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Government efforts to industrialise and modernise the Lao economy through intensive resource development are having adverse effects on rural livelihoods as resources are degraded and access to limited land and natural resources has intensified. In one of the country's key river basins, Nam Ngum, a series of resource developments including hydropower, mining and agricultural plantations have modified the landscape over the last four decades. Uncoordinated resource developments are putting intense pressure on increasingly scarce natural resources and affecting the lives of people who are dependent on them. Economic diversification of rural households in Feuang District in the Nam Ngum River Basin has created significant discrepancies between the rich and the poor, yet all households remain primarily dependent on agriculture. Land is of enduring importance to rural livelihoods. National development intervention has failed to secure basic livelihoods for rural households.  相似文献   

In this paper we explore how Western scientific concepts and attitudes towards indigenous knowledge, as they pertain to resource management and climate change, differ from the prevailing view in modern Russia. Western indigenous leaders representing the Inuit and Saami peoples are actively engaged in the academic and political discourse surrounding climate change, whereas their Russian colleagues tend to focus more on legislation and self-determination, as a post-Soviet legacy. We contribute to the debate with data from the Nenets tundra, showing how different research has employed the three crucial Western research paradigms of climate change, wildlife management and indigenous knowledge on the ground. We suggest that the daily practice of tundra nomadism involves permanent processes of negotiating one's position in a changing environment, which is why "adaptation" is woven into the society, and cosmology as a whole, rather than being separable into distinct "bodies" of knowledge or Western-designed categories. We argue that research agendas should be placed in their proper local and regional context, and temporal framework: for example, by collaborating with herders on the topics of weather instead of climate change, herding skills instead of wildlife management, and ways of engaging with the tundra instead of traditional ecological knowledge.  相似文献   

马丽  田华征  康蕾  戚伟 《地理科学》2020,40(6):863-873
在解析支撑能力和东北问题特点的基础上,从"创新、协调、绿色、开放、共享"五大理念出发建立全面振兴社会经济支撑能力评价指标体系和综合评价方法,以地级市为单元对东北三省进行评估。研究发现:各地市社会经济支撑能力差异显著,哈大沿线核心城市的支撑能力较强,西翼城市以及朝阳、七台河、绥化、葫芦岛、铁岭、双鸭山和鹤岗等资源型城市支撑能力较弱。因此未来东北地区在振兴政策的区域分布上应有所侧重,对不同地区施以不同的振兴或扶持政策。在创新、绿色、开放方面需要集中力量重点突破,而在体制机制改革和共享服务建设方面需要全面覆盖,并重点加强黑龙江北部和辽宁、吉林西翼城市的共享能力建设。  相似文献   

河南县域经济实力评价及空间差异分析   总被引:32,自引:1,他引:32  
采用因子分析和GIS技术,对河南县域经济体的经济实力进行综合评价和空间差异分析.结果表明:(1)河南县域经济空间差异由东西差异转变为由西北向东南的梯次差异,县域经济发展在空间上呈现出集中、差异扩大趋势.(2)山区县经济实力高于平原县,交通条件较好的郑州至三门峡陇海铁路沿线和郑州市所辖县域经济实力较高.(3)县域经济的发展在很大程度上还处于依赖区内初级生产要素的低级发展阶段,高等生产要素发育较少,对经济的推动作用还没有显现出来.  相似文献   

The Arman field in western Kazakhstan is estimated to hold recoverable reserves of 3.65 million metric tons of oil and 74 million cubic meters of gas. The field began production in 1994 as a joint venture between Oryx Energy, MangistauMunaiGas, and the State Holding Company Zharkyn, and currently is operated by Royal Dutch Shell in a 50:50 joint venture with Lukoil. The geology, crude composition, and production history of Arman is outlined, followed by a review of the field development, contract structure, and operating and capital expenditures. An assessment of field profitability concludes the discussion.
Mark J. KaiserEmail:

长江经济带开发与保护空间格局构建及其分析路径   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
陈雯  孙伟  吴加伟  陈诚  闫东升 《地理科学进展》2015,34(11):1388-1397
长江流域经济—社会—生态系统完整,是中国国土空间开发最重要的东西轴线,在区域发展总体格局中具有重要战略地位。当下,为应对全球经贸格局重组、国家与区域经济社会转型以及资源环境约束趋紧等新形势,国家提出依托长江黄金水道,构建横贯东西、辐射南北、通江达海、经济高效、生态良好的中国经济新支撑带,这就要求长江经济带形成人口资源环境协调的均衡化开发与保护格局。本文基于“点—轴”、分区式与多中心网络式等空间组织结构,明确空间格局的推演逻辑与思路。进而,在区域差异性分析与空间开发适宜性评价基础上,认为长江经济带需重点构建以“一轴两翼,三区六廊”为主体的开发格局、以“六大片区”为主体的农业发展格局、以“五大屏障”为主体的生态安全格局,并提出不同区域差异化发展导向、路径与制度建议,以及今后长江经济带空间结构需进一步研究的主要科学问题。  相似文献   

黄雅静 《热带地理》2007,27(3):259-263
“汉三角”位于湖北、湖南、江西3省交界处的精华地带,属于中部发展中地区,具有区位与交通条件优越、自然资源丰富、旅游资源品种多样、人文气息浓厚等多种优势,是珠三角、长三角地区产业转移的前沿地区。同时伴随着中部崛起战略的提出,在中部地区营造汉三角经济增长极,通过发挥其巨大潜力,不仅将完善我国区域经济空间布局,而且对促进中部崛起具有十分重要的战略意义。文中对汉三角地区经济发展进行了详尽分析,并提出汉三角区域经济发展战略措施。  相似文献   

随着化肥、农膜等在农业生产中的过量投入,耕地面源污染的程度随之加重。文章选取塔里木河流域上游和田地区为研究区域,依据P-S-R框架理论,构建和田地区耕地面源污染生态风险评价指标体系,加入土壤理化数据,使用生态风险评价模型对和田地区1980 年及2016 年耕地面源污染状况进行生态风险评价,运用耕地生态风险模型、生态风险转移矩阵、Arcgis分析和田地区耕地面源污染时空分异状况。研究结论如下:和田地区1980 年耕地生态风险等级均为II级或III级,呈“中间高,两侧低”分布;2016 年耕地生态风险等级上升至IV级或V级,呈“倒W型”分布,各县耕地面源污染程度较1980 年均有较大幅度的上升,其中墨玉县和于田县在2016 年耕地生态风险等级达到最高的V级,而民丰县因自身生态环境的强脆弱性,同样需要提高关注。根据面源污染“从源头治理”的原则,应切实推进和田地区耕地生态环境保护与治理,提高政府重视程度,增强技术指导,开展试点工作,改善和田地区耕地面源污染现状。  相似文献   

甘肃省河东地区气象干旱灾害风险评估与区划   总被引:8,自引:1,他引:8  
王莺  王劲松  姚玉璧 《中国沙漠》2014,34(4):1115-1124
干旱灾害是世界上危害最为严重的自然灾害之一。通过对干旱灾害风险成因的深入分析,结合灾害学理论,从干旱灾害的致灾因子危险性、孕灾环境脆弱性、承灾体暴露性和防灾减灾能力等4个方面入手,构建干旱灾害风险评估模型,然后依据甘肃省河东地区相关气象、生态和社会经济数据,在GIS平台下将干旱灾害的自然属性和社会属性统一起来进行干旱灾害风险评估与区划。结果表明:(1)研究区致灾因子危险性等级有自中部向东西两边逐渐降低的趋势,7个地区中干旱灾害危险性自大到小依次是天水、平凉、陇南、定西、临夏、甘南和庆阳。(2)研究区孕灾环境脆弱性有自北向南逐渐降低的趋势,脆弱性自大到小依次是庆阳、临夏、定西、平凉、天水、甘南和陇南。(3)研究区承灾体暴露性自大到小依次是天水、平凉、临夏、定西、陇南、庆阳和甘南。(4)防灾减灾能力自大到小依次是临夏、天水、平凉、定西、陇南、庆阳、甘南。(5)河东地区自北向南干旱灾害风险逐渐降低,干旱风险自大到小依次是定西、天水、庆阳、平凉、临夏、甘南和陇南。  相似文献   

将规范分析与实证分析相结合,提出了一个评估区域各点位土地利用/土地覆盖变化的新方法:(1)采用相对原则观察一时段内的变化方向;(2)物理模型与统计模型相结合,基于区域实际情况建立生境适宜性参照基准;(3)用多变量分析方法量度各点位与参照基准的差异。结合GIS和遥感技术,这种方法被应用于伊洛河中部地区的研究中。  相似文献   

This article considers public opinion in the republic of Dagestan on the expansion of hydrocarbon production in the Russian sector of the Caspian Sea. The article reports the findings of a survey (N = 956) conducted in 2010 in fourteen rural locations in the republic. Overall, respondents uniformly oppose the proposed expansion of offshore oil and gas production in the Russian sector of the Caspian Sea, seeing little economic benefit from this development and expressing concern about the environmental consequences. These findings resonate with work in geography on resource peripheries and development alternatives available in these locations.  相似文献   

全球环境变化对我国区域发展的可能影响评述   总被引:12,自引:0,他引:12  
随着环境问题的日益突出,全球环境变化的区域响应已成为我国全球变化研究的优先领域和热点问题之一。国内外学者就全球问题与区域问题的结合达成共识:全球性问题的研究需要由区域工作来完成;区域性研究必须体现全球性问题。本文介绍了全球变化对区域发展影响评价的基本方法,特别是IPCC评价报告中采用的区域脆弱性、敏感性评价方法;概述了我国未来50年环境变化的可能情景;从自然生态系统变化、水资源短缺、沙漠化、农业生产等方面评述了全球环境变化对我国区域发展可能影响研究的进展和成果,最后指出了全球变化区域响应研究存在的问题,并对其发展方向作了展望。  相似文献   

大亚湾底栖生物体中4种重金属残毒量分析与评价   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10  
利用 2 0 0 0年 3月大亚湾环境现状调查的资料 ,对大亚湾底栖生物体中残毒量进行现状与历史资料比较分析 ,评价底栖生物受重金属污染的程度及其食用质量。结果表明 ,该水域底栖生物未受重金属污染 ,但甲壳动物和软体动物体中Cu和Zn具有潜在的严重积累问题 ;甲壳动物和软体动物体中Cd含量已超过人体消费标准 ,应引起有关部门的警惕  相似文献   

辽宁沿海经济发展与近岸海域环境的关系研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
辽宁是东北唯一的沿海省份,海是辽宁经济可持续发展的关键,但近些年来,近岸海域污染已成为辽宁省可持续发展的主要瓶颈.在分析了近岸海域污染概况的基础上,从产业结构、城市化和工业化角度探讨了经济发展对近岸海域水环境的影响,然后采用库兹涅茨曲线和协调度数学方法定量分析了近岸海域水环境与经济发展的关系,得出辽宁沿海城市总体水环境与经济发展较协调;工业污水与经济的EKG曲线轨迹大体呈倒"U"型关系,但近年来污水排放量有回升趋势.最后提出了近岸海域环境改善的对策.  相似文献   

Faced with an ever-increasing diversity of demand for the use of public lands, managers and planners are turning more often to a multiple-use approach to meet those demands. This approach requires the uses to be mutually compatible and to utilize the more valuable attributes or resource values of the land. Therefore, it is imperative that planners be provided with all available information on attribute and resource values in a timely fashion and in a format that facilitates a comparative evaluation.The Kootenai National Forest administration enlisted the U.S. Geological Survey and U.S. Bureau of Mines to perform a quantitative assessment of future copper/silver production potential within the forest from sediment-hosted copper deposits in the Revett Formation that are similar to those being mined at the Troy Mine near Spar Lake. The U.S. Geological Survey employed a quantitative assessment technique that compared the favorable host terrane in the Kootenai area with worldwide examples of known sediment-hosted copper deposits. The assessment produced probabilistic estimates of the number of undiscovered deposits that may be present in the area and of the copper and silver endowment that might be contained in them.Results of the assessment suggest that the copper/silver deposit potential is highest in the southwestern one-third of the forest. In this area there is an estimated 50 percent probability of at least 50 additional deposits occurring mostly within approximately 260,000 acres where the Revett Formation is thought to be present in the subsurface at depths of less than 1,500 meters. A Monte Carlo type simulation using data on the grade and tonnage characteristics of other known silver-rich, sediment-hosted copper deposits predicts a 50 percent probability that these undiscovered deposits will contain at least 19 million tonnes of copper and 100,000 tonnes of silver. Combined with endowments estimated for identified, but not thoroughly explored deposits, and deposits that might also occur in the remaining area of the forest, the endowment potential increases to 23 million tonnes of copper and 190,000 tonnes of silver.  相似文献   

北京流动人口特征与经济发展关系的区域差异   总被引:14,自引:1,他引:14  
在整理分析官方网站和实地问卷调查数据的基础上,研究了1997年以来北京流动人口来源地、教育水平、年龄结构、就业等特征变化与中心区、近郊区、远郊区3个圈层经济发展的关系以及不同来源地、不同来京时间、不同教育水平、不同年龄、不同职业、不同收入、不同居住状况、不同未来流动意愿的人口在这三个区域的分布差异。研究表明:①流动人口主要来自华北地区的传统格局在发生着变化,来自距离相对较远文化上与北京差异较大地区的人口比重上升 (7.5%),表明距离成本、文化心理成本在流动人口总转移成本中的重要性下降;② 流动人口趋于在近远郊区的集中分布与这一地带日益成为北京的发展重心密切相关;③ 第三产业在创造流动人口的就业中发挥着重要作用;④ 其就业结构趋于与全市产业结构一致并接近北京城区常住居民的就业结构,而与乡村居民的就业结构差异较大是这一群体的重要就业特征;⑤他们在第三产业白领部门就业的比重远低于城区常住居民,但这一状况在逐步转变,已由1997年约为城区常住居民的1/8升到2002年的1/5;⑥ 中心区的流动人口在来源地、来京时间、年龄结构、教育水平、职业构成、收入水平、居住状况、未来愿望等方面与近远郊区的流动人口有明显差异。  相似文献   

林拓  张修桂 《地理科学》2001,6(6):531-536
通过长时段的考察,揭示上海南汇地区政区演变的内在规律及其与环境变迁、经济开发的相关性特征,并剖析其现状不合理性产生的根源,提出区划调整的基本思路。  相似文献   

三江源生态保护和建设一期工程生态成效评估   总被引:9,自引:2,他引:9  
基于生态系统结构--服务动态过程趋势分析,针对生态保护与建设工程预期目标,构建了由生态系统结构,质量,服务及其变化因素构成的生态成效评估指标体系,研究发展野外观测,遥感监测和生态过程定量模拟一体化的监测评估技术体系,评估了三江源生态保护和建设一期工程的生态成效.结果表明:工程实施8年以来,三江源区宏观生态状况趋好但尚未达到1970s比较好的生态状况,草地持续退化趋势得到初步遏制但难以达到预期"草地植被盖度提高平均20%~40%"的目标,水体与湿地生态系统整体有所恢复,生态系统水源涵养和流域水供给能力提高,区域水源涵养量达到了增加13.20亿m3目标;重点工程区内生态恢复程度好于非工程区,除了气候影响以外,工程的实施对促进植被恢复具有明显而积极的作用;然而,草地退化局面没有获得根本性扭转,工程实施尚未遏制土壤水蚀增加趋势,一期工程局部性和初步性特点突显出三江源区生态保护任务的长期性和艰巨性.  相似文献   

Since the implementation of the economic reform and opening up policy in 1978,China has miraculously created long-term high-speed economic growth,but has also had to face the problem of excessive consumption of resources as well as an intensification of en-vironmental pollution.As a result,China is now facing a slowdown in development.China must maintain a certain speed of development to realize its goal of being a powerful nation,and becoming a developed country by 2050.To this end,China is facing a transformation of its economic development.There is a need to agree on an expected economic growth rate,along with the corresponding development modes or means of regulation in the medium-and long-term periods.This study developed a systematic-dynamic model to simulate the cou-pling relationship between economic growth,development modes,and the environmental supply system,and explored the possible options for future economic growth as well as the resource use and environmental protection requirements (the main factors).The results showed that to achieve the development goal of becoming a developed country by 2050,while maintaining a good ecological environment,the suitable growth rate for China's econ-omy is 3.8%-6.3%.Within this range,a growth rate of 3.8%-4.4% was found to be relatively safe,while a growth rate of 4.4%-6.3% required further technical progress.This study pro-vides an early warning in regard to China's environmental and development status.The study was a response to the "Future Earth" framework document and,in terms of development speed,it developed a theoretical system for the determination of resource and environmental carrying capacity (RECC).  相似文献   

黄土丘陵区生态环境建设与农村经济发展问题探讨   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
在探讨黄土丘陵区生态环境建设与农业和农村经济发展定位问题的基础上 ,概括了农业和农村经济发展的前提、应遵循的基本原则和发展方向 ,提出了生态适宜型农村经济发展模式的总体构架、地域类型及产业基础建设标准 ,最后从生态环境效益、经济效益和可持续发展性等角度对模式进行了较为深入的评价和分析。  相似文献   

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