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This study investigates the individual effects of the East Atlantic/West Russia (EATL/WRUS) and Western Pacific (WP) teleconnection patterns and their combined effect on the East Asian winter monsoon (EAWM). The contributions of the respective EATL/WRUS and WP teleconnection patterns to the EAWM are revealed by removing the dependence on the Arctic Oscillation (AO) and the El Niño-Southern Oscillation (ENSO) using a linear regression, which are named as N_EATL/WRUS and N_WP, respectively. This is because the EATL/WRUS (WP) is closely linked to the Arctic (tropics) region. A significant increase (decrease) in temperature over East Asia (EA) corresponding to a weak (strong) EAWM is associated with the N_EATL/WRUS and N_WP teleconnection patterns during the positive (negative) phases. In order to examine impacts of these two teleconnections on the EAWM, three types of effects are reconstructed on the basis of ± 0.5 standard deviation: 1) Combined effect, 2) N_EATL/WRUS effect, and 3) N_WP effect. The positive N_EATL/WRUS teleconnection induces to a weakened Siberian High and a shallow EA trough at the mid-troposphere through wave propagation, leading to the weak EAWM. During the positive N_WP pattern, warm air from the tropics flows toward the EA along western flank of an anomalous anticyclone over the North Pacific that is relevant to the meridional shift of the Aleutian Low. When the two mid-latitude teleconnections have the in-phase combination, the increase in temperature over EA appears to be more pronounced than the individual effects by transporting warm air from tropics via strong southeasterly wind anomalies induced by anomalous zonal pressure gradient between the Siberian High and Aleutian Low. Therefore, the impact of the mid-latitude teleconnections on the EAWM becomes robust and linearly superimposed, unlike a nonlinear in-phase combined effect of the AO and ENSO.  相似文献   

基于1901-2000年多种海-气资料,分析了厄尔尼诺成熟年冬季-初夏西北太平洋异常反气旋(WNPAC)的年际变化特征及其对东亚气候的影响。结果表明,无论是厄尔尼诺事件成熟期的冬季还是次年的春季和初夏,WNPAC的年际变化主要存在两个空间变化型,即反映其强度变化的经验正交函数分解第1模态和反映其位置变化的第2模态。厄尔尼诺成熟年冬季WNPAC强度不仅与赤道中东太平洋海温异常有关,而且与太平洋西部(WP)型遥相关的强度有关,而其位置的变化则主要与西北太平洋局地海温异常以及北极涛动(AO)有关;次年春季,WNPAC的强度除了与赤道中东太平洋海温异常和太平洋西部型遥相关存在显著相关外,还与赤道大西洋海温异常有关,而其位置的变化则主要与西北太平洋局地海温异常和太平洋西部型遥相关有关;次年初夏,WNPAC强度主要与西北印度洋和西南印度洋的海温异常以及东亚-太平洋(EAP)型遥相关的强度有关。进一步分析表明,成熟年冬季-初夏WNPAC的强度和位置的变化均可对东亚地区降水异常分布产生影响,这对预测厄尔尼诺事件发生后冬季及后期春、夏季节东亚地区降水异常分布具有一定的指示意义。此外,次年初夏,WNPAC强度变化与西北太平洋台风发生频数存在显著负相关,即WNPAC越强,台风发生的频数越少,反之亦然。  相似文献   

基于美国国家海洋和大气局气候预测中心公报的北极涛动(Arctic Oscillation,AO)指数逐月数据以及美国国家环境预报中心和大气研究中心的1986—2017年逐日再分析资料等,运用回归和合成分析等方法,分析了北极涛动与北太平洋地区风暴轴的时间演变特征、两者之间的联系及AO异常影响风暴轴的可能机制。结果表明:1)风暴轴经度指数与纬度指数有显著正相关性,两者具有同步变化的特征,而这两者与风暴轴强度指数都呈负相关,但不显著。AO指数与北太平洋风暴轴强度呈显著正相关,且AO指数与风暴轴经度、纬度指数也呈正相关,但并不显著。2)在北极涛动强正(负)位相年份,风暴轴区域天气尺度滤波方差强(弱)、500 hPa高度场上东亚大槽减弱(加深)、急流偏北偏强(偏南偏弱)、扰动动能增强(减弱)、斜压性增强(减弱)。可能影响机制是,异常变化的AO影响东亚大槽,改变急流强度,使斜压性发生变化,进而对风暴轴产生影响。  相似文献   

利用NCEP/NCAR再分析资料、北极涛动(AO)指数序列及中国160个台站月温度资料,分析1951-2007年中国冬季气温与AO指数的变化特征及其相互关系。结果表明:1951-2007年AO与中国东部地区冬季气温基本呈正相关关系。中国东部地区冬季气温指数(IWT)与北极涛动指数(IAO)均逐渐增强,并有显著的年际和年代际变化,均存在准18 a的周期变化特征。从偏相关系数来看,在年际尺度上,西伯利亚高压对中国东部地区冬季气温的年际变化影响较大,而AO与冬季气温无显著相关关系;在年代际尺度上,AO对中国东部地区冬季气温的影响较显著,比西伯利亚高压影响大。东亚大槽偏弱时,中国冬季气温偏高,AO指数也偏高,反之则相反。在年际尺度上,东亚大槽对中国东部地区冬季气温的年际变化影响较大,而AO与冬季气温无显著相关关系;在年代际尺度上,AO和东亚大槽对中国冬季气温的变化影响均较显著。  相似文献   

大气瞬变强迫对冬季西太平洋遥相关型影响   总被引:3,自引:3,他引:3  
用NCEP/NCAR1948—2005年逐月和逐日资料,分别从天气尺度瞬变热力异常强迫和瞬变动力异常强迫两方面的作用着手,就大气瞬变异常强迫对冬季西太平洋遥相关(WP)型形成的影响进行了初步分析。通过分析表明,在对流层低层,天气尺度瞬变热力异常强迫对冬季WP型的形成主要起削弱作用,而瞬变动力异常强迫对WP型的形成没有明显的加强或削弱作用;在对流层中高层,瞬变热力和动力异常强迫都有助于WP型的形成和维持,而且瞬变动力异常强迫对WP型的形成和维持作用还存在南北非对称性的特点,即瞬变动力异常强迫对WP型的南北偶极子型中北区异常的形成和维持作用显著,而对WP型中的南区异常的形成作用不明显。研究还表明,天气尺度瞬变异常强迫对WP型形成的作用时间是次月尺度的。  相似文献   

利用NCEP/NCAR月平均再分析资料(1958-1997),月平均海表面温度资料(1950-1992)以及月的海冰密集度资料(1953-1995),研究了冬季北极涛动与西伯利亚高压、东亚冬季风以及巴伦支海海冰范围之间的联系。研究结果表明,冬季北极涛动不仅影响北极和北大西洋区域气候变化,并且可能影响冬季西伯利亚高压,进而影响东亚冬季风。当冬季北极涛动处于正位相时,冬季西伯利亚高压和东亚冬季风都偏弱,在西伯利亚南部和东亚沿岸,包括中国东部、韩国和日本,从地表面到对流层中部气温偏高0.5-2℃。当冬季北极涛动处于负位相时,结果正相反。研究结果还表明,冬季西伯利亚高压对北极以及北大西洋区域气候变化没有显的影响,与北极涛动的影响相比,西伯利亚的影响强度和范围明显偏弱。研究进一步揭示了冬季北极涛动可能影响西伯利亚高压的可能机理。冬季西伯利亚高压与动力过程以及从地表面到对流层中部的气温变化有密切的关系。西伯利亚高压的西部变化主要依赖于动力过程,而其东部与气温变化更为密切。冬季西伯利亚高压的维持主要依赖于对流层中的下沉气流,这种下沉气流源于北大西洋区域,其变化受到北极涛动的影响。当冬季北极涛动处于正(负)位相时,气流的下沉运动明显减弱(增强),进而影响冬季西伯利亚高压。此处,冬季北极涛动对同时期的巴伦支海海冰范围有显的影响。  相似文献   

基于ERA-Interim 1979—2019年的再分析资料,本文研究了东亚地区月平均、极端和强冷风寒温度空间分布。研究表明,在冬季3个月里,东亚地区风寒温度表现为自南向北递减,同时还具有较强的局地特征;最低极端风寒温度主要出现在内蒙古东北部、蒙古国东部和黑龙江地区;冬季3个月比较而言,平均风寒温度和极端风寒温度最低的月份为1月。强冷风寒温度发生频率最高的月份为2月。在成因方面,东亚大部分地区的风寒温度是由温度决定的,而中蒙交界区(蒙古和内蒙古东部地区)以及青藏高原北部地区,风速对风寒温度的影响最显著。此外,在所研究的几个区域中,京津冀城市群极端风寒温度与风速的负相关性最强。  相似文献   

东亚和西北太平洋地区气候的准10年尺度振荡及其可能机制   总被引:14,自引:2,他引:14  
本文基于对气候、大气环流和海表水温的资料分析以及简单的理想化海气耦合模式的分析,研究了东亚和西北太平洋地区气候的准10年振荡及其可能机制。研究表明,东亚和西北太平洋地区的气候(降水和地面气温等)和大气环流(环流指数和副高活动等)的演变都有明显的准10年振荡;同赤道太平洋SSTA主要为ENSO循环不同,西北太平洋SSTA主要表现为准10年尺度的振荡,且同气候和大气环流的准10年变化密切相关;中纬度海-气相互作用可产生一种甚低频耦合波(10年左右周期),它可能是海气系统准10年振荡的重要机制之一  相似文献   

The potential role of tropical Pacific forcing in driving the seasonal variability of the Arctic Oscillation (AO) is explored using both observational data and a simple general circulation model (SGCM). A lead–lag regression technique is first applied to the monthly averaged sea surface temperature (SST) and the AO index. The AO maximum is found to be related to a negative SST anomaly over the tropical Pacific three months earlier. A singular value decomposition (SVD) analysis is then performed on the tropical Pacific SST and the sea level pressure (SLP) over the Northern Hemisphere. An AO-like atmospheric pattern and its associated SST appear as the second pair of SVD modes. Ensemble integrations are carried out with the SGCM to test the atmospheric response to different tropical Pacific forcings. The atmospheric response to the linear fit of the model’s empirical forcing associated with the SST variability in the second SVD modes strongly projects onto the AO. Idealized thermal forcings are then designed based on the regression of the seasonally averaged tropical Pacific precipitation against the AO index. Results indicate that forcing anomalies over the western tropical Pacific are more effective in generating an AO-like response while those over the eastern tropical Pacific tend to produce a Pacific-North American (PNA)-like response. The physical mechanisms responsible for the energy transport from the tropical Pacific to the extratropical North Atlantic are investigated using wave activity flux and vorticity forcing formalisms. The energy from the western tropical Pacific forcing tends to propagate zonally to the North Atlantic because of the jet stream waveguide effect while the transport of the energy from the eastern tropical Pacific forcing mostly concentrates over the PNA area. The linearized SGCM results show that nonlinear processes are involved in the generation of the forced AO-like pattern.  相似文献   

陈文  周群 《大气科学进展》2012,29(2):217-226
The modulation of the relationship between the Arctic Oscillation (AO) and the East Asian winter climate by the 11-year solar cycle was investigated.During winters with high solar activity (HS),robust ...  相似文献   

近年来,东亚冬季气温的月际间变化十分显著,冬季不同月份或不同阶段之间极端冷暖事件的转折或交替频发.由于月际间变化常常被季节平均掩盖,东亚冬季气候预测面临众多的挑战.因此,亟需研究东亚冬季气温月际间变化的特征和机理,明确其可预测性和预测来源,进而研制考虑月际变化的东亚冬季气温的有效预测方法和预测模型.本文回顾了过去5年对东亚冬季气温月际间变化的主要特征,物理过程,机制,可预测性和预测的研究进展,同时考虑了多个与气温相联系统的变化,包括冬季风,西伯利亚高压,平流层极涡.本文也进一步讨论了未来的研究前景.  相似文献   

利用850hPa的纬向风异常建立一个逐候东亚-太平洋(East Asian Pacific,EAP)型指数,研究其季节内演变特征,发现东亚-太平洋型经向波列是东亚夏季风季节内变化的主要模态.其演变过程为:扰动首先出现在北太平洋中部,并通过正压不稳定过程从基本气流中获得能量而发展,在高层罗斯贝波能量向南频散,激发热带对流异常和赤道罗斯贝波,并相互锁相,因赤道罗斯贝波受β效应影响而共同向西移动.热带对流和环流异常在菲律宾附近达到最强,此时在东亚沿岸出现经向三极型波列,此后中低纬度异常继续向西北方向移动,使降水异常在长江流域能维持较长时间.东亚-太平洋型在东亚发展和维持有以下原因:首先,菲律宾暖水上空的对流和低层环流之间存在正反馈;其次,由于海陆热力差异导致暖大陆和冷海洋之间存在特殊的纬向温度梯度和北风垂直切变,东亚-太平洋型在经向上有向北倾斜的斜压结构,能通过斜压能量转换从平均有效位能中获得能量,同时,也能从经向温度梯度的平均有效位能中获得能量.  相似文献   

Summary The impact of the Arctic Oscillation (AO) on the winter surface air temperature (SAT) over Iran is demonstrated. Winter SAT data for 50 years (1951–2000) are analyzed for the negative and the positive AO phases. Using the Median Sequential Correlation Analysis (MSCA) technique it is shown that the winter SAT is negatively correlated to the winter AO index for most parts of Iran. The winter AO index accounts for about 14% to 46% of the winter SAT variance. The positive (negative) SAT anomaly is found to be associated with the onset of the negative (positive) phase. The overall probability of below long-term mean temperature during the positive and the negative phases are estimated to be around 70% and 25%, respectively. For the negative phase, westerly winds that originate from the warm Atlantic regions increase over Iran and consequently positive temperature anomalies are found across the country. The positive AO phase is accompanied by northerly winds that allow continental polar and arctic air masses to move into Iran, producing below normal temperatures. The summer AO is found to explain about 25–32% of the winter SAT variance in Iran. The reason for this is explained by the significant correlation (+0.38) between the summer and the following winter AO indices. These results indicate that the summer climate is linked to changes in atmospheric circulation which persist through to the following autumn and winter.  相似文献   

西太平洋暖池海温异常对东亚环流的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
利用SST资料对西太平洋暖池海温异常年进行划分,通过对异常年850 hPa、200 hPa矢量风场进行合成分析后发现:在西太平洋暖池夏季暖异常年,副热带夏季风和副热带季风经圈环流得到加强,热带西南季风得到削弱;在暖池夏季冷异常年,热带西南季风和热带季风经圈环流得到了加强,副热带夏季风得到削弱.在暖池冬季暖异常年,东亚冬季风、东亚和印尼一北澳冬季风(北半球)经向垂直环流得到削弱;在暖池冬季冷异常年,东亚冬季风、东亚和印尼一北澳冬季风(北半球)经向垂直环流得到加强.  相似文献   

 This study investigated the ocean-atmosphere interaction effect on the winter surface air temperature in Taiwan. Temperature fluctuations in Taiwan and marine East Asia correlated better with a SST dipole in the western North Pacific than the SST in the central/eastern equatorial Pacific. During the warm (cold) winters, a positive (negative) SST anomaly appears in marine East Asia and a negative (positive) SST anomaly appears in the Philippine Sea. The corresponding low-level atmospheric circulation is a cyclonic (anticyclonic) anomaly over the East Asian continent and an anticyclonic (cyclonic) circulation in the Philippine Sea during the warm (cold) winters. Based on the results of both numerical and empirical studies, it is proposed that a vigorous ocean-atmosphere interaction occurring in the western North Pacific modulates the strength of the East Asian winter monsoon and the winter temperature in marine East Asia. The mechanism is described as follows. The near-surface circulation anomalies, which are forced by the local SST anomaly, strengthen (weaken) the northeasterly trade winds in the Philippine Sea and weaken (strengthen) the northeasterly winter monsoon in East Asia during warm (cold) winters. The anomalous circulation causes the SST to fluctuate by modulating the heat flux at the ocean surface. The SST anomaly in turn enhances the anomalous circulation. Such an ocean-atmosphere interaction results in the rapid development of the anomalous circulation in the western North Pacific and the anomalous winter temperature in marine East Asia. This interaction is phase-locked with the seasonal cycle and occurs most efficiently in the boreal winters. Received: 22 October 1999 / Accepted: 5 June 2000  相似文献   

基于1961—2013年中国台站的均一化气温数据、NOAA月平均海温资料和CMIP5气候模式数据,利用气候统计手段,定量分析太平洋年代际振荡(PDO)对中国冬季最低气温年代际变化的贡献。结果表明:PDO的年代际序列与年代际滤波后的最低气温场在全国大部分地区呈显著正相关,即PDO负位相时中国冬季最低气温偏低,反之偏高。2006年后中国冬季最低气温变暖减缓,造成这一现象的主要原因是自然变率起到的降温作用,而自然变率又主要由PDO起主导作用,约占自然变率贡献的40%左右。PDO对温度的贡献呈现出明显的年代际变化,在变暖减缓期对升温有明显的负贡献,且负贡献逐渐增大至超过50%。  相似文献   

尤金  郑栋  姚雯  孟青 《应用气象学报》2019,30(2):191-202
利用2002—2014年的TRMM/LIS(Tropical Rainfall Measuring Mission/lightning imaging sensor,热带测雨卫星/闪电成像仪)闪电观测数据分析了18°~36°N和70°~160°E范围内闪电尺度和光辐射能空间分布特征,并选取6个区域(区域1~6),探讨09:00—14:00(地方时,下同)和18:00—次日06:00两个时段闪电上述属性的逐月变化和参数分布特征。研究指出:闪电空间尺度和光辐射能在深海最大,次之为近海和陆地,持续时间在中国东部近海最大,次之为深海和陆地。不同闪电属性大值分布区域差异明显,小值则分布在区域1和区域2。多数区域分析时段内闪电空间尺度和光辐射能的逐月变化趋势较一致,陆地上它们与闪电活动逐月变化的反向对应关系较明显。分析时段内闪电时空尺度和光辐射能均呈对数正态分布,陆地闪电各属性值比海洋闪电更向小值方向集中。在LIS观测性能较高的18:00—次日06:00,各区域内闪电持续时间中值为0.18~0.29 s,通道延展距离中值为12~21 km,光辐射能中值为0.11~0.52 J·m-2·sr-1·μm-1。分析时段内闪电空间尺度与光辐射能的相关性明显优于它们与持续时间的相关性。  相似文献   

陈文  康丽华 《大气科学》2006,30(5):863-870
利用NCEP/NCAR再分析资料和我国160站月平均气温资料,首先采用线性回归的方法分析了从1958至1998年40个冬季北极涛动(AO)与东亚气候异常的关系.结果表明,当AO处于正位相时,东亚地区200 hPa的急流明显北跳,东亚大槽显著减弱,而在中国的华北、东北到西伯利亚出现大范围的地表南风异常,使得低空从西伯利亚到我国的东北、华北以及韩国、日本有显著的暖异常; 而当AO处于负位相时,则往往出现相反的情形.进一步的相关和合成分析发现,准定常行星波活动可以在AO与东亚气候之间起到桥梁作用.AO可以通过影响中高纬平流层下层的西风强弱,进而影响到准定常行星波的垂直传播,使得对流层下层中高纬地区的行星波振幅发生变化,从而导致低层的西伯利亚高压和阿留申低压同时减弱或增强,最终导致东亚地区异常偏暖或偏冷; 其中低层中高纬地区纬向波数2的扰动对西伯利亚高压和阿留申低压的变化起了最主要的作用.作者提出的AO通过影响准定常行星波的活动而导致东亚气候异常的机理,不但强调了西伯利亚高压的贡献,而且特别从波动的意义上强调了阿留申低压的重要性.文中还讨论了值得进一步研究的有关问题.  相似文献   

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