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PGE-rich disseminated zones with discrete platinum-group minerals (Pd, Pt and Rh mineral phases) have been discovered in three thick (80–130 m), differentiated (peridotite-gabbro) mafic-ultramafic flows of the Archean Abitibi greenstone belt, Ontario. Three mineralization zones (whole-rock ∑PGE + Au = up to 1000 ppb) occur along four stratigraphic cross sections through a 2 km strike-length of the Boston Creek Flow ferropicritic basalt. Their occurrence most strikingly correlates with lenticular-podiform concentrations of disseminated chalcopyrite (1 %) and clinopyroxene + interstitial magnetite-ilmenite intergrowths (15–20% oxide), high concentrations of related metals (3000 ppm Cu, 3000 ppm S, 1200 ppb Ag, and 1000 ppm V), strong PGE depletion in adjacent rocks and along strike, and lithological and textural complexity in the margins of the central gabbro-diorite layer. The mineralization zone (whole-rock Ir + Pt + Pd + Au = 110 ppb) within Theo's Flow tholeiitic basalt is somewhat similar in occurrence, style, and composition to those within the Boston Creek Flow. In contrast, the mineralization zone (whole-rock Ir + Pt + Pd + Au = 340 ppb) in Fred's Flow komatiitic basalt most strikingly correlates with vesicle-filling intergrowths of pyrrhotite + pentlandite ± chalcopyrite (2 modal %) and high whole-rock concentrations of Ni (2500 ppm), Cu (700 ppm), and S (1.1%) in the upper chilled margin of the flow.Although apparently uneconomic, these flow-hosted PGE mineralization zones are of interest in exploration, because they are more similar in stratigraphie setting, style, and composition to PGE-rich disseminated Fe-Cu sulfide mineralization zones within thick differentiated intrusions than to mineralization zones in other Archean volcanic rocks. The characteristics of the mineralization zones and their host rocks, especially high degrees of PGE enrichment, vertical and horizontal patterns of PGE depletion, and accumulation of clinopyroxene + magnetite-ilmenite intergrowths, indicate a critical genetic role for variations in the regime of melt flowage. The mineralization zones in the Boston Creek and Theo's Flows are interpreted to have formed by simultaneous in situ formation of PGE-rich Fe-Cu sulfide and Fe-Ti oxide from flowing silicate liquid in the margins of internal lava channels. The mineralization zone in Fred's Flow is interpreted to have formed by ponding and coalescence of PGE-enriched sulfurous vapor bubbles in the upper chilled margin during olivine accumulation on the base of a dynamic lava channel. The relative abundance of PGE mineralization zones and high degree of PGE enrichment in the Boston Creek Flow suggest that the most favorable exploration targets are rocks crystallized from late-stage, highly fractionated derivative liquids in large differentiated terropicritic units.  相似文献   

There is considerable debate about the mode and age of formation of large (up to ∼200 m long) hematite and goethite ironstone bodies within the 3.2 to 3.5 Ga Barberton greenstone belt. We examined oxygen and hydrogen isotopes and Rare Earth Element (REE) concentrations of goethite and hematite components of the ironstones to determine whether these deposits reflect formation from sea-floor vents in the Archean ocean or from recent surface and shallow subsurface spring systems. Goethite δ18O values range from −0.7 to +1.0‰ and δD from −125 to −146‰, which is consistent with formation from modern meteoric waters at 20 to 25 °C. Hematite δ18O values range from −0.7 to −2.0‰, which is consistent with formation at low to moderate temperatures (40-55 °C) from modern meteoric water. REE in the goethite and hematite are derived from the weathering of local sideritic ironstones, silicified ultramafic rocks, sideritic black cherts, and local felsic volcanic rocks, falling along a mixing line between the Eu/Eu* and shale-normalized HREEAvg/LREEAvg values for the associated silicified ultramafic rocks and felsic volcanic rocks. Contrasting positive Ce/Ce* of 1.3 to 3.5 in hematite and negative Ce/Ce* of 0.2 to 0.9 in goethite provides evidence of oxidative scavenging of Ce on hematite surfaces during mineral precipitation. These isotopic and REE data, taken together, suggest that hematite and goethite ironstone pods formed from relatively recent meteoric waters in shallow springs and/or subsurface warm springs.  相似文献   

Pb isotope abundances are reported for six late-kinematic granitoid intrusives from the Quebec sector of the Abitibi greenstone belt. Leaching experiments on K-feldspar separates reveal the presence of radiogenic Pb, attributed to in situ decay of U and Th. Pb-Pb mineral isochrons were constructed with the K-feldspar data plus results obtained on the total-rock, sphene, apatite and other mineral phases; five localities show no evidence of post-emplacement disturbance and yield ages ranging from 2616 ± 19 to 2718 ± 12 Ma. These ages, which are corroborated by U-Pb dating of small populations of sphene, imply that the orogenic events in the Abitibi belt were terminated 2700–2710 Ma ago, and followed by a period of granitization which lasted for 80 to 100 Ma.The initial Pb isotope composition of the magmas shows that their source regions were isotopically heterogeneous; the time integrated 238U204Pb values for the source regions vary from 7.62 to 7.92 and the K-feldspar data indicate that similar heterogeneities were present at the scale of a single intrusion. The range of isotopic composition spans the compositional domain of the mantle, defined by sulfides associated with komatiites and some galenas, and that of the continental crust, defined by sulfides associated with Abitibi iron-formations. Consequently, the granitoid magmas are interpreted as partial melts of a continental crust comprising juvenile, mantle-derived rocks and non-negligible amounts of earlier formed sialic material. The Pb isotope data for the latter are consistent with the presence in the area of 3.0 to 3.4 Ga old sialic crust. The episode of crustal anatexis occurred as a consequence to the orogenic events which resulted in burial of altered supracrustal rocks rich in water and heat-producing elements.  相似文献   

Shales of the ca. 3.0 Ga Buhwa Greenstone Belt, Zimbabwe, were derived from a compositionally diverse provenance whose ages, determined by ion probe analyses of detrital zircons in interbedded sandstones, range from 3.8 to 3.1 Ga. Geochemical data for the shales were previously interpreted to indicate that sediments had been derived from an intensely weathered source. REE concentrations in the shales were interpreted to suggest that the provenance was compositionally mixed, with components of felsic (tonalite and alkalic granitoid) and mafic rocks. Sm/Nd and Nd isotopic compositions of these rocks can be used to model initial Nd isotopic ratios at the time of sedimentation (εNdsed), as well as model crustal formation ages (TDM). The former, at the age of sedimentation, range from +0.6 to −10.8, consistent with a range of provenance ages. The latter range from 4.46 Ga to 2.99 Ga. The oldest crustal formation ages, up to 0.7 Ga older than known detrital components, are interpreted here to indicate that the Sm-Nd system of the sediments experienced open system behavior. The implied alteration would have included an increase in Sm/Nd by about 20-25 percent, probably in the form of preferential loss of Nd with respect to Sm. The Pb isotopic compositions of whole rock samples are quite radiogenic, with a range of 206Pb/204Pb from 25.5 to 154. An array of ten samples lies scattered about a line with a 207Pb/204Pb -206Pb/204Pb slope age of about 2.73 Ga. Five individual samples were sequentially leached to further test the timing and characteristics of this U-Th-Pb alteration event. These arrays of a whole rock, three leach steps, and a residue also form linear Pb-Pb arrays (one is more scattered) with ages ranging from 2260 ± 360 Ma to 2824 ± 170 Ma, suggesting that all samples experienced a latest Archean to earliest Proterozoic enrichment in U/Pb. This age range also may be the approximate age of Sm/Nd enrichment for the shales. All samples, both whole rocks and leached samples, lie grouped on a 208Pb/204Pb - 206Pb/204Pb diagram around a line with 232Th/238U = 3.5 (2.9 to 3.9). Because of the lack of large differences in the Th/U of the samples through large ranges of U/Pb, we interpret this consistency in Th/U to mean that the shales of the Buhwa belt experienced Pb loss, rather than U and Th gain. Circumstances that may be responsible for Pb loss in a sedimentary basin include loss of saline fluids during basin dewatering. Such an event would likely have been related to folding associated with the thrusting and magmatic intrusion of the adjacent Limpopo Belt, suggesting that uplift, dewatering, and geochemical and isotopic alteration can be genetically related.  相似文献   

Summary ?Detailed petrographic, electron microprobe and ion probe studies of Archaean hydromagmatic amphiboles from the Abitibi greenstone belt, Canada, yield new insights into the origin of Al-undepleted komatiitic and Al-depleted tholeiitic and ferropicritic melts. The amphiboles are present in peridotite layers and basal chill zones of thick differentiated basic and ultrabasic sills and flows, and are titanian pargasite–hastingsite in composition. They can be grouped into two petrographic types: (1) amphibole in the groundmass; and (2) amphibole-bearing melt inclusions. The groundmass amphiboles are oikocrysts, rims and interstitial grains, present in minor to major amounts. The oikocrysts host cumulus olivines (Fo83–84) that are rounded in shape, embayed, and smaller in size. The amphibole-bearing melt inclusions are hosted in cumulus olivines (Fo83–84 in komatiitic rocks and Fo79 in tholeiitic rocks), spherical to ovoid in shape, 50–500 μm in size, and dominated modally by amphibole. The melt inclusions also contain euhedral chromite and aluminous spinel and micrometric clinopyroxene and glass, and sub-micrometric iron–nickel sulphide, chloro-apatite and ilmenite. In-situ ion probe analyses indicate the amphibole is: (1) enriched in Nb, LREE and Zr and depleted in Sr and HREE relative to primitive mantle; (2) contains up to 1–3 wt% H2O; and (3) overall displays δD values from 50‰ to −140‰, including many values in the accepted magmatic range of −60‰ to −90‰. The petrographic relationships and geochemical compositions, and comparisons to experimental systems, indicate amphibole formation by subsolidus reaction of residual hydrous silicate melt with olivine and clinopyroxene. Some of the hydrous melt intruded and was entrapped as secondary melt inclusions within relict olivine. Rapid crystallization of the hydrous melt inclusions formed amphibole+clinopyroxene±glass±spinel or solely glass. Bulk compositions of the melt inclusions, comparisons to experimental phase equilibria, and presence of magmatic water suggest amphibole crystallisation from olivine → pyroxene residual melts with at least 2–3 wt% H2O during rapid solidification of the host units. Adjustment for anhydrous phase crystallization (mainly olivine) suggests the initial melts contained 1–2 wt% H2O. Such high H2O contents and the magmatic δD compositions are consistent with the participation of H2O in melt petrogenesis. However, most Abitibi komatiites and tholeiites lack hydromagmatic minerals, making it difficult to attribute all basic and ultrabasic melts to melting in hydrous Archaean mantle. The favoured model is that some Abitibi basic and ultrabasic melts were wet and some were dry, as well as Al-depleted or Al-undepleted. Received July 24, 2001; revised version accepted January 9, 2002  相似文献   

Tourmaline-rich rocks are common in the lowgrade, interior portions of the Barberton greenstone belt of South Africa, where shallow-marine sediments and underlying altered basaltic and komatiitic lavas contain up to 50% tourmaline. The presence of tourmaline-bearing rip-up clasts, intraformational tourmalinite pebbles, and tourmaline-coated grains indicates that boron mineralization was a low-temperature, surficial process. The association of these lithologies with stromatolites, evaporites, and shallow-water sedimentary structures and the virtual absence of tourmaline in correlative deep-water facies rocks in the greenstone bels strengthens this model.Five tourmaline-bearing lithologic groups (basalts, komatiites, evaporite-bearing sediments, stromatolitic sediments, and quartz veins) are distinguished based on field, petrographic, and geochemical criteria. Individual tourmaline crystals within these lithologies show internal chemical and textural variations that reflect continued growth through intervals of change in bulk-rock and fluid composition accompanying one or more metasomatic events. Large single-crystal variations exist in Fe/Mg, Al/Fe, and alkali-site vacancies. A wide range in tourmaline composition exists in rocks altered from similar protoliths, but tourmalines in sediments and lavas have similar compositional variations. Boron-isotope analysis of the tourmalines suggest that the boron enrichment in these rocks has a major marine evaporitic component. Sediments with gypsum pseudomorphs and lavas altered at low temperatures by shallow-level brines have the highest 11B values (+2.2 to-1.9); lower 11B values of late quartz veins (-3.7 to-5.7) reflect intermediate temperature, hydrothermal remobilization of evaporitic boron. The 11B values of tourmaline-rich stromatolitic sediments (-9.8 and-10.5) are consistent with two-stage boron enrichment, in which earlier marine evaporitic boron was hydrothermally remobilized and vented in shallow-marine or subaerial sites, mineralizing algal stromatolites. The stromatolite-forming algae preferentially may have lived near the sites of hydrothermal discharge in Archean times.  相似文献   

Three types of zircon coexist in an unusual lower crustal xenolith from the Valle Guffari diatreme (Hyblean Plateau, Sicily): igneous Type 1 (near-euhedral, weakly zoned; Ce/Ce > 1); partially recrystallised Type 2 (ovoid, structureless; weak Ce anomaly); hydrothermal Type 3 (sugary, spongy-textured, probably related to F-rich aqueous fluids). U–Pb dating by LAM-ICPMS, supported by in situ Hf-isotope analysis, suggests that both Type 1 and Type 2 zircons were originally Archean (ca 2.7 Ga), though many of these grains have experienced severe Pb loss. The U–Pb ages of the hydrothermal zircons cluster around 246 Ma, interpreted as the timing of the hydrothermal event. Their εHf (+ 8.5 to − 1.2) indicates the mixing of old crustal components and material from a juvenile source.

In situ Os-isotope analyses of sulfides hosted in peridotite xenoliths from Valle Guffari show Paleoproterozoic–Archean TRD minimum ages, corresponding to the age of the oldest zircon grains in the crustal xenolith. Other peaks of TRD ages suggest that multiple metasomatic events have affected the lithospheric mantle.

These observations suggest that the lower crust and the upper part of the lithospheric mantle beneath the Hyblean Plateau represent the northernmost portion of the African Plate. These two units have coexisted since at least late Archean time, and have remained linked through several episodes of crustal modification, including the Permo-Triassic hydrothermal event, which was probably related to the onset of rifting in the Ionian Basin.  相似文献   

Volcanic suites from Wawa greenstone belts in the southern Superior Province comprise an association of typical late Archean arc volcanic rocks including adakites, magnesian andesites (MA), niobium-enriched basalts (NEB), and ‘normal’ tholeiitic to calc-alkaline basalts to rhyolites. The adakites represent melts from subducted oceanic crust and all other suites were derived from the mantle wedge above the subducting oceanic lithosphere. The magnesian andesites are interpreted to be the product of hybridization of adakite melts with arc mantle wedge peridotite. The initial ?Hf values of the ∼2.7 Ga Wawa adakites (+3.5 to +5.2), magnesian andesites (+2.6 to +5.1), niobium-enriched basalts (+4.4 to +6.6), and ‘normal’ tholeiitic to calc-alkaline arc basalts (+5.3 to +6.4) are consistent with long-term depleted mantle sources. The niobium-enriched basalts and ‘normal’ arc basalts have more depleted ?Hf values than the adakites and magnesian andesites. The initial ?Nd values in the magnesian andesites (+0.4 to +2.0), niobium-enriched basalts (+1.4 to +2.4), and ‘normal’ arc tholeiitic to calc-alkaline basalts (+1.6 to +2.9) overlap with, but extend to lower values than, the slab-derived adakites (+2.3 to +2.8). The lower initial ?Nd values in the mantle-wedge-derived suites, particularly in the magnesian andesites, are attributed to recycling of an Nd-enriched component with lower ?Nd to the mantle wedge. As a group, the slab-derived adakites plot closest to the 2.7 Ga depleted mantle value in ?Nd versus ?Hf space, additionally suggesting that the Nd-enriched component in the mantle wedge did not originate from the 2.7 Ga slab-derived melts. Accordingly, we suggest that the enriched component had been added to the mantle wedge at variable proportions by recycling of older continental material. This recycling process may have occurred as early as 50-70 Ma before the initiation of the 2.7 Ga subduction zone. The selective enrichment of Nd in the sources of the Superior Province magmas can be explained by experimental studies and geochemical observations in modern subduction systems, indicating that light rare earth elements (e.g., La, Ce, Sm, Nd) are more soluble than high field strength elements (e.g., Zr, Hf, Nb, Ta) in aqueous fluids that are derived from subducted slabs. As a corollary, we suggest that the recycled Nd-enriched component was added to the mantle source of the Wawa arc magmas by dehydration of subducted sediments.  相似文献   

Summary ?The PGE contents of chromite separated from peridotite layers of Archaean mafic–ultramafic flows, Abitibi belt (Canada), indicate enrichment in Os–Ir–Ru (600 ppb) relative to Pd–Au (<5 ppb). Evidently, chromite was a sink for Ir–Os–Ru during melt-chromite fractionation in each of the flows. However, an additional phase, probably olivine, is required to explain the bulk Ir content of the sulphide-poor peridotites. In contrast, the chromite Pt contents range from <10 ppb to 400 ppb, with large variation in Pt/Ru (0.02–2.76) and Pt/Pd (5–400) ratios. The Pt enrichment may be related to the presence of Pt spinel structure compounds in oxidised melt, reflecting Fe–Ti spinel-related mineralisation in higher pyroxenite-gabbro layers. Received December 5, 2002; revised version accepted January 7, 2003  相似文献   

This work considers geochemical and isotopic characteristics of the source of the Archean Panozero pluton derived from LILEand LREE-enriched lithospheric mantle. Sr and Nd isotopic data on clinopyroxenes and augites define a source with Sri = 0.7017 and ɛNd(t) varying within a narrow range from + 0.7 to + 1.4 (averaging + 1.1), which is close to previously obtained whole-rock isotopic data. Similar ɛNd(t) were obtained for the Archean alkaline rocks of Canada, whereas the Archean mafic rocks of the Baltic and Canadian Shields formed from depleted mantle have ɛNd(t) ∼2. Lead isotope measurements on K-feldspars (KFsp) and monzonite showed that the source of the pluton has μ = 8.98 for the Stacey-Kramers two-stage model, at low U/Pb and high Th/U ratios. Different lead isotope composition corresponding to μ = 10.43 was determined in KFsp from quartz monzonites. Diverse interpretations of obtained data have been proposed. It was noted that the Pb-Pb isotopic system was disturbed by a later (∼ 1.9 Ga) thermal event. The ratios of elements of similar compatibility were used to determine the geochemical specifics of source of the Panozero pluton. Their comparison with numerous literature data on metasomatized mantle xenoliths and minerals in them showed that the mantle source strongly differed from primitive mantle in ratios of elements, whose mineralmelt partitioning coefficients considerably differs from mineral-fluid partitioning, for instance, Nb/La. Mantle source that was responsible for geochemical peculiarities of the Panozero pluton was made up of Phl, CPx, and Ap.  相似文献   

The polymetamorphic Early Proterozoic basic metavolcanites of the Kopparåsen greenstone belt, northern Sweden, contain U mineralizations which are confined to Cu-Fe-sulfide mineralizations in mylonitized zones within basic metatuffs and graphite-bearing mica schists. Trace-lead isotope data from sulfides indicate contamination of the sulfide lead with two different lead components at ca. 430 Ma. One lead component was leached from rocks with a 232Th/238U ratio of 3.0–3.2, while the other lead component had evolved in a environment with a lower 232Th/238U ratio (0.0–0.05). The source for this latter lead component underwent a U-Th separation, probably in relation to the formation of the U mineralizations. If this lead component was leached from the U mineralizations, these mineralizations have a 207Pb/206Pb model age of ca. 1,780 Ma, which is less than the least radiogenic lead model age of the supracrustal belt (ca. 2,050 Ma). A possible genetic model for the uranium mineralizations includes the transport of U with an oxidized metamorphic fluid, which was channelled into the permeable zones, and the local reduction of the fluid by sulfides, which caused the precipitation of U.  相似文献   

Granitic rocks are the principle agent of crustal differentiation, therefore their origins yield important information on crustal formation and reworking. An extensive survey of zircon Hf isotopes from granitic rocks in a large region can provide a profile of crustal characteristics that may be further linked to previous crustal evolution. In this study, we measured U–Pb ages and Hf isotope compositions of zircon grains extracted from twenty-five Jurassic, five Triassic and two Ordovician granitic plutons from the Nanling Range, South China Block (SCB). Combined with the published Lu–Hf isotopic data for the granitic rocks in the studied and adjacent areas, three domains with different crustal formation histories have been identified in the southern part of the SCB: eastern side, middle part and western side. The eastern side extends to the coastal area of the SCB, with dominant Hf crustal model ages (TDM2) in zircons falling within the range of 2.2–1.6 Ga. The middle part is partly coincided with the low-Nd model age belt proposed by Chen and Jahn (1998), with zircon Hf TDM2 ranging from 1.6 to 1.0 Ga. The western side covers the westernmost Nanling Range and the western end of the Jiangnan orogen, in which the granitoids have zircon Hf TDM2 model ages spanning 2.2–1.8 Ga. The Paleo- to Meso-Proterozoic model ages of the Phanerozoic granitoids in the Nanling Range imply a long-term crustal reworking. Zircons from the western and eastern sides have an average εHf(155 Ma) at around −10, about 4 epsilon units lower than the middle part (εHf(155 Ma) = −6). Hf TDM2 histogram from the western Nanling Range is similar to that of the Neoproterozoic granitoids in northern Guangxi Province to the west but much lower to the granites in the middle part to the east. The eastern side has a broader range of Hf model ages in zircons, with the main peak low to ca 1.6 Ga, suggesting the reworking of Mesoproterozoic crust. However, granitoids in the middle part have zircon Hf TDM2 ages at 1.6–1.0 Ga, which indicates the incorporation of younger crust materials into the magma sources. The Hf model ages of granitoids, as well as four zircon xenocrysts with ages around 920 Ma within the Mesozoic granitoids in the middle part, indicate that the middle part has similar crustal features with the eastern Jiangnan orogen. We propose that this low TDM2 granite belt is probably part of the early Neoproterozoic arc-continent collision belt between different continents (possibly Yangtze and Cathaysia) during the early assembling processes, while the granitoids in the western and eastern sides have similar crustal compositions.  相似文献   

The N–S trending, 2–4 km wide Ramagiri schist belt is made up of three blocks dominated by metavolcanic rocks, separated and surrounded by granitic rocks of distinct characteristics. The metavolcanic rocks are tholeiitic in composition and are very similar in their major element composition as well as in their abundances of some trace elements. However, the rare earth elements (REE) require distinct sources. The rocks of the amphibolite facies eastern block have LREE depleted REE patterns ([Ce/Yb] = 0.7–0.9), requiring derivation from depleted mantle-like sources. The greenschist facies metatholeiitic rocks of the central block have LREE enriched REE patterns ([Ce/Yb] = 3–6), reflecting the nature of their source(s). The Nd isotopic data require that the LREE enriched nature could not have been attained significantly prior to its melting. The fine-grained, upper greenschist facies metatholeiites of the western block have flat to slightly LREE depleted patterns ([Ce/Yb] = 0.8–0.95). Minor fractional crystallization of rock forming minerals may relate a few samples to each other among samples from each of the three blocks. Different extents of partial melting of distinct mantle sources have played a dominant role in the generation of the parent magmas to the central versus eastern and western block metatholeiites. The geochemical data suggest that the mantle sources were non-lherzolitic, and that these sources may have seen previous episodes of melt addition and extraction prior to melting that gave rise to the parent melts to the rocks ∼2750 Ma ago. The REE data indicate that while the sources of the eastern and western block rocks were similar to depleted mantle (ɛNd( i ) about +2), the source of the central block rocks (ɛNd( i ) about +3.5) were enriched in large ion lithophile element (LILE)-rich fluids/melts probably derived from subducting oceanic crust. This and other trace element signatures point to magma extraction in tectonic settings similar to modern island arcs. Subsequent to magma emplacement and crystallization, all the three suites of rocks were affected by interaction with low-temperature, crustal derived fluids (ɛNd 2750Ma of about −8 to −12), probably during the accretion of the three blocks of the belt in the present form. The inferred source characteristics, tectonic setting of magma generation and the crustal fluid processes seem to suggest that Phanerozoic-style tectonic processes may have been important in the generation of Archean crust in the Dharwar craton. Received: 31 July 1995 / Accepted: 12 May 1997  相似文献   

The Vetreny belt in the southeast Baltic Shield is a large volcano-sedimentary basin containing a 4- to 8-km-thick sequence of basaltic to komatiitic lavas, which were erupted ~2.45 Ga ago in a continental rift setting during the interaction of a mantle plume and the Archean continental crust of the Karelian granite-greenstone terrane. Re-Os isotope data for olivine cumulate samples and chromite separates from Victoria's lava lake and Golets flow 3 define isochrons with ages of 2387ᇍ and 2432ᆶ Ma, respectively. These ages are in good agreement with the previously reported, and new, Nd-Pb and U-Pb zircon ages. These data, coupled with the evidence for immobile behavior of the Re and Os, indicate that the Re-Os system remained closed since the lava eruption. The weighted average initial %187Os values range between -0.43ǂ.10 for Golets flow 3 and -0.07ǂ.13 for the lava lake. A single chromite separate from Golets flow 1 has a %187Os(T) of -0.06ǂ.15. Nd-Pb isotope and lithophile trace element data for the Vetreny belt komatiitic basalts were used to monitor the effect of crustal contamination on the Os isotope system and to estimate the initial Os isotope composition of the Vetreny plume source to be approximately chondritic with a %187Os(T) of -0.9. This implies that the mantle source evolved with a long-term nearly chondritic Re/Os ratio. The data provide further evidence that, by the end of the late Archean, the Earth's upper mantle was well homogenized with respect to the highly siderophile elements, added during the accretion of a late veneer, on a time scale of ~1 Ga.  相似文献   

阎月华  吴毅 《岩石学报》2002,18(4):531-538
华北内蒙千里山铁矿的方柱石透辉石岩非常发育,根据与国外其他太古代同类岩石对比可知,这种岩石是太古代变质蒸发岩。无论岩石类型,矿物组合还是岩石化学与矿物化学成分都与已知的太古代蒸发岩相吻合。用微量元素Ba-Sr判别泥质岩属于半咸水沉积。特别是含矿岩系的S同位素成分分析更证明千里山铁矿是蒸发岩成因。其黄铁矿样品中δ^34S最大值为5.7‰,最小值为-1.3‰,平均值为1.4‰,方柱石样品δ^34S最大值为2.3‰,最小值为2.1‰平均值为2.2‰。两种样品的δ^34S相差不大,而且都接近0值。接近原始海洋S同位素成分。这也从另一侧面证明了千里山铁矿是太古代蒸发岩成因。  相似文献   

The iron isotope, trace and major element compositions of Eoarchean supracrustal rocks from southern West Greenland (Isua Supracrustal Belt, the islands of Akilia and Innersuartuut) were analyzed in order to identify protoliths and characterize the imprints of metamorphism and metasomatism. Banded iron formations (BIFs) from the Isua Supracrustal Belt (ISB) have trace element characteristics that are consistent with seawater derivation, including high Y/Ho ratios, positive Eu/Eu anomalies, positive La/La anomalies, and concave upward REE patterns. These rocks also have heavy Fe isotopic compositions relative to surrounding igneous rocks (∼+0.4‰/amu). The most likely interpretation is that this signature was inherited from partial oxidation in a marine setting of Fe emanating from a source similar to modern mid-ocean ridge hydrothermal vents (∼−0.15‰/amu).Banded quartz-rich rocks from the island of Akilia with high Fe/Ti ratios share many similarities with bona fide BIFs from Isua (heavy Fe isotopic compositions up to +0.4‰/amu, elevated Y/Ho ratios compared to igneous rocks, sometimes positive Eu/Eu anomalies) suggesting a chemical sedimentary origin.Iron-poor metacarbonates from the southwestern part of the ISB have light Fe isotopic compositions (∼−0.4‰/amu). This is consistent with derivation of these rocks by fluid flow through surrounding ultramafic rocks and deposition as metasomatic carbonates. Iron-rich metacarbonates from the northwest and northeast parts of the ISB have Fe isotopic compositions (from +0.1 to +0.4‰/amu) and trace element patterns (high Y/Ho ratios, positive Eu/Eu and La/La anomalies, and concave upward REE) similar to associated BIFs. The most likely interpretation is that these iron-rich metacarbonates were derived from mobilization of Fe in BIFs by metasomatic fluids.  相似文献   

Isotopic compositions of oxygen, carbon and strontium of calcite cleats in coal seams of southern Victoria Land, Antarctica, and Tuscarawas County, Ohio, contain a record of the conditions a the time of their formation. The Antarctic calcites (δ 18O(SMOW) = +9.14 to +11.82%0) were deposited from waters enriched in 16O whose isotopic composition was consistent with that of meteoric precipitation at low temperature and high latitude. The carbon of the calcite cleats (δ 13C(PDB) = ?15.6 to ?16.9%0) was derived in part from the coal (δ 13C(PDB) = ?23.5 to ?26.7%0) as carbon dioxide and by oxidation of methane or other hydrocarbon gases. The strontium (87Sr86Sr = 0.71318–0.72392) originated primarily from altered feldspar grains in the sandstones of the Beacon Supergroup.Calcite cleats in the Kittaning No. 6 coal seam of Ohio (δ 18O(SMOW) = +26.04 to +27.79%0) were deposited from waters that had previously exchanged oxygen, possibly with marine carbonate at depth. The carbon (δ 13C(PDB) = 0.9 to +2.4%0) is enriched in 13C even though that cleats were deposited in coal that is highly enriched in 12C and apparently originated from marine carbonates. Strontium in the cleats (Sr87 0.71182–0.71260) is not of marine origin but contains varying amounts of radiogenic 87Sr presumably derived from detrital Rb-bearing minerals in the adjacent sedimentary rocks. The results of this study suggest that calcite cleats in coal of southern Victoria Land, Antarctica, were deposited after the start of glaciation in Cenozoic time and that those in Ohio precipitated from formation waters derived from the underlying marine carbonate rocks, probably in the recent geologic past.  相似文献   

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