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An isolated swarm of small earthquakes occurred in 1992, near Dongfang on Hainan Island, southern China. The Institute of Geophysics, State Seismological Bureau of China, monitored the swarm with five DCS-302 digital accelerometers for three months from 1992 June 1. 18 earthquakes, with magnitudes M L ranging from 1.8 to 3.6, were well located by five stations, and shear-wave splitting varying azimuthally was analysed on 27 seismic records from these events. The mean polarization azimuth of the faster shear wave was WNW. Time delays between the split shear waves at two stations varied with time and space. The time delays at one station fell abruptly after earthquakes of magnitudes 3.1 and 3.6, but did not change significantly at the second station. This behaviour is consistent with the delay-time changes being caused by changes in the aspect ratio of vertical liquid-filled (EDA) cracks. Thus, the variation in shear-wave-splitting time delay could be due to changes in crustal stress related to nearby small-magnitude earthquake activity. The connection between earthquake activity and crustal stress variation measured by shear-wave splitting leaves the door open for possible observations of crustal stress transients related to the onset of an earthquake; however, our data cannot be considered as definite evidence for such precursors.  相似文献   

Shear-wave splitting in the mantle of the pacific   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  

Determining the contribution of gully erosion to the total sediment yield is important for enhancing decision-making regarding sediment abatement and soil conservation measures. The dry-hot valley region of the Jinsha River is one of the most intensive areas of gully erosion in China. However, the contribution of gully erosion to total sediment production in this region is unclear. Instead of using the source tracing technique commonly employed in other studies, this study provides a method of rapidly reconstructing historical sediment yields based on the properties of sediment that accumulated in an undrained pond at a small gully watershed outlet. We produced a three-dimensional model in geographical information system software to calculate the volume of each layer of accumulated pond deposits from 2006 to 2011. Moreover, we estimated sheet erosion amounts using the Universal Soil Loss Equation. The results showed that sheet erosion accounted for between 14.28 and 23.39% of the total sediment yield in the watershed in the case that the sediment delivery ratio was 100%. Therefore, gully erosion is the major source of total soil loss in this area, and effective soil measures of gully erosion mitigation are crucial for managing the sediment yield.  相似文献   

金沙江金坪子堆积体成因的初步研究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
金坪子堆积体位于康滇构造带上,在形态特征上类似滑坡堆积体。根据金坪子堆积体的DEM和实地调查,将堆积体按地貌类型划分为八个部分:上斜坡、泥石流扇、金坪子古沟谷堆积平台、金沙江谷坡、金沙江阶地、现代金沙江巨砾岩块滩地、金沙江离堆山、硝沟沟谷。通过分析金坪子堆积体各地貌单元的重矿物组合特征、TL测年数据和钻孔资料,认为金坪子堆积体是多种动力元在不同时代共同作用形成的一个复式堆积体,它是三套分别以老金沙江、古金沙江和现代金沙江为轴心的地貌体系时空更替的产物。乌东德峡谷贯通,老金沙江金坪子深潭形成,195.00±9.70 kaB.P.金坪子深潭开始被充填,角砾岩开始形成;137.00±6.80 kaB.P.坡积物充填胶结结束,老金沙江最高洪水位达到1 070 m;金沙江改道,并在915 m发育漫滩相阶地堆积物,其年代为41.13±3.49 kaB.P.;之后,金沙江表现为强烈深切,形成金沙江离堆山。  相似文献   

发展中地区银行业空间系统变化--以河南省为例   总被引:21,自引:0,他引:21  
基于对中国发展中地区的河南省的第一手调查数据,对经济水平较低、受外部影响较小但增长迅速的内陆省份银行业空间系统变化进行了量化分析和解释。结果表明,与国际上发达国家相同,中国发展中地区的国有银行业逐步向中心城市集中。其中,作为区域中心的地级城市的地位上升最为突出。其形成原因主要与制度变化有关;而区域经济的发展差异,又是促进该趋势的直接诱因。这一观点通过混合OLS模型模拟得到证明。城市内部的银行业区位变化,具有一些与发达国家的不同之处。区域经济快速发展带来了中心城市的迅速拓展。同时经济结构调整,又带来了城市内不同地区经济发展水平的变化。由此形成了银行业区位的不断扩散,新兴快速增长的地区,迅速吸引了一批银行的建立。对郑州市58家银行网点的调查表明,在1978年之前,银行网点设立十分遵循计划体制的安排;而在1979年以后,邻近地段“人均收入水平高:决定着相当一部分银行网点的布局。这从微观角度佐证了河南省的分析结论。金融系统的集中格局,为非中心地区经济发展带来的不利影响,应该给予关注。  相似文献   

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