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Although evidence for Quaternary environmental changes in the Arabian Peninsula is now growing, research has mostly been conducted in the United Arab Emirates (UAE) and in the Sultanate of Oman. There have been virtually no recent studies in Saudi Arabia, especially in the central region such as around Al‐Quwaiayh. In this area there are a series of outwash plains developed along the eastern edge of the Arabian Shield that formed in the late Quaternary. Four sedimentary sections, which are representative of the deposits that have accumulated, have been studied and five luminescence ages obtained. These are the first luminescence ages acquired from Quaternary sediments in central Saudi Arabia. The preserved fluvial deposits in the study area have formed during humid events at ca. 54 ka, ca. 39 ka and ca. 0.8 ka. In more recent times aeolian sands have been encroaching on to the distal parts of the outwash plains. Copyright © 2008 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Trace analysis of hydrocarbons in coral cores from Saudi Arabia   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
As part of a long-term environmental assessment of the impact of the 1991 Gulf War on coral reefs, the Australian Institute of Marine Science (AIMS) conducted growth and chemistry studies on coral cores from the Arabian Gulf. Twenty-eight cores were collected from four coral reefs located offshore from Saudi Arabia.Annual coral growth bands surrounding the 1991 oil spill were analysed in selected cores. Additionally, in cores that extended to the early 1980s, annual layers from 1980 to 1986 were analysed for possible residues from the 1983–4 oil spill caused by the Nowruz oil field blowout during the Iraq–Iran war. Both major spill events were targeted to provide additional confidence in relating oil concentrations to specific pollution events. We detected petroleum biomarkers in several coral annual bands related to the major pollution events. However, the oil remaining in these cores has been altered over time and the biomarker ratios found in these oil residues differed from Gulf crude oils.The concentrations of hydrocarbons were compared with the growth parameters of the coral cores. Only one sample may have recorded an “impact” of oil exposure. There was no other correspondence between slight changes in growth parameters between years and the trace chemistry. Therefore, chemical analysis enabled detection of the exposure incident, but provided no insight into the amount of oil to which the coral had been exposed. The chemical data can only infer biological impact if growth was significantly decreased.The average coral growth characteristics of Porites from the four sites in the Arabian Gulf were normal, as predicted from the average water temperatures of the region. There was an indication of an overall decline in growth over time, which should be monitored in the future.  相似文献   

The aim of this paper is to evaluate the soil water characteristic curves (SWCC) of undisturbed expansive shale identified at different locations of Kingdom of Saudi Arabia. The SWCCs were evaluated for suction ranging from 0.5 to 400 MPa. Based on test results, all SWCCs reveal a bimodal curve indicating the presence of two distinct pore size distributions referred to as small and large micropores. Volume change measurements were performed to evaluate void ratio–suction relationships which confirmed the expansive nature of shale. Similarities between measured SWCCs and void ratio–suction relations developed for expansive shale originating from same geological formation suggests the impact of geological and environmental conditions on the unsaturated behavior of shale samples. Finally, a modified approach based on Mckeen’s classification methodology was proposed to assess the swelling potential using bimodal SWCCs. The modified approach was used to assess the relative contribution of different micropores on the swelling potential of shale.  相似文献   

Drought and human adjustment in Saudi Arabia   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Drought is one of the natural hazards which causes death and damage for property particularly in drylands of the world. Drought as a natural hazard tends to limit and disrupt human activities. On the other hand, man has tried to adjust his living conditions to this hazard. The adjustment to drought is different from one country to another. Adjustment to drought is affected by culture, income, and by the political system in the country. In the case of Saudi Arabia adjustment to drought hazard is usually the work of both individuals, and government. The Saudi Arabian government has spent large sums of money to reduce impact of drought hazard.  相似文献   

Detailed field-structural mapping of Neoproterozoic basement rocks exposed in the Wadi Yiba area, southern Arabian Shield, Saudi Arabia illustrates an important episode of late Neoproterozoic transpression in the southern part of the Arabian-Nubian Shield (ANS). This area is dominated by five main basement lithologies: gneisses, metavolcanics, Ablah Group (meta-clastic and marble units) and syn- and post-tectonic granitoids. These rocks were affected by three phases of deformation (D1–D3). D1 formed tight to isoclinal and intrafolial folds (F1), penetrative foliation (S1), and mineral lineation (L1), which resulted from early E-W (to ENE-WSW) shortening. D2 deformation overprinted D1 structures and was dominated by transpression and top-to-the-W (?WSW) thrusting as shortening progressed. Stretching lineation trajectories, S-C foliations, asymmetric shear fabrics and related mylonitic foliation, and flat-ramp and duplex geometries further indicate the inferred transport direction. The N- to NNW-orientation of both “in-sequence piggy-back thrusts” and axial planes of minor and major F2 thrust-related overturned folds also indicates the same D2 compressional stress trajectories. The Wadi Yiba Shear Zone (WYSZ) formed during D2 deformation. It is one of several N-S trending brittle-ductile Late Neoproterozoic shear zones in the southern part of the ANS. Shear sense indicators reveal that shearing during D2 regional-scale transpression was dextral and is consistent with the mega-scale sigmoidal patterns recognized on Landsat images. The shearing led to the formation of the WYSZ and consequent F2 shear zone-related folds, as well as other unmappable shear zones in the deformed rocks. Emplacement of the syn-tectonic granitoids is likely to have occurred during D2 transpression and occupied space created during thrust propagation. D1 and D2 structures are locally overprinted by mesoscopic- to macroscopic-scale D3 structures (F3 folds, and L3 crenulation lineations and kink bands). F3 folds are frequently open and have steep to subvertical axial planes and axes that plunge ENE to ESE. This deformation may reflect progressive convergence between East and West Gondwana.  相似文献   

Five, Neoproterozoic, poorly studied felsic intrusives from NW Saudi Arabia have been subjected to a detailed geological, geochemical and mineralogical study to identify their characteristics and to understand their processes of formation. The results have indicated that the individual plutons in the region are each subtly different. This is mainly displayed by the existence of different types of granites, based on chemistry and petrography (peralkaline, alkaline and calc-alkaline) and mineralogy (particularly the presence of different types of amphibole, both sodic and calcic). The granites were most likely derived by low-pressure, partial melting of crustal rocks with possible crustal contamination, followed by fractional crystallization and later sub-solidus alteration by fluids. The geochemical differences between the granites could be related to their formation during different stages of the region’s evolution. The granites contain relatively high contents of rare earth elements and rare metals, mostly hosted by phosphates (monazite-Ce and xenotime), Nb oxide (fergusonite-Y) and possible rare earth carbonates (synchysite). Further detailed geochemical study would determine the economic significance of the studied granitoids and allow understanding how the plutons were fit into tectonic setting of the region.  相似文献   

Amazonia I is a large multi-disciplinary project, now in its fourth year, concerned with the effects of changing land use on the ecology and climate of the Brazilian Amazon. It is primarily concerned with investigating the water, carbon and nutrient cycles, and brings together about 80 scientists from a number of Brasilian institutes, but especially from INPA in Manaus, CENA/USP in Piracicaba and EMBRAPA/CPATU in Belem.Major activities include the better identification of water vapour producing precipitation, to establish better water vapour circulation models (via 18O, deuterium and 3H analysis, plus radiosonding); the study of water relations of isolated forest areas; the study of various phases of the carbon cycle especially soil organic matter; primary production; and nitrogen and soil fertility studies.A first phase Regional Amazon Model (RAM) for hydrology is being developed, and it should shortly be possible to make a first research-based attempt at modelling the carbon cycle of the Amazon region.This coordinated project represents in most ways the type of research required for the International Geosphere-Biosphere Programme (IGBP) and is a major Brasilian initiative.  相似文献   

The study focuses on the analysis of manufacturing industry in Saudi Arabia by examining development, structure and spatial distribution. The analysis has shown that Saudi manufacturing is basically of recent development and is highly capital- and energy-intensive, particularly the hydrocarbon-based groups. Perhaps the most conspicuous weakness of Saudi industrialization is the almost total dependence on expatriate labour. Foreign capital and expertise share in the building and development of the industrial sector by providing technical, managerial, and marketing skills. Saudi industry is heavily subsidized by the government, and the public sector plays a commanding role in industrial development. Large-scale basic industries are owned and run by the government, while light manufacturing of the import-substitution type is dominated by the private sector. One of the main characteristics of manufacturing industry is that it is scantily diversified, modestly concentrated and remarkably linked geographically but not functionally or structurally. Although the authorities are exerting tremendous efforts to achieve a regional balance in industrial development, Saudi manufacturing industry is significantly polarized, urban-oriented and highly associated with the major axes of population scatter. Like all developing countries beginning to industrialize, Saudi manufacturing industry faces certain problems which have to be resolved so as to lay the foundations for a sound and prosperous industrial future. The paper goes on to indicate problems and to suggest solutions.  相似文献   

喜马拉雅地体的泛非-早古生代造山事件年龄记录   总被引:35,自引:24,他引:35  
喜马拉雅地体是55±10Ma以来印度陆块与欧亚大陆碰撞而形成的增生地体,位于其中的高喜马拉雅与特提斯-喜马拉雅构造单元的变质基底主要由角闪岩相的富铝变质沉积岩和花岗质片麻岩组成。对两类岩石中锆石的SHRIMPU-Pb测年结果表明,除了记录了20Ma以来的构造事件年龄外,主要保存了529-457Ma的变形和变质事件记录,另外还保存了更早期(>835Ma)的年龄信息。根据20Ma以来崛起的喜马拉雅挤出岩片中包含早期强烈褶皱和向南的斜向逆冲构造以及伴随的角闪岩相变质作用记录,结合岩石测年所获得的大量泛非-早古生代年龄和奥陶纪底砾岩的发现,说明曾位于南半球印度陆块北部的变质基底岩石经历过泛非-早古生代造山事件,同位素年代学数据表明:(1)原始喜马拉雅山是泛非-早古生代造山事件的产物;(2)印度陆块早-中元古代变质基底的再活化在原始喜马拉雅山形成中起重要的作用;(3)现在的喜马拉雅山是在泛非-早古生代造山事件基础上再造山的结果。  相似文献   

The present paper reviews the conservation movement in Saudi Arabia as measured against the established protected areas, as well as the basic philosophy regarding natural resource management. The degree of representation of the biophysical diversity of Saudi Arabia in the established protected areas is discussed by using three areas as case studies: Harrat Al-Harrah (lava field), Urug Bani Mu'arid (Cuesta and Sand), and Raydah Escarpment (High Mountain).  相似文献   

Kent C.  Elena  W.L.  Keith N. 《Gondwana Research》2009,15(3-4):228-242
The goal of this study is to evaluate the global age distribution of granitoid magmatism and juvenile continental crust production with U/Pb isotopic ages from igneous and detrital zircons, and with Nd isotopic data. Granitoid age peaks, which are largely defined by TIMS data, are narrow and precise in contrast to detrital peaks that are often broad and hump-shaped due to the larger uncertainties of SHRIMP and LAM-ICPMS data. Granitic age peaks do not always have detrital counterparts and vice versa. Possible contributing factors to this mismatch are removal of crustal sources by erosion, inadequate sampling of granitoids because of cover by younger rocks, or small age peaks hidden by large age peaks in detrital spectra.Seven igneous peaks are found on five or more cratons or continents (3300, 2700, 2680, 2500, 2100, 1900 and 1100 Ma) and seven detrital peaks occur on three or more continents (2785, 2700, 2600, 2500, 1900, 1650 and 1200 Ma). Nd isotope distributions suggest important additions of juvenile continental crust at 2700, 2500, 2120, 1900, 1700, 1650, 800, 570 and 450 Ma. Tight clusters of craton ages occur for Superior–Karelia, Sao Francisco–Nain, and Kaapvaal–Siberia in the early Archean and for Wyoming–Kaapvaal–Slave, Superior–Nain, and West Africa–Amazonia in the late Archean. The global 2700-Ma peak is not a simple spike, but involves several peaks between 2760 and 2650 Ma. Events older than 3700 Ma are limited to the Yilgarn, Slave, Nain and North China cratons, and events between 2600 and 2500 Ma are widespread only in East Asia, Central and East Africa, and India.Single, short-lived mantle plume events at 2700 and 1900 Ga (or any other time) cannot easily account for prolonged episodes of granitoid magmatism during the Precambrian. The causes of geographically widespread and geographically restricted events are probably not the same.  相似文献   

The suture zone between the Bhandara craton and the granulite-facies rocks of the Eastern Ghats Province in SE India contains a number of deformed alkaline and tholeiitic intrusives. The Khariar alkaline complex is one of the several occurrences which intruded in the Mesoproterozoic (1,480±17 Ma, 2σ) and was deformed during the Pan-African tectonothermal event. The geochemical signatures indicate a rift-related setting for the magmatic activity. The nepheline syenite parent magma may have been produced by in-mantle fractionation of clinopyroxene and Ti-rich amphibole from a basanitic primary magma derived from an enriched spinel lherzolite mantle source in the sub-continental lithosphere. Geochemical variations in the Khariar alkaline suite can be modeled by the fractionation of clinopyroxene, amphibole, titanite, zircon, apatite and allanite. The Mesoproterozoic alkaline magmatism at Khariar marks the initiation of a NE-SW rift which formed several craton margin basins and opened an ocean towards the south. The sediments of the cratogenic basins and the Eastern Ghats Province were deposited in these rift-related basins. A K-Ar age of 1,330±53 Ma from glauconites in sandstone suggests that the NW-SE trending Godavari–Pranhita graben formed at approximately the same time as the rift at the craton margin. If the two are related, the Godavari–Pranhita graben may represent the failed arm of a rift system in which the NE-SW arm was the active segment. The granulite-facies deformation and metamorphism of the Eastern Ghats Province sediments may be related to an episode of Grenvillian basin inversion. The Mesoproterozoic rifting and Grenvillian basin closure may thus represent two well-defined parts of a Wilson cycle i.e. the opening and closure of an ocean. The Khariar and other alkaline bodies were, however, deformed during a Pan-African collisional event associated with the westward thrusting of the Eastern Ghats Province granulites over the cratonic foreland.  相似文献   

大理地区存在较完整的新元古代泛非期构造-热事件记录,海东挖色花岗闪长岩、花岗岩中获得黑云母K-Ar年龄799Ma、锆石U-Pb年龄667Ma,苍山云弄峰黑云母二长花岗岩中获得锆石U-Pb年龄748Ma,大沟箐角闪辉长岩中获得K-Ar年龄892.3Ma。新元古代挖色花岗岩和云弄峰花岗岩与奥陶系大成村组沉积接触。大成村组粉砂岩中产腕足类、腹足类化石,顶部与中志留统阴阳山组假整合接触,缺失下志留统。向阳村奥陶系—志留系发育较好,产丰富的三叶虫、笔石化石,其中不乏早奥陶世的标准分子。大理地区的地层构造与丽江地区差异较大,不能对比,但可以同青海南部及藏东对比。古中元界苍山群相当于宁多群,新元古界罗平山岩组相当于草曲群,缺失震旦系—寒武系。下奥陶统向阳组、迎凤村组相当于青泥洞组和曾子顶组。因此,大理地区板坱构造划分应归属西藏-三江造山系中的扬子西缘多岛-弧-盆系。西藏-三江造山系与扬子-华南陆块区的界线应移至红河-程海断裂上。  相似文献   

Tertiary to Recent continental rifting and sea floor spreadingformed the Red Sea. Mantle xenoliths from the Saudi ArabianRed Sea margin provide an opportunity to study the mantle beneaththe flanks of this young ocean basin. The Harrat al Kishb mantlexenolith suite consists of Cr-diopside group spinel harzburgiteand lherzolite mantle wall rock, and a variety of pyroxenitesproduced by crystallization from mafic magmas within the mantle.The pyroxenites include two texturally distinct varieties ofCr-diopside group spinel websterites, and Al-augite group spinelpyroxenite, garnet-spinel websterite, and garnet-bearing spinelclinopyroxenite. All Harrat al Kishb xenoliths are deformedto some degree and many are recrystallized. Mineral exsolutionand zoning textures indicate reequilibration to decreasing temperatureconditions. Several xenoliths provide evidence for metasomaticprocesses in the mantle beneath western Saudi Arabia. Estimates of peridotite temperatures are 900–980?C withpressure bracketed between 13 and 19 kb. Al-augite spinel pyroxenitesyield temperatures of 1050–1070?C. Garnet-spinel websteritesyield temperatures and pressures in the range 1000–1030?C,13.8–16.5 kb. These P-T estimates show that mantle temperatures are elevatedwell above those predicted by low surface heat flow measurements.Mantle heating associated with rifting is young enough thatsurface heat flow has not yet equilibrated. The xenolith dataare consistent with a model of asthenosphere upwelling beneaththe Red Sea rift. Comparison of xenolith data with existingseismic refraction data reveals a coherent picture of the compositionof the western Saudi Arabian lithosphere.  相似文献   

Two spinel harzburgite xenoliths from a Pleistocene alkali basalt unit erupted at the northwestern corner of the Tertiary Kishb Plateau (Saudi Arabia) are characterized by an incipient transition from protogranular to porphyroclastic texture. Vermicular and interstitial spinels are closely associated with neoblasts of olivine, enstatite, and diopside. Sparse exsolution lamellae of high-Ca pyroxene occur in all the enstatite porphyroblasts. Olivine neoblasts are, in many cases, in contact with one another, with the triple grain junctions rarely approaching 120°. Chemical zoning is undetectable by microprobe in spinel and olivine, whereas zoning of Al in enstatite and diopside indicates that chemical equilibrium was not attained. Clear, palegreen glasses occur as veinlets about 10 microns or less in width along grain boundaries and cracks. Consistent counting rates for Na in these glasses were obtained only at 5 kV with a sample current of about 6 namps and counting time of less than 7 s. These glasses are chemically homogeneous and are characterized by relatively high contents of SiO2 (55.8–58.7 wt%), Na2O (6.4–7.6 wt%), and Al2O3 (20.0–21.6 wt%), with inferred volatile contents of less than 1 wt%. The glass is suggested to be of upper mantle origin rather than having developed from the host basalt or by decompressional melting upon ascent.Geothermometry and geobarometry indicate that the lithospheric upper mantle beneath the Arabian Shield had been locally heated to higher than 1,050° C during Miocene/ Pliocene, resulting in some degree of partial melting. Spinel was formed by reaction between aluminous pyroxenes and olivine during subsequent cooling, and intercrystalline Mg-Fe exchange reached a steady state at about 800° C. The geotherm beneath the Arabian Shield since Miocene is estimated to be somewhat lower than that representing the present oceanic upper mantle. The thermal history established is consistent with the tectonic history of the Red Sea area and indicates a two-stage magmatism in the Arabian Shield since Miocene.  相似文献   

Severe and widespread damage in residential buildings, sidewalks and pavements in various parts of the middle region of Saudi Arabia is caused by the development of heave and swelling pressure in the expansive shales in the region. This paper presents the problems and the geotechnical and physicochemical properties of the tested shales. The swelling potential was determined using various methods. Swell tests were conducted under different loading conditions and following different procedures to quantify the amount of vertical swell and swelling pressure. The conventional one-dimensional oedometer swell tests were performed using three different procedures, namely, free swell, constant volume swell and swell overburden. In addition, swell tests were performed in the stress path triaxial apparatus. Tests under different vertical stresses and confinements were conducted. Vertical swell and swelling pressure obtained from the various methods were compared. The reliability of the different methods for estimation of swelling potential is discussed.  相似文献   

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