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1 INTRODUCTIONWhen water flows over a fluvial bed, hydro-dynandc force induced by the flow is acting on thesediment particles lying on the bed. A further increase in flow velocity results in an increase in themagnitude of this fOrce; and sediment particles begin to move if a situation is eventu8lly reached whenthe hydro-dynandc force exceeds a certain critical value. This initial movement of sediment pallicles istermed inciPient motion. The erosion and sedimentation of nuvial beds can be…  相似文献   

Sediment incipient motion is a fundamental issue in sediment transport theory and engineering practice. Whilst Shields curve often is used to determine the threshold of sediment movement under unidirectional current conditions, it is unclear whether it can be directly applied for the wave or combined wave-current conditions. The study developed adaptive criterion curves describing incipient motion of sediment under wave and current conditions based on the flow pattern around the sediment particles. Firstly, the flow pattern law for fixed particles was recognized based on the friction law under various dynamic conditions (wave, current, and their combinations), and the flow pattern demarcations for incipient sediment motion were obtained with the threshold conditions for sediment movement under various dynamic conditions combined. Secondly, the exact shape of the Shields curve in each flow regime was derived under the current condition. By combining the flow pattern demarcations for incipient sediment motion under the wave condition, the criterion curve under the wave condition was derived. By combining the flow pattern demarcations for incipient sediment motion under the combined current-wave condition, the criterion curve for sediment incipient motion under the combined current-wave condition was derived. The results indicated that the flow pattern around incipient particles includes laminar, laminar-rough turbulent transition, and rough turbulent regimes. The criterion curves for sediment incipient motion under various dynamic conditions stayed the same in the laminar and rough turbulent regimes, but different in the transition regime. Depending on the relative strengths of the currents and waves, the shape of the criterion curve under the combined current-wave condition transitions adaptively between the criterion curve under the current condition and the criterion curve under the wave conditions.  相似文献   

Based on the dimensional analysis, resistance coefficients of spherical particles to Bingham fluid in laminar flow region, transition region and fully developed turbulent flow regions are derived respectively. A systematical experimental study on settling velocity of steel balls in slurry with different sediment concentrations is conducted and comprehensive discussions are presented. Formulae proposed by the authors are checked with experimental data from various sources.  相似文献   

Suspended sediment is conventionally regarded as that sediment transported by a fluid that it is fine enough for turbulent eddies to outweigh settling of the particles through the fluid. Early work in the fluvial field attributed suspension to turbulence, and led to the notion of a critical threshold for maintaining sediment in suspension. However, research on both turbulence structures and the interactions between suspended sediment and bedforms in rivers has shown a more complex story and, although there appear to have been no studies of the impact of bedforms on aeolian suspended sediment concentrations, turbulent flow structures and transport rates of saltating particles have been shown to be affected. This research indicates that suspended sediment neither travels with the same velocity as the flow in which it is suspended, nor is it likely to remain in suspension in perpetuity, even under conditions of steady flow or in unsteady flow the where dimensionless critical threshold is permanently exceeded. Rather, like bedload, it travels in a series of hops, and is repeatedly deposited on the bed where it remains until it is re‐entrained. Is there, therefore, a qualitative difference between suspended and saltating sediment, or is it just a quantitative difference in the size of the jump length and the frequency of re‐entrainment? It is our contention that the distinction of suspension as a separate class of sediment transport is both arbitrary and an unhelpful anthropocentric artefact. If we recognize that sediment transport is a continuum and applies to any fluid medium rather than split into different “processes” based on arbitrary thresholds and fluids, then recognizing the continuity will enable development of an holistic approach sediment transport, and thus sediment‐transport models that are likely to be viable across a wider range of conditions than hitherto. Copyright © 2015 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

1 INTRODUCTION To data, there are about 100 formulae for the incipient motion of sediment, among which, only about ten are convenient and practical. In 1936, using nondimensional drag force and the sediment’s Reynolds number, Shields (1936) presented the…  相似文献   

Entrainment of sediment particles from channel beds into the channel flow is influenced by the characteristics of the flow turbulence which produces stochastic shear stress fluctuations at the bed. Recent studies of the structure of turbulent flow has recognized the importance of bursting processes as important mechanisms for the transfer of momentum into the laminar boundary layer. Of these processes, the sweep event has been recognized as the most important bursting event for entrainment of sediment particles as it imposes forces in the direction of the flow resulting in movement of particles by rolling, sliding and occasionally saltating. Similarly, the ejection event has been recognized as important for sediment transport since these events maintain the sediment particles in suspension. In this study, the characteristics of bursting processes and, in particular, the sweep event were investigated in a flume with a rough bed. The instantaneous velocity fluctuations of the flow were measured in two-dimensions using a small electromagnetic velocity meter and the turbulent shear stresses were determined from these velocity fluctuations. It was found that the shear stress applied to the sediment particles on the bed resulting from sweep events depends on the magnitude of the turbulent shear stress and its probability distribution. A statistical analysis of the experimental data was undertaken and it was found necessary to apply a Box-Cox transformation to transform the data into a normally distributed sample. This enabled determination of the mean shear stress, angle of action and standard error of estimate for sweep and ejection events. These instantaneous shear stresses were found to be greater than the mean flow shear stress and for the sweep event to be approximately 40 percent greater near the channel bed. Results from this analysis suggest that the critical shear stress determined from Shield's diagram is not sufficient to predict the initiation of motion due to its use of the temporal mean shear stress. It is suggested that initiation of particle motion, but not continuous motion, can occur earlier than suggested by Shield's diagram due to the higher shear stresses imposed on the particles by the stochastic shear stresses resulting from turbulence within the flow.  相似文献   

Fine‐grained (<62·5 µm) suspended sediment transport is a key component of the geochemical flux in most fluvial systems. The highly episodic nature of suspended sediment transport imposes a significant constraint on the design of sampling strategies aimed at characterizing the biogeochemical properties of such sediment. A simple sediment sampler, utilizing ambient flow to induce sedimentation by settling, is described. The sampler can be deployed unattended in small streams to collect time‐integrated suspended sediment samples. In laboratory tests involving chemically dispersed sediment, the sampler collected a maximum of 71% of the input sample mass. However, under natural conditions, the existence of composite particles or flocs can be expected to increase significantly the trapping efficiency. Field trials confirmed that the particle size composition and total carbon content of the sediment collected by the sampler were representative statistically of the ambient suspended sediment. Copyright © 2000 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

1 INTRODUCTION Debrisflowsoccurwhenrainstormsortheelevationofundergroundwaterlevelcauseloosedepositsorpetrifiedobjectssuchasp?..  相似文献   

One of the primary objectives of coastal research is the erection and testing of mechanically sound, predictive models for the two- and three-dimensional form of beach and nearshore bathymetries in order to account for and to predict coastal response to changing wave, tidal and sea-level conditions. The relationship between flow parameters and the mass transport of non-cohesive sedimentary particles has long been of importance in fluvial, aeolian and marine environments, but despite the existence of many numerical beach models, any of which might be developed to account for longer-term evolution, it is apparent that fundamental problems remain, not only in the representation of hydrodynamic and sediment dynamic processes but also in the choice of appropriate forcing functions for long-term simulations in real-time or quasi-real-time. An alternative is developed here in which frequency domain representations of a simplified set of process and response algorithms are presented, so that hydrodynamic, sediment dynamic and geomorphological parameters are related by a simple series of spectral gain functions. In particular, we concentrate on the relationship between the nearbed orthogonal flow spectrum and the resulting sediment mass transport rate. Numerical solutions, using both non-linear and linearized forms of the momentum equation, are presented.  相似文献   

1 INTRODUCTION The particle size of sediment eroded from basins can provide basic information about erosion processes (Meyer et al., 1980), which can be divided into sheet wash sediment processes on hill slopes and fluvial sediment processes in rivers. In…  相似文献   

1 INTRODUCTION Sedimentation in reservoirs is a significant problem. A variety of methods have been suggested to alleviate the effects of sedimentation, but none of the methods are inexpensive and entirely effective. Perhaps soil conservation is the best option, but soil conservation only leads to a reduction in sediment load. Dredging is expensive and produces a large amount of spoil. Sediment sluicing can be effective, but for large dams it takes a great deal of time to lower and re…  相似文献   

In this work, a fully-coupled Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD) model and Discrete Element Method (DEM) are used to simulate a unidirectional turbulent open-channel flow over the full range of sediment transport regimes. The fluid and particles are computed on separate grids using a dual-grid formulation to maintain consistency and avoid instability issues. The results of coupling the dispersed phase to a multiphase flow solver that uses volume-averaged Navier-Stokes equations are compared to those obtained from coupling through drag to a single flow solver. The current work also examines the applicability and limitations of lumping particles as a representative particle to reduce the cost of simulations. Insight to the impact of different turbulent events to the entrainment of particles is also given. The simulation results of sediment transport from both coupling techniques show good agreement with empirical formulas in the bedload regime, but under-predict sediment transport in the suspended load regime. In the suspended load regime, using partial coupling, the rate of sediment transport was found to be under-predicted as compared to full-coupling. The deviation in results in the suspended load regime was found to increase with increases in the applied shear stress. Both coupling methods revealed the same effect on the friction factor where friction increases in the bedload regime and decreases in the suspended load regime reaching a maximum at the transition between regimes. This result is contrary to past studies which have shown a discrete jump in the friction factor at the transition. Lumping particles as representative particles is shown to reduce the simulation cost by more than a factor of 5 when using a scaling factor of 2. By doing a quadrant analysis on information obtained from particle and flow field results, it was found that most of the particles are entrained by more frequent sweep events.  相似文献   

A generalized probabilistic model is developed in this study to predict sediment entrainment under the incipient motion, rolling, and pickup modes. A novelty of the proposed model is that it incorporates in its formulation the probability density function of the bed shear stress, instead of the near-bed velocity fluctuations, to account for the effects of both flow turbulence and bed surface irregularity on sediment entrainment. The proposed model incorporates in its formulation the collective effects of three para-meters describing bed surface irregularity, namely the relative roughness, the volumetric fraction and relative position of sediment particles within the active layer. Another key feature of the model is that it provides a criterion for estimating the lift and drag coefficients jointly based on the recognition that lift and drag forces acting on sediment particles are interdependent and vary with particle protrusion and packing density. The model was validated using laboratory data of both fine and coarse sediment and was compared with previously published models. The study results show that all the examined models perform adequately for the fine sediment data, where the sediment particles have more uniform gra-dation and relative roughness is not a factor. The proposed model was particularly suited for the coarse sediment data, where the increased bed irregularity was captured by the new parameters introduced in the model formulation. As a result, the proposed model yielded smaller prediction errors and physically acceptable values for the lift coefficient compared to the other models in case of the coarse sediment data.  相似文献   

I. INTRODUCTIONResistance to flow in alluvial streams is one of the crucial problems in fluvial hydraulics. Despite that large amount of studies have been conducted for centuries, no perfectmethod describing and calculating the resistance to flow in alluvial streams is availablehll now. Investigation on bed forms and resistance properties of light--weight bed materials is even more scarce. USWES (1936) has conducted systematic experiments onlight--weight materials in a flume & m long an…  相似文献   

The Rouse formula and its variants have been widely used to calculate the steady-state vertical concentration distribution for suspended sediment in steady sediment-laden flows, where the diffusive flux is assumed to be Fickian. Turbulent flow, however, exhibits fractal properties, leading to non-Fickian diffusive flux for sediment particles. To characterize non-Fickian dynamics of suspended sediment, the current study proposes a Hausdorff fractal derivative based advection-dispersion equation(H...  相似文献   

Suspended load in flows on erodible bed   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Steady state suspended-load of sediment transported in flow over erodible beds usually is treated by the advection-diffusion approach, though in recent years, it is being treated as a two-phase flow phenomenon incorporating kinetics of sediment particles. Among the advection-diffusion approaches, Rouse's equation is the well-known, although a number of researchers in later periods have attempted to improve it by modifying the mixing length concept taking into account other aspects. In this paper, the advection-diffusion approach and associated logarithmic law of flow velocity are revisited. It is concluded from the logarithmic law that the Reynolds shear stress is a linear function of height above the bed, which reduces to bed shear stress in the case of a long horizontal channel. As a consequence, it is shown that the volumetric concentration of sediment is best approximated by the sum of two power laws of height above the bed. An equation is derived for the suspended-load transport rate in terms of elementary functions.  相似文献   

This paper deals with the effect of rainfall on the process of wind erosion of beach sands and presents results from both field and wind tunnel experiments. Although sediment transport by splash is of secondary importance on coastal dunes, splash–saltation processes can move sediments in conditions where no motion is predicted by aeolian processes. The effect of raindrop impact on the movement of soil particles by wind was measured on a sand beach plain using an acoustic sediment sampler. In general, an increase of particle movement by wind at the sensor heights was observed during rainfall. Rainfall also affected the wind erosion process during and after rain by changing the cohesive conditions of the surface. The influence of the surface moisture content on the initiation of wind erosion and on the vertical distribution of transported sand particles was studied in a wind tunnel. Moisture significantly increased threshold wind velocities for the initiation of sediment transport and modified vertical sediment profiles.  相似文献   

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