban redevelopment in Korea. In urban areas of Korea, particularly in Seoul, housing renewal has systematically reduced the supply of substandard housing in the areas where low-income families have concentrated, thereby isolating and marginalizing the displaced tenants. Housing renewal or urban redevelopment projects are basically profit-oriented rather than upgrading-oriented for a community by means of community dynamics and residents' participation. Although many renewal projects have contributed to the increase of homeowners among middle-income families who had enough financial resources for the purchase of a house, there have been no programs giving sufficient consideration to tenants. In fact, most renewal projects displaced low-income residents affected by housing speculation and attracted more middle-income families into the projects.For local governments, a community-based approach to urban policy means encouraging comprehensive planning and cooperation between governments and communities. It is a holistic approach built around families and communities. We need to use a learning and enabling process in order to develop a community-based approach to redevelopment in urban areas of Korea. 相似文献
在有序表中搜索插值点 总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3
何月顺 《华东地质学院学报》1999,22(4):385-389
通过实验介绍了在插值算法中如何快速有效地搜索插值节点,以减少计算量和误差,使构造的函数逼近“真实”函数。 相似文献
冻土纵、横波宽带超声换能器的研制 总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4
根据冻土弹性波测试的要求,研制了一种冻土测试用的500KHz纵横波复合宽带超声换 能哭喊 。其性能具有灵敏度高、频带宽、声阻撤低的特点,适用于冻土力学特笥的测试。文章介绍了它的结构及相应系统特性,并以10ps的延时时间精度,在零度以下气温条件下,实测了不同含水量及负温冻结兰州黄土试块的纵、横波速,获得了好的结果。 相似文献
Novel information and communication technologies have created new possibilities for transferring information and knowledge over distance. Although this might open up broad options for economic interaction, knowledge regarding the effects of these changes on the geographies of production and innovation is still incomplete. Under these circumstances, permanent co-location and face-to-face (F2F) interaction may be efficient in some contexts but not in others. Support by computer-mediated communication (CMC), temporary, and virtual interaction is increasingly becoming the basis for establishing trans-local production networks. By combining results from social psychology with economic geography, it is argued that there is no generally superior spatial fix for economic interaction. Different spatial configurations can be advantageous in different production and innovation contexts, even over large distances without permanent or even regular F2F contact. This paper systematically investigates the effects of new communication technologies and different organisational forms for economic interaction by emphasizing the potential of combining CMC with forms of temporary and permanent F2F interaction. 相似文献
以平面图形图象设计软件CorelDRAW12为平台,用CorelDRAW12 VBA语言,对CorelDRAW12进行二次开发,将煤田测井常用的"CLGIS煤田测井综合解释程序"处理生成的、不能被其它程序调用的*.DAT数据库文件,转换成可供其它程序方便调用的文本文件格式,再绘制成地质报告中测井部分的各种平面图形.该程序绘制的平面图形文件,可方便地转换成AutoCAD、*.GIF、*.JPG、*.BMP等十多种格式的图形文件.兼容性强,图形美观,编辑容易、方便、简单,打印出图快.CorelDRAW12的坐标可根据绘图需要,反复随意确定,使得程序编写简单.该方法简单易学,实用性强,有一定的推广和实用价值. 相似文献
介绍了利用ⅡS4.0附带的CDONTS(Collaboration Data Objects for Windows NT Server)组件开发ASP及Visual Basic环境下的电子邮件发送程序的基本方法,并对CDONTS组件的常用属性和方法作了简要介绍。 相似文献
台湾金瓜石地质公园概念性规划之研究 总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2
许珊瑜 《中国地质灾害与防治学报》2004,15(2):125-130,116
1999年,联合国教科文组织推出“世界地质公园”(UNECO-Geopark)构想,与“世界遗产”同为国际上保护地球资产的重要概念。地质公园不仅保护特殊地质地形景点且鼓励科学研究,亦可作为推动地质旅游的基地,为地方创造经济发展的可能性。目前联合国教科文组织于2004年2月通过28个世界级的地质公园。地质公园逐渐成为世界各国推动地质地形保育的重要形式,其中以中国及欧盟国家发展最快。金瓜石地区是台湾31个优先推动设置地质公园的景点之一(王鑫、李光中,2003)。基隆山、本山及无耳茶壶山均是金瓜石地区重要的特殊地质地形景点,其成因与当地区域地质环境密切相关。金瓜石地区位于台湾基隆火山群分布区,以侵入式岩浆活动为主,是台湾金铜矿物高度聚集的地方(谭立平、魏稽生,1997;余炳盛、方建能,1995)。地下多样且高品位的经济矿物成为金瓜石地区的重要资产。1894年正式开采以来,开创了金瓜石九份地区繁华的年代。虽然今日矿业已停歇,但遗留下来的矿业遗迹及历史文化形塑了独特的地方特质,符合划设地质公园(以地质地形为主,以人文历史为辅)的条件。因此选择金瓜石地区作为研究区,进行地质公园概念性规划。本研究从“地球遗产保育”角度出发,就“分区管理”及“特殊地质地形景点保护”2个面向进行分析。首先透过“地势分析”将金瓜石地区分为4类10个景观同质单元,并进行地景特质描述。其次,以“叠慧法”对特殊地质地形景点进行“重要景点评选”、“景点评估”拟定“景点管理措施”,并取得专家群的共识及建议。最后提出3个管理分区,并将特殊景观区分为5个景区。 相似文献
The variational technique of data assimilation using adjoint equations has been illustrated using a nonlinear oceanographic
shallow water model. The technique consists of minimizing a cost function representing the misfit between the model and the
data subject to the model equations acting as constraints. The problem has been transformed into an unconstrained one by the
use of Lagrange multipliers. Particular emphasis has been laid on finite difference formulation of the algorithm. Several
numerical experiments have been conducted using simulated data obtained from a control run of the model. Implications of this
technique for assimilating asynoptic satellite altimeter data into ocean models have been discussed. 相似文献
识别岩土力学经验模型的关键是如何寻找到一个全局最优解。禁忌虎法是一种寻找全局最优解的算法。针对常规禁忌算法处理连续问题时搜索范围小,对初始点的依赖性强等不足,对算法进行了改进,并将禁忌算法的离散化过程进行了修改,提出了二阶段禁忌算法。用该算法对圆弧和楔体破坏边坡数模型中的参数进行了搜索。结果表明,该方法是一种行之有效的全局优化算法。 相似文献
Developing a Geological Management Information System: National Important Mining Zone Database 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
INTRODUCTIONGeographic information systems (GIS) is a newtechnology of storing and processing spatial informa-tion , which can combine graphics with many types ofdatabase .It can also exhibit accurate and real spaceinformation with charts and texts according to actualneed ,and canintegrate geographic locations and cor-related data attributes as an organic whole .Geoscien-tists have shown GIS to be a very useful tool in theanalysis of geoscience problems (Zhao et al .,2004 ;Singer ,1993… 相似文献
Daniel F. Merriam 《Environmental Geology》2009,56(8):1697-1706
The State of Kansas, as an energy-producing and agriculture-based state, faces problems in production of natural resources and potential pollution from their production. To coordinate information on the exploration, production, and use of coal, nuclear, petroleum, natural gas, hydro, wind, geothermal, coalbed methane, biofuel, solar, and other energy resources, the Kansas Energy Council and the University of Kansas Energy Research Center were created. Water, surface and subsurface, is the other important and maybe the most important natural resource in the welfare of the state. To ease the problems of contamination, situations are monitored by regulatory agencies: the Kansas Corporation Commission, Kansas Department of Health and Environment, and Division of Water Resources of the Kansas Department of Agriculture. The Kansas Geological Survey (KGS) at the University of Kansas serves as the archive for energy and natural resource data and conducts research pertinent to the exploration and exploitation of mineral resources, including energy and water. The Kansas Energy Research Center coordinates and supports energy activities. The Kansas Water Office and the staff for the Kansas Water Authority are charged with water planning and preparing reports on water problems and possible solutions. The cost of preserving the environment in a relatively pristine state really is of no concern considering the possible consequences; living conditions should be preserved to assure future generations, a suitable, sustainable, stable environment. With all the dire predictions for the future and energy-producing and pollution problems, Kansas is a model state in this modern industrial age for protecting the environment and is a leader in conservation.
Daniel F. MerriamEmail: |
Interpolated geochemical maps contain problems of sample catchments and vacant sample areas. However, the resemblance of these
maps with regional geological maps implies that there are strong correlations between them. A conceptual model of the geological
units from multivariate chemical elements is constructed by decision tree technique. The reproducibility of the geological
map with the conceptual model is about 80% in the Chungbuk province map of Korea. Statistical uncertainties indicate that
rock units could be predicted reasonably well by decision tree if the geological map polygon is big enough. Misinterpreted
points are due to interpolation problems between samples from adjacent rock units and from different sample catchments. In
the Chungbuk example, the latter is less significant. The size of the map polygon is one of the most critical factors, and
a polygon size greater than 50 km2 is reliable for such analyses for the Chungbuk example. Combined lithologies in a single mapping unit are not critically
affected by decision tree prediction. 相似文献
The relationship between expressed attitudes and actual behaviour in the context of sustainable development is complex and difficult to apply in a policy-relevant manner. The household, however, represents a key ‘lens’ for understanding the environmental impact of consumption patterns and for instigating policy designed to change consumer behaviour. This paper assesses the use of a household diary approach as a means of framing and collecting household environmental data, and, critically, as an educational vehicle for bringing about behavioural change by encouraging reflexivity. Evaluating the success of the diary approach at instigating behavioural change, the paper concludes that the diary approach: (1) created awareness about pro-environmental behaviour where there was none; (2) extended existing awareness to a wider range of pro-environmental behaviours and range of household members, and; (3) induced change in pro-environmental behaviour. In particular, the paper argues that current research neglects the potential that participating in the research process may contribute to changing the outlook or behaviour of participants. 相似文献