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Isotopic, major and trace element studies of loess deposits from America, China, Europe and New Zealand show general uniformity of composition. Silica, Zr and Hf are enriched relative to estimates of bulk composition of the upper continental crust. The REE data are indistinguishable from those of average shales, confirming the concept that these REE patterns (LaN/YbN = 9.5 Eu/Eu1 = 0.66) represent the upper crustal average. Sm-Nd model ages are variable but <1700 m.y. They reflect derivation from younger elevated erogenic areas subject to Pleistocene glaciation. Although Sm-Nd model ages vary by a factor of two, the REE patterns remain constant. This indicates that processes responsible for formation of the upper crust have produced no secular change in composition since the mid-Proterozoic.  相似文献   

U-Pb isotopic thermochronometry of rutile, apatite and titanite from kimberlite-borne lower crustal granulite xenoliths has been used to constrain the thermal evolution of Archean cratonic and Proterozoic off-craton continental lithosphere beneath southern Africa. The relatively low closure temperature of the U-Pb rutile thermochronometer (~400-450 °C) allows its use as a particularly sensitive recorder of the establishment of "cratonic" lithospheric geotherms, as well as subsequent thermal perturbations to the lithosphere. Contrasting lower crustal thermal histories are revealed between intracratonic and craton margin regions. Discordant Proterozoic (1.8 to 1.0 Ga) rutile ages in Archean (2.9 to 2.7 Ga) granulites from within the craton are indicative of isotopic resetting by marginal orogenic thermal perturbations influencing the deep crust of the cratonic nucleus. In Proterozoic (1.1 to 1.0 Ga) granulite xenoliths from the craton-bounding orogenic belts, rutiles define discordia arrays with Neoproterozoic (0.8 to 0.6 Ga) upper intercepts and lower intercepts equivalent to Mesozoic exhumation upon kimberlite entrainment. In combination with coexisting titanite and apatite dates, these results are interpreted as a record of postorogenic cooling at an integrated rate of approximately 1 °C/Ma, and subsequent variable Pb loss in the apatite and rutile systems during a Mesozoic thermal perturbation to the deep lithosphere. Closure of the rutile thermochronometer signals temperatures of 𙠂 °C in the lower crust during attainment of cratonic lithospheric conductive geotherms, and such closure in the examined portions of the "off-craton" Proterozoic domains of southern Africa indicates that their lithospheric thermal profiles were essentially cratonic from the Neoproterozoic through to the Late Jurassic. These results suggest similar lithospheric thickness and potential for diamond stability beneath both Proterozoic and Archean domains of southern Africa. Subsequent partial resetting of U-Pb rutile and apatite systematics in the cratonic margin lower crust records a transient Mesozoic thermal modification of the lithosphere, and modeling of the diffusive Pb loss from lower crustal rutile constrains the temperature and duration of Mesozoic heating to 𙡦 °C for ₞ ka. This result indicates that the thermal perturbation is not simply a kimberlite-related magmatic phenomenon, but is rather a more protracted manifestation of lithospheric heating, likely related to mantle upwelling and rifting of Gondwana during the Late Jurassic to Cretaceous. The manifestation of this thermal pulse in the lower crust is spatially and temporally correlated with anomalously elevated and/or kinked Cretaceous mantle paleogeotherms, and evidence for metasomatic modification in cratonic mantle peridotite suites. It is argued that most of the geographic differences in lithospheric thermal structure inferred from mantle xenolith thermobarometry are likewise due to the heterogeneous propagation of this broad upper mantle thermal anomaly. The differential manifestation of heating between cratonic margin and cratonic interior indicates the importance of advective heat transport along pre-existing lithosphere-scale discontinuities. Within this model, kimberlite magmatism was a similarly complex, space- and time-dependent response to Late Mesozoic lithospheric thermal perturbation.  相似文献   

Major and trace element and Sr-Nd-Pb-O-C isotopic compositions are presented for carbonatites from the Cape Verde (Brava, Fogo, Sáo Tiago, Maio and Sáo Vicente) and Canary (Fuerteventura) Islands. Carbonatites show pronounced enrichment in Ba, Th, REE, Sr and Pb in comparison to most silicate volcanic rocks and relative depletion in Ti, Zr, Hf, K and Rb. Calcio (calcitic)-carbonatites have primary (mantle-like) stable isotopic compositions and radiogenic isotopic compositions similar to HIMU-type ocean island basalts. Cape Verde carbonatites, however, have more radiogenic Pb isotope ratios (e.g. 206Pb/204Pb=19.3-20.4) than reported for silicate volcanic rocks from these islands (18.7-19.9; Gerlach et al. 1988; Kokfelt 1998). We interpret calcio-carbonatites to be derived from the melting of recycled carbonated oceanic crust (eclogite) with a recycling age of ~1.6 Ga. Because of the degree of recrystallization, replacement of calcite by secondary dolomite and elevated ‘13C and ‘18O, the major and trace element compositions of the magnesio (dolomitic)-carbonatites are likely to reflect secondary processes. Compared with Cape Verde calcio-carbonatites, the less radiogenic Nd and Pb isotopic ratios and the negative Ɨ/4 of the magnesio-carbonatites (also observed in silicate volcanic rocks from the Canary and Cape Verde Islands) cannot be explained through secondary processes or through the assimilation of Cape Verde crust. These isotopic characteristics require the involvement of a mantle component that has thus far only been found in the Smoky Butte lamproites from Montana, which are believed to be derived from subcontinental lithospheric sources. Continental carbonatites show much greater variation in radiogenic isotopic composition than oceanic carbonatites, requiring a HIMU-like component similar to that observed in the oceanic carbonatites and enriched components. We interpret the enriched components to be Phanerozoic through Proterozoic marine carbonate (e.g. limestone) recycled through shallow, subcontinental-lithospheric-mantle and deep, lower-mantle sources.  相似文献   

One of the major questions of Precambrian research is whether present-day plate tectonic models can be applied to the evolution of the ancient continental crust or whether the tectonic style suggests a unidirectional and therefore non-uniformitarian development in response to gradual changes in the global thermal regime through time.There is no evidence for contemporary plate tectonics in the Archaean although palaeomagnetism indicates that continental drift occurred at least as far back as 2,8 Ga ago. Greenstone belts were most probably deposited in rift-induced large, shallow basins on older sialic crust and were later modified and partly disrupted through tectonicsm and granitoid batholith emplacement. All rock types and associations in greenstones can be explained by a model involving incipient crustal breakup and generation of magmatic rocks through melting in the upper mantle and subsequent further differentiation of dense magmas which did not reach the surface during ascent.In the Proterozoic independent drift of large continental plates defined by the present shields seems established, and the occurrence of collision events along their margins must therefore be assumed and may be documented in a few cases. However, the majority of mobile belts between ca. 2,2 Ga and 1,1 Ga in age appear to be of ensialic origin and the palaeomagnetic record documents a remarkable coherence of individual shields which contain these belts. To account for this evolution not involving large-scale relative motion an ensialic model is presented on the basis of lithospheric delamination and crustal subduction.A nearly complete record for the operation of modern Wilson-cycle tectonics exists in rocks since about 900–1000 Ma ago and signifies the onset of contemporary plate tectonics.The global change in crustal evolution through time is linked to the declining heat flow of the earth and may be a direct response of the growing lithosphere to changes in the convective pattern of the mantle. Therefore, the contrasting tectonic style of Archaean greenstone belts, Proterozoic mobile belts and late Precambrian to Phanerozoic orogenic belts reflects a unidirectional pattern of which the present Wilson-cycle regime is but the latest.
Zusammenfassung Eine zentrale Frage für die Präkambrium-Forschung bleibt weiterhin, inwieweit plattentektonische Modellvorstellungen, die für die rezente Dynamik der Erde zutreffen, auch auf die Entwicklung der frühen Kruste angewandt werden können.Die bisher über das Archaikum vorliegenden Gesteinsverhältnisse lassen keine Ähnlichkeit mit heutigen Prozessen an Plattenrändern erkennen. Weder wurden überzeugende Anzeichen für laterale Ozeanboden-Bildung (sheeted dykes) noch für Subduktionsprozesse gefunden, und die Anwendung vorwiegend geochemischer Kriterien bei der Erstellung von frühen Krustenmodellen stößt auf zunehmenden Widerstand, da sie oft im Widerspruch zu den Geländebefunden stehen. Paläomagnetische Daten deuten bisher lediglich für die Superior-Provinz Kanadas mögliche Kontinentaldrift im späten Archaikum an.Die verbreitete Grünstein-Granit-Gneis-Assoziation des Archaikums hat bisher viele Deutungen erfahren. Nachdem nunmehr in fast allen Kratonen prä-Grünstein granitoide Gesteine gefunden wurden und die Feldverhältnisse für die Bildung ausgedehnter Flachwasserbecken bei der Grünstein-Ablagerung sprechen, muß die Vorstellung einer ensimatischen inselbogenartigen Entwicklung zugunsten eines sialischen Rift-Modelles aufgegeben werden. Alle Gesteinstypen sowie die Tektonik in Grünstein-Becken können durch Krustendehnung, Grabenbildung und evtl. Zerbrechen mit Bildung kleiner Meeresrinnen vom Typ Rotes Meer gebildet werden. Voraussetzung ist lediglich die Bildung einer Magmenkammer unter dem Rift durch Teilaufschmelzung im oberen Mantel und die weitere Differenzierung dichter mafischer Schmelzen, die den Aufstieg zur Oberfläche nicht schaffen.Mit Beginn des Proterozoikums kann die Existenz großer und wahrscheinlich starrer Platten von kontinentalen Ausmaßen mit großer Sicherheit angenommen werden, und die Paläomagnetik weist auf großräumige Bewegungen hin, wobei es offensichtlich wiederholt zum Auseinanderbrechen einer oder zweier Superkontinente kam. Ob es dabei zu alpinotypen Kollisionsorogenen kam, bleibt weiterhin umstritten, einige Anzeichen sprechen für vereinzelte andinotype Plattenrand-Entwicklung ab dem mittleren Proterozoikum. Die große Mehrzahl der sog. mobile belts folgt einer ensialischen Entwicklung, für die ein neues Modell auf der Basis subkrustaler Mantel-Delamination und Krustensubduktion vorgestellt wird.Moderne Plattentektonik mit komplettem Wilson-Zyklus der Ozeanöffnung und Schließung tritt erstmalig gegen Ende des Proterozoikums auf und löst allmählich die Phase der vorwiegend intrakrustalen Orogenese früherer Zeiten ab.Der globale episodische Wechsel im Mechanismus der Krusten-Bildung und -Deformation ist wahrscheinlich auf den abnehmenden Wärmefluß der Erde und auf damit zusammenhängende Veränderungen der Mantelkonvektion und des vertikalen Lithosphären-Wachstums zurückzuführen. Diese Evolution hat zweifellos im Laufe der Erdgeschichte zu wesentlichen Veränderungen in der Lithosphären-Dynamik geführt und folgt damit nicht dem Prinzip des Aktualismus, wobei das durch den Wilson-Zyklus charakterisierte Phanerozoische Bewegungsmuster der Platten lediglich ein weiteres Zwischenstadium der geodynamischen Erdentwicklung darstellt.

Résumé Une question centrale pour la recherche précambrienne reste finalement jusqu'où les modèles de la tectonique de plaques, qui s'appliquent à la dynamique récente de la Terre, peuvent l'être aussi au développement de la croûte ancienne.Les relations se présentant jusqu'à présent dans l'Archéen, entre masses rocheuses, ne permettent pas de reconnaître de similarité avec les processus actuels en bordure des plaques. On n'a trouvé aucun indice convainquant en faveur de la formation de fonds océaniques par voie latérale, ni en faveur de processus de subduction; et l'application de critères principalement géochimiques dans l'établissement des modèles crustaux anciens se heurte à une opposition croissante, étant donné qu'ils se trouvent souvent en contradiction avec les faits de terrain. Les données paléomagnétiques indiquent seulement jusqu'à présent, pour la Province supérieure du Canada, une dérive continentale possible à la fin de l'Archéen.L'association, bien répandue dans l'Archéen, roches vertes-granite-gneiss, a jusqu'à présent reçu de nombreuses significations. Maintenant que, dans presque tous les cratons, on a trouvé des roches granitoïdes antérieures aux roches vertes, et qu'en ce qui concerne le dépôt des roches vertes, les faits de terrain plaident pour leur formation dans des bassins de faible profondeur, il faut abandonner l'idée du développement d'un arc insulaire ensimatique en faveur d'un modèle de rift sialique. Tous les types de roches, ainsi que la tectonique des bassins à roches vertes, peuvent être formés par la voie d'une extension de la croûte avec formation de graben et éventuellement rupture avec formation de sillons marins du type Mer Rouge. Il n'est d'autre supposition que la formation d'une chambre magmatique sous le rift par fusion partielle dans le manteau supérieur, et la différentiation ultérieure de liquides mafiques denses sans montée vers la surface.On peut admettre avec grande certitude l'existence, au commencement du Protérozoïque, de grandes plaques de dimensions continentales, probablement rigides, où le paléomagnétisme indique de vastes mouvements grâce auxquels il en est résulté, de façon répétée, la séparation d'un ou de deux supercontinents. S'il s'en est suivi des orogènes alpinotypes par suite d'une collision, reste encore fortement débattu; quelques indices plaident en faveur d'un certain développement d'une bordure de plaque de type andin à partir du Protérozoïque moyen. La grande majorité des ceintures mobiles fait suite à un développement ensialique pour lequel on présente un nouveau modèle sur la base d'une délamination subcrustale du manteau et d'une subduction de la croûte.L'alternance épisodique globale dans le mécanisme de la formation et de la déformation de la croûte est vraisemblement à rapporter à la diminution du flux de chaleur de la Terre, et, par là, à des changements dans la convection au sein du manteau et dans l'accroissement vertical de la lithosphère. Cette évolution a conduit sans aucun doute, au cours de l'histoire de la Terre, à des changements essentiels dans la dynamique de la lithosphère; elle ne respecte donc pas le principe de l'actualisme suivant lequel le modèle de mouvement des plaques, pour le Phanérozoïque, caractérisé par le cycle de Wilson, n'est qu'un autre stade intermédiaire du développement géodynamique de la Terre.

- , , . , , - , . (sheeted dykes), , , . . . . , . , - , , . , , , , . , , , . , , , , , , , . , . . . , . . , , . , , , ; .

Flexure of the lithosphere and continental margin basins   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
The accumulation of sediments at an Atlantic-type continental margin constitutes a load on the lithosphere which simply sags due to its weight. Studies of the geometry of deformation suggests the lithosphere will respond to these loads either by local loading of an Airy-type crust or flexural loading of a strong rigid crust. Sediment loading models of either type cannot, however, explain the substantial thicknesses of shallow-water sediments observed in commercial boreholes from Atlantic-type margins. Other factors such as thermal contraction, gravitational outflow of crustal material or deep crustal metamorphism may contribute to the subsidence. We have used biostratigraphic data from commercial boreholes from the Gulf of Lion and the East Coast U.S.A. to quantitatively determine the contribution of sediment loading to the subsidence. From these data we determined sea-floor and basement depths for sequential time intervals during margin development. Using the sediment loading models the sediment layers at each margin were progressively “backstripped” and the depth basement would have been without the sediment load calculated. The computed basement depths indicate there is a recognizable component of the subsidence of these margins which is caused by processes other than adjustments to the weight of the sediment. The nature of this subsidence is discussed and comparisons are made with that which would be expected from thermal-contraction models.  相似文献   

Continental recycling and true continental growth   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Continental crust is very important for evolution of life because most bioessential elements are supplied from continent to ocean. In addition, the distribution of continent affects climate because continents have much higher albedo than ocean, equivalent to cloud. Conventional views suggest that continental crust is gradually growing through the geologic time and that most continental crust was formed in the Phanerozoic and late Proterozoic. However, the thermal evolution of the Earth implies that much amounts of continental crust should be formed in the early Earth. This is “Continental crust paradox”.Continental crust comprises granitoid, accretionary complex, and sedimentary and metamorphic rocks. The latter three components originate from erosion of continental crust because the accretionary and metamorphic complexes mainly consist of clastic materials. Granitoid has two components: a juvenile component through slab-melting and a recycling component by remelting of continental materials. Namely, only the juvenile component contributes to net continental growth. The remains originate from recycling of continental crust. Continental recycling has three components: intracrustal recycling, crustal reworking, and crust–mantle recycling, respectively. The estimate of continental growth is highly varied. Thermal history implied the rapid growth in the early Earth, whereas the present distribution of continental crust suggests the slow growth. The former regards continental recycling as important whereas the latter regarded as insignificant, suggesting that the variation of estimate for the continental growth is due to involvement of continental recycling.We estimated erosion rate of continental crust and calculated secular changes of continental formation and destruction to fit four conditions: present distribution of continental crust (no continental recycling), geochronology of zircons (intracontinental recycling), Hf isotope ratios of zircons (crustal reworking) and secular change of mantle temperature. The calculation suggests some important insights. (1) The distribution of continental crust around at 2.7 Ga is equivalent to the modern amounts. (2) Especially, the distribution of continental crust from 2.7 to 1.6 Ga was much larger than at present, and the sizes of the total continental crust around 2.4, 1.7, and 0.8 Ga became maximum. The distribution of continental crust has been decreasing since then. More amounts of continental crust were formed at higher mantle temperatures at 2.7, 1.9, and 0.9 Ga, and more amounts were destructed after then. As a result, the mantle overturns led to both the abrupt continental formation and destruction, and extinguished older continental crust. The timing of large distribution of continental crust apparently corresponds to the timing of icehouse periods in Precambrian.  相似文献   

中国大陆岩石圈岩石学结构、类型与不均一性   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2       下载免费PDF全文
根据中国大陆的地质特征和现今地球物理特征,区分不同地区的岩石圈类型;依据岩石学方法、地球演化模型、地震波速与成分的关系等综合方法,建立了相应类型岩石圈的岩石学结构;根据岩石圈的动力学性质,划分出中国大陆克拉通、造山带、裂谷、边缘海洋壳和岛弧等5大岩石圈类型,首次构建出中国大陆岩石圈岩石学结构模型,展示了中国大陆岩石圈的不均一特征。  相似文献   

大陆岩石圈地幔交代作用的产物——且干布拉克蛭石矿床   总被引:3,自引:2,他引:3  
且干布拉克杂岩体位于库鲁克塔格地块的西南缘,是构造运移到陆壳中的大陆岩石圈地幔顶部的岩块。在862±12Ma期间,该岩体在地幔内经历了复杂的交代作用首先是透辉石交代蛇纹岩;然后是金云母交代蛇纹岩和透辉岩,这些金云母经近地表地质作用后形成了我国规模最大的蛭石矿床;最后是含金云母的碳酸岩岩脉贯入并交代先期形成的各种岩石。研究证明,交代剂应当是碳酸质的碱性硅酸盐熔体或流体,并分异成共轭的两部分这些交代剂普遍具有Ta、Nb、Ti、Zr和Hf的贫化;而且,Nd、Sr、Pb、O、C、H同位素组成普遍具EMⅠ、EMⅡ地幔端元和地壳岩石的特征。由此而证明交代剂主要源自于消减板块中的深海沉积物和在海沟中裹挟的陆源浊积岩。  相似文献   

The estimates of rheological thickness and total lithospheric strength for the Indian continental lithosphere have been obtained based on the representative rheological properties of upper crust, lower crust and upper mantle, and some of the available heat flow and heat generation data. The rheological thickness, computed at different locations in the Indian shield, shows lateral variation ranging from 79km in the southern part to 65 km in the northern part for a strain rate of 10-14 s-1. The total strength of the continental lithosphere is of the order of 1013 Nm-1 for the same value of strain rate and decreases northward. The computations carried out for a range of strain rates show an increase in the rheological thickness and strength of the lithosphere with increasing strain rate. These results would be important in understanding the flexural response of the Indian continental lithosphere to surface and subsurface loading, and response to tectonic forces acting on it.  相似文献   

中国花岗岩与大陆地壳生长方式初步研究   总被引:15,自引:15,他引:15       下载免费PDF全文
中国大陆造山带花岗岩可分为东西两个区,西区的中亚造山带、秦祁昆造山带和青藏高原冈底斯造山带为与大洋发育有关的造山带花岗岩,东区主体的东北、华北和华南是形成于中国大陆拼合之后的燕山期造山带花岗岩。根据不同造山带花岗岩的形成背景、地质地球化学特征差异,以阿尔泰、东昆仑、华北燕山、东北和南岭造山带花岗岩为例讨论花岗岩与大陆地壳生长的关系,区分出中国大陆的5种大陆地壳生长方式:阿尔泰式是古亚洲洋背景上形成的古生代对流地幔物质、热输入和上地壳混合为主的方式;东昆仑式是元古代造山带TTG陆壳背景基础上古生代一早中生代对流地幔物质和热输入,改造元古宙造山带基底的方式;东北式是燕山期中亚造山带背景上对流地幔物质和热输入改造显生宙陆壳的生长方式;燕山式是燕山期对流地幔物质和热输入改造太古宙基底的方式;南岭式燕山期对流地幔输入大陆的是以热为主、物质为辅,大陆地壳生长是以陆壳物质再循环为主(零增长)的生长方式。它们构成中国大陆显生宙地壳生长的基本方式。  相似文献   

While the surface of Tibet is undergoing pervasive pure shear, stable terranes, straddling subsurface sutures, remain in the sub-continental lithospheric mantle (SCLM), attesting to its strength. Furthermore, sub-horizontal, cohesive remnant of Indian SCLM is traced northward from the Himalayan deformation front for about 600 km, exemplifying the longevity of buoyant, strong SCLM of Archean shields. Bimodal distribution of earthquake depths, with peaks concentrating in the upper/middle crust and near the Moho, has been a longstanding evidence for strong SCLM. Recent results from the Himalayas—Tibet and along the East African rift system not only corroborate the bimodal distribution but also firmly established that large earthquakes occur below the Moho. Intriguingly, non-volcanic tremors—newly discovered mode of elastic strain release—also occur near the Moho but well below the seismogenic zone in the upper/middle crust. Considering recent field observations and laboratory experiments of viscosity contrast across the Moho, the SCLM must be strong enough to accumulate elastic strain, a prerequisite for earthquakes, over geological time. Moreover, under laboratory conditions, recent advances that link the termination of frictional instability, an analogue for earthquakes, and the onset of crystal plasticity, provided a physical basis for limiting temperatures of crustal (~ 300-400 °C) and mantle (~ 600-700 °C) earthquakes. While any single rheological model cannot possibly account for all tectonic settings (which also evolve with time), lithological contrast across the Moho is important in shaping the bimodal distribution of strength in the continental lithosphere.  相似文献   

《Gondwana Research》2013,24(4):1241-1260
An overview is presented for the formation and evolution of Precambrian continental lithosphere in South China. This is primarily based on an integrated study of zircon U–Pb ages and Lu–Hf isotopes in crustal rocks, with additional constraints from Re–Os isotopes in mantle-derived rocks. Available Re–Os isotope data on xenolith peridotites suggest that the oldest subcontinental lithospheric mantle beneath South China is primarily of Paleoproterozoic age. The zircon U–Pb ages and Lu–Hf isotope studies reveal growth and reworking of the juvenile crust at different ages. Both the Yangtze and Cathaysia terranes contain crustal materials of Archean U–Pb ages. Nevertheless, zircon U–Pb ages exhibit two peaks at 2.9–3.0 Ga and ~ 2.5 Ga in Yangtze but only one peak at ~ 2.5 Ga in Cathaysia. Both massive rocks and crustal remnants (i.e., zircon) of Archean U–Pb ages occur in Yangtze, but only crustal remnants of Archean U–Pb ages occur in Cathaysia. Zircon U–Pb and Lu–Hf isotopes in the Kongling complex of Yangtze suggest the earliest episode of crustal growth in the Paleoarchean and two episodes of crustal reworking at 3.1–3.3 Ga and 2.8–3.0 Ga. Both negative and positive εHf(t) values are associated with Archean U–Pb ages of zircon in South China, indicating both the growth of juvenile crust and the reworking of ancient crust in the Archean. Paleoproterozoic rocks in Yangtze exhibit four groups of U–Pb ages at 2.1 Ga, 1.9–2.0 Ga, ~ 1.85 Ga and ~ 1.7 Ga, respectively. They are associated not only with reworking of the ancient Archean crust in the interior of Yangtze, but also with the growth of the contemporaneous juvenile crust in the periphery of Yangtze. In contrast, Paleoproterozoic rocks in Cathaysia were primarily derived from reworking of Archean crust at 1.8–1.9 Ga. The exposure of Mesoproterozoic rocks are very limited in South China, but zircon Hf model ages suggest the growth of juvenile crust in this period due to island arc magmatism of the Grenvillian oceanic subduction. Magmatic rocks of middle Neoproterozoic U–Pb ages are widespread in South China, exhibiting two peaks at about 830–800 Ma and 780–740 Ma, respectively. Both negative and positive εHf(t) values are associated with the middle Neoproterozoic U–Pb ages of zircon, suggesting not only growth and reworking of the juvenile Mesoproterozoic crust but also reworking of the ancient Archean and Paleoproterozoic crust in the middle Neoproterozoic. The tectonic setting for this period of magmatism would be transformed from arc–continent collision to continental rifting with reference to the plate tectonic regime in South China.  相似文献   

大陆岩石圈的流变学性质和矿物中的水   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
评述了近些年来岩石圈(尤其是大陆岩石圈)流变学研究中的主要进展。这些研究中最重要的一个发现是水的存在可以显著地增强岩石的变形,从而对其流变性质产生明显影响。大陆岩石圈的流变性质比大洋岩石圈要复杂得多,尤其是较深处的下地壳和岩石圈地幔之间流变性质的对比和差异成为近些年来人们争执较大的问题。大陆岩石圈的流变性质可能具有显著的不均一性,不仅体现在垂向上,也体现在横向上。根据流变学实验研究的进展和对深部壳幔捕虏体中主要构成矿物结构水含量的测定,对华北克拉通深部岩石圈的流变性质进行了定量计算。结果表明华北克拉通在重力梯度带两侧的岩石圈有着截然不同的流变特征,这种差异可能对两侧不同的岩石圈动力学过程有重要的影响。  相似文献   

Thermal and petrologic models of the crust and upper mantle are used for calculating effective viscosities on the basis of constant creep rates. Viscosity—depth models together with pressure—depth models are calculated for continental and oceanic blocks facing each other at continental margins. It is found from these “static models” that the overburden pressure in the lower crust and uppermost mantle causes a stress which is directed from the ocean to the continent. The generally low viscosity of 1020–1023 poise in this region should permit a creep process which could finally lead to a “silent” subduction. In the upper crust static stresses act in the opposite direction, i.e. from the continent to the ocean, favouring tension which could produce normal faulting in the continent. Differences between observations and the results obtained from the static models are attributed to dynamical forces.  相似文献   

Active continental subduction and crustal exhumation: the Taiwan orogeny   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
ABSTRACT A tectonic model of active continental subduction followed by crustal exhumation is proposed to explain the orogeny in Taiwan. The subducted crust is represented by a low-velocity zone dipping eastwards beneath the major part of Taiwan, while the exhumed crust is marked by a high-velocity bulge, high heat flow and absence of seismicity beneath the eastern Central Range. The boundary between the subducted and exhumed crust has been identified from surface geology and analyses of thermal history across the Central Range. The dynamic force that has been driving the exhumed crust is identified by results from focal mechanisms, structural geology and geodetic survey in the eastern Central Range. Such a tectonic model may provide a good explanation for the evolution of the Taiwan Orogeny, as well as an active case for studying other long-extinct systems of continental subduction and exhumation.  相似文献   

克拉通大陆通常有古老、巨厚且难熔的岩石圈地幔。这种地幔高度亏损玄武质组分,有密度低、刚性程度高的特点,能长期漂浮于软流圈之上而稳定存在。中国东部大陆主要由华北和华南两个古老地块在古生代—早中生代沿中央造山带拼合形成,在晚中生代时强烈活化,表现为构造变形、盆地形成、岩浆活动、巨量成矿等,其深部原因是什么?在分析东部大陆形成过程和岩石圈地幔属性基础上发现:块体初始规模小且发育薄弱带,后期容易受改造;特别是显生宙以来中国大陆受周边多个构造域夹持,板块俯冲作用会引起软流圈物质扰动和上涌并沿薄弱带侵蚀和改造上覆岩石圈,使之发生有效减薄、明显再富集和最终地幔置换。改造和置换后的岩石圈地幔富含玄武质组分,有较高密度和较低刚性程度,容易发生变形和部分熔融,使克拉通大陆活化。因此,块体规模大小并发育薄弱带以及周边构造环境是大陆稳定性控制重要的内、外在因素;中国东部大陆岩石圈显生宙强烈活化和地幔置换是由于块体规模较小而且周边多体系俯冲作用等内、外在有利因素协同作用下的结果。   相似文献   

The Earth's topography at short wavelengths results from active tectonic processes, whereas at long wavelengths it is largely determined by isostatic adjustment for the density and thickness of the crust. Using a global crustal model, we estimate the long-wavelength topography that is not due to crustal isostasy. Our most important finding is that cratons are generally depressed by 300 to 1500 m in comparison with predictions from pure crustal isostasy. We conclude that either: (1) cratonic roots may be 50 to 300 °C colder than previously suggested by thermal models, or (2) cratonic roots may be, on average, less depleted than suggested by studies of shallow mantle xenoliths. Alternatively, (3) some combination of these conditions may exist. The thermal explanation is consistent with recent geothermal studies that indicate low cratonic temperatures, as well as seismic studies that show very low seismic attenuation at long periods (150 s) beneath cratons. The petrologic explanation is consistent with recent studies of deep (>140 km) mantle xenoliths from the Kaapvaal and Slave cratons that show 1–2% higher densities compared with shallow (<140 km), highly depleted xenoliths.  相似文献   

International Journal of Earth Sciences - The continental breakup history at the northwest continental margin of India remained conjectural due to lack of clearly discernable magnetic anomaly...  相似文献   

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