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Calibration of magnitude scales for earthquakes of the Mediterranean   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
In order to provide the tools for uniform size determination for Mediterranean earthquakes over the last 50-year period of instrumental seismology, we have regressed the magnitude determinations for 220 earthquakes of the European-Mediterranean region over the 1977–1991 period, reported by three international centres, 11 national and regional networks and 101 individual stations and observatories, using seismic moments from the Harvard CMTs. We calibrate M(M0) regression curves for the magnitude scales commonly used for Mediterranean earthquakes (ML, MWA, mb, MS, MLH, MLV, MD, M); we also calibrate static corrections or specific regressions for individual observatories and we verify the reliability of the reports of different organizations and observatories. Our analysis shows that the teleseismic magnitudes (mb, MS) computed by international centers (ISC, NEIC) provide good measures of earthquake size, with low standard deviations (0.17–0.23), allowing one to regress stable regional calibrations with respect to the seismic moment and to correct systematic biases such as the hypocentral depth for MS and the radiation pattern for mb; while mb is commonly reputed to be an inadequate measure of earthquake size, we find that the ISC mb is still today the most precise measure to use to regress MW and M0 for earthquakes of the European-Mediterranean region; few individual observatories report teleseismic magnitudes requiring specific dynamic calibrations (BJI, MOS). Regional surface-wave magnitudes (MLV, MLH) reported in Eastern Europe generally provide reliable measures of earthquake size, with standard deviations often in the 0.25–0.35 range; the introduction of a small (±0.1–0.2) static station correction is sometimes required. While the Richter magnitude ML is the measure of earthquake size most commonly reported in the press whenever an earthquake strikes, we find that ML has not been computed in the European-Mediterranean in the last 15 years; the reported local magnitudes MWA and ML do not conform to the Richter formula and are of poor quality and little use, with few exceptions requiring ad hoc calibrations similar to the MS regression (EMSC, ATH). The duration magnitude MD used by most seismic networks confirms that its use requires accurate station calibrations and should be restricted only to events with low seismic moments.  相似文献   

基于1900年以来仪器记录到的中国及边邻地区8级地震,讨论了中国大地震重复、集中发生的阶段性和周期性。依据构造块体、活动构造带,分析了大区域范围内不同时段8级地震跳跃迁移轮回。根据8级地震活动的周期性、阶段性及其迁移轮回初步预判,中国西部在数年内仍然存在发生M≥7.8地震的危险性,中长周期大地震浩劫或不可避免。  相似文献   

结合洛阳地质构造背景,分析了2000年1月~2006年10月洛阳地震台记录到的台湾省地震的P波干扰因素及识别方法,影区地震、深源震的S波(或LG波)特征,采用中国地震台网中心确定的震级与洛阳地震台测定的复核、速报震级相比较,按震级段、年度分别统计分析,查找产生震级误差的原因,计算出台基校正系数,认为排除干扰、提高震相分析能力、用台基校正系数修正Ms计算公式,是减小震级误差的有效方法.  相似文献   

宁波地震台ZK03井水温异常与8级及以上地震的关系   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
通过近5年时间的观测,发现宁波台ZK03井水温测值变化具有一定的规律性。即在没有明显地震活动和干扰背景下,测值呈缓慢平稳趋势性上升,日波动值仅为仪器的短期稳定性值。虽然没有对应本学科认为的预报效能范围内的地震发生,但地球上发生的共6次8级及以上地震前,该井水温测值都有较明显的异常现象出现。除印尼8.7、8.5级地震前可能有中、短、临异常出现外,其它4次都表现为临震异常。异常主要表现形式为脉冲式向上突跳或阶跃式变化,最大异常量可达日均正常上升速率的数倍至数千倍。水温异常出现的可能原因是由于地震前的长周期波通过上地幔或软流层传播,间接地导致了地下流体温度发生了微小的变化,被高精度的测温仪记录下来。  相似文献   

使用中国地震台网资料快速测定中强地震矩震级   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
利用中国地震台网数字地震资料,选取国内Ms≥5.3地震波形数据,采用长周期波形拟合方法,快速计算2008年至今86个中强震的标量地震矩MO和矩震级Mw,并将Mw与GCMT的测定结果及中国地震台网中心测定的面波震级Ms进行对比.结果表明:矩震级与GCMT测定一致,与中国地震台网中心测定的面波震级关系为Mw=0.86Ms+0.63.  相似文献   

In this study, we aim to improve the scaling between the moment magnitude (M W), local magnitude (M L), and the duration magnitude (M D) for 162 earthquakes in Shillong-Mikir plateau and its adjoining region of northeast India by extending the M W estimates to lower magnitude earthquakes using spectral analysis of P-waves from vertical component seismograms. The M W-M L and M W-M D relationships are determined by linear regression analysis. It is found that, M W values can be considered consistent with M L and M D, within 0.1 and 0.2 magnitude units respectively, in 90 % of the cases. The scaling relationships investigated comply well with similar relationships in other regions in the world and in other seismogenic areas in the northeast India region.  相似文献   

The paper presents the current state of magnitude estimation for Koyna earthquakes exceeding magnitude 3.0. We estimate coda duration magnitude from analogue seismograms recorded on the short period vertical (SPZ) seismometer at Hyderabad seismic observatory HYB and determine moment magnitude using very broad-band (VBB) data from the Geoscope station (HYB)and short period digital data from the local seismic network of NationalGeophysical Research Institute (NGRI) around the Koyna and Warna reservoirs.Firstly, the seismograms of 97 Koyna earthquakes exceeding magnitude 4.0 havebeen used to establish a new empirical coda duration magnitude scale which includes the higher order terms of log10, where is the coda length in seconds. Four background noise levels (1, 2, 6 and 10 mm) areconsidered to estimate the coda duration. We found that the duration magnitudes for 1 mm background level are more stable than those for 2, 6 and 10 mm. The new coda duration magnitude (Mdnew) scale, for 1 mmlevel, is:Mdnew = –0.594 + 2.04 log10 – 0.0435 (log10)2The estimated Mdnew are compatible with the reported MS values of the NGRI observatory and the mb values of the United States Geological Survey (USGS). These magnitudes can be obtained within the standard deviation of ± 0.26 units of MS (NGRI). A new relatively homogeneous catalog for Koyna earthquakes of Mdnew 4.0 is obtained. The momentmagnitudes for 34 Koyna-Warna events of Mdnew ranging from 3.0 to 5.4 have been estimated using two techniques. The first utilizes amplitudes of band-pass filtered (between 15 and 30 sec) velocity traces of moderate Koyna-Warna earthquakes of MW} 4.4 to 5.4, we abbreviate the magnitude using MA. The second is based on the S-wave spectrum of short period seismograms of local earthquakes (MW < 3.8). Moment magnitudes estimated by spectral analysis mainly depend on the estimation of event's long-period spectral level and appears to saturate for moderate Koyna-Warnaearthquakes (MW > 3.8). We recommend the use of both techniques whenever possible. The estimated moment magnitudes and Mdnew show an almost linear relationship with a standard deviation of ± 0.05.  相似文献   

基于最大熵原理,得到地震时间间隔和地震震级的概率分布函数。根据时间间隔分布,得到地震发震概率,当概率上升达到警界值时,可对云南5级以上中强地震做出预测。6个月以内中短期预测对应率为91%;3个月以内,短临期预测对应率为73%。根据震级分布,得到用最大熵原理求出的地震理论发生次数,理论发震次数与实际较为接近。用最大熵原理求出了云南不同地区不同震级档次5级以上中强地震的复发周期。分析认为,云南7级以上大震危险性在逐步逼近,西部危险性高于东部。  相似文献   

采用1975-2010年4月山东区域地震台网地震目录,确定研究区地震震级下限,剔除余震,对预处理后的小震活动月频次进行Kolmogorov-Smirnov分布检验,及小震月频次(X)与累计次数之间的函数拟合.结果表明,山东地区小震活动月频次符合正态分布,月频次与其累计次数之间存在类似G-R关系.对小震月频次分布的峰度K...  相似文献   


利用长宁—昭通页岩气示范区高密度宽频带流动地震台阵观测资料, 基于LOCFLOW流程, 获得了2021年4—10月的108727个震级介于-0.1~5.2之间的地震事件精定位目录.鉴于LOCFLOW内置算法测量的震级与中国地震台网中心发布震级之间存在系统偏差, 根据里克特震级的定义, 分别基于参考震级校正和考虑台基校正的量规函数参数拟合反演两种方法, 建立了适用于研究区的地方性震级公式.反演获得的量规函数能够更加准确地反映四川盆地南部研究区小微地震的振幅衰减特征, 并获得研究区小微地震更加准确的地方性震级, 可应用于页岩气开发区震级-频度关系等与震级相关的研究.


中国西部地震的记录特征及震级测定   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
从温州台大震速报的角度叙述了我国西部地区浅源地震的记录特征及震源参数测定 ,并对云南地震的震级异常进行了讨论。西部地震的记录特征为 :震相简单 ,P波微弱 ,LQ在 NS向早到 ;青海地震 S波三分向均强 ;云南地震 NS向 LQ波表现为一个周期的强脉冲形 ;四川地震 NS向 LQ 显得突出 ,且持续时间较长。对于云南地震 ,温州台所测定的震级明显偏高 ,需加震源校正。  相似文献   

The distributions of discrete frequency, N, versus interoccurrence time, t (in days), of M 7 earthquakes in the Taiwan region during the 1900–1994 period, M 6 earthquakes in the north-south seismic belt of China during the 1900–1990 period, and M 5.5 earthquakes in Southern California, U.S.A., during the 1914–1995 period are studied through two statistical models (gamma function and exponential function). Results show that both the exponential function and gamma function can describe the distributions. However, the former is more appropriate than the latter. This indicates that the three time series of earthquakes have a significant component of Poisson processes, even though the tectonic conditions, the fault distributions and the size of the three seismic regions are different.  相似文献   

利用国家地震台网和全球地震台网的宽频带远震P波波形数据,通过测定2014—2019年间国内MW≥6.0和国外MW≥6.5共105次浅源地震的辐射能量和能量震级,研究了震源机制解对辐射能量估计的影响。结果表明:① 震源机制不同导致地震能量辐射差异较大,其中走滑型地震对辐射能量的影响最大,对能量震级的平均影响因子为0.34,正断型地震对能量震级的平均影响因子为0.08,逆断型地震对能量震级的影响最小,平均影响因子为0.05;② 不同震源机制类型地震的差震级ΔM也不同,走滑型地震的ΔM为 0.31,正断型地震的ΔM为0.21,逆断型地震的ΔM为0.08,这表明走滑型地震辐射能量的效率较高,正断型次之, 逆断型最低;③ 根据鲁甸地震的测定结果分析可知,当能矩比与慢度参数均远高于全球平均水平时,即使该地震震级较小,也存在造成严重破坏的概率;④ 能量震级Me和矩震级MW分别反映了震源的动态和静态属性,二者的联合测定对地震灾害合理评估和地震应急具有重要意义。  相似文献   

水库诱发地震震级预测的统计研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2       下载免费PDF全文
王博  蒋海昆  宋金 《地震学报》2012,34(5):689-697
于收集到的全球102例水库及已发地震的资料,应用隶属函数方法综合分析了水库基本属性、震中区岩性、库坝区基本烈度和震中区断层类型等与水库诱发地震之间的关系,从统计学角度给出了水库诱发最大地震震级的判定方法.通过回溯检验和费舍尔判别检验给出了预测震级的相对误差和正确识别率,总体预测效果较好,可为将来水库的设防和最大地震震级的判定提供统计学上的依据.   相似文献   

运用最大熵原理,研究震级离散条件下震级频度关系,得到震级离散条件下震级概率分布函数,结果表明:(1)震级大于等于某一震级的地震次数应通过离散求和的方式得到,而不应通过积分的方式得到;(2) 震级上限取为∞的情况下,古登堡意义和里克特意义两种震级频度关系式的b值相等;震级上限有限的情况下,里克特意义震级频度关系式可能不是直线.  相似文献   

选取2015-2017年全国自动地震速报综合触发系统在新疆境内触发的自动速报震级[基于"多路综合触发"策略产出的综合触发结果震级(AU)],与人工速报震级数据进行偏差分析,获取研究区震级平均偏差为0.435 4,标准误差为±0.542 9,分析认为:对于新疆不同震级档和不同区域的地震,自动速报震级精准度有所不同,反映了震级偏差存在地域性与层次性;研究区自动速报震级(AU)与人工速报震级偏差小于或等于±0.3的地震约占总数的40.8%,表明自动地震速报综合触发系统在新疆区域的精准度一般,且不可靠结果均表现为自动速报震级(AU)偏大,均大于人工速报震级。  相似文献   

根据古堡-里克特<<全球地震活动性>>一书未公开发表的手稿记录的1902年新疆喀什地震与1906年玛纳斯地震震级资料,严格地按照古登保震级计算公式和程序,对这两次地震震级进行了复算,并指出现今所公开发表的强震目录中其震级间差异的原因。认为:1902年8月22日新疆喀什地震震级取MS=8 1/4,1906年12月23日玛纳斯地震震级取MS=7.9较为合适。  相似文献   

选用吉林地震台网正式运行以来记录的18次东北地区mb (mB)≥4.0深源地震资料,以中国地震台网地震目录给出的震级为标准震级,进行震级偏差统计分析,得出震级校正值.分析震级差异形成的原因,为吉林地震台网测定东北深源地震震级偏差校正提供参考.  相似文献   

IntroductionIt is well accepted that the seismic activity follows a self-similarity way lgN=a--bMproposedby Gutenberg and Richter (1944), where Mis the magnitude, N the sum of events in a certain timeinterval with magnitude larger than or equal to M a and b the constants. Both constants (a and b)are believed to reflect the seismic activity and the seismotCctonic environmellt. This frequencymagnitUde relation simply describes how often the earthquake will happen in one return period.It is b…  相似文献   

如何正确使用新的震级国家标准   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
震级的使用规定是新的震级国家标准《地震震级的规定》(GB17740-2017)的重要内容。为便于广大技术人员和管理人员在实际工作中更好地理解和执行该标准,本文从震级的科学应用和社会应用2个方面详细介绍震级的使用规定。  相似文献   

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