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SEDIS IV型短周期自浮式海底地震仪数据校正方法   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
利用15台SEDISIV型短周期自浮式海底地震仪在南海中、北部地壳深部结构调查中所获得的资料,探讨了海底地震仪数据校正的方法和校正后的效果,结果表明:使用该地震仪所获得的原始资料经过放炮时间、炮点坐标数据局部化、海底地震仪位置误差以及记录时间漂移4方面的校正后,数据更趋合理,误差显著降低。放炮时间的校正消除了时钟漂移和时间延迟的误差;炮点坐标数据局部化处理消除了炮点位置整体趋势性偏移的现象;试错法进行位置误差和记录时间的精细校正时,时间漂移的校正量值约为几个到十几个毫秒,位置校正的量值仅在几米到数百米之间,实测数据所绘曲线的形态和位置都与理论曲线十分吻合,可见校正后误差显著降低。  相似文献   

海底地震仪实测信号特性分析   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  
置于海底数百米至数千米的海底地震仪(OBS)的实测信号相比陆地地震仪具有不同的特性;由于水的作用或记录信号源频率的不同,短周期OBS和宽频带OBS记录的信号又有明显的差异。文章对南海西南次海盆地震探测期间记录的人工气枪震源和天然地震实测信号进行了时频分析,结果如下。1)气枪作业后在海底激发两种噪声:一是水的波动不断叠加形成的长波,周期50s左右,以水平分量为主;二是高频噪声,主要是OBS底座细微晃动引起的。2)宽频OBS对于水下移动目标激发海底波动具有很好的探测能力,特别是水平分量可以获得大振幅且周期特征清晰的记录,并能够指示方向。3)宽频OBS能记录到清晰的天然地震信号,为研究调查区岩石圈结构增添了更多的信息,短周期OBS对远震直达P波有很好的记录。国产宽频I-4C型OBS碰巧记录了日本M9.0级大震。  相似文献   

南海西沙海槽地壳结构的海底地震仪探测与研究   总被引:26,自引:0,他引:26  
利用中德合作在南海西沙海槽首次获得的海底的地震仪探测数据,通过震相分析和走时模拟,研究了该区的纵波速度模型和地壳结构特征。结果显示,新生代沉积层厚1-4km,其下的地壳纵波速度从5.5km.s^-1向下逐渐增加到6.8km.s^-1,下地壳未见有明显的高速层地壳厚度在剖面两侧为25Km,向中部逐渐减薄至8km,莫霍面在剖面中部上隆,其速度反差强烈,从地壳底部的6.8km.s^-1跳跃到上地幔顶部的  相似文献   

南海西沙海槽地壳结构的海底地震仪探测与研究   总被引:8,自引:1,他引:8  
利用中德合作在南海西沙海槽首次获得的海底地震仪探测数据 ,通过震相分析和走时模拟 ,研究了该区的纵波速度模型和地壳结构特征。结果显示 ,新生代沉积层厚 1— 4km ,其下的地壳纵波速度从 5.5km·s- 1 向下逐渐增加到 6.8km·s- 1 ,下地壳未见有明显的高速层 ,地壳厚度在剖面两侧为 2 5km ,向中部逐渐减薄至 8km ,莫霍面在剖面中部上隆 ,其速度反差强烈 ,从地壳底部的 6.8km·s- 1 跳跃到上地幔顶部的 8.0km·s- 1 。这一地壳结构反映出新生代拉张裂谷的特征 ,海槽两侧地壳结构相似 ,南北呈对称分布 ,没有或很少下地壳底侵 ,与南海北部陆缘的东段有很大差别。  相似文献   

海底地震仪(OBS)探测在国内进入了快速、自主发展的阶段,并得到广泛应用。目前国内OBS探测以国产仪器及国内科研队伍为主,主要用于海底地壳结构研究及海洋地震监测。介绍了国内OBS广角地震数据处理及速度成像的主要方法,并综合分析了前人提供的不同岩性纵横波速比特征。(1) OBS数据处理包括解编、裁截、时间和位置校正、水平分量旋转(横波处理特有)及其他增强信噪比、提高分辨率的过程。(2)利用rayinvr拟合来自不同界面的反射及折射纵横波,完成已识别震相的确认,得到合理的速度结构。(3)纵横波速比与岩性、孔隙填充物及孔隙度等压实因素息息相关。不同岩性的岩石Vp/Vs与波速的关系分布在不同的区间内,未压实的沉积层普遍具有较高的波速比,含有流体的岩石比含有气体的岩石泊松比要高。  相似文献   

南海北部潮汕坳陷海区海底地震仪调查实验   总被引:6,自引:2,他引:4  
潮汕坳陷被认为是一个具有良好油气前景的中生代残留沉积坳陷,其中生代地层也被新近的钻井证实。为研究其盆地深部构造,“十五”863课题跨越该区进行了深地质调查。调查采用5台国产海底地震仪记录深部地震资料。处理结果显示本次调查清楚地记录到了来自地壳内部和Moho面的震相,这是国产海底地震仪在南海地区的首次成功实践。海底地震仪记录揭示沿测线的地壳在南海形成过程中减薄程度较低,中生代地层速度较高,代表致密的岩石,这些因素可能不利于油气的储集,需要在勘探中避开。  相似文献   

海底地震仪(OBS)探测在国内进入了快速、自主发展的阶段,并得到广泛应用。目前国内OBS探测以国产仪器及国内科研队伍为主,主要用于海底地壳结构研究及海洋地震监测。介绍了国内OBS广角地震数据处理及速度成像的主要方法,并综合分析了前人提供的不同岩性纵横波速比特征。(1)OBS数据处理包括解编、裁截、时间和位置校正、水平分量旋转(横波处理特有)及其他增强信噪比、提高分辨率的过程。(2)利用rayinvr拟合来自不同界面的反射及折射纵横波,完成已识别震相的确认,得到合理的速度结构。(3)纵横波速比与岩性、孔隙填充物及孔隙度等压实因素息息相关。不同岩性的岩石Vp/Vs与波速的关系分布在不同的区间内,未压实的沉积层普遍具有较高的波速比,含有流体的岩石比含有气体的岩石泊松比要高。  相似文献   

海底地震仪(OBS)技术是近年来新引入我国南海水合物地震勘探中的调查方式,其“密点放炮、稀疏点接收”的观测方式,导致一次反射波浅层照明范围窄;基于下行波与上行波具有相同的震源,且下行波的传播路径更长的特征,利用下行波成像可有效地解决照明范围窄的问题,提升成像精度。针对OBS水检分量气泡严重的特点,设计合理的气泡压制算子,对水检数据进行气泡压制;在此基础上基于双检合并技术进行上行波、下行波波场分离;对下行波数据进行成像处理,获得了很好的成像效果;且最终的成像数据具有丰富的低频信息,能有效地弥补常规拖缆缺失的低频信息,利于后续进行储层反演研究  相似文献   

海底地震仪的性能对比及在渤海试验中的应用   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
2010年3月,国家海洋局第一海洋研究所在渤海海域开展了深部地震探测试验,试验过程中使用了3种海底地震仪(OBS),包括德国的SEDISⅥ型OBS、法国的Micr OBS和中国的I-7C型OBS共计51台。文章详细描述并比较了以上3种OBS的性能指标,通过对比发现:I-7C型OBS的耦合技术比其他两种OBS更加完善,功耗和数据存储容量方面优势明显;I-7C型OBS和Micr OBS在设置参数和充电时,操作方便,提升了海上工作效率;Micr OBS的水听器性能略有优势,获取的数据清晰度高,连续性好;SEDIS VI型OBS的垂直分量数据在三者之间最优。本文提出了OBS的发展趋势:(1)小型化、便携式;(2)低功耗、大容量;(3)长周期、宽频带;(4)低成本,易回收。最后简要介绍了本次海上试验过程、数据处理方法以及探测试验取得的成果。本次试验成功取得了渤海海域深部地球物理数据,对开展该区域内的深部地质研究具有重要的意义。  相似文献   

南海南部海底地震仪试验及初步结果   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
采用德国SedisIV型海底地震仪(OBS)和中国科学院地质与地球物理研究所自主研发的OBS,以4×24.5L的大容量气枪阵列为震源,于2009年4~6月在南海南部开展了OBS试验,获得了两条勘测线,其中OBS2009-1测线(剖面1)从南海西南次海盆南部陆缘延伸到海盆中央,另一条OBS2009-2测线(剖面2)穿过礼乐滩东部向西北延伸进入海盆。由剖面2的14台OBS采集的广角地震反射、折射勘测地震数据可知,此次试验,OBS地震记录清晰、震相丰富,所使用的气枪有足够的能量输出,显示了其良好的工作能力,是一次比较成功的地震勘测。数据初步处理和初至波层析成像结果表明,礼乐滩地块的基底较高,很有可能与南海北部陆缘存在共轭关系,但与南海北部陆缘不同的是,北部陆缘有较厚的沉积层覆盖,而礼乐滩块体上的沉积层很薄;东部次海盆地壳明显被拉薄,海盆内的地壳也很薄,莫霍面埋深较浅。  相似文献   

We have designed a simple, cheap and reliable ocean-bottom seismometer. Signals from three-component geophones are recorded directly on magnetic tape running continuously at a speed of 1 mm s1. Time reference is derived from a temperature-compensated quartz crystal oscillator and encoded on a fourth channel as an amplitude modulation of a 20 Hz carrier. A bipolar square-root signal-compression scheme doubles the tape dynamic range to 80 db, and the available bandwidth is 2 to 100 Hz. Tape and batteries are capable of 500-hr operation, and the unique magnetic release comes close to being a fail-safe system. A heavy, high-drag concrete anchor shaped like a flower-pot provides easy launching, fast stable descent and good coupling to the ocean floor. We have had numerous successful field emplacements which have yielded good earthquake and shot-refraction data.  相似文献   

We describe the design and construction of an ocean bottom seismometer configured as a computer, based on an Intersil IM6100 microprocessor plus appropriate peripheral devices. The sensors consist of triaxial 1 Hz seismometers and a hydrophone, each sensor channel being filtered prior to digitizing so that typical noise spectra are whitened. Digital data are recorded serially on magnetic tape. The instrument is placed on the ocean bottom by allowing it to fall freely from just below the surface. An acoustic system allows precise determination of instrument position, acoustic recall, and transmission of operational information to the surface. Release from an expendable anchor is accomplished by redundant pyrotechnic bolts which can be fired by acoustic command or by precision timers.The operational flexibility provided by the micro-computer, which executes the DEC PDP8/E instruction set, enables optimum use of the 6-hr recording capacity (at 128 samples/second/channel) in the context of the particular experiment being performed.

The ocean bottom seismometer capsule contains a 1 Hz. vertical seismometer and triggerable or programmable digital recording system. The output of the seismometer is continuously digitized at a preselected rate of 64, 128, or 256 samples/sec. The digital data words are mixed with a time code and synchronization characters, serialized and passed through a 1536 sample shift register which acts as a delay line. The serial output bits are then encoded and recorded on a SONY TC800B tape recorder which is turned on when a seismic event occurs. The event trigger occurs when the seismic signal jumps to 8 times the time averaged input signal. A memory may be programmed to run the recorder on a schedule so that small amplitude signals from refraction shots are sure to be recorded. Data are recovered using the same recorder for playback and a decoder which provides an analog output for field data interpretation or a digital output for computer analysis. An acoustic transponder allows precise ranges between the capsule and ship to be determined. In addition, commands for the capsule to release or to transmit diagnostic data may be given from the surface ship. The capsule falls freely to the ocean bottom. After a predetermined time or when a release command is received, it is released from a 68 kg steel tripod and floats to the surface. A dual timer and explosive bolt system is used to increase recovery reliability.The first capsules were designed and constructed between October 1972 and October 1973. Good results were obtained from 38 out of 43 launchings made on six expeditions in 1974, 1975, and 1976. Four capsules have been lost.  相似文献   

A problem in the use of ocean bottom seismometers is the difficulty in leveling the sensors while ensuring good coupling to the seafloor. We have investigated the coupling characteristics of the seismic sensors in the new ONR ocean bottom seismometer. In the deployable sensor package for that instrument, a three-component seismometer set is suspended on a 2-axis passive leveling gimbal and is immersed in a viscous fluid. We report tests, conducted in a seismic vault, comparing the output of a gimbaled seismometer set to that of a set rigidly coupled to the ground. Our results show that the degree to which the gimbaled set is coupled to ground motion is a function of the viscosity of the coupling fluid. The coherence between the two sensor sets is poor (<0.4) at some frequencies within the band of interest (0.15 to 20 Hz) and on some components when the viscosity of the coupling fluid is comparatively low (14 Pa-s or 0.16 kSt kinematic viscosity). In addition, the outputs of some components over portions of this frequency band are attenuated and are phase-shifted relative to the outputs of the set rigidly coupled to the ground. Coherence and phase response similarity improve as the viscosity of the coupling fluid is increased. With a coupling fluid viscosity of 980 Pa-s (10 kSt), coherence and phase agreement between the two sensor sets is good (>0.9) across nearly the entire band of interest on all three components. A simple analytical model of the gimbaled seismometer set as a damped, driven, compound-pendulum provides a basis for understanding the test results.  相似文献   

在海底地震仪(ocean bottom seismometer,OBS)广角地震记录剖面上,经常可以见到震相清晰且连续的多次波信号,多次波和初至波是由相同的震源信号产生的,也是地壳真实结构的反映。但是在通常的OBS数据处理过程中,经常将多次波作为无效信号剔除掉,对其属性及应用的研究比较少。文章通过对台湾海峡南部OBS探测测线HXN01数据的处理,对多个台站记录到的二次震相进行了识别与拾取,并以OBS0106台站为例,对识别出的二次Ps震相进行了系统的研究分析,发现二次Ps震相的波形特征和质点运动轨迹与初至震相相似,但波形最大振幅值明显大于初至震相。通过Rayinvr射线追踪方法模拟,确定了二次Ps震相的主要反射层,并发现加入二次震相后,台站下方浅部沉积层射线覆盖密度有显著提升,射线覆盖的区域也明显增加,为沉积层精细结构的反演提供了更为丰富的数据基础。另外,对理论模型的地壳结构进行加入二次Ps震相前后的反演测试,结果显示加入二次Ps震相数据后,沉积层的界面深度误差得到明显的改善。  相似文献   

The Japanese islands are positioned near the subduction zones, and large earthquakes have repeatedly occurred in marine areas around Japan. However, the number of permanent earthquake observatories in the oceans is quite limited. It is important for understanding generation of large earthquakes to observe seismic activities on the seafloor just above these seismogenic zones. An ocean bottom cabled seismometer (OBCS) is the best solution because data can be collected in real-time. We have developed a new compact OBCS system. A developed system is controlled by a microprocessor, and signals from accelerometers are 24-bit digitized. Clock is delivered from the global positioning system receiver on a landing station using a simple dedicated line. Data collected at each cabled seismometer (CS) are transmitted using standard Internet Protocol to landing stations. The network configuration of the system adopts two dual methods. We installed the first practical OBCS system in the Japan Sea, where large earthquakes occurred in past. The first OBCS system has a total length of 25 km and 4 stations with 5 km interval. Installation was carried out in August 2010. The CSs and single armored optical submarine cable were buried 1 m below the seafloor to avoid a conflict with fishing activity. The data are stored on a landing station and sent to Earthquake Research Institute, University of Tokyo by using the Internet. After the installation, data are being collected continuously. According to burial of the CSs, seismic ambient noises are smaller than those observed on seafloor.  相似文献   

海底地震仪及其国内外发展现状   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
以改进型得克萨斯海底地震仪为主线,详细描述了海底地震仪的工作原理、主要仪器参数、观测方式和回收方法,同时,对美国、日本等几个国家和地区海底地震仪研制和实际观测工作方面的发展状况作了简要介绍,并对海底地震仪的发展趋势和应用前景作了展望。  相似文献   

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