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It has been two decades since the last comprehensive standard model of ambient earth noise was published Peterson (Observations and modelling of seismic background noise, US Geological Survey, open-file report 93–322, 1993). The PETERSON model was updated by analyzing the absolute quietest conditions for stations within the GSN (Berger et al. in J Geophys Res 109, 2005; Mcnamara and Buland in Bull Seism Soc Am 94:1517–1527, 2004; Ringler et al. in Seismol Res Lett 81(4) doi:10.1785/gssrl.81.4.605, 2010). Unfortunately, both the original model and the updated models did not include any deployed station in North Africa and Middle East, which reflects the noise levels within the desert environment of those regions. In this study, a survey was conducted to create a new seismic noise model from very broadband stations which recently deployed in North Africa. For this purpose, 1 year of continuous recording of seismic noise data of the Egyptian National Seismic Network (ENSN) was analyzed in order to create a new noise model. Seasonal and diurnal variations in noise spectra were recorded at each station. Moreover, we constructed a new noise model for each individual station. Finally, we obtained a new cumulative noise model for all the stations. We compared the new high-noise model (EHNM) and new low-noise model (ELNM) with both the high-noise model (NHNM) and low-noise model (NLNM) of Peterson (Observations and modelling of seismic background noise, US Geological Survey, open-file report 93–322, 1993). The obtained noise levels are considerably lower than low-noise model of Peterson (Observations and modelling of seismic background noise, US Geological Survey, open-file report 93–322, 1993) at ultra long period band (ULP band), but they are still below the high-noise model of Peterson (Observations and modelling of seismic background noise, US Geological Survey, open-file report 93–322, 1993). The results of this study could be considered as a first step to create permanent seismic noise models for North Africa and Middle East regions.  相似文献   

人类的生产生活产生的振动会以高频地震波的形式被地震台站所记录。2020年1月,新冠肺炎疫情爆发,为了应对此次疫情,各地政府分别启动应急响应,国内地震记录出现最长、最突出的人为地震降噪期。各地震台站背景噪声显著下降,在人口稠密及工业发达地区尤为明显。同时,静噪期为探测地下地震源的微弱信号提供了可能。静噪期内,佘山地震台2 Hz频点背景噪声功率谱密度值比平时降低10 dB,而大洋山地震台10 Hz频点背景噪声功率谱密度值较平时降低约5 dB;佘山地震台2—10 Hz以及大洋山地震台10 Hz以上频率的背景噪声受静噪期影响明显。结合地震台站所处位置分析,疫情期间佘山地震台附近人口流出较多,2—10 Hz频率的背景噪声变化明显;大洋山地震台背景噪声则受工厂、轮渡、高速汽车等影响较大,f ≥10 Hz的背景噪声变化显著,而频率在2—10 Hz则无明显变化,表明该台人口总数趋于平稳。地震噪声和人类活动之间的相关性表明,地震学研究可以提供实时人口动态估计。  相似文献   

在井下地震观测中,各种地表背景噪声具有显著衰减作用,针对中国地震科学台阵现有大量非专用浅井式设计的Guralp CMG系列地震计,以及目前多个新获批项目在高背景噪声区域的观测需求,设计一种野外实用浅井观测方式,在北京国家地球观象台进行不同深度、不同井壁材质的观测对比实验,分析研究观测数据的背景噪声功率谱密度,结果表明,随着浅井深度的增加,地震背景噪声在垂直、水平向得到改善,改善程度随频率变化有所不同。分析认为,在华北现有地质环境下,6 m浅井是较为经济的观测方式,性价比高、占地小、施工简便,可用于后续多个项目的宽频带流动地震台阵观测。  相似文献   

选取2015年和2019年在1月1日00时、06时、12时3个时段的数字地震资料,对鹤岗地震台进行台基地动噪声分析,确定台站的观测动态范围、地噪声功率谱密度及地动噪声RMS值,分析台站观测能力,找出影响观测的各种干扰因素。通过对该台站背景噪声的分析,有利于提高地震台站观测质量,为研究区域地震背景噪声积累数据。  相似文献   

利用地震噪声准实时监测短周期面波波速变化   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
李军  金星  周峥嵘  林树  袁丽文  陈莹 《地震学报》2009,31(6):629-640
依据由噪声信号提取面波格林函数的原理,利用福建省地震台网25个宽频带台站2007年7月2日—8月29日的脉动观测资料,得到了瑞雷波群速度在福建地区的分布,并将该结果作为下一步相对变化动态成像的背景速度分布.分布结果表明,福建地区周期为3—5s的瑞雷波群速度大致在2.9—3.1km/s之间,平均速度为3.0km/s,瑞雷波群速度分布呈北高南低的现象,这与福建地区北部多山、南部多平原盆地的地理环境有很好的吻合.而且,该群速度分布图在漳州盆地地区表现出一个非常明显的低速,这主要是因为受到盆地沉积层的影响.通过滑动窗(窗长为20d,步长1d)技术得到了观测区内周期约为3-5s的瑞雷波波速分布变化的连续图像;再利用扣除背景影响的技术,得到了2007年8月14日—2008年7月1日福建地区瑞雷波波速的相对变化时空动态图像.通过分析相对变化时空动态图像与该时间范围内发生的地震的对应关系,表明福建地区瑞雷波波速在多次网内中等强度的地震或震群(ML>3.0)中均表现出震前波速升高,震后下降恢复的变化趋势.初步分析认为,这可能与震前整个地区受到的应力增大震后应力得到释放所导致的介质变化有关.   相似文献   

v--vThe prototype International Data Centre (IDC) in Arlington, Virginia has been acquiring data from seismic stations at locations designated in the Comprehensive Test-Ban Treaty for the International Monitoring System (IMS) since the start of 1995. A key characteristic of these stations is their background noise levels and their seasonal and diurnal variability. Since June 1997 an automated sample selection effort has collected over 700,000 individual noise sample spectra from 39 primary and 57 auxiliary stations. Monthly median and 5 and 95 percentile estimates have been calculated for each channel of every station. Compatibility of median spectra obtained for the same station and channel in the same month for two different years confirms the consistency of the noise-sampling algorithm used. A preliminary analysis of the results shows strong (more than a factor of two) seasonal variation at a quarter of all stations. Strong diurnal variations at half of the sites indicate that many of the selected sites are poorly located with respect to cultural noise sources. The results of this study are already being used to evaluate station quality, improve those processes that require background noise values, such as automatic association and requesting auxiliary station data, and to improve the estimation of station and network detection and location thresholds.  相似文献   

We estimate Love wave empirical Green's functions from cross-correlations of ambient seismic noise to study the crust and uppermost mantle structure in Italy.Transverse-component ambient noise data from October 2005 through March 2007 recorded at 114 seismic stations from the Istituto Nazionale di Geofisica e Vulcanologia (INGV) national broadband network,the Mediterranean Very Broadband Seismographic Network (MedNet) and the Austrian Central Institute for Meteorology and Geodynamics (ZAMG) yield more than 2 000 Love wave group velocity measurements using the multiple-filter analysis technique.In the short period band (5-20 s),the cross-correlations show clearly one-sided asymmetric feature due to non-uniform noise distribution and high local activities,and in the long period band (20 s) this feature becomes weak owing to more diffusive noise distribution.Based on these measurements,Love wave group velocity dispersion maps in the 8-34 s period band are constructed,then the SH wave velocity structures from the Love wave dispersions are inverted.The final results obtained from Love wave data are overall in good agreement with those from Rayleigh waves.Both Love and Rayleigh wave inversions all reveal that the Po plain basin is resolved with low velocity at shallow depth,and the Tyrrhenian sea is characterized with higher velocity below 8 km due to its thin oceanic crust.  相似文献   

介绍了皖南地区区域地震台网20个测震台站的基本情况。对20个台站的背景噪声数字化记录进行了计算和分析,得其背景噪声均方根RMS值、有效测量动态范围,分析了噪声水平并按照地噪声水平的规定对各台进行了台基噪声分类。结果表明,20个测震台站中有9个I类台址、9个Ⅱ类台址、2个Ⅲ类台址。同时,分析了皖南地区区域台网的最小监测能力,结果表明,皖南地区区域台网最小监测能力为M_L≥-0.1—0.6,台站监测能力基本满足皖南地区监测需求。  相似文献   

张红才  金星  王士成  李军 《地震学报》2017,39(2):273-285
以2015年河北昌黎ML4.5地震中测震、强震及烈度仪台站记录到的事件波形为研究对象,通过对比分析挑选的两组观测台站的记录波形以及不同台站的噪声记录特征,获得了烈度仪台站观测记录能力及特点的认识.结果表明:烈度仪台站产出的记录在部分频段 (1—10 Hz) 与传统强震台站、测震台站均有较好的一致性,但在中长周期部分存在较大差异;在相同观测频带 (0.1—10 Hz) 下,由烈度仪台站记录积分得到的速度时程、位移时程也与强震台站、测震台站的观测结果具有良好的相关性,说明烈度仪台站产出的加速度记录具有一定的可积分性;烈度仪台站记录的噪声水平远超出强震台站和测震台站,基本为仪器自噪声,不包含天然地脉动成分.此外,由于本研究所用的烈度仪采用了16位的A/D转换器,对震相到时的精确拾取产生了不利影响.综上,本文认为烈度仪台站较适用于中强地震的近场观测.   相似文献   

The low-frequency seismic noise recorded by the broadband IRIS stations in 1994–2012 is studied in the period range of 40 to 360 s. It is shown that for samples of a few months in length, the power spectra of noise at stations spaced apart a few thousand kilometers and operating in different meteorological and seismotectonic conditions are overall similar, which indicates that the sources of the noise are global. At the same time, the slope of the spectra changes with the increase in the period in the subintervals of 40–90, 120–200, and 200–360 s, which points to the difference of the sources generating the seismic noise. The amplitude of the noise at the stations located a few thousand km apart from the Sumatra earthquake of December 26, 2004, M = 9.2, and from the Tohoku earthquake of March 11, 2011, M = 9.0, increased after these events. This indicates the global character of the aftermath of these seismic catastrophes. After the Kronotskoe earthquake of December 5, 1997, which was weaker (M = 7.9), the noise grew only at the PET station located within 300 km of the epicenter. According to the records at the PET station, this earthquake was preceded by the increased noise level observed in 1994–1997. After 1999, the seismic noise declined and remained low up to the end of the studied interval with a duration of 14 years. Our results show that the low-frequency seismic noise generated by the sources in the atmosphere of the Earth is contributed by the processes taking place in the lithosphere.  相似文献   

通过对泉州地震台甚宽频带数字地震仪测震观测的台基地动噪声、监测能力、震级偏差和震相特征分析等方面的综合研究,提出了减少测震台基地动噪声影响、提高测震监测能力、减少震级偏差、提高震相分析水平、加强观测系统的维护、提高测震速报与地震编目的水平及规范观测质量的管理等方面相应的技术对策,有关研究结果对寻求和提高泉州台测震观测质...  相似文献   

上海地震台阵地动噪声功率谱分析   总被引:2,自引:2,他引:2  
介绍了功率谱分析的计算方法,并将功率谱应用于对上海地震台阵地动噪声记录的分析。结果表明,该台阵16个子台的地动噪声功率谱在高于1Hz的频域上均低于宽频带台站的平均值,说明各子台的背景噪声符合并优于地震观测对背景噪声的要求。而对于高频段的噪声则可通过台阵的独特的数据处理,很容易将其去除。  相似文献   

利用2018年1月至2020年3月恩施地震台站观测的垂直分量连续波形数据,通过计算噪声功率谱密度和概率密度函数,统计其不同频段功率谱密度分布情况,对比分析疫情前后恩施地区噪声水平变化特征.同时,将2018年、2019年和2020年垂直向地震噪声的加速度幅值进行对比,发现春节前几日的加速度幅值变化曲线高度一致,表明这三年...  相似文献   

中国大陆地区宽频带地震台网台基噪声特征   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7       下载免费PDF全文
利用中国地震台网880个宽频带地震台站2014年1月至2015年12月的垂直分量连续波形记录,通过计算每个台站的噪声功率谱密度和概率密度函数,对中国大陆地区的台基噪声水平进行了初步分析。结果表明:中国大陆的噪声水平在不同频带呈现不同的分区特性,其中高频带(0.1—1 s)噪声水平在西部和北部较低,而在中东部地区较高,京津冀和东南沿海地区最高;城市噪声水平高于人口稀少地区,表明高频带噪声与交通、工业等人文活动强度具有较高的相关性;在盆地及其边缘地区,高频带噪声水平高于周边山区,可能与沉积层的放大效应有关;微震噪声(1—20 s)主要来自于中国东部海岸线的海洋活动作用,其强度由东南沿海向内陆地区逐渐变弱。基于噪声的分区特征,利用概率密度函数的第5和第95百分位数获取了31个地震台网的高低噪声基线,相比全球新高低噪声模型,该基线能够对台站观测状态进行更有效的判别。   相似文献   

对于测震观测,大动态和宽频带是当代最主要的技术特征,其关键设备是反馈地震计和24位数据采集器.通过引入调制解调技术来克服由于半导体器件低频噪声和环境温度变化引起的长周期漂移,提高长周期频段数据采集的技术水平.  相似文献   

福建数字地震台网台址背景噪声分析   总被引:9,自引:3,他引:6  
在使用福建区数字地震台网选台过程中,用12个台址得到的背景噪声数字记录,计算分析了其背景噪声地动速度均方根值(RMS),有效测量动态范围、噪声功率谱及功率谱密度。所得结果可作为供评价仪器性能,台址安静程度的参考。对利用仪器所提供的动态范围,根据区域台网周围地震环境和台网记录地震的目的及任务设置适当的增益量程是也是有用的 。  相似文献   

宽频带数字地震记录仿真的应用   总被引:10,自引:5,他引:10  
利用傅里叶分析法,把速度型宽频带数字地震记录变成台站人员所熟悉的长周期,中长周期模拟常规地震记录,分析人员能在仿真后的记录波形图上识别震相和计算震级。为地震台站用宽频带数字地震记录取代模拟记录提供了一种资料处理方法。  相似文献   

Data on seismic background noise are collected, amongst others, for assessing the suitability of sites for temporary or permanent seismic recordings. Site quality requirements depend on the task of seismic observations and thus on their resolution, dynamic range, bandwidth and frequency range. Till now noise data are collected with a wide range of instruments, both analog and digital, of different bandwidth, resolution and transfer functions. Accordingly, noise appearence in seismic records, amplitude- and frequency-wise, differs and the various kinds of noise spectra derived therefrom vary too. They are not easily comparable amongst each other and with older presentations of noise spectra derived from analog records. Also, when having determined noise power density spectra from digital records it is not so obvious what this means in terms of noise ground motion amplitudes or noise appearance in records of different bandwidth and vice versa. The paper does not aim at serving as a guide to station site selection but rather to present and comment the relationships to be used for the conversion of power and amplitude spectra into different kinematic units and for calculating from the spectral representations of seismic noise the related frequency dependent RMS or average peak amplitudes of different bandwidth and vice versa. For the new global high (NHNM) and low-noise model (NLNM) given by Peterson (1993) in dB of acceleration power density the related velocity and displacement power spectral densities are presented both graphically and tabulated. Examples for the application of the conversion relationships and the effect of bandwidth on noise and signal amplitudes are given. For a selected data set from a site-selection noise survey in NW Iran the suitability of some potential sites is assessed by comparison with the NLNM.  相似文献   

流动地震观测背景噪声的台基响应   总被引:14,自引:2,他引:12       下载免费PDF全文
大规模流动地震台阵技术发展为高分辨率深部结构成像提供了重要基础,背景噪声是影响流动地震观测质量的关键因素. 为掌握流动地震观测噪声规律,发展流动地震观测降噪技术, 编制流动地震观测技术规范, 我们开展了针对不同台基流动地震观测背景噪声的观测实验与分析. 其中,山西省临汾市五个地点架设了共22个对比观测台站, 进行了超过一年半的连续观测. 通过计算不同频段范围内背景噪声记录的加速度功率谱密度, 研究了不同场地条件和环境噪声下流动地震观测台站的噪声特征及其台基响应,分析了不同台基处理方式对噪声的抑制效果. 结果表明:(1)高频人为噪声和长周期自然噪声是影响流动地震观测质量的主要噪声, 可以通过增加台基深度和改善台基处理方式等方法降低其影响; (2)增加台基深度能有效地降低长周期噪声和高频噪声, 2 m深坑能使高人为噪声台站各分量的高频频段和长周期频段分别降低5 dB和10 dB; (3)由于其不稳定性, 沙子台基的水平分量在长周期频段一般要高于摆墩台基5 dB, 流动地震观测中推荐使用摆墩台基; (4) 台站位置、台站内部温度和空气流动都是影响台站噪声的重要因素. 在此基础上提出了不同场地条件和噪声环境下的台基处理建议和适合国情的移动地震台阵台站建设参考方案, 有助于流动地震观测野外工作的标准化和规范化.  相似文献   

甘东南地区宽频带地震台阵背景噪声特征分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
基于甘肃东南地区150个宽频带流动台站2010年的垂直分量连续波形记录,通过计算台站对之间背景噪声的互相关函数并叠加得到5—10s和10—20s两个周期的瑞雷面波信号,并通过信噪比和归一化背景能量流两种方法研究了该地区背景噪声源的时空演化特征.研究结果表明,甘东南地区5—10s和10—20s周期的背景噪声源具有明显的季节变化特征和各自的优势方位.5—10s周期的背景噪声在夏季的能量优势方位为170°—240°,噪声源主要位于印度洋,而冬季为100°—150°,主要位于北太平洋;10—20s周期的背景噪声源则比较复杂,其优势方位受多个大洋的交替影响,夏季噪声源能量优势方位为170°—210°,噪声源主要位于印度洋,冬季为90°—150°和310°—355°,噪声源分别位于北太平洋和北大西洋.由于这两个周期的背景噪声源在甘东南地区存在明显的季节变化,因此在利用背景噪声方法研究该地区介质速度结构时需充分考虑噪声源的非均匀性所产生的影响.   相似文献   

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