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Summary Isotropic earth models are unable to provide uniform fits to the gross Earth normal mode data set or, in many cases, to regional Love-and Rayleigh-wave data. Anisotropic inversion provides a good fit to the data and indicates that the upper 200km of the mantle is anisotropic. The nature and magnitude of the required anisotropy, moreover, is similar to that found in body wave studies and in studies of ultramafic samples from the upper mantle. Pronounced upper mantle low-velocity zones are characteristic of models resulting from isotropic inversion of global or regional data sets. Anisotropic models have more nearly constant velocities in the upper mantle.
Normal mode partial (Frediét) derivatives are calculated for a transversely isotropic earth model with a radial axis of symmetry. For this type of anisotropy there are five elastic constant. The two shear-type moduli can be determined from the toroidal modes. Spheroidal and Rayleigh modes are sensitive to all five elastic constants but are mainly controlled by the two compressional-type moduli, one of the shear-type moduli and the remaining, mixed-mode, modulus. The lack of sensitivity of Rayleigh waves to compressional wave velocities is a characteristic only of the isotropic case. The partial derivatives of the horizontal and vertical components of the compressional velocity are nearly equal and opposite in the region of the mantle where the shear velocity sensitivity is the greatest. The net compressional wave partial derivative, at depth, is therefore very small for isotropic perturbations. Compressional wave anisotropy, however, has a significant effect on Rayleigh-wave dispersion. Once it has been established that transverse anisotropy is important it is necessary to invert for all five elastic constants. If the azimuthal effect has not been averaged out a more general anisotropy may have to be allowed for.  相似文献   

Summary. We examine the way in which measurements of velocity anisotropy can add to our understanding of upper mantle structure. Measurements of P -wave velocity anisotropy in a single plane contain very little direct information about the anisotropic structure. A promising technique is to fit the observed velocity variation with a mixture of an assumed anisotropic constituent and a proportion of isotropic material. Using this technique, mixtures of orthorhombic and transversely isotropic olivine are obtained, which are in excellent agreement with observed velocity variations in the Pacific.  相似文献   

Summary. Anisotropy of seismic waves in the uppermost mantle has not only been observed in the oceanic but recently also in the continental lithosphere. Laboratory experiments on the formation of preferred orientation of olivine crystals suggest plastic flow às the most likely mechanism for the genesis of anisotropy in the upper mantle. Since the direction of maximum velocity correlates in the ocean and on the continent with a number of tectonic features, a causal connection between anisotropy and dynamical processes related to plate motions must be suspected.  相似文献   

Seismic reflection coefficients from mantle fault zones   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
Summary. Several bright reflections from structures within the mantle can be seen on BIRPS' deep seismic reflection profiles. We have calculated apparent reflection coefficients for the brightest of these events and obtain values around 0.1. It is not possible to produce such large reflections by either compositional layering or seismic anisotropy if olivine and pyroxene are the only significant minerals in the mantle. These large reflections can be produced by a mafic layer or a partially hydrated layer within normal peridotite. The brightest reflections seem to be best explained as major faults or shear zones within the mantle.  相似文献   

The North Canterbury region marks the transition from Pacific plate subduction to continental collision in the South Island of New Zealand. Details of the seismicity, structure and tectonics of this region have been revealed by an 11-week microearthquake survey using 24 portable digital seismographs. Arrival time data from a well-recorded subset of microearthquakes have been combined with those from three explosions at the corners of the microearthquake network in a simultaneous inversion for both hypocentres and velocity structure. The velocity structure is consistent with the crust in North Canterbury being an extension of the converging Chatham Rise. The crust is about 27 km thick, and consists of an 11 km thick seismic upper crust and 7 km thick seismic lower crust, with the middle part of the crust being relatively aseismic. Seismic velocities are consistent with the upper and middle crust being composed of greywacke and schist respectively, while several lines of evidence suggest that the lower crust is the lower part of the old oceanic crust on which the overlying rocks were originally deposited.
The distribution of relocated earthquakes deeper than 15 km indicates that the seismic lower crust changes dip markedly near 43S. To the south-west it is subhorizontal, while to the north-east it dips north-west at about 10. Fault-plane solutions for these earthquakes also change near 43S. For events to the south, P -axes trend approximately normal to the plate boundary (reflecting continental collision), while for events to the north, T -axes are aligned down the dip of the subducted plate (reflecting slab pull). While lithospheric subduction is continuous across the transition, it is not clear whether the lower crust near 43S is flexed or torn.  相似文献   

P-SH conversion is commonly observed in teleseismic P waves, and is often attributed to dipping interfaces beneath the receiver. Our modelling suggests an alternative explanation in terms of flat-layered anisotropy. We use reflectivity techniques to compute three-component synthetic seismograms in a 1-D anisotropic layered medium. For each layer of the medium, we prescribe values of seismic velocities and hexagonally symmetric anisotropy about a common symmetry axis of arbitrary orientation. A compressional wave in an anisotropic velocity structure suffers conversion to both SV -and SH -polarized shear waves, unless the axis of symmetry is everywhere vertical or the wave travels parallel to all symmetry axes. The P-SV conversion forms the basis of the widely used 'receiver function' technique. The P-SH conversion occurs at interfaces where one or both layers are anisotropic. A tilted axis of symmetry and a dipping interface in isotropic media produce similar amplitudes of both direct ( P ) and converted ( Ps ) phases, leaving the backazimuth variation of the P-Ps delay as the main discriminant. Seismic anisotropy with a tilted symmetry axis leads to complex synthetic seismograms in velocity models composed of just a few flat homogeneous layers. It is possible therefore to model observations of P coda with prominent transverse components with relatively simple 1-D velocity structures. Successful retrieval of salient model characteristics appears possible using multiple realizations of a genetic-algorithm (GA) inversion of P coda from several backazimuths. Using GA inversion, we determine that six P coda recorded at station ARU in central Russia are consistent with models that possess strong (> 10 per cent) anisotropy in the top 5 km and between 30 and 43 km depth. The symmetry axes are tilted, and appear aligned with the seismic anisotropy orientation in the mantle under ARU suggested by SKS splitting.  相似文献   

Summary . In this paper we present laboratory measurements of compressional and shear wave velocities of a diverse suite of gabbroic rocks collected from the walls of the Mid-Cayman Spreading Centre with DSRV Alvin. The degree of deformation and alteration affecting these gabbros is quite variable, and we believe that they are typical of plutonic rocks emplaced at shallow levels (upper portion of seismic layer 3 and shallower) of the oceanic crust. The compositional and textural variations are reflected in the wide range of laboratory velocities which span most of the range of seismic velocities reported for oceanic and ophiolite rock samples including basalts, gabbros, ultramafics, and their altered derivatives. Based upon the laboratory velocities and the geological setting of the Mid-Cayman gabbros, it is argued that no unique lithology, except anhydrous peridotite, can be unequivocally identified in the oceanic lithosphere from seismic velocity data alone. Furthermore, these data allow for the possibility of considerable lithologic heterogeneity within portions of the oceanic crust at the scale of a few centimetres to a few hundred metres. Such heterogeneities would go unrecognized because seismic refraction studies mask these variations resulting in a picture of apparent uniformity.  相似文献   

Summary. It is known that flow in the mantle can produce preferred orientation in olivine crystals with seismic anisotropy as a consequence. Flow in the subcrustal lithosphere is unlikely because of the high viscosity. Lenses of high temperature and low-viscosity ( anomalous mantle ) are located under the crust in many tectonically active regions, and viscous flow can easily arise in such material resulting in seismic anisotropy. After cooling, such anomalous mantle acquires high viscosity and becomes incorporated into the lithospheric layer preserving the anisotropy produced by the flows which existed previously. The interaction of the stresses with cracks in the upper crust can be one of the causes of anisotropy in this layer.  相似文献   

Summary. The Nootka fault zone is the boundary between the small Explorer and Juan de Fuca plates which are situated between the America and Pacific plates off western Canada. To investigate the crustal structure in the region, three explosive/large airgun refraction lines were shot into three ocean bottom seismometers (OBSs) with three-component geophone assemblies. In this phase of the study, P -wave velocity—depth models are interpreted by comparison of the travel time and amplitude characteristics of the observed data with theoretical seismograms computed using a WKBJ algorithm. The interpretation gives relatively consistent results for the upper crust. However, the structure of the lower crust is significantly different among the various profiles. Upper mantle velocities range from 7.5 to 8.3 kms−1 and the sub-bottom crustal thickness vanes from 6.4 to 11 km. Nevertheless, these seismic models are consistent in general terms with oceanic crustal models represented by ophiolite complexes. Some aspects of the differences among profiles can be explained by consideration of a recent tectonic model for the development of the fault zone. This requires, within a 1 Myr time interval, variations in the process of crustal formation at the ridge, crustal 'maturing', or both. The abnormally thick crust near a spreading centre may result in part from the complex interaction of the Juan de Fuca and Explorer plates with the larger and older America and Pacific plates. Upper mantle velocity variations are consistent with the concept of velocity anisotropy. The different record sections show that seismic energy is attenuated for ray paths traversing the Nootka fault zone.  相似文献   

P-wave velocity anisotropy in crystalline rocks   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Summary. Compressional wave velocities and anisotropy coefficients determined at high hydrostatic pressures are compiled from the data published for the main types of crystalline rocks. The crack-free elastic anisotropy of igneous crustal rocks is generally very low, between 1 and 3 per cent on average. The anisotropy of metamorphic rocks is higher (up to 22 per cent), but very variable. The average anisotropy coefficients in schists and amphibolites are about 10 per cent, in gneisses between 3 and 7 per cent, and in granulites less than 3 per cent. The average anisotropy of olivine ultramafites is between 7 and 12 per cent, whereas in pyroxenites and eclogites it is usually less than 4 per cent. A comparison of ranges of average velocities and average anisotropies for the individual rock groups suggests that, whereas in the crust the lateral velocity variations are mainly due to compositional changes, in the olivine of the uppermost mantle the velocity variations due to anisotropic structures could be of the same magnitude as the variations due to inhomogeneities.  相似文献   

Summary. A series of long-range explosion seismological experiments has been conducted by the use of specially designed ocean bottom seismographs (OBSs) in the Western Pacific. OBS studies of apparent velocity measurements by the use of natural earthquakes have also been made. The experiments have made clear that large-scale P -wave anisotropy exists in the entire thickness of the oceanic lithosphere. The existence of the large-scale anisotropy in the oceanic lithosphere has been demonstrated for the first time by seismic body-wave studies. Previously, anisotropy had been found only in the uppermost oceanic mantle in the Eastern Pacific.
The azimuth of the maximum velocity, 8.6 km s-1, is about 155° clock-wise from north. The direction is perpendicular to the magnetic lineation of the region, however, the direction differs from the direction of the present plate motion by about 30°. So it appears that the anisotropy has been 'frozen' at least since the change of the plate motion that occurred 40 Myr ago. The frozen anisotropy should set important constraints on the mechanical properties of the lithosphere such as the viscosity and temperature of the lower lithosphere.  相似文献   

Summary. The mantle between 700 and 1200 km is modelled using mixed oxides (MgO + FeO + SiO2 (stishovite)) having olivine, pyroxene, and peridotite (67 per cent ol-33 per cent px) stoichiometries and third-order finite strain theory. It is possible to satisfy the densities, compressional and shear velocities, and bulk and shear moduli of seismic models B1 and PEM and to obtain adiabatic temperature profiles consistent with literature profiles with olivine and peridotite stoichiometries, but not with pyroxenes. Estimates of K and μ for stishovite satisfying Bl and PEM profiles indicate that the stishovite data of Mizutani, Hamano & Akimoto and Liebermann, Ringwood & Major are inconsistent with the assumed mixed-oxide assemblages, even with a large range of pressure and temperature derivatives for K and μ. Assuming perovskite structure materials below 700 km shows that pyroxenes transformed to the perovskite structure are too dense by 1–2.5 per cent. Taking a wide range of P and T derivatives for the K and μ of MgSiO3 (perovskite) indicates that the seismic models can be satisfied with olivines and peridotites transformed to perovskites and oxides. The MgSiO3 (perovskite) K and μ estimates bracket the systematics estimates of Liebermann, Jones & Ring-wood. We find only marginal evidence for relaxation of the shear modulus. The mean atomic weight calculated for the mixed-oxide models agrees with the results of Watt, Shankland & Mao for the same region and with previous estimates for the upper mantle. Thus, an increase in iron content below 700 km appears unlikely. This result and the corresponding temperatures (lower than the Clark & Ringwood conduction geotherm) are consistent with convection below 700 km.  相似文献   

Summary. A novel method is proposed for retrieving the 3-D orientation of axes of symmetry of near-source anisotropy by a non-linear inversion of observed radiation patterns of seismic displacement spectra of Rayleigh waves.
If faulting is generated within an anisotropic source region, body force equivalents for the faulting are in general not a double couple but the sum of three orthogonal dipole forces (Kosevich; Kawasaki & Tanimoto). As a result of the third dipole force, radiation patterns of Rayleigh waves are deformed, the deformation amounting to several per cent of those for an isotropic source medium. The non-linear inversion is carried out to find the optimum fault plane solutions giving the minimum square residual between observed and theoretical radiation patterns in some period range. In order to remove effects of heterogeneity along propagation paths, a pair-event scheme is involved in the inversion, which denotes taking spectral amplitude ratios and differential phases of the seismic displacement spectra of the pair-events having close hypocentres and different fault plane solutions. The uniqueness of the fault plane solutions of the non-linear inversion is afforded a proof by the Monte-Carlo experiment.
The non-linear inversion is repeated for some possible types of symmetry of the near-source orthotropic anisotropy due to the preferred orientation of olivine crystals as mantle materials. Square residuals thus obtained are compared with each other to see which orientation gives the minimum.
The method is applied to pair-events which occurred in the anomalous mantle beneath the Mid-Atlantic Ridge. This leads to a discovery that one type of symmetry of the preferred orientations with a -, b - and c-axes aligned vertical, parallel to and perpendicular to the trend (N11E) of the ridge axis, respectively, is most likely existing in the anomalous mantle.  相似文献   

Summary. Reduced Pn travel times from the Archaean Pilbara Craton of north-west Australia show a strong correlation with azimuth, which could be used as evidence of anisotropy. However, the azimuthal correlation could also be explained by a southerly dip of between 1 and 2° on the crust–mantle boundary, although the models from several reversed seismic profiles across the craton suggest a smaller dip.
A time-term analysis of the Pn date yielded several models. The preferred solution, in which the dip on the crust–mantle boundary is similar to that in the models from the reversed profiles, has approximately 2 per cent anisotropy in the uppermost mantle, with the direction of maximum velocity 30° east of north. One possible cause of the anisotropy is that olivine crystals were aligned by syntectonic recrystallization and/or power law creep in the tensional environment caused at the base of the lithosphere by flexure during loading of the lithosphere by the strata of the Hamersley Basin which overlies the Pilbara Craton.
A seismic discontinuity occurs about 15 km below the crust–mantle boundary under the craton. A qualitative analysis of all available seismic data suggests that the velocity below the boundary is probably also anisotropic, with the direction of maximum velocity between north and 40° west of north. The direction of minimum velocity below the sub-Moho boundary correlates loosely with the direction of basement lineaments in the Proterozoic Capricorn Orogenic Belt to the south of the craton, suggesting that the anisotropy under the boundary may be younger than that immediately under the crust/mantle boundary. This is consistent with the notion that the Archaean lithosphere was thinner than the present lithosphere.  相似文献   

Summary. Analysis of NORSAR records and a number of Soviet microfilms reveals second-mode surface Caves propagating along paths covering a large part of Eurasia. These second modes in the 6–15-s period band are frequently disturbed by other surface-wave modes and by body-wave arrivals. However, in all cases, where the modes appear to be undisturbed and show normal dispersion, the Second Rayleigh modes have a slowly varying phase difference with the Second Love modes. This coupling has the particle motion of Inclined Rayleigh waves characteristic of surface-wave propagation in anisotropic media, where the anisotropy possesses a horizontal plane of symmetry. Numerical examination of surface wave propagating in Earth models, with an anisotropic layer in the upper mantle, demonstrate that comparatively small thicknesses of material with weak velocity anisotropy can produce large deviations in the polarizations of Inclined Rayleigh Second modes. In many structures, these inclinations are very sensitive to small changes in anisotropic orientation and to small changes in the surrounding isotropic structure. It is suggested that examination of second mode inclination anomalies of second mode surface waves may be a powerful technique for examining the detailed anisotropic structure of the upper mantle.  相似文献   

Large scale seismic anisotropy in the Earth's mantle is likely dynamically supported by the mantle's deformation; therefore, tomographic imaging of 3-D anisotropic mantle seismic velocity structure is an important tool to understand the dynamics of the mantle. While many previous studies have focused on special cases of symmetry of the elastic properties, it would be desirable for evaluation of dynamic models to allow more general axis orientation. In this study, we derive 3-D finite-frequency surface wave sensitivity kernels based on the Born approximation using a general expression for a hexagonal medium with an arbitrarily oriented symmetry axis. This results in kernels for two isotropic elastic coefficients, three coefficients that define the strength of anisotropy, and two angles that define the symmetry axis. The particular parametrization is chosen to allow for a physically meaningful method for reducing the number of parameters considered in an inversion, while allowing for straightforward integration with existing approaches for modelling body wave splitting intensity measurements. Example kernels calculated with this method reveal physical interpretations of how surface waveforms are affected by 3-D velocity perturbations, while also demonstrating the non-linearity of the problem as a function of symmetry axis orientation. The expressions are numerically validated using the spectral element method. While challenges remain in determining the best inversion scheme to appropriately handle the non-linearity, the approach derived here has great promise in allowing large scale models with resolution of both the strength and orientation of anisotropy.  相似文献   

Summary. A simple dynamic model, based on the geometry of mantle divergence and thermal parameters controlling equilibrium size of the axial magma chamber, explains the variation in topography along mid-ocean ridges. Among morphological characters accounted for are: (1) the change from axial-valley to axial-high type ridge crests with increasing spreading rate, (2) the localized occurrence of deeps at ridge-transform intersections, and (3) the correlation of average transform spacing with spreading rate. The model also yields an explanation for anomalous ridge topography associated with oceanic hot spots. Incorporation of smaller-scale bathymetric and ophiolite data into this scheme permits construction of a comprehensive model of ocean crust accretion.  相似文献   

Summary. A formulation is derived for calculating the energy division among waves generated by plane waves incident on a boundary between generally anisotropic media. A comprehensive account is presented for P, SV and SH waves incident from an isotropic half-space on an orthorhombic olivine half-space, where the interface is parallel to a plane of elastic symmetry. For comparison, a less anisotropic medium having transverse isotropy with a horizontal axis of symmetry is also considered. The particle motion polarizations of waves in anisotropic medium differ greatly from the polarizations in isotropic media, and are an important diagnostic of the presence of anisotropy. Incident P and SV waves generate quasi- SH waves, and incident SH waves generate quasi- P and quasi- SV waves, often of considerable relative magnitude. The direction of energy transport diverges from the propagation direction.  相似文献   

The crustal and upper mantle structure of the northwestern North Island of New Zealand is derived from the results of a seismic refraction experiment; shots were fired at the ends and middle of a 575 km-long line extending from Lake Taupo to Cape Reinga. The principal finding from the experiment is that the crust is 25 ± 2 km thick, and is underlain by what is interpreted to be an upper mantle of seismic velocity 7.6 ± 0.1 km s−1, that increases to 7.9 km s−1 at a depth of about 45 km. Crustal seismic velocities vary between 5.3 and 6.36 km s−1 with an average value of 6.04 km s−1. There are close geophysical and geological similarities between the north-western North Island of New Zealand and the Basin and Range province of the western United States. In particular, the conditions of low upper-mantle seismic velocities, thin crust with respect to surface elevation, and high heat-flow (70–100 mW m−2) observed in these two areas can be ascribed to their respective positions behind an active convergent margin for about the past 20 Myr.  相似文献   

Finite deformation during fluid flow   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
Summary. Typical upper mantle circulations obtained by solving Stokes' equation produce finite deformations which differ in important ways from those produced by pure or simple shear. Finite strain, defined by the ratio of the long to the short axis of the deformation ellipse, in most cases shows a steady increase with superimposed oscillations. Similarity solutions for the flow near plate boundaries demonstrate that the observed seismic anisotropy in the oceanic lithosphere can be produced by the finite deformation beneath the ridge axes. The same mechanism should give rise to strong anisotropy in the mantle above sinking slabs. Such anisotropy has not yet been detected, perhaps because the observed high velocities have been attributed to thermal effects. Convection in the mantle remote from plate boundaries produces complicated deformation which varies rapidly with position and will therefore be difficult to map seismically. The fabrics of nodules in lavas and kimberlites suggest that large strains can occur in the mantle under stresses which are too small to produce dislocation movement. The large and complicated finite deformation produced by the convective circulation in the mantle also affects closed geochemical systems, and leads to thorough mixing of any convecting region.  相似文献   

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