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The recent discovery of radio variability of a quasar on short time-scales (hours) prompts us to examine what is expected in respect of the interstellar scintillation of very compact, extragalactic radio sources. We find that large-amplitude, rapid, variability is predicted at commonly observed radio frequencies (1–20 GHz) over the vast majority of the extragalactic sky. As a guide to assist observers in understanding their data, we demonstrate simple techniques for predicting the effects of interstellar scintillation on any extragalactic source.  相似文献   

We study the collimation of radio jets in the high-luminosity Fanaroff–Riley class II sources by examining the dependence of the sizes of hotspots and knots in the radio jets on the overall size of the objects for a sample of compact steep-spectrum (CSS) and larger-sized objects. The objects span a wide range in overall size from about 50 pc to nearly 1 Mpc. The mean size of the hotspots increases with the source size during the CSS phase, which is typically taken to be about 20 kpc, and the relationship flattens for the larger sources. The sizes of the knots in the compact as well as the larger sources are consistent with this trend. We discuss possible implications of these trends. We find that the hotspot closer to the nucleus or core component tends to be more compact for the most asymmetric objects where the ratio of separations of the hotspots from the nucleus r d>2. These highly asymmetric sources are invariably CSS objects, and their location in the hotspot size ratio–separation ratio diagram is possibly the result of their evolution in an asymmetric environment. We also suggest that some sources, especially of lower luminosity, exhibit an asymmetry in the collimation of the oppositely directed radio jets.  相似文献   

We present multifrequency Very Large Array (VLA) observations of two giant quasars, 0437−244 and 1025−229, from the Molonglo Complete Sample. These sources have well-defined FR II radio structure, possible one-sided jets, no significant depolarization between 1365 and 4935 MHz and low rotation measure (|RM|<20 rad m−2). The giant sources are defined to be those with overall projected size 1 Mpc. We have compiled a sample of about 50 known giant radio sources from the literature, and have compared some of their properties with a complete sample of 3CR radio sources of smaller sizes to investigate the evolution of giant sources, and test their consistency with the unified scheme for radio galaxies and quasars. We find an inverse correlation between the degree of core prominence and total radio luminosity, and show that the giant radio sources have similar core strengths to smaller sources of similar total luminosity. Hence their large sizes are unlikely to be caused by stronger nuclear activity. The degree of collinearity of the giant sources is also similar to that of the sample of smaller sources. The luminosity–size diagram shows that the giant sources are less luminous than our sample of smaller sized 3CR sources, consistent with evolutionary scenarios in which the giants have evolved from the smaller sources, losing energy as they expand to these large dimensions. For the smaller sources, radiative losses resulting from synchrotron radiation are more significant while for the giant sources the equipartition magnetic fields are smaller and inverse Compton loss owing to microwave background radiation is the dominant process. The radio properties of the giant radio galaxies and quasars are consistent with the unified scheme.  相似文献   

We present multi-wavelength radio observations with the Very Large Array, and narrow- and broad-band optical observations with the 2.5-m telescope at the Las Campanas Observatory, of a well-defined sample of high-luminosity Fanaroff–Riley class II radio galaxies and quasars, selected from the Molonglo Reference Catalogue 1-Jy sample. These observations were carried out as part of a programme to investigate the effects of orientation and environment on some of the observed properties of these sources. We examine the dependence of the Liu–Pooley relationship, which shows that radio lobes with flatter radio spectra are less depolarized, on size, identification and redshift, and show that it is significantly stronger for smaller sources, with the strength of the relationship being similar for both radio galaxies and quasars. In addition to Doppler effects, there appear to be intrinsic differences between the lobes on opposite sides. We discuss the asymmetry in brightness and location of the hotspots, and present estimates of the ages and velocities from matched-resolution observations in the L and C bands. Narrow- and broad-band optical images of some of these sources were made to study their environments and correlate with the symmetry parameters. An extended emission-line region is seen in a quasar, and in four of the objects possible companion galaxies are seen close to the radio axis.  相似文献   

We undertake a quantitative investigation, using Monte Carlo simulations, of the amount by which quasars are expected to exceed radio galaxies in optical luminosity in the context of the 'receding torus' model. We compare these simulations with the known behaviour of the [O  III ] λ5007 and [O  II ] λ3727 emission lines and conclude that [O  III ] is the better indicator of the strength of the underlying non-stellar continuum.  相似文献   

We have used the University of Tasmania's 30-m radio telescope at Ceduna in South Australia to regularly monitor the flux density of a number of southern blazars. We report the detection of an annual cycle in the variability time-scale of the centimetre radio emission of PKS B1622−253. Observations of PKS B1519−273 over a period of nearly 2 yr confirm the presence of an annual cycle in the variability time-scale in that source. These observations prove that interstellar scintillation is the principal cause of inter-day variability at radio wavelengths in these sources. The best-fitting annual cycle model for both sources implies a high degree of anisotropy in the scattering screen and that it has a large velocity offset with respect to the local standard of rest. This is consistent with a greater screen distance for these 'slow' intra-day variability (IDV) sources than for rapid scintillators such as PKS B0405−385 or J1819+3845.  相似文献   

We present total-intensity and linear-polarization observations at a single epoch for a sample of 11 quasars and one BL Lac object. The data were taken with the VLA A array at λλ 20, 18, 6 and 2 cm. We examine the variation of the degree of polarization, p , and polarization position angle, PA, with wavelength, and attempt to determine the rotation measure, RM, of the cores in these sources. The degree of polarization does not exhibit any systematic variation with wavelength, the median values ranging from 2.3 to 3.5 per cent at the different wavelengths. The variation of PA with λ2 is not linear over the entire wavelength range. However, for most sources the λλ 20-, 18- and 6-cm PAs do follow such a linear relationship, yielding a median |RM| of about 15 rad m−2. In contrast, the λλ 6- and 2-cm observations give a median |RM| of about 129 rad m−2. The long-wavelength emission is likely to originate from a spatially different part of the milliarcsec-scale jet from the λ 2-cm emission, which could turn over at a higher frequency and is likely to be more compact and located closer to the quasar nucleus. We have attempted to obtain linear fits over the entire wavelength range allowing for n  π ambiguities in the PAs, but the fits are not statistically significant. The low values of RM for these core-dominated sources suggest that either the radio emission from the jet intercepts few of the emission-line clouds and their confining medium, or the clouds have a small filling factor and are possibly magnetically confined.  相似文献   

We present results from a 3-yr study of the 15-GHz variability of 51 9C sources. 48 of these sources make up a subsample of a larger one complete to 25 mJy in 9C, and as the sources are selected pseudo-randomly the results should be representative of the complete sample. 29 per cent of this subsample are found to be variable above the flux calibration uncertainties of ∼6 per cent. 50 per cent of the flat-spectrum objects are variable whilst none of the steep-spectrum objects or the objects with convex spectra peaking below 5 GHz are variable. Nine of the objects studied have convex spectra and peak frequencies above 5 GHz; eight of these were found to vary at 15 GHz, suggesting that the high-frequency peaking class in this sample is largely populated by objects with jets aligned close to the line of sight whose emission is dominated by beamed components.  相似文献   

This paper introduces a new program to find high-redshift radio galaxies in the Southern hemisphere through ultrasteep spectrum (USS) selection. We define a sample of 234 USS radio sources with spectral indices α843408≤−1.0 ( S ν∝να) and flux densities S 408≥ 200 mJy in a region of 0.35 sr, chosen by cross-correlating the revised 408 MHz Molonglo Reference Catalogue, the 843 MHz Sydney University Molonglo Sky Survey and the 1400 MHz NRAO VLA Sky Survey in the overlap region −40° < δ < −30°. We present Australia Telescope Compact Array (ATCA) high-resolution 1384 and 2368 MHz radio data for each source, which we use to analyse the morphological, spectral index and polarization properties of our sample. We find that 85 per cent of the sources have observed-frame spectral energy distributions that are straight over the frequency range 408–2368 MHz, and that, on average, sources with smaller angular sizes have slightly steeper spectral indices and lower fractional linear polarization. Fractional polarization is anticorrelated with flux density at both 1400 and 2368 MHz. We also use the ATCA data to determine observed-frame Faraday rotation measures for half of the sample.  相似文献   

In the unified scheme for high-luminosity radio galaxies and quasars, the core-dominated quasars are seen at small angles to the line of sight and the lobe-dominated quasars at intermediate angles, while the radio galaxies lie close to the plane of the sky. In radio galaxies, the quasar nucleus is hidden from our view by a putative torus. Such a scenario should also affect the observed polarization properties of the cores, with the core-dominated quasars, lobe-dominated quasars and radio galaxies having progressively lower core polarization at a given frequency and higher rotation measure because of Faraday effects. In this paper, we report that the core polarization of weak-cored quasars has a median value of less than about 0.4 per cent and is indeed much smaller than for core-dominated quasars, where the median value is about 2.5 per cent. We suggest that this might be a result of the depolarization caused by the edge of the obscuring torus or disc. We also examine the relative orientation of the core-polarization E -vector at λ6 cm and the radio axis for the weak-cored quasars. The sample is small but does not show the significant trend reported earlier for cores of moderate strength. This could also be the result of Faraday rotation by the material in the edge of the torus or disc. These results are consistent with the basic ideas of the unified scheme.  相似文献   

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