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The paper presents the results of hydrogeomorphological mapping using IRS-IB LISS II data and evaluation of ground water prospects of each hydrogeomorphological unit in the Lehra Gaga block of Sangrur district, Punjab. The major geomorphic units identified in the area are, alluvial plain, sand dunes, palaeo channels and the Ghagar flood plain. The study area being part of alluvial plain has good to excellent ground water prospects. Field observations showed that ground water occurs under both confined and unconfined conditions with water table at shallow depth. The area on either side of the Ghagar river and along the major canals (about 46% of the total geographical area in the block) have good quality of ground water and is suitable for irrigation, whereas the water quality is marginal (sodic) in 52 per cent area of the block..  相似文献   

The Mumbai-Navi Mumbai cities (Bombay and New Bombay) are among the highest populated cities in the country. The population pressure has caused drastic landuse change in the last seventy years. Multi-date data from SOI topographical maps and Landsat TM digital data have been used to study the landuse change. The change has been quantified using A GIS It was observed that 55% reduction in forest/agricultural land, while a 300% increase in built-up land has taken place in the last seventy years. This has affected the natural drainage system of the cities, causing flooding during monsoons. The quantum of draînage basin area and stream length, in the ten basins which drain the area, under influence of built-up land was found by using a map overlay of the drainage network map and landuse map of 1994. The results shed light on the extent of drainage network disruption within these two neighbouring cities.  相似文献   

Indian Remote Sensing Satellite-1A (IRS-1A) LISS-II data of 24th Nov., 1988 was analysed digitally to differentiate three density classes viz. dense/closed forest, open forest and degraded forest within each vegetation type in the district, Jalpaiguri, West Bengal. Stratification approach was used to classify separately forest cover into pure sal forests, mixed forests, riverine forests along with man-made sal/teak plantations. In this approach the forested and non-forested areas were classified separately through supervised classification techniques using maximum likelihood algorithm using VAX 11/780 based VIPS-32 Image Processing software. Later the two classified outputs were composited to provide entire area of the district. The forest cover of the district was 1420.89 sq. km, (22.82 percent). Other broad landuse/landcover dominant in the district include agricultural areas.(45.20 percent) and tea gardens (10.49 percent). The accuracy of the classified output was estimated to be 90 percent for forested areas and 85 percent in case of other landuse/landcover classes.  相似文献   

The satellite digital vegetation index data has been correlated with the forest growing stock by fitting linear regression models. The goodness of fit was tested. The analysis showed that the vegetation index which is the ratio of reflectance of vegetation in near infrared band to red wave band of electromagnetic spectrum is highly correlated to forest growing stock and the same can be used to predict the volume in remote forest areas for quick assessment purpose. Implications for future forest inventory are discussed.  相似文献   

Remote sensing satellite data offer the unique possibility to map land use land cover transformations by providing spatially explicit information. However, detection of short-term processes and land use patterns of high spatial–temporal variability is a challenging task.We present a novel framework using multi-temporal TerraSAR-X data and machine learning techniques, namely discriminative Markov random fields with spatio-temporal priors, and import vector machines, in order to advance the mapping of land cover characterized by short-term changes. Our study region covers a current deforestation frontier in the Brazilian state Pará with land cover dominated by primary forests, different types of pasture land and secondary vegetation, and land use dominated by short-term processes such as slash-and-burn activities. The data set comprises multi-temporal TerraSAR-X imagery acquired over the course of the 2014 dry season, as well as optical data (RapidEye, Landsat) for reference. Results show that land use land cover is reliably mapped, resulting in spatially adjusted overall accuracies of up to 79% in a five class setting, yet limitations for the differentiation of different pasture types remain.The proposed method is applicable on multi-temporal data sets, and constitutes a feasible approach to map land use land cover in regions that are affected by high-frequent temporal changes.  相似文献   

Markov chains have been used to model spatial changes in a variety of spheres. Changes in social situations, economic standards, natural resource availability, and even weather conditions have been explored and predicted using Markov Random Function (MRF) and Markov Random Chains (MRC). In this section, we try to use data of Mahata village of Bhatar Block, extracted from GIS based maps/images in a MRC to obtain present transition probabilities and predict future changes. The village is facing the problem of decreasing the water table and at the same time the number of surface water bodies is also decreasing. This is a serious situation for the development of the agricultural activities in general and at the same time it poses threat to the human habitation of the village in the long run. The average depth of the ground water table from ground level increased from 8 meter to 15 meter within the last 10 years. The threat is coming from the changes in land use and land cover, especially due to substantial extension of agricultural activities which is expanding at a very fast rate. Increasing population is also demanding more lands for settlement and industrial uses. The surface water bodies i.e. the ponds etc. are used for such intensive irrigation purposes. As a result the surface water bodies depletes before the onset of summer. The cultivators use those dried up ponds or surface water bodies for agricultural purposes also. There is thus a serious trend to convert the surface water bodies into the agricultural land. It is estimated using MRC, that in next 25 years, the number of surface water bodies will deplete by 50% in the agriculturally active Bhatar PS at the current rates of depletion. Shifting to less water needy crops, prevention of LULC conversion, and water harvesting would provide some solace to the situation.  相似文献   

Optical image classification converts spectral data into thematic information from the spectral signature of each object in the image. However, spectral separability is influenced by intrinsic characteristics of the targets, as well as the characteristics of the images used. The classification process will present more reliable results when aspects associated with natural environments (climate, soil, relief, water, etc.) and anthropic environments (roads, constructions, urban area) begin to be considered, as they determine and guide land use and land cover (LULC). The objectives of this study are to evaluate the integration of environmental variables with spectral variables and the performance of the Random Forest algorithm in the classification of Landsat-8 OLI images, of a watershed in the Eastern Amazon, Brazil. The classification process used 96 predictive variables, involving spectral, geological, pedological, climatic and topographic data and Euclidean distances. The selection of variables to construct the predictive models was divided into two approaches: (i) data set containing only spectral variables, and (ii) set of environmental variables added to the spectral data. The variables were selected through nonlinear correlation analysis, with the Randomized Dependence Coefficient and the Recursive Feature Elimination (RFE) method, using the Random Forest classifier algorithm. The spectral variables NDVI, bands 2, 4, 5, 6 and 7 of the dry season and band 4 of the rainy season were selected in both approaches (i and ii). The Euclidean distance from the urban area, Arenosol soil class, annual precipitation, precipitation in February and precipitation of the wettest quarter were the variables selected from the auxiliary data set. This study showed that the addition of environmental data to the spectral data reduces the limitation of the latter, regarding the discrimination of the different classes of LULC, in addition to improving the accuracy of the classification. The addition of soil classes to spectral variables provided a reduction in errors for vegetation classification (Evergreen Forest and Cerrado Sensu Stricto), as it was able to inform about nutrient availability and water storage capacity. The study demonstrates that the addition of environmental variables to the spectral variables can be an alternative to improve monitoring in areas of ecotone in Neotropical regions.  相似文献   

Land cover classification using satellite imagery is commonly based on spectral information in the individual pixels. The information in neighbouring pixels is ignored. Spatial filtering techniques using information present in neighbouring pixels may however, contribute significantly to an improvement of the classification. In this study different methods of spatial filtering are applied to a part of a TM‐scene of Kenya to assess their relative reliability. The study area is characterized by extended, relatively homogeneous areas of eucalyptus forests and tea estates and by fragmentated areas of agricultural land use. Spectral information was combined with the results of different spatial filtering methods and then classified. The spatial filtering techniques applied were texture calculation by means of variance, “median minus original” filtering and fractal dimension computations using several sizes of templates. The obtained classification accuracy of several image combinations is compared using the percentage correctly classified and using an overall accuracy measure: the Kappa coefficient. It is concluded that in this case the spatial filtering techniques only slightly improve the classification. From the applied filtering methods texture calculation by means of variance yielded the best results.  相似文献   

This paper integrates genetic algorithm and neural network techniques to build new temporal predicting analysis tools for geographic information system (GIS). These new GIS tools can be readily applied in a practical and appropriate manner in spatial and temporal research to patch the gaps in GIS data mining and knowledge discovery functions. The specific achievement here is the integration of related artificial intelligent technologies into GIS software to establish a conceptual spatial and temporal analysis framework. And, by using this framework to develop an artificial intelligent spatial and temporal information analyst (ASIA) system which then is fully utilized in the existing GIS package. This study of air pollutants forecasting provides a geographical practical case to prove the rationalization and justness of the conceptual temporal analysis framework.  相似文献   

The availability of Very High Resolution (VHR) optical sensors and a growing image archive that is frequently updated, allows the use of change detection in post-disaster recovery and monitoring for robust and rapid results. The proposed semi-automated GIS object-based method uses readily available pre-disaster GIS data and adds existing knowledge into the processing to enhance change detection. It also allows targeting specific types of changes pertaining to similar man-made objects such as buildings and critical facilities. The change detection method is based on pre/post normalized index, gradient of intensity, texture and edge similarity filters within the object and a set of training data. More emphasis is put on the building edges to capture the structural damage in quantifying change after disaster. Once the change is quantified, based on training data, the method can be used automatically to detect change in order to observe recovery over time in potentially large areas. Analysis over time can also contribute to obtaining a full picture of the recovery and development after disaster, thereby giving managers a better understanding of productive management and recovery practices. The recovery and monitoring can be analyzed using the index in zones extending from to epicentre of disaster or administrative boundaries over time.  相似文献   

The effort and cost required to convert satellite Earth Observation (EO) data into meaningful geophysical variables has prevented the systematic analysis of all available observations. To overcome these problems, we utilise an integrated High Performance Computing and Data environment to rapidly process, restructure and analyse the Australian Landsat data archive. In this approach, the EO data are assigned to a common grid framework that spans the full geospatial and temporal extent of the observations – the EO Data Cube. This approach is pixel-based and incorporates geometric and spectral calibration and quality assurance of each Earth surface reflectance measurement. We demonstrate the utility of the approach with rapid time-series mapping of surface water across the entire Australian continent using 27 years of continuous, 25?m resolution observations. Our preliminary analysis of the Landsat archive shows how the EO Data Cube can effectively liberate high-resolution EO data from their complex sensor-specific data structures and revolutionise our ability to measure environmental change.  相似文献   

Soils of part of Ukai‐kakarapar Command area, Gujarat (India) have been mapped at 1:25, 000 scale using aerial photographs of December 1977. It was observed that about 36.3% of the area was affected by soil salinity/alkalinity. The test area has been remapped using Salyut‐7 space photographs taken during Indo‐Soviet joint flight in April, 1984. The area affected by soil salinity/alkalinity was found to be substantially higher (80.3%). The earlier mapping using aerial photographs was done when the soil surface was compartively moist (December 1977) as compared to date of Salyut‐7 photography (April 1984), when the soil surface was likely to be devoid of moisture and the salts moved to the surface. To have easy comparision with the map prepared by using aerial photographs, Landsat TM data of December, 1985 was used in which 45.7% of the total area was mapped as salt affected. The extent of area delineated using Landsat TM was higher than that of 1977 but much lesser than the area delineated using Salyut‐7 (MKF‐6M) photographs. This indicated that the increase in the extent of salt affected area in the map prepared using the MKF‐6M photographs might be partly due to actual increase in the salinity/alkalinity and partly due to the seasonal affects. Among the various bands of MKF‐6M, band ‐4 was found to be the best for delineating the salt affected soils. The boundaries were sharper in the FCC and band No.4 of MKF‐6M than in the aerial photographs.  相似文献   

This study aims to quantify the landscape spatio-temporal dynamics including Land Use/Land Cover (LULC) changes occurred in a typical Mediterranean ecosystem of high ecological and cultural significance in central Greece covering a period of 9 years (2001–2009). Herein, we examined the synergistic operation among Hyperion hyperspectral satellite imagery with Support Vector Machines, the FRAGSTATS® landscape spatial analysis programme and Principal Component Analysis (PCA) for this purpose. The change analysis showed that notable changes reported in the experimental region during the studied period, particularly for certain LULC classes. The analysis of accuracy indices suggested that all the three classification techniques are performing satisfactorily with overall accuracy of 86.62, 91.67 and 89.26% in years 2001, 2004 and 2009, respectively. Results evidenced the requirement for taking measures to conserve this forest-dominated natural ecosystem from human-induced pressures and/or natural hazards occurred in the area. To our knowledge, this is the first study of its kind, demonstrating the Hyperion capability in quantifying LULC changes with landscape metrics using FRAGSTATS® programme and PCA for understanding the land surface fragmentation characteristics and their changes. The suggested approach is robust and flexible enough to be expanded further to other regions. Findings of this research can be of special importance in the context of the launch of spaceborne hyperspectral sensors that are already planned to be placed in orbit as the NASA’s HyspIRI sensor and EnMAP.  相似文献   

To understand water productivity of crops cultivated in the Eastern Province of Saudi Arabia, this study was conducted to generate a reliable crop type map using a multi-temporal satellite data (ASTER, Landsat-8 and MODIS) and crop phenology. Classification And Regression Tree (CART) and ISO-DATA Cluster (IDC) classification techniques were utilized for the identification of crops. The Ideal Crop Spectral Curves were generated and utilized for the formulation of CART decision rules. For IDC, the stacked images of the phenology-integrated Normalized Difference Vegetation Index were utilized for the classification. The overall accuracy of the classified maps of CART was 76, 77 and 81% for ASTER, MODIS and Landsat-8, respectively. For IDC, the accuracy was determined at 67, 63 and 60% for ASTER, MODIS and Landsat-8, respectively. The developed decision rules can be efficiently used for mapping of crop types for the same agro-climatic region of the study area.  相似文献   

Cairo region is characterized by a range of physiographic features, including: flat agricultural lands, bare sandy deserts, highlands, calcareous terrains and urban land use. A time series data-set (300 images) acquired from the Moderate Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer for the period July 2002–June 2015 were utilized to retrieve the spatial variations in the mean land surface temperature (LST) for the above-mentioned surface features. Results showed that vegetation, topography and surface albedo have negative correlations with LST. Vegetation/LST correlation has the maximum regression coefficient (R2 = 0.68) and albedo/LST has the minimum (R2 = 0.03). Cultivated lands reveal the lowest mean LST (<32 °C), whereas industrial lands exhibit the highest LST (>40 °C) of Cairo region. There is a considerable urban heat island formed at Helwan south of Cairo, where heavy industries are settled. Industrial activities raised the mean LST of the region by at least 4 °C than the surrounding urban lands.  相似文献   

Remote sensing concepts are needed to monitor open landscape habitats for environmental change and biodiversity loss. However, existing operational approaches are limited to the monitoring of European dry heaths only. They need to be extended to further habitats. Thus far, reported studies lack the exploitation of intra-annual time series of high spatial resolution data to take advantage of the vegetations’ phenological differences. In this study, we investigated the usefulness of such data to classify grassland habitats in a nature reserve area in northeastern Germany. Intra-annual time series of 21 observations were used, acquired by a multi-spectral (RapidEye) and a synthetic aperture radar (TerraSAR-X) satellite system, to differentiate seven grassland classes using a Support Vector Machine classifier. The classification accuracy was evaluated and compared with respect to the sensor type – multi-spectral or radar – and the number of acquisitions needed. Our results showed that very dense time series allowed for very high accuracy classifications (>90%) of small scale vegetation types. The classification for TerraSAR-X obtained similar accuracy as compared to RapidEye although distinctly more acquisitions were needed. This study introduces a new approach to enable the monitoring of small-scale grassland habitats and gives an estimate of the amount of data required for operational surveys.  相似文献   

A multi-thematic analysis based on different physical factors has been adopted to generate integrated maps on erosion proneness as well as on critical slope under a GIS platform for terrain evaluation. This spatial data on erosion proneness has demonstrated that 17.62 km2 area, out of the 140 km2 in the catchment zone, needs careful attention for ecorestoration. In the critical slope map four land stability classes have been demarcated. The area represented as Unstable and Moderately-stable is found to be important for slope stability problems. Temporal change in the drainage network over a period of four decades as well as the extent of loss in the perennial status of tributaries have been recorded to evaluate the landform changes. A catchment treatment plan has also been suggested.  相似文献   

This study is aimed at using the Empirical Line Method (ELM) to eliminate atmospheric effects with respect to visible and near infrared bands of advanced spaceborne thermal emission and reflection radiometer (ASTER) and enhanced thematic mapper plus (ETM+) data. Two targets (Amran limestone as light target and quartz-biotite-sericite-graphite schists as dark target), which were widely exposed and easy to identify in the imagery were selected. The accuracy of the atmospheric correction method was evaluated from three targets (vegetation cover, Amran limestone and Akbra shale) of the surface reflectance. Analytical spectral devices (ASD) FieldSpec3 was used to measure the spectra of target samples. ETM+ data were less influenced by the atmospheric effect when compared to ASTER data. Normalized differences vegetation indices (NDVI) displayed good results with reflectance data when compared with digital number (DN) data because it is highly sensitive to ground truth reflectance (GTR). Most of the differences observed before and after calibration of satellite images (ASTER and ETM+) were absorbed in the SWIR region.   相似文献   

The studies on forest cover change can reveal the status of forests and facilitate for its conservation planning. Idukki is the largest district in the state of Kerala having a total geographical area of 5019 km2. The objectives of the present study are to map forest cover in Idukki district using multi-temporal remote sensing data (1975, 1990, 2001 and 2012) and topographical maps (1925), to analyze the trends in deforestation and land use changes. Overall statistics for the period of 1925 indicate that about 4675.7 km2 (93.2 %) of the landscape was under forest. The forest cover in 2012 was estimated as 2613.4 km2 (52.1 %). Recently, due to the implementation of policies and protection efforts, the rate of deforestation was greatly reduced. The commencement of hydroelectric projects during 1925–1990 responsible for an increase of area under water bodies by inundating other land uses. The long term analysis shows agricultural area been decreasing and commercial plantations been increasing in the district. There has been a significant increase in the area of plantations from 1236.2 km2 (1975) to 1317.3 km2 (2012).  相似文献   

Land cover change analysis was undertaken in semi-arid southeastern Botswana. The aim was to determine how remotely sensed data could be applied over time and under different rainfall regimes to help assess the relative significance of biophysical and human factors in causing land cover change in a rapidly evolving developing world context. To this purpose, land cover changes were studied along an east (hardveld)-west (sandveld) gradient of decreasing rainfall and decreasing population density. Three years of Thematic Mapper imagery from 1984, 1994 and 1996, covering the period from the 1980s drought to the 1990s ‘normal’ rainfall regime were analysed using supervised classification techniques. Land cover change analysis revealed that over a large part of the study area the dry and more biophysically vulnerable western sandveld showed greater vegetation recovery than the eastern hardveld with its more productive soils and higher rainfall. Underlying causes behind this apparent reversal of trends are inferred to be mainly socioeconomic in nature and particularly related to higher population density due to the rise of salaried urban occupation opportunities in the hardveld. This work concludes that, while biophysical causes of change are important, the human dimension is regarded as being more significant especially where human factors negate otherwise positive biophysical effects in an agrarian developing country.  相似文献   

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