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利用多个数值模式的雨量预报集合为站点雨量预报初值,遵循预报员对降水预报分析的思路,将其以系统、能量、水汽、地形等因子对降水所作的定性预报分析结论转换为因子信度,利用因子信度对站点雨量预报初值作增减的强迫运算,并将地面站点上的相关要素转换为强迫系数,再次对站点雨量预报值作增减的强迫运算,由此得出包含多模式集合预报值、人对诸多定性因子分析信息、站点地面要素差异等综合因素的站点雨量定时定量预报值,从而实现降水客观、定点、定量预报。  相似文献   

利用多个数值模式的雨量预报集合为站点雨量预报初值,遵循预报员对降水预报分析的思路,将其以系统、能量、水汽、地形等因子对降水所作的定性预报分析结论转换为因子信度,利用因子信度对站点雨量预报初值作增减的强迫运算,并将地面站点上的相关要素转换为强迫系数,再次对站点雨量预报值作增减的强迫运算,由此得出包含多模式集合预报值、人对诸多定性因子分析信息、站点地面要素差异等综合因素的站点雨量定时定量预报值,从而实现降水客观、定点、定量预报.  相似文献   

The modulation of twin tropical cyclogenesis in the Indian-western Pacific Oceans by the Madden-Julian Oscillation (MJO) during the onset period of 1997/98 ENSO is explored for the period of September 1996 to June 1997 based on daily OLR, NCEP/NCAR wind vector, and JTWC best track datasets. The MJO westerly wind burst associated with its eastward propagation can result in a series of tropical cyclogeneses in a multi-day interval. Only in the transition seasons are pairs of tropical cyclones observed in both the tropical sectors of the Indian-western Pacific Oceans. Two remarkable twin tropical cyclogeneses probably modulated by the MJO westerly wind burst are found: one is observed in the Indian Ocean in the middle of October 1996, and the other is observed in the Western Pacific Ocean in late May 1997. The twin tropical cyclogenesis in mid-October 1996 is observed when the super cloud cluster separates into two isolated clusters by the enhanced westerly wind, which is accompanied by two independent vortices in the equatorial tropical sectors. The other one, in late-May 1997, however, is characterized by one cyclonic flow that later results in another cyclonic cell in its opposite equatorial sector. Thus, there are two very important conditions for twin cyclogenesis: one is the MJO westerly wind straddling the equator, and the other is the integral super cloud cluster, which later splits into two cloud convective clusters with independent vortices.  相似文献   

Eastward propagating MJO during boreal summer and Indian monsoon droughts   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Improved understanding of underlying mechanism responsible for Indian summer monsoon (ISM) droughts is important due to their profound socio-economic impact over the region. While some droughts are associated with ‘external forcing’ such as the El-Niño and Southern Oscillation (ENSO), many ISM droughts are not related to any known ‘external forcing’. Here, we unravel a fundamental dynamic process responsible for droughts arising not only from external forcing but also those associated with internal dynamics. We show that most ISM droughts are associated with at least one very long break (VLB; breaks with duration of more than 10 days) and that the processes responsible for VLBs may also be the mechanism responsible for ISM droughts. Our analysis also reveals that all extended monsoon breaks (whether co-occurred with El-Niño or not) are associated with an eastward propagating Madden–Julian Oscillation (MJO) in the equatorial Indian Ocean and western Pacific extending to the dateline and westward propagating Rossby waves between 10° and 25°N. The divergent Rossby wave associated with the dry phase of equatorial convection propagates westward towards Indian land, couple with the northward propagating dry phase and leads to the sustenance of breaks. Thus, the propensity of eastward propagating MJO during boreal summer is largely the cause of monsoon droughts. While short breaks are not accompanied by westerly wind events (WWE) over equatorial western Pacific favorable for initiating air–sea interaction, all VLBs are accompanied by sustained WWE. The WWEs associated with all VLB during 1975–2005 initiate air–sea interaction on intraseasonal time scale, extend the warm pool eastward allowing the convectively coupled MJO to propagate further eastward and thereby sustaining the divergent circulation over India and the monsoon break. The ocean–atmosphere coupling on interannual time scale (such as El-Niño) can also produce VLB, but not necessary.  相似文献   

With a hybrid atmosphere-ocean coupled model we carried out an experimental forecast of a well documented Madden-Julian Oscillation (MJO) event that was observed during the period of Tropical Ocean Global Atmosphere Coupled Ocean-Atmosphere Response Experiment (TOGA-COARE). The observed event, originated in the western Indian Ocean around 6 January 1993, moved eastward with a phase speed of about 6.2 m s-1 and reached the dateline around February 1. The hybrid coupled model reasonably forecasts the MJO initiation in the western Indian Ocean, but the predicted MJO event propagates too slow (~ 4.4 m s-1). Results from previous observational studies using unprecedented humidity profiles obtained by NASA Aqua/AIRS satellite suggested that two potential physical processes may be responsible for this model caveat. After improving the cumulus parameterization scheme based on the observations, the model is able to forecast the same event one month ahead. Further sensitivity experiment confirms that the speed-up of model MJO propagation is primarily due to the improved convective scheme. Further, air-sea coupling plays an important role in maintaining the intensity of the predicted MJO. The results here suggest that MJO prediction skill is sensitive to model cumulus parameterization and air-sea coupling. Citation: Fu, X., B. Wang, Q. Bao, et al., 2008: Experimental dynamical forecast of an MJO event observed during TOGA-COARE period, Atmos. Oceanic Sci. Lett., 1, 24-28  相似文献   

本文对1972—1978年七年春播期(3月27日—5月10日)500mb亚欧环流形势,应用变K-均值聚类法进行客观分型,共得九型。对它们和春播期四种主要中期天气过程——连阴雨和低温连阴雨、过程性天气、连晴,用对应分析方法数量化。以环流形势与同期的北半球500mb波谱分析中选出的物理量作为因子,对天气过程类型作出了逐步回归和AID聚类的统计推断。 对1979、80年春播期作了预报检验,效果尚好。  相似文献   

风对人类活动和电力运行有重大影响,准确预报短期风速具有深远的社会和经济意义.基于中国东部100个站点,本研究首先评估了5个业务模式对10米风速的预报能力,日本气象厅JMA模式在减少预报误差方面表现最好.进一步,利用5种数值模式和多种机器学习方法,将动力和统计相结合,对每个站点分别进行了特征工程和机器学习算法优选,建立了10米风速多模式集成预报模型.针对24至96小时预报时长,将该方法的预报性能与基于岭回归的多模式集成和JMA单模式进行比较.结果表明,基于机器学习优选的多模型集成方法可以将JMA模式的预报误差降低39%以上,预报效果的提升在11月最明显.此外,该方法优于基于岭回归的多模式集成方法.  相似文献   

The impact of initialization and perturbation methods on the ensemble prediction of the boreal summer intraseasonal oscillation was investigated using 20-year hindcast predictions of a coupled general circulation model. The three perturbation methods used in the present study are the lagged-averaged forecast (LAF) method, the breeding method, and the empirical singular vector (ESV) method. Hindcast experiments were performed with a prediction interval of 10 days for extended boreal summer (May–October) seasons over a 20 year period. The empirical orthogonal function (EOF) eigenvectors of the initial perturbations depend on the individual perturbation method used. The leading EOF eigenvectors of the LAF perturbations exhibit large variances in the extratropics. Bred vectors with a breeding interval of 3 days represent the local unstable mode moving northward and eastward over the Indian and western Pacific region, and the leading EOF modes of the ESV perturbations represent planetary-scale eastward moving perturbations over the tropics. By combining the three perturbation methods, a multi-perturbation (MP) ensemble prediction system for the intraseasonal time scale was constructed, and the effectiveness of the MP prediction system for the Madden and Julian oscillation (MJO) prediction was examined in the present study. The MJO prediction skills of the individual perturbation methods are all similar; however, the MP‐based prediction has a higher level of correlation skill for predicting the real-time multivariate MJO indices compared to those of the other individual perturbation methods. The predictability of the intraseasonal oscillation is sensitive to the MJO amplitude and to the location of the dominant convective anomaly in the initial state. The improvement in the skill of the MP prediction system is more effective during periods of weak MJO activity.  相似文献   

To date, the intraseasonal variation of raindrop size distribution(DSD) in response to the Madden–Julian Oscillation(MJO) has been examined only over the Indonesian Maritime Continent, particularly in Sumatra. This paper presents the intraseasonal variation of DSD over the Indian Ocean during the Cooperative Indian Ocean experiment on Intraseasonal Variability in the Year 2011(CINDY 2011) field campaign. The DSDs determined using a Joss–Waldvogel disdrometer,which was installed on the roof of the anti-rolling system of the R/V Mirai during stationary observation(25 September to 30 November 2011) at(8°S, 80.5°E), were analyzed. The vertical structure of precipitation was revealed by Tropical Rainfall Measuring Mission Precipitation Radar(version 7) data. While the general features of vertical structures of precipitation observed during the CINDY and Sumatra observation are similar, the intraseasonal variation of the DSD in response to the MJO at each location is slightly different. The DSDs during the active phase of the MJO are slightly broader than those during the inactive phase, which is indicated by a larger mass-weighted mean diameter value. Furthermore, the radar reflectivity during the active MJO phase is greater than that during the inactive phase at the same rainfall rate. The microphysical processes that generate large-sized drops over the ocean appear to be more dominant during the active MJO phase, in contrast to the observations made on land(Sumatra). This finding is consistent with the characteristics of radar reflectivity below the freezing level, storm height, bright band height, cloud effective radius, and aerosol optical depth.  相似文献   

灰关联度在雨季开始期预报中的应用试验   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
以降水和气温作为基本因子,以红河州为例,用灰关联度分析了州内13个站点相互间的关联性,并根据关联性的大小,将各站点的气候变化类型重新归类,然后从新类别中选出代表站点,以已知的年代作为母参考系列,纵向计算了各历史年代的灰关联度,并以此为依据,预测出各代表点的雨季开始期。  相似文献   

严小冬  陈静  雷云 《贵州气象》2004,28(Z1):28-30
通过对北半球近50年各月500hPa高度场格点资料和贵州15个站近50年各月降水资料的分析,得出前期500hPa高度场变化对贵州降水可预报性及降水分布都有重要影响.  相似文献   

研究阿克苏地区苹果盛花期开放规律与温度之间的关系,为苹果花期之前相关农事的准备和预防不良天气对花期的影响提供参考依据。利用阿克苏地区2000-2019年苹果花期和气象数据,通过对苹果花期距平与3、4月的旬均温、≥0 ℃、3 ℃、5 ℃、10 ℃有效积温和活动积温的相关性分析,应用逐步回归方程,拟合出阿克苏地区苹果盛花期预报模型,对相关数据回代检测验证。研究表明:(1)与苹果树盛花期相关性大小依次为 3、4 月份有效积温>活动积温>逐旬平均气温;(2)花期距平与3月中旬均温为显著负相关,与其他指标具有极显著负相关性;(3)其中≥0℃的活动积温(X1)和3月中旬平均温度(X10)对阿克苏地区苹果盛花期影响较大,阿克苏地区苹果树花期预测模型Y= 39.882 - 0.075X1+ 0.696X10。模型拟合度较好,预测的盛花期实际值和拟合值相差绝对值为0-3d,满足生产需要。  相似文献   

采用站点观测和EC、EC订正场(ECR)、CMA_3KM、SWC_3KM模式12~36 h降水预报资料,基于TS评分、SAL检验等指标,对2022年汛期四川多模式降水预报效果进行检验和对比分析。结果表明:(1)SWC_3KM有雨日数预报最接近实况分布,EC模式雨日空报最多且在川西高原和攀西地区尤为显著,EC模式大雨日数预报优于其余模式。(2)BS评分显示EC模式大量级降水预报偏干,其余模式均以湿偏差为主。TS评分暴雨量级各月均以ECR预报最优。(3)个例评分对比,ECR预报效果最稳定,过程最高TS评分次数最多,SWC模式次数最少。(4)ECR个例预报降水强度及雨带位置、走向与实况最接近,EC模式预报偏弱。SWC_3KM模式强降水雨带位置预报在盆地西北部和凉山州北部参考性较高。CMA_3KM和SWC_3KM模式预报大量级降水在高海拔地区存在较大范围空报。  相似文献   

利用1979~2013年实时多要素MJO(Madden-Julian Oscillation)监测(RMM)指数,美国NOAA逐日长波辐射资料和NCEP/NCAR再分析资料等,分析了全球变化背景下北半球冬季MJO传播的年代际变化特征。从全球平均气温快速增暖期(1985~1997)到变暖趋缓期(2000~2012),MJO 2~4位相频次减少,5~7位相频次增多,即MJO对流活跃区在热带印度洋地区停留时间缩短、传播速度加快,而在热带西太平洋停留时间加长、传播明显减缓。进一步分析发现,以上MJO的年代际变化特征与全球变化年代际波动有关。当太平洋年代际涛动(PDO)处于负位相时,全球变暖趋缓,热带东印度洋—西太平洋海温异常偏暖,使其上空对流加强,垂直上升运动加强,对流层低层辐合,大气中的水汽含量增多,该区域的湿静力能(MSE)为正异常。当MJO对流活跃区位于热带印度洋地区时,MJO异常环流对季节平均MSE的输送在强对流中心东侧为正、西侧为负,有利于东侧MSE扰动增加,使得MJO对流扰动东移加快;而当MJO对流活跃区在热带西太平洋地区,MJO异常环流对平均MSE的输送形成东负西正的形势,东侧MSE扰动减小,不利于MJO快速东传。因此,全球变化背景下PDO引起的大气中水汽含量及MSE的变化可能是MJO传播年代际变化的重要原因。  相似文献   


The Madden–Julian Oscillation (MJO)/Boreal Summer Intraseasonal Oscillation (BSISO) has been considered an important climate mode of variability on subseasonal timescales for East Asian summer. However, it is unclear how well the MJO/BSISO indices would serve as guidance for subseasonal forecasts. Using a probabilistic forecast model determined through multiple linear regression (MLR) with MJO, ENSO, and long-term trend as predictors, we examine lagged impacts of each predictor on East Asia extended summer (May–October) climate from 1982 to 2015. The forecast skills of surface air temperature (T2m) contributed by each predictor is evaluated for lead times out to five weeks. We also provide a systematic evaluation of three commonly used, real-time MJO/BSISO indices in the context of lagged temperature impacts over East Asia. It is found that the influence of the trend provides substantial summertime skill over broad regions of East Asia on subseasonal timescales. In contrast, the MJO influence shows regional as well as phase dependence outside the tropical band of the main action centers of the MJO convective anomalies. All three MJO/BSISO indices generate forecasts that yield high skill scores for week 1 forecasts. For some initial phases of the MJO/BSISO, skill reemerges over some regions for lead times of 3–5 weeks. This emergence indicates the existence of windows of opportunity for skillful subseasonal forecasts over East Asia in summer. We also explore the dynamics that contribute to the elevated skills at long lead times over Tibet and Taiwan–Philippine regions following the initial state of phases 7 and 5, respectively. The elevated skill is rooted in a wave train forced by the MJO convective heating over the Arabian Sea and feedbacks between MJO convection and SSTs in Taiwan–Philippine region. Two out of the three commonly used MJO/BSISO indices tend to identify MJO events that evolve consistently in time, allowing them to serve as reliable predictors for subseasonal forecasts for up to 5 weeks.


基于1979—2008年NCEP/CFSR再分析耦合数据集,研究了冬季MJO对ENSO事件的影响。结果表明,在年际时间尺度以及长期的年代际时间尺度上,热带印度洋MJO活动的强弱性都可以影响热带中东太平洋ENSO事件的发生和发展。在年际时间尺度上,ENSO发生前期征兆的赤道中东太平洋的西风爆发事件(Westerly Wind Burst,WWB),作为MJO影响ENSO的主要途径,存在着显著的次季节时间尺度的变化。相对于气候平均的赤道太平洋西部暖池区上升而东部下沉的Walker环流,MJO正位相东传后的西风异常,减弱了低层东风和赤道东太平洋海水上翻。这一上升海流的减弱导致了中东赤道太平洋的海温升高,从而有利于ENSO暖海温事件的发生。而在年代际时间尺度上,MJO范围和强度在1998年前后出现了明显的转变,1998年之前MJO的东移范围更东,强度更强,从而导致了西太平洋西风爆发区的次季节西风异常事件更加显著,在Bjeknes正反馈机制下对应了年代际时间尺度下的强尼诺事件出现,1998年之后则与之相反。冬季MJO对ENSO影响的这一年代际特征主要体现在晚冬季节,而在早冬伴随着印度洋的增暖,MJO强度一直在逐年增加。  相似文献   

Many previous studies have demonstrated that the boreal winters of super El Nino events are usually accompanied by severely suppressed Madden-Julian oscillation(MJO) activity over the western Pacific due to strong descending motion associated with a weakened Walker Circulation. However, the boreal winter of the 2015/16 super El Nino event is concurrent with enhanced MJO activity over the western Pacific despite its sea surface temperature anomaly(SSTA)magnitude over the Nino 3.4 region being comparable to the SSTA magnitudes of the two former super El Nino events(i.e.,1982/83 and 1997/98). This study suggests that the MJO enhanced over western Pacific during the 2015/16 super El Nino event is mainly related to its distinctive SSTA structure and associated background thermodynamic conditions. In comparison with the previous super El Nino events, the warming SSTA center of the 2015/16 super El Nino is located further westward, and a strong cold SSTA is not detected in the western Pacific. Accordingly, the low-level moisture and air temperature(as well as the moist static energy, MSE) tend to increase in the central-western Pacific. In contrast, the low-level moisture and MSE show negative anomalies over the western Pacific during the previous super El Nino events.As the MJO-related horizontal wind anomalies contribute to the further westward warm SST-induced positive moisture and MSE anomalies over the western tropical Pacific in the boreal winter of 2015/16, stronger moisture convergence and MSE advection are generated over the western Pacific and lead to the enhancement of MJO convection.  相似文献   

热带气旋的强弱和移动路径会直接影响到周围大气中气压、温度、露点等气象要素的变化.为更好地了解热带气旋对海口市的影响,通过收集影响海口市热带气旋关键因子,建立热带气旋风雨影响预报因子库,基于SVM方法对热带气旋在过程降水量、最大风速和平均温度进行趋势预报.结果表明,该方法对影响海口市热带气旋的过程降水量、最大风速和平均温度都有较好的预测效果,但对于超过15 m/s的最大风速和200 mm以上降水量级上存在一定的偏差,这可能与SVM模式中预报因子库中关键因子不全及模式的择中原理使结果趋于平均化相关.  相似文献   

1998年夏季HUBEX/GAME期间热量和水汽收支(英)   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
By using the high-resolution GAME reanalysis data, the heat and moisture budgets during the period of HUBEX/GAME in the summer of 1998 are calculated for exploring the thermodynamic features of Meiyu over the Changjiang-Huaihe (CH) valley. During the CH Meiyu period, an intensive vertically-integrated heat source and moisture sink are predominant over the heavy rainfall area of the CH valley, accompanied by strong upward motion at 500 hPa. The heat and moisture budgets show that the main diabatic heating component is condensation latent heat released by rainfall. As residual terms, the evaporation and sensible heating are relatively small. Based on the vertical distribution of the heat source and moisture sink, the nature of the rainfall is mixed, in which the convective rainfall is dominant with a considerable percentage of continuous stratiform rainfall. There are similar time evolutions of the main physical parameters(〈Q1〉,〈Q2〉,and vertical motion ω at 500 hPa).The time variations of〈Q1〉and〈Q2〉are in phase with those of -ω500, and have their main peaks within the CH Meiyu period. This shows the influence of the heat source on the dynamic structure of the atmosphere. The wavelet analyses of those time series display similar multiple timescale characteristics. During the CH Meiyu period, both the synoptic scale(~6 days) and mesoscale (~2 days and ~12 hours) increase obviously and cause heavy rainfall as well as the appearances of the maxima of the main physical parameters. Among them, the mesoscale systems are the main factors.  相似文献   

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