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Submarine groundwater discharge (SGD) to coastal southern Rhode Island was estimated from measurements of the naturally-occurring radioisotopes 226Ra (t1/2 = 1600 y) and 228Ra (t1/2 = 5.75 y). Surface water and porewater samples were collected quarterly in Winnapaug, Quonochontaug, Ninigret, Green Hill, and Pt. Judith–Potter Ponds, as well as nearly monthly in the surface water of Rhode Island Sound, from January 2002 to August 2003; additional porewater samples were collected in August 2005. Surface water activities ranged from 12–83 dpm 100 L− 1 (60 dpm = 1 Bq) and 21–256 dpm 100 L− 1 for 226Ra and 228Ra, respectively. Porewater 226Ra activities ranged from 16–736 dpm 100 L− 1 (2002–2003) and 95–815 dpm 100 L− 1 (2005), while porewater 228Ra activities ranged from 23–1265 dpm 100 L− 1. Combining these data with a simple box model provided average 226Ra-based submarine groundwater fluxes ranging from 11–159 L m− 2 d− 1 and average 228Ra-derived fluxes of 15–259 L m− 2 d− 1. Seasonal changes in Ra-derived SGD were apparent in all ponds as well as between ponds, with SGD values of 30–472 L m− 2 d− 1 (Winnapaug Pond), 6–20 L m− 2 d− 1 (Quonochontaug Pond), 36–273 L m− 2 d− 1 (Ninigret Pond), 29–76 L m− 2 d− 1 (Green Hill Pond), and 19–83 L m− 2 d− 1 (Pt. Judith–Potter Pond). These Ra-derived fluxes are up to two orders of magnitude higher than results predicted by a numerical model of groundwater flow, estimates of aquifer recharge for the study period, and values published in previous Ra-based SGD studies in Rhode Island. This disparity may result from differences in the type of flow (recirculated seawater versus fresh groundwater) determined using each technique, as well as variability in porewater Ra activity.  相似文献   

Radium isotopes (223Ra, 224Ra, 226Ra, and 228Ra) and water chemistry were used to identify two chemically distinct sources of submarine groundwater discharge (SGD) in Celestún Lagoon, Yucatán, Mexico. Low salinity groundwater discharging from springs within the lagoon has previously been identified and extensively sampled for nutrient concentrations. However, a second type of groundwater discharging into the lagoon was detected during this study using radium isotope activity measurements. This second type of groundwater is characterized by moderate salinities (within the range of lagoon salinities) and very elevated radium activities in comparison to the low salinity groundwater, mixed lagoon water, and seawater. Further analysis showed that the two types of groundwater also have distinct chloride, strontium, and sulfate ratios, along with slightly different nutrient concentrations. Groundwater discharge occurs through large and small springs scattered throughout the lagoon, and both types of groundwater were detected discharging from one of the larger springs. The relative proportions of low salinity groundwater and brackish high radium groundwater varied over the tidal cycle. In order to better understand the relative contributions of each type of groundwater to the lagoon, a three end-member mixing model based on the distinct chemical and isotopic compositions of both types of groundwater and of seawater was used to estimate the distribution of each water type throughout the lagoon in different seasons. This study suggests that substantial groundwater discharge to the lagoon can occur during both dry and rainy seasons. The presence of two groundwater sources has implications for monitoring and protection of the Celestún Lagoon Biosphere Reserve, since the two sources may have different susceptibilities to anthropogenic contamination depending on their respective recharge area and recharge rates.  相似文献   

Submarine groundwater discharge (SGD) is now recognized as an important pathway for water and chemical species fluxes to the coastal ocean. In order to determinate SGD to the Gulf of Lion (France), we measured the activities of 226Ra and 228Ra by thermal ionization mass spectrometry (TIMS) in coastal waters and in the deep aquifer waters of the Rhone deltaic plain after pre-concentration of radium by MnO2. Compared to conventional counting techniques, TIMS requires lower quantities of water for the analyses, and leads to higher analytical precision. Radium isotopes were thus measured on 0.25–2 L water samples containing as little as 20 fg of 226Ra and 0.2–0.4 fg of 228Ra with precision equal to 2%. We demonstrate that coastal surface waters samples are enriched in 226Ra and 228Ra compared to the samples further offshore. The high precision radium measurements display a small but significant 226Ra and 228Ra enrichment within a strip of circa 30 km from the coast. Radium activities decrease beyond this region, entrained in the northern current along the shelf break or controlled by eddy diffusion. The radium excess in the first 30 km cannot be accounted for by the river nor by the early diagenesis. The primary source of the radium enrichment must therefore be ascribed to the discharge of submarine groundwater. Using a mass-balance model, we estimated the advective fluxes of 226Ra and 228Ra through SGD to be 5.2 × 1010 and 21 × 1010 dpm/d respectively. The 226Ra activities measured in the groundwater from the Rhone deltaic plain aquifer are comparable to those from other coastal groundwater studies throughout the world. By contrast, 228Ra activities are higher by up to one order of magnitude. Taking those groundwater radium activities as typical of the submarine groundwater end-member, a minimum volume of 0.24–4.5 × 1010 l/d is required to support the excess radium isotopes on the inner shelf. This has to be compared with the average rivers water runoff of 15.4 × 1010 l/d during the study period (1.6 to 29% of the river flow).  相似文献   

In order to estimate submarine groundwater discharge (SGD) and SGD-driven nutrient fluxes, we measured the concentrations of nutrients, 224Ra, and 226Ra in seawater, river water, and coastal groundwater of Yeongil Bay (in the southeastern coast of Korea) in August 2004 and February 2005. The bottom sediments over the shallow areas of this bay are composed mainly of coarse sands. Large excess concentrations of 224Ra, 226Ra, and Si supplied from SGD were observed in August 2004, while these excess concentrations were not apparent in February 2005. Based on the mass balance for 224Ra, 226Ra, and Si, which showed conservative mixing behavior in seawater, SGD was estimated to be approximately 6 × 106 m3 day− 1 (seepage rate = 0.2 m day− 1) in shallow areas (< 9 m water depth) in August 2004, which is much higher than the SGD level typically found in other coastal regions worldwide. During the summer period, SGD-driven nutrients in this bay contributed approximately 98%, 12%, and 76% of the total inputs for dissolved inorganic nitrogen (DIN), phosphorus (DIP), and silicate (DSi), respectively. Our study implies that the ecosystem in this highly permeable bed coastal zone is influenced strongly by SGD during summer, while such influences are negligible in winter.  相似文献   

High resolution measurements of carbon dioxide and oxygen were made in surface waters of the central Arkona Sea (Baltic Sea) from May 2003 to September 2004. Sensors for CO2 partial pressure (pCO2w) and oxygen (O2) concentration were mounted in 7 m depth on a moored platform which is used for hydrographic and meteorological monitoring. The pCO2w data were obtained in half hour intervals and O2 was measured each hour as an average of a 10 min measurement. To check the performance of the sensors, pCO2w and O2 were determined by shipboard measurements on a research vessel which visited the site in 1–2 month intervals. In addition, pCO2w was measured on a “volunteer observing ship” (VOS) passing the platform each second day at a distance of about 25 km. Minima of 220 to 250 μatm of pCO2w were observed at the time of the spring bloom and a cyanobacteria bloom in mid-summer. During winter the pCO2w was mostly close to equilibrium with the atmosphere but maxima of 430 to 530 μatm were also observed. The seasonality of oxygen and pCO2w showed an opposing pattern. From a multiple regression analysis, we concluded that two processes primarily controlled pCO2w during our study: biological turnover and mixing. A parameterization, based on apparent oxygen utilisation (AOU) and salinity (S) only (pCO2w = 1.23 AOU + 43 S), reproduced the seasonality of pCO2w in surface water reasonably well. Based on our pCO2, salinity, and temperature data set, we attempted to separate processes changing total inorganic carbon concentrations (CT) by using an alkalinity–salinity relation for the area. The contribution of CO2 gas exchange and mixing were calculated and from this the biological turnover was deduced to reveal the calculated CT changes.The net annual uptake of CO2 in the central Arkona Sea was estimated to be about 1.5 Tg (1.5·1012 g) which was approximately balanced by a net oxygen release considering the uncertainties of the flux calculations. Near-coast CO2 emission due to episodic upwelling partly compensated the uptake of the central part of the Arkona Sea reducing the overall magnitude of the CO2 uptake.  相似文献   

The European Water Framework Directive (WFD, 2000/60/EC) recommends the development of biotic indices for assessing the ecological quality status of water bodies. The Benthic Index based on Taxonomic Sufficiency (BITS) was specifically developed for lagoonal systems, according to the tolerant/opportunistic approach. Macrobenthic data, variables indicative of eutrophication and variables indicative of sedimentary organic matter quality were collected during 18 surveys carried out between 2004 and 2005 in three Adriatic coastal lagoons (Venice Lagoon, Sacca di Goro, Lesina Lagoon). The relationship between environmental variables and biotic indices (AMBI, BENTIX, BITS, BOPA and FINE) was tested using multivariate analyses. Indices based on species classification level appeared to relate better with the variables describing organic matter quality, whereas BITS, which is based on family classification level, seemed related to eutrophication indicative variables, such as sulphide, ammonium, dissolved oxygen and orthophosphate concentrations. The BITS approach reduces the costs associated with sorting and identification of organisms. Providing a rapid assessment of ecological quality, and producing an ecologically relevant classification, BITS seems a promising tool for monitoring programs of Adriatic lagoonal ecosystems. Its sensitivity in reflecting the field conditions elsewhere, however, remains to be assessed.  相似文献   

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