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Probabilistic characterization of hydrological droughts   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
It is proposed to use the joint distribution of probabilities of minimum water discharges and the river runoff depth to characterize the severity and danger of durable low-flow periods. The copula theory is used to construct this distribution that enables to take account of differences in the types of one-dimensional probability distributions of initial variables and of the correlation between them. The studies were carried out for the vegetation periods using the data of the runoff depth measurements in Georghiu-Dej on the Don River in 1895–1980 and in Kirov on the Vyatka River in 1878–1980. The selection of copulas was based on comparing empirical and theoretical joint distributions of low-flow characteristics. It is demonstrated that the best results for the approximation of the joint probability distribution of low-flow characteristics are obtained from the Frank copula. Plotted are the dependences of low-flow frequency on the specified values of corresponding minimum water discharges and the river runoff depth during vegetation periods. Estimated are the probability and frequency of some most severe lowflow periods observed on the Don and Vyatka rivers.  相似文献   

1. Introduction In recent decades, extreme weather events seem to be growing in frequency and risk due to water-related disasters. According to the World Meteorological Or- ganization report (ISDR and WMO, 2004) on World Water Day, 22 March 2004, the economic losses caused by water-related disasters, including floods, droughts and tropical cyclones, are on an increasing trend as follows: the yearly mean in the 1970s was about 131 billion US dollars, 204 billion dollars in the 1980s, and …  相似文献   

From a regional inventory of monthly droughts, which was evaluated in six regions of southern South America, the seasonal occurrence of the phenomenon and its persistence together with the duration of monthly and annual sequences, extreme events, and other statistical estimates of the proposed index have been studied. In a primary analysis, it is possible to observe that regions present different behaviors regarding the duration of dry sequences, with more persistence in the Argentinean continental region. Temporal behaviors of the annual indexes have also been analyzed, in the attempt to determine any aspects of the impact of global warming. Through this analysis, the presence of long favorable tendencies regarding precipitations or the inverse of droughts occurrence are confirmed for the eastern Andes Mountains in Argentina (ARG) with its five sub-regions (Northwest Argentina-NWA, Northeast Argentina-NEA, Humid Pampa-HP, West-Centre Provinces-WC and Patagonia-PAT, and the inverse over the central region of Chile (CHI). Other climatic great-scale changes are interdecadales variations and variances explained according to ENSO.  相似文献   

This study addresses the predictability of rainfall variations over South America and the Amazon basin. A primary factor leading to model inaccuracy in precipitation forecasts is the coarse resolution data utilized by coupled models during the training phase. By using MERRA reanalysis and statistical downscaling along with the superensemble methodology, it is possible to obtain more precise forecast of rainfall anomalies over tropical South America during austral fall. Selective inclusion (and exclusion) of member models also allows for increased accuracy of superensemble forecasts. The use of coupled atmospheric–ocean numerical models to predict the rainfall anomalies has had mixed results. Improvement in individual member models is also possible on smaller spatial scales and in regions where substantial topographical changes were not handled well under original model initial conditions. The combination of downscaling and superensemble methodologies with other research methods presents the potential opportunity for increased accuracy not only in seasonal forecasts but on shorter temporal scales as well.  相似文献   

The performances of various dynamical models from the Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation(APEC) Climate Center(APCC) multi-model ensemble(MME) in predicting station-scale rainfall in South China(SC) in June were evaluated.It was found that the MME mean of model hindcasts can skillfully predict the June rainfall anomaly averaged over the SC domain.This could be related to the MME's ability in capturing the observed linkages between SC rainfall and atmospheric large-scale circulation anomalies in the Indo-Pacific region.Further assessment of station-scale June rainfall prediction based on direct model output(DMO) over 97 stations in SC revealed that the MME mean outperforms each individual model.However,poor prediction abilities in some in-land and southeastern SC stations are apparent in the MME mean and in a number of models.In order to improve the performance at those stations with poor DMO prediction skill,a station-based statistical downscaling scheme was constructed and applied to the individual and MME mean hindcast runs.For several models,this scheme can outperform DMO at more than 30 stations,because it can tap into the abilities of the models in capturing the anomalous Indo-Paciric circulation to which SC rainfall is considerably sensitive.Therefore,enhanced rainfall prediction abilities in these models should make them more useful for disaster preparedness and mitigation purposes.  相似文献   

田笑  余文韬  从靖  周红梅 《干旱气象》2022,40(1):135-145
基于ECWMF模式预报数据对2018年3—11月降水和2 m温度进行统计降尺度,利用先频率匹配法、再阈值法对插值后的降水订正,利用Kalman滤波型的递减平均统计降尺度法对插值后的温度订正,最终获得逐小时降水量和温度的预报。结果表明:(1)对于晴雨预报准确率,绝大多数预报时效频率匹配法和阈值法均对其有明显提高,前者最大改进幅度可达20%以上。对于相对误差,阈值法对空报现象有较显著改进。对于1 h降雨量大于等于20 mm的短时强降水,频率匹配法订正后的TS评分有明显提高。对2018年“安比”台风事件,除具有以上改进效果外,频率匹配法提高了降水主体形态和量级的预报水平,阈值法对空报站订正正确。(2)对于温度的ECWMF模式预报检验,几乎在任何预报时效内都是3月的绝对误差最大。通过Kalman滤波型的递减平均统计降尺度法后,各月的绝对误差都有不同程度减小。总体上,订正后的绝对误差曲线仍具有订正前的周期性波动,波峰、波谷位置也与订正前基本一致,且绝对误差越大,订正幅度越大。个例分析也表明订正后保留了温度预报空间分布的准确性,且绝对误差有明显下降。  相似文献   

The 3-hour-interval prediction of ground-level temperature from 00 h out to 45 h in South Korea(38 stations) is performed using the DLM (dynamic linear model) in order to eliminate the systematic error of numerical model forecasts. Numerical model forecasts and observations are used as input values of the DLM. According to the comparison of the DLM forecasts to the KFM (Kalman filter model) forecasts with RMSE and bias, the DLM is useful to improve the accuracy of prediction.  相似文献   

The main purpose of this study is to evaluate the impacts of climate change on Izmir-Tahtali freshwater basin, which is located in the Aegean Region of Turkey. For this purpose, a developed strategy involving statistical downscaling and hydrological modeling is illustrated through its application to the basin. Prior to statistical downscaling of precipitation and temperature, the explanatory variables are obtained from National Centers for Environmental Prediction/National Center for Atmospheric Research reanalysis data set. All possible regression approach is used to establish the most parsimonious relationship between precipitation, temperature, and climatic variables. Selected predictors have been used in training of artificial neural networks-based downscaling models and the trained models with the obtained relationships have been operated to produce scenario precipitation and temperature from the simulations of third Generation Coupled Climate Model. Biases from downscaled outputs have been reduced after downscaling process. Finally, the corrected downscaled outputs have been transformed to runoff by means of a monthly parametric hydrological model GR2M to assess the probable impacts of temperature and precipitation changes on runoff. According to the A1B climate scenario results, statistically significant trends are foreseen for precipitation, temperature, and runoff in the study basin.  相似文献   

降尺度方法在中国不同区域夏季降水预测中的应用   总被引:4,自引:1,他引:4  
在中国降水气候分区的基础上,利用降尺度方法进行区域夏季降水预测(RSPP),预测模型建立的基础是寻找影响区域气候的关键因子。降尺度预测模型中使用的资料有国家气候中心海-气耦合模式(CGCM/NCC)回报资料、NCEP/NCAR再分析资料和台站观测资料。为了避免年代际变化特征对季节尺度降水预测的影响,首先对CGCM/NCC模式输出资料、NCEP/NCAR再分析资料、区域平均降水资料去除年代际线性变化趋势,即去除所有预报因子场和预报对象场的长期变化趋势。然后分别计算预报对象和模式资料的预报因子场以及再分析资料的预报因子场的相关系数,把相关系数值同时达到0.05显著性检验水平的区域平均环流特征作为预测因子,保证挑选出的预测因子既能反映实际大气中预测因子与预报对象的关系,同时又是海-气耦合模式预测的高技巧信息。利用最优子集回归作为转换函数的降尺度方法建立区域夏季降水预测模型。交叉检验和独立样本检验结果表明,文中设计的区域夏季降水预测模型对中国大部分地区的夏季降水趋势预测的准确率较高且比较稳定,其预测效果远高于CGCM/NCC直接输出降水结果。进一步对具有较高预测技巧的代表性区域的可预报性来源分析发现,物理意义明确且独立性强的预测因子有助于提高预测准确率。  相似文献   

Hydrological modeling for climate-change impact assessment implies using meteorological variables simulated by global climate models (GCMs). Due to mismatching scales, coarse-resolution GCM output cannot be used directly for hydrological impact studies but rather needs to be downscaled. In this study, we investigated the variability of seasonal streamflow and flood-peak projections caused by the use of three statistical approaches to downscale precipitation from two GCMs for a meso-scale catchment in southeastern Sweden: (1) an analog method (AM), (2) a multi-objective fuzzy-rule-based classification (MOFRBC) and (3) the Statistical DownScaling Model (SDSM). The obtained higher-resolution precipitation values were then used to simulate daily streamflow for a control period (1961–1990) and for two future emission scenarios (2071–2100) with the precipitation-streamflow model HBV. The choice of downscaled precipitation time series had a major impact on the streamflow simulations, which was directly related to the ability of the downscaling approaches to reproduce observed precipitation. Although SDSM was considered to be most suitable for downscaling precipitation in the studied river basin, we highlighted the importance of an ensemble approach. The climate and streamflow change signals indicated that the current flow regime with a snowmelt-driven spring flood in April will likely change to a flow regime that is rather dominated by large winter streamflows. Spring flood events are expected to decrease considerably and occur earlier, whereas autumn flood peaks are projected to increase slightly. The simulations demonstrated that projections of future streamflow regimes are highly variable and can even partly point towards different directions.  相似文献   

基于GIS的面雨量估算方法和基于模式输出的雨量产品都无法解决分辨率过低的问题,并且都不同程度地忽略了中小尺度地形对降水的影响.回顾了各种统计学降尺度方法,使用NCEP/NCAR提供的2011年4—9月的6 h一次的再分析资料,以及江苏省气象台提供的全省20多个常规站降水实况观测资料,结合高分辨率DEM数据,利用偏最小二乘法(PLS)设计了一套考虑地形因子动力作用的面雨量降尺度方案.通过合理选择和构造大尺度预报因子,地形因子动力作用参数化,回归分析与空间插值相结合的面雨量降尺度方案,成功还原了研究区域内代表站的实况降水序列,并绘制出研究区域内高分辨率的面雨量空间分布图.  相似文献   

利用1999—2009年安徽省淮河以南地区60个县市站夏季逐日降水资料和安庆市探空站逐日资料,研究了中低层不同风向配置下局地降水与大尺度降水场之间的关系,以3种不同预报对象及相应的预报因子分别采用神经网络和线性回归方法设计6种预报模型对观测资料进行逼近和优化,从而实现空间降尺度.分析对比6种预报模型46站逐日降水量的拟合和预报效果,结果表明:采取相同的预报对象及预报因子的BP神经网络模型在拟合和预报效果上均好于线性回归模型,可见夏季降水场之间以非线性相关为主;神经网络模型预报结果同常用的Cressman插值预报相比,能很好地反映出降水的基本分布及局地特征;预报对象为单站降水序列的神经网络模型在以平原、河流为主要地形的区域预报效果较好,预报对象为REOF主成分的神经网络模型则在山地和丘陵地形区域预报效果较好.  相似文献   

利用CWRF模式(Climate-Weather Research and Forecasting model)对国家气候中心BCC_CSM1.1m业务预测模式短期气候预测结果进行中国区域降尺度,并使用1991—2010年3—8月逐日气温降水观测数据评估预测能力。结果表明:CWRF预测地面2 m气温、降水气候平均态的空间分布比BCC_CSM1.1m更接近观测,分布误差更小;在保持总体技巧不低于BCC_CSM1.1m的同时,CWRF对我国华东和华中地区的降水年际变化预测准确率更高;对不同强度的降水预测CWRF表现均优于BCC_CSM1.1 m模式,尤其在极端降水预测准确率上更优。总之,得益于更高的空间分辨率和优化的低空物理过程模拟,CWRF降尺度可以提高中国夏季跨季度降水预测能力。  相似文献   

基于TIGGE多模式降水量预报的统计降尺度研究   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
王海霞  智协飞 《气象科学》2015,35(4):430-437
利用TIGGE资料中欧洲中期天气预报中心、美国国家环境预报中心、英国气象局以及日本气象厅4个中心,1~7 d预报时效的降水量预报资料,以TRMM/3B42RT降水量作为"观测值",对东亚地区降水量进行统计降尺度处理。首先利用逻辑回归方法将天气分为有雨和无雨,再对有雨的情况,利用线性回归方法对插值后的预报结果进行降尺度订正,最后将4个中心的预报值进行消除偏差集合平均,得到多模式集成的降水量预报场。结果表明:逻辑回归能够有效地改善预报中小雨的空报情况,统计降尺度订正后的预报结果比直接插值更加准确,多模式集成的预报效果优于单模式结果,其改进效果随预报时效的延长逐渐减小。  相似文献   

基于山东省123个国家级气象观测站1961—2015年夏季降水资料、1991—2015年NCEP再分析资料,分析了山东夏季降水变化特征及其与大气环流的关系。结果表明,在山东夏季降水偏多(少)时,乌拉尔山阻塞高压偏弱(强),副热带高压偏强(弱),南亚高压偏强(弱),并且200 hPa经向风场有明显的类似丝绸之路遥相关型的波列结构。利用国家气候中心第二代海气耦合模式3月起报的未来夏季海平面气压场建立降尺度预测模型,该模型对山东夏季降水的预测符号一致率达到64%,有一定的预测能力,进一步分析发现,模式对关键区环流因子的模拟预测能力显著影响降尺度预测方法的准确率。  相似文献   

基于站点资料、再分析数据和动力气候模式回报数据,利用经验正交函数分解(EOF,Empirical Orthogonal Function)迭代和年际增量方法,探讨了长江流域年尺度降水异常的动力-统计降尺度预测方法及其应用效果。结果表明,基于再分析数据的年尺度环流场,建立的长江流域年尺度降水异常增量的统计降尺度预测方案,其26 a回报检验的距平相关系数(ACC)平均达0.6,证明该方案具有较高的可预报性。进一步利用模式预测的年尺度环流场,建立了年降水异常增量的动力-统计降尺度预测方案,其ACC平均为0.42,显示了较高的回报技巧,远优于模式直接输出的年降水动力预报结果。通过分析调制年降水预报技巧高低的因素发现,赤道中东太平洋年平均海温距平为负值时,预报技巧更高,ACC平均达0.5以上。在拉尼娜发展年或拉尼娜持续年的冷水背景下,利用EOF迭代选取的特征向量偏多时,多尺度的大气环流信息被纳入预测模型中作为预测信号,预测技巧得到了提高。  相似文献   

To study the prediction of the anomalous precipitation and general circulation for the summer(June–July–August) of1998, the Community Climate System Model Version 4.0(CCSM4.0) integrations were used to drive version 3.2 of the Weather Research and Forecasting(WRF3.2) regional climate model to produce hindcasts at 60 km resolution. The results showed that the WRF model produced improved summer precipitation simulations. The systematic errors in the east of the Tibetan Plateau were removed, while in North China and Northeast China the systematic errors still existed. The improvements in summer precipitation interannual increment prediction also had regional characteristics. There was a marked improvement over the south of the Yangtze River basin and South China, but no obvious improvement over North China and Northeast China. Further analysis showed that the improvement was present not only for the seasonal mean precipitation, but also on a sub-seasonal timescale. The two occurrences of the Mei-yu rainfall agreed better with the observations in the WRF model,but were not resolved in CCSM. These improvements resulted from both the higher resolution and better topography of the WRF model.  相似文献   

To comprehensively investigate characteristics of summer droughts and floods in the Yangtze River valley, a meteorological and hydrological coupling index (MHCI) was developed using meteorological and hydro- logical data. The results indicate that: (1) in representing drought/flood information for the Yangtze River valley, the MHCI can reflect composite features of precipitation and hydrological observations; (2) compre- hensive analysis of the interannual phase difference of the precipitation and hydrological indices is important to recognize and predict annual drought/flood events along the valley; the hydrological index contributes more strongly to nonlinear and continuity features that indicate transition from long-term drought to flood conditions; (3) time series of the MHCI from 1960-2009 are very effective and sensitive in reflecting annual drought/flood characteristics, i.e. there is more rainfall or typical flooding in the valley when the MHCI is positive, and vice versa; and (4) verification of the MHCI indicates that there is significant correlation between precipitation and hydrologic responses in the valley during summer; the correlation coefficient was found to reach 0.82, exceeding the 0.001 significance level.  相似文献   

大气环流模型(GCMs)预测的气候变化情景空间分辨率低,不能满足气候变化对水资源影响进行评估的需要.利用统计降尺度模型可以解决GCMs预测的气候变化情景空间分辨率低的缺陷.在白洋淀流域应用统计降尺度模型(SDSM),选取日平均气温作为预报量,根据NCEP再分析数据与站点实测数据序列的相关关系选择合适的预报因子,建立大气环流因子与各站点日最高气温和最低气温之间的统计关系.将数据序列分为1961-1975年和1976-1990年两个时段,对SDSM进行率定和验证.最后将HadCM3输出的未来情景降尺度到站点尺度,模拟白洋淀流域未来时期三个时段2020s(2010-2039年)、2050s(2040-2069年)和2080s(2070-2099年)的日最高气温和最低气温时间序列.结果表明:SDSM在白洋淀流域的模拟效果较好.白洋淀流域日最高气温和最低气温在A2和B2两种情景下均呈现上升趋势,且A2情景下的增幅高于B2情景,山区的增幅高于平原,日最高气温的增幅大于日最低气温.  相似文献   

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