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石柳  郑明华  付遵涛 《高原气象》2011,30(6):1566-1572
利用1948—2007年NCEP/NCAR月平均2m地面气温再分析资料、3月北极涛动(AO)指数和春季臭氧含量资料,采用合成分析方法分析了北极臭氧损耗对初春东亚中高纬地区地面气温的影响。结果表明,臭氧低(高)值年,3月东亚中高纬地区地面气温存在正(负)异常。4月的与3月类似,但气温异常的幅度减小,中心位置也有所变化。对...  相似文献   


This study analyzes changes in solar ultraviolet (UV) irradiances at 305 and 325?nm at selected sites located at high latitudes of both hemispheres. Site selection was restricted to the availability of the most complete UV spectroradiometric datasets of the past twenty years (1990–2011). The results show that over northern high latitudes, between 55° and 70°N, UV irradiances at 305?nm decreased significantly by 3.9% per decade, whereas UV irradiance at 325?nm remained stable with no significant long-term change. Over southern high latitudes (55°–70°S), UV irradiances did not show any significant long-term changes at either 305 or 325?nm. Changes in solar UV irradiances are discussed in the context of long-term ozone and other atmospheric parameters affecting UV variability at ground level.  相似文献   

应用逆转方法(C),对北半球中纬度地区8个观测质量较好的O3地面站的近30年地面遥感逆转资料进行标准处理。采用合成分析方法,对中纬度带上层O3进行了分析研究,发现上层O3总的长期演变趋势较为平坦,仅80年代初及90年代初在36km以上层O3含量有突降现象。这可能与EL Chichon大火山焊发和Pinatubo大火山爆发有较大关系。此外。在上层O3含量的长期演变过程中,还可看到准11年周期,并证实28~36km层及36km以上层O3含量季节变化位相相反。本研究结果可能对南极O3洞的形成机制及近年来O3层变浅薄的机制的认识提供依据并产生影响。    相似文献   

北半球中纬度地区大气臭氧的年际和年代际变化研究   总被引:10,自引:3,他引:10  
利用(40°N~60°N, 20°W~150°E) 范围内1963~1992年的臭氧格点数据资料,应用Morlet小波变换方法对臭氧演变进行了分析。结果表明:(1)臭氧存在明显的年际和年代际变化,其年际变化的特征时间尺度为2年和5年,年代际变化的特征时间尺度为12年;(2)臭氧准4年周期振荡最明显的地区出现在西欧,而准11年周期振荡最明显的地区则在东亚,其中12年时间尺度的周期振荡最强。  相似文献   

The impact of the interannual variability (IAV) of vegetation on the IAV of evapotranspiration is investigated with the Community Land Model (CLM3.0) and modified Dynamic Global Vegetation Model (DGVM). Two sets of 50-year off-line simulations are used in this study. The simulations begin with the same initial surface-water and heat states and are driven by the same atmospheric forcing data. The vegetation exhibits interannual variability in one simulation but not in the other simulation. However, the climatological means for the vegetation are the same. The IAV of the 50-year annual total evapotranspiration and its three partitions (ground evaporation, canopy evaporation, and transpiration) are analyzed. The global distribution of the evapotranspiration IAV and the statistics of evapotranspiration and its components in different ecosystems show that the IAV of ground evaporation is generally large in areas dominated by grass and deciduous trees, whereas the IAV of canopy evaporation and transpiration is large in areas dominated by bare soil and shrubs. For ground evaporation, canopy evaporation, and transpiration, the changes in IAV are larger than the mean state over most grasslands and shrublands. The study of two sites with the same IAV in the leaf area index (LAI) shows that the component with the smaller contribution to the total evapotranspiration is more sensitive to the IAV of vegetation. The IAV of the three components of evapotranspiration increases with the IAV of the fractional coverage (FC) and the LAI. The ground evaporation IAV shows the greatest increase, whereas the canopy evaporation shows the smallest increase.  相似文献   

Using radiosonde and satellite observations, we investigated the trends of air temperature changes over the Tibetan Plateau (TP) in comparison with those over other regions in the same latitudes from 1979 to 2002. It is shown that Over the TP, the trends of air temperature changes in the upper troposphere to lower stratosphere were out of phase with those in the lower to middle troposphere. Air temperature decreased and a decreasing trend appeared in the upper troposphere to lower stratosphere. The amplitude of the annual or seasonal mean temperature decreases over the TP was larger than that over the whole globe. In the lower to middle troposphere over the TP, temperature increased, and the increasing trend was stronger than that over the non-plateau regions in the same latitudes in the eastern part of China. Meanwhile, an analysis of the satellite observed ozone data in the same period of 1979-2002 shows that over the TP, the total ozone amount declined in all seasons, and the ozone depleted the most compared with the situations in other regions in the same latitudes. It is proposed that the difference between the ozone depletion over the TP and that over other regions in the same latitudes may lead to the difference in air temperature changes. Because of the aggravated depletion of ozone over the TP, less (more) ultraviolet radiation was absorbed in the upper troposphere to lower stratosphere (lower to middle troposphere) over the TP, which favored a stronger cooling in the upper troposphere to lower stratosphere, and an intenser heating in the lower to middle troposphere over the TP. Therefore, the comparatively more depletion of ozone over the TP is possibly a reason for the difference between the air temperature changes over the TP and those over other regions in the same latitudes.  相似文献   

The inability to explain the observedoxygen suppression of chlorine photosensitized ozoneloss remains a gap in our understanding of thephotochemistry responsible for depletion of thestratospheric ozone layer. It has been suggested thatthe presence of a weakly bound ClO·O2complexcould explain this effect. The existence of thiscomplex would alter the chlorine budget of thestratosphere, perhaps reducing the chlorine availablefor catalytic ozone destruction. On the other hand,the chemistry of ClO·O2 provides two newpathwaysfor ClO dimer formation, which could increase the rateof catalytic ozone loss. In this paper, we constrainthe kinetic rate system of ClO·O2 tomatch themeasured Cly budget. It is shown thatClO·O2cannot be both fairly stable and rapidly form the ClOdimer, or the resulting partitioning of chlorinebecomes incompatible with observations of both ClO andtotal available chlorine. These constraints allow thateither: (1) the ClO·O2 is fairly stable,but doesnot significantly enhance ClO dimer formation andtherefore has a negligible effect on ozone loss rates,or (2) the ClO·O2 complex is only veryweaklystable, but does rapidly form the ClO dimer, andtherefore can influence stratospheric ozone depletion.Even at the ClO·O2 mixing ratios allowedunderthe assumption of weak stability, 0.1 to 0.2 ppbv,significant ozone loss rate enhancements werecalculated. Of course, the chlorine budget constraintalso allows for a thirdpossibility; that ClO·O2 is neither verystablenor forms Cl2O2 very rapidly. Measuredlimits on the reaction rates for ClO·O2to form the ClO dimer would greatly aid the resolution of thisissue. Since the uncertainties aboutClO·O2chemistry are so large, a potential role forClO·O2 in stratospheric ozone loss cannotbe ruled out at this time.  相似文献   

The intensity of summer precipitation interannual variability is strongest over the middle and lower reaches of the Yangtze River Valley(MLYRV). The variability is larger than 1.5 mm d–1 and up to 35%–40% of the climatological mean summer precipitation. The relationship between the interdecadal change in the intensity of summer precipitation and its interannual variability over this area is investigated, by analyzing five gauged and re-constructed precipitation datasets. The relationship is found to be very weak over the MLYRV, with a correlation coefficient of only approximately 0.10. The Pacific Decadal Oscillation influences the western North Pacific subtropical high, which is responsible for the interdecadal change in summer precipitation over the MLYRV. However, the precipitation interannual variability is closely related to the ENSO events in the preceding winter due to its impact on the meridional displacement of the East Asian westerly jet. Different physical mechanisms cause different interdecadal variation in the intensity of summer precipitation and its interannual variability, and thus result in a poor relationship.  相似文献   

Using the latest daily observational rainfall datasets for the period 1961–2008, the present study investigates the interannual variability of June–September (JJAS) mean rainfall in northern China. The regional characteristics of JJAS mean rainfall are revealed by a rotated empirical orthogonal function (REOF) analysis. The analysis identifies three regions of large interannual variability of JJAS rainfall: North China (NC), Northeast China (NEC), and the Taklimakan Desert in Northwest China (TDNWC). Summer rainfall over NC is shown to have displayed a remarkable dry period from the late 1990s; while over NEC, decadal-scale variation with a significant decreasing trend in the last two decades is found, and over TDNWC, evidence of large interannual variability is revealed. Results also show that the interannual variability of JJAS rainfall in northern China is closely associated with the Northern Hemisphere circumglobal teleconnection (CGT). Correlation coefficients between the CGT index and regional-averaged JJAS mean rainfall over NC and NEC were calculated, revealing values of up to 0.50 and 0.53, respectively, both of which exceeded the 99% confidence level.  相似文献   

冬季太平洋SSTA对北太平洋风暴轴年际变化的影响   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
研究了冬季北太平洋风暴轴的年际异常及其与500hPa高度以及热带和北太平洋海温的联系。结果发现,冬季北太平洋风暴轴中心有线性增强、偏北、偏东的趋势。对15个冬季北太平洋风暴轴区域 500 hPa天气尺度滤波位势高度方差与同期热带和北太平洋海温的 SVD分析表明,第一对空间典型分布反映了 ENSO区海温异常对风暴轴年际变化的影响,而第二对空间典型分布反映了黑潮区域海温异常对风暴轴年际变化的影响。进一步的合成分析显示,ENSO区海温异常可以通过激发500hPa高度场上的PNA遥相关型影响冬季北太平洋风暴轴的东西摆动和中、东端的强度变化,而黑潮区域海温异常则通过激发 500 hPa高度场上的 WP遥相关型,主要影响冬季北太平洋风暴轴中、西端的强度变化和南北位移。  相似文献   

The halogen ions Br- and Cl- together with NO3 -, SO4 =, MSA- (methane sulfonate), Na+ and NH4 + were analysed by ion chromatography in extracts of more than 800 aerosol cellulose filter samples taken at Ny Ålesund, Svalbard (79°N, 12°E) in spring 1996 (March 27 - May 16) within the European Union project ARCTOC (Arctic Tropospheric Ozone Chemistry). Anticorrelated variations between f-Br (filterable bromine, i.e. water soluble bromine species that can be collected by aerosol filters) and ozone within the arctic troposphere were evaluated at a resolution of 1 or 2 hours for periods with depleted ozone and 4 hours at normal ozone. A mean f-Br concentration of 11 ng m-3 (0.14 nmol m-3) was observed for the whole campaign, while maximum concentrations of 80 ng m-3 (1 nmol m-3) were detected during two total O3-depletion events (O3 drop to mixing ratios below the detection limit of < 2 ppb). Anticorrelation between f-Br and O3 was also seen during minor O3-depletion episodes (sudden drop in O3 by at least 10 ppb, but O3 still exceeding the detection limit) and even for ozone variations near its background level (40-50 ppb). A time lag of about 10 hours between the change of ozone and of f-Br concentrations could only be found during a total ozone depletion event, when f-Br reached its maximum values several hours after ozone was totally destroyed. Bromine oxide (BrO) concentrations, measured by DOAS (Differential Optical Absorption Spectroscopy), and f-Br showed a coincident variability during almost the entire campaign (except in the case of total O3-loss). Frequently enhanced anthropogenic nitrate and sulphate concentrations were observed during O3-depletion periods. At O3 concentrations < 10 ppb sulphate and nitrate exceed their typical mean level by 54% and 77%, respectively. This may indicate a possible connection between acidity and halogen release.  相似文献   

1960—2009年中国年降水量的年际及年代际变化特征   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
孙秀博  李清泉  魏敏 《气象》2012,38(12):1464-1472
利用1960-2009年中国台站降水量资料,揭示了全国、区域年降水量变化的多时间尺度的复杂结构和地区性差异,并根据年代际周期对未来降水量变化的贡献进行了预估。我国北方年降水量年际变化较强,年际变化对年降水量的贡献较大;南方年降水量年际变化相对较弱,年际变化对降水量的贡献较小,东北和西北地区年降水量的年代际变化较强,年代际变化明显,且同位相;其他地区年降水量年代际变化相对较弱。我国东北、西北、华南、青藏高原、西南地区年降水量的年代际变率对年降水量的贡献目前处于下降阶段,未来5-10年年代际变化的贡献可能继续呈下降趋势;长江中下游地区年降水量的年代际变率对年降水量的贡献目前处于上升阶段,未来5-10年年代际变化的贡献可能继续呈上升趋势。  相似文献   

The Northern Indian Ocean(NIO) sea surface temperature(SST) warming,associated with the El Ni o/Southern Oscillations(ENSO) and the Indian Ocean Dipole(IOD) mode,is investigated using the International Comprehensive Ocean-Atmosphere Data Set(ICOADS) monthly data for the period 1979 2010.Statistical analyses are used to identify respective contribution from ENSO and IOD.The results indicate that the first NIO SST warming in September November is associated with an IOD event,while the second NIO SST warming in spring-summer following the mature phase of ENSO is associated with an ENSO event.In the year that IOD co-occurred with ENSO,NIO SST warms twice,rising in the ENSO developing year and decay year.Both shortwave radiation and latent heat flux contribute to the NIO SST variation.The change in shortwave radiation is due to the change in cloudiness.A cloud-SST feedback plays an important role in NIO SST warming.The latent heat flux is related to the change in monsoonal wind.In the first NIO warming,the SST anomaly is mainly due to the change in the latent heat flux.In the second NIO warming,both factors are important.  相似文献   

用1959~1998共40年全球格点风场资料计算了200 hPa与850 hPa的纬向风速差, 即对流层纬向风切变(简称TZWS),并在此基础上得到其距平值。为了全面考察对流层中环流异常的年际变率特征, 根据TZWS的标准差分布, 文中选出了7个TZWS标准差数值大于5 m/s的代表性区域。这7个区域分别位于赤道中太平洋、赤道东太平洋、北太平洋亚热带地区、南太平洋亚热带地区、赤道大西洋、亚洲西南部以及东北部。前5个分别位于赤道、亚热带太平洋和大西洋的区域TZWS指数, 其年际变率与ENSO循环有密切联系, 反映了热带海洋温度异常对低纬度地区对流层环流的影响; 后2个区域的TZWS指数反映的是亚洲西南部和东北部的气候统变率, 在年际时间尺度上与ENSO循环有着明显的区别。通过对全球陆地降水和温度场的分析, 比较了热带、副热带的TZWS指数以及北极涛动指数的异同, 发现后2个区域TZWS指数能很好且能独立反映出北半球中高纬度地区陆地降水及陆地温度的异常模态。  相似文献   

南极海冰的年际变化对中国东部夏季降水的影响   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
根据Hadley中心提供的1969—1998年的南极海冰再分析资料和其它多种观测资料,分析了南极海冰的年际和季节变化,指出南极海冰具有显著的年际变化,但与ENSO的关系则较为复杂。南极海冰维持了南半球高纬地区大气环流的季节持续性,因而对短期气候预测有较大帮助。相关分析和时间序列分析均证实中国东部夏季降水与南极海冰的年际变化有关,当北半球春夏季南极海冰增多时,华北降水增多而华南和东北降水减少。研究还表明,此种雨型分布与南极海冰变化引起的东亚夏季风环流变化有关。  相似文献   

Using rainfall data from the Global Precipitation Climatology Project(GPCP),NOAA extended reconstruction sea surface temperature(ERSST),and NCEP/NCAR reanalysis,this study investigates the interannual variation of summer rainfall southwest of the Indian Peninsula and the northeastern Bay of Bengal associated with ENSO.The composite study indicates a decreased summer rainfall southwest of the Indian Peninsula and an increase in the northeastern Bay of Bengal during the developing phase,but vice versa during the decay phase of El Ni o.Further regression analysis demonstrates that abnormal rainfall in the above two regions is controlled by different mechanisms.Southwest of the Indian Peninsula,the precipitation anomaly is related to local convection and water vapor flux in the decay phase of El Ni o.The anomalous cyclone circulation at the lower troposphere helps strengthen rainfall.In the northeastern Bay of Bengal,the anomalous rainfall depends on the strength of the Indian southwest summer monsoon(ISSM).A strong/weak ISSM in the developing/decay phase of El Ni o can bring more/less water vapor to strengthen/weaken the local summer precipitation.  相似文献   

戴维斯海峡海冰与华北降水的年际关系及其年代际变化   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
利用北极海冰面积指数和中国160站降水资料,探讨了冬季戴维斯海峡海冰和华北7月降水年际变化的相关特征,并分析了二者年际关系的年代际变化。结果表明,冬季戴维斯海峡海冰与华北7月降水在年际时间尺度上呈反相关关系,1974年前后两者的年际关系由反相关较强转为变弱。冬季戴维斯海峡海冰与中国7月160站降水的年际相关分布在1974年前后由东部型转变为江淮型。  相似文献   

GAMIL CliPAS试验对夏季西太平洋副高的预测   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  
邹立维  周天军  吴波 《大气科学》2009,33(5):959-970
利用GAMIL CliPAS “两步法” 季度预测试验, 检验了后报的1980~1999年北半球夏季西太平洋副热带高压 (简称副高) 的年际变化, 检查了Seoul National University (SNU) 动力统计预测系统对SST预测准确度, 并讨论了影响中国科学院大气物理研究所大气科学和地球流体力学数值模拟国家重点实验室格点大气模式 (GAMIL) 对副高预测效果的可能原因。500 hPa位势高度可预报性指数表明西太平洋副高具有较高可预报性。集合平均基本能再现西太平洋副高的变率特征, 但最大方差的位置和强度与观测稍有区别。观测证据显示, 副高存在2~3年变率和3~5年变率, 且2~3年变率比3~5年变率强。GAMIL能够准确预测观测副高的3~5年变率, 尽管其强度要强于观测。这与试验所用的预测海温能够很好表现赤道中东太平洋 (5.5°S~5.5°N, 190.5°E~240.5°E) 海温的年际变率有关。同时, GAMIL预测的副高2~3年变率较之观测显著偏弱, 这可能与SNU预测的海洋大陆地区 (5.5°S~0.5°N, 110.5°E~130.5°E) SST的2~3年变率偏弱有关。分析表明, SNU预测海温的这种弱点, 与SNU海温统计预测模式所用的历史海温 (OISST) 本身对海洋大陆地区2~3年变率的刻画能力较弱有关。  相似文献   

China has been experiencing widespread air pollution due to rapid industrialization and urbanization in recent decades.The two major concerns of ambient air quality in China are particulate matter(PM) and tropospheric ozone(O_3). With the implementation of air pollution prevention and control actions in the last five years, the PM pollution in China has been substantially reduced. In contrast, under the conditions of the urban air pollution complex, the elevated O_3 levels in city clusters of eastern China, especially in warm seasons, have drawn increasing attention. Emissions of air pollutants and their precursors not only contribute to regional air quality, but also alter climate. Climate change in turn can change chemical processes, long-range transport, and local meteorology that influence air pollution. Compared to PM, less is known about O_3 pollution and its climate effects over China. Here, we present a review of the main findings from the literature over the period 2011–18 with regard to the characteristics of O_3 concentrations in China and the mechanisms that drive its interannual to decadal variations, aiming to identify robust conclusions that may guide decision-making for emissions control and to highlight critical knowledge gaps. We also review regional and global modeling studies that have investigated the impacts of tropospheric O_3 on climate, as well as the projections of future tropospheric O_3 owing to climate and/or emission changes.  相似文献   

杨蕾  陈文  黄荣辉 《大气科学》2005,29(5):682-696
利用NCEP/NCAR再分析资料和大气环流模式(CCSR/NIES AGCM Ver.5.6), 对北半球冬季准定常行星波活动的年际变化进行了分析和模拟.基于以前对EP通量散度的遥相关分析, 作者将EP通量散度的EOF第一分量时间序列T1定义为年际变化指数.对应于T1的高指数, 在对流层和平流层低层, 准定常行星波更多地折向赤道传播, 从而在对流层出现一个EP通量散度的偶极子型异常, 这一形势主要来自2波和3波的贡献; 而折向高纬度经极地波导向上传播的行星波活动减弱了, 在高纬度产生异常辐散, 这一形势主要来自1波和2波的贡献.相关和回归分析发现, 准定常行星波的年际变化与北极涛动有密切联系, 与T1对应的纬向平均流场以及位势高度场的异常分布都与北极涛动下的异常形势非常相似.利用大气环流模式模拟的结果显示, 模式在对流层可以很好地模拟准定常行星波的年际变化以及北极涛动形势, 并且二者同样密切相关.但是模式还不能很好地模拟行星波经极地波导向平流层传播的年际变化, 对可能的成因也进行了探讨.  相似文献   

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