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A relatively simple indentation technique for the rapid measurement of fracture surface energy, , of small samples is described. The reliability of this technique is assessed by testing soda-lime glass for which there are good independent fracture mechanics determinations of fracture surface energy. The indentation technique gives a value for of 4.33 J m–2 which compares favourably with the accepted value of 3.8 J m–2. Fracture surface energies of the {010} and {001} cleavage planes of single crystal olivine (modal composition Fo88Fa12) are then determined and compared with theoretical estimates of the thermodynamic surface energy, , calculated from atomistic parameters ( is equal to in the absence of dissipative processes during crack extension). The experimental values for {010} and {001} are respectively 0.98 J m–2 and 1.26 J m–2. The calculated values of {010} and {001} are respectively in the range from 0.37 J m–2 to 8.63 J m–2 and 12.06 J m–2. The particular advantages of the indentation technique for the study of the fracture surface energies of geological materials are outlined.  相似文献   

Using the FLOWGO thermo-rheological model we have determined cooling-limited lengths of channel-fed (i.e. a) lava flows from Mauna Loa. We set up the program to run autonomously, starting lava flows from every 4th line and sample in a 30-m spatial-resolution SRTM DEM within regions corresponding to the NE and SW rift zones and the N flank of the volcano. We consider that each model run represents an effective effusion rate, which for an actual flow coincides with it reaching 90% of its total length. We ran the model at effective effusion rates ranging from 1 to 1,000 m3 s–1, and determined the cooling-limited channel length for each. Keeping in mind that most flows extend 1–2 km beyond the end of their well-developed channels and that our results are non-probabilistic in that they give all potential vent sites an equal likelihood to erupt, lava coverage results include the following: SW rift zone flows threaten almost all of Mauna Loas SW flanks, even at effective effusion rates as low as 50 m3 s–1 (the average effective effusion rate for SW rift zone eruptions since 1843 is close to 400 m3 s–1). N flank eruptions, although rare in the recent geologic record, have the potential to threaten much of the coastline S of Keauhou with effective effusion rates of 50–100 m3 s–1, and the coast near Anaehoomalu if effective effusion rates are 400–500 m3 s–1 (the 1859 a flow reached this coast with an effective effusion rate of 400 m3 s–1). If the NE rift zone continues to be active only at elevations >2,500 m, in order for a channel-fed flow to reach Hilo the effective effusion rate needs to be 400 m3 s–1 (the 1984 flow by comparison, had an effective effusion rate of 200 m3 s–1). Hilo could be threatened by NE rift zone channel-fed flows with lower effective effusion rates but only if they issue from vents at 2,000 m or lower. Populated areas on Mauna Loas SE flanks (e.g. Phala), could be threatened by SW rift zone eruptions with effective effusion rates of 100 m3 s–1.Editorial responsibility: J Donnelly-Nolan  相似文献   

Ground tilt measurements demonstrate that Askja is in a state of unrest, and that in the period 1988–1991 a maximum 48±3 rad tilt occurred down towards the centre of the caldera. This is consistent with 126 mm of deflation at the centre of the caldera with a 2.5–3.0 km depth to the source of deformation. The volume of the subsidence bowl is 6.2x106 m3. When combined with high precision microgravity measurements, the overall change in sub-surface mass may be quantified. After correction for the observed elevation change using the free air gradient of gravity measured for each station, the total decrease in mass is estimated to be less than 109 kg. A small residual ground inflation and net gravity increase in the southeastern part of the caldera may be caused by dyke intrusion in this region. The minimum dimensions of such an intrusion or complex of intrusions are 1 m width, up to 100 m deep and up to several hundred metres thick.  相似文献   

This paper provides a complete generalization of the classic result that the radius of curvature () of a charged-particle trajectory confined to the equatorial plane of a magnetic dipole is directly proportional to the cube of the particles equatorial distance () from the dipole (i.e. 3). Comparable results are derived for the radii of curvature of all possible planar chargedparticle trajectories in an individual static magnetic multipole of arbitrary order m and degree n. Such trajectories arise wherever there exists a plane (or planes) such that the multipole magnetic field is locally perpendicular to this plane (or planes), everywhere apart from possibly at a set of magnetic neutral lines. Therefore planar trajectories exist in the equatorial plane of an axisymmetric (m = 0), or zonal, magnetic multipole, provided n is odd: the radius of curvature varies directly as n=2. This result reduces to the classic one in the case of a zonal magnetic dipole (n = 1). Planar trajectories exist in 2m meridional planes in the case of the general tesseral (0 < m < n) magnetic multipole. These meridional planes are defined by the 2m roots of the equation cos[m()–nm)] = 0, where nm = (1/m) arctan (hnm/gnm); gnm and hnm denote the spherical harmonic coefficients. Equatorial planar trajectories also exist if (nm) is odd. The polar axis ( = O,) of a tesseral magnetic multipole is a magnetic neutral line if m > I. A further 2m(nm) neutral lines exist at the intersections of the 2m meridional planes with the (nm) cones defined by the (nm) roots of the equation Pnm(cos ) = 0 in the range 0 < 9 < , where Pnm(cos ) denotes the associated Legendre function. If (nm) is odd, one of these cones coincides with the equator and the magnetic field is then perpendicular to the equator everywhere apart from the 2m equatorial neutral lines. The radius of curvature of an equatorial trajectory is directly proportional to n=2 and inversely proportional to cos[m(–)]. Since this last expression vanishes at the 2m equatorial neutral ines, the radius of curvature becomes infinitely large as the particle approaches any one of these neutral lines. The radius of curvature of a meridional trajectory is directly proportional to rn+2, where r denotes radial distance from the multiple, and inversely proportional to Pnm(cos )/sin . Hence the radius of curvature becomes infinitely large if the particle approaches the polar magnetic neutral ine (m > 1) or any one of the 2m(nm) neutral ines located at the intersections of the 2m meridional planes with the (nm) cones. Illustrative particle trajectories, derived by stepwise numerical integration of the exact equations of particle motion, are pressented for low-degree (n 3) magnetic multipoles. These computed particle trajectories clearly demonstrate the non-adiabatic scattering of charged particles at magnetic neutral lines. Brief comments are made on the different regions of phase space defined by regular and irregular trajectories.Also Visiting Reader in Physics, University of Sussex, Falmer, Brighton, BN1 9QH, UK  相似文献   

Chlorophyll pigments (CHL), primary productivity (PP) and particulate nitrogen (Np) in relation to several environmental factors were monitored during planktonic colonization of an aquaculture pond (Layo, Côte d'Ivoire). How interactions between the organisms are established in an initially azoic environment were investigated. From March, 15 (D1) to March, 31 (D16), the system transformation went through three stages. First, a precolonization by heterotrophic microbial community from D1 to D2 (Np < 1 m maximum at D2: 243 mg m–2; CHL around 0). Then, a pioneer microalgal community developped from D3 to D7 (maximum CHL on D6: 19 mg m–2; PP: 1.0 g C m–2 d–1) with a significant contribution of picoplankton (CHL and PP < 3 m: 33 and 23% of the total, respectively). Finally, a second microalgal colonization was noticed from D9 to D12 (maximum CHL: 55 mg m–2, PP: 2.8 g C m–2 d–1), largely dominated by nanoplankton (CHL and PP > 3 m: 95 and 99% of the total, respectively). Overall, photosynthetic activity appeared to be closely linked to algal biomass. The study of autotrophic biomass and activity in different size classes in relation to the other parameters allowed us to precise the origin of the biomass fluctuations. The first bloom appeared to be controlled by selective grazing on small algae. The second algal development ended when N requirement represented at least 69% of N supply (in the N — NH4 form). This control was enhanced by the appearance of rotifers, leading to a more complex equilibrium.  相似文献   

Summary Airborne particulate matter was sampled at Mt. Cimone, Italy, to determine the size distribution of black spherules in the 1–5 diameter range. The magnetic fraction of airborne particulate matter was separated by forcing air through a strong magnetic sampling device, where ferromagnetic particles accumulated on microscope slides.Sizes of the black spherules were determined by counting under a microscope. Samples were dissolved and analyzed for iron content. Distribution was found to be in agreement with that of deep-sea sediment and satellite high atmosphere samples. The rate of terrestrial accretion of cosmic matter composed of black spherules appears to be approximately 10–15 g cm–2 sec–1.  相似文献   

The authors conducted a Rn222 survey in wells of the Larderello geothermal field (Italy) and observed considerable variations in concentrations. Simple models show that flow-rate plays an important part in the Rn222 content of each well, as it directly affects the fluid transit time in the reservoirs. Rn222 has been sampled from two wells of the Serrazzano area during flow-rate drawdown tests. The apparent volume of the steam reservoir of each of these two wells has been estimated from the Rn222 concentration versus flow-rate curves.List of symbols Q Flow-rate (kg h–1) - Decay constant of Rn222 (=7.553×10–3 h–1) - Porosity of the reservoir (volume of fluid/volume of rock) - 1 Density of the fluid in the reservoir (kg m–3) - 2 Density of the rock in the reservoir (kg m–3) - M Stationary mass of fluid filling the reservoir (kg). - E Emanating power of the rock in the reservoir (nCi kg rock –1 h–1). - P Production rate of Rn222 in the reservoir: number of atoms of Rn222 (divided by 1.764×107) transferred by the rock to the mass unit of fluid per unit time (nCi kg fluid –1 h–1). - N Specific concentration of Rn222 in the fluid (nCi kg–1) - Characteristic time of the steam reservoir at maximum flow-rate (=M/Q)  相似文献   

Summary A comparison has been made between the Townsend primary ionization coefficient, , for dry air and for air with humidities typical of those in the atmosphere. is defined as the number of new electrons produced by an electron per centimeter of drift in a field. A range of field/pressure ratios,E/p 0, of 40 to 100 V (cm torr)–1 was employed. The variation of with humidity is very small.Over the range ofE/p 0 from 50 to 100 V (cm torr)–1, the secondary ionization coefficient, , of a water surface has been found from sparking potential data to be typically 2×10–4. represents the fraction of primary ionizing collisions that ultimately result in the production of additional electrons at the surface.  相似文献   

Height distribution of the stratospheric aerosol extinction coefficient was measured in the altitude range 10 to 20 km by a balloon-borne multi-color sunphotometer in May 1978. It is demonstrated that detailed structures of the distribution of stratospheric aerosol can be remotely measured by the solar occultation method as well as by lidar andin situ particle counter observations. In the aerosol layer appearing at 18 km altitude the extinction coefficient at 800–1000 nm wavelength reached to 3×10–7 m–1, which was reasonable compared with lidar observations. Wavelength dependence of the aerosol optical depth was crudely estimated to be proportional to –1.5.  相似文献   

Summary In adjusting measured values in sets A(r*), v(r*) and f(r*) by means of a power function in the form of P=Kr* a region of discontinuity of the approximating curves was found at the distance r*11.5 m kg –1/3. It is assumed that this discontinuity was caused by the varying character of the source of seismic waves. For scaled distances r*>11.5 m kg –1/3 the explosion was considered to be a spherical source from the point of view of the charge geometry and of the distance of the pick-up from the centre of the charge, whereas if r*<11.5 m kg –1/3 the explosion in the borehole had the character of a cylindrical source. The difference of the two types of sources was reflected in the exponent with both the functions A(r*) and v(r*), so that for r*>11.5 m kg –1/3 –4.0 and–2.4, and for r*<11.5 m kg –1/3 –2.5 and–1.5. For the same intervals of scaled distance in the set f(r*)1.4 and1.2.  相似文献   

During 1986 planktonic primary production and controlling factors were investigated in a small (A0 = 11.8 · 103 m2, Zmax = 11.5 m) meromictic kettle lake (Mittlerer Buchensee). Annual phytoplankton productivity was estimated to ca 120 gC · m–2 · a–1 (1,42 tC · lake–1 · a–1). The marked thermal stratification of the lake led to irregular vertical distributions of chlorophylla concentrations (Chla) and, to a minor extent, of photosynthesis (Az). Between the depths of 0 to 6 m low Chla concentrations (< 7 mg · m–3) and comparatively high background light attenuation (kw = 0,525 m–1, 77% of total attenuation due to gelbstoff and abioseston) was found. As a consequence, light absorption by algae was low (mean value 17,4%) and self-shading was absent.Because of the small seasonal variation of Chla concentrations, no significant correlation between Chla and areal photosynthesis (A) was observed. Only in early summer (June–July) biomass appears to influence the vertical distribution of photosynthesis on a bigger scale. Around 8 m depth, low-light adapted algae and phototrophic bacteria formed dense layers. Due to low ambient irradiances, the contribution of these organisms to total primary productivity was small. Primary production and incident irradiance were significantly correlated with each other (r2 = 0.68). Although the maximum assimilation number (Popt) showed a clear dependence upon water temperature (Q10 = 2.31), the latter was of minor importance to areal photosynthesis.  相似文献   

Geopotential values W of the mean equipotential surfaces representing the mean ocean topography were computed on the basis of four years (1993 - 1996) TOPEX/POSEIDON altimeter data: W = 62 636 854.10m 2 s –2 for the Pacific (P), W = 62 636 858.20m 2 s –2 for the Atlantic (A), W = 62 636 856.28m 2s–2 for the Indian (I) Oceans. The corresponding mean separations between the ocean levels were obtained as follows: A – P = – 42 cm, I– P = – 22 cm, I – A = 20 cm, the rms errors came out at about 0.3 cm. No sea surface topography model was used in the solution.  相似文献   

The results of seismic measurements along the deep seismic sounding profile VII and terrestrial heat flow measurements used for construction of heat generation models for the crust in the Paleozoic Platform region, the Sudetic Mountains (Variscan Internides) and the European Precambrian Platform show considerable differences in mantle heat flow and temperatures. At the base of the crust variations from 440–510°C in the models of Precambrian Platform to 700–820°C for the Paleozoic Platform and the Variscan Internides (Sudets) are found. These differences are associated with considerable mantle heat flow variations.The calculated models show mantle heat flow of about 8.4–12.6 mW m–2 for the Precambrian Platform and 31 mW m–2 to 40.2 mW m–2 for Paleozoic orogenic areas. The heat flow contribution originating from crustal radioactivity is almost the same for the different tectonic units (from 33.5 mW m–2 to 37.6 mW m–2). Considerable physical differences in the lower crust and upper mantle between the Precambrian Platform and the adjacent areas, produced by lateral temperature variations, could be expected. On the basis of carbon ratio data it can be concluded that the Carboniferous paleogeothermal gradient was much lower in the Precambrian Platform area than in the Paleozoic Platform region.  相似文献   

Summary The surface thermal flux of the continental margins of the northwestern Mediterranean Sea is interpreted on the basis of a 1-D instantaneous pure shear stretching model of the lithosphere in terms of three components: the background heat flowing out from the asthenosphere (38 mW m–2), the transient contribution depending on the rift age and extension amount (35 mW m–2 at the most), and the contribution due to the radiogenic elements of the lithosphere. The radiogenic component is estimated at the continental margins of the Ligurian-Provençal basin and Valencia trough, and in the surrounding mainland areas by means of available data of surface heat generation from Variscan Corsica, Maures-Estérel and the Central Massif along with a geophysical-petrological relationship between heat production and seismic velocity. The lithosphere radiogenic heat contribution ql decreases with the thinning factor according to the exponential law: ql() = a exp(-b), in which factor b is greater for that part of the lithosphere below the uppermost 10 km. Considering also the heat generated by radioactive isotopes in sediments, the stable Variscan lithosphere produces an average thermal flux of 30 mW m–2 which decreases by about one half where the lithosphere is thinned by one third. Although the surface heat generation is 2·1 – 3·3 µW m–3 in the Maures-Estérel massif — excepting small outcrops of dioritic rocks with lower heat production — and 1·8 µW m–3 for most of Corsica, the radiogenic heating within the lithosphere for such areas is nearly the same and does not explain the higher heat flux of the Corsica margin. This asymmetric thermal pattern with surface heat flux which is 10 – 15 mW m–2 higher than predictions is probably of upper mantle origin, or can be ascribed to penetrative magmatism.  相似文献   

Summary In Northern Bohemia 33 research flights were made during which concentration of giant condensation chloride nuclei was measured up to a height of 3,500 m above the earth's surface. Chloride particles were determined by traces left by them in a sheet of gelatine with silver nitrate (Liesegang circles). The actual size of the particles was obtained by comparison of particles of a known size, falling in a sedimentation tube, with images in the sensitive sheet, and the result was adapted to the analysis of samples during the flight. For each level at which a sample was exposed the spectrum of the sizes of nuclei was determined. During the year the average concentration of the giant chloride nuclei at a height of 100 m above the earth was 7.3×10–3 cm–3. At greater heights concentration of the nuclei decreased successively, so that at 2,000 m it was only 0.3×10–3 cm–3 and above the level of 3,000 m the nuclei occurred sporadically, on the whole. Under the influence of atmospheric exchange the concentration of the nuclei in the boundary layer up to 1,000 m above the earth's surface changes considerably both during the day and during the year. The highest concentration occurs at a height of several hundred metres above the earth in the winter month, at the morning and evening hours, i.e. during a more stable temperature lapse rate. From the established concentrations of the nuclei relation between the turbulent diffusion coefficient and the height above the earth was determined. Its average value during the year increases up to a height of 300 to 400 m above the earth. Above this level it decreases roughly according to the relation ofKz –6/7. The exponent changes not only with temperature stratification (with the time of day and year), but also with the average wind speed. For sodium-chloride particles of 2.5 in diameter the maximum value of turbulent diffusion coefficient (at level of 400 m), reaches about 18×103 cm2 sec–1 while the minimum value is about 5×103 cm2 sec–1 (above 2,000 m).  相似文献   

In southern British Columbia the terrestrial heat flow is low (44 mW m–2) to the west of the Coast Plutonic Complex (CPC), average in CPC (50–60 mW m–2),and high to the east(80–90 mW m–2). The average heat flow in CPC and the low heat generation (less than 1 W m–3) indicate that a relatively large amount of heat flows upwards into the crust which is generally quite cool. Until two million years ago the Explorer plate underthrust this part of the American plate, carrying crustal material into the mantle. Melted crustal rocks have produced the inland Pemberton and Garibaldi volcanic belts in the CPC.Meager Mountain, a volcanic complex in the CPC 150 km north of Vancouver, is a possible geothermal energy resource. It is the product of intermittent activity over a period of 4 My, the most recent eruption being the Bridge River Ash 2440 y B.P. The original explosive eruption produced extensive fracturing in the granitic basement, and a basal explosion breccia from the surface of a cold brittle crust. This breccia may be a geothermal reservoir. Other volcanic complexes in the CPC have a similar potential for geothermal energy.Earth Physics Contribution No. 704.  相似文献   

Nitric oxide concentration in the upper D-region is estimated by comparing empirically derived ratios of Lyman- and X-ray contributions to the total radio-wave absorption (2775 kHz. A3 method) in medium latitudes with model ratios. Typical NO concentrations are about 8.5×1013 m–3, at 90 km and 6.5×1013 m–3 at 78 km. These values are higher than generally accepted model NO concentrations, but lie within the broad range of experimental values.  相似文献   

Zusammenfassung Es werden die Grundgleichungen der Ionisations-Neutralisationsbilanz in derE-Schicht präzisiert und auf die Notwendigkeit der Berücksichtigung des Einflusses der lokalen ionisierenden Strahlungsquellen auf der Sonnenscheibe, der dynamischen ionosphärischen Vorgängen und der Veränderungen des äquivalenten Rekombinationskoeffizienten hingewiesen. Ferner wird eine Methodik zur Bestimmung der charakteristischen Grössen der Ionisations-Rekombinationsbilanz (q 0m ,q d, ) dargelegt. Zu dem Zweck werden die Messergebnisse aus der Periode der Sonnenfinsternis von zwei unweit voneinander gelegenen Ionosphärenstationen verwendet. Die Methodik wird auf die während der totalen Sonnenfinsternis am 15. Februar 1961 auf den Ionosphärenstationen in Sofia und Nesebar erhaltenen Ergebnisse angewandt. Für den Rekombinationskoeffizienten werden Werte zwischen 0,63·10–7 cm3sec–1 und 2,32·10–7 cm3sec–1 und für die Elektronenproduktion unter dem Einfluss der ionisierenden Strahlung von der homogenen Sonnenscheibeq 0m 1700 cm–3sec–1 erhalten.
Summary The basic equations for the ionisation-neutralisation balance in theE layer have been shown the necessity to take in account the influence of the local ionisation sources on the disk of the sun, the dynamic ionospheric processes and the variations in the equivalent recombination coefficient. The method for determining the characteristic quantities of the ionisation-recombination balance (q 0m ,q d, ) has been exhibited for this purpose are used measurement data from two ionospheric stations located not far from each other, in the period of the solar eclips on 15 February, 1961. The quantity of the recombination coefficient lay between 0.63×10–7 sec–1 cm3 and 2.32×10–7 sec–1 cm3; the electron production under the action of the ionising radiation of the homogen disk showsq 0m 1700 sec–1 cm–3.

The deep oil exploration drillings in Denmark have shown that especially the Danish Embayment contains low enthalpy geothermal resources associated with warm aquifers. The most promising reservoirs have been found in highly permeable Upper Triassic sand and sandstone beds, which cover at least 5000 km2 at depths of 2000–3000 m and at temperatures of 60–100°C. The porosity of the main reservoir is of 15–25%, and the permeability is presumed to be approximately 1 darcy (10–12 m2) or higher. A layer thickness of 30–60 m has been observed on a number of localities. Also the Middle Jurassic and the Lower Triassic contain reservoirs of interest. A major geothermal exploration work is planned with seismic investigations, drillings to depths of 2000–4000 m and probably establishment of pilot district heating plants.  相似文献   

The theoretical aspects of the transfer of angular momentum between atmosphere and Earth are treated with particular emphasis on analytical solutions. This is made possible by the consequent usage of spherical harmonics of low degree and by the development of large-scale atmospheric dynamics in terms of orthogonal wave modes as solutions of Laplace's tidal equations.An outline of the theory of atmospheric ultralong planetary waves is given leading to analytical expressions for the meridional and height structure of such waves. The properties of the atmospheric boundary layer, where the exchange of atmospheric angular momentum with the solid Earth takes place, are briefly reviewed. The characteristic coupling time is the Ekman spin-down time of about one week.The axial component of the atmospheric angular momentum (AAM), consisting of a pressure loading component and a zonal wind component, can be described by only two spherical functions of latitude : the zonal harmonicP 2 0 (), responsible for pressure loading, and the spherical functionP 1 1 () simulating supperrotation of the zonal wind. All other wind and pressure components merely redistributeAAM internally such that their contributions toAAM disappear if averaged over the globe. It is shown that both spherical harmonics belong to the meridional structure functions of the gravest symmetric Rossby-Haurwitz wave (0, –1)*. This wave describes retrograde rotation of the atmosphere within the tropics (the tropical easterlies), while the gravest symmetric external wave mode (0, –2) is responsible for the westerlies at midlatitudes. Applying appropriate lower boundary conditions and assuming that secular angular momentum exchange between solid Earth and atmosphere disappears, the sum of both waves leads to an analytical solution of the zonal mean flow which roughly simulates the observed zonal wind structure as a function of latitude and height. This formalism is used as a basis for a quantitative discussion of the seasonal variations of theAAM within the troposphere and middle atmosphere.Atmospheric excitation of polar motion is due to pressure loading configurations, which contain the antisymmetric functionP 2 1 () exp(i) of zonal wavenumberm=1, while the winds must have a superrotation component in a coordinate system with the polar axis within the equator. The Rossby-Haurwitz wave (1, –3)* can simulate well the atmospheric excitation of the observed polar motion of all periods from the Chandler wobble down to normal modes with periods of about 10 days. Its superrotation component disappears so that only pressure loading contributes to polar motion.The solar gravitational semidiurnal tidal force acting on the thermally driven atmospheric solar semidiurnal tidal wave can accelerate the rotation rat of the Earth by about 0.2 ms per century. It is speculated that the viscous-like friction of the geomagnetic field at the boundary between magnetosphere and solar wind may be responsible for the westward drift of the dipole component of the internal geomagnetic field. Electromagnetic or mechanical coupling between outer core and mantle may then contribute to a decrease of the Earth's rotation rate.  相似文献   

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