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A modal (full-wave) method has been developed to predict ocean sound speed profiles from propagated acoustic field data. The method assumes a point source of sound in the ocean and uses as data the values of the transmitted acoustic field at an array. The formalism for depth-dependent sound speeds consists of the standard Hankel integral transform of the depth solution. In the travel length coordinate, the latter is written exactly, using the Green's function, in terms of an integral equation whose kernel includes the sound speed profile correction. A Born approximation to this equation is used. This is just the WKB solution, and permits the use of a nontrivial input (or guess) profile, here chosen as bilinear. The use of asymptotic methods enables us to write the data as an integral transform over the profile correction. The transform can be inverted. An example is presented for full-bandwidth inversion.  相似文献   

在Munk模型和GDEM模型的基础上,提出了一种新的声速剖面结构参数化模型,即分层声速剖面模型(LSSPM).模型用含9个参数的四层分段函数分别描述混合层、主跃层、深海声道层和深海等温层的声速结构,形式简明、直观.数值实验结果表明,LSSPM模型对声速剖面的拟合可达到较高的精度,且对于中国周边的深海和浅海区域有较好的适...  相似文献   

海洋声速剖面严重影响着水下声传播特性,近实时地获取声速剖面对水下声通信、水下定位、鱼群探测等都有重要意义。单经验正交函数回归(single Empirical Orthogonal Function regression,sEOF-r)方法通过建立声速剖面的经验正交系数与海面遥感数据之间的线性回归关系来反演声速剖面。但是,海洋是一个复杂的动力系统,声速与海面遥感数据并不是简单的线性关系,因此,本文基于Argo历史网格数据,通过自组织映射(Self-Organizing Map,SOM)生成海平面高度异常(Sea Level Anomaly,SLA)、海表面温度(Sea Surface Temperature,SST)等海表遥感数据以及表层声速仪测量的表层声速与声速剖面异常之间的非线性映射;然后利用近实时的海表遥感数据和表层声速反演三维海洋声速场。声速剖面反演的结果表明,在多源信息融合的优势下,本文方法的反演性能最稳定且精度最高,声速剖面的平均反演精度比经典sEOF-r方法提高约2 m/s,比未考虑表层声速的经典SOM方法提高约1 m/s。  相似文献   

改进型经验正交函数海洋声速剖面预报方法   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
韩梅  魏亮  周艳霞 《海洋科学》2009,33(1):30-33
鉴于深海温跃层以下往往声速值缺乏,声速剖面不完整的原因,提出一种声速剖面的预报方法:在传统经验正交函数预报法基础上,首先改进协方差矩阵的求解方法,将原始数据的空间信息和时间信息有效地融合到协方差矩阵中,通过由大量实测数据统计得出的时间函数的经验公式,得到合成剖面,将二者结合,把不完整剖面垂直向下延拓到海底,较为有效地解决了传统方法求解协方差矩阵和时间函数较粗糙的问题,给出了完整的海洋声速剖面的准确预报.实测数据检验结果表明,改进方法的预报精度比传统方法有了很大提高.  相似文献   

海水声速剖面通常使用经验正交函数(Empirical Orthogonal Function,EOF)进行稀疏表示,然而基函数会受到数据完备性和数据测量时间的制约,其代表性误差会导致声速剖面重构精度受限。为了提高声速剖面的重构精度,本文利用模糊C均值聚类对BOA_Argo历史数据集进行聚类分析,探讨不同聚类空间的训练集数据对实测声速剖面重构精度的影响。研究表明,声速剖面具有明显的时空聚集特性,聚类后的历史声速剖面集生成的基函数和平均声速剖面具有最优的重构性能。本文研究结果有助于为历史声速剖面训练集的选取提供实际指导意义,进而提高声速剖面重构精度乃至反演精度。  相似文献   

模糊ISODATA聚类算法在声速剖面自动分类中的应用   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
贾延峰  笪良龙  谢骏 《海洋科学》2009,33(12):103-105
依据中国海浅海区30′按月历史统计声速剖面数据,通过归一化处理和Akima差值采样得到梯度剖面,建立起各方区按月归化后的声速剖面分层梯度样本集,并采用模糊ISODATA聚类算法对声速剖面进行聚类分析.通过对分类结果和类内总方差和的分析表明,聚类参数m值在1.1~2.1之间,并以最远邻系统聚类法结果为初始类中心的模糊分类效果较好.应用该方法对海洋中的声速剖面进行自动分类和区划对海洋环境的战术应用意义重大.  相似文献   

基于正交匹配追踪的声层析方法   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
声速剖面的变化会对声传播产生较大的影响,经验正交函数模型经常用来实现对声速剖面数据的简化描述。然而在内波、湍流等海水不均匀性存在时,这种正则化操作会造成声速重构精度的大幅降低。本文利用字典学习生成声速剖面的非正交原子,在稀疏编码时采用正交匹配追踪(OMP,Orthogonal Matching Pursuit)算法,更新字典则使用KSVD (Kernel Singular Value Decomposition)的字典更新算法。由于字典学习不需要强制使用正交条件,对于训练数据更加灵活,从而可以使用少数的原子组合达到更高的重构精度。利用一次浅海声学实验多次测量的声速剖面研究了海水声速剖面的经验正交函数表示和字典学习,研究表明:相比于正交函数表示,学习字典可以利用少数原子(甚至一个原子)更好的解释声速剖面扰动。字典学习可以提高声速剖面的稀疏性,从而提高声速剖面的反演精度。  相似文献   

中国近海声速剖面的模态特征   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
利用WOA05数据集提供的气候态声速场数据,通过模糊C-均值聚类分析,得到了中国近海声速剖面模态特征的区域性分布和季节性变化。结果表明,中国近海的声速剖面结构可分为深海型(D型)、浅海型(S型)和过渡型(T型)三个基本类型。深海型剖面为季节性跃层/正梯度+主跃层+深海声道+深海正梯度结构,南海和菲律宾海因所属水系不同呈现出明显差异;浅海型剖面季节性变化强烈,冬季为正梯度或均匀型结构,其它季节为混合层+季节性跃层+下均匀层结构,负梯度强度与季节性跃层的变化有关,在夏季达到最强;过渡型剖面形态与邻近的深海型上层结构类似,但因受地形制约产生与深海型不同的声传播特征。海面太阳辐射、海洋环流、混合层以及水团配置的季节性变化导致的温盐场空间分布差异是造成不同海区、不同季节声场速剖面结构差异的根本原因。  相似文献   

以海区30'网格方区多年月平均统计的声速剖面作为原始数据集,提取声速剖面的表层、主跃层和深海等温层分层结构特征,把我国近海及其邻近海域预分为Ⅰ,Ⅱ和Ⅲ类区。对Ⅱ,Ⅲ类区声速剖面,应用有序样本聚类算法分别进行表层分离。根据各类区的表层声速剖面数据,通过归一化处理和Akima差值采样得到梯度剖面,建立起按月归一化后的声速剖面分层梯度样本集,并应用系统聚类法和SOFM神经网络方法分别进行聚类分析,再根据分类结果并结合各类型海区的声学特点,得到各类型海区声速剖面的典型类型。通过对大量历史数据的分析结果表明,该方法为自动分类海洋声速剖面提供了一条有效路径,弥补了长期以来海洋声速剖面主要依靠人工分类的不足。  相似文献   

声速剖面时空分布的获取是利用声学方法监测内波的核心问题。在反演算法中,声速剖面通常是采用展开的方式用若干个参数来表示的。这就导致了有时很难从反演结果中直接获得内波的相关信息。本文的目标是找到一种通过展开系数直接获取内波特性的方法。通过推导内波水动力方程,可以从较少的声速剖面样本中提取出水动力简正模态(Hydrodynamic Normal Modes,HNMs)作为声速剖面展开的正交基。较之广泛采用的正交经验函数(Empirical Orthogonal Functions, EOFs),HNMs直接与内波活动相关,具有更明确的物理含义。然后,基于HNMs对声速剖面的时间序列进行展开,获得展开系数。最后,从前两阶展开系数的时间导数中可以获取内波活动的信息。将方法应用于受内波影响而具有明显时空扰动的南海北陆架区温度链数据,结果表明:只用前两节模态就可以在较好的精度范围内重构声速剖面。前两阶系数的时间导数具有独特的双震荡结构可以用于探测内孤立波。从展开系数也可以获得幅度以及波长信息。理论推导和实验分析证明了本文方法在内波监测中的有效性。HNMs方法使用便利且对样本的依赖性较小,可以在内波活跃海域作为EOFs的有效补充用于声速剖面的展开。  相似文献   

经验正交函数(experiential orthogonal functions,EOF)是重构声速剖面(sound speed profile,SSP)的一种有效方法,利用部分实测数据结合历史剖面资料可以重构当前位置的声速剖面.针对实测数据的采样深度难以确定这一问题,本文介绍了一种基于历史声速剖面资料的实测数据采样深...  相似文献   

庄益夫  张旭  刘艳 《海洋通报》2013,32(1):45-52
应用分层声速剖面模型(LSSPM)和BELLHOP高斯束声场计算模型,对深海声速剖面结构变化引起的会聚区偏移特性进行了分析.结果表明,声速值的整体变化对会聚区影响很小,而混合层、主跃层、深海等温层及声道轴的变化都会使会聚区位置出现不同程度的偏移.主跃层是上层海洋变化的主要体现,混合层变化对会聚区的影响也是通过改变主跃层的形态结构实现的,跃层强度的增大使会聚区向远离声源方向偏移.深海等温层的声速变化体现了深海水团的结构差异,与主跃层引起的会聚区偏移呈反相变化.声道轴附近的声速变化体现了不同类型中层水团侵入和混合的影响,所引起的会聚区偏移反映了声道轴上层与下层梯度变化的综合效应,声速最小值的增加使会聚区向远离声源方向偏移.  相似文献   

The authors describe the effort to provide three-dimensional global thermohaline and sound speed fields for use in the effects of sound in the marine environment (ESME) workbench suite of programs. The primary fields used are from the modular ocean data assimilation system (MODAS), developed by Fox et al. The system provides global thermohaline and sound speed fields on a daily basis using environmental inputs from the U.S. Navy as well as remote sensing of sea surface temperature and sea surface height. To examine the MODAS fields, the authors also used data from the Southern California Bight collected by the California Cooperative Fisheries Investigations as well as high-resolution hydrographic data collected over the continental shelf south of New England as part of the shelfbreak PRIMER experiment. MODAS performs well for features such as large-scale boundary currents and eddies but is more limited in resolving features such as shelfbreak and coastal fronts, which have small spatial and temporal correlation scales. Because of the considerable computational needs of other ESME modules and its use as a planning tool, the authors present a pragmatic approach for future applications.  相似文献   

开展多波束水深测量应同步进行声速剖面探测.因海上作业条件恶劣、作业时间受限及设备性能局限等影响,在深远海海域常获取不到全深度的实测声速剖面.尽管利用温盐场模型可将声速剖面直接延拓至实地水深的最大深度,但这种气候态平均声速剖面与实际的声速剖面间存在不可控的系统性偏差,会给声速改正及水深测量成果带来质量隐患.给出了一种提高...  相似文献   

Complex perturbations in the profile and the sparsity of samples often limit the validity of rapid environmental assessment (REA) in the South China Sea (SCS). In this paper, the remote sensing data were used to estimate sound speed profile (SSP) with the self-organizing map (SOM) method in the SCS. First, the consistency of the empirical orthogonal functions was examined by using k-means clustering. The clustering results indicated that SSPs in the SCS have a similar perturbation nature, which means the inverted grid could be expanded to the entire SCS to deal with the problem of sparsity of the samples without statistical improbability. Second, a machine learning method was proposed that took advantage of the topological structure of SOM to significantly improve their accuracy. Validation revealed promising results, with a mean reconstruction error of 1.26 m/s, which is 1.16 m/s smaller than the traditional single empirical orthogonal function regression (sEOF-r) method. By violating the constraints of linear inversion, the topological structure of the SOM method showed a smaller error and better robustness in the SSP estimation. The improvements to enhance the accuracy and robustness of REA in the SCS were offered. These results suggested a potential utilization of REA in the SCS based on satellite data and provided a new approach for SSP estimation derived from sea surface data.  相似文献   

《Oceanologica Acta》1998,21(1):59-68
Sound-speed computations from CTD casts in the Arabian Gulf during 1992, reveal spatial and temporal variations in acoustic properties. Hydrographic conditions affecting sound speed propagation were seasonally investigated. A monotonic decrease in sound speed profiles with depth was commonly observed at almost all the stations in the Gulf. However, an exception occurred at Hormuz strait during winter. The water exchange pattern between the Gulf of Oman and the Arabian Gulf seems to influence the sound-speed structure, especially in the southern part of the latter. Winter profiles along the Gulf axis showed almost vertically homogenous sound speed. Maximum speeds are observed in summer, with a strong gradient associated with the development of the summer thermocline layer. Horizontal distributions in both winter and summer show a decreasing trend in sound speed from the Strait of Hormuz to the head of the Gulf. The resultant profiles provide a more comprehensive and reliable data set than any that have been reported in the literature. Shallowness and multiple refraction and reflection in the Arabian Gulf may cause sound speed energy to be trapped. No sound channel was detected inside the Gulf. A correlation analysis shows that sound speed is closely correlated with temperature throughout the Gulf, except in winter in the southern half where salinity effects, as a result of inversion and water exchange at the entrance, are found to be dominant.  相似文献   

Sound attenuation has been solely used to estimate bubble size distributions of bubbly water in the conventional acoustic bubble sizing methods. These conventional methods are useful for the void fraction around 10-6 or lower. However, the change of compressibility in the bubbly water also should be considered in bubble sizing for the void fraction around 10-5 or higher. Recently the sound speed as well as sound attenuation was considered for acoustic bubble size estimation in bubbly water. In this paper, the sound speed estimated from sound attenuation in bubbly water by an iterative method is used for a bubble counting. This new iterative inverse bubble sizing technique is numerically tested for bubble distributions of single-size Gaussian, and power-law functions. The numerical simulation results are in agreement with the given bubble distributions even for the high void fractions of 10-4-10-3. It suggests that the iterative inverse technique can be a very powerful tool for practical use in acoustic bubble counting in the ocean  相似文献   


Three types of sediments were selected to measure their sound speed under changing temperature and pressure conditions in laboratory. The effects of temperature and pressure on sound speed in sediments and their trends were analyzed. The results showed that, with increasing temperature and pressure, the sound speed exhibits an increasing trend in all selected sediments. For each sample, the ratio of the sound speed in sediments to that in seawater almost remained unchanged at different pressures and temperatures, with a maximum fluctuation of 1.09% for temperature dependence and 0.68% pressure dependence. Combining the analysis of experimental results and sound speed correction procedure given by Hamilton, specific correction formulas of sound speed for temperature and pressure were presented. The laboratory-measured sound speed in the experiment and the sound speed obtained in the South Yellow Sea were corrected to reduce the effects of temperature and pressure using the correction formulas. The results show that the correction formulas with constant sound speed ratio are effective for correcting the sound speed measurement errors caused by changes in temperature and pressure. As a further consideration, the effects of the fluctuation of sound speed ratio on sound speed correction were analyzed.  相似文献   

Based on the core samples collected in different geological tectonic units in the southern South China Sea, the double parameter equations between sediment sound speed and physical parameters were developed. According to the double parameter equations, the influences of physical parameters (porosity, mean grain size, wet bulk density, and clay content) on sediment sound speed were analyzed. To analyze the sensitivity of each parameter in the double parameter equations, the error norm method was introduced. The most influencing physical parameters with relative order were analyzed using the error norm method. These results show that porosity has a major influence on the sound speed, and the most influential physical parameters on sound speed are as follows: porosity > wet bulk density > clay content > mean grain size.  相似文献   

Using archived historical data on the temperature/salinity distribution, this paper describes the structure of the mean seasonal and the actual field of the computed speed of sound in the Gulf Stream region. The formation of acoustic channels of large, medium, and small size is considered, depending on the vertical thermohaline structure of waters. The paper provides statistical characteristics of the sound speed field and acoustic channels of waters interacting in the Gulf Stream system. Translated by Vladimir A. Puchkin.  相似文献   

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