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The number of Cape fur seals Arctocephalus pusillus entangled with man-made objects was recorded during harvests of immature seals from 1972 to 1974 in one colony and from 1977 to 1979 in several colonies. Most of the objects were around the seals' necks. The percentage of harvested seals that were entangled was 0.12 in 1977 and 1979, and 0.11 in 1978. The highest incidence among harvested seals was recorded at the Cape Cross colony, viz., 0.56–0.66% from 1977 to 1979. These rates of entanglement at Cape Cross are possibly higher than those recorded at harvests of northern fur seals on the Pribilof Islands. Cape fur seals were entangled in string, monofilament line, fishing net, rope, plastic straps, rubber O-rings and wire.  相似文献   

In recent years, Australian governments and fishing industry associations have developed guiding principles aimed at reducing the impact of fishing on non-target species and the benthos and increasing community awareness of their efforts. To determine whether they reduced seal entanglement in lost fishing gear and other marine debris, we analysed Australian sea lion and New Zealand fur seal entanglement data collected from Kangaroo Island, South Australia. Contrary to our expectations, we found that entanglement rates did not decrease in recent years. The Australian sea lion entanglement rate (1.3% in 2002) and the New Zealand fur seal entanglement rate (0.9% in 2002) are the third and fourth highest reported for any seal species. Australian sea lions were most frequently entangled in monofilament gillnet that most likely originated from the shark fishery, which operates in the region where sea lions forage--south and east of Kangaroo Island. In contrast, New Zealand fur seals were most commonly entangled in loops of packing tape and trawl net fragments suspected to be from regional rock lobster and trawl fisheries. Based on recent entanglement studies, we estimate that 1478 seals die from entanglement each year in Australia. We discuss remedies such as education programs and government incentives that may reduce entanglements.  相似文献   

The grass-covered slopes on the southern flank of Mt Thomas, an upfaulted block of highly sheared sandstone and argillite 40 km NW of Christchurch, New Zealand, are presently undergoing severe erosion by a combination of mass-wasting processes. Gully erosion, soil slips, and debris flows have carved out a number of steep, deeply incised ravines, from which coarse debris is transported (primarily by debris flows) to alluvial fans below. Geologic and historical evidence indicates that debris flows have been episodically active here for at least the last 20,000 years and have been the dominant process in fan building. This demonstrates that catastrophic geomorphic processes, rather than processes acting at relatively uniform rates, can be dominant in humid-temperate areas as well as in arid and semi-arid regions. In April 1978, debris flows were triggered in one of two unstable ravines in the Bullock Creek catchment by a moderate intensity, long duration rainstorm with a return period in excess of 20 years. Surges of fluid debris, moving at velocities up to 5 m/s, transported a dense slurry of gravel, sand, and mud up to 3·5 km over a vertical fall of 600 m. Deposition on the alluvial fan occurred when the flows left the confines of an entrenched fan-head channel and spread out as a 0·16 km2 sheet averaging 1·2 m thick. In all, 195,000 m3 were deposited, roughly a third of that being reworked sediments from the head of the fan. Sediment yield from this one event would be equivalent to several thousand years worth of erosion at average sediment discharge rates for small South Island mountain catchments. Samples of viscous fluid debris during surges contained up to 84 per cent solids, composed of 70 per cent gravel, 20 per cent silt, and 4 per cent clay. Fluid density of the material ranged between 1·95 and 2·13 g/cm3, and it was extremely poorly sorted. Between surges the fluid was less viscous, less dense, and unable to carry gravel in suspension. Severe fan-head entrenchment of the stream channel (approximately 10 m in less than 24 hours) was accomplished by the erosive action of the surges. Tectonic uplift of the Mt Thomas block and the weak, crushed condition of the bedrock appear to be ultimately responsible for the catastropic erosion of slopes in the Bullock Creek catchment. However, forest clearing within the last few centuries appears to have greatly increased the rate of mass wasting and gully erosion on these slopes.  相似文献   

《Marine pollution bulletin》2012,65(12):2815-2819
Entanglement in marine debris has been internationally recognised as a potential threat to marine species. Sightings records and a photo identification catalogue from a haul out site in southwest England were used to establish entanglement records for grey seals Halichoerus grypus. Between 2004 and 2008 the annual mean entanglement rates varied from 3.6% to 5%. The maximum recapture period for entangled seals compared to paired control seals was significantly less (p = 0.045) suggesting an increased mortality rate for affected seals. Of the 58 entangled cases in the catalogue, 64% had injuries that were deemed serious. Of the 15 cases where the entangling debris was visible, 14 were entangled in fisheries materials. The entanglement reported at this site could indicate a high rate of mortality and should be monitored carefully. On a more immediate level, entanglement represents a welfare issue for the affected animals.  相似文献   

在2016年新西兰凯库拉MW 7.8地震中,北东—北东东向科科仁古断裂水平右旋位移量最大,为10—12m;北北西—近南北向帕帕提断裂垂直位移量最大,达到5—6m。对直接坐落在这2条地震地表破裂带或变形带之上的建筑物的破坏现场调查表明,尽管房屋出现歪斜,但上部主体部分基本完整,没有出现倒塌或部分倒塌现象,避免了人员伤亡。在无法回避活动断裂及其大震危险性的情况下,隔震系统的广泛采用可以有效地提高建筑物抵御地震灾害的能力。此次地震触发了数万个滑坡体,最大滑坡体可达数百万立方米。对沃罗村北边2处边坡失稳地带的考察结果表明,针对该地至少从2个方面进行了考虑和处置:一是在选址上,避开了突出山嘴等高陡坡地带;二是在房屋正对的山坡地带,种植或保护了茂密的树木,这既增加了山体的稳定性,又可以在地震中有效地减缓崩塌的石块对房屋的冲击。对比中国中东部一些大震,如1976年唐山7.8级地震和2008年汶川8.0级地震中触目惊心的巨大人员伤亡和财产损失,即使在人口密度与滑坡规模上存在明显不同,对新西兰凯库拉地震灾害现场的考察结果,还是在如何有效抵御地震灾害方面给我们提供了很好的启示。  相似文献   

This paper presents measured rates of erosion on shore platforms at Kaikoura Peninsula, South Island, New Zealand. Surface lowering rates were measured with a micro-erosion meter and traversing micro-erosion meter. The mean lowering rate for all shore platforms was 1·130 mm a−1. Differences in lowering rates were found between different platform types and lithologies. The rate of surface lowering on Type A (sloping) mudstone platforms was 1·983 mm a−1, and 0·733 mm a−1 on Type B mudstone platforms (subhorizontal). On limestone platforms the lowering rate was 0·875 mm a−1. A previously reported cross-shore pattern of surface lowering rates from Kaikoura was not found. Rates were generally higher on the landward margins and decreased in a seaward direction. Season is shown statistically to influence erosion rates, with higher rates during summer than winter. The interpretation given to this is that the erosive process is subaerial weathering in the form of wetting and drying and salt weathering. This is contrary to views of shore platform development that have favoured marine processes over subaerial weathering. Copyright © 1998 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

We compared total mercury (THg) concentrations in the fur of northern fur seals (Callorhinus ursinus) from the depleted Pribilof Islands population with those of both declining and thriving populations of Steller sea lions (Eumetopias jubatus) from Prince William Sound (PWS) and Southeast Alaska (SEA), respectively. Relatively low wet weight concentrations (ranges) of THg were detected in the fur of Steller sea lion (SSL) pups (0.90-3.14 microg/g) and juveniles (0.56-6.75 microg/g) from both areas in 1998 and 2000 compared to northern fur seal (NFS) pups (3.15-8.14 microg/g) in 2000. The mean concentration +/- SD for SSLs sampled were 1.46 +/- 0.64 microg/g for pups (n = 22) and 2.74 +/- 2.89 microg/g for juveniles (n = 6). Analyses indicated higher THg concentrations from SSL pups from PWS compared to the SEA. Mean +/- SD. THg in the NFS pups was 4.90 +/- 1.42 microg/g (n = 34) and for post-partum dams was 7.84 +/- 1.78 microg/g (n = 12).  相似文献   

The steep flanks of composite volcanoes are prone to collapse, producing debris avalanches that completely reshape the landscape. This study describes new insights into the runout of large debris avalanches enhanced by topography, using the example of six debris avalanche deposits from Mount Ruapehu, New Zealand. Individual large flank collapses (>1 km3) produced all of these units, with four not previously recognised. Five major valleys within the highly dissected landscape surrounding Mount Ruapehu channelled the debris avalanches into deep gorges (≥15 m) and resulted in extremely long debris avalanche runouts of up to 80 km from source. Classical sedimentary features of debris avalanche deposits preserved in these units include the following: very poor sorting with a clay-sand matrix hosting large subrounded boulders up to 5 m in diameter, jigsaw-fractured clasts, deformed clasts and numerous rip-up clasts of late-Pliocene marine sediments. The unusually long runouts led to unique features in distal deposits, including a pervasive and consolidated interclast matrix, and common rip-up clasts of Tertiary mudstone, as well as fluvial gravels and boulders. The great travel distances can be explained by the debris avalanches entering deep confined channels (≥15 m), where friction was minimised by a reduced basal contact area along with loading of water-saturated substrates which formed a basal lubrication zone for the overlying flowing mass. Extremely long-runout debris avalanches are most likely to occur in settings where initially partly saturated collapsing masses move down deep valleys and become thoroughly liquified at their base. This happens when pore water is available within the base of the flowing mass or in the sediments immediately below it. Based on their H/L ratio, confined volcanic debris avalanches are two to three times longer than unconfined, spreading flows of similar volume. The hybrid qualities of the deposits, which have some similarities to those of debris flows, are important to recognise when evaluating mass flow hazards at stratovolcanoes.  相似文献   


2016年11月13日,新西兰凯库拉地区发生了MW7.8级地震.本文利用1 Hz高频GPS观测数据,基于GAMIT track解算模块,采用主分量分析(PCA)空间滤波方法获取了地震地表形变.同时从trackRTr模拟实时解算的动态位移中,提取P波5秒峰值位移(Pd)和地面峰值位移(PGD),并根据震级统计回归模型计算预警震级.结果表明:测站的动态形变时间长达2 min,距震源最近的HANM和KAIK站出现二次剧烈形变,震源北部测站的形变幅度大于南部,而高频GPS静态同震形变场表现出先逆冲后走滑的震源机制特征.不同GPS台站的Pd预警震级相差较大,最大震级差为MW2.5.综合考虑预警震级发布的时效性和可靠性,采用顾及空间分布的四台站PGD联合预警方法,其预警震级在震后23 s达到初始稳定(MW7.56),在震后110 s达到最终稳定(MW7.78),该震级与USGS矩张量反演震级(MW7.8)基本一致.


This paper examines the morphology and processes governing the development of shore platforms at Lake Waikaremoana, North Island, New Zealand. Shore platforms at Lake Waikaremoana are recent features, and were formed when a new sequence of shoreline development was initiated, due to lowering of the lake by 5 m in 1946 for hydroelectric power development. Three predominant platform morphologies were identified around the lake. These include gently sloping platforms (c.1·5 to 3·9°), ramp platforms (c.6·8 to 9·2°), and concave ramp platforms (c.7·9 to 12°). Platform widths ranged from 11 to 31 m, with the gently sloping platforms characterized by the widest morphologies. Erosion rates were estimated using perched sandstone boulders and were found to range from 3·4 to 12·5 mm a?1, with a mean erosion rate of 5·9 mm a?1. Higher rates of erosion were identified at lower platform elevations, due to a greater frequency of wetting and drying cycles coincident with storm waves, while lower erosion rates were identified at higher elevations. Field evidence suggests that shore platforms at Lake Waikaremoana were likely initiated and continue to develop as a result of subaerial wetting and drying cycles. Waves, coincident with fluctuating lake levels, play an important role by removing the weathered material from the platforms, and appear to control the width of the platforms. A conceptual model of platform development is presented, and analogies are drawn between this model, and the formation of shore platforms in oceanic environments. Copyright © 2002 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Four 40Ar/39Ar dates on mineral separates from fresh and hydrothermally altered volcanic and plutonic rocks from the Ngatamariki geothermal field indicate that andesitic volcanism took place in the eastern portion of the Taupo Volcanic Zone (TVZ) prior to 1.2 Ma and probably considerably earlier. These data significantly extend the onset and duration of andesitic volcanism in the east-central TVZ over previous estimates. Intrusive activity is represented at Ngatamariki by a dioritic pluton, the only such pluton yet recognized in the entire TVZ. Hornblende from the pluton yields a crystallization age of near 550 ka. Hydrothermal alteration spatially associated with the pluton produced sericite of a similar age. Overlying and postdating the most intense hydrothermal alteration zone is the Whakamaru Ignimbrite (or its equivalent) which was emplaced at 330 ka. Two distinct geothermal systems may have been active at nearly the same site from 550 ka to present. The most intense activity occurred before 330 ka and was associated with emplacement of the Ngatamariki diorite. This was followed by the less intense system that is currently active. The geothermal regime at Ngatamariki has, therefore, probably been active intermittently for at least 550 ka.  相似文献   

Seismograms recorded by a temporary dense seismometer array at Parkway, New Zealand, are displayed in various frequency bands, as moving pictures of the ground motion due to earthquakes, thus improving our understanding of the amplified response of a small alluvial basin. Transverse waves, longitudinal waves and a “cellular mode of resonant response” are seen. The separately available movies are essential for the paper to be appreciated properly.  相似文献   

The behaviour and form of, and bedload sediment transport through, a 3.5 m wide forest stream have been monitored for nearly three years. Bedload transport is highly episodic and spatially variable, and is controlled less by water discharge than by sediment availability. Organic debris in the channel creates temporary base levels and sites at which coarse sediment may remain stored for long periods; collapse or disruption of log and debris jams makes sediment available for transport in only a small proportion of the runoff events that are actually competent to move the material. Even then, sediment travels only a short distance before being redeposited, frequently behind debris accumulations further downstream. Rates of sediment transport during a given runoff event can vary markedly over short distances along the stream, again depending on whether sediment was made available for transport by log jam collapse upstream. Organic debris is therefore a major constraint on the application of physical laws and theories to explaining sediment movement in, and the morphology of, this stream.  相似文献   

Calderas worldwide have been classified according to their dominant collapse styles, although there is a good deal of speculation about the processes involved. Recent laboratory experiments have tried to constrain these processes by modelling magma withdrawal and observing the effects on overlying materials. However, many other factors also contribute to final caldera morphology. Rotorua Caldera formed during the eruption of the Mamaku Ignimbrite. Collapse structure and evolution of Rotorua Caldera is interpreted based its geophysical response, geology and geomorphology, and the stratigraphy of the Mamaku Ignimbrite. Rotorua Caldera is situated at the edge of the extensional Taupo Volcanic Zone, in which major faults strike NE-SW. A second, less dominant fault set strikes NW-SE. These two fault sets have a strong influence on the morphology of Rotorua Caldera. No one style of collapse can be applied to Rotorua Caldera; it was formed during a single eruption, but subsided as many blocks and shows features of trapdoor, piecemeal and downsag types of collapse. Here Rotorua Caldera is described, according to its composition, activity and geometry, as a rhyolitic, single event, asymmetric, multiple-block, single locus collapse structure. The Mamaku Ignimbrite is the only ignimbrite to have erupted from Rotorua Caldera. Extracaldera thickness of the Mamaku Ignimbrite is up to 145 m, whereas inside the caldera it may be greater than 1 km thick. The Mamaku Ignimbrite can be separated into a basal tephra sequence and main ignimbrite sequence. The main ignimbrite sequence contains no observable flow unit boundaries but can be split into lower, middle and upper parts (LMI, mMI, uMI respectively) based on crystal content, welding, jointing, devitrification and vapour phase alteration. Juvenile clasts within the ignimbrite comprise three consanguineous silicic pumice types and andesitic fragments. Only the most evolved pumice type occurs in the basal tephra sequence. All three pumice types occur together throughout the main ignimbrite sequence, whereas the andesitic fragments are only present in uMI. Lithic lag breccias in uMI indicate a late stage of caldera collapse. Concentration of lithic fragments increases towards the middle of the ignimbrite, and may also reflect increased subsidence rate during an earlier stage. Collapse of Rotorua Caldera is thought to have occurred throughout the eruption of the main ignimbrite sequence of the Mamaku Ignimbrite, allowing simultaneous eruption of all the different pumice types and causing the abrupt transition from deposition of the basal tephra sequence to the main ignimbrite sequence.  相似文献   

Two large (106–107 m3 erupted volume) hydrothermal explosions occurred from craters on the eastern margin of Kawerau Geothermal Field at c. 14,500 and 9,000 yrs B.P. Explosion products are interbedded within C14 dated pyroclastic fall deposits and contain clasts of hydrothermally altered ignimbrite, rhyolite and tuff, in a silty hydrothermal clay matrix. No magmatic ejecta are found. Some ejected blocks record earlier pre-eruption episodes of shallow hydraulic fracturing and silica cementation. Drillhole stratigraphy indicates that explosion extended to about 190 m below present ground level. The explosion is analysed as a rock/water interaction with eruptive energy provided by flashing of about half the available water. Although surface heat flow and shallow temperatures are now low at eastern Kawerau, the hydrothermal explosions demonstrate the previous existence of a high temperature shallow geothermal system, probably related to a major fault feeding water up through the basement.  相似文献   

The Hikurangi Margin is a region of oblique subduction with northwest-dipping intermediate depth seismicity extending southwest from the Kermadec system to about 42°S. The current episode of subduction is at least 16–20 Ma old. The plate convergence rate varies along the margin from about 60 mm/a at the south end of the Kermadec Trench to about 45 mm/a at 42°S. The age of the Pacific lithosphere adjacent to the Hikurangi Trench is not known.The margin divides at about latitude 39°S into two quite dissimilar parts. The northern part has experienced andesitic volcanism for about 18 Ma, and back-arc extension in the last 4 Ma that has produced a back-arc basin onshore with high heaflow, thin crust and low upper-mantle seismic velocities. The extension appears to have arisen from a seawards migration of the Hikurangi Trench north of 39°S. Here the plate interface is thought to be currently uncoupled, as geodetic data indicate extension of the fore-arc basin, and historic earthquakes have not exceededM s=7.South of 39°S there is no volcanism and a back-arc basin has been produced by downward flexure of the lithosphere due to strong coupling with the subducting plate. Heatflow in the basin is normal. Evidence for strong coupling comes from historic earthquakes of up to aboutM s=8 and high rates of uplift on the southeast coast of the North Island.The reason for this division of the margin is not known but may be related to an inferred increase, from northeast to southwest, in the buoyancy of the Pacific lithosphere.  相似文献   

Groundwater flow and contaminant transport are strongly influenced by hydrogeological spatial variation. Understanding the textural heterogeneity of aquifer and aquitard units is critical for predicting preferential flow pathways, but is often hindered by sparse hydrogeological data, widely spaced data points, and complex stratigraphy. Here, we demonstrate the application of a relatively new air permeameter technology, providing a cost-effective, rapid alternative for characterizing hydrostratigraphic units in the field. The aim of this research is to (1) characterize the variation of saturated hydraulic conductivity across shallow-marine hydrostratigraphic units of the Whanganui Basin, New Zealand, and (2) assess the variation of saturated hydraulic conductivity within individual hydrostratigraphic units and relate these changes to facies and depositional environments. Results suggest heterogeneity within fine-grained aquitard units is controlled by bioturbation, whereby burrowing, ingestion and defecation results in grain size segregation and differential micrite cementation. Coarse-grained heterolithic aquifer facies display sharp changes in permeability across planar to cross-bedded sets, related to current and wave energy fluctuations within shallow-marine depositional settings. Bedding plane orientation creates high permeability zones that promotes down dip subsurface flow. Down dip gradation of coarse-grained nearshore facies into fine-grained shelf facies along the paleo shoreline-shelf transect is suggested to promote lateral and vertical groundwater flow within the basin fill. Air permeameter techniques have potential for application within groundwater basins around the world, providing datasets that facilitate greater understanding of groundwater systems, informing practices and policies for targeted water quality management.  相似文献   

The eruptions of Mt Ruapehu in the North Island of New Zealand in 1995 and 1996 caused a tephra barrier to be formed across the outlet of Crater Lake. By 2005 seepage from the refilled lake into the barrier raised the possibility of an eventual collapse of the barrier, releasing a catastrophic lahar down the mountain.As part of an extensive monitoring programme of the tephra barrier, direct current (dc) resistivity surveys were carried out on a number of lines along and across it in order to test whether the extent of the seepage could be measured (and monitored) by geophysical means. Two dimensional inversion of measured apparent resistivity data showed that between the initial measurements, made in January 2005, and February 2006, there was a gradual decrease in resistivity above the old outlet from ~ 50–60 Ωm to ~ 30 Ωm. This gave the first indication that lake water was seeping into the barrier. Between October and December 2006 there was a rapid rise in lake level to only 2 m below the top of the barrier, and a further resistivity survey in January 2007 showed that there had been a further decrease in resistivity throughout the entire barrier with values dropping to < 10 Ωm. The extent of this low resistivity indicated that the barrier was now saturated. At this stage lake water was penetrating the barrier and starting to cause erosion on its downstream side. Catastrophic collapse occurred on 18 March 2007, accompanied by a lahar in the Whangaehu river valley.Subsequent forward 3D numerical modelling of the resistivity structure of the barrier has confirmed that the observed changes in measured resistivity were directly related to the progress of seepage of lake water into the barrier.  相似文献   

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