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The first comparative paleolithochemical characteristics of Early Precambrian ferruginous-siliceous formations of the East European Craton confined to four stratigraphic levels—Lower Archean, Upper Archean (Lopian), Lower Karelian, and Upper Karelian—are presented. Using the MINLITH method and software package for lithochemical calculations, the possible primary composition of metasedimentary rocks is reconstructed and paleogeographic settings of sedimentation are suggested. It is shown that different age formations represented initially lithogenetic groups with different compositions and quantitative relationships between the major types of sedimentary rocks with gradual transitions and genetic affinity. They accumulated in paleotectonic and facies settings that were specific for each stage of iron ore sedimentation, resulting in the development of four genetic (Bug, Algoma, Okolovo, and Lake Superior) types of ferruginous-siliceous formations.  相似文献   

The climatic impact on the formation of fine-grained rocks from the Riphean stratotype and Vendian Asha Group on the western slope of the South Urals during the time interval lasting approximately 1200 Ma is considered. It is shown that these rocks are largely represented by “tectonosilicate-dominated” shales. This feature combined with changes in the average K2O/Al2O3 values disavows the hypothesis in (Kennedy et al., 2006), according to which the growth of free oxygen concentration in the Late Riphean and Vendian atmosphere was determined by gradual intensification of the organic carbon extraction from the biosphere by clays. The average values of the hydrolyzate module, chemical index of alteration (CIA), and several lithogeochemical parameters calculated for the Riphean and Vendian clayey rocks provide grounds for the conclusion that intensity of weathering in paleodrainage areas during the accumulation of the Upper Precambrian sedimentary successions was low. The curve reflecting changes of the average CIA values in the Upper Precambrian fine-grained siliciclastic rocks of the South Urals is similar to some extent with the “standard” CIAcorrect. curve (GonzalezAlvarez and Kerrich, 2012). It is assumed that changes in microand macrobiotic communities during the Late Precambrian were controlled to a variable extent by climate fluctuations as well. At the same time, these fluctuations most likely left the chemical composition of water in the ocean virtually unchanged, which is evident from analysis of the redox conditions in the ocean and the distribution of primary producers with the average CIAcorrect. and CIA values.  相似文献   

In northwest Argentina, weakly metamorphic clastic and calcareous sedimentary rocks of latest Precambrian to Lower Cambrian age (Puncoviscana Formation and related units) contain an abundant ichnofauna of both chronostratigraphic and paleoenvironmental value. In the western and central Sierras Pampeanas, metasedimentary and metavolcanic rocks are considered to form part of the same geotectonic unit. This “Pampean orogenic cycle” includes geosynclinal sedimentation of latest Precambrian to Lower Cambrian age, as well as magmatism, metamorphism and deformation of Middle to Upper Cambrian age, documented by an angular unconformity below the Upper Cambrian to Devonian rocks of the “Famatinian orogenic cycle”. In some of the metamorphic rocks of the Pampean Cycle a pre-Ordovician folding is also distinguished from a later tectonic overprinting. Hence, the concept of a Pampean cycle differs from other concepts of late Precambrian orogenic cycles of South America which are only defined by radiometric ages. The Pampean orogenesis may be compared with the Ross orogenesis of the Transantarctic Mts., the Tyennan orogenesis of Australia and some of the deformation phases of the Damara orogen in Namibia.  相似文献   

INTRODUCTIONTheUpperProterozoicglacigrnousrocksarewidelydistributedinthesoutheasternmarginoftheYangtzeplatformandaflpreservedinHunan,Hubei,GulhouandGuanghProvince.PreviousbarkontheSestudhasbeendonebyLuetal.(1985)andLiuetal.(1991).TheysUggeStedthatthesegladgenousrockscanbeusedasbarkersforhighresolutionstratigl'aphiccoagulationfromcontinenttocontinent,andadoptedtheconceptofPrecambrianglobaliceagepearland,1900.ReCentresea~showthattheSestudhaveah~useaschronostratigraphicmarkers.InrejeC…  相似文献   

Precambrian rocks, ranging in age from probable Archaean to Upper Proterozoic, crop out over an area of 25,000 square miles in north-western Queensland. They fall into four large divisions, separated by major unconformities. Little is known of the history of the Archaean rocks, which are believed to include altered acid lavas, schists, gneisses and migmatite. The Lower Proterozoic strata form part of an orogenic belt. The Lower Proterozoic lower sequence is rich in altered acid and basic lavas. It has a maximum thickness of not less than 40,000 feet and was strongly deformed by east-west pressure and probably intruded by granite before the Lower Proterozoic upper sequence was deposited. Sediments form the bulk of the Lower Proterozoic upper sequence; these accumulated most thickly to the west and north-west of the core of lower sequence belt, but overlie lower sequence strata. The greatest thickness of sediments is at least 40,000 feet. The sequence was deformed by a renewal of east-west compressive stresses, accompanied by granite emplacement. Folding is strong to moderate, but lacks well-defined linearity in the west of the outcrop area.Upper Proterozoic sediments and lavas accumulated mainly in the west and north-west of the region. They are gently to moderately folded on west to north-west axes.The Precambrian in north-western Queensland, excluding the Camooweal Dolomite, crops out over about 25,000 square miles. Systematic field work was started by joint teams of the Commonwealth Bureau of Mineral Resources and the Geological Survey of Queensland in 1950.Reconnaissance mapping of the region was completed in 1954 but check work and more detailed mapping of areas of economic interest are still in progress. Maps are being prepared at a scale of 1 inch to 4 miles (1: 253,440) and a report on the area is being written (Carter andBrooks, in preparation). The Camooweal Dolomite, of Upper Proterozoic or Lower Cambrian age, is not included. Its stratigraphic and palaeographic position is discussed byNoakes (1956).The reconstruction of the geological history of the region presented below is an interpretation of the data obtained. The evidence is not sufficiently complete to enable a unique interpretation to be made of all aspects of the region's history. In particular the history of granite intrusion has not yet been completely unravelled.Paper published by permission of the Secretary, Department of National Development.  相似文献   

赣东北前寒武纪岩浆混合作用岩带的发现及其地质意义   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
李昌年 《地学前缘》1999,6(4):331-337
在总结新近发现的赣北前寒武纪岩浆混合岩带地质特征的基础上,从地质学、岩相学和同位素地球化学的角度,论证了发生于这一特殊地质时期和地质背景下的岩浆混合作用。文中将该作用形成的岩浆混合杂岩体有效地分解为:(1) 偏酸性端员的岩浆岩( 角闪石英正长岩、石英正长岩) ;(2) 基性端员岩浆岩( 玄武玢岩、玄武安山玢岩) 和(3) 岩浆混合岩,后者又可分为非均一岩浆混合岩和均一岩浆混合岩( 如石英二长闪长岩) 。阐明该岩浆混合作用是新元古期我国东南地区江南古洋向扬子古陆俯冲消减这一构造演化的重要物质表现;示踪该地区于中元古期(148 ~185 Ga) 经历了一次与全球范围一致的壳 幔分离事件和新元古期(085 Ga) 亏损地幔与大洋沉积物在源区混合的事件;确认该地区前寒武纪的岩浆混合作用和岩浆侵入作用实际上是一个连续的岩浆作用序列,并且两者受近南北向挤压的同一应力场条件所制约  相似文献   

The Blazna-Guset mining area is located in the Rodna Mountains, Eastern Carpathians, North Romania. It is mostly covered by the metamorphic rocks of the Rebra Series (Upper Precambrian; K/Ar dating gave 800 m.y.). The middle part of this series — called the Carbonate Formation — contains lead-zinc pyrite ores hosted by prevailingly carbonate rocks. The ores form flat and thin lenses occurring together with fine intercalations of silicate-, graphite- and quartz-bearing rocks within the calcite-dominated limestones. Pyrite, ironpoor sphalerite and galena are the main ore minerals. Chalcopyrite, pyrrhotite and magnetite also occur in small amounts. Within the highly deformed and partly recrystallized parts of the ore bodies bournonite, arsenopyrite and pearceitepolybasite were locally encountered. Ba, Ti and Mn are the most significant ore-accompanying elements.  相似文献   

Examinations of Grenville massifs in the Blue Ridge Geologic Province of Virginia and North Carolina indicate that the country rocks (∼ 1100–1450 Ma) are layered gneisses that were metamorphosed during Grenville orogenesis (∼ 1000–1100 Ma) to amphibolite to granulite facies and intruded by plutonic suites. Subsequently, the Grenville terrane was intruded by a suite of peralkaline granitic plutons (∼ 700 Ma) and progressively overlapped westward by Upper Precambrian to Cambrian sedimentary and volcanic rocks. Following deposition of Upper Precambrian and Palaeozoic rocks, the Blue Ridge Geologic Province was subjected to Taconic metamorphism (∼ 450–480 Ma) which generally increased in intensity southeastward from greenschist (chlorite grade) to upper amphibolite (sillimanite grade) facies. Large-scale late Devonian thrusting (∼ 350 Ma) along the Fries fault system and the Brevard zone-Yadkin fault system produced the present day distribution of juxtaposed Grenville massifs and Palaeozoic metamorphic zones in the Blue Ridge Geologic Province. Palinspastic restoration of the Taconic metamorphic zones to their pre-late Devonian relative positions yields an ∼ 50 km displacement on the Fries fault system near the Grandfather Mountain window and and an ∼ 80 km displacement on the Smith River allochthon farther east. Restoration of the Grenville massifs to this same palinspastic base shows that Grenville metamorphic grade decreased southeastward from the deeper granulite facies (opx + gar) to the shallower granulite facies (opx ± amp) to amphibolite facies.  相似文献   

At some time prior to the Ptychagnostus gibbus Zone of the Middle Cambrian the area of deposition of Upper Precambrian (or Lower Cambrian) well‐sorted sands, silts and dolomite was affected by tectonic movements producing uplift of the Tyennan Geanticline and change in the shape of the depositional basin (Spry, Chapter I). Continued tectonic activity and more rapid sinking of the sea floor resulted in a change in sedimentary association from well‐sorted sediments of the orthoquartzite‐limestone suite to poorly sorted sediments of the greywacke suite. Initially siltstone was the main deposit in the Dundas, Huskisson River, Ulverstone, Deloraine and Beaconsfield areas and this has been likened to the initial euxinic phase of geosynclinical development elsewhere (Campana, 1961b).

Silt seems to have been the predominant normal deposit during the Middle and early Upper Cambrian, but siliceous oozes and some limestone were also formed. Carbonaceous, pyritic and calcareous silts were deposited. Inter‐bedded with the silts are poorly‐sorted greywackes and greywacke conglomerates with a disrupted framework and graded bedding. Banks and Jennings interpret these as mostly turbidity current deposits. The proportion of greywacke and conglomerate varies through the successions in a cyclic manner (Carey and Banks, 1954; Banks, 1956) such that a conglomerate‐rich section is followed by a greywacke‐rich section and this by a predominantly lutaceous section. These cycles may be interpreted as due to tectonic instability and variation in height of the source area. Faulting of Upper Middle Cambrian and Lower Dresbachian age has been demonstrated near Ulverstone. Campana and King state: “The proportion of coarse material increases upwards in the Dundas and Huskisson successions at least.”

Turbidity currents brought fragments of grey, red, black and banded cherts, banded slate, quartzite, basalt and golden mica (this last presumably from breakdown of Precambrian mica schist) to the Dundas area. In view of the known distribution of chert in western Tasmania a westerly or north‐westerly source is likely. Turbidity currents deposited fragments of chert, claystone, quartzite, slate, greywacke, quartz mica schist, chloritised basic lava and spilite in the Deloraine area indicating a source area with Precambrian rocks and earlier Cambrian sediments and lavas. Near Rocky Boat Harbour the source area contained dolomite, ultrabasic rocks, granite, and Precambrian quartzites and schists.

A difference between the fauna in the silts and in the greywackes is evident in the Hodge Slate at Dundas and the Kateena Formation near Ulverstone at least. The “dendroids” in the Hodge Slate are in the siltstone and the fragmentary trilobites and cystoids in the greywacke. This suggests that the fossils in the greywackes are thanatocoenotic as might be expected and introduces the possibility of remanié fossils and of shallow water fauna intercalated with deeper water fauna. The bathymetric conditions suggested by Hills and Thomas (1954) for the Cambrian of Victoria may thus not be applicable to Tasmania.

Deposition was also interrupted from time to time by lava flows, some of them, at least, submarine. The Mt. Read Volcanics may be Lower Cambrian but acid and basic lavas and pyroclastic rocks are interbedded with or overlie Middle and Upper Cambrian sediments at Zeehan, Dundas, Ulverstone, Smithton and Beaconsfield. Acid volcanic rocks are commoner near the Tyennan Geanticline and basic rocks further away. Possibly during the Dresbachian ultrabasic rocks were intruded as sheets and dykes into Precambrian and earlier Cambrian rocks and by Franconian time were exposed to erosion at Adamsfield.

Deposition may have commenced later at Smithton (Upper Middle Cambrian), Beaconsfield (Lower Dresbachian) and Adamsfield (Lower Franconian) than at Dundas (Lower Middle Cambrian).

Campana and King express the thoughts of Bradley (1957, pp. 114–115) and the author when they state: “The Dundas Group reflects a eugeosynclinical cyclic sedimentation under unstable tectonic conditions. The group is no doubt a synorogenic suite comparable with the Flysch as it was deposited in the narrow subsiding Dundas Trough which developed along the Mt. Read Volcanic Arc, and which is similar to the present deeps of archipelago areas. Such a comparison is enhanced by the succeeding Ordovician conglomerates and sandstones, comparable in some respects with the molassic deposits which displaced the Flysch sedimentation in the Pre‐Alpine troughs (Fig. 12).”

The Cambrian rocks were folded or tilted at least along the western and northern margin of the Tyennan Geanticline and near New River Lagoon, the Tyennan Geanticline was rejuvenated, the Asbestos Range Geanticline raised and the highland areas near Ulverstone and Zeehan uplifted late in the Cambrian or very early in the Ordovician.  相似文献   

The Grenvillian orogeny (~1250 to 980 Ma) was one of the most significant Riphean events. It determined the formation of many structures observable now in North and South America, northwestern Europe, South Africa, Western Australia, Antarctica, and other regions. Nevertheless, its reflections in the most complete and relatively well investigated Upper Precambrian sedimentary sections of northern Eurasia such as the Riphean stratotype (Bashkir meganticlinorium) and hypostratotype (Uchur-Maya region) still remain unknown. This is primarily true of the petrographic and chemical compositions of terrigenous rocks. This work is dedicated to the analysis of peculiar features in variations of the whole-rock chemical composition of sandstones and fine-grained clastic rocks (shales, mudstones, fine-grained clayey siltstones) that constitute Middle-Upper Riphean boundary layers of the Bashkir meganticlinorium, Kama-Belaya aulacogen, and Uchur-Maya region. The analysis reveals no tendency for the decrease in the degree of the chemical and, consequently, mineralogical maturity in the upward direction through the Middle-Upper Riphean sections in the above-mentioned regions. The whole-rock compositions of fine-grained clastic rocks associated with sandstones correspond mostly to that of “common” Upper Precambrian clayey rocks. The formation of practically the entire Yurmatinian-Karatavian succession in the Bashkir meganticlinorium proceeded under relatively stable TDM and ?Nd(T) values. The period of 1250 to 980 Ma in the central and eastern parts of the Siberian Platform was marked by repeated rifting episodes alternating with accumulation of mature platformal sediments, although repercussions of Grenvillian collisional processes are missing from this region as well. The performed analysis provides grounds for the conclusion that contribution of the Grenvillian events to the formation of most complete Riphean successions in northern Eurasia was insignificant.  相似文献   

Hydrocarbon shows occur in Cambrian sandstones in the Welsh Borderland. In Shropshire, sandstones of the Upper Comley Group in particular contain hydrocarbons infilling residual primary porosity and secondary porosity after leaching of feldspars. In the Malvern Hills, the Hollybush Sandstone is locally black due to an impregnation by hydrocarbons. Evidence from the distribution of hydrocarbons in other Lower Palaeozoic rocks and in Precambrian rocks in Shropshire suggests that they have migrated from hydrocarbon-bearing Carboniferous sandstones. However, the source of hydrocarbons for the Hollybush Sandstone may be the immediately superjacent Upper Cambrian black shales.  相似文献   

通过对肯尼亚地层、构造、岩浆岩及矿产资源分布与特征的研究,认为肯尼亚基础地质工作程度总体偏低,缺乏系统的成矿规律研究。地层单元大致可分为前寒武系变质基底、上古生—中生界沉积岩系和新生界火山岩沉积岩系3类,大地构造位于非洲中东部泛非构造运动所形成的莫桑比克带上,区内经历了多期次构造岩浆活动。优势矿产资源为金、铜、煤和铁矿,其中金矿主要赋存于肯尼亚西南部地区前寒武系绿岩带和西部地区的莫桑比克带内,铜矿主要在肯尼亚裂谷两侧莫桑比克带内,煤矿主要蕴含于东南部地区的古生界上石炭统—二叠系页岩中。此外,肯尼亚油气资源潜力巨大,陆域产油地层主要为中新统中深湖相厚层泥岩,图尔卡纳湖及周边地区为重点勘探区域。  相似文献   

中非裂谷系前寒武系基岩油气成藏组合   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
中非裂谷系是在前寒武系结晶基岩基础上发育起来的中新生代裂谷盆地群。通过露头和钻井资料研究发现,基岩主要由前寒武系岩浆岩、正变质岩和少量副变质岩组成。根据暗色矿物含量可以将基岩划分为长英质和铁镁质岩石两大类,前者更有利于风化和裂缝的形成,储层物性较好。寒武纪-侏罗纪长期风化作用形成了广泛分布且厚度较大的球形风化壳(段),早白垩世中非剪切带的走滑拉张应力场与前寒武系刚性基岩的耦合作用在基底产生了大量高角度断层、共轭缝、微裂缝和节理等,风化淋滤、表生和热液作用控制了溶蚀、胶结和次生孔隙发育。风化壳和裂缝储层发育具有“似层状”的特征,垂向上基岩潜山储层序列可进一步划分为风化淋滤带、裂缝发育带、半充填裂缝带和致密带四个区带。中非裂谷系盆地在早白垩世、晚白垩世和古近纪三期裂谷期发育了三期区域性厚层泥页岩,古近系暗色泥岩由于埋藏浅,处于未成熟阶段,不能作为有效烃源岩,上白垩统泥岩以滨浅湖相为主,有机质含量总体不高,以Ⅲ型干酪根为主,下白垩统深湖相泥岩是区域上的优质烃源岩,同时为基岩提供了良好的油源和顶盖层。根据盖层的时代,可以划分出下白垩统、上白垩统和古近系3类成藏组合。乍得Bongor盆地基岩勘探获得极大成功,发现了一批高产稀油油田,打开了中非地区一个新的油气勘探领域。  相似文献   

Timan comprises the southwest edge of the Pechora Plate. The plate basement is composed of variably metamorphosed sedimentary, mainly terrigenous, and igneous rocks of the Late Precambrian age that are generally overlain by Ordovician-Cenozoic platform cover. Poor exposition and discontinuous distribution of the Upper Precambrian outcrops of dominantly fossil-free sedimentary rocks cause considerable disagreements in stratigraphic correlation. This applies equally to North Timan, which represents an uplifted block of basement, in which sedimentary-metamorphic rocks form the Barminskaya Group (~5000 m thick), previously dated as Early Riphean to Vendian. Earlier Rb-Sr and Sm-Nd isotope dating of schist and cross-cutting gabbro-dolerite and dolerite established the timing of greenschist facies metamorphism at 700 Ma. Thus, Late Riphean age of the Barminskaya Group has been suggested. Results of local U-Pb dating of detrital zircon from silty sandstones of the Malochernoretskaya Formation, which constitutes the middle part of the outcropping section of the Barminskaya Group, confirm this conclusion. Age data for 95 zircon grains cover the range of 1035–2883 Ma with age peaks at 1150, 1350, 1550, 1780, and 1885 Ma. The minimum age of zircons, considered as the lower age constraint on sediment deposition, provides grounds to date the Barminskaya Group as Late Riphean and indicates eroded rock complexes of the Fennoscandian Shield as the possible provenance areas.  相似文献   

The southernmost outcrops of the Río de la Plata cratonic region are exposed in the Tandilia System in eastern Argentina. The geological evolution comprises mainly an igneous-metamorphic Paleoproterozoic basement named Buenos Aires Complex, which is covered by Neoproterozoic to Early Paleozoic sedimentary units which display subhorizontal bedding. The basement of calc-alkaline signature consists mainly of granitic-tonalitic gneisses, migmatites, amphibolites, some ultramafic rocks, and granitoid plutons. Subordinate rock-types include schists, marbles, and dykes of acid and mafic composition. Tandilia was recognized as an important shear belt district with mylonite rocks derived mainly from granitoids. The tectonic scenario seems related to juvenile accretion event (2.25?C2.12?Ga) along an active continental margin, followed by continental collision (2.1?C2.08?Ga) after U?CPb zircon data. The collisional tectonic setting caused thrusting and transcurrent faulting favouring the anatexis of the crustal rocks. The tholeiitic dykes constrain the time of crustal extension associated with the last stages of the belt evolution. The basement was preserved from younger orogenies such as those of the Brasiliano cycle. After a long paleoweathering process, the Sierras Bayas Group (c. 185?m thick) represents a record of the first Neoproterozoic sedimentary unit (siliciclastic, dolostones, shales, limestones), superposed by Cerro Negro Formation (c. 150?C400?m thick, siliciclastics) assigned to Upper Neoproterozoic age. The final sedimentary transgression during Early Paleozoic was the Balcarce Formation (c. 90?C450?m thick) deposited over all the mentioned Precambrian units. Based on all the geological background, a tectonic evolution is offered.  相似文献   

Based on c. 1500 km reflection seismic profiles, the Quaternary formations and their pre-Quaternary substratum in the southeastern Kattegat are described and a geological interpretation is suggested. The major volume of Quaternary deposits is found in a broad north-northwest south-southeast trending topographic depression. The substratum consists of Upper Cretaceous limestone in the region north of the Sorgenfrei–Tornquist Zone, and inside this zone older Mesozoic sedimentary rocks and Precambrian crystalline rocks are found. The Quaternary is divided into four seismic units. No direct stratigraphic control is available, but the units are assumed to represent a period ranging from Late Saalian to Holocene. The oldest unit (unit 3) is composed of deposits of supposed Late Saalian to Middle Weichselian age. This unit was severely eroded probably by the Late Weichselian ice sheets in a zone extending 40–50 km from the Swedish coast. Unit 2 represents the Late Weichselian till deposits. North and east of the island of Anholt unit 3 is cut by a system of channels eroded by glacial meltwater. By the erosion a relief up to c. 100 m was formed. After the recession of the Late Weichselian ice, an up to 100 m thick sequence of water-lain sediments (unit 1) was deposited in the erosional basin and channels. Holocene deposits (unit 0) of considerable thickness have only been identified in the channels in the northern part of the area.  相似文献   

Cratons are conventionally assumed to be areas of long-term stability. However, whereas Precambrian basement crops out across most of the Baltic Shield, Palaeozoic and Mesozoic sediments rest on basement in southern Sweden, and thus testify to a complex history of exhumation and burial. Our synthesis of published stratigraphic landscape analysis and new apatite fission-track analysis data reveals a history involving five steps after formation of the extremely flat, Sub-Cambrian Peneplain. (1) Cambrian to Lower Triassic rocks accumulated on the peneplain, interrupted by late Carboniferous uplift and exhumation. (2) Middle Triassic uplift removed the Palaeozoic cover along the south-western margin of the shield, leading to formation of a Triassic peneplain with a predominantly flat relief followed by deposition of Upper Triassic to Lower Jurassic rocks. (3) Uplift that began during the Middle Jurassic to earliest Cretaceous caused denudation leading to deep weathering that shaped an undulating, hilly relief that was buried below Upper Cretaceous to Oligocene sediments. (4) Early Miocene uplift and erosion produced the South Småland Peneplain with scattered hills. (5) Early Pliocene uplift raised the Miocene peneplain to its present elevation leading to reexposure of the sub-Cretaceous hilly relief near the coast. Our results thus provide constraints on the magnitude and timing of episodes of deposition and removal of significant volumes of Phanerozoic rocks across the southern portion of the Baltic Shield. Late Carboniferous, Middle Triassic and mid-Jurassic events of uplift and exhumation affected wide areas beyond the Baltic Shield, and we interpret them as epeirogenic uplifts accompanying fragmentation of Pangaea, caused by accumulation of mantle heat beneath the supercontinent. Early Miocene uplift affected north-west Europe but not East Greenland, and thus likely resulted from compressive stresses from an orogeny on the Eurasian plate. Early Pliocene uplift related to changes in mantle convection and plate motion affected wide areas beyond North-East Atlantic margins.  相似文献   

In southern India the older Precambrian is overlain unconformably in the Cuddapah Basin by the Cuddapah and Kurnool Systems. The former is tilted and unmetamorphosed in the west but eastwards becomes strongly folded and metamorphosed. It contains lavas and sills, particularly in the lower two groups, is intruded by dolerites and at Chelima by diatremes of kimberlitic affinities related to those intruding the older gneisses west of the Cuddapah Basin in the Wajrakarur area. The Kurnool System lacks any igneous rocks; its basal conglomerate is diamondi‐ferous.

Rb‐Sr dating of lava samples from the lowest group of the Cuddapah System shows that the age of the base of the system may be as great as 1,700 m.y. Together with data for a granite which intrudes probable Cuddapah rocks near the disturbed eastern margin of the basin the data imply that the base is unlikely to be younger than 1,555 m.y. Metamorphism affected some lavas at about 1,360 m.y. The diatremes have two ages of intrusion, about 1,225 m.y. and 1,140 m.y., the latter being the age of the Majhgawan pipe near Panna in northern India. Pre‐Kurnool dolerites have an age of 980 ±110 m.y.

The lavas and dolerites show a range of initial 87Sr/86Rb ratios from about 0.704 to 0.708 and possibly 0.712.

The age data suggest that no simple correlation can be made with other Precambrian sequences in northern peninsular India. Deposition of the Cuddapah System appears to have started well before the start of the deposition of the Vindhyan System, while the Kurnool System is coeval with only part of the Upper Vindhyan. The data also suggest that present interpretations of the structural development of the Cuddapah Basin may need some revision.  相似文献   

The Ust-Belaya ophiolite terrane in the West Koryak Orogen, which is the largest in northeastern Asia, consists of three nappe complexes. The upper Ust-Belaya Nappe is composed of a thick (>5 km) sheet of fertile peridotites and mafic rocks (remnants of the proto-Pacific lithosphere); its upper age boundary is marked by Late Neoproterozoic plagiogranites. In the middle Tolovka-Otrozhny Nappe, the Late Precambrian lherzolite-type ophiolites are supplemented by fragments of tectonically delaminated harzburgite-type ophiolites, which make up the Tolovka rock association. The isotopic age of metadacite (K-Ar method, whole-rock sample) and zircons from plagiogranite porphyry (U-Pb method, SHRIMP) determines the upper chronological limit of the Tolovka ophiolites as 262–265 Ma ago. It is suggested that igneous rocks of these ophiolites were generated in a backarc basin during the Early Carboniferous and then incorporated into the fold-nappe structure in the Mid-Permian. This was the future basement of the Koni-Taigonos arc, where the Early Carboniferous ophiolites together with Late Neoproterozoic precursors were subject to low-temperature metamorphism and intruded by plagiogranite porphyry dikes in Permian-Triassic. The polymicte serpentinite mélange, which was formed in the accretionary complex of the Koni-Taigonos arc comprises rock blocks of the upper units of Late Precambrian ophiolites (in particular, plagiogranite), the overlying Middle to Upper Devonian and Early Carboniferous deposits, as well as Early Carboniferous (?) Tolovka ophiolites and meta-ophiolites. Mélange of this type with inclusions of Late Precambrian “oceanic” granitoids also developed in the lower Utyosiki Nappe composed of Middle Jurassic-Lower Cretaceous sedimentary and volcanic sequences, the formation of which was related to the next Uda-Murgal island-arc systems.  相似文献   

The geodynamic origin of volcanic and sedimentary rocks of the Upper Precambrian Arsha Group of the western slope of the southern Urals is considered. It is shown that both rock types are riftogenic/plume in origin. The problem of the spatial and temporal correlation of the Arsha and Karatau groups requires further study.  相似文献   

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