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鄂尔多斯盆地南部的黄土高原,由于长期 风化、侵蚀,形成了树枝状水系与沟、塬、梁、峁、 坡并存的独特黄土地貌。针对这种复杂地表条件长 庆物探已建立了沿沟弯线为主、辅以黄土塬多线和 网状三维的采集方法;确立了高精度静校正、适度 去噪、共反射面元优化及已知井反射系数序列控制 的高保真处理方法、本文着重介绍处理、解释二大 环节的关键方法及应用效果。  相似文献   

鄂尔多斯盆地南部的黄土高原,由于长期 风化、侵蚀,形成了树枝状水系与沟、塬、梁、峁、 坡并存的独特黄土地貌。针对这种复杂地表条件长 庆物探已建立了沿沟弯线为主、辅以黄土塬多线和 网状三维的采集方法;确立了高精度静校正、适度 去噪、共反射面元优化及已知井反射系数序列控制 的高保真处理方法、本文着重介绍处理、解释二大 环节的关键方法及应用效果。  相似文献   

地球物理勘探技术的进展   总被引:3,自引:2,他引:3  
近年来,地球物理技术发展非常快,其重点可从下列几个方面进行综述:1)电子和计算机技术的迅猛发展是推动物探技术发展的源泉。2)地震装备和采集技术的时展是基于三维和高分辨率勘探的需求。3)地震资料处理从传统批处理向勘探、开发交互处理方向演变。4)面临当今信息爆炸的情况下,地震解释将综合更多的信息以降低石油勘探开发的风险。5)开采地球物理和地震反演近年来有长足的进展。6)其他学科的一些新理论和新算法已在  相似文献   

地震图的解释是用于识别地震记录上出现的且形成相当复杂结构的各种地震波(震相)的技艺。正确识别所记录的震相及该震相在地球内部的传播路径是所有利用地震观测数据进行研究的途径。一幅地震图的形态反映了震源、传播路径、仪器特性和接收台站周围噪声的共同作用。理解地震图的复杂结构需要震源物理、地球结构和地震波传播的知识。总之,需要有分析地震波的长期经验。一个经验丰富的地震图分析员经常可发现并正确解释新手们不能察觉的记录特征,  相似文献   

本文介绍了在平原复杂地表及地质条件下开展三维地震勘探的资料采集和处理的过程,并提出了针对性的勘探方法和处理技术,以保证野外资料采集和数据处理的质量。通过对三维地震勘探的野外资料科学采集和高质量的数据处理,说明了三维地震勘探在水网区(河流、鱼塘、水库)、铁路、村庄及工厂、地下构造复杂等等的地区取得了成功,并为今后地表及地质复杂地区的煤田三维地震勘探工作提供了借鉴经验。  相似文献   

浅层地震勘探资料处理中的速度分析参数选取   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3       下载免费PDF全文
王辉  丁志峰 《地震地质》2006,28(4):597-603
浅层人工地震勘探是当前城市地震活断层探测的主要方法,勘探精度不仅受激发、接收等因素的影响,还与地震数据处理的精度密切相关。速度分析是地震勘探资料处理中的关键环节,它的准确与否对动校正、共深度点叠加、叠后偏移及时深转换等都将产生影响。针对浅层地震资料目的层较浅、叠加次数少和城市背景干扰大等特点,文中对速度分析的参数选取问题进行了研究。首先通过对相邻CDP道集内各接收道炮检距的分析,以及单个和多个CDP道集的对比,提出了用于速度分析的CDP大道集的抽取原则。并通过对不同的CDP大道集、速度扫描间隔、计算时窗长度、动校切除比例等所获得的速度谱的对比分析,对速度谱扫描过程中各参数的选取提出了建议,并对速度分析及时深转换过程中值得注意的问题进行了讨论  相似文献   

鄂尔多斯盆地北部地区地震地质条件复杂,造成原始地震资料信噪比低,分辨率低,前期的地震资料储层与含气性预测的成果达不到目前勘探开发的要求.本文针对鄂尔多斯盆地北部低信噪比地震资料的特点,提出了一套适合本区的高分辨率处理方法,通过解决静校正和去噪问题,应用反褶积、精细速度分析以及高精度动校正和叠加等处理技术,在保证信噪比的前提下,提高了地震资料的分辨率.  相似文献   

金属矿区磁法勘探的进展与展望   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5       下载免费PDF全文
熊光楚 《地球物理学报》1994,37(A01):437-443

陕北富县地区以前的地震勘探沿沟布设弯曲测 线,平面展布呈不规则树枝状,难以形成闭合回 路,很难对二维地震资料在平面上进行储层反 演。2001年在陕北富县探区进行野外采集方法和 地震处理技术攻关,通过采用极其灵活的可变线 元观测系统实现直测线过塬,使测线成网连片; 资料处理中采用基于模型反演的折射波静校正、 地表一致性振幅补偿和反褶积、叠前噪音衰减等 技术,为后续的储层预测、低幅度构造解释和综 合地质研究提供了高保真的地震资料;由于测线 的连片成网,通过伪测井的方法对无井测线进行 控制,最终实现储层反演的连片解释。  相似文献   

Nowadays, it becomes very urgent to find remain oil under the oil shortage worldwide.However, most of simple reservoirs have been discovered and those undiscovered are mostly complex structural, stratigraphic and lithologic ones. Summarized in this paper is the integrated seismic processing/interpretation technique established on the basis of pre-stack AVO processing and interpretation.Information feedbacks occurred between the pre-stack and post-stack processes so as to improve the accuracy in utilization of data and avoid pitfalls in seismic attributes. Through the integration of seismic data with geologic data, parameters that were most essential to describing hydrocarbon characteristics were determined and comprehensively appraised, and regularities of reservoir generation and distribution were described so as to accurately appraise reservoirs, delineate favorite traps and pinpoint wells.  相似文献   

The Maqen-Jingbian wide-angle seismic reflection and refraction experiment was carried out in 1998,which aims at determining detailed structure in the crust and top of the upper mantle and understanding structural relation between the northeastern Tibetan plateau and the Ordos block. The 1-D crustal models inferred by waveform inversion show strong variations in crustal structure,which can be classified into four different types:1 an Ordos platform with the Proterozoic crust and two high-velocity layers in ...  相似文献   

Against the background of climate change, the global carbon and water cycle has undergone significant changes, and it is of great significance to explore the interrelationships of the carbon and water cycles in different regions to cope with future climate change. In this study, based on gross primary productivity (GPP) and precipitation (PRE) data, the precipitation use efficiency (PUE) of the Loess Plateau (LP) was calculated, and the Sen trend analysis and Mann-Kendall test were used to analyse the temporal and spatial variation characteristics of PUE, as well as the first-order difference method was used to derive the relative contributions to quantify the impact of vegetation growth and meteorological factors on PUE. The results show that (1) from 2001 to 2018, the spatial distribution pattern of vegetation PUE exhibited an increasing trend from northwest to southeast. On the time scale, the multi-year average value of PUE was 1.17 gC m−2 mm−1, showing an overall upward trend. Among the different land cover types, paddy fields had the highest PUE level, and sparse grassland had the lowest; (2) LAI had the highest relative contribution to vegetation PUE, followed by temperature (Temp), net radiation of the ground surface (RN), specific humidity (Shum), and wind speed (WS). LAI contributes positively to 88.9% of the area. RN positively influences high-altitude areas, while Shum had a larger area with a negative contribution. The contribution of Temp increases from northwest to southeast, and WS has balanced positive and negative contributions; (3) LAI is the dominant factor for the spatial and temporal variation of PUE in the LP, and the size of the areas where different meteorological factors dominate the changes of PUE are as follows: WS > Shum>RN > Temp. At high altitudes, the dominant meteorological driver is WS, while at low altitudes, the dominant climate driver is Shum. This study is of guiding significance for the ecological restoration and management of the LP, and it can also provide a scientific basis for the improvement of ecosystems and the sustainable management of water resources in the context of global climate change.  相似文献   

The Maqen-Jingbian wide-angle seismic reflection and refraction experiment was carried out in 1998, which aims at determining detailed structure in the crust and top of the upper mantle and understanding structural relation between the northeastern Tibetan plateau and the Ordos block. The 1-D crustal models inferred by waveform inversion show strong variations in crustal structure, which can be classified into four different types: ① an Ordos platform with the Proterozoic crust and two high-velocity layers in the northeast section, ② a transitional crust between the northeastern Tibetan plateau and the Ordos block across the Haiyuan earthquake zone, ③ the Qilian orogenic zone in the central part, and 4 the Qinling orogenic zone in the southwestern section. The Moho depth increases from ~42 km to ~62 km from the NE part to the SW part of the profile. The crystalline crust consists of the upper crust and lower crust in northeastern Tibetan plateau. There is an obviously low P-wave velocity layer dipping northeastward, which is 12–13 km thick, at the bottom of the upper crust in Qinling orogenic zone and Haiyuan earthquake zone. The lower crust is characterized by alternating high and low P-wave velocity layers. Beneath Ordos block, i.e., the NE part of the profile, the crust shows quite a smooth increase in P-wave velocity down to the Moho at a depth of about 42 km.  相似文献   

对台湾西南海域增生楔部位长排列多道地震数据进行地震成像、速度分析、AVO分析、AVO反演处理,获得了天然气水合物多属性地震特征.在偏移剖面上,BSR与海底近似平行,极性与海底相反,穿越沉积层.AVO分析显示,强BSR振幅部位,BSR振幅随偏移距增大而增大.精细速度分析表明强BSR振幅下方存在纵波低速层.对应于强BSR振幅部位,AVO反演的P波、G波为相对高负值区,位于P、G交会图的第三象限,该部位泊松比变化率为负值,横波反射系数接近于零.以上多属性地震特征均预示着该区域可能存在天然气水合物层,且天然气水合物层下方可能存在游离甲烷气层.  相似文献   

Based on the fact that the Hankel matrix constructed by noise-free seismic data is low-rank, low-rank approximation (or rank-reduction) methods have been widely used for removing noise from seismic data. Due to the linear-event assumption of the traditional low-rank approximation method, it is difficult to define a rank that optimally separates the data subspace into signal and noise subspaces. For preserving the most useful signal energy, a relatively large rank threshold is often chosen, which inevitably leaves residual noise. To reduce the energy of residual noise, we propose an optimally damped rank-reduction method. The optimal damping is applied via two steps. In the first step, a set of optimal damping weights is derived. In the second step, we derive an optimal singular value damping operator. We review several traditional low-rank methods and compare their performance with the new one. We also compare these low-rank methods with two sparsity-promoting transform methods. Examples demonstrate that the proposed optimally damped rank-reduction method could get significantly cleaner denoised images compared with the state-of-the-art methods.  相似文献   

地震台阵及其数据处理方法   总被引:5,自引:1,他引:5  
介绍了地震台阵的基础知识和地震台阵的发展状况,同时阐述了地震台阵数据处理方法及国内外研究概况。  相似文献   

ADAPT区域数字地震台网数据汇集与处理软件包   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
已经开发了一种区域数字地震台网处理软件包,称作ADAPT(Adaptive Data Acquisition and Processing Tools)。ADAPT软件系统适用于安装在区域遥测数字地震台网中心的Windows NT计算机网络,用于汇集和处理来自台网所属台站的数字地震波形数据,其主要功能包括在线自动处理和人机交互处理两个方面。本文将介绍ADAPT系统的基本功能,分析该系统的特点,并着重说明系统中采用的地震定位方法。  相似文献   

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