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The degree of concentration and REE and Zr distribution and occurrence in uranium ore samples from paleovalley deposits are considered. Various types of REE distribution in ores with variable uranium content has been revealed: the negative type with predominance of LREE in ordinary ore and the V-shaped type with significant growth of Y, MREE, and HREE contents in high-grade ore. In addition, the relationship between U, on the one hand, and MREE, HREE, Y, and Zr, on the other hand, has been established. Predominant isomorphic incorporation of these elements into various uranium constituents is suggested. The conclusion was arrived at about the most probable gain of REE and Zr along with U on various geochemical barriers from postvolcanic thermal carbonated and sulfuric-acid aqueous solutions enriched in these chemical elements. The significant enrichment of uranium ore in REE confirms the real possibility of recovery of them as a by-product from working solutions in the process of in situ uranium leaching.  相似文献   

The mineral composition of hydrogenic uranium ore of the Dalmatovo deposit was studied with analytical scanning electron microscopy. The results correspond to earlier known data only in general terms. Phosphosilicate uranium mineralization, which is predominant in the samples, is similar to P-bearing coffinite in elemental composition but differs in morphology. The quantitative analysis of microcrystals corresponds to the formula (U,Ca)[(Si,P)O4]2, where U/Si ratio is twice as low as in coffinite. The occurrence of oxide pitchblende mineralization has been confirmed. The initial stage of the formation of uranyl minerals has been revealed. The mineral species of Ti-U substance that determines geochemical attributes of the Dalmatovo deposit is considered.  相似文献   

The succession of the formation of ore zones and sulfur isotope ratio of sulfides at the Mangazeya Ag deposit have been studied. The deposit is located in the Nyuektame Fault Zone in the eastern limb of the Endybal Anticline. The ore zones are hosted in the Middle Carboniferous to Middle Jurassic terrigenous sequences of the Verkhoyansk Complex intruded by the Endybal subvolcanic stock and felsic and mafic dikes. Three ore stages are distinguished: (I) gold-rare metal, (II) cassiterite-sulfide, and (III) silver-base-metal. Products of these stages are spatially isolated. The δ34S of sulfides ranges from −6.4 to +8.0‰. In the sulfides of the gold-rare metal assemblage, this value varies from −1.8 to +4.7‰; in the sulfides of the cassiterite-sulfide stage, −6.4 to +6.6‰; and in the sulfides of the silver-base-metal assemblage, -5.6 to +8.0‰. A sulfur isotope thermometer indicates the temperature of mineral deposition at 315–415°C for the first stage and 125–280°C for the third stage. Possible causes of variable sulfur isotopic composition in sulfides are discussed. The data on the sulfur isotope ratio is interpreted in terms of involvement of magmatic fluid (δ34S ∼ 0) in the mineralizing process along with low-temperature fluid taking sulfur from host rocks (δ34S ≫ 0). Boiling and mixing of magmatic fluid with heated meteoric water were important at the last stage of the deposit formation.  相似文献   

The Baxingtu deposit is a typical redox front tabular-shaped uranium deposit hosted in sandstones of the Late Cretaceous Yaojia Formation deposited within a braided river environment during the post-rift stage of the Songliao Basin, in northeast China. This study proposes the first metallogenic model for the Baxingtu deposit and provides new data on genetic processes involved in the uranium mineralisation of sandstone-type deposits that were characterised through petrographic observations, whole-rock geochemistry, and geochemical and/or mineralogical study of iron disulphide, uranium minerals, Fe-Ti oxides (EPMA, LA-ICP-MS), and organic matter (REP). The δ34S value has been measured in situ by SIMS on the different generations of iron disulphide.Within regional primary reduced sandstones, pre-ore uranium enrichment (Umean = 7.6 ppm in whole rock) was identified on altered Fe-Ti oxides along with minor concentrations on organic matter (respectively 26.3% and 1.3% of the whole-rock U content), which together represent a significant source of uranium for the mineralisation. Additional pre-ore uranium concentrations may also be associated with clay minerals. Petrographic observations and REP data indicate that organic matter occurring in the host-sandstone is mainly inherited from land plants and corresponds to type III or type IV kerogens. Ore-stage iron disulphides largely occur as framboids and in replacement of organic matter or also as sub-idiomorphic to idiomorphic cement and crystal. Trace element signatures detected within framboids are likely indicative of formation mainly from a single event. Framboids and iron disulphide in replacement of organic matter have a light sulphur isotope signature characterised by δ34S values from −72.0 to −6.2‰, suggesting that sulphur originated from bacterial sulphate reduction, which was mainly responsible for (1) the liberation of U from Fe-Ti oxides and organic matter, (2) the generation of ore-stage iron disulphides, (3) the bioreduction of uranium and (4) the production of a secondary H2S-rich reducing barrier also involved in uranium reduction. Uranyl and sulphate ions were transported through the host sandstone by low-temperature oxygenated groundwater and U(IV) was precipitated at the redox interface as nano to microcrystals of pitchblende and coffinite, dominantly associated with bacterial substrate and as intergrowth with biogenic iron disulphide or directly associated with organic matter and residual Ti-Fe oxides. The uranium mineralisation does not replace ore-stage iron disulphides. Therefore, the combined mineralogical, geochemical, and isotopic characteristics of the Baxingtu tabular uranium deposit characterise dominantly biogenic processes for the genesis of the uranium mineralisation.  相似文献   

The relationships between the δ18O of quartz veins and veinlets pertaining to the main stage of gold mineralization at the Sukhoi Log deposit and metasomatically altered host slates are estimated. The oxygen isotopic composition of veined quartz and host slates is not uniform. The δ18O of quartz veins from the Western, Central, and Sukhoi Log areas of the deposit vary from +16 to + 18 ‰. The δ18O range of metasomatically altered slates in the Western and Sukhoi Log areas attains 6 ‰. The δ18O of quartz veins are always higher than those of host slates by 3–7‰. The regular difference in the δ18O between quartz veins and host slates indicates that the oxygen isotopic composition of the ore-bearing fluid forming the system of quartz veins and veinlets at the Sukhoi Log deposit could have formed as a result of interaction with silicate rocks, for instance, terrigenous slates enriched in δ18O. Such interaction, however, took place at deeper levels of the Sukhoi Log deposit. It is suggested that the fluid phase participating in the formation of the vein and veinlet system had initially high δ18O(>+10‰) due to interaction with the rocks enriched in δ18O at a low fluid/rock ratio. The oxygen isotope data indicate that the fluid participating in the formation of gold mineralization at the Sukhoi Log deposit was not in equilibrium with igneous rocks at high temperatures.  相似文献   

哈萨克斯坦古河道砂岩型S铀矿床成矿特征   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
文章应用活化构造成矿理论,对哈萨克斯坦古河道砂岩型S铀矿床进行成矿特征分析,并与层间氧化带砂岩型Ⅰ矿床的成矿特征进行对比,认为S铀矿床成矿受大地构造、古潜水成矿作用、层位和岩性岩相、断裂构造及岩浆岩等控制,铀成矿具有多阶段复成因的特点。据此,从对企业生产的角度提出一些建议。  相似文献   

Groundwaters and surface water in the Shihongtan sandstone-hosted U ore district, Xinjiang, NW China, were sampled and analyzed for their major-, and trace element concentrations and oxygen, hydrogen, boron and strontium isotope compositions in order to assess the possible origins of the waters and water–rock interactions that occurred in the deep aquifer system. The waters in the study district have been grouped into three hydrochemical facies: Facies 1, potable spring-water, is a pH neutral (7.0), Na–Ca–HCO3 type water with low total dissolved solids (TDS; 0.2 g/l, fresh) and has δ18O of − 8.3‰, δD of − 48.2‰,δ11B of 1.5‰, and 87Sr/86Sr of 0.70627. Facies 2 groundwaters are mildly acidic to mildly alkaline (pH of 6.5–8.0, mean 7.3), Na–Ca–Mg–Cl–SO4 type waters with moderate TDS (8.2 g/l–17.2 g/l, mean 9.3 g/l, brackish) and haveδ18O values in the − 5.8‰ to − 9.3‰ range (mean − 8.1‰), δD values in the − 20.8‰ to − 85.5‰ range (mean − 47.0‰),δ11B values in the + 9.5‰ to + 39.1‰ range (mean + 17.1‰), and 87Sr/86Sr values in the 0.70595 to 0.70975 range (mean 0.70826). Facies 3, Aiting Lake water, is a mildly alkaline (pH = 7.4), Na–Ca–Mg–Cl–SO4 type water with the highest TDS (249.1 g/l, brine) and has δ18O of − 2.8‰, δD of − 45.8‰,δ11B of 21.2‰, and 87Sr/86Sr of 0.70840. The waters from the study district show a systematic increase in major, trace element and TDS concentrations and δ11B values along the pathway of groundwater migration which can only be interpreted in terms of water–rock interaction at depth and strong surface evaporation. The hydrochemical and isotopic data presented here confirm that the groundwaters in the Shihongtan ore district are the combined result of migration, water–rock interaction and mixing of meteoric water with connate waters contained in sediments.  相似文献   

The localization conditions of mineralization at uranium deposits of the Khiagda ore field related to the economic sandstone type in paleovalleys are considered in this paper. These conditions allow different genetic treatments. Uncertainty in genetic estimates is caused by localization of orebodies in both gray sedimentary rocks at the boundary with bleached rocks and in the bleached rocks themselves. The results of mineralogical and geochemical studies have shown that bleaching is related to iron redistribution at the postore stage. Obvious evidence in favor of this conclusion has been obtained from statistical processing of quantitative soluble iron determinations in various geochemical types of host rocks. The postore bleaching is superposed on earlier oxidized and ore-bearing gray rocks, obliterating the coloration inherent to redox ore-controlling zoning.  相似文献   

Based on the study of local volumes of minerals, including their microsampling and subsequent analysis of Pb/Pb and U/Pb isotope ratios with the classic methods of isotopic dilution and thermoionization mass spectrometry (TIMS), U-Pb and Pb-Pb isotopic datings of minerals were carried out in uranium ores from deposits in the Akitkan and Nechera-Nichatka ore districts (North Baikal region). Reliable evidence in favor of the Middle Devonian (384 ± 8 Ma) remobilization of Paleoproterozoic primary uranium concentrations and the redeposition of uranium as pitchblende 2 has been obtained for the first time for ores of the Akitkan district. The Paleoproterozoic (1832 ± 13 Ma) age of uraninite mineralization and the timing of the latest (377 ± 5 Ma) transformation of uranium ores at the Chepok deposit (Nechera-Nichatka district) are substantiated.  相似文献   

松辽盆地北部历经燕山、喜山两期重要的构造运动.燕山期构造运动较为强烈,是松辽盆地北部一些含油气构造形成的重要时期,同时也是砂岩型铀矿成矿的主要时期.喜山期构造运动在松辽盆地内部表现相对较弱,但对铀矿的形成仍然具有控制、调整改造作用.研究认为松辽盆地北部找矿层位主要为下白垩统泉头组、上白垩统青山口组、姚家组、嫩江组,其次...  相似文献   

This work presents the geological structure of the Neogen uranium-bearing ore sedimentary strata that filled the paleovalleys of the Koretkonde deposit. As a result of work we carried out, productive deposits were stratigraphically divided, the patterns of the localization of uranium mineralization were studied, and lithological and mineralogical ore-controlling factors were revealed. The main mineral phases of uranium were identified with scanning-electron microscopy and microprobe studies. In the future, a more detailed study of the deposits is planned in order to reveal methods for improving the efficiency of their exploration and organize the search for uranium deposits of such a type within the Vitim uranium-bearing ore region to expand the mineral resource base of Russia.  相似文献   

幕阜山是中国重要的稀有金属矿集区,区域内多期次岩浆活动形成的复式花岗岩基与稀有金属成矿关系密切.目前,区域内黑云母花岗岩阶段和二云母花岗岩阶段的稀有金属成矿作用已有报道,而岩浆演化晚期白云母花岗岩阶段的相关成矿作用缺乏研究.文章选取了幕阜山东部麦埚铍矿床内由白云母花岗岩分异形成的含绿柱石伟晶岩作为研究对象,对其进行了 ...  相似文献   

1 研究目的(Objective) 国内中新生代沉积盆地(伊犁、吐哈、鄂尔多斯、二连、松辽)中砂岩型铀矿中铀矿物类型以沥青铀矿或铀石为主,也可见少量的次生铀矿物,如水硅铀矿,与铀石可以相互转化.笔者在研究松辽盆地宝龙山铀矿床铀赋存状态过程中发现少量的铀酰碳酸盐矿物,本文运用扫描电镜、能谱与红外吸收光谱分析等方法对铀酰碳...  相似文献   

A fossil wood cell texture with pitchblende and coffinite found at a sandstone-hosted roll-type uranium deposit, Xinjiang, NW China, is first reported here for the country. In the mineralized sandstone, detrital grains consisting of quartz, feldspar, rock fragments, carbonaceous trashes, mica and accessory minerals were deposited in early Turassic time and were cemented by clays and minor authigenic calcite and quartz. Pitchblende and minor coffinite are principal ore minerals at the deposit, and selectively replaced carbonized fossil wood remnants or filled fossil wood cells. An excellent fossil wood cell texture with primary uranium minerals formed. Replacement of organic debris by primary uranium minerals may be due to a local reducing environment resulting from the production of CH4, H2S or H2SO3 in its decomposition, and a biochemical reaction indicated by the common presence of framboidal pyrite.  相似文献   

The intrusive rocks associated with the large Nezhdaninka gold deposit (Au > 470 t) hosted in the Permian carbonaceous terrigenous sequence have been dated on zircon and rock-forming minerals with precision U-Pb (ID-TIMS) and Rb-Sr methods. The lamprophyre of the dike complex that occurs in the ore field and spatially is related to gold mineralization has concordant U-Pb zircon age (121 ± 1 Ma) and the same isochron Rb-Sr age (121.0 ± 2.8 Ma). The concordant U-Pb zircon age of granodiorite that dominates in the Kurum pluton is 94 ± 1 Ma, whereas the Rb-Sr isochron age of various intrusive rocks from this pluton is 1–4 Ma younger. This difference is caused by long-term cooling of the Kurum pluton and later closure of Rb-Sr isotopic system of biotite (300–350°C) and other rock-forming minerals as compared with U-Pb isotopic system of zircon (~ 900°C). The Rb-Sr age of quartz diorite from the Gel’dy group of stocks (92.6 ± 0.8 Ma) coincides within uncertainty limits with the age of the Kurum pluton. Thus, the rocks pertaining to two epochs of magmatic activity, which developed in the South Verkhoyansk Foldbelt and divided by a time span of 25–28 Ma, are documented in the Nezhdaninka ore field. Taking into account that the age of gold mineralization is no less than 120 Ma, the data obtained allow us to specify the previously proposed formation model of the Nezhdaninka deposit. These data give grounds to rule out the Late Cretaceous Kurum pluton and the Gel’dy group of stocks from constituents of the ore-magmatic system, and to suggest that an Early Cretaceous deep-seated magma source existed beneath the deposit. Along with host terrigenous rocks, this magma source participated in the supply of matter to the hydrothermal system. The Nd, Sr, and Pb isotopic systematics of igneous rocks and ore mineralization in the Nezhdaninka ore field show that the Early and Late Cretaceous magma sources were formed in the Precambrian crust dated at ~1.8 Ga.  相似文献   

黄少华 《地质与勘探》2023,59(6):1182-1193
选取经济高效、轻便无损的分析技术是当前砂岩型铀矿绿色勘查和研究的现实需求。本文基于便携式色度、X荧光(XRF)、高光谱的光谱学技术,全面表征了鄂尔多斯盆地西北部特拉敖包铀矿产地环河组红杂色含矿建造的地质地球化学特征;构建了不同颜色砂岩的定量标准色度区间,查明了红色砂岩具有赤红色强氧化、褐(紫)红色较强的差异后生氧化作用;过渡带褐灰色和灰绿色砂岩普遍具有一定的弱氧化性,红度a的曲线发生多次渐变过渡,矿带内部存在多个氧化还原的地球化学界面,形成了多段的铀-钼-钒-铌等变价元素的共伴生富集。以上信息指示了研究区氧化还原作用的主成矿机制;绿色还原砂岩的红度值最小,是后期碱性还原流体渗出改造的产物。流体活动导致环河组地层发育绿泥石化、铁的还原-迁出、局部碳酸盐化等蚀变。该研究为沉积盆地不同地球化学性质含铀建造多尺度的铀成矿环境快速评价提供了案例及重要参考。  相似文献   

Oxygen isotopic composition and U-Pb discordance in zircon   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
We have investigated U-Pb discordance and oxygen isotopic composition of zircon using high-spatial resolution δ18O measurement by ion microprobe. δ18O in both concordant and discordant zircon grains provides an indication of the relationship between fluid interaction and discordance. Our results suggest that three characteristics of zircon are interrelated: (1) U-Pb systematics and concomitant age discordance, (2) δ18O and the water-rock interactions implied therein, and (3) zircon texture, as revealed by cathodoluminescence and BSE imaging. A key observation is that U-Pb-disturbed zircons are often also variably depleted in 18O, but the relationship between discordance and δ18O is not systematic. δ18O values of discordant zircons are generally lighter but irregular in their distribution. Textural differences between zircon grains can be correlated with both U-Pb discordance and δ18O. Discordant grains exhibit either a recrystallized, fractured, or strongly zoned CL texture, and are characteristic of 18O depletion. We interpret this to be a result of metamictization, leading to destruction of the zircon lattice and an increased susceptibility to lead loss. Conversely, grains that are concordant have less-expressed zoning and a smoother CL texture and are enriched in 18O. From this it is apparent that various stages of water-rock interaction, as evidenced by systematic variations in δ18O, leave their imprint on both the texture and U-Pb systematics of zircon.  相似文献   

丹凤地区是我国伟晶岩型铀矿床的重要产区,光石沟铀矿床是该区最大的铀矿床之一,大毛沟岩株与光石沟铀矿床有密切的空间关系与成因联系。本文采用锆石LA-ICP-MS定年方法测定了大毛沟岩株的U-Pb同位素年龄,获得了代表大毛沟岩株形成年龄的锆石谐和曲线加权平均值年龄为418.3±8.8 Ma,与光石沟铀矿床的成矿年龄相当,说明光石沟铀矿床的成矿作用在时间上与该岩株的形成时间相当。同时,残留锆石中1980.5±19.47 Ma年龄的发现,说明大毛沟岩株白岗质花岗岩的物源可能与中下地壳秦岭群有关;E颗粒内核465Ma的年龄则可能代表灰池子岩体片麻状二长花岗岩的形成年龄,表明大毛沟岩株与灰池子岩体的形成年龄之间存在约30 Ma的时差。  相似文献   

纳米比亚白岗岩型铀矿是世界著名的侵入岩型铀矿,例如罗辛、湖山、欢乐谷、瓦伦西亚等矿床,铀矿物主要包括晶质铀矿、铀石、钍铀矿、沥青铀矿、钛铀矿和硅钙铀矿等,其中硫化物常与这些铀矿物共伴生。因此本文以硫化物为研究对象,分别开展了硫化物的微量元素地球化学、硫、铅同位素研究,进而揭示硫化物的成因及成矿物质来源。结果表明,硫化物以黄铁矿和磁黄铁矿为主,含有少量辉钼矿、闪锌矿、方铅矿、黄铜矿和辉铋矿,呈脉状和自形粒状两种,有岩浆成因和热液成因两大类,但两者应该属于同源。欢乐谷地区矿化白岗岩中黄铁矿的δ34SCDT均值为0.78‰,地层中黄铁矿和磁黄铁矿的δ34 SCDT均值为-0.95‰,两者硫化物的δ34S都主要介于-5‰~5‰之间。这个变化范围非常接近花岗岩的硫同位素值,表明硫源稳定,可能主要来源于花岗质岩石。矿化白岗岩的黄铁矿和磁黄铁矿206Pb/204Pb、207Pb/204Pb和20...  相似文献   

华北陆块南缘外方山店房金矿区内出露后沟、水漉塘和店房钾长花岗斑岩体(脉),其与隐爆角砾岩筒及金矿化有密切的空间关系。为查明钾长花岗斑岩体的侵位时代、岩石成因和源区性质,本次开展了锆石U-Pb定年、锆石Hf同位素及岩石地球化学分析等研究。结果表明岩体具有高硅、高钾、富铝、低镁的特征,属钾玄岩系列Ⅰ型花岗岩,轻重稀土元素分馏明显,具有弱的Eu负异常,岩石富集Rb、K、Ba等,亏损Nb、Ta、Sr、P、Ti等元素。锆石具有核—边结构,其中锆石边SHRIMP U-Pb年龄142.6±2.1Ma(MSWD=1.4),_(εHf)(t)=-23.0~-13.8,两阶段模式年龄主要集中于2075~2652 Ma;锆石核LA-ICPMS U-Pb年龄可分为两组,即2169~2336Ma和1732~1881Ma,Hf同位素组成可分为两组,_(εHf)(t)分别集中于-13.1~-4.8和-4.5~3.7,模式年龄主要集中于2376~2805Ma。表明钾长花岗斑岩体形成于142.6±2.1Ma的早白垩世早期,岩浆可能由2169~2336Ma的古老下地壳新太古代太华群部分熔融而成,并有地幔组分参与,岩浆在上升或定位过程中捕获了1732~1881Ma熊耳群火山岩的锆石。结合区域构造背景认为,该岩体是早白垩世古太平洋板块向欧亚大陆俯冲致使华北陆块岩石圈减薄伸展而引起的岩浆活动的产物。  相似文献   

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