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We present our long-term photometric and spectroscopic observations of a high-latitude B supergiant with an infrared excess—the protoplanetary nebula IRAS 18062+2410. OurU BV observations in 2000–2006 have confirmed the rapid irregular photometric variability of the star with a maximum amplitude as high as 0 . m 4 in V that we found previously. The BV and UB color indices vary with amplitudes as high as 0 . m 10 and 0 . m 25, respectively, and show no clear correlation with the brightness. Our V-band CCD observations on 11 nights in 2006 have revealed brightness trends during the night. The variability of IRAS18062+2410 is similar in pattern to the light variations in other hot post-AGB objects and some of the nuclei of young planetary nebulae. We assume that pulsations and a variable stellar wind can be responsible for the variability of these stars. In addition to the rapid variability, our 12-year-long observations have revealed a systematic decline in the mean brightness of IRAS 18062+2410. This may be related to a rise in the temperature of the star at constant luminosity as a result of its evolution. Low-resolution spectroscopic observations have shown a systematic increase in the equivalent widths of the Hα, Hβ, [NII]λ6584 Å, OI λ8446 Å, and [OII] λ7320–7330 Å emission lines. The changes in the star’s emission line spectrum are probably caused by an increase in the degree of ionization of the gas shell due to a rise in the temperature of the ionizing star. Our photometric and spectroscopic observations of IRAS 18062+2410 confirm the previously made assumptions that the star evolves very rapidly to the region of planetary nebulae.  相似文献   

We present the results of our UBV and JHKLM photometry for the semiregular pulsating variable V1027 Cyg, a supergiant with an infrared excess, over the period from 1997 to 2015 (UBV) and in 2009–2015 (JHKLM). Together with the new data, we analyze the photometric observations of V1027 Cyg that we have obtained and published previously. Our search for a periodicity in the UBV brightness variations has led to several periods from P = 212d to 320d in different time intervals. We have found the period P = 237d based on our infrared photometry. The variability amplitude, the lightcurve shape, and themagnitude of V1027 Cyg atmaximum light change noticeably from cycle to cycle. The deepest minimum was observed in 2011, when the amplitudes of brightness variations in the star reached the following values: ΔU = 1 . m 28, ΔB = 1 . m 10, ΔV = 1 . m 05, ΔJ = 0 . m 30, ΔH = 0 . m 35, ΔK = 0 . m 32, ΔL = 0 . m 26, and ΔM = 0 . m 10. An ambiguous correlation of the B ? V and U ? B colors with the brightness has been revealed. For example, a noticeable bluing of the star was observed during the deep 1992, 2008, and 2011 minima, while the variations with smaller amplitudes show an increase in B ? V at the photometric minima. The spectral energy distribution for V1027 Cyg from our photometry in the range 0.36 (U)–5.0 (M) μm corresponds to spectral types from G8I to K3I at different phases of the pulsation cycle. Low-resolution spectra of V1027 Cyg in the range λ4400–9200 ?A were taken during 16 nights over the period 1995–2015. At the 1995 and 2011 photometric minima the star’s spectrum exhibited molecular TiO bands whose intensity corresponded to spectral types M0–M1, while the photometric data point to a considerably earlier spectral type. We hypothesize that the TiO bands are formed in the upper layers of the extended stellar atmosphere. We have measured the equivalent widths of the strongest absorption lines, in particular, the infrared Ca II triplet in the spectrum of V1027 Cyg. The calcium triplet (Ca T) with W λ(Ca T) = 20.3 ± 1.8 ?A as a luminosity indicator for supergiants places V1027 Cyg in the region of the brightest G–K supergiants. V1027 Cyg has been identified with the infrared source IRAS 20004+2955 and is currently believed to be a candidate for post-AGB stars. The evolutionary status of the star and its difference from other post-AGB objects are discussed.  相似文献   

Results of 11-year-long X-ray INTEGRAL observations of the nucleus of Seyfert galaxy NGC 4945 in the 3–500 keV range were processed. A two-component spectrum model, which includes strong radiation absorption in the Compton-thick torus around the AGN “central engine” and secondary radiation reflected from the torus walls, was used in the analysis. The following primary spectrum parameters were determined based on the data accumulated throughout the entire exposure period: photon index Γ = 1.60 ± 0.07, exponential cutoff energy E c =157 -22 +29 keV, and column density of the medium that absorbs primary radiation N H,1 =5.0 -0.9 +1.0 × 1024 cm–2. The column density of the medium absorbing reflected radiation is two orders of magnitude lower. Both the X-ray flux in the ranges of 20–40, 40–60, and 60–100 keV and the shape of the X-ray spectrum of NGC 4945 vary. The spectrum shape variations may be induced by inhomogeneities of the absorbing medium surrounding the AGN. At the same time, there is some evidence for moderate spectrum variations in the highenergy region, which may be associated with changes in the “central engine.”  相似文献   

We present and discuss the results of our long-term JHKLM photometry for two RV Tau stars (R Sge and RV Tau) and the yellow supergiant V1027 Cyg, a candidate for protoplanetary nebulae. The amplitude of the infrared brightness variations in R Sge and RV Tau over fourteen years of observations was 0 . m 9?1 m ; the infrared brightness variations in V1027 Cyg over eighteen years did not exceed 0 . m 25. The infrared brightness and color of R Sge fluctuated about their gradually changing mean values; the infrared brightness variations agree with a period of 70.77 days. The periodic J brightness and J-H color variations in R Sge can be explained by temperature pulsations with ΔT ≤ 200 K and radial pulsations with [ΔR/R] ≤ 0.2. From 1995 to 2008, the mean J brightness of RV Tau increased, while its mean J-H color index decreased; the variations in the mean J brightness can be associated mainly with stellar temperature variations; a periodic component with P = 78.73 days is observed in the infrared brightness and color fluctuations. The variations in the mean J brightness and J-H color index of the supergiant V1027 Cyg over eighteen years of observations did not exceed a few hundredths of a magnitude; both temperature and radial pulsations may be present in the observed J brightness variations. The most probable period of the infrared brightness fluctuations in V1027 Cyg is 237 ± 2 days. The dust shell of R Sge may consist of two layers with grain temperatures of ~1000 and ~700 K; the optical depth at 1.25 µm is ~0.02 and ~0.24, respectively. The grain temperatures in the circumstellar dust shells of the supergiants RV Tau and V1027 Cyg are ~600 K (RV Tau) and ~700 K (V1027 Cyg). Their optical depths at 1.25 µm are ~0.24 (RV Tau) and ~0.008 (V1027 Cyg).  相似文献   

In 2003–2008, highly accurate photoelectric and CCD observations of the close binary system DI Her were performed in the V band. The light curves of three primary and three secondary eclipses were constructed. These observations, along with the highly accurate photoelectric observations of other authors obtained in different years from 1963 to 1986, have confirmed the difference between the observed (1 . o 3 ± 0 . o 1/100 yr) and theoretical (4 . o 3/100 yr) rates of apsidal motion. Our photometric data are indicative of a possible variability in the system with period P′ = 1.175 days and amplitude A′ = 0 . m 011, which is probably related to the pulsations of one of the components. There may be a third body in the system that produces in-phase variations in the times of primary and secondary minima with a period of 10.5 yr and an amplitude of 1 . m 5.  相似文献   

Long-term photometric and spectroscopic observations of the yellow symbiotic star LT Del are analyzed. UBV light curves are presented. Based on the observations of 20 cycles, we have refined the orbital period of the star, P = 476 · d 0 ± 1 · d 0. The brightness has been found to be unstable at some orbital phases with an amplitude up to 0 · m 3. We have measured the fluxes in hydrogen and helium emission lines and in continuum and investigated their relationship to the orbital period. The fluxes in hydrogen and HeI lines follow the UBV light curves in phase; the He II 4686 Å flux does not depend on the phase and is constant within the accuracy of our measurements. The intensity ratio of the 4686 Å andHβ lines changes from 0.2 to 0.9 over the period. We interpret the spectroscopic observations based on the hypothesis of heating and ionization of the stellar wind from a cool component by high-frequency radiation from a hot star with a temperature of 105 K. We have estimated the spectral type of the cool star from our photometry and its continuum energy distribution as a bright K2–4 red giant branch halo star. The bolometric luminosity and mass loss rate have been estimated for the K component to be L bol ~ 700L and \(\dot{M}\) ~ 10?8 M yr?1, respectively.  相似文献   

The results of a cross-correlation analysis of the optical and X-ray light curves for eight Seyfert galaxies, NGC 5548, NGC 7469, NGC 3227, NGC 4051, NGC 4151, Mrk 509, Mrk 79, and Akn 564 and for the optical spectra of the quasar 1E 0754 are presented. In the case of the galaxies NGC 5548 and NGC 7469, the maximum values of cross-correlation coefficients for optical and X-ray variations proved to be high (0.73 and 0.79, respectively). The lag time, determined from the maximum of cross-correlation function, is 2.800 ?1.58 +3.12 days for NGC 5548 and 0.6 ?4.3 +0.9 days for NGC 7469. This result favors downscattering of the X-ray emission into the optical range (direct Compton effect) for NGC 5548 and NGC 7469. In addition to the main maximum, which corresponds to the lag of the optical flux variations behind the X-ray flux, six objects (excluding Akn 564 and NGC 4151) show the wings in the intervals of cross-correlation functions that correspond to the time lags of X-ray emission behind the optical emission of approximately 10 days. A method of determining the masses of central black holes in AGNs through spectral line widths is presented; with this method the mass of the central black hole in the quasar 1E 0754 was found (M BH = 1.01 × 108 M sun). The position of the quasar 1E 0754 in the mass-luminosity diagram meets the position of other NLS 1 galaxies.  相似文献   

Based on our UBV RI observations and X-ray data from the RXTE satellite, we have investigated the variability of the galaxy 3C 120 over the period 1996–2008. The relative variability amplitude in the U and B bands without any subtraction of the contribution from the underlying galaxy is 23 and 22%, respectively, against 21% in the X-ray band. The autocorrelation function based on the B-band data is considerably wider than that based on the X-ray data. The structure functions on a time scale from 1 to ~100–300 days in the X-ray and optical spectral ranges have the form of a power law (SFτ b ). However, their indices differ significantly: b = 0.42 in the X-ray band and b = 1.36 in the B band. Considering the X-ray and optical variabilities as a superposition of independent flares in a wide range of durations, we may conclude that the amplitudes of short flares in the X-ray band are higher than those in the optical one and, conversely, the relative amplitudes of long flares in the X-ray band are slightly lower than those in the optical one, i.e., short events dominate in the X-ray band. The optical flux variations in the R c and I c bands lag significantly behind those in the B band, by 3.9 ?0.7 +1.0 and 6.2 ?0.6 +1.1 days, respectively, if the lag is estimated from the centroid of the cross-correlation function. The X-ray variability on a time scale of about 1800 days (~5 yr) lags behind the B-band variations by 5.3 ?3.3 +2.7 days, but the confidence level of this estimate is only 87%. A more detailed analysis of the correlation between the X-ray and optical emissions has revealed a fairly complex picture: different degrees of correlation between the optical and X-ray fluxes are observed at different times.  相似文献   

We present the results of multicolor (UBV JHKLM) photometry (2009–2017) and low-resolution spectroscopy (2016–2017) of the semi-regular variable V1427 Aql = HD 179821, a yellow supergiant with gas-dust envelope. The star displays low-amplitude (ΔV<0 . m 2) semi-periodic brightness variations superimposed on a long-term trend. The light curve shape and timescale change from cycle to cycle. There are temperature variations characteristic for pulsations; brightness oscillations with no significant change of color are also observed. The UBV data for the 2009–2011 interval are well reproduced by a superposition of two periodic components with P = 170d and 141d (or P = 217d—the one year alias of P = 141d). The variation became less regular after 2011, the timescale increased and exceeded 250d. Unusual photometric behavior was seen in 2015 when the star brightness increased by 0 . m 25 in the V filter in 130 days and reached the maximum value ever observed in the course of our monitoring since 1990. In 2009–2016 the annual average brightness monotonically increased in V, J, K, whereas it decreased in U and B. The annual average U ? B, B ? V, and J ? K colors grew, the star was getting redder. The cooling and expanding of the star photosphere along with the increasing of luminosity may explain the long-term trend in brightness and colors. Based on our photometric data we suppose that the photosphere temperature decreased by ~400 K in the 2008–2016 interval, the radius increased by ~24%, and the luminosity grew by ~19%. We review the change of annual average photometric data for almost 30 years of observations. Low-resolution spectra in the λ4000?9000 Å wavelength range obtained in 2016–2017 indicate significant changes in the spectrum of V1427 Aql as compared with the 1994–2008 interval, i.e., the Ba II and near-infraredCa II triplet absorptions have gotten stronger while the OI λ7771-4 triplet blend has weakened that points out the decrease of temperature in the region where the absorptions are formed. The evolutionary stage of the star is discussed. We also compare V1427 Aql with post-AGB stars and yellow hypergiants.  相似文献   

We present photoelectric and spectral observations of a hot candidate proto-planetary nebula—early B-type supergiant with emission lines in spectrum—IRAS 19336-0400. The light and color curves display fast irregular brightness variations with maximum amplitudes \(\Delta V = 0_ \cdot ^m 30\), \(\Delta B = 0_ \cdot ^m 35\), \(\Delta U = 0_ \cdot ^m 40\) and color-brightness correlations. By the variability characteristics IRAS 19336-0400 appears similar to other hot proto-planetary nebulae. Based on low-resolution spectra in the range λ4000–7500 Å we have derived absolute intensities of the emission lines Hα, Hβ, Hγ, [S II], [N II], physical conditions in gaseous nebula: n e = 104 cm?3, T e = 7000 ± 1000 K. The emission line Hα, Hβ equivalent widths are found to be considerably variable and related to light changes. By UBV-photometry and spectroscopy the color excess has been estimated: E B-V = 0.50–0.54. Joint photometric and spectral data analysis allows us to assume that the star variability is caused by stellar wind variations.  相似文献   

We present our Hα observations of 11 isolated southern galaxies: SDIG, PGC 51659, E 222-010, E 272-025, E 137-018, IC 4662, Sag DIG, IC 5052, IC 5152, UGCA 438, and E 149-003, with distances from 1 to 7 Mpc. We have determined the total Hα fluxes from these galaxies. The star formation rates in these galaxies range from 10?1 (IC 4662) to 10?4 M yr?1 (SDIG) and the gas depletion time at the observed star formation rates lies within the range from 1/6 to 24 Hubble times H 0 ?1 .  相似文献   

We report the results of our optical speckle interferometric observations of the nearby triple system GJ 795 performed with the 6 m telescope of the Special Astrophysical Observatory of the Russian Academy of Sciences with diffraction-limited angular resolution. The three components of the system were optically resolved for the first time. Position measurements allowed us to determine the elements of the inner orbit of the triple system. We use the measured magnitude differences to estimate the absolute magnitudes and spectral types of the components of the triple: M V Aa =7.31±0.08, M V Ab =8.66±0.10, M V B =8.42±0.10, Sp Aa≈K5, Sp Ab≈K9, Sp B ≈K8. The total mass of the system is equal to ΣM AB =1.69±0.27M . We show GJ795 to be a hierarchical triple system which satisfies the empirical stability criteria.  相似文献   

We present the results of the reduction of our photometric and spectroscopic observations for the eclipsing binary SZ Cam performed with the telescopes at the Astronomical Observatory of the Ural Federal University and the Special Astrophysical Observatory of the Russian Academy of Sciences in 1996–2014. Based on an 11-year-long photometric monitoring of SZ Cam, we have obtained new elements of its photometric orbit and parameters of its components. We have detected low-amplitude periodic light variations in SZ Cam that are possibly related to the ellipsoidal shape of the components of the spectroscopic binary third body. Based on published data and our new spectroscopy, we have found new values for the mass ratio, q = 0.72 ± 0.01, and parameters of the radial velocity curves of the components, V 0 = ?3.6 ± 1.7 km s?1, K 1 = 190.2 ± 1.9 km s?1, and K 2 = 263.0 ± 2.4 km s?1. The component masses have been estimated to be M 1 = 16.1 M and M 2 = 11.6 M . We have obtained new light elements and parameters of the radial velocity curves for the third body, V 0 3b = 4.2 ± 0.6 km s?1 and K 1 3b = 26.6 ± 0.8 km s?1. We have improved the period of the relative orbit of SZ Cam and the third body, P orb = 55.6 ± 1.5 yr.  相似文献   

2MASS is the most complete, homogeneous, and least contaminated catalog among the deep all-sky catalogs of stellar data produced to date. These qualities allow it to be successfully used not only for astrophysical studies, but also for solving various problems of all-sky astrometry and for operational support of automated telescopes. However, the lack of optical photometry in the catalog prevents its potential from being completely unveiled. To overcome this shortcoming, we have developed a procedure for transforming the 2MASS near-infrared magnitudes to optical magnitudes R J relative to the UCAC2 magnitudes R U . As a result of applying this procedure, all 2MASS objects have gotten optical magnitudes with effective wavelengths between the V and R bands of the Johnson system. The resulting transformation accuracy \(\varepsilon _{R_J } \) < 0 . m 5). We also give a brief overview of the present-day all-sky catalogs with emphasis on their photometric properties and completeness.  相似文献   

We present the results of our photometric (BV R) and spectroscopic CCD observations of NGC 304 and NGC 7625, candidate polar-ring galaxies, performed with the 6-m Special Astrophysical Observatory telescope. For NGC 304, such a study has been carried out for the first time. We have obtained basic integrated characteristics of the galaxies and determined their morphological types (S0 for NGC 304 and Sa for NGC 7625). The absolute magnitudes of the galaxies, M B = ?20m.81 for NGC 304 and M B = ?19m.34 for NGC7625, are indicative of their fairly high luminosities. The disk and bulge parameters have been determined forNGC 304 (µ0 = 20m.60, h = 3.86 kpc, µ e = 21m.59, r e = 1.26 kpc in the B band); these correspond to the parameters of S0-type objects. The rotation velocity for NGC 304 (200 km s?1) reaches its maximum at a galactocentric distance of 3.1 kpc, which yields a mass estimate for the galaxy of 2.8 × 1010 \(\mathcal{M}_ \odot \). The observed photometric features at the center of NGC 304 indicate that it may have an inner ring structure, although we have failed to confirm the existence of two kinematic systems based on our spectroscopic observations. In NGC 7625, the disk makes a dominant contribution to the total brightness. The derived integrated color indices (B-V = 0m.81 and V-R = 0m.61) agree with previous determinations of other authors. We have estimated the учештсешщт in the inner galactic regions. In the outer regions, we have detected structures with bluer colors (B-V = 0m.60), which may be indicative of a polar ring with a minor stellar component.  相似文献   

We present the results of extensive numerical modeling of the Martian interior. Yoder et al. in 2003 reported a mean moment of inertia of Mars that was somewhat smaller than the previously used value and the Love number k2 obtained from observations of solar tides on Mars. These values of k2 and the mean moment of inertia impose a strong new constraint on the model of the planet. The models of the Martian interior are elastic, while k2 contains both elastic and inelastic components. We thoroughly examined the problem of partitioning the Love number k2 into elastic and inelastic components. The information necessary to construct models of the planet (observation data, choice of a chemical model, and the cosmogonic aspect of the problem) are discussed in the introduction. The model of the planet comprises four submodels—a model of the outer porous layer, a model of the consolidated crust, a model of the silicate mantle, and a core model. We estimated the possible content of hydrogen in the core of Mars. The following parameters were varied while constructing the models: the ferric number of the mantle (Fe#) and the sulfur and hydrogen content in the core. We used experimental data concerning the pressure and temperature dependence of elastic properties of minerals and the information about the behavior of Fe(γ-Fe ), FeS, FeH, and their mixtures at high P and T. The model density, pressure, temperature, and compressional and shear velocities are given as functions of the planetary radius. The trial model M13 has the following parameters: Fe#=0.20; 14 wt % of sulfur in the core; 50 mol % of hydrogen in the core; the core mass is 20.9 wt %; the core radius is 1699 km; the pressure at the mantle-core boundary is 20.4 GPa; the crust thickness is 50 km; Fe is 25.6 wt %; the Fe/Si weight ratio is 1.58, and there is no perovskite layer. The model gives a radius of the Martian core within 1600–1820 km while ≥30 mol % of hydrogen is incorporated into the core. When the inelasticity of the Martian interior is taken into account, the Love number k2 increases by several thousandths; therefore, the model radius of the planetary core increases as well. The prognostic value of the Chandler period of Mars is 199.5 days, including one day due to inelasticity. Finally, we calculated parameters of the equilibrium figure of Mars for the M13 model: J 2 0 = 1.82 × 10?3, J 4 0 = ?7.79 × 10?6, e c-m D = 1/242.3 (the dynamical flattening of the core-mantle boundary).  相似文献   

Parallaxes with an accuracy better than 10% and proper motions from the Gaia DR1 TGAS catalogue, radial velocities from the Pulkovo Compilation of Radial Velocities (PCRV), accurate Tycho-2 photometry, theoretical PARSEC, MIST, YaPSI, BaSTI isochrones, and the most accurate reddening and interstellar extinction estimates have been used to analyze the kinematics of 9543 thin-disk B-F stars as a function of their dereddened color. The stars under consideration are located on the Hertzsprung–Russell diagram relative to the isochrones with an accuracy of a few hundredths of a magnitude, i.e., at the level of uncertainty in the parallax, photometry, reddening, extinction, and the isochrones themselves. This has allowed us to choose the most plausible reddening and extinction estimates and to conclude that the reddening and extinction were significantly underestimated in some kinematic studies of other authors. Owing to the higher accuracy of TGAS parallaxes than that of Hipparcos ones, the median accuracy of the velocity components U, V, W in this study has improved to 1.7 km s?1, although outside the range ?0.1 m < (B T ? V T )0 < 0.5 m the kinematic characteristics are noticeably biased due to the incompleteness of the sample. We have confirmed the variations in the mean velocity of stars relative to the Sun and the stellar velocity dispersion as a function of their dereddened color known from the Hipparcos data. Given the age estimates for the stars under consideration from the TRILEGAL model and the Geneva–Copenhagen survey, these variations may be considered as variations as a function of the stellar age. A comparison of our results with the results of other studies of the stellar kinematics near the Sun has shown that selection and reddening underestimation explain almost completely the discrepancies between the results. The dispersions and mean velocities from the results of reliable studies fit into a ±2 km s?1 corridor, while the ratios σ V /σ U and σ W /σ U fit into ±0.05. Based on all reliable studies in the range ?0.1 m < (B T ? V T )0 < 0.5m, i.e., for an age from 0.23 to 2.4 Gyr, we have found: W = 7.15 km s?1, \({\sigma _U} = 16.0{e^{1.29({B_T} - {V_T})o}}\), \({\sigma _V} = 10.9{e^{1.11({B_T} - {V_T})o}}\), \({\sigma _W} = 6.8{e^{1.46({B_T} - {V_T})o}}\), the stellar velocity dispersions in km s?1 are proportional to the age in Gyr raised to the power β U = 0.33, β V = 0.285, and β W = 0.37.  相似文献   

Based on archival Hubble Space Telescope images, we have performed stellar photometry for the galaxy M 101 and other neighboring galaxies located at a small angular distance from M 101 and having radial velocities similar to that of M 101: M 51, M 63, NGC 5474, NGC 5477, UGC 9405, Ho IV, KUG1413+573, and others. Based on the TRGB method, we have determined the distances to these galaxies. We have found that the M 101 group lies at a distance of 6.8 Mpc and is a small compact galaxy group consisting of four galaxies: NGC 5474, NGC 5477, UGC 9405, and Ho IV. The bright massive galaxies M 51 and M 63 are considerably farther (D = 9.0 and 9.3 Mpc, respectively) than the M 101 group and do not belong to it. Applying the virial theorem to 27 objects (H II regions and galaxies),M 101 satellites located at different distances from the galaxy, has revealed an increase in the dynamical mass of M 101 with increasing sizes of the system of satellites used in calculating the mass. The maximum calculated mass of M 101 is 7.5 × 1011 M . The dynamical mass of M 101 calculated on the basis of the four galaxies constituting the group is 6.2 × 1011 M . The mass-to-light ratio for this mass is M/L = 18 (at the adopted luminosity of M 101, M B = ?20.8).  相似文献   

Multicolor BVRI surface photometry of the low-luminosity (M V ≈?18m) spiral galaxy NGC 4136 is presented. The photometric parameters of its components and the color distribution over the galactic disk are estimated. The color indices and the corresponding effective ages are determined for the brightest star-forming regions. The disk-to-dark halo mass ratio is derived from the measured rotation curve of the galaxy. The disk mass dominates within the optical boundaries of the galaxy, so its disk can be considered as a self-gravitating system.  相似文献   

We perform a kinematic analysis of the Hipparcos and TRC proper motions of stars by using a linear Ogorodnikov-Milne model. All of the distant (r>0.2 kpc) stars of the Hipparcos catalog have been found to rotate around the Galactic y axis with an angular velocity of M 13 ? =?0.36±0.09 mas yr?1. One of the causes of this rotation may be an uncertainty in the lunisolar precession constant adopted when constructing the ICRS. In this case, the correction to the IAU (1976) lunisolar precession constant in longitude is shown to be Δp1=?3.26±0.10 mas yr?1. Based on the TRC catalog, we have determined the mean Oort constants: A=14.9±1.0 and B=?10.8±0.3 km s?1 kpc?1. The component of the model that describes the rotation of all TRC stars around the Galactic y axis is nonzero for all magnitudes, M 13 ? =?0.86±0.11 mas yr?1.  相似文献   

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