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Rosanna De Rosa  Paola Donato  Guido Ventura   《Lithos》2002,65(3-4):299-311
Upper Pollara eruption products (13 ka, Salina Island, Italy) include both homogeneous and heterogeneous pumices resulting from mixing/mingling processes between an HK andesite and a high-SiO2 rhyolite. Representative samples of heterogeneous pumices are collected and analyzed in order to check the correspondence between glass composition and morphological features of the mingling/mixing structures. Image analysis techniques are applied and eight grey color ranges (classes) are extracted from high-resolution scans of pumice. Class 1 (lighter colors) and class 8 (darker colors) show end-member glass compositions, i.e. HK andesite and high-SiO2 rhyolite, respectively. These two classes show spot- to cluster-like morphological structures. Intermediate classes show an HK dacitic to rhyolitic composition and a banding- to fold-like morphology. Fractal analysis by box-counting of the boundary pattern of eight grey classified images is performed over a length scale of 0.028–1.8 cm. Fractal dimension D is between 1.01 and 1.84. Coupled fractal analysis and geochemical data reveal that D increases as the degree of magma interaction (homogenization) increases. This feature well fits the results from numerical models on the convective mixing of fluids driven by thermal convection. We conclude that the increase of D observed in the Upper Pollara samples reflects the transition from fractal mixing to homogenization. End-member magmas (HK andesite and high-SiO2 rhyolite) represent isolated mixing regions, while homogenized magmas represent active mixing regions. In the analyzed pumices, isolated and active mixing regions coexist at scales between 10−4 and 10−2 m. Morphological and compositional features of the Upper Pollara pumices result from turbulence.  相似文献   

During the Neogene, a magmatic change from calc-alkaline to alkaline types occurred in all the regions surrounding the western Mediterranean. This change has been studied in Oranie (western Algeria). In this area, potassic to shoshonitic calc-alkaline andesites (with La/Nb ratios in the range 4–6) were mainly erupted between 12 and 9 Ma. They were followed (between 10 and 7 Ma) by basalts displaying geochemical features which are transitional between calc-alkaline and alkaline lavas (La/Nb=1–1.7). After a ca. 3-Ma quiescence period, volcanic activity resumed, with the eruption of OIB-type alkaline basalts (La/Nb=0.5–0.6), from 4 to 0.8 Ma. A combined geochemical approach, using incompatible elements and Sr, Nd and O isotopes, allows us to conclude that the transitional basalts derived from the melting of a heterogeneous mantle source, at the boundary between lithosphere and asthenosphere. We propose that melting of a previously subduction-modified lithospheric mantle occurred between 12 and 10 Ma, in response to the upwelling of hot asthenosphere flowing up into an opening gap above a detached sinking slab. As a result, calc-alkaline magmas were formed. From 10 to 7 Ma, the transitional basalts were generated through melting of the boundary mantle zone between the lithosphere and the upwelling asthenosphere. During that stage, the contribution of the lithospheric source was still predominant. Then, as sinking of the oceanic slab progressed, the increasing uprise of the asthenosphere led to the formation and emplacement (from 4 to 0.8 Ma) of typical within-plate alkaline basalts derived from a plume-modified asthenospheric mantle.  相似文献   

The variations of rock magnetism reflect the geological inhomogeneities of the earth's crust, i.e. its petrological-mineralogical and structural organization. The present state of the crust bears meaningful information of its past dynamic processes and evolution. We analysed magnetic susceptibility data series from the boreholes of the German Continental Deep Drilling Project (KTB). By means of spectral and rescaled-range (R/S) analyses we could detect a scaling behaviour of magnetic data series and quantify it in fractal terms. In particular, the R/S method yields more precise results than the Fourier analysis and leads to Hurst coefficients H > 0.5, which means that the magnetic variations exhibit some persistence with depth. Because of the relation between rock magnetism and crustal features, we suggest that the magnetic vertical inhomogeneities in the KTB area can be described by a self-affine model with H 0.8, corresponding to a fractal dimension D 1.2.  相似文献   

This paper presents the findings from a study on gravity-induced slope deformations along the northern slope of Mt. Nuria (Rieti-Italy). The slope extends from the village of Pendenza to the San Vittorino plain and hosts the Peschiera River springs, i.e. the most important springs of the Central Apennines (average discharge: about 18 m3/s).

Detailed geological-geomorphological and geomechanical surveys, supported by a site stress-strain monitoring system and laboratory tests, led us to define the main evolutionary features of the studied phenomena. Based on the collected data, a “geological-evolutionary model” was developed with a view to identifying a spatio-temporal correlation between relief forms, jointing of the rock mass and its stress conditions. The geological-evolutionary model was expected to improve numerical simulations and to test our assumptions.

The numerical model also allowed us to simulate changes in the stress-strain conditions of the rock mass and correlate them with jointing, seepage, as well as with site-detected and site-monitored forms and deformations. In particular, significant relations between seepage, tensile stresses within the rock mass, karst solution and collapse of cavities were identified.  相似文献   

玉龙斑岩铜(钼)矿床是亚洲最大的斑岩型铜矿床,包含多种矿化类型,成矿作用复杂。作为典型的斑岩型矿床,岩浆熔融体的性质在玉龙铜矿床的形成过程中起到了至关重要的作用。本文将分别从岩浆熔融体的物理和化学性质出发,解释玉龙矿床为何能成为玉龙成矿带中唯一一个超大型矿床的原因。在熔体演化方面,笔者主要通过对熔体密度、粘度的计算获得有关数据,以了解熔体运移、含矿流体分离的过程,以解释玉龙铜矿床为何能形成如此规模的矿床。  相似文献   

The dominantly sandy fluvial deposits of the Soiling Formation in the Hessian Depression in W-Germany are excellently exposed in abandoned sandstone quarries N of Kassel near Bad Karlshafen und Stadtoldendorf.Detailed mapping of the quarry walls indicates the presence of five architectural elements: (1) lateral accretion deposits; (2) minor cross-cutting channel-fills; (3) major broad channel deposits; (4) laminated sand sheets; and (5) muddy deposits. The vertical and lateral relationships of these elements suggest deposition in a braided-meandering river system. Sinuous parts of the river channels were dominated by point bar deposition at river high stage (element 1), whereas low-stage flow was characterized by a braided stream pattern (element 2). Less sinuous parts of the river channels were characterized by moderate braiding indices (element 3). Proximal overbank areas were dominated by sandy sheet flows (element 4) whereas distal overbank areas received muddy sediments (element 5).
Zusammenfassung Die überwiegend sandigen fluviatilen Ablagerungen der Solling-Folge in der Hessischen Senke sind sehr gut in ehemaligen Sandsteinbrüchen nördlich von Kassel in der Nähe von Bad Karlshafen und Stadtoldendorf aufgeschlossen.Detaillierte Kartierung der Bruchwände zeigt fünf architektonische Elemente: (1) Ablagerungen mit lateralem Zuwachs; (2) kleine durchschneidende Rinnenfüllungen; (3) Absätze in großen und breiten Kanälen; (4) laminierte Sandschichten und (5) tonige Ablagerungen. Die vertikalen und lateralen Beziehungen dieser Elemente zueinander deuten auf Sedimentation in einem verflochtenen bis mäandrierenden Flussnetz hin. Die stark gekrümmten Teile der Flussrinnen sind bei Hochwasser von Point Bar-Absätzen dominiert (Element 1), während sie bei Niedrigwasser Ströme mit verflochtenem Muster zeigen (Element 2). Die weniger gekrümmten Teile der Flussrinnen sind durch moderate Vernetzungsindizien charakterisiert (Element 3). Proximale Überflutungsbereiche sind von sandigen Schichtflutsedimenten dominiert (Element 4), während auf den distalen Überflutungsebenen tonige Sedimente abgelagert wurden (Element 5).

Résumé Les dépôts fluviatiles à dominance sableuse de la Soiling Formation (dépression de Hesse, en Allemagne) affleurent de manière exceptionnelle dans des carrières abandonnées près de Bad-Karlshafen et Stadtoldendorf. Une cartographie détaillée des parois des carrières révèle cinq éléments architecturaux: 1) dépôts à croissance latérale; 2) remplissage entrecroisé de chenaux mineurs; 3) dépôts de chenaux majeurs; 4) couches de sable à structure laminée; 5) dépôts argileux. Les relations verticales et latérales de ces éléments suggèrent une sédimentation dans une rivière anastomosée et à méandres. Les parties sinueuses des chenaux étaient le siège d'une sédimentation de »point bar« lors des périodes de hautes eaux (élément 1), tandis que les périodes de basses eaux se traduisent par un type de cours d'eau anastomosé (élément 2). Les parties moins sinueuses des chenaux étaient caractérisées par des indices d'anastomose plus modérés (élément 3). Les domaines proximaux de crue étaient dominés par des influx sableux (élément 4), tandis que les domaines de crue distaux recevaient des sédiments argileux (élément 5).

- . 5 : 1) ; 2) : 3) ; 4) 5) . . , ( 1), ( 2). ( 3). , , ( 4), - , ( 5).

Summary Beppu is a water-dominated active geothermal system in Kyushu (Japan). Gold mineralization exists in places within altered Pleistocene volcanites in the southernmost part of this field. A shallow 300 m well was drilled in an alluvial fan deposit made up of unsorted volcanic clasts of andesite and dacite. Water and core samples were collected and a temperature log was carried out. In the depth range of 150-230 m and at temperatures of 126-148° C the main authigenic minerals are quartz, calcite, K-feldspar, mixed layers illite/smectite, stilbite and pyrite. The chemical data of the waters indicate that mixing occurs between shallow bicarbonate waters and deep Na-Cl geothermal waters in the outflow zone. The authigenic mineral assemblages found in the well are analogous to those found in the epithermal gold deposits of southern Kyushu. Au concentration data for the hydrothermal springs of Beppu (0.53 g/kg) indicate that the fluids found in the borehole at 148° C could theoretically deposit gold. It is reasonable to hypothesise that a process of mixing between deep Na-Cl fluids and shallow Ca-HCO3-SO4 fluids were responsible for massive silicate deposition, accompanied in places by Au mineralizations.
Wasser-Gesteins-Wechselwirkung in einer Zone lateraler Fließbewegung: ein natürliches Beispiel aus der aktiven Geothermal-Golderz-Zone von Beppu (Kyushu, Japan)
Zusammenfassung Beppu ist ein geothermales System auf der Insel Kyushu, Japan, in der Wasser die dominante Rolle spielt. Goldvererzungen treten stellenweise in umgewandelten pleistozänen Vulkaniten im südlichsten Teil des Gebietes auf. Ein 300 m tiefes Bohrloch wurde in einem alluvialen Sedimentations-Fächer, der aus unsortierten vulkanischen Klasten, aus Andesit und Dazit besteht, niedergebracht. Wasserproben und Kernproben wurden genommen und die Temperaturen im Bohrloch systematisch gemessen. In Tiefen von 150–230 m und bei Temperaturen von 126–148°C sind die wichtigsten autigen gebildeten Minerale Quarz, Calcit, K-Feldspat, Illit/Smectit, Stilbit und Pyrit. Der Chemismus der Wässer zeigt, daß eine Mischung zwischen seichten Bikarbonat-Wässern und aus der Tiefe stammenden Na-Cl geothermalen Wässern erfolgt. Die autigenen Mineralassoziationen in diesem. Bohrloch sind vergleichbar mit denen in epithermalen Goldlagerstätten des südlichen Kyushu. Auf der Basis von existierenden Goldkonzentrationsdaten für die hydrothermalen Quellen auf Beppu (0.53 g/kg) läßt sich zeigen, daß die Fluide, die in dem Bohrloch bei 148 angetroffen wurden, theoretisch Gold absetzen könnten. Daher läßt sich die Theorie vertreten, daß Mischungsvorgänge zwischen einem aus der Tiefe stammenden Na-Cl Fluid und einem oberflächennahen Ca-HCO3-SO4 Wasser für die massive Silikatausscheidung verantwortlich waren, die stellenweise von Goldmineralisation begleitet wurden.

Contribution No 4. Foreign Visiting Scientist Section, Beppu Geophysical Research Laboratory, Kyoto University.

This paper was presented at the IGCP 291 Project Symposium Metamorphic Fluids and Mineral Deposits, ETH Zurich, March 21–23, 1991.  相似文献   

 The Cabo Ortegal complex (northwestern Iberian massif) is a klippen formed of several structural units stacked during the Hercynian collision. All these units include ultramafic rocks, metabasites and quartz-feldspathic gneisses affected by different metamorphic conditions. The Bacariza formation is heterogeneous showing a conspicuous layering mainly defined by alternate high-pressure ultrabasic-to-basic granulites, retrogressed garnet amphibolites of intermediate composition and rare acid rocks forming garnet trondhjemitic gneisses. This layering is inherited from a gabbroic protolith showing a composition rich in Fe and Ti. Major and trace elements of these rocks can be correlated to continental tholeiitic series of extensional settings. These high-pressure granulites are situated in normal contact between±serpentinised ultramafic rocks and other high-grade metabasites with lessevolved and more-depleted composition comparable to T-type and N-type MORB. It is suggested that the layered gabbro-type protolith was part of a continuous mafic crust. This crust was initially formed during Early Ordovician in a continental extensional setting and progressively evolved to oceanic spreading. Received: 9 February 1996/Accepted: 10 February 1997  相似文献   

Metagabbros and amphibolites exposed in the Bou-Maïza area of the Edough massif (northeast Algeria) are described in detail. Field and petro-structural observations point to the syn-sedimentary emplacement of gabbros as clasts, blocks and lenses of polymictic gabbroic breccias. Associated amphibolites display fine-scale parallel sedimentary bedding and represent mafic epiclastites, litharenites and mafic greywackes. The mafic beds and lenses are intercalated with aluminous pelitic schists of continental origin, quartzite and marble. It is concluded that all mafic rocks from this locality derive from the erosion of an oceanic plutono-volcanic complex of MORB affinity that was reworked in a block matrix mélange and emplaced as turbidites and debris flows during the Mesozoic. We propose a convergent plate margin setting for these formations connected with the subducted Calabrian branch of the Tethyan slab.  相似文献   

K–Ar dating was applied on authigenic potassic minerals which are abundant in sandstones from the south of the Sanfranciscana Basin, Western Minas Gerais State, central Brazil. The Quintinos Member fluvial sandstones (Três Barras Formation, Areado Group) contain significant amounts of authigenic K‐feldspar as microcrystals of adularia and sanidine habits. The ages of these microcrystals cluster into three groups: 106.1 ± 2.2, 89.9 ± 1.9 and 88.8 ± 1.8 Ma (from Albian to Coniacian). The older age of 106.1 ± 2.2 Ma was obtained from the coarse fraction analysed (10–20 µm) that can contain a mixture of detrital potassic minerals (K‐feldspar, muscovite, biotite and illite) and different authigenesis of K‐feldspar (overgrowths and microcrystals). Thus, only the younger ages were interpreted as precipitation of K‐feldspar microcrystals during the Late Cretaceous into the Quintinos Member sandstones. Moreover, these ages can document the formation of microcrystals within a few million years after deposition of the sandstones. The ages of authigenic illite from the Capacete Formation epiclastic sandstones (Mata da Corda Group) range from 88.5 ± 1.9 to 71.5 ± 1.9 Ma (Coniacian–Campanian). These results suggest the timing of the illitization event in these sandstones as well as a synchrony with K‐feldspar authigenesis in the Quintinos Member sandstones. These results are well constrained and are in agreement with stratigraphic, biostratigraphic and radiometric ages previously reported for the Sanfranciscana Basin. Copyright © 2014 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

On June 19, 1996, an extremely heavy rainstorm hit a restricted area in the Apuan Alps (northwestern Tuscany, Italy). Its max intensity concentrated over an area of about 150 km2 astride the Apuan chain, where 474 mm was recorded in about 12 h (21% of the mean annual precipitation, with an intensity up to 158 mm/h). The storm caused floods and hundreds of landslides and debris flows, which produced huge damage (hundreds of millions of Euros), partially destroyed villages and killed 14 people. This paper reports the results obtained from a detailed field survey and aerial view interpretation. In the most severely involved area, 647 main landslides were investigated, mapped and related to the geologic, geomorphic and vegetational factors of the source areas. This was in order to define the influence of these factors and contribute to an evaluation of the landslide hazard in the study area. An assessment was also made of the total area and volume of material mobilised by landsliding. The study area, about 46 km2 wide, includes three typically mountainous basins, characterised by narrow, deep cut valleys and steep slopes, where many rock types outcrop. Most of the landslides were shallow and linear, referable to complex, earth and debris translational slide, which quickly developed into flow (soil slip–debris flow). Usually, they involved colluvium and started in hollows underlain by metamorphic rock (metasandstone and phyllite), often dipping downslope. Therefore, bedrock lithology and impermeability appeared to be important factors in the localisation of the landslide phenomena. The investigation of the geomorphic and land use features in the source areas also frequently highlighted a rectilinear profile of the slope, a high slope gradient (31–45°) and dense chestnut wood cover. In the area, about 985,000 m2 (2.1% of 46 km2) was affected by landsliding and about 700,000 m2 of this area was covered by chestnut forest. The landslides removed about 7000 trees. The volume of mobilised material was about 1,360,000 m3; about 220,000 m3 remained on the slopes, while the rest poured into the streams. In addition, about 945,000 m3 was mobilised by the torrential erosion in the riverbeds.  相似文献   

利用稳定同位素大气水平衡模式(iAWBM)的模拟数据,分析了在不同的下垫面蒸发和不同的凝结分馏条件下降水中δ18O的时间变化、降水量效应、负温度效应和大气水线。并通过与长沙站5年实测数据的比较以及模拟试验结果之间的相互比较,揭示下垫面蒸发水汽中稳定同位素的季节性变化和云中稳定同位素分馏对降水中稳定同位素变化的可能影响,增进对季风区水稳定同位素效应的理解和认识。iAWBM给出的4个模拟试验均很好地再现了监测站降水中δ18O的时间变化,模拟出季风区降水中稳定同位素在暖半年被贫化、在冷半年被富集的基本特点。与平衡分馏相比,动力分馏下降水中稳定同位素被贫化的程度加强、季节差和离散程度减小;由下垫面蒸发水汽中稳定同位素δe季节性变化所引起的降水中稳定同位素的变化在不同季节完全相反:在长沙,暖半年降水中δ18O更低,冷半年降水中δ18O更高,使得降水中稳定同位素季节差和离散程度增大。4个模拟试验均很好地再现了季风区的降水量效应和负温度效应。与平衡分馏相比,动力分馏下模拟的降水量效应和负温度效应的斜率相对较小;δe季节性变化导致模拟的降水量效应和负温度效应的斜率增大。利用iAWBM,模拟出季风区湿热气候条件下的MWL。动力分馏以及δe季节变化均使模拟得到的MWL的斜率和截距减小。  相似文献   

In the Concarena‐Pizzo Camino Massif (Lombardy Basin, Southern Alps, Italy) the lateral transition from Ladinian‐Carnian carbonate platforms to coeval intraplatform basins is preserved. The succession records the sedimentological evidence of a sea‐level fall on a flat‐topped platform with a narrow marginal reef rim and its effects in the adjacent deeper‐water basin. Repeated high‐frequency exposures of the platform top are recorded by a peritidal–supratidal succession that overlies subtidal inner platform facies of the former highstand system tract (HST). On the slope and in the basin, the sea‐level fall is recorded by a few metre thick succession of bioclastic packstones. These facies directly lie on coarse clinostratified breccia bodies (slope facies of the former HST) or on resedimented, well‐bedded, dark laminated limestones (basinal facies of the HST). This facies distribution indicates that during the sea‐level fall carbonate production on the platform top decreased rapidly and that sedimentation in the basin was mainly represented by condensed facies. Microfacies record an enrichment, during low stand, in pelagic biota (packstones with radiolarians and spiculae), whereas the occurrence of platform‐derived, shallow‐water materials is limited to thin lenses of reworked and micritized Fe‐rich oolites and bioclasts (mainly pelecypods and echinoderms). The facies association in the Concarena‐Pizzo Camino Massif demonstrates that a highly‐productive carbonate factory was almost completely turned off during the emergence of the platform top at a sequence boundary, leading to low‐stand starvation in the basin. The reconstruction of the stratigraphic evolution of the Concarena‐Pizzo Camino carbonate platform therefore represents a significant case history for the study of the behaviour of ancient carbonate systems during a fall in sea‐level, independent of its origin (eustatic or tectonic).  相似文献   

The contact between the Silurian black phyllite and the Cambro–Ordovician underlying rocks has been investigated over different tectonic units, affected by green-schist facies metamorphism, in the inner nappe zone of the Sardinia Variscides. In spite of strain and metamorphism, the field work highlighted the occurrence of diamictic sediments. In the Canaglia Tectonic Unit the diamictite consists of dark, massive metamorphic claystone bearing chamositic ooliths, chamositic nodules and millimetre to centimetre sized clasts, dispersed, or gathered in clusters, within the muddy matrix. In the Argentiera Tectonic Unit the diamictite consists of angular clasts, ranging in size from few millimetres to several decimetres, scattered within a finely laminated black sericitic meta-argillite. Field data, textural and compositional analyses suggest a glacio-marine environment for the formation of the diamictites.

The Canaglia diamictite deposited in a protected, glacial-influenced, shore. Compositionally it can be defined as ironstone; in the Upper part it hosts a horizon of clast-supported conglomeratic hard ironstone, mostly made of magnetite, which testifies for sub-aerial reworking. The source of the iron is to be related to local, glacio-eustatic driven, emergence of Upper Ordovician alkaline mafic volcanics. These are widespread in the uppermost Ordovician of the Canaglia Unit, possibly linked to the rifting stage that invested the north Gondwana margin, before the uppermost Ordovician–early Silurian sea level rise.

The Argentiera diamictite deposited beyond the iron-rich diamictite in the outer euxinic shelf that was reached by rain out of rafted debris.  相似文献   

Alternations between siliciclastic, carbonate and evaporitic sedimentary systems, as recorded in the Aptian mixed succession of southern Tunisia, reflect profound palaeoceanographic and palaeoclimatic changes in this area of the southern Tethyan margin. The evolution from Urgonian-type carbonates (Berrani Formation, lower Aptian) at the base of the series, to intervals dominated by gypsum or detrital deposits in the remainder of the Aptian is thought to result from the interplay between climate change and tectonic activity that affected North Africa.Based on the evolution of clay mineral assemblages, the early Aptian is interpreted as having been dominated by slightly humid conditions, since smectitic minerals are observed. Near the early to late Aptian boundary, the onset of a gypsiferous sedimentation is associated with the appearance of palygorskite and sepiolite, which supports the installation of arid conditions in this area of the southern Tethyan margin. The evaporitic sedimentation may have also been promoted by the peculiar tectonic setting of the Bir Oum Ali area during the Aptian, where local subsidence may have been tectonically enhanced linked to the opening of northern and central Atlantic. Stress associated with the west and central African rift systems may have triggered the development of NW–SE, hemi-graben structures. Uplifted areas may have constituted potential new sources for clastic material that has been subsequently deposited during the late Aptian.Chemostratigraphic (δ13C) correlation of the Bir Oum Ali succession with other peri-Tethyan regions complements biostratigraphic findings, and indicates that a potential expression of the Oceanic Anoxic Event (OAE) 1a may be preserved in this area of Tunisia. Although the characteristic negative spike at the base of this event is not recognized in the present study, a subsequent, large positive excursion with δ13C values is of similar amplitude and absolute values to that reported from other peri-Tethyan regions, thus supporting the identification of isotopic segments C4–C7 of the OAE1a. The absence of the negative spike may be linked to either non preservation or non deposition: the OAE1a occurred in a global transgressive context, and since the Bir Oum Ali region was located in the innermost part of the southern Tethyan margin during most of the Aptian, stratigraphic hiatuses may have been longer than in other regions of the Tethys. This emphasizes the importance of integrating several stratigraphic disciplines (bio-, chemo- and sequence stratigraphy) when performing long-distance correlation.  相似文献   

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