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R. K. S. Chouhan 《Pure and Applied Geophysics》1970,82(1):108-118
Summary Elastic strain rebound increments for the Hindukush region has been studiedwhich revealed a cyclic pattern of strain release in this area where the rate of strain release decreases with time. The spatial distribution of earthquakes clearly defines the Pamir knot where most of the shocks are concentrated. The dip of the deep seated fault which produces the earthquakes so frequently comes out to be 54° dipping in the northwest direction. This fault is best developed between 70 to 300 kilometers and perhaps both these levels represent tectonic discontinuities. 相似文献
闽粤海外历史地震与台湾海峡现今强震活动图像 总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1
闽粤两省强烈地震多发生在沿海地区,且福建南日岛至广东南澳一线的泉州-汕头地震带地震活动尤为突出。历史上东南沿海地震带曾发生过4次7级以上大地震,而其中3次都发生在泉-汕段海域,继华南地区本世纪著名的1918年广东南澳7.3级地震后,1994年9月16日台湾海峡南部又发生7.3级强震,这在经济发达,人口稠密的闽粤沿海地区引起了极大关注。本文通过历史强震活动资料,分析闽粤沿海与台湾海峡强震在时间进程, 相似文献
川滇地区地震活动统计单元的新划分 总被引:5,自引:2,他引:5
为了地震预测研究的需要,基于区域地震构造的新认识与新资料,在川滇地区重新划分出19个地震区(带).这些地震区(带)的实际意义是可作为地震活动性的地理统计单元.每一地震区(带)的划分除了与具体的、相对独立的活动构造单元相联系外,还考虑了历史及现今强地震的空间分布、现今弱震分布等因素.文中描述了各个地震区(带)的活动构造与历史强震活动背景,以及主要断裂的活动习性.基于这种新的地震区(带)划分方案,对其中两个区(带)在2001年青海昆仑山和1970年云南通海两次大地震前的地震活动进行统计分析,结果表明:依据这种与相对独立活动构造单元紧密关联的地震区(带)的划分方案可获得良好的地震活动前兆信息. 相似文献
Shao Cuiru You Huichuan Cao Zhongquan Wang Chunyong Tang Fangtou Zhang Decheng Lou Hai Xu Guangyin Yang Qiyan Mei Tuo Xie Ping Yu Gang 《中国地震研究》2009,23(2):144-160
The Yarlung Tsangpo Grand Canyon region is located in the frontal zone of the eastern Himalayan syntaxis, where neo-tectonics and seismicity are intensive and closely related to each other. In the region, two sets of fault structures have developed, striking NNE-NE and NWW-NW, respectively. Investigation shows that they differ markedly in terms of scope, property, active times and intensity. The NWW-NW trending faults are large in size, and most are thrust and thrust strike-slip faults, formed in earlier times. The NEE-NE-strike faults are relatively small in size individually, with concentrated distribution, constituting the NNE-trending shear extensional fault zone, which is relatively younger with evident late Quaternary activities. Strong earthquakes occur mainly in the areas or zones of intensive differential movement of the Himalayas, e.g. along the deep and large fault zones around the crustal blocks. Most earthquakes of M≥7.0 are closely related to tectonics, where large-scale Holocene active faults are distributed with complicated fault geometry, or the faults of multiple directions intersect. Among them, earthquakes of M≥7.5 have occurred on the NW and NE-trending faults with a greater strike-slip component in the fault tectonic zones. 相似文献
分析了广西北海地区地震活动的特征,认为北海地区历史地震和现代地震活动水平较高。通过对1970-2004年北海地区b值和缺震时间进行扫描分析,认为b值高值异常和缺震低值异常可能是该区中强地震的前兆异常。 相似文献
An endeavor is made to compute peak ground horizontal accelerations at bedrock level in the Delhi region due to the seismogenic sources present around Delhi. The entire area is divided into six seismogenic sources for which seismic hazard analysis is carried out using the complete and extreme part of the seismicity data. Maximum likelihood estimates of hazard parameters viz., seismic activity rate , b value and maximum probable earthquake M
max are made for each zone. The return periods and the probabilities of occurrence of various magnitudes for return periods of 50, 100 and 1000 years are also computed for each zone. The peak ground acceleration (PGA) values for 20% exceedance in 50 years are then computed for the Delhi region from each zone. The maximum PGA value considering all the zones is 0.34 g, which is due to the Mathura fault zone. The seismogenic zones V and VI, i.e., Mathura fault zone and the Sohna fault zone are observed to be contributing maximum PGA values in the Delhi region governing the isoacceleration contours computed for the region. The seismic zonation map for the PGA values at the bedrock level is obtained for the Delhi region. This can be used directly as input for the microzonation of ground motion at the surface by incorporating the local site conditions. 相似文献
利用哈佛大学GCMT数据中心和前人积累的历史地震资料(1962~2016年M W>4.0地震)以及Crust2.0地壳结构统计分析了喜马拉雅地区、天山地区的地壳区域构造与地震活动间的相关性。此外,利用GFZ地学研究中心提供的静态卫星重力模型GGM03S/EGM2008和地形模型Topo计算了2个地区的各类重力异常场,同时还模拟了不同地壳弹性参数下的重力异常场,结果表明喜马拉雅地区重力异常场在水平、垂直方向的梯度特征远大于天山地区的异常特征,且喜马拉雅地区的有效弹性板厚度Te(6~15km)小于天山地区的有效弹性板厚度Te(20~30km)。最后,利用喜马拉雅地区与天山地区的GPS震间三维形变场约束了断层运动模型,结果显示两者主前缘断裂的断层闭锁深度及应力积累状态存在较大的差异。因此认为,造成青藏高原及邻区的边界地壳区域地震活动性差异的动力学因素,与地壳有效弹性板厚度、孕震断层参数及区域应力积累状态等密切相关。 相似文献
基于区域构造背景、应力场状态及动力学环境等,将青藏高原北部地区划分为4个相对独立的统计单元,即祁连山地震带、甘东南地区、柴达木一共和地块及库玛地震带.通过地震频度和b值拟合确定了各个地区不同下限震级的地震目录完整性起始时间;确定了各构造单元中强以上地震活跃与平静交替活动的特征;定量计算了在平均状态中强以上地震活动特征参数及平静阶段与活跃阶段地震活动特征参数;分别获得了各个区域在平均、活跃与平静状态下的小震活动状态参数. 相似文献
云南地区强震活动过程中的调制比、b值 总被引:1,自引:2,他引:1
通过对云南地区1900-2000年,反映地壳介质状态的地震调制比、b值的系统研究,探讨了云南地区强震不同活动阶段的中强地震调制比、b值的活动规律,以及与云南地区强震活动规律的关系,并从地壳介质状态反应的孕震机理作出相应的剖析。结果表明中强地震的调制化、b值在强震活跃期与平静表现出有规律的变化:在强震活跃期,中强地震Rm值经过下降-上升-下降-上升过程,完成一次准周期性变化过程,结束活跃期;强震平静调制比Rm开始时高,结束时低;在活跃期与其后的平静期,b值形成一个有规律的低-高-低周期性变化;Rm、b值的最大值都出现于平静期;显示出不论是强震活跃期与平静期,中强地震的活动与强震孕育是密切相关的。 相似文献
Sandeep Gupta William K. Mohanty Rajesh Prakash Atindra Kumar Shukla 《Pure and Applied Geophysics》2013,170(4):607-616
To better understand the relationship between crustal heterogeneity and seismotectonics in the National Capital Region (NCR), Delhi, India, we carried out local P- and S-velocity tomography beneath the NCR. First arrival times of the first P- and S-wave from 275 crustal earthquakes recorded by the Seismic Telemetry Network in and around Delhi of the India Meteorological Department, India, are inverted to obtain crustal P-, S-velocity and V P /V S variations in the region. Our tomographic images of the upper crust reflect well the surface geological and tectonic features. The Delhi fold belt is identified as low V P, high V S and low V P/V S. The Sohna hot spring region is appearing as low V P, low V S and high V P /V S correlating with the possible presence of fluid-filled rocks. The crustal seismicity is distributed in both the high- and low-velocity zones, but most distinctly in the low V P /V S region. 相似文献
文中应用片法研究了首都圈地区在39.8°~40.4°N和114.0°~115.0°E范围内的地震活动分布。 片法主要是针对地震活动分布比较稀疏、断层无法直观识别的地区,用空间扫描的方法,并结合相应的统计检验方法,来评价地震震中分布的线性特征是否显著,从而进一步识别地震断层。 该文选定的研究区域,在过去30多年的时间里共发生了1.0~5.0级地震906次,地震的活动不活跃比较符合片法的应用研究。 将该方法用于所选定区域地震数据的研究表明,其识别能力还是较好的,可以整体上刻画比较真实的地质构造特征。 对由于种种原因无法进行实测,且地震活动较低的构造区域,片法是分析其构造分布的有效补充。 相似文献
本文初步综述了东亚大陆、 西亚大陆和东地中海地震区地震活动性异同。 地震活动性的含义不仅指地震的时空强图像, 也包括地震的构造和动力学背景分析。 结果表明, 总体上东亚大陆、 西亚大陆和东地中海地区的地震活动性和变形, 都和欧亚板块与周边(北美、 太平洋、 菲律宾海、 印度、 阿拉伯和非洲等)板块等相互作用(汇聚、 碰撞、 俯冲和速度)密切相关。 宏观上, 东亚大陆、 西亚大陆和东地中海地区的地震活动性都表现为疏密相间的震中分布图像以及断裂走向的对称性等。 然而, 在这些大陆地震区相关的板块相互作用的边界上以及内部的地震活动、 构造和动力学背景等方面仍存在不少差异。 相似文献
利用全国统一目录和流动台站目录,研究了四川盆地东南部长宁地区的地震活动特征和b值的空间分布特征.研究结果显示,长宁地区的地震活动在时间上呈现明显的分段特征,地震活动在2015年后明显增强;在空间上,长宁地区的地震活动主要集中在以28.3°N为界限的南、北2个地区,对于这2个区域的b值演化,计算结果显示出不同的分段特征.... 相似文献
The Vogtland/Western Bohemia region is part of the Saxothuringian Earthquake Province. It is an isolated area of active intraplate seismicity. Observations of the seismicity between 1962 and 1998 are summarized. More than 17000 earthquakes have been detected microseismically with M
L reaching from about –1.5 to 4.6. In the considered time interval, the catalogue of Vogtland events can be regarded as complete for magnitudes larger than 1.8. The region is well known for the occurrence of earthquakes clustered contemporarily in time and space. In this study, altogether 82 clusters are defined. Among them, clusters with swarm properties are distinguished from clusters with main shock accompanied by fore- and aftershocks, and from single events. 48 swarms are detected.The magnitude-frequency distribution of the maximum magnitudes of the clusters is studied. In the magnitude range 1.8 M
L 3.1, a bimodal character of the magnitude-frequency distribution is detected for both swarms and nonswarm-like events. The slope is greater for larger magnitudes than in the small-magnitude range. A gap in the magnitude-frequency distribution of clusters is observed for maximum magnitudes between 3.1 and 4.3. Furthermore, clusters themselves are characterized by the b-values of their magnitude-frequency distributions. Swarms show b-values greater than 0.7. Epicenters of swarms are confined to a few subregions. Epicenters of nonswarm-like events are distributed over a larger region than epicenters of swarms but hypocenters of swarms and nonswarm-like clusters may be located close to each other.The envelope of the distribution of magnitudes as a function of time is investigated. In the considered time interval, a statistically significant recurrence of strong events of about 72 months is discovered by a frequency analysis. Comparing the seismicity between 1897 and 1908 with the seismicity between 1962 and 1998 temporal variations in the recurrence become obvious. The Nový Kostel zone is discussed in more detail. The average hypocenters of swarms are located on a SW-dipping fault segment that intersects the Eger Rift in NNW-SSE direction.Discussing properties of the seismicity in the Vogtland/Western Bohemia region it is concluded that the increased seismicity may be explained by the presence of fluids on deep reaching faults. The occurrence of swarms, their variability as well as the small distances between hypocenters of swarms and nonswarm-like events point to strong lateral and possibly temporal changes of the properties of the fault system. 相似文献
华北地区的背景地震活动及区域未来强震危险性 总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3
华北地区的历史强震活动非常频繁。 然而, 自1998年张北MS6.2地震以来, 该地区已经经历了10多年的地震平静期, 中强震平静现象比较突出。 本文利用1970年至2009年的小震资料, 对华北地区的背景地震活动进行分析, 给出了地震活动性参数b值、 最大震级以及强震复发间隔和强震年平均发生概率的空间分布。 b值空间分布表明, 山西构造带的运城地区, 郯庐断裂带的宿迁地区以及太行山块体内部的石家庄地区的b值较低。 地震活动性参数的综合空间图像表明华北地区的地震活动主要受区域深部动力因素所控制。 相似文献