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We present an analysis of the Hipparcos and ASAS photometry of the W UMa star EL Aqr. The Wilson-Devinney code is employed in conjunction with recent spectroscopic mass ratio of 0.203 to model the V band light curve. We confirm that the system is an A type contact binary however our analysis suggests that it is over massive for its spectral class and has a relatively high fillout of 44%. This revised version was published online in August 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   

We present results from detailed analyses of new data combined with previously published light curves of ε Cra and ψ Ori. Based on the shape of the secondary minimum of ε CrA we found that the discrepancy between the photometric and spectroscopic mass ratio, although marginal, is statistically significant. We propose a third light as a possible solution and derive the absolute parameters of components. The physical parameters of components of the early-type binary system ψ Ori were also obtained from the light curve modelling. Our solution indicate that ψ Ori is a detached, grazing-eclipse system.  相似文献   

Photometric observations over three seasons show HD 288313 to be a light variable with a 2.2636-d period. The observed V amplitudes lie in the range of 0.06–0.15 mag. The star showed appreciable changes in the brightness at maximum and minimum of the light curve from season to season. The (   b − y   ) colour did not show any significant variation during the photometric cycle. The light variation appears to be caused by the rotational modulation of stellar flux by cool starspots distributed asymmetrically across the stellar longitudes. The Hα line strength in HD 288313 varied drastically from completely filled-in emission to almost full absorption, that is typical of a normal star of similar spectral type. The Hα equivalent width is found to show a clear rotational modulation only occasionally. Most of the time, chromospheric active regions are distributed well across the stellar longitudes, thereby suppressing obvious rotational modulations. Broad-band linear polarization measurements show HD 288313 to be a short period, low-amplitude polarization variable. The polarization variation is, apparently, rotationally modulated. Dust grain scattering in a non-spherical circumstellar envelope of a star with inhomogeneities in the surface brightness distribution seems to be the mechanism operating in producing the observed polarization.  相似文献   

We present photometric analysis of 8 short-period eclipsing binaries discovered and observed at Astronomical Observatory at Kolonica Saddle between 2007 and 2010 with different instruments. We determined their orbital periods and performed photometric analysis of their light curves. We found that 3 systems are detached binaries, 4 systems are over-contact binaries of W UMa type and one system is semi-detached with the secondary component filling its Roche lobe. Light curves of 2 systems exhibit asymmetries, explained by spot(s) on the surface of the components.  相似文献   

HR 6046 has long been known as a single-lined binary system, for which preliminary orbital solutions were given in the 1930s, but the nature of the secondary star in the system has to date appeared puzzling. The rather large masses which the component stars were once believed to possess caused much speculation that the secondary was a 'collapsed star', and the large mass function that was originally published encouraged determined, but unsuccessful, efforts to be made to resolve the system by optical interferometry. We have observed the system as a double-lined binary, and now present the orbit. We are unable to specify the exact nature of the secondary star, whose mass is only slightly less than that of the primary, but comparison with late-type standard spectra suggests that it is an evolved star, while the primary is a giant somewhat cooler than the published spectral type indicates. The Hipparcos parallax is consistent with such a model for the system, but it is possible that it is vitiated by the photocentric motion. Our new orbital elements and their improved level of precision show conclusively that the system is by no means as exotic as was once thought.  相似文献   

We present new optical and infrared (IR) observations of Cir X-1 taken near apastron. Both sets of spectra show asymmetric emission lines. Archival optical observations show that an asymmetric H α emission line has been in evidence for the past 20 years, although the shape of the line has changed significantly. We present an eccentric ( e ∼0.7–0.9) low-mass binary model, where the system consists of a neutron star orbiting around a (sub)giant companion star of 3–5 M. We suggest that the broad components of the emission lines arise in a high-velocity, optically thick flow near the neutron star, while the narrow components of the optical and the IR lines arise near the companion star and a heated ejecta shell surrounding the binary respectively. In this model, the velocity of the narrow component reflects the space velocity of the binary; the implied radial velocity (+430 km s−1 after correcting for Galactic rotation) is the highest velocity known for an X-ray binary.  相似文献   

We use the method introduced by Karami & Mohebi (2007), and Karami & Teimoorinia (2007) which enable us to derive the orbital parameters of the spectroscopic binary stars by the nonlinear least squares of observed vs. curve fitting (o-c). Using the measured experimental data for radial velocities of the four double-lined spectroscopic binary systems PV Pup, HD 141929, EE Cet and V921 Her, we find both the orbital and the combined spectroscopic elements of these systems. Our numerical results are in good agreement with those obtained using the method of Lehmann-Filhés.  相似文献   

About 786.4 thousand stars were observed by LAMOST twice or more during the first stage of its spectroscopic survey. The radial velocity differences for about 256 thousand targets are larger than10 km s-1 and they are possible spectroscopic binary or variable candidates(SBVCs). It is shown that most SBVCs are slightly metal poorer than the Sun. There are two peaks in the temperature distribution of SBVCs around 5760 K and 4870 K, while there are three peaks in the distribution of the gravitational acceleration at 2.461, 4.171 and 4.621 cm s-2. The locations of SBVCs on the [Fe/H]-T, [Fe/H]-log g, log g-T and H-R diagrams are investigated. It is found that the detected SBVCs could be classified into four groups. The first group has higher log g~4.621 and lower T ~ 4870 K which are mainly cool red dwarf binaries. The second group of SBVCs has logg around 4.171 cm s-2 that includes binaries and pulsating stars such as δSet and γ Dor variables. The gravitational accelerations of the third group of SBVCs are higher and some of them are below the zero-age main sequence. They may be contact binaries in which the primary components are losing energy to the secondaries in the common envelopes and are at a special stellar evolutionary stage.The last group is composed of giants or supergiants with log g around 2.461 cm s-2 that may be evolved pulsating stars. One target(C134624.29+333921.2) is confirmed as an eclipsing binary with a period of 0.65 days. A preliminary analysis suggests that it is a detached binary with a mass ratio of 0.46. The primary fills its critical Roche lobe by about 89%, indicating that mass transfer will occur between the two components.  相似文献   

A new sample of contact systems, consisting of more than 100 stars, was created for binaries for which the physical parameters have been determined using both photometric light curves and radial velocity measurements of both components. Properties of components are discussed including their evolutionary status.  相似文献   

In this paper, we develop a spectral differential technique with which the dynamical mass of low‐mass companions can be found. This method aims at discovering close companions to late‐type stars by removing the stellar spectrum through a subtraction of spectra obtained at different orbital phases and discovering the companion spectrum in the difference spectrum in which the companion lines appear twice (positive and negative signal). The resulting radial velocity difference of these two signals provides the true mass of the companion, if the orbital solution for the radial velocities of the primary is known. We select the CO line region in the K band for our study, because it provides a favourable star‐to‐companion brightness ratio for our test case GJ 1046, an M2V dwarf with a low‐mass companion that most likely is a brown dwarf. Furthermore, these lines remain largely unblended in the difference spectrum so that the radial velocity amplitude of the companion can be measured directly. Only if the companion rotates rapidly and has a small radial velocity due to a high mass, does blending occur for all lines so that our approach fails. We also consider activity of the host star, and show that the companion difference flux can be expected to have larger amplitude than the residual signal from the active star so that stellar activity does not inhibit the determination of the companion mass. In addition to determining the companion mass, we restore the single companion spectrum from the difference spectrum using singular value decomposition. (© 2013 WILEY‐VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim)  相似文献   

We present the results of a radial-velocity study of eight Am stars (HD 341, 55822, 61250, 67317, 93991, 162950, 224890 and 225137) observed at Observatoire de Haute-Provence with the CORAVEL instrument. We find that these systems are single-line spectroscopic binaries whose orbital elements are determined for the first time.  相似文献   

UBVRI photometry and spectroscopic observations around the Hα line of the cataclysmic star UX UMa are presented. The analysis of the 9-year photometry shows that the out-of-eclipse brightness of the system and the depth of the eclipse changes in different time scales while the width of the eclipse remains constant. The observed features of the light curves as well as the features of the two-peaked Hα profiles were attributed to an inhomogeneity of the accretion disk. “Spiral arm” model for a fitting of the light curves of UX UMa is proposed. It reproduces well the observational data. The obtained azimuthal extent of the spiral arms is of ∼90° and their light contribution is about 17–30of the total V flux of the disk. The obtained two dense structures at the outer disk covering partially the inner hot disk and the white dwarf at orbital phases ∼0.7 and ∼0.2 is in agreement with the predictions of the theoretical computations.  相似文献   

The long-term CCD and photoelectric observations of YY Her covering the period of its post-outburst activity (JD 2 451 823 -- 2 452 996) are presented. We explain the periodic variations of the brightness of YY Her by the eclipses of the components in the system. The model with a deformed (non-homogeneous) envelope, surrounding the white dwarf is discussed. In addition, we observed a flare in about JD 2 452 440, during the primary minimum, that was later followed by an energetic outburst in JD 2 452 700.  相似文献   

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