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The rocks of the Swiss Central Alps consist of pre-Mesozoic and Mesozoic rocks which were metamorphosed during the Alpine orogeny. Eightysix samples from this area have been analyzed for their isotopic composition (310 mineral phases for their 18O values and 99 mineral phases for their D values).The mineral phases of pre-Mesozoic and Mesozoic rocks differ significantly in their stable isotope composition. The minerals in pre-Mesozoic rocks display a rather uniform oxygen and hydrogen isotope composition indicative of large-scale homogenization with magmatic fluids. The mineral phases of Mesozoic rocks, on the other hand, show a large variation in their isotopic composition, their 18O values are heavier, and their D values are isotopically lighter than the pre-Mesozoic phases. These data indicate the lack of a large-scale water supply to the gneissic cores of the Penninic nappes during Alpine metamorphism.Equilibrium conditions, as indicated by concordant oxygen isotope temperatures, are attained in several samples; disequilibrium, however, is more frequently observed, mainly in the central part of the Lepontin area. The pre-Mesozoic rocks recrystallized during Alpine metamorphism. This process was accompanied by partial reequilibration of the oxygen isotopes, and took place in a closed system. In the pre-Mesozoic rocks, the oxygen isotope fractionations, therefore, reflect the temperatures at the time of this recrystallization which, in many cases, is not the maximum temperature of Alpine metamorphism. There is strong evidence that oxygen isotope ratios are frozen during the progressive phase of a metamorphic event.Oxygen isotope fractionations indicate temperatures of Alpine metamorphism ranging from 500 ° C near Andermatt to 700 ° C near the Bergell granite.  相似文献   

The Suretta nappe of eastern Switzerland contains a series of meta-igneous rocks, with the Rofna Porphyry Complex (RPC) being the most prominent member. We present LA-ICP-MS U–Pb zircon data from 12 samples representing a broad spectrum of meta-igneous rocks within the Suretta nappe, in order to unravel the pre-Alpine magmatic history of this basement unit. Fine-grained porphyries and coarse-grained augengneisses from the RPC give crystallization ages between 284 and 271 Ma, which either represent distinct magma pulses or long-lasting magmatic activity in a complex magma chamber. There is also evidence for an earlier Variscan magmatic event at ~320–310 Ma. Mylonites at the base of the Suretta nappe are probably derived from either the RPC augengneisses or another unknown Carboniferous–Permian magmatic protolith with a crystallization age between 320 and 290 Ma. Two polymetamorphic orthogneisses from the southern Suretta nappe yield crystallization ages of ~490 Ma. Inherited zircon cores are mainly of late Neoproterozoic age, with minor Neo- to Paleoproterozoic sources. We interpret the Suretta nappe as mainly representing a Gondwana-derived crustal unit, which was subsequently intruded by minor Cambrian–Ordovician and major Carboniferous–Permian magmatic rocks. Finally, the Suretta nappe was thrust into its present position during the Alpine orogeny, which hardly affected the U–Pb system in zircon.  相似文献   

This study is essentially based on coupling macrostructures, microstructures and metamorphic petrology in polymetamorphic mafic rocks from the Swiss Eastern Alps (Suretta nappe, Penninic domain). Petrographic criteria are used in conjunction with structural analysis and microprobe work to define crystallization/deformation relationships and to establish a relative but precise sequence of tectono-metamorphic events. A first eclogite facies overprint and related exhumation occurred before emplacement of late Palaeozoic intrusives. During the Alpine cycle, the Suretta nappe was part of the thinned European continental margin. The Tertiary burial due to subduction and collision is responsible for D1 ductile thrusting and blueschist facies metamorphism. Late deformation phases, related to exhumation, are responsible for the development of extensional structures under greenschist facies conditions. Quantitative metamorphic petrology based on Gibbs free energy minimization (DOMINO by de Capitani) gives a constraint on the P–T  conditions during the polymetamorphic and polycyclic evolution. The first high- P metamorphic event related to pre-Alpine structures occurred at c . 700  °C and at least 2.0  GPa. These conditions are compatible with pre-Alpine high- P re-equilibration already described in several Alpine units. The Alpine high- P metamorphism occurred under blueschist facies conditions at c . 400–450  °C and 1.0  GPa. Similar high- P , low- T  conditions have already been described in the Mesozoic and Permian rock types. The two high- P events are clearly related to two different geothermal regimes and geodynamic environments.  相似文献   

Periadriatic Alpine magmatism has long been attributed to slab breakoff after Adria–Europe continental collision, but this interpretation is challenged by geophysical data suggesting the existence of a continuous slab. Here, we shed light on this issue based on a comprehensive dataset of zircon U–Pb ages and Hf isotopic compositions from the main western Periadriatic intrusives (from Traversella to Adamello). Our zircon U–Pb data provide the first evidence of Eocene magmatism in the Western Alps (42–41 Ma in Traversella), and demonstrate that magmatism started synchronously in different segments of the Alpine belt, when subduction was still active. Zircon U–Pb ages define younging trends perpendicular to the strike of the European slab, suggesting a progressive Eocene–Oligocene slab steepening. We propose that slab steepening enhanced the corner flow. This process was more effective near the torn edge of the European slab, and triggered Periadriatic magmatism in the absence of slab breakoff.  相似文献   

The eastern Central Alps consist of several Pennine nappes with different tectonometamorphic histories. The tectonically uppermost units (oceanic Avers Bündnerschiefer, continental Suretta and Tambo nappes, oceanic Vals Bündnerschiefer) show Cretaceous/early Tertiary W-directed thrusting with associated blueschist facies metamorphism related to subduction of the Pennine units beneath the Austroalpine continental crust. This event caused eclogite facies metamorphism in the underlying continental Adula nappe. The gross effect was crustal thickening. The tectonically lower, continental Simano nappe is devoid of any imprint from this event. In the course of continent-continent collision, high- T metamorphism and N-directed movements occurred. Both affected the whole nappe pile more or less continuously from amphibolite to greenschist facies conditions. Crustal thinning commenced during the regional temperature peak. A final phase is related to differential uplift under retrograde P–T conditions. Further thinning of the crust was accommodated by E- to NE-directed extensional deformation.  相似文献   

We present a map that correlates tectonic units between Alps and western Turkey accompanied by a text providing access to literature data, explaining the concepts used for defining the mapped tectonic units, and first-order paleogeographic inferences. Along-strike similarities and differences of the Alpine-Eastern Mediterranean orogenic system are discussed. The map allows (1) for superimposing additional information, such as e.g., post-tectonic sedimentary basins, manifestations of magmatic activity, onto a coherent tectonic framework and (2) for outlining the major features of the Alpine-Eastern Mediterranean orogen. Dinarides-Hellenides, Anatolides and Taurides are orogens of opposite subduction polarity and direction of major transport with respect to Alps and Carpathians, and polarity switches across the Mid-Hungarian fault zone. The Dinarides-Hellenides-Taurides (and Apennines) consist of nappes detached from the Greater Adriatic continental margin during Cretaceous and Cenozoic orogeny. Internal units form composite nappes that passively carry ophiolites obducted in the latest Jurassic–earliest Cretaceous or during the Late Cretaceous on top of the Greater Adriatic margin successions. The ophiolites on top of composite nappes do not represent oceanic sutures zones, but root in the suture zones of Neotethys that formed after obduction. Suturing between Greater Adria and the northern and eastern Neotethys margin occupied by the Tisza and Dacia mega-units and the Pontides occurred in the latest Cretaceous along the Sava-İzmir-Ankara-Erzincan suture zones. The Rhodopian orogen is interpreted as a deep-crustal nappe stack formed in tandem with the Carpatho-Balkanides fold-thrust belt, now exposed in a giant core complex exhumed in late Eocene to Miocene times from below the Carpatho-Balkan orogen and the Circum-Rhodope unit. Its tectonic position is similar to that of the Sakarya unit of the Pontides. We infer that the Rhodope nappe stack formed due to north-directed thrusting. Both Rhodopes and Pontides are suspected to preserve the westernmost relics of the suture zone of Paleotethys.  相似文献   

Summary In several places of the old crystalline basement of the Eastern Alps a classification of the pre-Alpine metamorphic effects into an older, high-to intermediate-pressure metamorphism (eclogites, kyanite) and a younger, lower-pressure one (and±ky±cord) is recognizable. Some local geological situations allow a sharp chronological distinction to be made between these two events; and the available radiometric age values demonstrate the Caledonian age (500 m.y.) of the older metamorphism and the Hercynian age (320 m.y.) of the younger one. Elements exist showing that the Caledonian metamorphism, belongs to a complex cycle of geological processes which took place substantially during the Ordivician age (?) and has all the ingredients of the orogenic cycles. This evolutional picture represents a possible model for the whole of the Eastern Alps.
Überlegungen zur Entwicklung der voralpidischen Metamorphose im Ostalpin
Zusammenfassung An mehreren Stellen im altkristallinen Grundebirge der Ostalpen ist eine Gliederung der voralpidischen metamorphen Ereignisse in eine ältere Metamorphose, die einer hoch-bis mitteldruckbetonten Faziesserie (Eklogite, Disthen) angehört und eine jüngere weniger druckbetonte Metamorphose (Andalusit±Disthen±Cordierit) erkennbar. Einzelne lokale geologische Situationen erlauben eine scharfe chronologische Trennung dieser zwei Ereignisse; das Caledonische Alter ( 500m.y.) der älteren und das Hercynische Alter ( 320 m.y.) der jüngeren Metamorphose wird durch radiometrische Altersdaten demonstriert. Es gibt Hinweise, daß die Caledonische Metamorphose zu einem komplexen geologischen Ereignis mit allen Kennzeichen eines orogenen Zyklusses gehört, das im wesentlichen während des Ordoviziums stattgefunden hat. Diese genetischen Vorstellungen scheinen als mögliches Modell für die gesamten Ostalpen annehmbar.

With 3 Figures  相似文献   

In the Eastern Alps Alpine eclogites are generally associated with rocks of continental lithosphere, while eclogites that are associated with oceanic assemblages are restricted to minor exposures. Such eclogites are exposed both in the Penninic unit of the Tauern Window and in the Austroalpine nappe complex. (1) In the central southern part of the Tauern Window (Eclogite Zone) eclogites and associated high pressure metasediments of a distal continental margin are intercalated between Penninic basement units. A mylonitic eclogitic foliation and stretching lineation are contemporaneous to the high pressure metamorphism and are related to the subduction of distal Penninic continental margin sequences. Continuous subduction of cool lithosphere resulted in blueschist facies overprint of the whole Penninic nappe pile. (2) Within the Middle-AustroAlpine Koralm/Saualm region most eclogites are eclogitic mylonites documenting plastic deformation of omphacite and garnet. The meso- and macroscale structures indicate an overall extensional regime possibly related to a large-scale SE-directed ductile low-angle normal shear zone. The eclogites are associated with migmatite-like structures and are intruded by pegmatites. This indicates decreasing pressure, but isothermal or even increasing temperature conditions during exhumation.These relationships argue for the subduction of Penninic continental lithosphere in the foot-wall of the Austroalpine unit at the time of exhumation of the Koralm/Saualm eclogites. Formation of the Austroalpine eclogites is explained by subduction of continental lithosphere, and subsequent, rapid exhumation in an upper plate tectonic position within an extensional regime.  相似文献   

HP metamorphic belt of the western Alps   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The understanding of the subduction-related processes benefited by the studies of the high-pressure (HP) meta-morphic rocks from the western Alps. The most stimu-lating information was obtained from the inner part of the western Alpine belt, where most tectonic units show an early Alpine eclogite-facies recrystallisation. This is especially true for the Austroalpine Sesia Zone and the Penninic Dora-Maira massif. From the Sesia zone,which consists of a wide spectrum of continental crust lithologies recrystallised to quartz-eclogite-facies min-eral assemblages, the first finding of a jadeite-bearingmeta-granitoid has been described, supporting evidencethat even continental crust may subduct into the mantle.From the Dora-Maira massif the first occurrence of regional metamorphic coesite has been reported, open-ing the new fertile field of the ultrahigh-pressure meta-morphism (UHPM), which is now becoming the rule in the collisional orogenic belts.  相似文献   

The assessment of seismic activity in the shallow continental mantle has long been hindered by the low resolution of both seismic imaging and earthquake locations in young collision zones. Here, we combine the most recent and high-resolution image of the lithospheric structure of the Western Alps with a high quality dataset of anomalously deep earthquakes recorded in the same area in the past 25 yrs. We show that these earthquakes are aligned on an active lithospheric strike-slip fault, and we provide evidence that this fault is located in the mantle wedge beneath the Adriatic Moho. Our results: (i) provide direct evidence that deep material can be seismogenic or not depending on the lithology; (ii) confirm the role of serpentinization in favoring the aseismic creep of mantle rocks; and (iii) demonstrate that the upper mantle can be stiff and seismogenic not only in cold cratons, but also in young orogenic belts.  相似文献   

Late-glacial ice advances in the western Italian Alps   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The extent of ice on the south side of the Mont Blanc massif during two late-glacial readvances is known primarily from the distribution of crystalline erratics on sedimentary and metasedimentary terrain, and from the distribution of end moraines and outwash remants. Similar dual moraine complexes are found elsewhere in upper Val d'Aosta and indicate that the pattern is regional in character. During the earlier readvance equilibrium-line altitudes were ca. 450 ± 50m lower than at present, whereas during the later readvance they were ca. 350 ± 50 m lower. The moraines, not yet closely dated, were deposited sometime after 14,200 14C Years ago by which time Lago'd Alice near the margin of the würm moraine system at Ivrea had been deglaciated, and before 8400 years ago, at which time Rutor Glacier in upper Val d'Aosta was no larger than at present. The younger moraines are believed to correlate with Egesen moraines on the north side of the Alps, whereas the older set may either correlate with an early phase of the Egesen or with Daun advance.  相似文献   


The exhumation of rocks in a plate convergence setting is commonly related to erosion and/or tectonic denudation accompanied by isostatic adjustment. Isostatic compensation is the physical response to denudation. It leads to unroofing of deep levels of the crust. A new model for producing topographic relief is proposed which explains well the rapid exhumation of high-temperature rocks in the Central Alps via erosion and tectonic denudation (i.e. gravitational collapse and normal faulting). It is shown that the forward motion of the cold and rigid Adriatic indenter into the European crust is twofold. Firstly, horizontal compression led to the vertical extrusion of the deepest ductile European basement into shallower levels. This tectonic process induced heat transfer through the southern steep belt as well as heat advection together with the extruded material, resulting in the metamorphic aureole observed in the Central Alps. Secondly, the lower part of the Adriatic crust protruded into the warm European crust as a result of continuous forward motion. Geophysical data suggest that the isostatic response to indentation (i.e. deepening of the alpine root) has been inhibited by the mechanical strength of the cold and rigid Adriatic crust. Then, the indentation process induced a deviation from isostatic equilibrium by creating a tremendous topographic relief. This relief disappeared rapidly, possibly as fast as it forms, by enhanced erosion and tectonic denudation leading to rapid exhumation of the metamorphic dome.  相似文献   

The paper reports original isotopic and geochemical data on Early Precambrian lavas in the Ozernaya Zone in Mongolia. According to their normalized trace-element patterns, the rocks are classified into the following groups: (1) rocks similar to N-MORB; (2) rocks similar to E-MORB; (3) basalts enriched in trace elements, with HFSE minima; and (4) basalts depleted in trace elements, with HFSE minima. All of the lava types could be produced in an island arc—backarc basin system. The magmatic rocks of group (1) were likely formed in a spreading backarc basin, and those of group (2) were likely generated within the influ- ence zone of a hotspot or were derived from heterogeneous upper mantle domains. The lavas of group (3) seem to be fragments of an ensimatic, relatively primitive island arc. The basalts and basaltic andesites of group (4) were likely produced by mixing melts of groups (1) and (3). The fact that lavas of groups (1) and (4) sometimes intercalate within a single stratigraphic section suggests that the extension and subduction zones were closely spaced and operated simultaneously. The magmas of groups (1), (2), and (3) were derived from different mantle sources, which possessed different ratios of trace elements and were different in isotopic composition.  相似文献   

Metamorphic field gradients in the Central Alps   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
Metamorphic field gradients were determined across the entire amphibolite grade Central Alps ( c . 50×100 km). P – T  were calculated from 116 samples acquired from our own field work, from samples provided to us by others, and from rocks with mineral compositions described in the literature. Only fluid-conserved equilibria were used to determine P – T  . The use of an internally consistent thermodynamic database and mineral solid solution models makes the results robust and reduces relative errors. The results are presented in contour maps. Temperature increases from 500 to 550 °C along the limit of amphibolite grade metamorphism in the north and west, to c . 675 °C toward the south at the Insubric line near the town of Bellinzona. Maximum recorded pressures of c . 7 kbar are in a central region c . 20 km north of the Insubric line, and decrease both to the north (5.5 kbar) and south (4.5 kbar). The P–T  results indicate that there is a relatively large area that reached conditions in the sillimanite stability field but developed neither sillimanite nor fibrolite; this is interpreted as a result of kinetic constraints on nucleation and growth because of the small amounts of thermal overstep (<40 °C) of the kyanite-sillimanite phase boundary. Comparison of P–T  conditions with carbonate isograds in the region indicate that fluids present during metamorphism were not dominated by a homogeneous external source. Examination of the two-dimensional distribution of pressure and temperature in the context of thermal and tectonic models indicates that two thermal pulses affected the Central Alps during the Tertiary. In the second, heat affected only the southern parts of the area and overprinted the previously established P–T  gradients.  相似文献   

Stable isotope compositions have been determined for serpentinites from between Davos (Arosa-Platta nappe, Switzerland) and the Valmalenco (Italy). D and 18O values (–120 to –60 and 6–10, respectively) in the Arosa-Platta nappe indicate that serpentinization took place on the continent at relatively low temperatures in the presence of limited amounts of metamorphic fluids that contained a component of meteoric water. One sample of chrysotile has a 18O value of 13 providing evidence of high W/R ratios and low formation temperature of lizardite-chrysotile in this area. In contrast, relatively high D values (–42 to –34) and low 18O values (4.4–7.4) for serpentine in the eastern part of the Valmalenco suggest a serpentinization process that took place at moderate temperatures in fluids that were dominated by ocean water. The antigorite in the Valmalenco is the first reported example of continental antigorite with an ocean water signature. An amphibole sample from a metasomatically overprinted contact zone to metasediments (D=-36) indicates that the metasomatic event also took place in the presence of ocean water. Lower D values (–93 to –60) of serpentines in the western part of the Valmalenco suggest a different alteration history possibly influenced by fluids associated with contact metamorphism. Low water/rock ratios during regional metamorphism (and metasomatism) have to be assumed for both regions.  相似文献   

Erosion-driven uplift of the modern Central Alps   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
We present a compilation of data of modern tectono-geomorphic processes in the Central European Alps which suggest that observed rock uplift is a response to climate-driven denudation. This interpretation is predominantly based on the recent quantification of basin-averaged Late Holocene denudation rates that are so similar to the pattern and rates of rock uplift rates as determined by geodetic leveling. Furthermore, a GPS data-based synthesis of Adriatic microplate kinematics suggests that the Central Alps are currently not in a state of active convergence. Finally, we illustrate that the Central Alps have acted as a closed system for Holocene redistribution of sediment in which the peri-Alpine lakes have operated as a sink for the erosional products of the inner Central Alps.While various hypotheses have been put forward to explain Central Alpine rock uplift (e.g. lithospheric forcing by convergence, mantle processes, or ice melting) we show with an elastic model of lithospheric deformation, that the correlation between erosion and rock uplift rates reflects a positive feedback between denudation and the associated isostatic response to unloading. Thus, erosion does not passively respond to advection of crustal material as might be the case in actively converging orogens. Rather, we suggest that the geomorphic response of the Alpine topography to glacial and fluvial erosion and the resulting disequilibrium for modern channelized and associated hillslope processes explains much of the pattern of modern denudation and hence rock uplift. Therefore, in a non-convergent orogen such as the Central European Alps, the observed vertical rock uplift is primarily a consequence of passive unloading due to erosion.  相似文献   

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