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岩土体颗粒级配对滑坡碎屑流冲击作用的影响研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
滑体的运动、堆积及冲击力等因素决定了滑坡碎屑流的致灾程度,不同粒径大小及组成的颗粒在运动过程中,产生碰撞、摩擦、跳跃等作用,影响着滑坡碎屑流的致灾程度。运用三维离散元素法,对比模型试验,以控制粒径为参数,探讨岩土体不同级配对滑体的堆积形态、运动速度及冲击力等动力学特征的影响。研究结果表明:各滑体模型运移堆积过程中均呈现出显著的反序分离特性;对于控制粒径相同,而颗粒级配不同的初始滑体,虽然堆积形态基本一致,但细小碎屑颗粒增大了滑体的运动速度,大粒径块石增加了滑体冲击力;在不同的控制粒径下,控制粒径越大,滑体流动性越强,滑体平均速度峰值和冲击力峰值越大;细小碎屑物质的反序现象会增大滑体动能,其显著的摩擦耗能作用会缩减滑体冲击能,粗大块石促进了滑体内部的能量传递,增大滑体冲击力。  相似文献   

甘家寨滑坡是云南鲁甸6.5级地震诱发的特大型滑坡,规模达到1×10~7m~3。滑坡堵塞沙坝河,形成堰塞湖,中断交通,造成32户民房掩埋、55人死亡与失踪,是鲁甸地震区规模最大、灾损最严重的滑坡之一。该滑坡是地震诱发陡峻山体上的石灰岩强风化堆积体滑动而形成的特大型岩土质滑坡,表层为10~20 m固结良好的白云质灰岩结构体,中下层为50~60 m具空隙结构的深厚灰岩风化堆积物。滑坡主要的触发因素有:断层滑动方向性效应、地形放大效应、近断层地震动作用、背坡面效应。滑动过程分为坡体震裂松动、后缘拉裂、整体下滑、减速堆积4个阶段,受滑坡体原有地形影响及滑坡动力过程控制,滑坡堆积体形成4级台坎,其中第二级台坎形成高差约2 m的反向堆积。结合野外实际调查数据与滑坡运动力学模型,估算滑体水平滑动至350 m左右处,速度达到最大4.4 m/s,滑动至砂坝河时滑坡前缘速度减至3.6 m/min,堆积于河道,形成堰塞湖。甘家寨滑坡堆积体地形陡峻、堆积物裂缝密集分布,强降雨条件下,容易再次滑动并成灾,建议进行滑坡体的综合治理,控制后缘地表径流、减轻坡体下渗、强化滑坡前缘工程治理,保障交通顺畅,减轻灾害损失。  相似文献   

滑坡碎屑流的冲击是一个持续的,由大量粗细不均匀的碎屑岩粒及粗大块石共同作用的复杂力学冲击过程,冲击压力的大小和分布范围呈现一定的规律变化。以室内物理模型试验的数据为依据,运用三维离散元素法,提出滑体等效冲击力和等效冲击作用位置,探讨不同级配条件下,滑坡碎屑流冲击力的分布特征。结果表明,滑体冲击挡墙的过程可划分为动态冲击阶段和准静态堆积阶段。动态冲击过程中,滑体细颗粒组分摩擦耗能显著,导致滑体冲击力及其作用高度减小;粒径为20mm及以上粗颗粒间的碰撞作用促进了滑体内部的能量传递,导致滑体冲击力及作用高度增加,峰值冲击力呈分散性分布,峰值冲击力沿竖直高度方向的集中趋势不显著。准静态堆积阶段,挡墙所受接触力主要为后续滑体颗粒冲击能量的碰撞传递及重力分量的累积。滑坡碎屑流滑动带两侧场地条件基本相同的情况下,滑体等效冲击力的水平分布位置主要集中于迎流面中轴线附近,受颗粒级配条件影响较小。  相似文献   

2013年4月20日四川省芦山县发生Ms7.0级强烈地震,诱发芦山县、天全县、宝兴县等多个县区2500多处崩塌、落石、滑坡、泥石流等次生灾害,但规模较小。天全县老杨乡汤家沟滑坡-碎屑流是此次地震诱发的最大一处滑坡,在地震作用下约有53万m~3的岩体自滑源区高速滑出。因剪出口下方山脊的阻挡作用滑体沿左右两侧发生分叉,此后分别沿春尖窝沟和干沟头沟高速运动,滑行约340 m和440 m后与各自沟谷侧壁发生撞击、爬坡解体为碎屑流,碰撞转向后继续向下滑行,总滑行距离约1.6 km,高程差约480 m。尽管关于芦山地震滑坡的研究很多,但对滑坡全过程动态模拟的研究较少。本文通过滑坡现场调查,解析了汤家沟滑坡的基本运动特征和滑体运动过程中发生的碰撞、铲刮、堆积等现象,并基于DAN3D动力分析软件,采用Friction-Voellmy复合模型反演了汤家沟滑坡运动全过程,得到了滑体的堆积、速度分布以及铲刮等特征。  相似文献   

受青藏高原新生代快速隆升和河流的快速下切影响,在我国西南山区高山峡谷、高地应力场、频繁的地震活动、暴雨及人类活动等内外动力作用下,河谷地段常形成暴雨诱发滑坡→堵江→堰塞湖灾害链。2012-08-31,四川喜德县遭遇200 a一遇的特大暴雨,日最大降雨量达149.2 mm。热柯依达乡上游1.5 km处发生大型碎屑岩滑坡,体积为520×104m3,堵河形成堰塞坝。堰塞湖水位上升28.6 m,库容量达120×104m3,威胁下游9个乡镇与县城约1.29万人的生命财产安全。基于对滑坡及堰塞坝的工程地质测绘,分析了滑坡的平面、空间形态,滑坡体、堰塞坝的物质结构、变形破坏特征。研究了滑坡运动过程的地质力学模式,推导出本构方程。主要认识有:1.滑坡体物质主要分为散体、层状碎裂、层状块裂结构。2.滑坡失稳运动地质模式为:强降雨诱发滑体产生后退式拉裂蠕滑启动;在岩体裂隙中静水压力和动水压力作用下,和前缘良好临空条件结合,产生高速滑动,凌空飞行;受河谷、对岸山体阻挡,急速停止,解体、破碎,堆积于河谷,堵断河流形成堰塞体。3.滑坡启动失稳力学模式主要为潜水和承压含水层混合模式。天然工况下稳定性系数为1.18,处于基本稳定状态;暴雨工况下为0.92,失稳破坏。推导出滑坡短程飞行、碎屑流运动本构方程。4.堰塞坝整体稳定性好,发生管涌或流土溃决的可能性小,主要以"漫顶"模式逐级冲刷破坏。  相似文献   

在沟谷地形中,滑坡碎屑流的运动常受到地形的影响,导致其运动方向发生改变,进而影响到滑坡运动速度和堆积特征。本文利用三维离散元素法,对四川都江堰三溪村高速远程滑坡进行模拟,研究滑坡体不同部位的块体失稳后,在沟道偏转地形主导下的滑坡碎屑流前缘的运动速度、各部位滑体的速度变化过程和堆积特征,并提出沟道偏转地形耗能模型分析了地形偏转造成的动能消耗。研究结果显示:滑坡前缘在地形偏转位置运动方向发生变化,导致运动速度突降;由于滑坡不同部位的滑块相对于地形偏转点具有不同的撞击角度,导致其撞击后产生不同的偏转角度,滑块的偏转角度越大,速度变化越大;由沟道偏转地形导致的滑坡运动速度减小反映了偏转地形对滑坡的动能产生的耗散,动能耗散率与cos2θ(θ为偏转地形在水平面上的偏转角度)成反比;不同部位滑块的堆积长度随偏转角度的增大而减小。本研究分析了沟谷地形偏转对滑坡碎屑流运动速度作用机制及不同部位岩土体堆积范围的影响,可为该类地形条件下滑坡的运动机制研究和防灾减灾工作提供参考。  相似文献   

重庆万盛煤矸石山自燃爆炸型滑坡碎屑流成因探讨   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
2 0 0 4 - 0 5 - 0 5重庆万盛胡家沟煤矸石山发生滑坡碎屑流灾害。灾害发生时,伴随巨大的响声和刺鼻气味,约2 0×10 4m3 煤矸石碎屑以极高初始速度崩滑而下,滑体横扫运动途中一切障碍,垂直坡降32 0m ,水平运动距离6 0 0m。造成重大人员和财产损失。通过实地考察和实验研究,作者认为煤矸石山中硫铁矿和碳氧化物升温,煤矸石山自燃、内部热量大量积聚所导致的煤矸石山的爆炸,是使大量矸石脱离矸石山形成此次煤矸石高速滑坡碎屑流灾害的主要原因  相似文献   

鬼招手滑坡位于“5·12”汶川地震极重灾区彭州市内,是地震4a后暴雨诱发的高速滑坡.剖析了主滑体和堆积区Ⅰ、Ⅱ、Ⅲ的特征;分析了影响该边坡稳定性并诱发滑坡的6大因素,包括地层岩性、河流及泥石流冲刷掏蚀坡脚、暴雨及雨水下渗、断裂及“5.12”汶川地震、地貌、人类工程活动,其中持续暴雨是滑坡主要诱发因素;计算了主滑体抛射初速度为40.41 m/s,运动距离为137m,定义了主滑体的破坏模式为滑移-抛射模式;总结了滑坡的破坏过程,分为坡体累积破坏、坡体启动、坡体运动、坡体堆积稳定4个阶段;对比分析了暴雨和地震诱发的高速滑坡的不同之处,对于地震灾区的防灾减灾工作具有一定参考价值.  相似文献   

2010-07-27凌晨,四川省汉源县万工集镇后山因持续暴雨而突发高位高速远程滑坡-碎屑流,最大滑程约1.4 km,启动时滑坡体约48×104m3,沿线裹挟和铲刮沟谷及其两侧边坡松散体,到达坡脚部位滑坡碎屑流体积增大至100×104m3,最终导致沿沟的双合村一组5户20名村民失踪及下游万工集镇部分房屋被掩埋而倾倒破坏。滑坡启动区发育于万工集镇后侧二蛮山大沟内,沟左侧为二叠系灰岩(P1y),顺坡倾向沟内;右侧为强风化的二叠系峨眉山玄武岩(P2β),节理极发育;沟内早期堆积物丰富,特别是沟上游还存在一大型古滑坡体;这些不稳定物源在有利地形条件及降雨诱发下极易形成滑坡。原始沟谷上游高位陡峭地形导致山体具备高位潜在势能,具备形成高位高速远程滑坡-碎屑流的地形条件。2010-07-24—26的降雨是触发此起特大灾害的主要原因,累计降雨量达163 mm,在水的作用下启程剧动并高速下滑。采用将今论古的地质方法,从地质构造、地层序列、岩体坡体结构及坡体变形等角度研究了二蛮山滑坡孕育的地质演化史,再现了滑坡区域历史时期中重要的地质活动过程。  相似文献   

昭通头寨沟特大型灾害性滑坡研究   总被引:14,自引:0,他引:14  
昭通头寨沟滑坡具有启程剧动、行程高速、来势凶猛、破坏严重和灾害面广的特点。该滑坡是一个剧动式高速特大型岩质滑坡。本文分析了滑坡的成因和滑动的机制,根据滑坡运动后的残留痕迹和堆积地貌特征,认为头寨沟滑坡的运动方式和路径独具特点。通过对滑后斜坡稳定性的评价,说明滑坡部分残体仍有活动迹象,据此提出了滑坡的防治措施。  相似文献   

祁连山东部地区树木年轮年表的建立   总被引:27,自引:8,他引:19  
利用采自祁连山东部的祁连圆柏样芯,经常规程序晾干、固定、打磨、定年和读数后,建立了标准化年表,并将标准年表的树轮指数与采样点附近的天祝乌鞘岭气象站的温度和降水进行了相关分析。结果表明,年轮指数与3~4月降水呈显著正相关,相关系数达0.525。由于3~4月份的降水为该地区树木生长季之初的降水,是树木生长的限制因子,因此该相关具有明确的生物学意义。研究还发现,年轮指数与1月气温也呈显著负相关(相关系数为- 0.297),这可能是由于冬季最冷月气温偏高时,影响树木代谢和土壤湿度,从而影响树木的生长。祁连山东部地区树木年轮年表具有明确的气候学意义。  相似文献   

王菱 《地理研究》1985,4(1):71-78
横断山南端是我国成功种植橡胶树的地区,其生产性植胶北界可达北纬24°,海拔高度可达1000米左右,因而成为世界高纬度、高海拔植胶地区。本文即以此为例,探讨地形气候利用与橡胶树北移的关系。  相似文献   

An inventory of trees in Dublin city centre   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
While urban areas are often considered to be comprised chiefly of artificial surfaces, they can contain a substantial portion of green space and a great diversity of natural habitats. These spaces include public parks, private gardens and street trees, all of which can provide valuable environmental services, such as improved air quality. Trees play a particular role in cities as they are often placed along roadsides and in the median strip of busy streets. As such they regulate access to sunshine, restrict airflow, provide shelter, scavenge air pollutants and manage noise at the street level. A tree planting policy can be an important part of a broader environmental strategy aimed at improving the quality of life in urban areas but this requires up-to-date knowledge of the current tree stock, which does not exist for Dublin. This article presents an inventory of trees in Dublin's city centre, defined as the area between the Grand and Royal canals. The results show that there are over 10,000 trees in the study area representing a density of 684 trees km-2 or one tree to approximately every 50 residents of the city centre. The tree canopy extent when in full foliage was nearly 1 km2 in extent or 6% of the study area. A more detailed analysis of those trees planted along streets shows little species variation but clear distinction in the sizes of trees, which is indicative of the age of planting. These data are used to estimate the carbon stored in Dublin's trees.  相似文献   

In the Kalahari desert the tree skink Mabuya striata sparsa occupies Acacia trees separated by areas of open sand. On a single day in austral spring, the effects of tree size and structural complexity, presence of colonial nests of weavers, and fallen limbs on lizard abundance, and of time of day and air temperature on numbers of lizards active, location on trees, ground, or ground cover, and occupation of sunny, shaded, or partially shaded sites were examined. Multiple regression showed that the numbers of adult and total lizards increased with tree size, amount of ground cover, and air temperature. Neither number and size of sociable weaver nests nor complexity of tree shape affected lizard abundance. Proportions of lizards on trees and ground did not vary with time of day; neither did height above ground among individuals on trees. The proportions of lizards fully exposed to the sun was higher early and late in the day than at midday, when more lizards occupied shaded sites.  相似文献   

Presented are the results from investigating the periglacial zone of the Munku-Sardyk massif in Eastern Sayan. Dendrochronometry data are used in analyzing the cyclicity of natural processes that manifests itself in increment in trees growing in extreme conditions. The analysis revealed secular and intrasecular cycles. A correlation of increments in larch and Siberian stone pine with changes in summer temperatures (the correlation coefficients 0.56 and 0.48, respectively) is observed. For the period of observation of the Peretolchin glacier (1900–2015), the stages of its retreat (1900–1965 and 1983–2000) and advance (1965–1983) were revealed, which influenced the changes in increment in trees and the degree of accumulation of bottom sediments in the proglacial Lake Ekhoi. A comparison of the character of growth of a “fossil” tree in the Holocene optimum with present-day long-lived trees shows a higher sensitivity of the ancient tree (the coefficient 0.43) and a lower sensitivity in present-day trees (0.32 for larch, and 0.26 for Siberian stone pine). Thermochronometry data were used to determine a decrease in air temperature with height in June (an optimal month for increments in trees) by 0.468 °C/100 m.  相似文献   

燕山地区花粉散布特征研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
燕山南部花粉散布特征研究表明 ,空气中的花粉反映的是植物花期的季节性变化 ;表土花粉是植物多年花粉散布的混合 ;冲积物花粉与空气中和表土花粉显著不同 ,是取样点上游表土花粉的混合 ,与取样点周围植被关系较小。因此 ,根据冲积物花粉恢复古植被 ,反映的是整个流域的植被面貌 ,而不是某一点的植被特征  相似文献   

矿区自然分布的树木从环境中吸收重金属元素,并在形成层发育过程中将重金属元素储存在年轮中,通过分析年轮中重金属元素含量的变化特征,可以半定量判定不同污染途径对年轮中重金属元素的贡献率,进而重现矿区环境变迁历史.本文综述了国内外年轮化学在环境污染分析中的应用案例,针对影响年轮化学分析精度的各种环境因素,结合矿区污染特征,探...  相似文献   

刘稳  詹庆明  戴文博  金章昌 《热带地理》2022,42(10):1724-1738
为研究襄阳市区春节期间空气污染时空规律及烟花爆竹禁放效果,利用密集空气质量监测微型站、稀疏国控站以及气象站等数据,借助高频率空间分析、相关性分析以及浓度特征比较等方法,研究了局地尺度下襄阳市区春节期间空气污染时空变化,评估了历年春节期间烟花爆竹禁止燃放举措的实施成效。结果表明:1)2018年新春佳节期间襄阳市区天气总体平稳,空气质量整体较差,受市区外围周边地区在除夕至初一燃放烟花爆竹影响,空气质量由除夕轻度转成初一重度污染;从除夕夜T 19:00开始,PM2.5和PM10质量浓度逐步上升,初一T 00:00过后直线升高,至初一早上T 08:00达到春节期间峰值,该时段SO2和NO2质量浓度也有明显升高。2)新春佳节期间局地尺度下襄阳市区PM2.5和PM10日均质量浓度空间分布整体较为一致,在除夕、初二至初五均呈现以汉江与唐白河为界、“南高北低”的中度以上污染态势,而初一、初六则呈现污染连绵成片、大范围覆盖等特点。3)市区外围周边地区烟花爆竹燃放是造成春节期...  相似文献   

Aiming to analyze the site conditions of treeline trees at the highest elevations, we investigated 360 km of treelines in the Upper Valtellina, Italian Alps. We analyzed approximately five trees per km and determined the environmental factors limiting treeline elevation by distinguishing between geomorphologic constraints (mean elevation 2355 m), climatic constraints (2530 m), and human impacts (2335 m). Up to 82% of the 1814 analyzed treeline trees were influenced by geomorphological constraints, whereas human impacts influenced only 3% of the trees. Climatic treelines (15% of trees) were most common in the western sector. Moreover we analyzed the frequency distributions of elevation, slope, and aspect. Elevation was the most important variable that was also strongly associated with climatic treelines. The slope variable was more strongly associated with treelines limited by geomorphology than by climate. By reconstructing the altitudinal dynamics at the Mt. Confinale study site, we found rates of an ongoing treeline upward shift of up to 2.6 m/y in the period 2000–2009. Our results indicate that climatic conditions related to the ongoing air temperature rise in this region will likely enhance the treeline shift, especially at high elevations (>2400 m a.s.l.) and on non-extreme slopes (<45°).  相似文献   

《Urban geography》2013,34(2):173-186
In efforts to increase greenspace in cities, planners have relied on a series of arguments about the benefits of parks and other greenspace, including their economic value. The commercially available software program, CITYgreen 4.0, an extension of ArcView, calculates economic values for this purpose. The software evaluates the benefits of trees and other landscape features for energy use, stormwater runoff, air pollution, carbon sequestration, and wildlife habitat. While many examples are available of the use of CITYgreen in suburban morphologies, we set out to evaluate the applicability of CITYgreen for assessing these effects in a densely populated urban neighborhood. We inventoried 146 acres of urban land uses (commercial, residential, and institutional) in a Los Angeles neighborhood. CITYgreen does not calculate energy savings for structures larger than single-family residences, reducing its utility in densely built urban environments. The stormwater runoff reduction module works well when the field data themes were clipped so that the highest canopy (i.e., trees, shrubs, grass, or impermeable surface but no combination thereof) was recorded in every part of the study area. Carbon sequestration and air pollution removal modules worked well, but do not incorporate the best available science. Wildlife analysis falls short of its potential, given the extensive field data collected to use the program.  相似文献   

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