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The Gagarka gold deposit was formed in two stages. The gold-telluride ore of the main early stage was formed ~260 Ma ago synchronously with Permian collision, which was accompanied by retrograde metamorphism with mobilization of Au and Te from geochemically similar massive sulfide lodes in the rift zone. The Au-bearing argillic metasomatic rocks of the late stage presumably Mesozoic in age are distinguished by specific geochemistry and locally superposed on the ore related to the early stage. The upper part of the metasomatic column consists of quartz-kaolinite rock, which is confused in many cases with products of Mesozoic-Cenozoic weathering and because of this is not perceived as a guide for hidden Au-bearing argillic alteration, whose resource potential remains underestimated in the Urals.  相似文献   

The body of hydroxylellestadite metasomatic rock penetrated by a borehole drilled at the Gumeshevsk deposit at depths of 530–534 m includes a thin interval of younger lower temperature tobermorite-plombierite metasomatic rock with subordinate amounts of Ca-Si gel, tacherenite, cubic lime, and thaumasite. Hydroxylellestadite has never before been found in calc skarns. The hydroxylellestadite metasomatic rock is cut by gypsum and fukalite veinlets, and the tobermorite-plombierite metasomatic rock is intersected by thaumasite veinlets. The pristine rock of the metasomatics was marble, and the metasomatic rock replaced andradite-bearing wollastonite skarn (with wollastonite replaced by foshagite). The ore minerals (chalcopyrite, valleriite, sphalerite, and others) were formed after the hydroxylellestadite metasomatite but most probably before the tobermorite-plombierite metasomatic rock and the veinlets of calcic minerals. The metasomatic rock was produced at significant variations in the oxygen, sulfur, and carbon dioxide fugacities. The composition of the hydroxylellestadite is, according to its microprobe analysis, as follows (wt %): SiO2 17.10, TiO2 0.01, Al2O3 0.02, FeO 0.20, MnO 0.00, MgO 0.04, CaO 55.40, Na2O 0.14, K2O 0.09, P2O5 0.12, CO2 1.90 (chemical analysis), SO3 21.60, F 0.16, Cl 0.14, total 96.92. The plombierite (SiO2 43.8–44.1 wt %, CaO 30.5–31.1 wt %) in the metasomatic rock notably differs from rare plombierite (SiO2 48.18 wt %, CaO 39.19 wt %) contained in the veinlets of thaumasite (SiO2 12.70 wt %, CaO 30.69 wt %, SO3 17.78 wt %).  相似文献   

The first information on findings of fossils in the supraore sequence in the open pit at the Syrostan talcomagnesite deposit in the southern Urals is reported. The remains of colonial corals (Tabulata) indicate the Visean age of the coaly-carbonate sequence that overlies talcomagnesite.  相似文献   

雅满苏铁矿床位于东天山中段,矿体赋存于下石炭统雅满苏组安山质火山碎屑岩中,受近EW向断裂及环形断裂构造控制。矿体主要呈层状、似层状、透镜状,近矿围岩蚀变强烈,形成石榴石矽卡岩及复杂矽卡岩。电子探针分析结果表明,石榴石为钙铁榴石-钙铝榴石系列,其化学组成可表示为And45.68~100Gro0.67~57.95(A1m+Sps)11~29.03,与典型的矽卡岩型铁矿中石榴石端员组分相似。在磁铁矿Ca+Al+Mn-Ti+V图解中,大部分样品落入矽卡岩型铁矿区;TiO2-Al2O3-MgO图解中,大多数的样品落入沉积变质接触交代磁铁矿趋势区,部分早期磁铁矿落在岩浆趋势区内。结合矿床地质特征和矿物学研究,认为大多数样品经过了一个热液交代作用过程,表明雅满苏铁矿的形成与岩浆热液交代作用有关。  相似文献   

Three types of oxidized ores are identified in the Ik-Davlyat gold-base-metal deposit in the southern Urals: (1) carbonate-sericite-chlorite mineralized rock, (2) vein-shaped quartz-goethite-illite clay, and (3) limonitized rock related to veins. Heavy concentrate of the first type of ore is composed of goethite, rutile, native gold Au0.91Ag0.08Cu0.01, and chalcophanite Zn1.02Mn2.98O4 · 3H2O. The second type of ore contains goethite, rutile, Pb-bearing jarosite, native gold Au0.90?0.93Ag0.06?0.08Cu0?0.01Fe0?0.01, silver amalgamide (schachnerite) Ag0.75Hg0.97Au0.98-Ag0.75Hg0.97Au0.28, coronadite (Pb1.72Mn7.51Fe0.41Cu0.36)8O16, a chalcophanite-hydrohetaerolite mixture, and cerussite. Gold of the highest fineness (Au0.98Ag0.01Cu0.01) is associated with silver amalgamide. The third type of ore is quite similar to the first variety but contains a jarosite impurity. The composition of oxidized ores indicates a difference in composition of primary ores, in particular, the presence of lead minerals in primary veins. The first finding of chalcophanite in Russia is confirmed by chemical, optical, and X-ray data.  相似文献   

鄂东南矿集区铁山铁矿床中磁铁矿元素   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
王伟 《地质与勘探》2015,51(3):451-465
中国东部中生代经受由挤压向伸展的构造转换,为中酸性岩浆的运移和上侵提供了构造通道和空间,因此湖北东南部铁山铁矿床的成矿作用与燕山中晚期的中酸性岩浆侵入作用关系密切。许多学者对铁山铁矿床的矿床地质特征、成矿流体性质、控矿构造等问题进行了相应的研究,但对成矿物质来源、矿床成因、成矿流体温度、以及太平洋板块俯冲背景等的认识缺乏地球化学依据。本文在详细研究铁山铁矿床成矿地质背景和总结前人有关研究成果的基础上,通过电子探针和LA-ICP-MS原位分析,研究了该地区的磁铁矿元素的地球化学特征,认为铁山铁矿床主要存在镁矽卡岩型和岩浆—热液复合型两种矿床成因类型,其成矿物质主要来源于壳幔混溶型岩浆。这些研究为深入阐明鄂东南矿集区铁矿床成矿规律提供了新的地球化学依据。  相似文献   

滇中腊梅铁矿床位于西南“三江”地区金沙江-哀牢山-红河富碱斑岩带中段,其矿化类型不明,成矿机制和资源潜力不清,制约了该区找矿勘查的深入研究。本次研究工作在详细的地质调查基础上,根据矿(化)体产出特征,将磁铁矿划分为正长斑岩内的豆状-星点状磁铁矿(Ⅰ-Mag)、透辉石角岩内浸染状-团块状磁铁矿(Ⅱ-Mag)和层间破碎带内脉状及囊状充填型磁铁矿(Ⅲ-Mag)3种类型。通过LA-ICP-MS原位微区成分对比,发现3类磁铁矿总体富集Ti、Mn、V、Mg、Zn及Ni,贫Sn、Ga及Sc等元素,并且从Ⅰ-Mag→Ⅱ-Mag→Ⅲ-Mag, Mg、V、Zn含量及Ni/Cr值逐渐增加,Cr、Sn及REE含量逐渐降低,反映3类磁铁矿具有从岩浆成因向热液成因演化的特征。结合Ni/(Cr+Mn)-(Ti+V)、(Al+Mn)-(Ti+V)图解及磁铁矿矿相学特征,认为该矿床属于接触交代热液型铁矿床,其成矿物质来源与富碱斑岩密切相关。3类磁铁矿形成温度约300~500℃,Ⅰ-Mag→Ⅱ-Mag→Ⅲ-Mag的氧逸度有逐渐降低的趋势。地球化学特征及成矿温度、氧逸度等信息指示,腊梅铁矿床深部具斑岩型铜多金属矿床的成矿潜...  相似文献   

An area with brick-red loose and viscous sandy-clayey rocks and brown ores with an average Fe content of 19.84% and possible resources of 1 billion tons of metal was determined. Mn and Ti are the main alloying components; Ni, Co, Cr, V, and Zr are additional; and goethite (FeOOH) is an ore mineral.  相似文献   

西天山敦德铁矿床磁铁矿原位LA-ICP-MS元素分析及意义   总被引:2,自引:3,他引:2  
敦德铁矿床是天山成矿带内新近发现并勘查的一处大型海相火山岩型铁矿床。该矿床的矿石可划分为浸染状、稠密浸染状、条带状和块状4种主要类型。其中的条带状矿石包括磁铁矿_矽卡岩条带和磁铁矿_方解石条带2种亚类型。块状矿石内出现围岩或矽卡岩角砾时则构成角砾状矿石,其磁铁矿的成因无甚差异。根据野外观察和矿相显微研究,认为磁铁矿形成于早期矽卡岩阶段后的退化蚀变阶段,之后又被更晚的硫化物阶段和绿泥石_碳酸盐阶段的矿物叠加。敦德磁铁矿内主要发生了Al、Mn、Mg和Zn的类质同象置换,此外,也含有Ti、Si、Ca等次要元素以及Na、K、V、Cr、Ni、Co等多种可检测到的微量元素。磁铁矿内元素含量在空间上显示出直观的差异,由深部到浅部,Mn、Zn含量升高,Si、Ca、Na、K、Pb、Ba、Sr、Sb、Cu等含量降低。在Ti O2_Al2O3_Mg O图解、Ti O2_Al2O3_(Mg O+Mn O)图解和Ca+Al+Mn_Ti+V图解上,敦德磁铁矿的分析数据均投影于热液交代(矽卡岩)成因区域。综上认为,该矿床的磁铁矿可能为热液充填交代成因。  相似文献   

鄂东南程潮铁矿多世代叠加成矿作用:磁铁矿证据   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  
湖北程潮铁矿是长江中下游成矿带最大的矽卡岩型铁矿床,主要产于早白垩世中酸性侵入岩与三叠系地层的接触带上。为了进一步探讨其富铁矿的形成机制,本文对该矿床中不同产状的磁铁矿和不同岩性侵入岩中的副矿物磁铁矿进行了详细的野外地质观察和显微结构分析,发现在多数磁铁矿矿石和矿化矽卡岩中均存在多世代磁铁矿矿化叠加现象。根据显微观察和BSE图像特征,程潮铁矿中热液期磁铁矿可以划分为四个世代,即Mt1、Mt2、Mt3、Mt4,其中Mt1颗粒表面不均匀,溶解-再沉淀现象明显;Mt2沿Mt1边缘生长,颗粒表面均匀,环带发育;Mt3沿Mt2边缘生长,颗粒表面均匀,环带不发育;Mt4多呈板条状或他形粒状,环带不发育。电子探针分析结果表明:同一世代不同产状或同一产状不同世代磁铁矿之间具有明显的成分差异,其中以Si、Al、Ca、Mg等含量较高的元素差异最为明显,而Ti、Cr、V、Zn、Ni等含量较低的元素差异则相对较小。这些差异性可能与磁铁矿结晶时成矿流体氧逸度、温度、元素浓度和水岩反应比例密切相关。不同世代热液磁铁矿与矿区岩体副矿物磁铁矿对比发现,二者在矿物结构和微量元素组成上存在明显差异,特别以微量元素Ti含量差异最大。程潮铁矿与不同成因类型矿床中的磁铁矿成分对比分析结果,进一步暗示出程潮铁矿中的磁铁矿为接触交代成因,并非矿浆成因。半定量模拟计算结果表明,Mt1、Mt2、Mt3在整个成矿过程中贡献了至少96%的铁质,对成矿起到了决定性作用。多世代磁铁矿矿化叠加过程不仅为揭示程潮大型铁矿的富集过程提供了重要依据,同时也为进一步理解矽卡岩型富铁矿的成矿机制提供了重要启示。  相似文献   

赞坎铁矿床是塔什库尔干地区一个典型的沉积变质型铁矿,具有多阶段成矿的特征,是塔什库尔干地区铁矿成矿作用演化的典型代表。文章将赞坎铁矿床主要矿石矿物磁铁矿的形成划分为3个世代,分别为条带状磁铁矿、浸染状磁铁矿和粗晶脉状或块状磁铁矿,分别代表3个成矿阶段的产物。电子探针和LAICP-MS原位分析表明,赞坎铁矿从条带状磁铁矿到粗晶块状磁铁矿随着磁铁矿的成矿演化主量元素中Al元素有减少的趋势,而Ti、Mn、Mg、V元素均具有增加的趋势;微量元素中Co、Nb、Hf、Ta等具有减少的趋势,Sc、Ga、Zr、Sn等元素具有增加的趋势。根据以上各成矿阶段中磁铁矿成分变化,并结合前人的研究成果发现,赞坎铁矿早期条带状磁铁矿与火山沉积作用有关,成矿后期特别是在粗晶块状和脉状磁铁矿阶段受岩浆热液影响明显,富铁矿有岩浆热液的参与。  相似文献   

凹山铁矿床是一个典型的玢岩型铁矿床,成矿过程具有多阶段的特征,是宁芜矿集区凹山矿田成矿作用演化的典型代表。本次研究工作,在详细的野外地质调查研究和室内研究的基础上,将主要矿石矿物磁铁矿的形成划分为4个世代,分别为浸染状磁铁矿、角砾状磁铁矿、粗粒脉状磁铁矿和伟晶状磁铁矿,它们是四个成矿阶段的产物。电子探针和LA-ICP-MS原位分析表明,随着成矿作用的演化,磁铁矿主量元素中Ti、Mn、V含量变化微弱,Al、Mg含量增高;微量元素中Ga、Sn及高场强元素Zr、Hf、Nd、Ta含量变化较小;从角砾状矿石到伟晶状矿石Co含量逐渐增高、Sc含量逐渐降低。根据以上成矿各阶段中磁铁矿成分的变化,并结合前人研究成果得出,凹山铁矿床作为一个高温气液充填矿床,其成矿物质主要来自于岩浆演化晚期形成的高温富铁流体。在成矿过程中磁铁矿具有同源连续演化的特征,其中隐爆作用诱发了大规模铁沉淀,并为成矿提供了空间,形成了早期的浸染状和角砾状矿石;成矿过程中流体成分不断变化,后期大量挥发份的累积和外源流体的逐渐加入,形成了伟晶状矿石并使得磁铁矿具有了热液成因的特征。  相似文献   

Melt and fluid inclusions in minerals have been studied and physicochemical parameters of magmatic processes and hydrothermal systems estimated at the Yaman-Kasy copper massive sulfide deposit in the southern Urals. It was established that relatively low-temperature (910–945°C) rhyodacitic melts belonging to the tholeiitic series and containing 2.7–5.2 wt % water participated in the formation of the igneous complexes that host the Yaman-Kasy deposit. As follows from ion microprobe results, these silicic magmas had a primitive character. In the distribution of trace elements, including REE, the rhyodacites are closer to basaltic rather than silicic volcanic rocks, and they are distinguished in this respect from the igneous rocks from other massive sulfide deposits of the Urals and the Rudny Altai. Two types of solutions actively took part in the formation of hydrothermal systems: (1) solutions with a moderate salinity (5–10 wt % dissolved salts) and (2) solutions with a low salinity (a value close to that of seawater or even lower). Concentrated fluids with more than 11.5 wt % dissolved salts were much less abundant. Hydrothermal solutions heated to 130–160, 160–270, or occasionally 280–310°C predominated in ore formation. The sequence of mineral-forming processes at the Yaman-Kasy deposit is demonstrated. Mineral assemblages were formed with an inversion of the parameters characterizing ore-forming solutions. An increase in the temperature and salinity of solutions at the early stages was followed by a decrease at the final stages. The evolution of the hydrothermal system at the Yaman-Kasy deposit has much in common with the parameters of black smokers in the present-day Pacific backarc basins.  相似文献   

The chemical similarity of magnetite-bearing amphibolites from the Yangyang iron mine in Korea to mixtures of pelite and limestone or dolomite is consistently indicated by all the available chemical data. The chemical variation trends of the rocks were compared with ortho-(discordant-) and massive amphibolites from the Gyeonggi metamorphic complex, Korea. Samples of nine amphibolites from the Yangyang mine, and two ortho-amphibolites and six massive amphibolites from the Gyeonggi metamorphic complex were analyzed for twenty-two elements by wet-chemical, X-ray fluorescence and emission-spectroscopic methods. Trace-element analyses of the magnetites from the Yangyang mine were compared to those from a deposit of magmatic-segregation type and from six Precambrian sedimentary magnetite deposits found elsewhere in Korea. It is suggested that the magnetite ore may have been derived by metamorphism of iron-rich sediment originally deposited in an environment of pelite-carbonate sedimentation.  相似文献   

莱芜张家洼铁矿位于华北克拉通东缘的鲁西地区,矿石成因类型为夕卡岩型铁矿。矿体赋存在早白垩世高镁闪长岩与奥陶系马家沟组灰岩及白云岩接触带附近。本文通过对莱芜岩浆和热液磁铁矿电子探针(EPMA)以及激光剥蚀电感耦合等离子体质谱(LA ICP MS)分析,探讨磁铁矿微量元素组成及变化规律对成岩和成矿作用的指示,为揭示张家洼铁矿的矿床成因及其成矿流体演化过程提供重要制约。分析结果表明,莱芜岩浆磁铁矿与热液磁铁矿相比明显富集Ti、V、Cr等亲铁元素,相对富集Nb、Ta、Zr、Hf等高场强元素以及Sn、Ga、Ge、Sc等中等相容元素,Mg、Al、Mn、Zn、Co显著富集于热液磁铁矿中。Ti、V、Cr以及Mg、Al、Mn、Zn在岩浆和热液中具有不同的地球化学行为,Ti、V、Cr从熔体中进入磁铁矿主要受温度、分配系数以及fO2控制。Mg、Al、Mn、Zn主要受控于水岩反应和后期绿泥石+碳酸盐脉的交代,这些元素通过类质同象替换富集于热液磁铁矿中。Co在热液磁铁矿中除了受水岩相互作用和后期流体交代的影响外,硫化物的出现会导致Co含量急剧降低。Si、Ca、Na及Sr、Ba在岩浆和热液磁铁矿中的地球化学行为非常一致。Ti Ni/Cr图能够用于区分岩浆和热液磁铁矿,莱芜岩浆磁铁矿中Ti含量较高且Ni/Cr比值≤1,热液磁铁矿Ti含量较低且绝大多数Ni/Cr比值≥1。张家洼热液磁铁矿可分为早、晚两个阶段:早期阶段包括(1)早期原生粒状磁铁矿和(2)早期次生磁铁矿;晚期阶段包括(3)晚期原生磁铁矿和(4)晚期次生磁铁矿。原生磁铁矿具有典型的三联点结构特征;次生磁铁矿受后期热液交代影响表现为多空隙,通常呈不规则状、树枝状、骸晶以及交代残余结构。磁铁矿微量元素生动记录了成矿流体演化过程,从早期到晚期、从原生到次生都显示Mg、Al、Mn、Zn包括Co含量持续升高,表明成矿流体可能朝着富集这些微量元素的方向演化。后期流体的交代导致绿泥石蚀变为磁铁矿,连续水岩相互作用和后期流体的交代以及绿泥石直接蚀变是导致热液磁铁矿富集Mg、Al、Mn、Zn等元素的主要原因。热液磁铁矿晚期孔隙较为发育,孔隙度的增加促使更多的流体和磁铁矿发生反应。热液磁铁矿的微量元素不仅能够反映矿床形成的物理化学条件,而且可以反映围岩性质以及水岩相互作用过程。  相似文献   

At the Zhelannoe quartz deposit, the content of monazite attains 0.5 wt % in unaltered sericitolite and 18 wt % in hydrothermally altered sericitolite. Two monazite generations, including four varieties, characterize the sequence of formation and alteration of sericitolite bodies at the Zhelannoe deposit. Monazite of the first generation occurs in unaltered sericitolite as prismatic and tabular crystals characterized by (Nd,Ce) > La and enrichment in HREEs and ThO2 (5–16 wt %). Its formation is accompanied crystallization of milk white quartz. Monazite of the second generation occurs in altered sericitolite as the product of recrystallization of the first-generation monazite. The large drusy crystals of second-generation monazite were formed similarly with Alpine-type veins. Monazite of the second generation is characterized by Ce > (La,Nd), low contents of HREEs and ThO2 (0.5–7 wt %) and high contents of CaO and SO3 (up to 3–5 wt %). Monazite of the second generation appeared as a result of local superimposed processes and is a characteristic feature of the Zhelannoe deposit.  相似文献   

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