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 Lherzolite xenoliths in Miocene to Pleistocene basalts from five sites in the Hamar-Daban range in southern Siberia provide sampling of the mantle close to the axis of the Baikal rift. These anhydrous spinel lherzolites commonly have foliated fabrics and spongy rims around clinopyroxene, and many contain accessory feldspar. The feldspar occurs in reaction zones adjacent to spinel and orthopyroxene (where it appears to have been formed by the reaction: spl+opx+cpx+fluid →fs+ol) and less commonly as thin, irregular veins. The feldspars have variable compositions but are generally alkali-rich; their K2O content ranges from 0.3 to 11.2% and is much higher than in plagioclase from orogenic lherzolites (usually <0.1% K2O). The temperature range for the Hamar-Daban xenolith suite (950–1010° C) is more restricted than for spinel peridotite xenoliths from other occurrences in the Baikal area. The feldspar-bearing lherzolites yield equilibration temperatures similar to or slightly lower than feldspar-free ones. The majority of the Hamar-Daban lherzolites are fertile and clinopyroxene-rich, as for most other occurrences in the Baikal region. Trace element compositions of selected xenoliths and their clinopyroxenes were determined by ICP-MS, INAA and proton microprobe. Feldspar-bearing xenoliths are enriched in alkalies indicating that feldspar formation is associated with addition of material and is not simply due to isochemical phase changes. Most xenoliths and their clinopyroxenes studied are depleted in light REE and have contents of Sr, Zr and Y common for fertile or moderately depleted mantle peridotites. Few are moderately enriched in LREE, Sr, Th and U. Sr-Nd isotope compositions of clinopyroxenes indicate long-term depletion in incompatible elements similar to unmetasomatised xenoliths from other occurrences south and east of Lake Baikal. The formation of feldspar and of spongy aggregates after clinopyroxene, and the enrichment in alkalies appear to be recent phenomena related to infiltration of an alkali-rich, H2O-poor fluid into spinel peridotites. Received: 20 March 1995 / Accepted: 26 June 1995  相似文献   

Summary Switzerite has the following schematical chemical formula Mn 4 2+(VI) (Me 3+,2+,1+,)(VI) (Me 3+,2+,1+,)(V) (PO4)4. 8 H2O, whereMe is mainly iron; the mineral is monoclinic, space groupP21/c, Z=4; lattice parameters area=8.496,b=13.173,c=17.214 Å, -96.65°. The atomic arrangement was determined by direct methods and refined by least-squares method. FinalR index is 0.077 for 3038 observed reflections. The crystal structure of switzerite can be described as built up by octahedral sheets parallel to (001), with formula [Mn4O10(H2O)4]2.Me coordination bipyramidal dimers link these units in thec direction whileMe coordination octahedra stick out from the sheets to which they are connected through a vertex. The atomic arrangement of switzerite is compared with that in ludlamite, Fe3(PO4)2·4H2O, and in whitmoreite, Fe2+Fe 2 3+ (OH)2(PO4)2·4 H2O. The only analogy in all these structures is the presence of octahedral slabs exhibiting, however, different shapes.
Switzerit: Chemische Formel und Kristallstruktur
Zusammenfassung Switzerit hat die schematische chemische Formel Mn 4 2+(VI) (Me 3+,2+,1+,)(VI) (Me 3+,2+,1+,)(V) (PO4)4·8 H2O, wobeiMe hauptsächlich Eisen ist. Das Mineral ist monoklin, RaumgruppeP21/c,Z=4; Gitterkonstanten:a=8,496,b=13,173,c=17,214 Å, =96,65°. Die Atomanordnung wurde mit direkten Methoden bestimmt und nach der Methode der kleinsten Quadrate verfeinert. Es wurde für 3038 beobachtete ReflexeR=0,077 erreicht. Man kann die Kristallstruktur des Switzerits als aus Oktaederschichten der Formel [Mn4O10(H2O)4]2, die parallel zu (001) liegen, beschreiben. Dimere aus trigonalen Dipyramiden umMe verbinden diese Einheiten in Richtung derc-Achse, während Koordinationsoktaeder umMe aus diesen Schichten, an die sie über eine Ecke verknüpft sind, hervorragen. Die Atomanordnung des Switzerits wird mit denen des Ludlamits, Fe3(PO4)2·4 H2O und des Whitmoreits, Fe2+Fe 2 3+ (OH)2(PO4)2·4 H2O verglichen. Die einzige Analogie zwischen allen diesen Strukturen ist die Anwesenheit von Oktaederschichten, die aber verschiedene Gestalt haben.

With 3 Figures  相似文献   

位于贝加尔裂谷带中部的滨奥里洪地区主要包括3个大地构造单元:西部滨海山脉、滨奥里洪高原和小海地堑.笔者着重对该地区中新世以来的新构造活动特征,特别是对第四纪夷平面的变化、断层的发育、河流的变迁、河流阶地的发育等进行了研究,表明该地区在中新世以来具有强烈的拉张运动与升降运动特征,是贝加尔裂谷带新构造运动表现最强烈的地区.新生代贝加尔裂谷带的发育受印度板块-欧亚板块碰撞、西太平洋俯冲引起弧后扩张作用的影响;中部滨奥里洪地区受到NW-SE向拉张作用,发育了强烈的新构造.  相似文献   

Yoko-Dovyren层状纯橄岩-橄长岩-辉长岩地块位于西伯利亚克拉通南部的一处褶皱构造框架中(俄罗斯贝加尔湖地区北部)。该地块的结构在其厚度最大的中部得到了着重研究。剖面底部主体成分为斜长橄榄岩,并依据内部的堆晶成分变化从下往上可分为五个主要的地层序列:纯橄岩→橄长岩→橄榄辉长岩→橄榄辉长苏长岩→石英辉长苏长岩以及含易变辉石的辉长岩。该地块的矿化包括铜-镍矿化、低硫型富铂族元素(PGE)矿化以及铬铁矿化等。另外,该地块也含多种非金属矿物原材料,如硼矿化、透辉石、各种镁质硅酸盐岩等。它们也包括纯橄岩、异剥橄榄岩和橄长岩,并以较高的品质产出,有望采掘加工成为建筑材料(水泥、混凝土、沥青混凝土和建筑陶瓷)。综合利用矿物原材料可增加矿床价值,并有助于建设环保型采矿工作体系。  相似文献   

Steklite KAl(SO4)2 has been found in sublimates of the Yadovitaya (Poisonous) fumarole at the second cinder cone of the northern breach of the Great Fissure Tolbachik Eruption, Tolbachik volcano, Kamchatka Peninsula, Russia. Steklite was approved as a valid mineral species by the Commission on New Minerals, Nomenclature, and Mineral Classification of the International Mineralogical Association on June 2, 2011 (IMA no. 2011-041). The name steklite is left for this mineral, as it was named by Chesnokov et al. (1995) for its technogenic analog from a burnt dump of coal mine no. 47 at Kopeisk, the Southern Urals, Russia. It is named after the Russian word steklo, meaning glass, in allusion to the visual similarity of its lamellae to thin glass platelets. At Tolbachik, steklite is associated with alumoklyuchevskite, langbeinite, euchlorine, fedotovite, chalcocyanite, hematite, and lyonsite. It occurs as hexagonal or irregular-shaped lamellar crystals with the major form {001} reaching 30 μm in thickness and 0.2 mm (occasionally up to 1 mm) in width. The crystals are frequently split. They are combined into openwork aggregates or thin crusts up to 1.5 × 2.5 cm in area. Steklite is transparent and colorless, with vitreous luster. The cleavage is perfect, parallel to (001). The mineral is brittle. The Mohs’ hardness is 2.5. D calc is 2.797 g/cm3. Steklite is optically uniaxial, (?), ω = 1.546(2), ? = 1.533(3). The chemical composition (wt %, electron-microprobe data) is as follows: 0.09 Na2O, 18.12 K2O, 0.08 CaO, 0.03 MnO, 2.02 Fe2O3, 18.18 Al2O3, 61.80 SO3. The total is 100.37. The empirical formula calculated on the basis of eight O atoms is: (K0.997Na0.008Ca0.004)Σ1.009(Al0.925Fe 0.066 3+ Mg0.003Mn0.001)Σ0.995S2.01O8. Steklite is trigonal, space group P321, a = 4.7281(3), c = 7.9936(5) Å, V = 154.76(17)Å3, Z =1. The strongest reflections in the X-ray powder diffraction pattern (d, Å-I[hkl]) are: 8.02–34[001], 4.085–11[100], 3.649–100[011, 101], 2.861–51[012, 102], 2.660 - 19[003], 2.364–25[110], 2.267–14[111, 111, 103], 1.822–12[022, 202]. In the structure of steklite examined in microtwinned crystal with R = 0.0732, the SO4 tetrahedral anions are shared-corners with distorted AlO6 trigonal prisms to form 2 [(Al, Fe) (SO4)2]? layers coplanar to (001). The K+ cations are in the interlayer space. The type specimen of steklite is deposited in the Fersman Mineralogical Museum, Russian Academy of Sciences, Moscow.  相似文献   

Examination of schorlomite from ijolite at Magnet Cove (USA) and silicocarbonatite at Afrikanda (Russia), using electron-microprobe and hydrogen analyses, X-ray diffraction and Mössbauer spectroscopy, shows the complexity of substitution mechanisms operating in Ti-rich garnets. These substitutions involve incorporation of Na in the eightfold-coordinated X site, Fe2+ and Mg in the octahedrally coordinated Y site, and Fe3+, Al and Fe2+ in the tetrahedrally coordinated Z site. Substitutions Ti4+Fe3+Fe3+–1Si–1 and Ti4+Al3+Fe3+–1Si–1 are of major significance to the crystal chemistry of schorlomite, whereas Fe2+ enters the Z site in relatively minor quantities (<3% Fe). There is no evidence (either structural or indirect, such as discrepancies between the measured and calculated Fe2+ contents) for the presence of [6]Ti3+ or [4]Ti4+ in schorlomite. The simplified general formula of schorlomite can be written as Ca3Ti4+2[Si3-x(Fe3+,Al,Fe2+)xO12], keeping in mind that the notion of end-member composition is inapplicable to this mineral. In the published analyses of schorlomite with low to moderate Zr contents, x ranges from 0.6 to 1.0, i.e. Ti4+ in the Y site is <2 and accompanied by appreciable amounts of lower-charged cations (in particular, Fe3+, Fe2+ and Mg). For classification purposes, the mole percentage of schorlomite can be determined as the amount of [6]Ti4+, balanced by substitutions in the Z site, relative to the total occupancy in the Y site: ([6]Ti4+[6]Fe2+[6]Mg2+[8]Na+)/2. In addition to the predominant schorlomite component, the crystals examined in this work contain significant (>15 mol.%) proportions of andradite (Ca3Fe3+2Si3O12), morimotoite (Ca3Fe2+TiSi3O12), and Ca3MgTiSi3O12. The importance of accurate quantitative determination and assignment of Fe, Ti and other cations to the crystallographic sites for petrogenetic studies is discussed.
A. R. ChakhmouradianEmail: Phone: +1-204-4747278Fax: +1-204-4747623

位于贝加尔裂谷带通京盆地中的呼兰霍博克火山火山锥由火山弹、火山灰等火山碎屑岩和基性熔岩(橄榄玄武岩)组成.橄榄玄武岩中橄榄石可分为具有较高Mg#值的捕虏晶和Mg#值相对较低的斑晶.部分斜长石斑晶具有核.幔.边结构,且幔部发生减压分解,一些单斜辉石晶体(俘虏晶)边部发生了减压分解.根据岩石的化学成分,该玄武岩属于橄榄粗玄岩系列,轻稀土强烈富集,重稀土相对亏损,轻重稀土之间分异较大,具有与OIB相似的微量元素和同位素地球化学特征.岩石学和元素地球化学研究表明,该橄榄玄武岩的源区和岩浆的形成可能与地幔柱活动有关;岩浆演化经历了压力骤减的过程,在岩浆快速上升过程中,深部形成的矿物(可能是地幔矿物的俘虏晶)减压分解.快速上升的岩浆几乎未受大陆地壳的混染,仅捕获了少量流纹质熔体.  相似文献   

Artifacts made from volcanic glass have been found in archaeological contexts dating from the Late Palaeolithic (ca. 20,000 yr B.P.) through to the end of the Bronze Age (ca. 2700 yr B.P.) in the southern Primorye region of Far East Russia. A geoarchaeological survey of volcanic glass outcrops assessed the various potential sources to determine their potential for sustained exploitation. A characterization study of source samples and artifacts from 27 spatially and temporally dispersed sites using a combination of PIXE‐PIGME and relative density identified which sources had actually been exploited and a technological analysis of the assemblages described patterns of use. The combination of these three approaches shows the impact of a relatively stable geological environment on patterns of procurement and exchange. © 2008 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   

Domain twinning of laihunite has been investigated based on diffracton phenomena, and its crystal structure has then been refined. Space group with respect to the domain isP21/c, and cell parametersa=5.813,b=4,812,c=10.211(A), β=90.87°. Atomic coordinate and bond length have been recalculated. Discussions are made of the Fe2+ distribution, lattice distortion, degree of order of laihunite and the relationship of this mineral with fayalite and ferrifayalite. The authors still hold that laih unite should be considered as a new silicate mineral with dominant Fe3+ and less amount of Fe2+.  相似文献   

Summary The crystal structure of the mineral vulcanite, CuTe [a = 3.155(1), b = 4.092(1), c = 6.956(1) ?; Z = 2; space group: Pmmn, No. 59] exhibits a pronounced layer structure with Te-Te distances between the CuTe layers of 4.019(1) ?. Within a range up to 4.2 ? the individual Cu atom is [4Te+4Cu+2Cu], the individual Te atom [4Cu+2Te+4Te] coordinated. Crystals of vulcanite suitable for the present structure investigation were synthesized under hydrothermal conditions.
Zusammenfassung Vulkanit, CuTe: Hydrothermalsynthese und Verfeinerung der Kristallstruktur Die Kristallstruktur des Minerals Vulkanit, CuTe [a = 3,155(1), b = 4,092(1), c =  6,956(1) ?; Z = 2; Raumgruppe: Pmmn, No. 59] stellt eine ausgepr?gte Schichtstruktur mit Te-Te-Abst?nden zwischen den Cu-Te-Schichten von 4,019(1) ? dar. Im Bereich bis 4,2 ? wird jedes individuelle Cu-Atom von [4Te+4Cu+2Cu], jedes Te-Atom von [4Cu+2Te+4Te] koordiniert. Für die vorliegende Strukturbestimmung geeignete Kristalle von Vulkanit wurden unter hydrothermalen Bedingungen synthetisiert.

Received December 17, 1999; revised version accepted August 30, 2000  相似文献   

Paleoearthquakes in the Baikal region: Methods and results of timing   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Over the half-century history of seismological studies in the Baikal region, more than 70 seismotectonic or inferred seismic dislocations related to displacements along active faults have been established. Some of them have been studied in detail by trenching and methods of absolute and relative timing. The current work discusses the age of paleoearthquakes in the Baikal region and gives an overview of modern methods of dating of related dislocations.  相似文献   

The paper reports newly obtained data on the geochronology of the Dovyren intrusive complex and associated metarhyolites of the Inyaptuk Formation in the Synnyr Range. The data were obtained by local LA-ICPMS analysis of zircons in samples. The U-Pb age of olivine-free gabbronorite from near the roof of the Yoko-Dovyren Massif is 730 ± 6 Ma (MSWD = 1.7, n = 33, three samples) is close to the estimated age of 731 ± 4 Ma (MSWD = 1.3, n = 56, five samples) of a 200-m-thick sill beneath the pluton. These data overlap the age of recrystallized hornfels found within the massif (“charnockitoid”, 723 ± 7 Ma, MSWD = 0.12, n = 10) and a dike of sulfidated gabbronorite below the bottom of the massif (725 ± 8 Ma, MSWD = 2.0, n = 15). The estimates are also consistent with the age of albite hornfels (721 ± 6 Ma, MSWD = 0.78, n = 12), which was produced in a low-temperature contact metamorphic facies of the host rocks. The average age of the Dovyren Complex is 728.4 ± 3.4 Ma (MSWD = 1.8, n = 99) based on data on the sill, near-roof gabbronorite, and “charnockitoid”) and is roughly 55 Ma older than the estimate of 673 ± 22 Ma (Sm-Nd; [13]). The U-Pb system of zircon in two quartz metaporphyre samples from the bottom portion of the Inyaptuk volcanic formation in the northeastern part of the Yoko-Dovyren Massif turns out to be disturbed. The scatter of the data points can be explained by the effect of two discrete events. The age of the first zircon population is then 729 ± 14 Ma (MSWD = 0.74, n = 8), and that of the second population is 667 ± 14 Ma (MSWD = 1.9, n = 13). The older value pertains to intrusive rocks of Dovyren, and the age of the “rejuvenated” zircon grains corresponds to the hydrothermal-metasomatic processes, which affected the whole volcano-plutonic sequence and involved the serpentinization of the hyperbasites. This is validated by the results of Rb-Sr isotopic studies with the partial acid leaching of two serpentinized peridotite samples from the Verblyud Sill. These studies date the overprinted processes at 659 ± 5 Ma (MSWD = 1.3, n = 3).  相似文献   

The three-dimensional shear velocity lithospheric structure at depths from 0 to 70 km beneath the southern Baikal rift system and its surroundings has been imaged by inversion of P-to-SV receiver functions from 46 digital stations operated in two teleseismic international projects in southern Siberia and Mongolia. The receiver functions were determined from teleseismic P waveforms and inverted to obtain depth dependences of S velocities at each station which were related to tectonic structures. The computed vertical and horizontal sections of the 3D shear velocity model imaged a transition from relatively thin crust of the southern Siberian craton to thicker crust in the folded area south and southeast of Lake Baikal, with a local zone of thin crust right underneath the South Baikal basin. The velocity structure beneath the Baikal rift, the mountains of Transbaikalia, Mongolia, and the southern craton margin includes several low-velocity zones at different depths in the crust. Some of these zones may record seismic anisotropy associated with mylonite alignment along large thrusts.  相似文献   

Detailed chemical and structural studies were carried out for Li-Na-Fe-amphibole from cryolite rocks of the Katugin deposit, Transbaikalia. The rocks contain 30-70 vol.% cryolite, mafic minerals as Fe-silicates (Li-Na-Fe-amphibole, Li-containing fluorannite, and bafertisite), oxides (magnetite, ilmenite, pyrochlore, cassiterite, and others), and sulfides (sphalerite, pyrite, and chalcopyrite). Quartz, K-feldspar, polylithionite, REE-fluorides, and albite occur as minor or accessory phases. The chemical composition of amphibole (wt.%) varies as follows: SiO2, 48.5-48.9; TiO2, 0.4-0.8; M2O3, 1.6-2.2; Fe2O3, 15.9-17.1; FeO, 17.6-18.4; MnO, 0.8-0.9; ZnO, 0.3-1.1; MgO, 0.2-0.3; CaO, < 0.1; Na2O, 8.4-8.7; K2O, 1.4-1.5; Li2O, 0.6-0.8; H2O, 0.7-0.8; and F, 2.2-2.5. The amphibole has a specific composition intermediate among the F-Fe members of the Na-amphibole subgroup: 40-45 mol.% ferro-ferri-fluoro-nyb0ite, 40-45 mol.% ferro-ferri-fluoro-leakeite, and 10-20 mol.% fluoro-riebeckite ± fluoro-arfvedsonite. The mineral is monoclinic, space group C2/m, a = 9.7978(2), b = 17.9993(3), c = 5.33232(13) A, P = 103.748(2)°, V = 913.43(3) A3, and Z = 2. The structural formula of Li-Na-Fe-amphibole is (Nao.46Ko.24do.3o)Na2.oo(Fea95Mgo.o5)2- (Fe0+ 95Ti0.025Mg0.025)2(Li0.37Fea48Mn0.10Zn0.05)[(Si0.91Al <).09)4Si4O22](F0.58(OH)0.42)2. Raman and Mossbauer spectroscopy data are given for this amphibole.  相似文献   

The crystal structure of the rare secondary mineral cualstibite-1M (formerly cyanophyllite), originally reported to have the chemical formula 10CuO·2Al2O3·3Sb2O3·25H2O and orthorhombic symmetry, was solved from single-crystal intensity data (Mo- X-radiation, CCD area detector, 293 K, 2θmax?=?80) collected on a twinned crystal containing very minor Mg. The mineral is monoclinic, P21/c (no. 14), with a?=?9.938(1), b?=?8.890(1), c?=?5.493(1) Å, β?=?102.90(1)°, V?=?473.05(11) Å3; R1(F)?=?0.0326. All crystals investigated turned out to be non-merohedric twins. The atomic arrangement has a distinctly layered character. Brucite-like sheets composed of two [4?+?2]-coordinated (Cu,Al,Mg) sites are linked by weak hydrogen-bonding (O···O?~?2.80 Å) to isolated regular Sb(OH)6 octahedra (<Sb-O>?=?1.975 Å). The layered, pseudotrigonal character explains the perfect cleavage and the proneness to twinning. The Sb site is fully occupied and the two (Cu,Al,Mg) sites have occupancies of Cu0.79Al0.17Mg0.04 and Cu0.72Al0.23Mg0.05. The Cu-richer site shows a slightly stronger Jahn-Teller-distortion. The resulting empirical formula, which necessitates a H2O-for-OH substitution to obtain charge balance, is (Cu2.23Al0.63Mg0.14)(OH)5.63(H2O)0.37[Sb5+(OH)6]. The ideal chemical formula is (Cu,Al)3(OH)6[Sb5+(OH)6], with Cu:Al = 2:1. The structure is closely related to those of trigonal cualstibite-1T [Cu2AlSb(OH)12, P-3, with ordered Cu-Al distribution in the brucite sheets], and its Zn analogue zincalstibite-1T [Zn2AlSb(OH)12]. Cualstibite-1M and cualstibite-1T are polytypes and, together with zincalstibite-1T, zincalstibite-9R and omsite, belong to the cualstibite group within the hydrotalcite supergroup, which comprises all natural members of the large family of layered double hydroxides (LDH).  相似文献   

贝加尔裂谷带是全球典型的大陆裂谷带之一,新构造运动强烈。滨奥里洪地区是贝加尔裂谷带断裂发育最完好的地区。位于滨奥里洪中部的萨尔玛河谷和奥里洪门新构造运动非常强烈,萨尔玛河谷在地形上呈规则的折线状,而奥里洪门发育有两侧对称的湖湾。沿萨尔玛河谷发育有一组X型节理,而奥里洪门两侧发育有完好的断层三角面山,因此,萨尔玛河谷和奥里洪门可能是在早期追踪张裂的基础上发育起来的。滨奥里洪地区还发育有一系列NE和NW走向的次级断裂,它们的发育受滨海断裂铲式枢纽断层特征的控制。分析这些次级断裂的特征和性质,提出了与它们发育有关的三种作用力:①枢纽断层造成的NE-SW向局部拉张;②铲式断层的旋转效应产生反向滑动;③铲式断层的不均匀旋转产生剪切效应,并在此基础上对滨奥里洪地区的新构造运动过程作了概括和总结。  相似文献   

卢成忠 《中国地质》2007,34(6):1055-1061
江山—龙游南部地区晚中生代侵入岩分布广泛,以往被认为是钙碱性系列岩石,笔者通过野外地质、岩石学和元素地球化学研究表明,石英二长岩、二长岩、正长岩以及与之伴生的花岗岩与花岗斑岩属钾玄质系列岩石。这套岩石高碱(Na2O K2O=7.80%~10.47%)、富钾(K2O/Na2O=0.92~1.91)、贫钛(TiO2=0.2%~0.88%)、Al2O3含量较高且变化范围大(11.08%~17.77%),富集大离子亲石元素(LILE)和轻稀土元素(LREE),且Ce/Yb(27.29~85.64)、Ta/Yb(0.42~0.73)和Th/Yb(3.44~14.44)比值高,具有钾玄质系列的岩石地球化学特征。该区矿产资源较为丰富,矿床在时间与空间上多与钾玄质侵入岩密切共生,钾玄质侵入岩为成矿母岩,是重要的找矿岩石学标志。  相似文献   

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