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The pollution of soil with heavy metals has direct or indirect adverse effect on human health. The present work was conducted to identify all the expected sources and sinks for heavy metals by applying mass balance model to identify the retention rate of metals by soils in Yaakob village, south Sohag Governorate, Egypt. The studied inputs (sources) include P-fertilizers, irrigation water and dustfall, while the main outputs (sinks) are drainage water and harvested plants. The measurements indicate that soil, clover, dustfall and P-fertilizers contain considerable concentration of Cd, Cr, Co, Cu and Pb. The mass balance measurements indicate that the accumulation rate of Cd, Cr and Co in soil was 5.4, 54.6 and 16.3 g ha?1 year?1, respectively. However, depletion trend of Pb and Cu was about 1.4 and 5.2 g ha?1 year?1, respectively. The main source of Cd, Pb, Cr and Co in the study area is P-fertilizers with input flux 14.9, 89.9, 198.6 and 18.5 g ha?1 year?1, while Cu source was dustfall with 19.33 g ha?1 year?1. The index of geoaccumulation calculations indicates different degrees of contamination with Cd, Cr, Co and Cu. On the other hand, the main sink for the studied heavy metals was the Egyptian clover (Trifolium alexandrinum) which can be considered a good bioaccumulator of heavy metals.  相似文献   

Groundwater resources of Sohag, Egypt are currently threatened by contamination from agricultural and urbanization activities. Groundwater in Sohag area has a special significance where it is the second source for fresh water used for agricultural, domestic, and industrial purposes. Due to growing population, agriculture expansion, and urbanization, groundwater quality assessment needs more attention to cope with the increasing water demand in this arid zones and limited water resources. The aim of this paper is to address the integrated role of geochemical processes, agriculture and urbanization in evolution of groundwater composition, and their impact on groundwater quality to help in management and protection of groundwater resources of study area using geochemical modeling techniques and geographical information systems. Spatial variation of groundwater hydrochemical properties, rock–water interaction, ion exchange, and assessment of groundwater quality were investigated. Results indicated that groundwater properties are varied spatially and its evolution in the study area is generally controlled by the prevailed geochemical processes represented by leaching, dissolution, and precipitation of salts and minerals, ion exchange, in addition to human activities represented by agriculture and urbanization as well as climatic and poor drainage conditions. Management alternatives should be followed in the study area to avoid degradation of groundwater quality and provide sustainable development.  相似文献   

Grot tailing dump has the highest altitude of all tailing dumps in the Republic of Serbia. About 5.5 million tons of hydrocycloned sand was deposited in the tailing dump. This material was formed by flotation processing of ore from the Blagodat ore field. Vegetation was not developed in any part of the tailing. Minerals determined by X-ray diffraction analyses of representative samples form the tailing are quartz, clay minerals, calcite, feldspars, hematite, siderite, pyrite, sphalerite, galena and chalcopyrite. No regularities were noticed in their quantitative distribution. Statistical analysis of chemical fluctuations of lead, zinc, copper, arsenic and manganese concentrations showed that those with the highest concentrations are usually found on the central plateau. Lead displays the largest concentration range in the whole tailing. Maximal concentrations are found on the central and minimal in the south-western plateau. Zinc concentrations are up to 5,000 mg/kg, except in the central plateau where they reach extreme several times higher values. Copper concentrations are increased in the central plateau. In other parts of the tailing, concentrations are uniform and several times lower. Arsenic concentrations are mostly uniform, with the exception of extreme values in the north-western parts of the central plateau. Manganese shows uniform concentrations, somewhat increased on the south-eastern plateau. Chemical heterogeneity of the tailing material was influenced by the chronological discontinuity of the deposition and resedimentation. Resedimentation was the main cause of the fluctuation in the concentrations of the most mentioned heavy metals.  相似文献   

The study focuses on the lateral distribution and the environmental geochemistry of seven heavy metals: Fe, Mn, Cu, Co, Ni, Pb, and Zn in addition to Al in the stream sediments of Wadi Allaqi. Forty-two samples were collected from the upstream, the midstream, and the downstream of this Wadi. Results of the grain size analysis show that the sediments of Wadi Allaqi are fine to medium sand. The heavy metals content reflects the weathering impact on the hinterland. The highest concentrations of Fe, Al, Mn, Cu, Pb, and Zn are recorded in the midstream that is dominated by clastics of felsic and intermediate composition. Moreover, the downstream, occupied by ultrabasic–basic rocks, shows the highest averages of Co and Ni. These results suggest that the felsic and intermediate rocks are the main source of the former metals, whereas the ultrabasic–basic rocks are the source of later two metals. All the analyzed heavy metals have average concentrations lower than their backgrounds, except for Co and Pb. The pollution level by these heavy metals has been evaluated using enrichment ratio (ER), pollution load index (PLI), and index of geoaccumulation (Igeo). The calculated values of ER, CF, PLI, and Igeo indicate that Wadi Allaqi sediments are almost pristine except occasional feeble pollution level by Co and Pb.  相似文献   

The distribution patterns, the index of geo-accumulations (MIgeo), and the enrichment ratios (ER n ) of the contaminant metals: Fe, Mn, Zn, Cu, Pb, and Ni were studied in gravel, sand, mud, coarse, medium, and fine sediment fractions of the uppermost layer of the bottom sediments collected from 12 stations covering the northern part of Safaga Bay. The distribution levels of these metals were increasing with grain size decreasing toward the central axis of the bay that extends NE–SW and southward to Safaga Harbour indicating that these metals concentrated mainly in the fine, very fine, and particulate fractions of sediments and to many anthropogenic sources. The geo-accumulation factor of Zn was more significant (MIgeo?≈?0.62–4.23) relative to the other metals. The bay was classified as moderately to strongly polluted by Zn while it is unpolluted to moderately polluted with the other metals with accumulation sequence of: Zn>Ni>Cu>Mn≥Pb. Zn and Ni recorded the highest enrichment ratios (average ERZn?≈?3.07 to 8.89; average ERNi?≈?0.84 to 3.63) in the different sediment fractions relative the other metals. These enrichment ratios classified the bay as minimal enrichment, suggestive of no or minimal pollution, to significant enrichment, suggestive of a significant pollution signals with metals sequence of: Zn>Ni>Cu>Pb>Mn.  相似文献   

The present work deals with meandering and bank erosion of the River Nile of Egypt and its environmental impact between Sohag and El-Minia, Egypt. The study depends on using Landsat imagery acquired on 1987–2000 and field observations. Field observations, remote sensing, and GIS analysis and sinuosity index were used in this study to investigate river meandering and the associated processes of erosion of river bank and islands, deposition of sediments and formation of new islands. The analysis of Landsat imagery revealed the migration of river course with time and space. Some islands disappear completely in the study area whereas new islands appear in other places. The lateral erosion on the river banks led to a decrease in agricultural lands bordering the river banks and decrease in the areas of the river islands which in turn reduces the agricultural production. Depositional processes create new floodplains on the convex sides of the river course and new islands and sand bars. Protection methods are recommended to protect the river bank from further movement and erosion. The present conditions of river meandering and the associated processes of erosion and deposition accelerated with human activities have its impact on the environment. The most prominent hazard problem is reduction of agricultural lands and loss of property as well as navigation problems. River control is recommended to weaken the secondary currents created by the river bends. It is recommended to regularly monitor the river banks and islands and measure the rates of erosion and deposition. Sand bars and subsurface islands should be monitored and identified with flash lights to mitigate navigation problems.  相似文献   

Ability of corals to accumulate heavy metals,Northern Red Sea,Egypt   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
The concentrations of six heavy metals (Fe, Mn, Ni, Cu, Pb and Zn) were studied in 11 hard and 4 soft common coral species collected from Hurghada, Wadi Al-Gemal and Gola’an along the Red Sea coast to assess the differential abilities of corals to concentrate and assimilate the heavy metals inside soft coral tissues and hard coral skeletons. These results reveal the order of Fe > Zn > Ni > Pb ≥ Mn > Cu. Fe recorded significant high concentrations in mushroom (funnel) forms of the soft corals at the different sites; 125.19, 101.71 and 90.44 ppm at Gola’an, Hurghada and Wadi Al-Gemal, respectively. The soft coral species recorded the highest average concentration of Mn, Ni, Cu and Zn than the hard corals, which were 13.22, 16.05, 13.08 and 148.17 ppm, respectively. Generally, soft corals show higher metal concentrations than the hard ones; moreover, Hurghada recorded a higher trend of metal concentrations in soft and hard corals than the other sites. The study concluded that many biological and local environmental factors influenced the metal occurrences and uptakes in both coral forms such as, the exposed surface area for metal uptake, turbidity, overlying mucus thickness and the ability of metals to substitute inside the crystal lattice of the hard corals.  相似文献   

滇西沘江流域水体中重金属元素的地球化学特征   总被引:5,自引:1,他引:5  
通过测定流经兰坪金顸铅锌矿区的沘江水体中Pb、Zn、Cd、As的含量和底泥中重金属元素的化学形态的含量,分析了重金属元素的分布和化学形态的变化。结果表明,沘江水遭到了Cd污染,底泥已经成为重金属元素的蓄积库,以国家土壤环境质量标准(Ⅲ级)衡量,Pb、Zn、Cd和舡分别超标3.4倍、15.8倍、106倍和2.6倍。沘江水中重金属元素含量的峰值在矿山附近的下游,而底泥中重金属元素的峰值在矿山下游30-50km的地方,矿业活动、水流变缓、pH等水体环境条件的变化都能影响水和底泥中重金属元素的含量。底泥中的Pb以碳酸盐结合态为主,Zn和Cd以铁锰氧化物结合态为主,而As以残渣态为主。Pb、Cd、Zn三种元素的环境有效态含量比较高,对沘江流域生态环境具有潜在的巨大的危害。  相似文献   

Bioaccumulation of heavy metals in some fauna and flora   总被引:1,自引:2,他引:1  
Bioaccumulation of heavy metals in fauna and flora in the Ijaw area of the Niger Delta of Nigeria were investigated. The fauna-molluscs and Crustacea, and flora Hibiscus esculentus and vernonia amygdalina were selected for this study. Results show that Molluscs and Crustacea accumulate considerable amounts of heavy metals. Higher levels of all the metals determined Hg, Pb, Cr, Cu, Ni, and Zn were observed in the shells than in the fleshly tissues. Hibiscus esculentus and vernonia amygdalina also accumulated these heavy metals. The mercury levels in the roots of Hibiscus esculentus and vernonia amygdalina is 0.010 μg/g ± 0.00, while the stem 0.17 ± 0.03 μg/g and leaves 0.25 ± 0.02μg/g was recorded for the v. amygdalina. The H. esculenta fruit has lead levels of 0.22 ± 0.03 μg/g. The levelsof Cu, Ni, and Zn are generally higher than those of Hg, Pb and Cr in all the samples analyzed. There is a growing concern about the physiological and behavioral effects of environmental trace metals in human population. The toxicity of lead at high levels of exposure is well known but of a major concern is the possibility that continual exposure to relatively low levels of these heavy metals through the consumption of these fauna and flora may entail adverse health effects.  相似文献   

Sugarcane farming is the most important cash crop cultivation activity in the Lake Victoria basin of Kenya practised in an area covering approximately 114,000 Ha in total. For better yields, various agronomic inputs including fertilizers and herbicides have been used intensively in the farms, causing serious concerns about their potential impacts on the aquatic ecosystems within the lake basin. In this study, the physicochemical features of surface sediment and water including pH, total organic carbon contents and heavy metal (Cd, Cu, Zn, Pb and Cr) loads in River Kuywa and in runoff canals in sugarcane farms in Nzoia nucleus estate within the lake basin were determined to assess the effects of agronomic activities including agronomic inputs in the form of nitrogenous fertilizers [urea and diammonium phosphate (DAP)], herbicides and sewage sludge used in farming on their levels. The results indicated significant differences (p ≤ 0.05) in the heavy metal levels in sediment and water samples taken before and after the farms, respectively, indicating a positive impact on the concentration levels. The canal water and sediment samples’ heavy metal levels were also significantly higher than those of the river samples showing that the influent sugarcane farm canal waters transfer these contaminants into River Kuywa. Although the levels of these parameters were significantly higher in the canals than in the controls obtained from outside the sugarcane farms, the heavy metal levels in soil samples from within the farms with similar agronomic activities did not differ significantly among the various plots. The turbidity, electrical conductivity, temperature, water and soil pH and total organic carbon values in samples obtained within the sugarcane farms showed significant seasonal variations and differed significantly from the values in the controls showing a significant negative impact of agronomic inputs on water quality.  相似文献   

新疆哈密是资源性缺水地区,冰川是该区主要的供给水源。为了对该区冰川和水文水资源的现状和未来变化做出合理评价和预估,以榆树沟6号冰川和庙尔沟冰帽为代表,结合野外实测资料以及近年来在冰川变化领域所取得的相关研究成果,综合分析了在气候变暖背景下新疆哈密地区冰川近年来的变化过程及对水资源的影响。结果表明,1972-2011年,榆树沟6号冰川厚度平均减薄20 m,减薄速率约为0.51 m/a,冰川末端退缩254 m,年均退缩约6.5 m。由于强烈消融,冰川表面径流发育明显,且在末端有冰碛湖形成。相比之下,庙尔沟冰帽消融速率相对较小,对气候变暖的敏感度较低,这与冰帽类型和所处海拔较高有直接关系。综合分析发现,流域有无冰川覆盖及覆盖的比率大小,直接造成哈密地区不同流域近期河川径流变化的差异。  相似文献   

The main aim of the present study is to detect the status of groundwater resources in west Mallawi area which represented one of the new reclamation lands. In order to achieve this aim, the hydrogeological and hydrogeochemical studies are carried out, based on the results of 21 pumping tests and chemical analysis of 29 water samples. Two water-bearing units are detected in the study area, namely, the Eocene fractured limestone aquifer which occupies the east portion of the studied area. The second aquifer consists of friable sediments of sand and gravel and may be related to the late Oligocene–early Miocene age and overlies the limestone rocks in the west, and this aquifer were studied for the first time in this work. Regionally, the groundwater flow in the area under study occurs toward the north and east directions. There is a hydraulic connection between both aquifers through the structural pattern affected the area. The partial recharge of the both aquifers takes place through the upward leakage from deep aquifers and the Nile water. There is a general decrease in the water salinity from west to east direction. The groundwater of both aquifers was evaluated for the different purposes and concluded that, it is considered suitable for different uses.  相似文献   

Selenium and heavy metals content in some Mediterranean soils   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The study of metal contents in industrial, agricultural or/and polluted soils compared with natural or unpolluted soils is currently necessary to obtain reference values and to assess soil contamination. Nonetheless, very few works published appear in international journals on elements like Se, Li and Sr in Spanish soils. This study determines the total levels of Se, Li, Sr, As, Cd, Co, Cr, Cu, Ni, Pb, V, Zn, Fe, Mn and Ba in 14 natural (unpolluted) soils (Gypsisols, Leptosols, Arenosols and Acrisols), 14 agricultural soils (Anthrosols, Fluvisols and Luvisols), and 4 industrial–urban affected-surface soil horizons (Anthrosols and Fluvisols) of Eastern Spain. The geochemical baseline concentrations (GBC) and reference values (RV) have been established, and the relationships among elements and also between soil properties and elemental concentrations have been analysed. The RV obtained in this study were (mg kg−1): Se 2.68, Li 115, Sr 298, Cd 0.97, Co 35, Cr 217, Cu 46, Ni 50, Pb 137, V 120, Zn 246, Fe 124,472, Mn 2691, and Ba 743. The RV for Se and Li were used as a preliminary approach to assess soil contamination in Spanish soils. The results confirm human impact on Sr, As, Cd, Cr, Cu, Ni, Pb and Zn soil concentrations, but evidence no deviation from natural Se, Li, Co, V, Fe, Mn and Ba concentrations. The results obtained from the statistical analysis reveal significant correlations between some elements and clay and soil organic matter (SOM) contents, indicating that metal concentrations are controlled by soil composition. One particularly interesting finding is the high correlation coefficients obtained between SOM and Se, Cd, Cr, V, Fe, and Mn, and between clay and Cd, Zn, V, Fe and Mn. Once again, these facts confirm the role of SOM and clay minerals in soil functions and that soil is an ecosystem element responsible for maintaining environmental quality.  相似文献   

Sequential core sediments from northwestern Taihu Lake in China were analyzed for grain size, organic carbon and heavy metal content. The sediments are composed of organic-poor clayey-fine silts. The chemical speciations of Cu, Fe, Mn, Ni, Pb, and Zn were also analyzed using the BCR sequential extraction procedure. Cu, Fe, Ni, and Zn are mainly associated with the residue fraction; Mn is concentrated mainly in exchangeable/carbonate fraction and residue fraction; and Pb mainly in Fe/Mn oxide fraction and organic/sulfide fraction. The exchangeable/carbonate fractions of Cu, Fe, Ni, Zn and Pb are lower. The fractions of Ni, Pb and Zn bound to the Fe/Mn oxide have significant correlations with reducible Mn; the organic/sulfide fractions of Cu, Mn, Ni, Pb, and Zn have significant correlations with TOC. The extractable fractions of Cu, Mn, Ni, Pb, and Zn are high at the top 4 cm of the core sediments as compared to those in the deeper layers, showing the anthropogenic input of heavy metals is due to rapid industrial development. The heavy metal pollution history of the sediments has been recorded since the late 1970s, determined by the result of ^137Cs dating.  相似文献   

Effects of heavy metals on some soil biological parameters   总被引:11,自引:0,他引:11  
The soils most polluted by heavy metals are probably alluvial soils. One of them is the alluvium of the Litavka River. The heavy metal content was much higher in some cases than the threshold values, allowed by the Czech standards. The effect of soil contamination on enzyme activity is presented. Generally, the values of enzymatic activities were highest in the soil above the source of contamination and they decrease as they approach the source of contamination. All measured parameters were affected by heavy metal concentrations. Our results demonstrate that several parameters of microbial activity could be used as good indicators of increasing concentrations of Cd, Pb and Zn in soil.  相似文献   

The El Minia governorate lies within the Nile Valley, surrounded by calcareous plateaus to the east and west. The present study focuses on the hydrogeochemistry of the Eocene limestone aquifer at some wadis in the east El Minia governorate, Eastern Desert, Egypt. Hydrogeologically, two main aquifers are encountered in the study area, namely the Maghagha marly limestone and the Samalut chalky limestone aquifers. The Maghagha aquifer is composed of alternating layers of marly limestone and shale with thicknesses ranging from 3.49 m to 177.05 m and a groundwater depth ranging from 8.5 m to 59.27 m which reflects low groundwater potentiality. The groundwater salinity representing this aquifer ranges from 603.5 mg/L to 978.5 mg/L, reflecting fresh water type. Samalut aquifer is made up of chalky, cavernous and fractured limestone with thickness ranging from 30 m to 205 m and groundwater depth ranging from 9 m to 86.77 m, which indicates good groundwater potential. The groundwater salinity of the concerned aquifer ranges from 349.7 mg/L to 2043.9 mg/L, reflecting fresh to possibly brackish water types. Groundwater in the study area is of meteoric water origin; recent recharge is mainly controlled through the presence of fractures and their densities. The majority of groundwater samples in the study area are suitable for drinking and irrigation purposes.  相似文献   

This paper deals with the types, distribution and origin, of recent sand dunes in the coastal sector extending between El Burullus Lake and the Damietta Nile River branch, Egypt. Sand samples were studied for grain size distribution and mineralogical composition. It has been found that most of the dunes in the study area have been subjected to deterioration and removal due to the construction of summer resort buildings and making the international coastal highway. The remnant constitutes a belt of foredunes on the shore of Baltium extending westward to Burg El Burullus village.The dunes origin is interpreted as the result of coastal drifting and the subsequent transport of the former Sebennitic Nile branch sediments eastward by the predominant longshore current and by Aeolian processes. The blown sand grains accumulated to form a belt of coastal sand dunes with longitudinal and crescentic forms. Urbanization of the coast has severely altered the landscape. Gaps and damaged dunes are included within the dune belt. The dunes natural cycle of advance and retreat is upset and attains its destruction phase. The consequences of its destruction are numerous and lead to hazardous impacts on the shoreline, coastal building and the nearby international highway.  相似文献   

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