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Ozone photochemical production and loss in very different environments at Waliguan baseline station and Lin'an background station were simulated by using the measurement data and photochemical box model.The results show that net ozone photochemical production rate is negative,about 0.5 ppb/d,at Waliguan baseline sation,because of very low precursor concentrations.But at Lin'an background station,the net photochemical ozone production is positive,about 2-3 ppb/h.which is very closed with the measurement at Lin'an.That means ozone production was controlled by photochemical reactions at Lin'an background station,because of the higher precursor concentrations.The net destruction rate,at Waliguan Mt.,is not large,so that future increase in anthropogenic emission of reactive nitrogen will lead to larger production rates of steady-state O3 concentration.  相似文献   

By means of a three-dimensional meteorological model(MM5)and a chemical model,thedistributions of tropospheric ozone and its precursors over China have been simulated in summerand winter time,16—18 August 1994 and 7—9 January 1995.The distribution of ozone over theTibetan Plateau in summer time is deeply discussed.The simulated results indicate that thedistributions of surface ozone and NO_x are in good agreement with observed results,and humanactivities and photochemical reactions are the main factors controlling the surface ozone and NO_xconcentrations.In addition,higher ozone concentrations are coincided with the air convergence,and the lower concentrations are related to the air divergence.In summer,over the TibetanPlateau the strong flow convergence results in higher ozone concentrations in the lowertroposphere:and the strong flow divergence results in lower ozone concentrations in the uppertroposphere.In winter time ozone concentrations show Iarge-scale characteristics controlled bywesterly flow,and in the jet area they are lower than those outside the jet.  相似文献   

By means of a three-dimensional meteorological model (MM5) and a chemical model,the distributions of tropospheric ozone and its precursors over China have been simulated in summer and winter time,16-18 August 1994 and 7-9 January 1995.The distribution of ozone over the Tibetan Plateau in summer time is deeply discussed.The simulated results indicate that thedistributions of surface ozone and NOx are in good agreement with observed results,and human activities and photochemical reactions are the main factors controlling the surface ozone and NOx concentrations.In addition,higher ozone concentrations are coincided with the air convergence,and the lower concentrations are related to the air divergence.In summer,over the Tibetan Plateau the strong flow convergence results in higher ozone concentrations in the lower troposphere:and the strong flow divergence results in lower ozone concentrations in the upper troposphere.In winter time ozone concentrations show large-scale characteristics controlled by westerly flow,and in the jet area they are lower than those outside the jet.  相似文献   

The effect of soil NO emissions on surface ozone in autumn in East China has been studied byusing TCTM(Troposphere Chemical Transport Model)with the input of meteorological variablesfrom RAMS.The chemical mechanism for ozone variation caused by soil emissions has also beeninvestigated.The model results reveal that soil NO emissions are important to regional ozoneformation and distribution and the effect of soil NO emissions shows spatial inhomogeneity.Ozoneover most areas in northern China decreases with maximum average decrement reaching 5 ppbwhile it increases over most areas of central and southern China with maximum average incrementreaching 7 ppb caused by soil NO emissions.This situation of ozone variation is mainly determinedby nonlinear photochemical mechanism.For the low NOx areas(≤3 ppb),ozone increases as NOxincreases;for the high NOx areas(>3 ppb),ozone decreases as NOx increases.The effect of soilNO emissions on ozone depends on the transition value and NOx concentrations.  相似文献   

中国地区对流层臭氧变化和分布的数值研究   总被引:14,自引:1,他引:14  
王喜红  李兴生 《气象学报》1998,56(3):333-348
利用三维中尺度非静力模式MM5和化学模式,对1994年8月16~18日,1995年1月7~9日冬夏两个不同时期中国大陆大气对流层臭氧及其前体物质的分布进行了数值模拟。同时深入地分析了青藏高原地区夏季对流层臭氧的分布。模拟结果地面臭氧和NOx的分布与观测结果基本一致,人类活动和光化过程是决定地面臭氧和NOx的主要因子。对流层臭氧浓度的分布与气流的辐合辐散存在较好的对应关系,辐合区臭氧浓度较高,辐散区臭氧浓度较低。夏季,青藏高原中低空存在很强的辐合气流,使周边臭氧向高原辐合;而高原高空,受南亚高压控制存在很强的反气旋环流,臭氧由高原向周边辐散。冬季,受西风气流控制,臭氧分布表征大尺度特征。西风急流区臭氧浓度偏低,而急流两侧臭氧浓度偏高。  相似文献   

A simulated study of mechanism for variations and distributions of ozone and its precursors was made by using thethree-dimensional regional Eulerian model.The results showed that the ozone production was controlled by NO,butthere is a complicated nonlinear relation between them.The photochemical reactions controlled by solar radiation arethe determinative factors affecting the variations of the surface ozone and its precursors.The relations of ozone and CO,PAN were studied.We compared the simulated and observed results during the PEM-WEST A in order to better under-stand the photochemical processes of ozone and its precursors.  相似文献   

The observational results in Lin'an show the elevated average concentrations of surface ozone and Nitric Oxides(NO_x)in the rural area in the eastern mid-latitudes of China.The mechanism of its variations was explained by the theo-retical analysis.In the case of breeze,the photochemical reactions controlled by solar radiation is the determined factorsaffecting the variations of the surface O_3 and NO_x.A study of the correlation between NO_x and SO_2 demonstrates thatthe biomass burning is an important local emission source of NO_x.  相似文献   

A simulated study of mechanism for variations and distributions of ozone and its precursors was made by using the three-dimensional regional Eulerian model.The results showed that the ozone production was controlled by NOx,but there is a complicated nonlinear relation between them.The photochemical reactions controlled by solar radiation are the determinative factors affecting the variations of the surface ozone and its precursors.The relations of ozone and CO,PAN were studied.We compared the simulated and observed results during the PEM-WEST A in order to better understand the photochemical processes of ozone and its precursors.  相似文献   

平流层臭氧变化对大气加热率及到达地面紫外辐射的影响   总被引:2,自引:2,他引:2  
孙学金 《气象科学》1997,17(1):71-82
平流层臭氧的变化对平流层的温度结构,整个大气环流以及到达地面的紫外辐射均有影响。本文采用一个计算臭氧吸收太阳辐射的参数化方法和有关资料,研究了臭氧变化对大气最大加热率和到达地面的紫外辐射通量密度的影响情况。文中给出的参数化方法可直接应用于大气环流模式计算臭氧吸收太阳辐射的加热率。  相似文献   

中国大气本底条件下不同地区地面臭氧特征   总被引:20,自引:1,他引:20  
分析了晴天和阴天时瓦里关本底台、临安和龙凤山本底站地面 O3浓度的特点。晴天时 ,临安站地面 O3有明显日变化 ,以春季最大 (42 .9× 1 0 - 9) ,夏季最小 (2 0 .3× 1 0 - 9) ;龙凤山站日变化更规则 ,秋季最大 (约 2 7× 1 0 - 9) ;瓦里关本底台除了夏季有微弱日变化外 ,其它季节没有明显的日变化 ,日较差也很小 ,但夏季地面 O3浓度显著高於冬季 ;夏季晴天瓦里关地面O3浓度要比龙凤山、临安高 2 0× 1 0 - 9以上。阴天时 ,临安和龙凤山站除了日变化不很规则和日较差较小外 ,其它大致与晴天相同。阴天时瓦里关不仅没有日变化 ,而且日较差更小 ,但夏季地面 O3仍然高於冬季。太阳总辐射和 NOx 浓度是控制龙凤山和临安晴天和阴天地面O3浓度的决定性因子 ,它在不同季节和地区发挥着重要作用。夏季青藏高原周围地区气流向高原输送作用 ,是形成夏季瓦里关地面 O3高值以及微弱日变化的主要原因。在美国 MaunaLoa基准站也曾观测到类似的输送影响。O3在低对流层随垂直高度增加的分布特征 ,决定了东西部测点地面 O3的差异  相似文献   

拉萨地区夏季地面臭氧的观测和特征分析   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
1998年 6~ 9月 ,在西藏拉萨郊区 (海拔 36 5 0m ,2 9.6 5°N ,91.16°E)对地面臭氧进行了连续观测。该地区夏季地面臭氧日平均浓度在 10~ 6 0nL/L ,夏初的浓度较高于夏季后期。地面臭氧浓度的日变化呈单峰型 ,峰值出现在当地时间 10~ 18时 ,具有光化学过程臭氧生成的典型变化特征。局地风速、降水、太阳总辐射等气象因素的变化对地面臭氧浓度具有不同程度的影响。拉萨地区大规模宗教活动中的露天生物体燃烧 ,对地面臭氧浓度的增加有十分明显的贡献  相似文献   

非甲烷碳氢化合物的光化学臭氧生成潜势的数值模拟研究   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
应用大气光学模式研究了不同NMHC/NOx比值时,各NMHC物种的光化学臭氧生成潜势指数(Ipocp值),探讨了在较高NMHC/NOx比值时,各NMHC物种Ipocp值随时间的变化规律。结果表明:不同结构、种类的NMHC对光化学臭氧贡献有很大差异;各NMHC物种的Ipocp值随NMHC/NOx比值、,光化学反应的时间尺度变化而系统性地变化。NOx烯烃、芳烃和醛类的活性高寿命短,输送距离有限,主要表  相似文献   

Through one and half year continuous in-situ measurements,the distributions and variations of surface ozone and its precursors at a typical mixed agricultural and metropolitan area-Changshu,Yangtze Delta region,were studied.The preliminary analysis on the concentration levels and variations of surface ozone indicated the obvious seasonal and diurnal cycles during the experiment.The hourly averaged concentrations of surface ozone were high,in about 17% of total valid hours the surface ozone concentration exceeded 50 ppb,and in 22 days the hourly averaged ozone concentration was greater than 100 ppb.There were about 40% of the days in that the daily maximum 8-hour ozone concentration was greater than 50 ppb.The days with daily maximum 8-hour ozone concentration greater than 80 ppb were about 33 days that accounted for about 8% of the observational days.The variations of 5-day moving averaged ozone concentrations depended both on the weather conditions and on the changes of ozone in background atmosphere.Photochemical process had the significant impacts on ozone productions.  相似文献   

The effect of soil NO emissions on surface ozone in autumn in East China has been studied by using TCTM(Troposphere Chemical Transport Model)with the input of meteorological variables from RAMS.The chemical mechanism for ozone variation caused by soil emissions has also been investigated.The model results reveal that soil NO emissions are important to regional ozone formation and distribution and the effect of soil NO emissions shows spatial inhomogeneity.Ozone over most areas in northern China decreases with maximum average decrement reaching 5 ppb while it increases over most areas of central and southern China with maximum average increment reaching 7 ppb caused by soil NO emissions.This situation of ozone variation is mainly determined by nonlinear photochemical mechanism.For the low NOx areas(≤3 ppb),ozone increases as NOx increases;for the high NOx areas(>3 ppb),ozone decreases as NOx increases.The effect of soil NO emissions on ozone depends on the transition value and NOx concentrations.  相似文献   

An updated version of the Regional Acid Deposition Model(RADM)driven by meteorologicalfields derived from Chinese Regional Climate Model(CRegCM)is used to simulate seasonal variationof tropospheric ozone over the eastern China.The results show that:(1)Peak O_3 concentration moves from south China to north China responding to the changing ofsolar perpendicular incidence point from south to north.When solar perpendicular incidence pointmoves from north to south,so does the peak O_3 concentration.(2)In the eastern China.the highest O_3 month-average concentration appears in July.thelowest in January and the medium in April and October.The pattern mainly depends on the solarradiation,the concentration of O_3 precursors NO_x and NMHC and the ratio of NMHC/NO_x.(3)Daily variations of O_3 over the eastern China are clear.Namely,O_3 concentrations rise withthe sun rising and the maximums appear at noon.then O_3 concentrations decrease.The highest dailyvariation range of O_3 appears in summer(40×10~(-9) in volume fraction)and the lowest in winter(20×10~(-9) in volume fraction).(4)Daily variations of O_3 over the western China are not clear.The daily variation range of O_3 isless than 10×10~(-9) in volume fraction.  相似文献   

南海及邻近海区海况季节变化的模拟   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
任雪娟  钱永甫 《气象学报》2000,58(5):545-555
文中使用改进的美国普林斯顿大学区域海洋环流模式 (POM)对南海及邻近海区海况季节变化特征进行了数值模拟 ,所得的主要结果与海洋观测及已有的一些研究结果相吻合。模拟结果表明 :1~ 1 2月 ,黑潮南海分支是南海北部的一支重要海流 ;黑潮右侧的大尺度反气旋性暖涡全年都存在。在所模拟的海区中 ,南海海区表层海流受季风影响最大 ,季节变化最明显示。改进的 POM对海温的季节变化特征也有较好的模拟能力 ,能再现西南季风爆发前后 ,南海及邻近海区表层海温的突增和暖水区的北推过程 ,以及东北季风开始前后 ,海温的下降过程。这为以后发展区域海气耦合模式奠定了基础。  相似文献   

南极上空“臭氧洞”形成和演变的分析研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
曲绍厚 《高原气象》1992,11(1):83-89
近十年来,南极地区上空“臭氧洞”的出现、演变趋势及其可能产生的生物学效应和气候效应引起世人的普遍关注和担忧。目前在南极“臭氧洞”形成理论方面,人类活动影响学说占有统治地位,但两年前魏鼎提出的“电化学-动力学”理论颇受重视。本根据作在日本南极昭和站(60°00′S,39°35′E)工作期间,收集和观测到南极臭氧数据、极地涡旋以及有关的太阳和射电活动等方面的资料,作了仔细的统计相关分析。结果为魏鼎提出的理论提供了新的直接证据,进一步指出了由太阳活动所导致的带电粒子流准11年周期变化与南极上空特有的大气环流相结合,是南极“臭氧洞”形成的重要原因,但人类活动(释放化学物质,特别是CFCs)所带来的影响也不容忽视。  相似文献   

贺兰山地区大气冰核浓度的测量及初步分析   总被引:8,自引:2,他引:8  
根据 1 994年在银川和阿拉善左旗观测得到的冰核资料 ,给出了两地不同天气条件下的大气冰核浓度 ,分析并讨论了冰核浓度与风、降水、天空状况等的关系 ,给出了飞机在空中测量冰核的结果。  相似文献   

利用美国国家环境预报中心/大气研究中心(NCEP/NCAR)再分析资料分析了近30年(1979—2011年)热带(0~360 °E,20 °S~20 °N)对流层顶高度变化,结果显示其高度有明显的线性上升趋势,近30年气压下降了3.5 hPa。其中对流、臭氧和对流层温度的贡献分别为13.3%、27.26%和57.31%。在去除线性趋势后,热带对流层顶气压表现出了显著的年际变率,主要周期峰值为18.2、28.6和40个月。其中臭氧和热带对流层温度都对18.2个月的周期有贡献,而臭氧和热带对流层温度18.2个月的周期很可能是由北半球的季风环流引起的;28.6个月的周期主要源于臭氧总量的准两年周期变化,而后者是由热带平流层低层纬向风场的准两年振荡引起的;热带对流层顶气压40个月的周期似乎源于ENSO循环引起的对流层温度变化。   相似文献   

瓦里关温室气体本底研究的主要进展   总被引:11,自引:0,他引:11  
由于温室气体浓度显著增长及其在气候与环境变化中的作用,国际上众多的科学计划和观测体系都把它们的时空分布、源汇及趋势列为重要内容,获得的各种资料在评价人类活动对气候和环境的影响及有关对策研究中起着关键作用.文章阐述了在中国内陆本底地区开展温室气体长期、定点观测的意义和必要性,系统地讨论了10多年来中国瓦里关本底站温室气体本底研究的主要进展.利用瓦里关经严格国际比对和质量控制的大气C02、CH4长期观测资料,结合同期的地面风资料进行统计分析,建立了瓦里关大气C02和CH4本底资料筛选方法;利用本底观测资料,研究了瓦里关大气CO2及其δ13C、CH4和CO本底变化及源汇特征所体现的亚洲内陆地域特点和全球代表性,并进一步与同期、同纬度海洋边界层参比值(MBL)以及北半球其他6个大气本底站同期观测数据对比分析,发现了瓦里关大气CH4和CO独特的季节变化并探讨了成因;根据空气团后向轨迹簇所途经的下垫面源汇同观测的大气CO2和CH4浓度变化之间的关系,探讨了瓦里关大气CO2和CH4的输送来源;利用Hysplit-4扩散与输送模式,计算了冬、夏典型月份人为源和自然生态系统源汇对瓦里关大气CO2浓度变化的贡献.并在现有基础上,提出了有待进一步解决的科学问题.  相似文献   

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