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A discounted cash flow model was employed to assess the viability of four wind barrier systems. The systems were utilized for wind erosion control and sand dune stabilization in the Al-Ain region of the United Arab Emirates. These systems consisted of four densities of date-frond mat fences erected in the form of checker board grids between rows of two local tree species:Prosopis spicigeraandAcacia tortilis. Analysis of cost estimated was based on the annual equivalent value of costs for each system. The economic life of the systems varied as a function of the time needed for the different trees in the different systems to reach the self-support stage. Results indicated that the systems’ ranking according to the minimal costs varied among the different tree types and the number of fences; but there was a general decrease in cost with increased fence density using the same tree, and this was due mainly to the effect of the fence on reducing the cost of tree development and maintenance as a result of reducing accumulated eroded sand. The minimal cost was recorded in D-10 treatment (seven fences) usingProsopis spicigera.  相似文献   

高江波  张怡博  左丽媛 《地理学报》2022,77(11):2920-2934
喀斯特生态系统服务主导影响因子识别是科学治理石漠化的前提,然而环境因子对生态系统服务空间分布的解释力受尺度变换的影响,其尺度效应的定量研究仍需进一步加强。为定量厘定环境因子解释力的尺度效应,本文从多尺度视角出发,利用地理探测器定量分析不同空间分辨率下环境因子对土壤侵蚀和产水量的解释力,并探求其在不同地貌形态类型区的差异性规律。结果表明,坡度和植被覆盖度是影响土壤侵蚀空间分布的主导因子,两者的交互作用对土壤侵蚀空间分布的解释力更强。受研究区地形起伏普遍性和景观破碎化的影响,坡度和土地利用类型在低分辨率下解释力最优。降水、海拔和土地利用类型是产水量空间分异的主导因子。降水和土地利用类型的交互作用对产水量的解释力达95%以上,海拔在不同地貌形态类型区的空间变异性影响其最优解释力水平。具体表现为:在台地、丘陵类型区海拔空间变异性较小,在高分辨率下其解释力最优;在山地类型区,海拔空间变异性较大,在低分辨率下其解释力更强。本文通过多尺度分析定量甄别生态系统服务变量的最优解释力,以期为喀斯特山地生态系统服务的主导因子精准辩识和分区优化提供途径和依据。  相似文献   

小网窄带防护林在干旱区防护林构建中发挥着重要作用,研究小网窄带防护林叠加防风效果对指导防风固沙林空间配置与结构优化具有重要意义。选取两种典型小网窄带防护林网,对连续6个林网叠加的防护林开展基于流场分析防风效果的风洞模拟试验。结果表明:小网窄带防护林叠加后随着林网数量的增加各林网内的风速逐渐减小且在中间林网位置趋于稳定,乔木纯林林网在第3林网基本达到稳定,乔灌混交林网在第2林网达到稳定;两种防护林各林网内风速均符合正态分布特征,风速稳定后多为右偏态高狭峰;16 m·s-1风速下,乔木纯林网叠加(0~252 cm)的防风效能分布范围为16%~74%,整体在60%防风效能下发挥着良好防风效果,乔灌混交林林网叠加的防风效能分布范围为15%~89%,整体在70%防风效能下发挥着良好防风效果;16 m·s-1风速下,乔木纯林林网叠加(0~42H,H=6 cm)的风速加速率为0.25~0.94,乔灌混交林林网叠加的风速加速率为0.1~0.94;根据风速加速率的分布特征划分出4个不同的风速分布区,分析还发现灌木对林带枝下高范围的近地层气流影响显著,对削弱近地层风速起到了重要作用。  相似文献   

以塔克拉玛干沙漠腹地的沙粒胶结体(Sand Cemented Bodies,SCB)为研究对象,通过野外自然状态下吹蚀不同沙粒胶结体覆盖度的沙盘,计算沙面风蚀(积)量,并对覆盖度与风蚀率、抗风蚀效率的关系进行分析。结果表明:风蚀量随沙粒胶结体覆盖度的增加而减小,随吹蚀时间的增加而增加;当覆盖度大于30%时,沙面发生风沙堆积,且堆积量随覆盖度和吹蚀时间的增加而增加;沙粒胶结体的抗风蚀效率随覆盖度的增加而线性增大。沙面蚀积转化临界覆盖度为30%左右,且该覆盖度下床面抗风蚀效益最佳。通过对比沙粒胶结体抗风蚀效益的风洞模拟和野外实验,表明风况、风速、沙粒胶结体粒径组合不同可导致沙面蚀积差异和临界覆盖度不同。因此,塔克拉玛干沙漠腹地发育的沙粒胶结体具有很好的风蚀抑制功能,可作为流沙固定新措施继续研究开发。  相似文献   

风蚀气候侵蚀力研究进展   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
风蚀气候侵蚀力是土壤风蚀方程中的气候因子,计算模型经多次修正后已基本发展成熟,广泛应用于干旱半干旱地区风蚀气候条件评估与响应机理分析及其与风沙地貌、风沙灾害的相关性研究等方面,其中风蚀气候侵蚀力对区域气候变化的响应研究是当下的热点问题。目前,风蚀气候侵蚀力研究仍存在计算模型不完善、研究区域发展不平衡、气候变化响应分析不全面、风沙地貌及风沙灾害相关性争议较多等问题。未来应进一步从构建区域校准性计算模型、计算并分析沿海地区风蚀气候侵蚀力、综合分析风蚀气候侵蚀力对气候变化的响应、建立风沙地貌及风沙灾害相关的综合性风蚀气候评价指标等方面开展风蚀气候侵蚀力的研究。  相似文献   

农田防护林林带疏透度数字化测定方法及其应用   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10  
万猛  潘存德  王梅  晋瑜 《干旱区地理》2005,28(1):120-123
疏透度不仅是评价防护林林带结构的定量化指标和表征林带结构的重要特征参数,同时也是区别林带结构优劣的最主要指标之一。通过运用“数码相机”与“遥感图像处理软件”(ENVI)相结合的林带疏透度数字化测定方法,表明其是一种操作程序简便,实用性强,能够快速、准确地测定林带相片疏透度的方法。得出将该方法应用于新疆克拉玛依农业综合开发区农田防护林疏透度的测定,通过逐步回归分析得出,林带疏透度(β)与林带行数(N)和树木株距×行距(Q)之间存在显著的相关关系。  相似文献   

均匀配置的两种仿真灌木林防风效应野外观测   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
建立灌木林是一种有效的防风固沙方法,灌木林空间配置是防护林体系研究与建设取得最佳效益的关键.应用两种仿真固沙灌木,建立株行距相等的均匀配置灌木林,观测林内与林前不同风速,比较其防风效能.结果表明:在风速为4.6~10.7 m·s-1时,侧影面积为0.25 m2的无叶仿真灌木林比侧影面积为0.39 m2的有叶仿真灌木林防风效能低10%~20%.仿真固沙灌木林风速与高度变化关系呈指数函数关系,但在风沙流中拟合系数更高.仿真固沙灌木林空气动力粗糙度平均值是流沙地的5倍多,但不同风速下的粗糙度值差异较大.对相同配置的防风固沙林,调节灌丛结构可以提高其防风固沙效能.  相似文献   

中国北方风蚀区风速变化时空特征分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
利用北方风蚀区155个气象站点1971-2015年平均风速数据,采用气候趋势分析、空间插值和小波分析等方法分析北方风蚀区平均风速的时空变化趋势。结果表明:近45 a来,北方风蚀区年平均风速为2.70 m·s-1,呈明显减小趋势,其递减速率为0.017 m·s-1·a-1(α=0.001),1980s风速减小最快,1990s减小最缓慢,2010s风速出现增大趋势;我国北方风蚀区四季的平均风速均呈现下降趋势,下降速度春季>夏季>秋季>冬季(α=0.001),不同年代不同季节风速变化存在较大差异,2010s除春季外其他季节风速均呈现增大趋势;空间分布上显示,风速变化幅度空间分布差异明显,北方风蚀区内的新疆西北部和东南部、青海、内蒙古中部和东北部、黑龙江以及吉林为风速降低较快的区域,甘肃东南部、宁夏、陕西和山西北部以及新疆的东北部和西部等地区是风速降低不明显的区域。春季和夏季风速降低较快的区域面积扩大,冬季和秋季风速降低较缓的区域扩大;平均风速存在多时间尺度的周期性结构特征,28 a时间尺度左右为风速变化的主周期,平均变化周期为18 a。  相似文献   

Wind and water erosion are usually studied as two separate processes. However, in semi-arid zones both processes contribute significantly to soil degradation. Whereas for water erosion the direction of sediment transport is controlled by topography, in wind erosion the direction of transport is controlled by the wind direction. Furthermore, the spatial pattern of erosion and deposition for wind erosion is determined by the spatial distribution of source material, soil erodibility factors and non-erodible roughness elements. Given this difference in dependence on topography, different approaches are needed to determine the mass balance for a given area. For water erosion, the research area has to be defined such that no input of sediment occurs, whereas in wind erosion the input and output fluxes of sediment should be measured, or a non-eroding boundary should be created.In semi-arid regions, wind erosion events are often followed immediately by heavy rain. As wind and water erosion occur almost simultaneously at the same site, the effect of wind and water erosion at a given site should be studied concurrently. To do so, a number of measurement techniques with different spatial and temporal scales are necessary. The research should be started at the scale of a Sahelian field. For a complete insight into the processes at a site, the research should include measurement techniques that quantify the impact of wind and water erosion separately and techniques that quantify their combined effect.  相似文献   

土壤风蚀过程颗粒释放机理研究   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
针对目前土壤风蚀中土壤颗粒释放过程机理研究存在的不足,建立了颗粒在土壤表面起动、滚动、起跳的土壤颗粒释放力学模型,同时考虑了太阳辐射及地表温度产生的向上垂向风速对颗粒起动风速的影响,并采用前人的实验结果与本文模型数值计算结果进行了对比分析,证明其模型的合理性。数值结果表明:起动风速随颗粒粒径的增大先减小后增大,其中在0.12~0.14 mm粒径范围内颗粒最容易起动,同时床面温度越高对颗粒的起动风速影响也越明显,同一粒径下床面温度越高起动风速越小。颗粒在床面上的运动不是纯滚动,而是滚动中有滑动。颗粒起跳速度主要分布在0.3~0.65 m/s之间;起跳角度30°~35°之间;颗粒起跳的角速度主要分布在600~1 200 rev/s。土壤颗粒释放微观过程的研究将对改进土壤风蚀输送过程中的宏观监测与预报起到重要作用。  相似文献   

The world fallout of caesium-137 (137Cs) associated with nuclear weapons testing during the 1950s and 1960s has provided a valuable man-made tracer for studies of soil erosion and sediment delivery. But relatively few researchers have used it to estimate wind erosion. In this paper, the137Cs technique is introduced into the study of wind erosion and its modern processes in the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau. Two137Cs reference inventories of 982·11 and 2376·04 Bq m−2was established preliminarily, which distribute in the south and mid-north parts of the study area respectively. By analysing the patterns of137Cs depth profiles from sampling sites, the aeolian processes of erosion and deposition along nearly 40 years has been revealed, i.e. the shrub coppice dunes(S1) and semi-fixed dunefields (S3) had experienced the alternation of erosion and deposition, while the grasslands (S4, S6 and S7) and dry farmlands (S5) suffered erosion only. By using the137Cs model, the average wind erosion rates for shrub coppice dune (S1), semi-fixed dunefields (S3), dry farmlands (S5) and grasslands (S4, S6 and S7) were estimated to be 84·14, 69·43, 30·68 and 21·84 tha−1a−1respectively, and for the whole Plateau, averaging 47·59 ha−1a−1which can be regarded as the medium erosion standard. These results derived from137Cs for the first time have significant implications for the further research of wind erosion and desertification control in the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau.  相似文献   

风水复合侵蚀研究述评   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
1 Introduction Water erosion and wind erosion are two main types of soil erosion. Water erosion is generally linked with humid climate and wind erosion is connected with arid climate. Whereas, water and wind erosion often occurs simultaneously or alterna…  相似文献   

Complex erosion by wind and water, which is also called aeolian-fluvial interactions, is an important erosion process and landscape in arid and semiarid regions. The effectiveness of links between wind and water process, spatial environmental transitions and temporal environmental change are the three main driving forces determining the geomorphologic significance of aeolian-fluvial interactions. As a complex interrelating and intercoupling system, complex erosion by wind and water has spatial- temporal variation features. The process of complex erosion by wind and water can be divided into palaeoenvironmental process and contemporary process. Early work in drylands has often been attributed to one of two schools advocating either an ‘aeolianist’ or a ‘fluvialist’ perspective, so it was not until the 1930s that the research on complex erosion by wind and water had been conducted. There are two obstacles restricting the research of complex erosion by wind and water. Firstly, how to transform in different temporal and spatial scales is still unsettled; and secondly, the research methodology is still immature. In the future, the mechanism and control of erosion, the complex soil erodibility in wind and water erosion will be the focus of research on complex erosion by wind and water.  相似文献   

风是土壤风蚀的驱动力,风力直接影响土壤风蚀的强度。风速是土壤风蚀预报模型的主要输入参数,高时间分辨率和高空间分辨率的风速数据能提高模型模拟效果。为对比风速处理方法及风速数据时空分辨率对模型模拟结果的影响,基于修正风蚀模型(RWEQ)评估该模型对于各输入参数的敏感性,分别选取中国北方农牧交错带内130个气象站(基准气候站和基本气象站)中不同类型及不同数量的气象站数据,利用线性插值法和风蚀预报系统(WEPS)的WINDGEN风速生成法将1日4次风速数据和1日2类风速数据生成24 h风速数据输入模型,结合1日4次风速数据直接输入模型构建了不同气象站数量及不同风速数据类型的6种模拟情景,计算了研究区在不同模拟情景下的潜在风蚀模数。结果表明:RWEQ模型估算的区域潜在风蚀模数会随气象站点的数量和风速时间分辨率的提升而增加;风速数据的线性插值方法在RWEQ模型中应用效果不理想,与WEPS模型的WINDGEN风速生成方法相比,线性插值法使地面2 m处大于临界起沙风速(5 m·s-1)的风速频率降低,过低估计潜在风蚀模数和区域土壤风蚀状况。  相似文献   

王燕  王萍 《干旱区地理》2013,36(1):109-117
以民勤地区4种地表条件的3次风蚀实测数据为依据,应用WEPS风蚀子模型对风蚀量进行了预测计算。结果表明:WEPS模型预测的土壤风蚀量与实测结果存在很大差异,不能直接用于我国土壤风蚀预报工作。对没有植被覆盖的流沙地表,模型模拟结果与实际测量结果比较接近,计算值最大为模拟值的2.2倍,最小为0.47倍;当有植被覆盖时,模型预测风蚀量偏大,最大值为实测结果的41倍,最小为6.7倍。要引入WEPS模型在我国进行土壤风蚀预报,还需对模型的各项参数和计算公式进行修正,以提高WEPS的预测精度,更好地为我国风蚀预报及沙尘治理工作服务。  相似文献   

基于我国风蚀区239个气象站点逐时风速数据,采用谐波分析方法分析我国风蚀区风速日变率特征。结果表明:85.3%的站点有且只有第一个谐波通过F检验,日变率以24 h为周期;14.2%的站点第一和二个谐波通过检验,日变率以24 h为主周期,以12 h为副周期;西藏墨竹工卡站第一和三个谐波通过检验。日平均风速变化范围为0.96~8.36 m·s-1,均值为2.42 m·s-1;风速>3 m·s-1站点集中分布在内蒙古北部高原、青藏高原地形平坦的高原区、甘肃河西走廊及新疆东北部。季节风速表现出春季 > 冬季 > 夏季 > 秋季的特征;第一个谐波振幅变化范围为0.28~3.28 m·s-1;相位变化范围为-1.55~4.67,集中在3.21~4.67,表明大部分站点在午后风速值达到最大。研究可为逐时风速的随机模拟提供基础,进而为风蚀区风蚀量估算提供更好的数据支撑。  相似文献   

Soil erodibility is an important index to evaluate the soil sensitivity to erosion. The research on soil erodibility is a crucial tache in understanding the mechanism of soil erosion. Soil erodibility can be evaluated by measuring soil physiochemical properties, scouring experiment, simulated rainfall experiment, plot experiment and wind tunnel experiment. We can use soil erosion model and nomogram to calculate soil erodibility. Many soil erodibility indices and formulae have been put forward. Soil erodibility is a complex concept, it is influenced by many factors, such as soil properties and human activities. Several obstacles restrict the research of soil erodibility. Firstly, the research on soil erodibility is mainly focused on farmland; Secondly, soil erodibility in different areas cannot be compared sufficiently; and thirdly, the research on soil erodibility in water-wind erosion is very scarce. In the prospective research, we should improve method to measure and calculate soil erodibility, strengthen the research on the mechanism of soil erodibility, and conduct research on soil erodibility by both water and wind agents.  相似文献   

水蚀风蚀过程中土壤可蚀性研究述评   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:3  
1 IntroductionSoil erosion is the process of detachm ent and transport of soil particles caused by w ater andw ind (M organ,1995).Soilerosion by w ater and w ind leads to decline in soilfertility,brings ona series of negative im pacts of land degradation …  相似文献   

中国土壤风力侵蚀空间格局及驱动因子分析   总被引:51,自引:2,他引:51  
利用遥感与地理信息系统方法对全国土壤风力侵蚀状况进行了宏观调查,建立了全国1:10万土壤风力侵蚀数据库,对导致土风力侵蚀的原因进行分析,指出风速,土壤干燥度,地表植被指数,土培质地和坡度是土壤风力侵蚀的重要驱动因子,分析了这些因子与土壤侵蚀的空间关系,利用主成份分析方法,建立风力侵蚀动力指数模型,模型输出的风力侵蚀动力指数与全国土壤风力侵蚀遥感调查的结果有较好的一致性,表明土壤风力侵蚀动力指数可以较好地反映地区土壤风力侵蚀过程,并对沙漠化治理有指导意义。  相似文献   

Spatial distribution of wind erosion and its driving factors in China   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
Soil erosion by wind means the soil particles are eroded and transported by wind. Fine particles of soil are transported as suspended load and may travel much greater distances than the coarse coarse materials do which are transported as creep and saltation. The finest particles and chemical microsome constitute the aerosol which can even keep for several years in atmosphere from descending. Wind erosion is a serious problem in many parts of the world. In China, up to 2400 km2 of land is dese…  相似文献   

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