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In recent work, three physical factors of the Dynamical-Statistical-Analog Ensemble Forecast Model for Landfalling Typhoon Precipitation (DSAEF_LTP model) have been introduced, namely, tropical cyclone (TC) track, TC landfall season, and TC intensity. In the present study, we set out to test the forecasting performance of the improved model with new similarity regions and ensemble forecast schemes added. Four experiments associated with the prediction of accumulated precipitation were conducted based on 47 landfalling TCs that occurred over South China during 2004-2018. The first experiment was designed as the DSAEF_LTP model with TC track, TC landfall season, and intensity (DSAEF_LTP-1). The other three experiments were based on the first experiment, but with new ensemble forecast schemes added (DSAEF_LTP-2), new similarity regions added (DSAEF_LTP-3), and both added (DSAEF_LTP- 4), respectively. Results showed that, after new similarity regions added into the model (DSAEF_LTP-3), the forecasting performance of the DSAEF_LTP model for heavy rainfall (accumulated precipitation ≥250 mm and ≥100 mm) improved, and the sum of the threat score (TS250 + TS100) increased by 4.44%. Although the forecasting performance of DSAEF_LTP-2 was the same as that of DSAEF_LTP-1, the forecasting performance was significantly improved and better than that of DSAEF_LTP-3 when the new ensemble schemes and similarity regions were added simultaneously (DSAEF_LTP-4), with the TS increasing by 25.36%. Moreover, the forecasting performance of the four experiments was compared with four operational numerical weather prediction models, and the comparison indicated that the DSAEF_LTP model showed advantages in predicting heavy rainfall. Finally, some issues associated with the experimental results and future improvements of the DSAEF_LTP model were discussed.  相似文献   

In this study, the Dynamical-Statistical-Analog Ensemble Forecast model (DSAEF_LTP model) for landfalling tropical cyclone (LTC) precipitation was employed to simulate the precipitation of 10 LTCs that occurred Pover China in 2018. With adding parameter‘similarity region scheme’(SRS) values and introducing TC intensity into the generalized initial value (GIV), four groups of precipitation simulation experiments were designed to verify the forecasting ability of the improved model for more TC samples. Results show that the simulation ability of the DSAEF_LTP model can be optimized regardless of whether adding SRS values only, or introducing TC intensity into GIV, while the experiment with both the two improvements shows a more prominent advantage in simulating the heavier precipitation of LTCs. Compared with four NWP models (i.e., ECMWF, GFS, GRAPES and SMS-WARMS), the overall forecasting performance of the DSAEF_LTP model achieves a better result in simulating precipitation at the thresholds over 250 mm and performs slightly better than NWP models at the thresholds over 100 mm.  相似文献   

The precipitation distributions associated with two landfalling tropical cyclones(TCs) during extratropical transition(ET) were examined in this study.Their distinction is that the bulk of precipitation fell to the left of the TC track in one TC and to the right in the other.The analyses indicate that,for the TC Haima(2004) case,accompanied by the approach of a deep midlatitude trough throughout the depth of the troposphere,the warm and moist air advection by the southeasterly flow north of TC was favorable for warm advection and frontogenesis to the northwest of the TC.Due to the steepening of equivalent potential temperature(θ e),the air-parcel uplift along the θ e surface,in collaboration with thermally direct circulation related to frontogenesis,led to enhanced precipitation northwest of the TC.In contrast,for TC Matsa(2005) embedded within a moister environment,a weak midlatitude trough was situated at the mid-upper level.The convection was triggered by the conditional instability at the lower level and then sustained by dynamic forcing at the mid-upper level so that the heavy precipitation occurred to the northeast of TC.For the two TC cases,the precipitation enhancement was also linked to the upper-level anomalous divergence associated with the jet-related forcing on the right side of the jet entrance.From the quasigeostrophic perspective,the advection of geostrophic absolute vorticity by the thermal wind most likely served as an indication reflecting the displacement of the vertical motion relative to the center of the TC.  相似文献   

Tropical cyclone(TC) precipitation(TCP) has attracted considerable attention in recent decades because of its adverse socioeconomic impacts. In particular, considerable effort has been devoted to quantifying TCP and investigating the precipitation of TCs that make landfall. However, precipitation over land induced by TCs that do not make landfall(i.e.,offshore), the so-called "sideswiping" TCs(STCs), is an important component of TCP but has attracted little attention from the research community ...  相似文献   

数值天气预报(NWP)过去几十年在热带气旋(TC)预报方面的最大进步是越来越准确的路径预报。对于登陆TC降水的预报,目前以数值模式为代表的技术手段预报能力还十分有限。围绕动力-统计结合之方法研究,初步发展了登陆热带气旋降水(LTP)预报的一种新方法:基于路径相似的登陆热带气旋降水之动力统计集合预报(LTP_DSEF)模型。该方法主要分为五步:TC路径预报、相似路径TC识别、其他特征相似性的判别、TC降水集合预报和最佳预报方案选择;涉及两个关键技术:TC降水分离的客观天气图分析法(OSAT)和TC路径相似面积指数(TSAI)。LTP DSEF模型对2012-2016年影响华南地区出现最大日降水量≥100 mm的21个TC的定量降水预报(QPF)试验结果显示,该模型对登陆TC过程降水的预报结果优于动力模式。登陆TC过程降水≥50 mm情况下,建模样本和独立样本平均TS评分均高于动力模式(EC、GFS、T639)相应的最好表现。对LTP_DSEF模型三个最佳方案的参数取值分析显示,起报时刻参数设定为最临近影响时刻即TC对陆地产生降水的前一天12:00 UTC、集合参数取最大值时预报效果稳定趋好。  相似文献   

登陆中国热带气旋台风季参数的气候特征分析   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6       下载免费PDF全文
 利用1949-2006年登陆中国的热带气旋(TC)资料,分析登陆TC台风季参数的气候特征,结论如下:1) 登陆中国的初旋①以南海生成为主(占5成半),终旋以西太平洋为主(高达8成),近50多年来初、终旋源地分别呈现向东北、西北移动的趋势;2) 广东(浙江)初旋最早(晚),广西、浙江(广东、海南)终旋较早(晚),广东(浙江)台风季最长(短)。近50多年来除浙江台风季呈延长的线性趋势外,其余各省台风季变短或变化不明显。  相似文献   

刘燕  林良勋  黄忠  程正泉 《气象科技》2009,37(3):294-300
利用1949-2006年热带气旋(TC)年鉴资料,根据2006年新制定的TC等级标准,分析了登陆我国TC的气候特征。结果表明:登陆TC中强热带风暴(STS,38.5%)最多,其余依次为台风(TY)、热带风暴(TS)、强台风(STY)和超强台风(SuperTY)。59%的STY和66.7%的SuperTY在台湾省登陆,尽管登陆广东的TC最多,但登陆的STY和SuperTY却很少。7~9月是TC登陆活跃期,而8~9月登陆TC平均强度最强。登陆TC频数具有明显的年际和年代际变化特征,其中登陆TC频数呈弱的减少趋势,而TY及以上级别TC频数则有增加趋势。在全球气候变暖背景下,登陆TC的生成源地有向北移的趋势,然而近年来南落明显。登陆TC的平均强度出现减弱趋势,但进入21世纪以来,平均强度显著增强,尤其是TC逐年强度极值表现更为明显。登陆TC的平均登陆点无明显的南北偏移,但逐年登陆点最北纬度在20世纪70年代中期以后有南落现象,以35°N以南为主。  相似文献   

采用动态合成分析方法,对1970-2006年登陆后北上类TC(tropicalcyclone)和西行类TC各7个样本做动态合成分析和诊断,结果表明:(1)北上类TC在背景场长波槽前北移靠近中纬度斜压锋区,通过吸附运动使TC低压并入西风槽,而西行类TC背景场没有长波槽,离中纬度斜压锋区较远;(2)北上类TC登陆时存在西南低空急流水汽输送带,当其强度减弱后,TC东南侧存在东南暖湿气流作为补充,而西行类TC减弱后逐渐与之分离,且不存在东南暖湿气流作为补充;(3)北上类TC高层辐散区与高空急流边界靠近,因此增强了其向东北方向的辐散,低层由于高层动量下传,加强了低空西风,从而使TC低压环流维持,而西行类TC离高空急流边界较远;(4)北上类TC从中纬度斜压锋区获取斜压能量,其环流垂直切变增强,相对涡度差负值增大,在高空TC中心散度由大变小后又由小变大的过程中,TC发生了变性,而西行类TC没有环境能量补给,逐渐填塞消亡。因此,当一个TC登陆后,其预报移动方向、水汽输送状况、与斜压锋区的关系以及高空辐散气流等特征,可以作为初步判定登陆TC将减弱消亡还是将变性加强的可能原因。  相似文献   

结合我国东北地区春玉米生长发育的实际情况,以观测年份较多、观测地点较广为原则选取4个春玉米品种,分别为东农248、龙单13、四单19和丹玉13,利用生长发育观测资料和同期气象观测资料,判断4个玉米品种的相对熟型并对沈国权非线性积温模型(简称NLM)进行参数拟合,讨论参数的生物学意义及其与品种熟型的关系,对NLM进行有效改进及验证。结果表明:4个春玉米品种NLM均不存在无效参数,参数K与参数Q存在显著的相关性,说明K可能仅是一个统计参数,没有明确的生物学意义;积温在品种间存在显著差异,全生育期模型参数Q与多年站次平均有效积温或活动积温有较好的相关性,由于不同的积温意味着不同的玉米品种熟型,说明Q与玉米品种的熟型有关,将模型参数Q和K用反映玉米品种熟型的参数(有效积温、活动积温)表示,建立了适用于不同品种的通用积温模型,取得较好的应用效果。  相似文献   

西北太平洋和南海热带气旋的气候特征分析   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
王东生  屈雅 《气象》2007,33(7):67-74
对1949—2005年共57年西北太平洋上和南海中心风速≥8级的热带气旋活动的若干特征进行了统计学分析,结果表明:57年在西北太平洋和南海热带气旋年平均发生频数为27.47个,登陆我国年平均数6.89个,近10年发生和登陆频数处于57年的低值区;7—9月是发生和登陆我国最多的月份,华南沿海是登陆最频繁的区域。我国东北地区、华北、黄淮、江淮、江南、华南和西南地区东部均可出现TC暴雨,高频区在东南沿海地区,中心在海南和广东东部沿海,次频中心位于广西沿海和福建东南部沿海。此分析可为登陆热带气旋的暴雨预报提供气候背景。  相似文献   

Xubin ZHANG 《大气科学进展》2022,39(11):1833-1858
To improve the ensemble prediction system of the tropical regional atmosphere model for the South China Sea(TREPS) in predicting landfalling tropical cyclones(TCs), the impacts of three new implementing strategies for surface and model physics perturbations in TREPS were evaluated for 19 TCs making landfall in China during 2014–16. For sea surface temperature(SST) perturbations, spatially uncorrelated random perturbations were replaced with spatially correlated ones. The multiplier f, which is u...  相似文献   

登陆我国台风与华北夏季降水的相关   总被引:11,自引:4,他引:11  
利用1957-2002年华北104站月降水量、登陆我国台风频数、海平面气压场、850hPa流场、500hPa高度场资料,分析了华北地区夏季降水与登陆我国台风的关系。结果表明:华北中部和东部夏季降水量与登陆我国台风频数存在着显著的正相关,中心在华北中部的河北饶阳和保定一带。在登陆台风特多年,华北中、东部夏季降水增加(偏涝),南部降水减少(偏旱);登陆台风特少年则相反。逐月分析发现.8月登陆我国台风频数与华北地区同期降水量相关最好,而且显著的正相关仍然位于华北中部和东部。多(少)登陆台风活动年无论是海平面气压距平场、850hPa流场距平、500hPa高度距平场还是冷空气异常,其特征均与华北中、东部夏季降水偏多(少)年相似。  相似文献   

登陆台风短时定量降水预报方法初探   总被引:2,自引:2,他引:2  
利用登陆台风的GMS-5 IR1 TBB资料及地面自动站逐时雨量资料,初步建立了适用于登陆台风的定量降水估计(QPE)方法,基于QPE结果,采用外推法,初步实现了对登陆台风未来0~3 h的短时定量降水预报(QPF)。应用于0104号登陆台风“尤特”和0414号登陆台风“云娜”两个例表明:对单站逐小时雨量定量预报而言,如果50%相对误差可以接受,01、、23、h的QPF准确率分别达20%~70%、30%~80%、30%~70%、20%~60%;对于单站过程雨量定量预报而言,如果50%相对误差可以接受,0、1、2、3 h的QPF准确率基本都达60%~80%;对未来0~3 h的面雨量也具有一定定量预报能力。0~3 h QPF结果对实际短时登陆台风降水业务预报工作具有一定的参考价值。  相似文献   

异模式嵌套及中期降水数值预报的试验   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:2       下载免费PDF全文
甘少华  张立凤  张铭 《大气科学》2001,25(3):411-419
成功地将一有限区域细网格模式嵌套在T63L9全球谱模式中,并利用该嵌套模式 做了降水中期数值预报的试验。结果表明,嵌套的细网格模式预报的中期降水明显地优于该谱模式,要做好中期降水预报,使用嵌套模式是必要的。  相似文献   

两次西行热带气旋影响云南降水对比分析   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0       下载免费PDF全文
利用常规观测资料、中国气象局上海台风研究所(CMA-STI)热带气旋最佳路径数据和FY 2C卫星云图观测资料,以0608台风派比安和0809强热带风暴北冕两个西行热带气旋影响云南降水为例,通过其路径、降水量、移动速度、环境场和物理量场的对比分析,结果表明:两次台风源地、移动路径及登陆地点、影响时段、最大降水落区相同,但影响时间长度、影响范围和造成的灾害程度后者强于前者;西南季风与热带辐合带(ITCZ)较活跃,副热带高压西伸增强,并有低空急流、辐合区配合台风低压环流共同作用是热带气旋导致云南强降水的重要天气背景;云图中尺度分析发现,多种系统的共同作用,导致台风环流持久不消,进而易激发多个α 中尺度对流系统(MαCS)和β 中尺度对流系统(MβCS)云团生成并持久维持,是台风低压强降水发生的直接原因;物理量场的诊断分析表明,活跃的季风系统,使孟加拉湾和南海构成强大的水汽通道,伴随低空急流的建立和增强,致使大量不稳定能量和水汽向云南输送,在云南形成条件性对称不稳定(CSI)和深厚斜压性的正反馈机制,是导致云南强降水的重要物理机制。  相似文献   

水汽输送影响登陆热带气旋维持和降水的数值试验   总被引:51,自引:10,他引:51  
Bilis(0010)是一个登陆后长久维持的热带气旋,其维持期间与一条西南风低空急流水汽通道长时间保持联结.用中尺度模式MM5V3对其维持过程进行模拟,并通过多个敏感性试验,研究不同方向水汽输送对热带气旋在陆上维持和降水的影响.结果表明:外界持续的水汽输送有利于热带气旋气旋性环流在陆地上维持,减缓其登陆后的强度衰减.水汽输送通过影响热带气旋的热力结构来影响热带气旋强度,充沛的水汽供应有利于热带气旋暖心维持.外界水汽输送有助于热带气旋雨带中的强对流活动,使雨量加强.而对流活动过程中水汽凝结潜热释放是热带气旋获得能量继续维持的重要条件.结果还表明,南边界水汽输送对热带气旋维持和降水的影响最为明显,其次是东边界.来自北界和西界水汽的影响微弱.  相似文献   

全国夏季降水区域动态权重集成预报试验   总被引:6,自引:7,他引:6  
根据全国大范围夏季降水趋势分布预报的特点,设计了一种区域动态权重集成预报方案。以多种预报方法对各区域历史预报技巧得分为依据,尤其注重各方法距起报时刻近期的预报技巧,赋予各区域动态归一化权重系数,在区域集成预报的基础上合成全国大范围降水分布预报。1990 ~1998年9年独立样本的试验预报表明,集成预报的预报技巧优于各预报方法预报技巧的平均水平。集成预报在一定程度上改善了预报技巧的不稳定现象。  相似文献   

Two prediction models are developed to predict the number of landfalling tropical cyclones(LTCs) in China during June–August(JJA). One is a statistical model using preceding predictors from the observation, and the other is a hybrid model using both the aforementioned preceding predictors and concurrent summer large-scale environmental conditions from the NCEP Climate Forecast System version 2(CFSv2).(1) For the statistical model, the year-to-year increment method is adopted to analyze the predictors and their physical processes, and the JJA number of LTCs in China is then predicted by using the previous boreal summer sea surface temperature(SST) in Southwest Indonesia,preceding October South Australia sea level pressure, and winter SST in the Sea of Japan. The temporal correlation coefficient between the observed and predicted number of LTCs during 1983–2017 is 0.63.(2) For the hybrid prediction model, the prediction skill of CFSv2 initiated each month from February to May in capturing the relationships between summer environmental conditions(denoted by seven potential factors: three steering factors and four genesis factors) and the JJA number of LTCs is firstly evaluated. For the 2-and 1-month leads, CFSv2 has successfully reproduced these relationships. For the 4-, 3-, and 2-month leads, the predictor of geopotential height at 500 h Pa over the western North Pacific(WNP) shows the worst forecasting skill among these factors. In general, the summer relative vorticity at 850 h Pa over the WNP is a modest predictor, with stable and good forecasting skills at all lead times.  相似文献   

A statistical dynamic model for forecasting Chinese landfall of tropical cyclones (CLTCs) was developed based on the empirical relationship between the observed CLTC variability and the hindcast atmospheric circulations from the Pusan National University coupled general circulation model (PNU-CGCM).In the last 31 years,CLTCs have shown strong year-to-year variability,with a maximum frequency in 1994 and a minimum frequency in 1987.Such features were well forecasted by the model.A cross-validation test showed that the correlation between the observed index and the forecasted CLTC index was high,with a coefficient of 0.71.The relative error percentage (16.3%) and root-mean-square error (1.07) were low.Therefore the coupled model performs well in terms of forecasting CLTCs;the model has potential for dynamic forecasting of landfall of tropical cyclones.  相似文献   

利用逐小时风速观测资料以及台风年鉴资料,分析了2008~2014年登陆我国大陆地区的51次热带气旋(TC)的地面风场分布特征,包括TC登陆期间大陆地面风场演变和大风分布特征、海岛站和内陆站的风速差异以及海拔对风力造成的影响等。结果表明:6级及以上大风主要发生在距离TC中心300 km内、TC强度达到台风(TY)以上时,并主要位于TC移动方向的右侧,尤其是右前象限;华南区TC风场分布主要由在此区域登陆的TC(Ⅰ类)造成,较大风速区包括广东西南部沿海、雷州半岛附近和海南西部沿岸;华东区TC风场分布主要由在此区域登陆的TC(Ⅱ类)造成,杭州湾出海口以及浙闽沿海是较大风速区;6级及以上大风广泛分布在华南和华东沿海,6~7级地面大风高频站主要位于杭州湾附近,8级及以上地面大风高频站点在杭州湾和福建沿海分布比广东西南部更为密集;TC登陆前后均可能造成大风,大风出现时间与站点至TC中心的距离密切相关;同等强度TC在海岛站造成的风速比陆地站更大,对高海拔站点造成的风力大于低海拔站点。本文研究结论对于TC大陆地面风场的预报具有一定参考价值。  相似文献   

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