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An isotopic dating investigation (66 K-Ar and 34 Rb-Sr analyses) provided the geochronological framework for the Alpine events of metamorphism and granitic magmatism on Naxos. The oldest phase of high-pressure/medium-temperature metamorphism, M1, was dated by Rb-Sr and K-Ar analyses of paragonites, phengitic muscovites and muscovites at 45±5 Ma (Middle Eocene). Most of the record of the M1 phase has been eraded by a second phase of medium-pressure/high-temperature metamorphism, M2, which induced a metamorphic zonation with anatectic melting in the highest-grade part, the migmatite dome. Most K-Ar dates of M2 hornblendes, muscovites, biotites and tourmalines range from about 21 Ma in the lower-grade part (biotite-chloritoid zone) to about 11 Ma in the migmatite dome. From the pattern of K-Ar mineral dates it is concluded that the M2 phase took place 25±5 Ma ago (Late Oligocene/Early Miocene) and was followed by a prolonged cooling history until about 11 Ma ago (Late Miocene), when the ambient temperature in the migmatite dome had decreased to below 400–360 °C. A Rb-Sr whole-rock isochron analysis of a granodioritic mass dated the intrusion (and the associated M3 phase of contact-metamorphism) at 11.1±0.7 Ma (Late Miocene), with an initial 87Sr/86Sr ratio of 0.7112 ±0.0001. A local phase of low-grade retrograde metamorphism, M4, probably related to Late Alpine overthrusting, was dated at about 10 Ma (Late Miocene).  相似文献   

Meta-peridotites outcropping at different structural levels within the Alpine metamorphic complex of the Cycladic island of Naxos were studied to re-examine their metamorphic evolution and possible tectonic mechanisms for emplacement of mantle material into the continental crust. The continental margin section exposed on Naxos, consisting of pre-Alpine basement and c. 7 km thick Mesozoic platform cover, has undergone intense metamorphism of Alpine age, comprising an Eocene (M1) blueschist event strongly overprinted by a Miocene Barrovian-type event (M2). Structural concordance with the country rocks and metasomatic zonation at the contact with the felsic host rocks indicate that the meta-peridotites have experienced the M2 metamorphism. This conclusion is supported by the similarity between metamorphic temperatures of the ultrabasic rocks and those of the host rocks. Maximum temperatures of 730–760 °C were calculated for the upper-amphibolite facies meta-peridotites (Fo–En–Hbl–Chl–Spl), associated with sillimanite gneisses and migmatites. Relict phases in ultrabasics of different structural levels indicate two distinct pre-M2 histories: whereas the cover-associated horizons have been affected by low-grade serpentinization prior to metamorphism, the basement- associated meta-peridotites show no signs of serpentinization and instead preserve some of their original mantle assemblage. The geochemical affinities of the two groups are also different. The basement-associated meta-peridotites retain their original composition indicating derivation by fractional partial melting of primitive lherzolite, whereas serpentinization has led to almost complete Ca-loss in the second group. The cover-associated ultrabasics are interpreted as remnants of an ophiolite sequence obducted on the adjacent continental shelf early in the Alpine orogenesis. In contrast, the basement-associated meta-peridotites were tectonically interleaved with the Naxos section at great depth during the Alpine collision and high P/T metamorphism. Their emplacement at the base of the orogenic wedge is inferred to have involved isobaric cooling from temperatures of c. 1050 °C within the spinel lherzolite field to eclogite facies temperatures of c. 600 °C.  相似文献   

《Geodinamica Acta》2013,26(5):301-321
The Pressure-Temperature-time paths of metapelites sampled on an east-west transect across the structural dome of Naxos (Greece) have been reconstructed on the basis of new geothermobarometric data and Rb/Sr dating, as well as previously published data. One sample from an intermediate structural level records pressure and temperature conditions of 10 kbar, 500°C, corresponding to its exhumation in a highpressure/low-temperature (HP/LT) setting. The corresponding Rb/Sr exhumation age is 29.3±1.3(2s) Ma. Toward the center of the dome, metamorphic assemblages record an increase in peak-temperature and corresponding pressure (from 500 to 700°C, and from 5 to 8 kbar), in a medium-pressure/medium-temperature (MP/MT) metamorphic field gradient. Whole-rock, muscovite and biotite on two samples from deep structural levels define ages of 5.2 and 7.0 Ma, whereas garnets fall outside the isochrons and retain earlier less radiogenic signatures. Rb/Sr data on these two samples demonstrate open system behaviour coeval with, or subsequent to MP/MT metamorphism. The interpretation of the Pressure-Temperature-time paths indicates a time span of 15-20 Ma for dome formation. It also suggests that the HP/LT to MP/MT transition is due to i) heating of deeper parts of the dome through magma injection or ii) either homogeneous (75 %) or localized thinning during dome formation.  相似文献   

Fluid inclusions trapped in quartz veins hosted by a leucogneiss from the southern part of the Naxos Metamorphic Core Complex (Attic‐Cycladic‐Massif, Greece) were studied to determine the evolution of the fluid record of metamorphic rocks during their exhumation across the ductile/brittle transition. Three sets of quartz veins (V‐M2, V‐BD & V‐B) are distinguished. The V‐M2 and V‐BD are totally or, respectively, partially transposed into the foliation of the leucogneiss. They formed by hydrofracturing alternating with ductile deformation accommodated by crystal‐plastic deformation. The V‐B is discordant to the foliation and formed by fracturing during exhumation without subsequent ductile transposition. Fluids trapped during crystal–plastic deformation comprise two very distinct fluid types, namely a CO2‐rich fluid and a high‐salinity brine, that are interpreted to represent immiscible fluids generated from metamorphic reactions and the crystallization of magmas respectively. They were initially trapped at ~625 °C and 400 MPa and then remobilized during subsequent ductile deformation resulting in various degrees of mixing of the two end‐members with later trapping conditions of ~350 °C and 140 MPa. In contrast, brittle microcracks contain aqueous fluids trapped at 250 °C and 80 MPa. All veins display a similar δ13C pointing to carbon that was trapped at depth and then preserved in the fluid inclusions throughout the exhumation history. In contrast, the δD signature is marked by a drastic difference between (i) V‐M2 and V‐BD veins that are dominated by carbonic, aqueous‐carbonic and high‐salinity fluids of metamorphic and magmatic origin characterized by δD between ?56‰ and ?66‰, and (ii) V‐B veins that are dominated by aqueous fluids of meteoric origin characterized by δD between ?40‰ and ?46‰. The retrograde PT pathway implies that the brittle/ductile transition separates two structurally, chemically and thermally distinct fluid reservoirs, namely (i) the ductile crust into which fluids originating from crystallizing magmas and fluids in equilibrium with metamorphic rocks circulate through a geothermal gradient of 30 °C km?1 at lithostatic pressure, and (ii) the brittle upper crust through which meteoric fluids percolate through a high geothermal gradient of 55 °C km?1 at hydrostatic pressure.  相似文献   

The metamorphism on the island of Sifnos is characterized by the Eocene development of a coherent highpressure blueschist terrane and an early Miocene greenschist facies overprint. This study documents the metamorphic evolution of the blueschist assemblages, still preserved in the northern parts of the island, and their subsequent transformation into greenschists in the central and southern parts.The oxygen isotope geothermometry is based on calibrations for quartz, pyroxenes and magnetite (Matthews et al. 1983a) augmented by revised calibrations for the minerals muscovite ( Qz–Mu=1.55×106 T –2), epidote ( Qz–Ep= 1.56+1.92 ps)106 T –2), and rutile ( Qz–Ru=4.54×106 T –2).Oxygen isotope analyses of minerals from the Blueschist unit of northern Sifnos give consistent fractionations which are independent of rock type. An average temperature of 455° C was obtained, although the scatter in temperatures deduced from the various geothermometers suggests that equilibration occurs under slightly changing physicochemical conditions. Analyses of minerals and whole rocks shows that pervasive equilibration in the presence of a common metamorphic fluid has not occurred.The minerals and whole rocks of the greenschists of central Sifnos are systematically enriched in 18O relative to the blueschist assemblages. Chemical data indicate that the greenschist overprint was accompanied by a metasomatic enrichment of Ca2+ and CO2. The petrologic, isotopic and chemical evidence favour a metamorphism governed by the infiltration of 18O-CO2 enriched aqueous solutions. It is reasonable to assume that this is connected with the Miocene magmatic activity observed throughout the Cyclades. The marbles separating the Blueschist from the Greenschist unit probably acted as barriers to fluid infiltration into the blueschists and were responsible for their preservation.The pressure of the blueschist metamorphism is estimated at 14±2 kbar, corresponding to a depth of ca. 50 km. The structural style and stratigraphy of Sifnos are suggestive of the subduction of a continental margin sequence. It is clear that the considerable tectonic depression may be associated with continental collision and underthrusting.  相似文献   

The lower tectonic unit of Ios provides evidence of an at least four stage metamorphic and intrusive history which well might be generalized for large parts of the internal Pelagonian.Metamorphic country rocks of unknown age were intruded about 500 Ma ago, as concluded from a Rb-Sr whole rock (WR) isochron on relic tonalites to granodiorites which largely escaped the polyphase postmagmatic overprints.A Hercynian amphibolite facies metamorphism, during which the igneous rocks were partly recrystallized to orthogneisses, is dated by a lower intercept age of 300–305 Ma of U-Pb determinations on zircons and by three almost concordant Rb-Sr muscovite-WR ages of 295 to 288 Ma.K-Ar analyses on these muscovites and on biotites, and Rb-Sr tie lines WR-biotite and WR with other relic magmatic minerals yielded various apparent ages between 260 and 60 Ma. They are interpreted as mixed ages between a Hercynian cooling age and the two stage Alpidic overprints.White micas formed during the Eocene high P/T and/or Oligocene/Miocene Barrovian-type overprints yielded K-Ar dates ranging from 82 to 26 Ma, as well as a single Rb-Sr date of 13 Ma. These Alpidic dates resemble the more detailed age patterns of other Cycladic islands. But they are not sufficient for an independent dating of the Tertiary evolution on Ios island.  相似文献   

Superposed to ductile syn-metamorphic deformations, post-foliation deformations affect metamorphic units during their exhumation. Understanding the role of such deformations in the structuration of metamorphic units is key for understanding the tectonic evolution of convergence zones. We characterize post-foliations deformations using 3D modelling which is a first-order tool to describe complex geological structures, but a challenging task where based only on surface data. We propose a modelling procedure that combines fast draft models (interpolation of orientation data), with more complex ones where the structural context is better understood (implicit modelling), allowing us to build a 3D geometrical model of Syros Island blueschists (Cyclades), based on field data. With our approach, the 3D model is able to capture the complex present-day geometry of the island, mainly controlled by the superposition of three types of post-metamorphic deformations affecting the original metamorphic pile: i) a top-to-South ramp-flat extensional system that dominates the overall island structure, ii) large-scale folding of the metamorphic units associated with ramp-flat extensional system, and iii) steeply-dipping normal faults trending dominantly NNW-SSE and EW. The 3D surfaces produced by this method match outcrop data, are geologically consistent, and provide reasonable estimates of geological structures in poorly constrained areas.  相似文献   

Abstract 40Ar/39Ar age spectrum analysis of phengite separates from Naxos, part of the Attic Cycladic Metamorphic Belt in Greece, indicates that cooling following high-pressure, low- to medium-temperature metamorphism, M1, occurred about 50 Ma ago. Phengite has 40Ar* gradients that suggest that part of the scatter observed in conventional K–Ar ages was caused by diffusion of radiogenic argon from the minerals during a younger metamorphism, M2. In central Naxos, this metamorphism (M2) has overprinted the original mineral assemblages completely, and is associated with development of a thermal dome. Excellent 40Ar/39Ar plateaus at 15.0 ± 0.1 Ma, 11.8 ± 0.1 Ma, and 11.4 ± 0.1 Ma, obtained on hornblende, muscovite and biotite, respectively, from the migmatite zone, indicate that relatively rapid cooling followed the M2 event, and that no significant thermal overprinting occurred subsequent to M2. Toward lower M2 metamorphic grade, 40Ar/39Ar plateau ages of hornblendes increase to 19.8 ± 0.1 Ma; concomitantly the proportion of excess 40Ar in the spectra increases as well. We propose that the peak of M2 metamorphism occurred beween 15.0 and 19.8 Ma ago. K–Ar ages of biotites from a granodiorite on the west coast are indistinguishable from those found in the metamorphic complex, and hornblende K–Ar ages from the same samples are in the range 12.1–13.6 Ma. As the latter ages are somewhat younger than most ages obtained from the metamorphic complex, intrusion of the granodiorite most likely followed the peak of the M2 metamorphism. The metamorphic evolution of Naxos is consistent with rapid crustal thickening during the Cretaceous or early Tertiary, causing conditions at which supracrustal rocks experienced pressures in the range 900–1500 MPa. Transition to normal crustal thicknesses ended the M1 metamorphism about 50 Ma ago. The M2 metamorphism and granodiorite intrusion occurred during a period of heat input into the crust, possibly related to the migration of the Hellenic volcanic ar°C in a southerly direction through the area.  相似文献   

At Naxos, Greece, a migmatite dome is surrounded by schists and marbles of decreasing metamorphic grade. Sillimanite, kyanite, biotite, chlorite, and glaucophane zones are recognized at successively greater distances from the migmatite dome. Quartz-muscovite and quartz-biotite oxygen isotope and mineralogie temperatures range from 350 to 700°C.The metamorphic complex can be divided into multiple schist-rich (including migmatites) and marblerich zones. The δ18O values of silicate minerals in migmatite and schist units and quartz segregations in the schist-rich zones decrease with increase in metamorphic grades. The calculated δ18OH2O values of the metamorphic fluids in the schist-rich zones decrease from about 15‰ in the lower grades to an average of about 8.5‰ in the migmatite.The δD values of OH-minerals (muscovite, biotite, chlorite, and glaucophane) in the schist-rich zones also decrease with increase in grade. The calculated δDH2O values for the metamorphic fluid decrease from ?5‰ in the glaucophane zone to an average of about ?70‰ in the migmatite. The δD values of water in fluid inclusions in quartz segregations in the higher grade rocks are consistent with this trend.Theδ18O values of silicate minerals and quartz segregations in marble-rich zones are usually very large and were controlled by exchange with the adjacent marbles. The δD values of the OH minerals in some marble-rich zones may reflect the value of water contained in the rocks prior to metamorphism.Detailed data on 20 marble units show systematic variations of δ18O values which depend upon metamorphic grade. Below the 540°C isograd very steep δ18O gradients at the margins and large δ18O values in the interior of the marbles indicate that oxygen isotope exchange with the adjacent schist units was usually limited to the margins of the marbles with more exchange occurring in the stratigraphic bottom than in the top margins. Above the 540°C isograd lower δ18O values occur in the interior of the marble units reflecting a greater degree of recrystallization and the occurrence of Ca-Mg-silicates.Almost all the δ13C values of the marbles are in the range of unaltered marine limestones. Nevertheless, the δ13C values of most marble units show a general correlation with δ18O values.The CO2H2O mole ratio of fluid inclusions in quartz segregations range from 0.01 to 2. Theδ13C values of the CO2 range from ?8.0 to 3.6‰ and indicate that at some localities CO2 in the metamorphic fluid was not in carbon isotopic equilibrium with the marbles.  相似文献   

B. Mocek   《Lithos》2001,57(4):263-289
Blueschists, eclogites, chlorite–actinolite rocks and jadeite-gneisses of the blueschist unit of Siphnos have been investigated for their geochemical composition. Their protolith nature is characterised and a geodynamic model for the pre-metamorphic evolution of these metavolcanic rocks is proposed on the basis of immobile elements, especially trace elements and rare earth elements (REE).

The protoliths of the eclogites are characterised as calc-alkaline basalts, andesites and Fe-rich tholeiites evolving in an island-arc setting. Trace element data indicate that subducted marine sediments were assimilated in the magma chamber, enriching the protoliths in LILE and Pb. Produced in the early stage of back-arc basin opening, a protolith with affinities to both island-arc and MORB formed the precursor of the chlorite–actinolite rocks. They were created by low degrees of partial melting of very primitive magmas, akin to spinel-peridotites and have affinities to boninites, probably through melting of the peridotitic mantle wedge. Tholeiitic basalts and andesites with N-MORB affinity, especially in their REE-patterns, were then produced by partial melting, possibly in an embryonic back-arc basin. These rocks were the protoliths of the blueschists of Siphnos. Their enrichment in some LILE and Pb indicates a N-MORB source contaminated by marine sediments, probably shales or other Pb-rich sediments. Because the jadeite-gneisses show affinities to MOR-granites and volcanic arc granites, intrusion of their protoliths in a back-arc environment is likely. The protoliths of the quartz-jadeite gneisses are rhyodacites/dacites and rhyolites, those of the glaucophane-jadeite gneisses were andesites.

The proposed geodynamic model, solely based on geochemical data, is consistent with geochemical data from neighbouring islands, though those rock units show much higher chemical variability. Consistent with geotectonic models, which are based on structural and geophysical data, the volcanic protoliths of the Siphnos blueschist unit reflect the transition from subduction to spreading environment and record in detail: subduction, formation of an island-arc, and the evolution of a back-arc basin.  相似文献   

《Geodinamica Acta》2013,26(5-6):233-240
The Saint Georgios coastal zone, located at the W coast of Naxos, the largest island of the Central Aegean Sea, was investigated in order to determine the palaeo-geography, sea level changes and their effect to the palaeo-environment of western Naxos island and to human activity. Detailed geomorphological mapping, study of micropaleontological and sedimentological characteristics and dating analyses of the Late Holocene of St. Georgios coastal zone were conducted.

To obtain information about the Holocene stratigraphy under the recent alluvial cover, three boreholes followed the detailed geomorphological mapping. Microfaunal analysis took place and five samples of plants, shells, peat and charred material were also collected from several layers of the sedimentary sequence and were dated using AMS and conventional radiocarbon techniques providing temporal control of the sediments. The sea-land interactions during Upper Holocene, in relation to the eustatic sea level oscillations, as well as the geomorphologic observations and analysis on deposited sediments, aims to reveal the palaeo-geographic evolution of the landscape and its impact on the archaeological sites. Sea level rise along with sea-land interactions to the landscape evolution and the transgression of sea in 6144 BP have been verified.  相似文献   

The geological structure of the island of Ios, Cyclades, Greece, is a dome consisting of an augengneiss core and a mantle of garnet-mica schists that together form the Basement which is overthrust by a marble-schist Series. This Series is mainly made up of meta-volcanics and metamorphosed sediments, presumably Mesozoic in age. It is a tectonically composed pile of marbles alternating with glaucophane schists, actinolite schists and chlorite schists. Petrological relations and isotope dating indicate the polymetamorphic character of Ios. Two Alpine metamorphic phases, M1 and M2, and relicts of a high grade metamorphic or magmatic phase (Mo), that only affected the Basement, are demonstrated. Radiometric ages obtained for the Basement confirm the interpretation that the Mo phase is Pre-Alpine. The M1 and M2 were dated at 43 Ma and 25 Ma respectively. The P-T conditions of metamorphism are estimated as 9–11 kb and 350 to 400° C for the M1 phase and 5–7 kb and 380–420° C for the M2 phase. The metamorphic history of the Cyclades is discussed and it is suggested that Pre-Alpine Basement occurs also on Sikinos and Naxos.
Zusammenfassung Die Kykladeninsel Ios besteht zur Hauptsache aus einem Gneisdom. Der Kern dieses Doms ist ein Augengneiskomplex, welcher von Granat-Muskovit-Schiefern umhüllt wird. Auf dieses Grundgebirge ist eine Marmor-Schiefer-Serie überschoben worden, eine tektonisch bedingte Wechselfolge von Metasedimenten und Metavulkaniten, wahrscheinlich mesozoischen Alters.Die petrologischen Gegebenheiten und Isotopendatierungen bezeugen Polymetamorphose. Es konnten zwei metamorphe Phasen alpidischen Alters nachgewiesen werden, M1 und M2, sowie die Spuren einer hochgradigen, metamorphen oder magmatischen Phase Mo, welche nur die Basis betroffen hat.Radiometrische Alterbestimmungen bestätigen die Deutung, daß das Grundgebirge voralpidisches Alter hat. Die Phasen M1 und M2 wurden datiert auf 43 Mj. und 25 Mj. Die Druck-Temperatur-Bedingungen der M1 und M2 wurden abgeschätzt auf 9–11 Kb und 350–400° C für die M1 und auf 5–7 Kb und 380–420° C im Falle der M2. Der metamorphe Werdegang der Kykladen wird diskutiert sowie die mutmaßliche Existenz eines vergleichbaren voralpidischen Grundgebirges auf den Nachbarinseln Sikinos und Naxos.

Résumé La structure géologique de l'île d'Ios (Cyclades, Grèce) est un dôme. Le noyau du dôme est un complexe d'augengneiss enveloppé par des schistes à grenat et mica. Ce noyau, qui constitue le socle, est chevauché par une série composée d'une succession tectonique de marbres et de schistes à glaucophane, de schistes à actinote et de schistes à chlorite. Les relations pétrologiques et les datations isotopiques indiquent le caractère polymétamorphique de l'île d'Ios. On y peut démontrer deux phases de métamorphisme alpin (M 1 et M 2) ainsi que des témoins d'une phase métamorphique ou magmatique antérieure qui n'a influencé que le socle. Les datations radiométriques obtenues pour le socle confirment l'âge préalpin de la phase M 0. Les phases M 1 et M 2 sont datées à 43 et 25 Ma respectivement. Les conditions du métamorphisme des phases M 1 et M 2 sont estimées respectivement à 9–11 kb avec 350–400° C, et 5–7 kb avec 380–420° C. L'histoire métamorphique des Cyclades est discutée ainsi que la présence probable d'un socle Préalpin comparable dans les îles voisines de Sikinos et de Naxos.

Kykladen los . — , , . , , - , , . (M1 M2) , ( m0), . , . M1 M2 - 43, 25 . M1 9–11 350–400° , 2 5–7 380–420° . . Kykladen - Sikinos Naxos.

A detailed petrological analysis of the marble assemblages observed within the M2 metamorphic complex on Naxos is presented. Two distinct periods of mineral growth are documented; the first is associated with prograde M2 metamorphism and the second with retrograde M2 metamorphism occurring during ductile extensional thinning of the complex. The textural and miner-alogical characteristics and the carbon and oxygen isotope compositions of each generation are described, and the P-T-X CO 2 conditions at which these two mineral generations were stable, and the compositions of the fluids present during metamorphism are characterised. Whereas the low variance and stable isotope compositions of prograde siliceous dolomite assemblages are consistent with internally buffered fluid evolution, the retrograde mineral generation is shown to have grown as a result of the infiltration of a water-rich fluid phase that transported silica, Al2O3, Na2O and FeO into the host rocks. This observation, together with the stable isotope compositions of the retrograde calcite, and the fact that occurrences of veins of this type are limited to marbles in the highest grade areas (T>600° C) of the metamorphic complex, suggests that the fluids responsible for vein formation were generated during the crystallisation of melts as the metamorphic complex cooled from peak temperatures. The existence of this second generation of minerals has significant implications for previous studies of heat transport by fluid flow on Naxos, because many of the unusually low 18O compositions of pelites at high grades may be ascribable to the effects of interaction with retrograde M2 fluids, rather than with prograde fluids.  相似文献   

We use 369 individual U–Pb zircon ages from 14 granitoid samples collected on five islands in the Cyclades in the Aegean Sea, Greece, for constraining the crystallisation history of I- and S-type plutons above the retreating Hellenic subduction zone. Miocene magmatism in the Cyclades extended over a time span from 17 to 11 Ma. The ages for S-type granites are systematically ~2 million years older than those for I-type granites. Considering plutons individually, the zircon data define age spectra ranging from simple and unimodal to complex and multimodal. Seven of the 14 investigated samples yield more than one distinct zircon crystallisation age, with one I-type granodiorite sample from Mykonos Island representing the most complex case with three resolvable age peaks. Two samples from S-type granites on Ikaria appear to have crystallised zircon over 2–3 million years, whereas for the majority of individual samples with multiple zircon age populations the calculated ages deviate by 1–1.5 million years. We interpret our age data to reflect a protracted history involving initial partial melting at deeper lithospheric levels, followed by crystallisation and cooling at shallower crustal levels. Our study corroborates published research arguing that pluton construction is due to incremental emplacement of multiple magma pulses over a few million years. Assuming that multiple age peaks of our 14 samples can indeed serve to quantify time spans for magmatic emplacement, our data suggest that Aegean plutons were constructed over a few million years. Our tectonic interpretation of the U–Pb ages is that the S-type granites resulted from partial melting and migmatisation of the lower crust, possibly starting at ~23 Ma. The I-type granites and associated mafic melts are interpreted to reflect the magmatic arc stage in the Cyclades starting at ~15 Ma.  相似文献   

An underwater geomorphological survey along the coasts of six Cycladic islands (Sifnos, Antiparos, Paros, Naxos, Iraklia and Keros) revealed widespread evidence of seven submerged tidal notches. At least seven former shorelines were identified at depths between 280 ± 20 and 30 ± 5 cm below modern sea level. The vertical succession of several submerged notches suggests the occurrence of rapid subsidence events, potentially of seismic origin. Comparison with other sea-level indicators from Naxos and Delos islands indicates that these relative sea-level changes took place after 3300 BP and provides a rough estimate of the time of development of several submerged shorelines. The submergence of the uppermost notch at ?30 ± 5 cm is ascribed to effects of the recent global sea-level rise occurred during the last two centuries and, at least in part, to effects of recent earthquakes. Potential effects of the 1956 Amorgos earthquake with regard to coseismic and post-seismic vertical displacement have been recently investigated using a modellistic approach. According to the above, the lower shorelines should result from repetitive subsidence events and not from gradual subsidence.  相似文献   

Measurements of 40Ar/39Ar age spectra on single white mica crystals of Tertiary age is a new means of obtaining detailed geochronological information of Alpine blueschists. Internal consistency of the data set, as well as excellent agreement with previous conventional K–Ar results, demonstrates that this new technique can be used with confidence to obtain information on the thermal evolution of young metamorphic belts.As mineral grains can be dated individually with this technique, problems related to multiple generations of mica occurring side in the rock can be addressed, potentially yielding much information which cannot be obtained easily by other dating techniques. Ages decrease from 41.7±0.3 Ma in the fresh blueschists and eclogites in northern Sifnos to ca 30 Ma in the more severely overprinted greenschists of central Sifnos. It is argued that this decreasing trend appears gradual, rather than stepwise. This gradual character of the age trend is taken to indicate that it may be caused by differential uplift and cooling, rather than by tectonic juxtaposition of different rock units. In addition, the rocks of central Sifnos contain mica with a plateau age of 18.9±0.3 Ma. This latter age is younger than previous estimates for the age of greenschist overprinting, and more in line with the age of high temperature metamorphism and granite emplacement elsewhere in the Cyclades.  相似文献   

Growth of zircon with respect to that of garnet has been studied using a combination of petrography, U–Pb dating and oxygen isotope analysis. The aim is to document the mechanism and pressure–temperature conditions of zircon growth during metamorphism in order to better constrain the Tertiary metamorphic history of Naxos, Greece. Two metamorphisms are recognised: (1) an Eocene Franciscan metamorphism (M1) and (2) a widespread Miocene Barrovian metamorphism (M2) that increases from greenschist facies up to partial melting. An amphibolite sample contains zircon crystals characterised by a magmatic core and two metamorphic rims, denoted as A and B, dated at 200–270, 42–69, and 14–19 Ma, respectively. The first metamorphic rim A (δ18O = 7 ± 1‰) preserves the δ18O value of the magmatic core (6.2 ± 0.8‰), whereas rim B is characterised by higher δ18O values (7.8 ± 1.8‰). These observations indicate the formation of A rims by solid-state recrystallisation in a closed system with regard to oxygen and those of B in an open system. Compositional zoning in garnet is interpreted as the result of decompressional heating. Zircon B rims and garnet rims display similar δ18O values which indicates a contemporaneous growth of garnet and zircon rims during the Miocene Barrovian event (M2). Calcic gneiss and metapelite samples contain zircon crystals with single metamorphic overgrowths aged 41–57 Ma. δ18O values measured in zircon overgrowths (11.8 ± 1.4‰) from the calcic gneiss are similar to those measured in garnet rims (11.4 ± 1.1‰) from the same rock. This suggests that garnet rims and zircon overgrowths grew during the high pressure–low temperature event in equilibrium with prograde fluids. In the metapelite sample, δ18O values are similar in garnet cores (14.8 ± 0.2‰) and in zircon metamorphic overgrowths (14.2 ± 0.5‰). As zircon overgrowths have been dated at ca. 50 Ma by U–Pb, garnet cores and zircon overgrowths are interpreted to have grown during the high pressure event.

As demonstrated here for the island of Naxos, correlating the crystallisation of zircon with that of metamorphic index minerals such as garnet using stable isotope composition and U–Pb determination is a powerful tool for deciphering the mechanism of zircon growth and pin-pointing zircon crystallisation within the metamorphic history of a terrain. This approach is potentially hampered by an inability to verify the degree of textural equilibrium of zircon with other mineral phases, and the possible preservation (in metamorphic rims) of isotopic signatures from pre-existing zircon when they form by recrystallisation. Nevertheless, this study illustrates the application of this approach in providing key constraints on the timing and mechanism of growth of minerals important to understanding metamorphic petrogenesis.  相似文献   

Oxygen and hydrogen stable isotope ratios of eclogite-facies metagabbros and metabasalts from the Cycladic archipelago (Greece) document the scale and timing of fluid–rock interaction in subducted oceanic crust. Close similarities are found between the isotopic compositions of the high-pressure rocks and their ocean-floor equivalents. High-pressure minerals in metagabbros have low δ18O values: garnet 2.6 to 5.9‰, glaucophane 4.3 to 7.1‰; omphacite 3.5 to 6.2‰. Precursor actinolite that was formed during the hydrothermal alteration of the oceanic crust by seawater analyses at 3.7 to 6.3‰. These compositions are in the range of the δ18O values of unaltered igneous oceanic crust and high-temperature hydrothermally altered oceanic crust. In contrast, high-pressure metabasalts are characterised by 18O-enriched isotopic compositions (garnet 9.2 to 11.5‰, glaucophane 10.6 to 12.5‰, omphacite 10.2 to 12.8‰), which are consistent with the precursor basalts having undergone low-temperature alteration by seawater. D/H ratios of glaucophane and actinolite are also consistent with alteration by seawater. Remarkably constant oxygen isotope fractionations, compatible with isotopic equilibrium, are observed among high-pressure minerals, with Δglaucophane−garnet = 1.37 ± 0.24‰ and Δomphacite−garnet = 0.72 ± 0.24‰. For the estimated metamorphic temperature of 500 °C, these fractionations yield coefficients in the equation Δ = A * 106/T 2 (in Kelvin) of Aglaucophane−garnet = 0.87 ± 0.15 and Aomphacite−garnet = 0.72 ± 0.24. A fractionation of Δglaucophane–actinolite = 0.94 ± 0.21‰ is measured in metagabbros, and indicates that isotopic equilibrium was established during the metamorphic reaction in which glaucophane formed at the expense of actinolite. The preservation of the isotopic compositions of gabbroic and basaltic oceanic crust and the equilibrium fractionations among minerals shows that high-pressure metamorphism occurred at low water/rock ratios. The isotopic equilibrium is only observed at hand-specimen scale, at an outcrop scale isotopic compositional differences occur among adjacent rocks. This heterogeneity reflects metre-scale compositional variations that developed during hydrothermal alteration by seawater and were subsequently inherited by the high-pressure metamorphic rocks. Received: 4 January 1999 / Accepted: 7 July 1999  相似文献   

High‐P rocks such as eclogite and blueschist are metamorphic markers of palaeo‐subduction zones, and their formation at high‐P and low‐T (HP–LT) conditions is relatively well understood since it has been the focus of numerous petrological investigations in the past 40 years. The tectonic mechanisms controlling their exhumation back to the surface are, however, diverse, complex and still actively debated. Although the Cycladic Blueschist Unit (CBU, Greece) is among the best worldwide examples for the preservation of eclogite and blueschist, the proposed P–T evolution followed by this unit within the Hellenic subduction zone is quite different from one study to another, hindering the comprehension of exhumation processes. In this study, we present an extensive petrological data set that permits refinement of the shape of the P–T trajectory for different subunits of the CBU on Syros. High‐resolution quantitative compositional mapping has been applied to support the thermobarometric investigations, which involve semi‐empirical thermobarometry, garnet equilibrium modelling and P–T isochemical phase diagrams. The thermodynamic models highlight the powerful use of reactive bulk compositions approximated from local bulk compositions. The results are also combined with Raman spectrometry of carbonaceous material (RSCM) to retrieve the metamorphic peak temperature distribution at the scale of the island. A major result of this study is the good agreement between all the independent thermobarometric methods, permitting reconstruction of the prograde and retrograde P–T trajectories. Garnet compositional zoning was used to retrieve prograde, peak and retrograde growth stages in line with the results of the P–T isochemical phase diagrams, RSCM temperature and peak‐pressure crystallization of the garnet–omphacite–phengite assemblage. Our results are consistent with previous thermobarometric estimates from other occurrences of CBU rocks (Tinos, Andros), suggesting a multistage exhumation process with (1) early syn‐orogenic exhumation within the subduction channel, (2) isobaric heating at mid‐crustal depths (~10–12 kbar) following thermal re‐equilibration of the lithosphere from a cold syn‐orogenic regime in the subduction zone to a warmer post‐orogenic regime in the back‐arc domain and (3) exhumation and cooling related to a post‐orogenic phase of extension following slab retreat. Expanding to the general aspects of subduction zones, we suggest that such metamorphic evolution of HP–LT units should be regarded as a characteristic feature of exhumation driven by slab rollback.  相似文献   

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