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The Timiskaming earthquake, which occurred near the Quebec-Ontario border at the northwest end of the Western Quebec seismic zone in 1935, is one of the five largest instrumentally recorded southeastern Canadian earthquakes. Previous studies of this earthquake concentrated on modeling teismograms recorded at regional distances, a better constrained focal mechanism is obtained. The waveforms indicate thrust faulting on a moderately dipping northwest striking plane at a depth of 10 km. TheM w of 6.1 determined in this study is in good agreement with previous magnitude estimates (m b 6.1,M s 6.0, andm bLg 6.2–6.3). The focal mechanism is similar to those of many recent small to moderate earthquakes in the region, and the inferred (from theP axis) acting stress of northeast compression is consistent with the overall eastern North American stress field. The Lake Timiskaming Rift Valley in which the earthquake occurred, comprises several northwest striking faults consistent with the strike of the 1935 event. Thus, the 1935 earthquake appears to be a result of faulting on the reactivated Timiskaming graben.  相似文献   

Probabilistic seismic hazard analysis (PSHA) has been carried out for Iraq. The earthquake catalogue used in the present study covers an area between latitude 29°–38.5° N and longitude 39°–50° E containing more than a thousand events for the period 1905–2000. The entire Iraq region has been divided into thirteen seismogenic sources based on their seismic characteristics, geological setting and tectonic framework. The completeness of the seismicity catalogue has been checked using the method proposed by Stepp (1972). The analysis of completeness shows that the earthquake catalogue is not complete below Ms=4.8 for all of Iraq and seismic source zones S1, S4, S5, and S8, while it varies for the other seismic zones. A statistical treatment of completeness of the data file was carried out in each of the magnitude classes. The Frequency Magnitude Distributions (FMD) for the study area including all seismic source zones were established and the minimum magnitude of complete reporting (Mc) were then estimated. For the entire Iraq the Mc was estimated to be about Ms=4.0 while S11 shows the lowest Mc to be about Ms=3.5 and the highest Mc of about Ms=4.2 was observed for S4. The earthquake activity parameters (activity rate , b value, maximum regional magnitude mmax) as well as the mean return period (R) with a certain lower magnitude mmin m along with their probability of occurrence have been determined for all thirteen seismic source zones of Iraq. The maximum regional magnitude mmax was estimated as 7.87 ± 0.86 for entire Iraq. The return period for magnitude 6.0 is largest for source zone S3 which is estimated to be 705 years while the smallest value is estimated as 9.9 years for all of Iraq.The large variation of the b parameter and the hazard level from zone to zone reflects crustal heterogeneity and the high seismotectonic complexity. The seismic hazard near the source boundaries is directly and strongly affected by the change in the delineation of these boundaries. The forces, through which the geological structure along the plate boundary in Eastern and Northeastern Iraq are evolved, are still active causing stress-strain accumulation, deformation and in turn producing higher probabilities of earthquake activity. Thus, relatively large destructive earthquakes are expected in this region. The study is intended to serve as a reference for more advanced approaches and to pave the path for the probabilistic assessment of seismic hazard in this region.  相似文献   

We examined the effects of freshwater flow and light availability on phytoplankton biomass and production along the Louisiana continental shelf in the region characterized by persistent spring–summer stratification and widespread summer hypoxia. Data were collected on 7 cruises from 2005 to 2007, and spatially-averaged estimates of phytoplankton and light variables were calculated for the study area using Voronoi polygon normalization. Shelf-wide phytoplankton production ranged from 0.47 to 1.75 mg C m−2 d−1 across the 7 cruises. Shelf-wide average light attenuation (kd) ranged from 0.19–1.01 m−1 and strongly covaried with freshwater discharge from the Mississippi and Atchafalaya Rivers (R2=0.67). Interestingly, we observed that the euphotic zone (as defined by the 1% light depth) extended well below the pycnocline and to the bottom across much of the shelf. Shelf-wide average chlorophyll a (chl a) concentrations ranged from 1.4 to 5.9 mg m−3 and, similar to kd, covaried with river discharge (R2=0.83). Also, chl a concentrations were significantly higher in plume versus non-plume regions of the shelf. When integrated through the water-column, shelf-wide average chl a ranged from 26.3 to 47.6 mg m−2, but did not covary with river discharge, nor were plume versus non-plume averages statistically different. The high integrated chl a in the non-plume waters resulted from frequent sub-pycnocline chl a maxima. Phytoplankton production rates were highest in the vicinity of the Mississippi River bird's foot delta, but as with integrated chl a were not statistically different in plume versus non-plume waters across the rest of the shelf. Based on the vertical distribution of light and chl a, a substantial fraction of phytoplankton production occurred below the pycnocline, averaging from 25% to 50% among cruises. These results suggest that freshwater and nutrient inputs regulate shelf-wide kd and, consequently, the vertical distribution of primary production. The substantial below-pycnocline primary production we observed has not been previously quantified for this region, but has important implications about the formation and persistence of hypoxia on the Louisiana continental shelf.  相似文献   

Summary The results of geothermal research carried out in South Siberia (West-Siberian and Siberian Platforms, Altai-Sayan folded area and the Baikalian arched uplift zone) were employed to calculate the Earth's crustal temperatures. It is shown that temperature is a function of the heat flow value. The maps of the surface heat flow and the temperatures at the Moho discontinuity are presented and characteristic temperature-depth profiles were compiled for specific tectonic areas. The West-Siberian and Siberian Platforms, as well as the Altai-Sayan folded region are characterized by rather low heat flow, 42–50mW m –2 (1.0–1.2 µcal/cm 2 s), and low temperatures at the Moho boundary.400–500 °C. The thermal conditions in the area of Lake Baikal are extreme, the heat flow reaches here100–142 mW m –2 (2.4–3.4 µcal/cm 2 s), and the temperature at the crust's bottom may exceed1000 °C. The Moho-surface according to our calculations is nonisothermal.  相似文献   

A unified model is proposed for explaining the frequency dependent amplitude attenuation and the coda wave excitation on the basis of the single scattering process in the randomly inhomogeneous lithosphere. Adopting Birch's law and a direct proportion between density and wave velocity, we statistically describe the inhomogeneous medium by one random function characterized by the von Karman autocorrelation function. We calculate the amplitude attenuation from the solid angle integral of scattered wave energy on the basis of the Born approxiimation after subtracting the travel-time fluctuation effect caused by slowly varying velocity inhomogeneities. This subtraction is equivalent to neglect energy loss by scattering within a cone around the forward direction. The random inhomogeneity of the von Karman autocorrelation function of order 0.35 with the mean square fractional fluctuation of 7.2×10–3 1.3×10–2 and the correlation distance of 2.15.1 km well explains observed backward scattering coefficientg and the ratioQ P –1 /Q S –1 , and observed and partially conjecturedQ S –1 for frequencies between 0.5 Hz and 30 Hz.  相似文献   

We propose a thermal model of the subducting Ionian microplate. The slab sinks in an isothermal mantle, and for the boundary conditions we take into account the relation between the maximum depth of seismicity and the thermal parameter Lth of the slab, which is a product of the age of the subducted lithosphere and the vertical component of the convergence rate. The surface heat-flux dataset of the Ionian Sea is reviewed, and a convective geotherm is calculated in its undeformed part for a surface heat flux of 42 mW m–2, an adiabatic gradient of 0.6 mK m–1, a mantle kinematic viscosity of 1017 m2 s–1 and an asthenosphere potential temperature of 1300°C. The calculated temperature-depth distribution compared to the mantle melting temperature indicates the decoupling limit between lithosphere and asthenosphere occurs at a depth of 105 km and a temperature of 1260°C. A 70–km thick mechanical boundary layer is found. By considering that the maximum depth of the seismic events within the slab is 600 km, a Lth of 4725 km is inferred. For a subduction rate equal to the spreading rate, the corresponding assimilation and cooling times of the microplate are about 7 and 90 Myr, respectively. The thermal model assumes that the mantle flow above the slab is parallel and equal to the subducting plate velocity of 6 cm yr–1, and ignores the heat conduction down the slab dip. The critical temperature, above which the subduced lithosphere cannot sustain the stress necessary to produce seismicity, is determined from the thermal conditions governing the rheology of the plate. The minimum potential temperature at the depth of the deepest earthquake in the slab is 730°C.  相似文献   

In southern British Columbia the terrestrial heat flow is low (44 mW m–2) to the west of the Coast Plutonic Complex (CPC), average in CPC (50–60 mW m–2),and high to the east(80–90 mW m–2). The average heat flow in CPC and the low heat generation (less than 1 W m–3) indicate that a relatively large amount of heat flows upwards into the crust which is generally quite cool. Until two million years ago the Explorer plate underthrust this part of the American plate, carrying crustal material into the mantle. Melted crustal rocks have produced the inland Pemberton and Garibaldi volcanic belts in the CPC.Meager Mountain, a volcanic complex in the CPC 150 km north of Vancouver, is a possible geothermal energy resource. It is the product of intermittent activity over a period of 4 My, the most recent eruption being the Bridge River Ash 2440 y B.P. The original explosive eruption produced extensive fracturing in the granitic basement, and a basal explosion breccia from the surface of a cold brittle crust. This breccia may be a geothermal reservoir. Other volcanic complexes in the CPC have a similar potential for geothermal energy.Earth Physics Contribution No. 704.  相似文献   

Preliminary heat flow values ranging from 42 to 175 mW m–2 have been estimated for Egypt from numerous geothermal gradient determinations with a reasonably good geographical distribution, and a limited number of thermal conductivity determinations. For northern Egypt and the Gulf of Suez, gradients were calculated from oil well bottom hole temperature data; east of the Nile, and at three sites west of the Nile, gradients were calculated from detailed temperature logs in shallow boreholes. With one exception, the heat flow west of the Nile and in northern Egypt is estimated to be low, 40–45 mW m–2, typical of a Precambrian Platform province. A local high, 175 mW m–2, is probably due to local oxidational heating or water movement associated with a phosphate mineralized zone. East of the Nile, however, including the Gulf of Suez, elevated heat flow is indicated at several sites, with a high of 175 mW m–2 measured in a Precambrian granitic gneiss approximately 2 km from the Red Sea coast. These data indicate potential for development of geothermal resources along the Red Sea and Gulf of Suez coasts. Water geochemistry data confirm the high heat flow, but do not indicate any deep hot aquifers. Microearthquake monitoring and gravity data indicate that the high heat flow is associated with the opening of the Red Sea.  相似文献   

Two seismic wave attenuation factors, scatteringattenuation Q s -1 and intrinsicabsorption Q i -1 are measured using theMultiple Lapse Time Window (MLTW) analysis method forthree different frequency bands, 1–2, 2–4, and 4–8 Hz.Data from 54 temporally deployed seismic stationslocated in northern Chile are used. This methodcompares time integrated seismic wave energies withsynthetic coda wave envelopes for a multiple isotropicscattering model. In the present analysis, the waveenergy is assumed to decay with distance in proportionto1/GSF·exp(- (Q s -1+Q i -1r/v), where r, and v are the propagationdistance, angular frequency and S wave velocity,respectively, and GSF is the geometricalspreading factor. When spatial uniformity of Q s -1, Q i -1 and v isassumed, i.e. GSF = 4r 2, theestimates of the reciprocal of the extinction length,L e -1 (= (Q s -1+Q i -1)·/v), are 0.017,0.012 and 0.010 km-1, and those of the seismicalbedo, B 0 (= Q s -1/ (Q s -1+Q i -1)), are 0.48, 0.40and 0.34 for 1–2, 2–4 and 4–8 Hz, respectively, whichindicates that scattering attenuation is comparable toor smaller than intrinsic absorption. When we assumea depth dependent velocity structure, we also findthat scattering attenuation is comparable to orsmaller than intrinsic absorption. However, since thequantitative estimates of scattering attenuationdepend on the assumed velocity structure (strength ofvelocity discontinuity and/or Moho depth), it isimportant to consider differences in velocitystructure models when comparing attenuation estimates.  相似文献   

The geopotential scale factor R o = GM/W o (the GM geocentric gravitational constant adopted) and/or geoidal potential Wo have been determined on the basis of the first year's (Oct 92 – Dec 93) ERS-1/TOPEX/POSEIDON altimeter data and of the POCM 4B sea surface topography model: R o °=(6 363 672.58°±0.05) m, W o °=(62 636 855.8°±0.05)m 2 s –2 . The 2°–°3 cm uncertainty in the altimeter calibration limits the actual accuracy of the solution. Monitoring dW o /dt has been projected.  相似文献   

Summary The coalification data of 12 boreholes in the Central Bohemian Basin are used to evaluate the paleotemperature gradients for the Upper Carboniferous period of the basin's development. Two versions of the burial history considered are supposed to yield an upper and a lower estimate. According to the more probable lower version, the average values of the paleogradient suggest an increasing tendency from west to east in the interval of 45–53K/km. The current geothermal gradients vary in the range of 28–35K/km. By combining the present thermal conductivity and the paleogradients, we have tried to estimate the Upper Carboniferous heat flow. Its values range from 96mW/m 2 to 117mW/m 2 .The results obtained can be compared with the paleogradient estimates in the Saar-Nahe Basin (F. R. of Germany). This region, which is similar with respect to the time of origin and tectonic pattern to the Central Bohemian Basin, displays on the average a slightly higher Permo-Carboniferous geothermal gradient of 60K/km.  相似文献   

The fundamental mode Love and Rayleigh waves generated by earthquakes occurring in Kashmir, Nepal Himalaya, northeast India and Burma and recorded at Hyderabad, New Delhi and Kodaikanal seismic stations are analysed. Love and Rayleigh wave attenuation coefficients are obtained at time periods of 15–100 seconds, using the spectral amplitude of these waves for 23 different paths along northern (across Burma to New Delhi) and central (across Kashmir, Nepal Himalaya and northeast India to Hyderabad and Kodaikanal) India. Love wave attenuation coefficients are found to vary from 0.0003 to 0.0022 km–1 for northern India and 0.00003 km–1 to 0.00016 km–1 for central India. Similarly, Rayleigh wave attenuation coefficients vary from 0.0002 km–1 to 0.0016 km–1 for northern India and 0.00001 km–1 to 0.0009 km–1 for central India. Backus and Gilbert inversion theory is applied to these surface wave attenuation data to obtainQ –1 models for the crust and uppermost mantle beneath northern and central India. Inversion of Love and Rayleigh wave attenuation data shows a highly attenuating zone centred at a depth of 20–80 km with lowQ for northern India. Similarly, inversion of Love and Rayleigh wave attenuation data shows a high attenuation zone below a depth of 100 km. The inferred lowQ value at mid-crustal depth (high attenuating zone) in the model for northern India can be by underthrusting of the Indian plate beneath the Eurasian plate which has caused a low velocity zone at this shallow depth. The gradual increase ofQ –1 from shallow to deeper depth shows that the lithosphere-asthenosphere boundary is not sharply defined beneath central India, but rather it represents a gradual transformation, which starts beneath the uppermost mantle. The lithospheric thickness is 100 km beneath central India and below that the asthenosphere shows higher attenuation, a factor of about two greater than that in the lithosphere. The very lowQ can be explained by changes in the chemical constitution taking place in the uppermost mantle.  相似文献   

On 22 September 2002, the largest UK earthquake (mb4.3) of the last 10 years occurred near the town of Dudley in the West Midlands. Here we determine the earthquake focal mechanism and depth using data from stations at regional and teleseismic distances. Short-period teleseismic seismograms are interpreted in terms of P and surface reflections pP and sP. This analysis suggests that the source depth is deeper than the 9.7 km initially determined by the British Geological Survey (BGS). The relative amplitude method is applied to four teleseismic seismograms to support our interpretation of the surface reflections, and constrain the focal mechanism. Our preferred focal mechanism, a near vertical strike-slip with s = 94°, = 88° and = –179°, is in reasonable agreement with a moment tensor determined by the Swiss Seismological Service. Synthetic regional surface wave seismograms match the observed seismograms for a model focal depth of 19.5 (±3.0) km and scalar moment, M0, of 3.2 × 1015 N m. Our results emphasize that due to the well-known trade-off between depth and M0 from inversions of long period (0.02–0.1 Hz) surface waves, it is preferable to combine long- and short-period data to constrain reliably the depth and hence estimate M0. Our focal mechanism and depth are further validated by generating short-period synthetic seismograms that match the observations.  相似文献   

The mechanisms contributing to the attenuation of earthquake ground motion in the distance range of 10 to 200 km are studied with the aid of laboratory data, coda wavesRg attenuation, strong motion attenuation measurements in the northeast United States and Canada, and theoretical models. The frequency range 1–10 Hz has been studied. The relative contributions to attenuation of anelasticity of crustal rocks (constantQ), fluid flow and scattering are evaluated. Scattering is found to be strong with an albedoB 0=0.8–0.9 and a scattering extinction length of 17–32 km. The albedo is defined as the ratio of the total extinction length to the scattering extinction length. TheRg results indicate thatQ increases with depth in the upper kilometer or two of the crust, at least in New England. CodaQ appears to be equivalent to intrinsic (anelastic)Q and indicates that thisQ increases with frequency asQ=Q o f n , wheren is in the range of 0.2–0.9. The intrinsic attenuation in the crust can be explained by a high constantQ (500Q o2000) and a frequency dependent mechanism most likely due to fluid effects in rocks and cracks. A fluid-flow attenuation model gives a frequency dependence (QQ o f 0.5) similar to those determined from the analysis of coda waves of regional seismograms.Q is low near the surface and high in the body of the crust.  相似文献   

In order to develop capabilities for predicting earthquake processes on the basis of known fault zone structures and stress conditions, we need to find relations between seismogenic structures and processes. In the present paper we search for the scale dependence in various earthquake phenomena with the hope to find some structures in the earth that may control the earthquake processes. Among these phenomena, we shall focus on (1) geologic structures which play some role in nucleation and stopping of earthquake fault rupture, (2) depth ranges of the brittle seismogenic zone, (3) asperities and barriers distributed over a fault plane, (4) source-controlledf max effect, (5) nonfractal behavior of creep events, and (6) temporal correlation between codaQ –1 and seismicity of earthquakes with magnitude characteristic to a given area. Our review of various scale-dependent phenomena leads us to propose a working hypothesis that the temporal change in codaQ –1 may reflect the activity of creep fractures near the brittle-ductile transition zone.  相似文献   

We analyzed the local earthquakes waveform recorded on a broadband seismic network in the northwestern Himalayan Region to compute lapse time and frequency dependence of coda Q (Q c). The observed Q c values increase with increasing lapse time at all frequency bands. The increase in Q c values with lapse time is attributed to an increase in Q c with depth. This implies that attenuation decreases with increasing depth. The approximate radius of medium contributing to coda generation varies from 55 to 130 km. By comparing the Q c values with those from other regions of the world, we find that they are similar to those obtained from tectonically active regions. The estimated Q c values show a frequency-dependent relationship, Q c = Q 0 f n , where Q 0 is Q c at 1 Hz and n represents degree of frequency dependence. They represent the level of heterogeneity and tectonic activity in an area. Our results show that northwest Himalayas are highly heterogeneous and tectonically very active. Q 0 increases from 113 ± 7 to 243 ± 10 and n decreases from 1.01 ± 0.05 to 0.85 ± 0.03 when lapse time increases from 30 to 70 s. As larger time window sees the effect of deeper part of the Earth, it is concluded that Q 0 increases and n decreases with increasing depth; i.e., heterogeneity decreases with depth in the study area.  相似文献   

The results of seismic measurements along the deep seismic sounding profile VII and terrestrial heat flow measurements used for construction of heat generation models for the crust in the Paleozoic Platform region, the Sudetic Mountains (Variscan Internides) and the European Precambrian Platform show considerable differences in mantle heat flow and temperatures. At the base of the crust variations from 440–510°C in the models of Precambrian Platform to 700–820°C for the Paleozoic Platform and the Variscan Internides (Sudets) are found. These differences are associated with considerable mantle heat flow variations.The calculated models show mantle heat flow of about 8.4–12.6 mW m–2 for the Precambrian Platform and 31 mW m–2 to 40.2 mW m–2 for Paleozoic orogenic areas. The heat flow contribution originating from crustal radioactivity is almost the same for the different tectonic units (from 33.5 mW m–2 to 37.6 mW m–2). Considerable physical differences in the lower crust and upper mantle between the Precambrian Platform and the adjacent areas, produced by lateral temperature variations, could be expected. On the basis of carbon ratio data it can be concluded that the Carboniferous paleogeothermal gradient was much lower in the Precambrian Platform area than in the Paleozoic Platform region.  相似文献   

The effect of randomly distributed cracks on the attenuation and dispersion ofSH waves is theoretically studied. If earthquake ruptures are caused by sudden coalescence of preexisting cracks, it will be crucial for earthquake prediction to monitor the temporal variation of the crack distribution. Our aim is to investigate how the property of crack distribution is reflected in the attenuation and dispersion of elastic waves.We introduce the stochastic property, in the mathematical analysis, for the distributions of crack location, crack size and crack orientation. The crack size distribution is assumed to be described by a power law probability density (p(a) a fora minaa max according to recent seismological and experimental knowledge, wherea is a half crack length and the range 13 is assumed. The distribution of crack location is assumed to be homogeneous for the sake of mathematical simplicity, and a low crack density is assumed. The stochastic property of each crack is assumed to be independent of that of the other cracks. We assume two models, that is, the aligned crack model and the randomly oriented crack model, for the distribution of crack orientation. All cracks are assumed to be aligned in the former model. The orientation of each crack is assumed to be random in the latter model, and the homogeneous distribution is assumed for the crack orientation. The idea of the mean wave formalism is employed in the analysis, and Foldy's approximation is assumed.We observe the following features common to both the aligned crack model and the randomly oriented crack model. The attenuation coefficientQ –1 decays in proportion tok –1 in the high frequency range and its growth is proportional tok 2 in the low frequency range, wherek is the intrinsic wave number. This asymptotic behavior is parameter-independent, too. The attenuation coefficientQ –1 has a broader peak as increases and/ora min/a max decreases. The nondimensional peak wave numberk p a max at whichQ –1 takes the peak value is almost independent ofa min/a max for =1 and 2 while it considerably depends ona min/a max for =3. The phase velocity is almost independent ofk in the rangeka max<1 and increases monotonically ask increases in the rangeka max>1. While the magnitude ofQ –1 and the phase velocity considerably depend on the orientation of the crack in the aligned crack model, the above feature does not depend on the crack orientation.The accumulation of seismological measurements suggests thatQ –1 ofS waves has a peak at around 0.5 Hz. If this observation is combined with our theoretical results onk p a max, the probable range ofa max of the crack distribution in the earth can be estimated for =1 or 2. If we assume 4 km/sec as theS wave velocity of the matrix medium,a max is estimated to range from 2 to 5 km. We cannot estimatea max in a narrow range for =3.  相似文献   

Major and trace element and Sr–Nd–Hf–Pb isotopic data for the most primitive Tertiary lavas from the Veneto region (South-Eastern Alps, Italy) show the typical features of HIMU hotspot volcanism, variably diluted by a depleted asthenospheric mantle component (87Sr/86Sri=0.70306–0.70378; Ndi=+3.9 to +6.8; Hfi=+6.4 to +8.1, 206Pb/204Pbi=18.786–19.574). P-wave seismic tomography of the mantle below the Veneto region shows the presence of low-velocity anomalies at depth, which is consistent with possible upwellings of plume material. Between the depths of 100–250 km the velocity anomalies are approximately 2–2.5% slower than average, implying a temperature excess of about 220–280 K, in agreement with estimates for other mantle plumes in the world. In this context, the Veneto volcanics may represent the shallow expression of a mantle upflow. The presence of a HIMU-DM component in a collision environment has significant geodynamic implications. Slab detachment and ensuing rise of deep mantle material into the lithospheric gap is proposed to be a viable mechanism of hotspot magmatism in a subduction zone setting.  相似文献   

Surface partial pressure of CO2 (pCO2), temperature, salinity, nutrients, and chlorophyll a were measured in the East China Sea (ECS; 31°30′–34°00′N to 124°00′–127°30′E) in August 2003 (summer), May 2004 (spring), October 2004 (early fall), and November 2005 (fall). The warm and saline Tsushima Warm Current was observed in the eastern part of the survey area during four cruises, and relatively low salinity waters due to outflow from the Changjiang (Yangtze River) were observed over the western part of the survey area. Surface pCO2 ranged from 236 to 445 μatm in spring and summer, and from 326 to 517 μatm in fall. Large pCO2 (values >400 μatm) occurred in the western part of the study area in spring and fall, and in the eastern part in summer. A positive linear correlation existed between surface pCO2 and temperature in the eastern part of the study area, where the Tsushima Warm Current dominates; this correlation suggests that temperature is the major factor controlling surface pCO2 distribution in that area. In the western part of the study area, however, the main controlling factor is different and seasonally complex. There is large transport in this region of Changjiang Diluted Water in summer, causing low salinity and low pCO2 values. The relationship between surface pCO2 and water stability suggests that the amount of mixing and/or upwelling of CO2-rich water might be the important process controlling surface pCO2 levels during spring and fall in this shallow region. Sea–air CO2 flux, based on the application of a Wanninkhof [1992. Relationship between wind speed and gas exchange over the ocean. Journal of Geophysical Research 97, 7373–7382] formula for gas transfer velocity and a set of monthly averaged satellite wind data, were −5.04±1.59, −2.52±1.81, 1.71±2.87, and 0.39±0.18 mmol m−2 d−1 in spring, summer, early fall, and fall, respectively, in the northern ECS. The ocean in this study area is therefore a carbon sink in spring and summer, but a weak source or in equilibrium with the atmosphere in fall. If the winter flux value is assumed to have been the mean of autumnal and vernal values, then the northern ECS absorbs about 0.013 Pg C annually. That result suggests that the northern ECS is a net sink for atmospheric CO2, a result consistent with previous studies.  相似文献   

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