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帮布勒矿床是近年来在西藏冈底斯—念青唐古拉多金属成矿带西段新发现的大型矽卡岩型Pb-Zn矿床。闪锌矿作为该矿床的主要矿石矿物之一,其矿相学特征及化学组分对于揭示成矿物理化学条件和流体演化过程具有重要意义。本文选取帮布勒矿床近端及远端矽卡岩中不同世代闪锌矿开展详细的显微结构观察和电子探针成分研究。结果表明,帮布勒矿床闪锌矿可划分为2个世代:第Ⅰ世代闪锌矿主要产于近端矽卡岩,呈暗红色-棕红色,常与乳滴状黄铜矿共生,并交代他形磁铁矿、磁黄铁矿,Fe元素含量较高(部分闪锌矿Fe含量>10%),Zn/Fe值<10;第Ⅱ世代闪锌矿可进一步分为两类:第一类(Ⅱa)闪锌矿在近端及远端矽卡岩中均有发育,呈棕黄色,充填于辉石、石榴子石等矽卡岩矿物间及其裂隙中;第二类(Ⅱb)闪锌矿主要产于远端矽卡岩中,呈黄色-浅黄色,与方铅矿和石英共生,第Ⅱ世代闪锌矿相比于第Ⅰ世代闪锌矿Fe、Mn含量明显偏低,Zn含量较高。闪锌矿Fe元素温度计估算结果显示,从第Ⅰ世代至第Ⅱ世代成矿温度逐渐降低,分别为160~314℃、138~157℃,与闪锌矿Zn/Fe比值指示结果一致。综上证据,本文认为帮布勒矿床早期成矿流体...  相似文献   

在实地考察和分析前人资料的基础上,简要地介绍了山东昌乐锆石的产出特征。通过常规的宝石学测试方法、X-射线荧光光谱分析和激光剥蚀电感耦合等离子体质谱仪(LA-ICP-MS)对该地区锆石的物理性质、内外部特征及化学成分进行了研究。结果表明,该地区锆石粒度较大,整体透明度较好,颜色呈深浅不一的褐色,以深褐色为主;主要由ZrO2和SiO2组成,微量元素主要有Fe,Ti,P,Sc,Ni等杂质元素,还有部分放射性元素和稀土元素;放射性元素主要为U和Th,Th/U比值均大于0.4(1个数据例外);稀土元素以富钇族元素为特征,富集HREE,明显的Ce正异常(2~13),微弱的Eu负异常(0.69~0.76)。另外,昌乐锆石放射性核素的放射性比活度非常低。综合特征表明,昌乐锆石是一种具有利用价值的宝石资源。  相似文献   

The microprobe EDXRF equipment was used for analysis of the major and trace elements in glaze layer-transitive layer-body layer of the celadon from the Altar Yao (Kiln) and Laohudong Yao in the Southern Song Dynasty (1127-1279 A.D.), Zhejiang, China. The K values of the discriminant factor for the celadon wares are larger than 8, which means the celadon of the Altar Yao and Laohudong Yao are different from that of the Longquan Yao. The former two belong to the Guan Yao system (the Chinese imperial kilns), but the latter to the Min Yao system (the Chinese popular kilns). The principle component analysis shows their relationship between the Altar and Laohudong wares with provenance postulation. The thickness of the transitive layer in the Altar and Laohudong wares is obviously different, which reveals the microstructure characteristics of the celadon even though both kinds of wares belong to the imperial kiln system.  相似文献   

本文用强功率四圆单晶衍射仪精确地修正了独居石和磷钇矿的晶体结构。独居石[Monazite-(Ce),CePO4]属单斜晶系,a=6.7843(17),b=6.9891(12),c=6.4592(10),β=103.626(16)°,Z=4,空间群为P21/n。使用1106个[F≥3σ(F)]的独立衍射点,经多轮最小二乘法修正后,最终获得偏离因子R=0.060。独居石的结构由孤立的[PO4]四面体构成,Ce位于[PO4]四面体包围之中,Ce的配位数为9,独居石的Ce—O平均键长为2.552,P—O平均键长为1.528。磷钇矿(Xenotime,YPO4)属四方晶系,其晶格常数为:a=6.8791(24),c=6.0147(19),Z=4,空间群为I4I/amd(No.141)。使用142个[F≥3σ(F)]的独立衍射点,经多轮最小二乘法修正后,最终获得偏离因子R为0.0483。磷和氧形成四面体配位,其P—O平均键长为1.543;稀土钇与氧原子相连构成八次配位,其Y—O平均键长为2.333。  相似文献   

A new mineral, jichengite ideally 3CuIr2S4·(Ni,Fe)9S8, was found as a constituent of placer concentrates at a branch of the Luanhe River, about 220 km NNE of Beijing. Its associated minerals are chromite, magnetite, ilmenite, zircon, native gold, iridium, ferrian platinum and osmium. The placer is distributed at places around ultrabasic rock, which hosts chromite orebodies, from which PGM originated. Jichengite occurs commonly as massive or granular aggregates. No perfect morphology of jichengite was observed. It is steel gray and opaque with metallic luster and black streak. It has a Mohs hardness of 5, VHN (d) μm 21.65, Hm 4.465, Hv = 268.1 N/um2. It is brittle and weakly magnetic. Cleavage {010} is rarely observed. No fracture was observed. Density could not be measured because of its too small grain size. Density (calc.) is 7.003 g/cm3. Reflect light is reddish-brown, without internal reflections. Anisotropism is distinct with grayish or yellowish white in crossed nicols and bluish violet-copper red in uncrossed nicols. Jichengite shows weak pleochroism and strong bireflectance. The reflectance values in air at the Standard Commission on Ore Mineralogy wavelengths are: 38.9, 34.3 at 470 nm, 38.9, 34.5 at 546 nm, 39.1, 35.3 at 590 nm, 39.2, 36.8 at 650 nm, parallel-axial extinction. The six strongest lines in the X-ray powder-diffraction pattern [d in ?, (I), (hkl)] are: 3.00 (100) (116), 2.80 (50) (205), 2.48. (50) (208), 1.916 (40) (2, 1, 10), 1.765 (60) (220), 1.753 (50) (2, 0, 16). Five chemical analyses carried out, yielding the following results: S 25.76 (25.49-5.97), Fe 10.03 (9.78-10.31), Co 0.78 (0.75-0.81), Ni 12.48 (12.32-12.85), Cu 4.77 (4.69-4.83), Ir 46.98(46.14-47.89), sum 100.80wt%, which produced a formula (Cu1.556Fe0.976)2.532(Ir5.063S10.126)·(Fe2.7451Ni4.404Co0.273)7.422S6.517. The ideal formula is X10Ir5S17.5, which was calculated by single crystal structure analyses, where X = Cu(II) + Fe(II) + Ni(II) + Co(II). The single crystal data were collected using a diffractometer with Mo Ka radiation and a graphite monochromate. The crystal system is trigonal with space group R3m and unit cell parameters a=7.0745(14) ?, c=34.267(10) ? (The superstructure not found), and the final R Indices [with 564 observed reflections, I>2sigma (I)] are R1=0.0495, wR2=0.1349. The specimens are deposited in the Geological Museum of China.  相似文献   

辽宁瓦房店金刚石矿区金伯利岩中的石榴石一直被当作镁铝榴石。为了确定矿区颜色复杂的石榴石种类,本文对矿区的石榴石进行了系统的采样分析,测定了112件石榴石样品的晶胞参数、50件样品的微区化学成分和40件样品的红外光谱。利用石榴石晶胞参数、红外光谱、化学成分和化学分子式方法对矿区石榴石进行分类,结果显示:晶胞参数分类法误差大,容易得出错误结论;红外图谱分类法准确度不高,只能作为参考方法;化学成分分类法太过笼统,达不到详细划分石榴石种类的目的;化学分子式分类法可把矿区的石榴石详细划分6个矿种:镁钙铁-铝铬铁榴石、镁铁钙-铝铬铁榴石、镁钙铁-铝铬榴石、镁钙-铝铬铁镁榴石、镁铁钙-铝铬榴石、镁铁钙-铝铁铬榴石,每种石榴石都充分反映了A、B离子的种类及占位特征,是4种分类方法中最为科学的方法。研究认为瓦房店金刚石矿区金伯利岩中石榴石A端元成分以Mg2+离子占位为主;B端元成分以Al3+离子占位为主。由于阳离子替代普遍,A、B端元成分复杂,瓦房店金伯利岩中不存在单纯意义上的镁铝榴石。  相似文献   

黑云母作为花岗岩中含量最高的暗色矿物,其成分特征对指示岩石成因与成矿起着重要作用。云南个旧卡房锡多 金属矿床的形成与花岗质岩浆活动密切相关,卡房花岗岩包含有大量黑云母,通过电子探针测试方法,对该花岗岩中的 黑云母成分进行了系统的研究。结果显示,黑云母为富铁黑云母,具有富硅、铁、铝、钾、钛,贫锰、镁、钙、钠等特 征,含铁指数为0.67~0.83。黑云母的成分特征暗示其结晶温度为500~708 ℃,结晶压力为202~538 MPa,对应的结晶深度为 7.64~20.35 km,表明卡房花岗岩形成于中低温环境、属于中深成相。综合研究认为,卡房锡矿田花岗岩具有高铁指数以及 氧逸度由高到低变化趋势等特征是锡成矿的有利条件,可以作为在本区寻找锡矿的重要标志。  相似文献   

1 Introduction Chevkinite groups can be assigned to the chevkinite-(Ce) subgroup and perrierite-(Ce) subgroup in accord with the angle β : β ≈ 100o for the chevkinite subgroup and β ≈ 113o for the perrierite subgroup. Chevkinite-(Ce), polykovite-(Ce) and Maoniupingite (new mineral No. 017 of 2003) belong to the former subgroup, while renjeite and matsubaraite belong to the latter group. As strontio-chevkinite is a Sr-analogue of perrierite, usually the natural chevkinite-(Ce) group min…  相似文献   

The δ18O values of vein quartz of different stages from the Yinshan ore deposit are constant around 16‰ and the calculated δ18OH2O values attain 8‰± ; the δDH2O values of fluid inclu-sions in vein quartz are constant at about-60‰. From the surface down to 1200 m below the δ18O values of altered rocks gradually decrease from 15‰± to 11‰± . Various water-rock inversion calculations indicate that the ore fluids were formed by the interaction between meteoric water and phyllite at 350℃ and the effective W/ R value of around 0.1. When the water-rock exchange in the upper mineralization system took place, the effective W / R value increased to 5.0 or more. As a result, an evolution and mineralization model of a buffered open system with two-stage water-rock interactions is proposed in this study.  相似文献   

西藏拉木由塔锑(金)矿床位于藏南Sb - Au成矿带东段,矿(化)体主要赋存于中侏罗统遮拉组地层与辉绿(玢)岩脉接触带上.在分析该矿床成矿地质条件的基础上,系统研究了矿石硫、铅同位素组成特征,并通过与区域成矿带中典型矿床硫、铅同位素组成的对比分析,探讨了矿床成矿物质来源.研究表明矿石硫化物的硫同位素组成变化范围较窄,成...  相似文献   

The Kalatongke Cu–Ni sulfide deposits located in the East Junggar terrane, northern Xinjiang, western China are the largest magmatic sulfide deposits in the Central Asian Orogenic Belt (CAOB). The chemical and carbon isotopic compositions of the volatiles trapped in olivine, pyroxene and sulfide mineral separates were analyzed by vacuum stepwise-heating mass spectrometry. The results show that the released volatiles are concentrated at three temperature intervals of 200–400°C, 400–900°C and 900–1200°C. The released volatiles from silicate mineral separates at 400–900°C and 900–1200°C have similar chemical and carbon isotopic compositions, which are mainly composed of H2O (av. ~92 mol%) with minor H2, CO2, H2S and SO2, and they are likely associated with the ore-forming magmatic volatiles. Light δ13CCO2 values (from ?20.86‰ to ?12.85‰) of pyroxene indicate crustal contamination occurred prior to or synchronous with pyroxene crystallization of mantle-derived ore-forming magma. The elevated contents of H2 and H2O in the olivine and pyroxene suggest a deep mantle-originated ore-forming volatile mixed with aqueous volatiles from recycled subducted slab. High contents of CO2 in the ore-forming magma volatiles led to an increase in oxygen fugacity, and thereby reduced the solubility of sulfur in the magma, then triggered sulfur saturation followed by sulfide melt segregation; CO2 contents correlated with Cu contents in the whole rocks suggest that a supercritical state of CO2 in the ore-forming magma system under high temperature and pressure conditions might play a key role in the assemblage of huge Cu and Ni elements. The volatiles released from constituent minerals of intrusion 1# have more CO2 and SO2 oxidized gases, higher CO2/CH4 and SO2/H2S ratios and lighter δ13CCO2 than those of intrusions 2# and 3#. This combination suggests that the higher oxidation state of the volatiles in intrusion 1# than intrusions 2# and 3#, which could be one of key ore-forming factors for large amounts of ores and high contents of Cu and Ni in intrusion 1#. The volatiles released at 200–400°C are dominated by H2O with minor CO2, N2+CO and SO2, with δ13CCO2 values (?25.66‰ to ?22.98‰) within the crustal ranges, and are considered to be related to secondary tectonic– hydrothermal activities.  相似文献   

The Tiegelongnan is the first discovered porphyry–epithermal Cu (Au) deposit of the Duolong ore district in Tibet, China. In order to constrain the thermal history of this economically valuable deposit and the rocks that host it, eight samples were collected to perform a low‐temperature thermochronology analysis including apatite fission track, apatite, and zircon (U‐Th)/He. Apatite fission track ages of all samples are between 34 ± 3 and 67 ± 5 Ma. Mean apatite (U‐Th)/He ages show wide distribution, ranging from 29.3 ± 2.5 to 56.4 ± 9.1 Ma. Mean zircon (U‐Th)/He ages range from 79.5 ± 12.0 to 97.9 ± 4.4 Ma. The exhumation rate of the Tiegelongnan deposit was 0.086 km m.y.?1 between 98 and 47 Ma and decreased to 0.039 km m.y.?1 since 47 Ma. The mineralized intrusion was emplaced at a depth of about 1400 m in the Tiegelongnan deposit. Six cooling stages were determined through HeFTy software according to low‐temperature thermochronology and geochronology data: (i) fast cooling stage between 120 and 117 Ma, (ii) fast cooling stage between 117 and 100 Ma, (iii) slow cooling stage between100 and 80 Ma, (iv) fast cooling stage between 80 and 45 Ma, (v) slow cooling stage between 45 and 30 Ma, and (vi) slow cooling stage (<30 Ma). Cooling stages between 120 and 100 Ma are mainly caused by magmatic–hydrothermal evolution, whereas cooling stages after 100 Ma are mainly caused by low‐temperature thermal–tectonic evolution. The Bangong–Nujiang Ocean subduction led to the formation of the Tiegelongnan ore deposit, which was buried by the Meiriqiecuo Formation andesite lava and thrust nappe structure; then, the Tiegelongnan deposit experienced uplift and exhumation caused by the India–Asia collision.  相似文献   

高山  赵志丹 《岩石学报》1995,11(2):213-226
系统测定了河南伊川-湖北宜昌地学断面及其邻区主要岩性99件样品高温高压条件下地震纵波速Vp值,将结果与地表地质、地震测深获得的地壳速度结构资料相结合,建立了研究区内四个构造单元地壳岩石组成模型,估算出地壳各层的平均成分。秦岭地壳总体成分是闪长-花岗闪长质的,地壳分异程度较低,地完成分和地球物理研究结果表明,秦岭造山带在其发展过程中可能存在过板底垫托物质,但拆离作用已使现今造山带不存在山根,垫托物质很少或已返回上地幔。  相似文献   

The influence of hydrodynamics on the chemical composition of sediments is based on the uneven distribution of element abundances in different size fractions. In this study, 72 size‐fractional sediments from the Huanghe (Yellow River) and Changjiang (Yangtze River) riverbeds were measured with XRD, SEM, ICP‐AES and ICP‐MS. The analysis results show that the mineral and chemical characteristics change with grain size in the Huanghe and Changjiang sediments. According to the principal components analysis, three independent geochemical factors were found. The first factor elements, Zr, Hf, Th, U, Y, La and TiO2 are influenced by the existence of heavy minerals. The second factor elements, Al2O3, alkalis, alkaline earth (excluding Ca and Sr) and most of the transitional metals are dominated by clay minerals. The third factor group includes Ca and Sr, which were controlled by calcium‐bearing mineral contents and chemical weathering intensities. The various grain size distributions greatly affect the mineralogical and chemical compositions of bulk sediments. Compared to other size fractions, the 5–6PHI size fractions of the Huanghe and Changjiang sediments have special mineralogical and chemical compositions, and intermediate volume percentages. Weight or volume percentage of each size fraction may be more suitable than mean grain‐size of the bulk sediment to elucidate the grain size effects. Chemical Index of Alteration (CIA) values increase steeply with decreasing grain size, while Weathering Index of Parker (WIP) values are relatively stable. Because of the big influence of the abundance of clay minerals on CIA values, it is questionable to use CIA as a proxy of weathering intensity. Considering the clay mineral effects, stability in values and heterogeneous material properties, WIP has the potential to indicate the chemical weathering intensity of sediments. Copyright © 2014 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

甲玛铜多金属矿床角岩中黑云母按其产状可区分为原生黑云母和热液黑云母,本文采用扫描电镜对两类产出状态的黑云母进行了观察,采用电子探针(EPMA)对这两类黑云母进行了微区原位成分分析,并根据电子探针数据计算了黑云母的矿物化学式。角岩中的原生黑云母和热液黑云母均属于镁质黑云母,二者都经受了热液流体的改造作用。从原生黑云母到热液黑云母Fe3+和Fe2+分异程度加大,Fe3+含量升高,Fe2+含量降低,指示了岩浆-热液流体逐渐向氧化态过渡。相比于原生黑云母,Cu元素更易于在热液黑云母中富集。角岩型矿石中的Cu含量与热液黑云母的Fe2+/(Fe2++Mg2+)比值呈正相关,与其Fe3+/Fe2+比值呈负相关,对于热液黑云母所在的角岩型岩矿石样品,其矿化强度或可以黑云母的Fe2+/(Fe2++Mg2+)比值来衡量;而Mo元素在两类黑云母中均广泛分布,不具有选择性赋存的特征。  相似文献   

嵩溪银(锑)矿是一个新发现的大型独立银矿。矿物流体包裹体超高真空四极气相质谱系统测定显 示,该矿成矿流体中存在多种轻烃有机气体,主要由C1-C4饱和烷烃组成,仅含微量C2-C4不饱和烯烃和芳烃,说明 成矿过程基本未受到高温岩浆作用的影响。化学平衡研究表明,这些轻烃气体为微生物成因和沉积岩围岩中Ⅱ类 干酪根热解成因的混合气体,其中前者占2/3以上,说明成矿中微生物活动曾起到相当大的作用;后者的平衡温度 为300℃,远超过成矿深度所能达到的地热温度,因此这部分轻烃气体可能源于沉积盆地深处,经成矿流体长距离携 带到达较浅的矿化部位。文章从一个侧面证实嵩溪矿可能为沉积热卤水改造型矿床,而不是前人所认为的海底基 性火山喷流或中低温火山热液充填矿床。  相似文献   

INAA, ICP‐AES and ICP‐MS were used to elementally characterise four environmental reference materials – NIST SRM 1646a (Estuarine Sediment), NIST SRM 1400 (Bone Ash), IAEA‐395 (Urban Dust) and IAEA‐450 (Algae). An analytical scheme consisting of the three methods was first applied to NIST SRM 1646a to validate the methodology because it has been extensively analysed and has certified values for many elements. With repeated analyses of NIST SRM 1646a, the accuracy and measurement repeatability of the data obtained were evaluated based on two statistical calculations (zeta‐score and Horwitz ratio) and were observed to be good enough for the analytical scheme to be applied to similar sorts of environmental/geochemical samples. Applying the same approach to NIST SRM 1400, IAEA‐395 and IAEA‐450, enabled mass fractions of 29, 38 and 28 elements to be determined, respectively. Among these results, the data for rare earth elements are of particular interest, not only for IAEA‐450 but also for the other three reference samples. The data for Pr, Gd, Dy, Ho, Er and Tm in NIST SRM 1646a are newly reported in this study. By using small test portions (< 100 mg) for NIST SRM 1646a and IAEA‐395, and recommended minimum amounts for NIST SRM 1400 and IAEA‐450, sample homogeneity was evaluated.  相似文献   

Raman microspectroscopy on carbonaceous material (RSCM) from the eastern Tauern Window indicates contrasting peak‐temperature patterns in three different fabric domains, each of which underwent a poly‐metamorphic orogenic evolution: Domain 1 in the northeastern Tauern Window preserves oceanic units (Glockner Nappe System, Matrei Zone) that attained peak temperatures (Tp) of 350–480 °C following Late Cretaceous to Palaeogene nappe stacking in an accretionary wedge. Domain 2 in the central Tauern Window experienced Tp of 500–535 °C that was attained either within an exhumed Palaeogene subduction channel or during Oligocene Barrovian‐type thermal overprinting within the Alpine collisional orogen. Domain 3 in the Eastern Tauern Subdome has a peak‐temperature pattern that resulted from Eo‐Oligocene nappe stacking of continental units derived from the distal European margin. This pattern acquired its presently concentric pattern in Miocene time due to post‐nappe doming and extensional shearing along the Katschberg Shear Zone System (KSZS). Tp values in the largest (Hochalm) dome range from 612 °C in its core to 440 °C at its rim. The maximum peak‐temperature gradient (≤70 °C km?1) occurs along the eastern margin of this dome where mylonitic shearing of the Katschberg Normal Fault (KNF) significantly thinned the Subpenninic‐ and Penninic nappe pile, including the pre‐existing peak‐temperature gradient.  相似文献   

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